Chapter 22

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This was one of those Toughest chappies, I have written till now😥



"long time boyfriend" these only words echoing in my ears since I have heard them told Raj sir about Avni few hours ago.
So I guessed it right! The guy in hoody I saw that day while dropping Avni there in his place, he is her boyfriend.

And now why the fucking hell I'm crying!!

I deserve it for being stupid like a hell.

Neil You have fallen in love with a girl who is already taken.

Just waaaoooow.

And now I'm taking out all my frustrations falling for a person who would never be mine.

You have fucked up Neil khanna!!
How could you be so kiddish to trust all her innocent approach towards you, that never had been prominent if she likes you.

Did she ever tell you!!

No na!!

Then why!!


Neil wailed and slumped his fist on the wall, forcefully pouring his anger and helplessness.

And now with a shattered heart and ruined soul, I would suffer like a hell without any fault of mine.

He leaned his head on the wall and breath heavily shutting his sorrowful eyes. He turned his body pressing the backside of his head, pulled his back down and sat on the floor being tired of his drastic emotional break down.

"The moment I heard those words from Raj Sir, it took me few minutes to grip myself back not to explode there at the very place in front of all the crew people around us. So I immediately left for my room towards my vanity.
At that moment I haven't any strength to think straight I just did what I was asked for.
I was that blank then. It took me time to register what just happened to me back.
Somehow I gripped myself not to broken down there and I finished my work like a robot till I drive back home."

Bending his head on his knees he was silently sitting there recalling those moments they had shared together in between their busy schedule or sometimes   those stealing time off the shoot.

Leaving Neil flinched in his state the pH buzz ringing the familiar tone every night supposed to be this hour.

He pulled out his pH from his side pocket and received the call.
"Yeah Mom" he tried to sound as normal as possible without showing his inner turmoil to his Mom.

"What happened bachha!!"


Ohh god you should have made all the Moms oblivious a bit when you decide to put their children in these kinds of overwhelming situations.

I want to hug her really tight right now and cry my heart out.

My first heart break.

When I was with Simran I hadn't a heart break not a bit similar to this when She was caught cheated on me.

Instead I was angry on myself for trusting her.

I shut my door on her face whenever she came to apologise me.

I felt actually relief getting out of an unexplainable relationship that I'm still confused why I had even agreed to, the day she proposed me!!

But with Avni it is something very unfamiliar, surreal. Without being in a relationship I'm going through the stage exactly people feel after their break ups.

To hell with these feelings.

"I'm just tired" I answered Mom which was nothing close to convincing.

"Tillu I'm your Mom, tell me" I heard her deep voice.

"Trust me it's.." I tried again but immediately cut off by my unconditionally loving mother.

"It's okay... tell me when you wish to....
had dinner!!" Mom changed the topic and I released a huge sigh. I'm not in mood talking all those shit I have scattered on my own, behaving like an over enthusiastically lovesick tenager, madly in crush with a person who has no idea about this fondness of him towards her.

Mom didn't talk much how usually she does and we hung up soon.

I'm feeling guilty keeping her hang around worrying for me the entire night.

I know I have already snatched her sleep tonight.

Such a looser I am.

I fisted my hair with both of my hands.

This is so horribly frustrating.


I was hearing the sounds of doorbell ringing.

Am I dreaming or its real!!

I closed my eyes flipping them some couple of times to get a clear view around and immediately winched in confusion. And then it turned into horror looking at myself. I'm lying on the floor curling up my body small, wrapping my knees close to my chest.

And my doorbell.

Yes my doorbell is ringing.

Ooh shit ooh shit.

How could I be so disheveled!!

I immediately got off the floor, dusted and brushed my clothes and my hair to appear sober in front of my house help Raju. I unlocked my appartment main door, let the person in and silently walked inside my bedroom leaving him scan me in a curious gaze.

Sometimes very rarely I do the same when I couldn't get a proper sleep around two or three days shooting I pass out like this, whereas yesterday had been hectic and emotionally drained out one for me.
Though he is familiar with my deep sleep and not opening the door before several bells.But today he had sensed something different watching me not in my shorts and Tee the clothes I prefer being in home. Because I haven't changed yet.


Yesterday I had irritated my whole cast and crew doing several takes for a single scene.
I couldn't help getting my mind into a mess. I so worked up.

But today I'll start afresh. My personal and professional life shouldn't be screwed up.

I took my car keys and went out of the apt and headed to the stairs down.


Around 9:30 I reached my destination. Parking the car I walked towards the gate inside the place.

There people around I saw smiling chatting amidst eating something.

Its weird. Is it a breakfast break??

I have never seen them having their breakfast being scattered like this all over.

As I entered everyone greeted me on the way to my vanity the people I met around. Everyone looked happy.

"Ooh" then I realised may be they got the news.

"Avni got married" I sighed closing my vanity door.


My costume designer just left finishing me all set for my scenes next. I heard a knock.

"Come in" I answered cutting the call I just now ended talking to my Mom, convinced her by my fake happy voice that I'm absolutely alright and ready for the shoot.
I heard Mom's secretary Rahul has come to her cabin to conduct a meeting at noon. So reassuring her, I promised my Mom I would be calling her back after the day end.

"Good morning sir" I heard her sweet voice that made me whirled my head towards her because I was standing facing my bed away the exit door.

"She extended a red small box towards me and gave a broad smile"

"Did I call you" I tighented my jaws and gripped my fist tightly and gaped at her straight.

I saw her smile faded as soon as she heard my sudden intimidating tone.
Yeah this is the first time I'm talking to her in such a constrictive manner.

She stood still, then about to opened her mouth to speak. But I cut off her immediately.

"No. Right!!" I stopped stepping few inches closer to her. She raised her eyes straight at me being confused.

"Then leave" I towered over her saying those words through my gritted teeth.
I saw her glassy eyes staring into mine moving back and forth perplexingly hurtful.

Gathering herself she stepped back, put the box on a table beside and turned around. Tightened my jaws I turned around backfacing her and ran my fingers through my hair. None could I explain how distress I was feeling then. I heard the door slumped closed. She left.

I scrubbed my face harshly in frustration.

"Shit you hurt her Neil" my inner self squealed and I slouched on the bed with a thud being extremely agitated on my condition.



I was happy for my bestie Rehaan. He has finally got married to his only love.

So I had decided before I go to shoot today I would get sweets for everyone in set. Separately for Raj Sir and Neil Sir. And Nikita Mam the senior most person in our set, it shows she has the genuine affection for me.

My Nonna says we shouldn't share any good news without sweets. Sweets bring blessings and happiness in exchange for the person who receives.
As Rehaan has only family that is me in this huge city Mumbai. So I decided I would do this ritual and not only that I'm truly happy for him that they are finally together now.

So after distributing the sweets to each person over there I went to Neil Sir's vanity to give him the box full of his favourite sweets.
Yes I know the sweets he love the most.I have heard him saying in an IV that nothing can stop him getting them if by chance he get a single glimpse of Kaju Barfi and Gulab Jamun somewhere.

With a smily face I stood outside his vanity door and knocked twice.



I was discussing some details regarding the scenes next week with my creative head I saw Avni walked passed by me. Her face was in verge of burst out in tears any moment. I sensed something and immediately paused our discussion and almost followed her.
I hastened my steps and caught holding her wrist.

"Give a second I'll be there Sir" Avni responded avoiding to look at me moving towards the restroom.

Not giving her a chance to deny I pulled her towards my cabin on the other side leaving her confused.

"Please sir it's just few minutes break I want" her voice shook.
"I need to say you something" I dragged her along with me.

Entering my cabin I made her seat on the couch and pulled a chair and sat in front facing her.

She lowered her face fidgeting her fingers.

"Avni what happened tell me"not wasting a single second I asked looking at her face down.

"Nothing" she responded.

"Avni trust me" I said and she rose her head.

"Why he is so rude.
What did I do"I saw her tearful eyes.

Being very strong inside sometimes we act too emotional. It happens when a person hurts you the most who you ever had thought to be hurt.

Avni is going through the same.
She is innocent at the same time she is strong and mature compare to others at her age.

I sighed and held her hesitant hands.

"Why a boy feels devastated by a news of a girl getting married!!" she wiped her tears and she creased her forehead watching me being baffled by my those sudden words instead taking my main male lead's side to comfort her as she expected .

"I said Neil yesterday that you got married to your long time boyfriend" an amusing smile grew on my lips staring at her.

She blinked her eyes few times and mumbled "you" she gulped inside her throat.

I'll tell you the reason later, first you answer my question I nodded then repeated the line again.

"I don't know" she averted her indignant gaze away turning her head side and sniffed.

"C'mon Avni you know the answer" I insisted.

"To hell with your answer.. Because he likes her" she spatted and in a fraction of second snapped her head at me and instantly get shocked by her own reply.
Widening her orbs she gulped down her throat hard this time.

I raised a brow at her. We both were staring at eachother. She was in shock and I was in amuse.

"No" she somehow gained back her voice.

"It is" I leaned on my seat and pulled back my hand loosening my hold over her and crossed then over my chest.

"HHow could you be so sure!!!" her voice was quivering being tensed and in a bit hope somewhere.

"500 hundred percent sure I'm Avu.....
Aisehi kisine director nahi banadiya mereko" I rolled my eyes and stopped them on her and made a serious face instantly.

"Go to him right now Avu he is devastated since yesterday" I spilled in a hopeful gaze at her.

She licked her lips and looked straight at me in bemuse.

"Go Avu go to your Neil Khanna he is waiting for you" I chuckled leaving my seat. She raised her eyes at me getting up on her feet straightening her back.

"Please go" I almost pushed her leaving her stumbled a bit backward.She was in a state of shock still.

"If he...." she mumbled but I immediately paused her speaking anything negative further "he won't......never" I smiled holding her shoulder.

Before she stepped out she turned her face behind for one last look and I mouthed her "go" through my assuring gaze.

"I have put them in this situation and I myself would bring them out of this state" I smiled watching at the door Avni existed just now.


Ab mujhe na Heart Attack aajaye deva re deva🥶

Please keep showering your love my Cuties.

Love MoN 💗

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