Chapter 24

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Thank you all my lovely people out here for keeping her RitishaJ98 in your prayers wishing her good health. Tons of love to all of you.

Longest chappy🥵

Raj Sir explained me and Avni the entire thing he had made to happen leaving both of us astonished on the way to the parking lot.
And now it's all clear between me and Avni that every thing was planned to made us confess eachother.

I love him now more than I used to be. Only Because of him I got my Avni finally or else don't know where I would have landed myself cooking my own brain being paranoid thinking her in a relationship with any other person.

Thank you god for saving me by this man.

Raj sir drove off wishing us good night and then I turned towards my cute lil Avni.

Yeah she is, for me.

I saw her eyes staring at the way Raj sir has left.

Leaving her startled I held her hand and yanked her closer to me. I took her arms into mine and entangled them around my torso and then hugged her gently.
She startled.

Ummm this is mesmerizing. I dug my face into her hair breathing her scent.
She looked surprised by my gesture but I couldn't stop myself I just want to hold her close to me.

From now on Raj sir told us to maintain a casual relation to eachother keeping some distance in set or any other place in public.Media shouldn't get a bit hint of our togetherness. It won't be good for our relationship at this initial stage. So we need to keep everything secret, even from our crew people we can't trust anyone specially in this particular case. It just takes a single second to spread these kind of news all over like a plague so we need to stay casual around everywhere as we used to maintain.

And it's gonna be toughest for me to stay away from her all the time.

Even Raj sir told us I can't call her frequently to come meet me inside my Vanity.

Now what the fucking hell is this!!

We have eaten lunch together so many times last few days, he never told us anything then!! What has changed all of sudden now!!

I will kill this man.

Yes I love him at the same time I want to kill him right now.

"Neil Sir" I saw her hesitant voice calling me and I broke the hug.

"What" my voice was deep I parted those stand of hair falling all over her beautiful face interrupting my view.

"Iiiii" she bit her lips in nervousness.

My brows creased and straighten immediately in realisation.

Wait she didn't hugged me back once till we confessed.

Did I force her to say Yes!!

Stepping away from her I racked my fingers through my hair. I turned around back facing her.
Did I??
I hit my palm on my car roof being exhausted by my own desperate move I have made to convince her.

"Ouch it hurts..
But not more than my heart right now. " I saw my palm.

God I messed up again.
I squeezed my eyes shut holding my breath.
Now how would I face her!!

I was shaking my head in extreme anger for making everything so disappointing, I heard her soft voice behind and instantly opened my mournful eyes straight blankly.

"What happened!!" she put her irresolute touch on my shoulder and it made me instantly gasped snapping my face towards her.

"did did did I force you for anything..."I stammered in my shivered muscle. My heart didn't co-operate my mind splashing many unwanted thoughts inside me.
"What if she would back off saying anything against, leaving me all broken!!!" My heart stiffened in anticipation.

"I should have given you sometime..
I umm..I'm sorry" my eyes went glassy glued at her only if she knew how much I'm controlling myself not to explode out my frustrations inwardly.

Dropping her hands down off my shoulder she kept staring at me for a while with a frown in her face and then softly earning me a soothing warm smile, her eyes sparkled.

"Never" She immediately stepped closer and wrapped her arms around me from behind and pressed her head gently on my back.

I threw my head backward and a sigh of relief came out of my mouth releasing all my weariness. Being relaxed I instantly pulled my gaze back on her and my lips grew wide showing my extreme happiness.

"Sachhu!!" I mimicked the way she always say, turning my waist towards Avni unwrapping her arms around me I leaned forward to get a closer view of her face.

She giggled nodding shyly and hide her face on my chest then hugged me even more tighter this time with her soft hands. Finally we shared a proper hug on our confession day. My arms wrapped around her.
I'll mark this day to celebrate as our confession aniversary.

And then there is the solace I got back holding my girl even more tighter.
"Thank you" I whispered supporting my chin over her forehead.
And She tighented her grip, I felt.

I smiled inhaling deeply. I felt euphoric.


"Mom I love you"my voice was full with unusual cheerfulness today talking to Mom the moment I pulled my pH on my ear on the way unlocking my apt door.

I just came back home dropping Avni to her place and as soon as I stepped out my car I called my Mom at the first place today.
That I rarely do unlike Saturday and Sunday. These two days we talk over vedio calls once in both the mornings.

"Seems someone agreed" Mom sighed shrugging my words dramatically.

"Yes Yes" I giggled walking towards the refrigerator to bring out a chilled water bottle.

"Hummm" I heard her took a deep sigh.

And we kept talking until I got inside my room to change.


Dear tummy sorry for all the butterflies lately, I swear it's not my fault it's his.

"Where are you D"Avni asked holding her pH in one hand and with another she pulled the elevator door closed and pressed the button to her floor.

"I'm inside my apt" Diya replied busily glueing her eyes on her lap top screen.

"Why!" Before she would reply Avni cut the call and Diya thudded the pH on the centre table gritting her teeth in irritation on her bestie.

Diya rose her eyes off the screen and immediately pulled it back watching Avni came inside locking the door behind.

Keeping her bag gently on the centre table she halted there bitting her nails watching Diya.

Feeling her bestie Avni's presence few steps away her, nonchalantly typing on the key board her gaze fell on Avni. Diya creased her forehead seeing her standing still biting her nails staring at her impatiently.

"Are you planning to say me anytime soon holding it in your breath!!" she raised her gape at Avni and paused for a while waiting her to spill the thing out she was willing to say since few seconds.

She know Avni does this nail biting thing exactly in two kinds of extreme situations when something very unexpectedly nice happens to her or anything for sure to get frustrated.

Pulling her hands down dubiously Avni took another step closer to Diya plastering a nervous smile on her lips. And next moment she slipped the laptop off her lap and kept it on the centre table carefully.
Following her move Diya pulled down her legs off the centre table she had kept to support her laptop on her lap,she got up leaving the couch and immediately she found herself in a bone crushing hug from her bestie come flatmate Avni Mehta.

They are bestie since they had stepped in Mumbai few years back almost around the same week, away their family, their close friends, their hometown to persue their respective career in this unconventional industry leaving behind their comfortable zone around the separate city they have born and brought up.

Initially they settled themselves as a roommate to eachother comfortably in this huge busy city but gradually their simple flatmate relationship has transformed into the beautiful bond like bestie.
Going through many hurdles crafting their career amongst those unknown surroundings in this glamour world, they had come across many such situations when they needed a person to discuss out there insecurity or sometimes inexplicable happiness that could only be shared with a nearby person or feel along. Those days they found beside eachother amist their exhausting schedule to dispense such difficult emotions instead explaining over the call to their family afar.
And without any effort to be in an extra predictable bonding they have become a pillar of emotional support to eachother now.
And trusting logically one another they share almost every possible details of their hectic life at the end of the day every night or weekend whenever they get themselves leisure.

"He liked me" Avni shut her eyes tight hugging her suddenly. Her voice was hearty, she was chirping in excitement first time in this whole day, she was holding till Neil has confessed what he has for her in his heart.

Diya broke the hug pulling her shoulder strongly holding them she narrowed her eyes.

"Wwho Who are you talking about!!"her tone shook, She looked straight into her eyes..

"Nneil khanna" Avni almost jumped widening her eyes broad.


"Yes yes he told me that he likes me a lot" her exhilarating voice filled the space.

"What are you saying babe!!" She squealed grinning in elate.

"He actually did" Avni squealed back.

And then Diya got the whole narration of the entire day from her bestie that she had spent with her only crush Mr. Neil khanna.

Widening her eyes she being dumbfounded listening to her each words Avni has explained.

And then breathing heavily they both have got in a pin drop silence and then within a second of numbness breathing heavily together they shrieked exploding out their excitement they have been holding into them; Avni throughout the whole day and Diya after hearing the most unexpected wish of her has come true she had ever unconsciously prayed for her bestie since last few days Avni met her crush Neil.


"Please give him a big thank you hug on my behalf Avu to your Raj Sir tomorrow" Diya chuckled munching her dinner sitting opposite to Avni having their last meal of the day.

Avni blushed smiling in response taking her morsel inside her mouth.

"Don't tell me Neil has come you to drop you today" Diya glared in a smirk.

Avni blushed in response lowering her gaze.

"And you didn't call him upstairs !!! Why Avu" Diya looked cried being irritated at Avni.

"I didn't know you are inside this hour or else I would have definitely bring him up" Avni made a sorry face.

"Phuti kismat Neil khanna ki" she slapped on her forehead dramatically earning a confused look from her bestie sitting over there staring at her.

"Arey dumbo people bring there boy friend when no one be there at home and you just slipped the chance like that!!!" Diya frown.
Realising the tease Avni gritted her teeth and spatted in reply "just shut up you perv..will you!!" in response Diya rolled her eyes and landed then back on her teasingly and Avni hide her blushing getting busy finishing her dinner.

"Achha Avni ek baat bata did you say him that you were larka and recently you have discovered that you are a girl!!" Diya slouched on the couch grabbing the laptop back from the centre table on her lap. There was a mischievous smile playing on her lips.
Avni took a cusion off the couch and threw it with all force on Diya's face making her burst into laughter before going to her room.

"If my laptop would have fallen" Diya shouted warning her, Avni heard before shutting her bedroom door.


"Why did you ask me if I like you or not again!!" I had asked him when we were inside his car on the way while he was driving me home.

He immediately snapped his eyes at me and smiled focusing back ahead " because you didn't hug me back so I thought.." he paused.

Awwweeee he looks so adorable pouting like that!!

"Those emotions were too much to react, I went blank" I mumbled lowering my gaze, I was playing with my pH cover scratching gently on it's edge sitting beside him on the passenger seat.

I heard him chuckled lightly through a breath and it made me lifted my eyes to his direction.

"I really like you a lot Avni!! Since I have seen you I had have started feeling something changing inside me..and that change is beautiful" leaving the geer shift his arm has extended to touch my cheeks and his gaze at me with all his emotions wasn't left any reason without adoring him. I smiled softly and he slowly pulled his hand back where it was averting his gaze straight on the road.
He looked dippy.

His touches gave me shiver every time, all the day he put his hand on my skin and the way his lips brushed on my cheeks.

Am I dreaming!!

He is my crush damn!!

After crushing on John Abraham, Sahid Kapoor, Fawad Khan I got crush on him. The day I watched him in that short film 'Tu Appe Hi Samajh'

It's not that something I haven't experienced for someone ever before. I did.
Yes I had, when I joined the school again after the 10th board exam report card ceremony. Many new students took admission in our school for eleventh standard, as every year it happens the same. Bunch of Students from other schools come to take addmission in our school because the school I have studied from nursery upto 12 was one of the best top 5 schools in town. Out of those fresh new comers lot, my eyes fell on someone particular.
He was him the guy I dated, who I liked in the first place, the day I saw him stepped into my section IIA commerse.

We hardly talked to eachother apart from those hi hellos as we usually do with anyother classmate while passing over to each other. Nothing to be specific.

Suddenly one day he walked to me and said he likes me and want me to date him.

Short story.
Though it wasn't lasted long more than a week because this of the constant interfering of my bestie Rehaan in our space the day he got to know about us. I had screwed him up. How could be my bestie the reason behind my first break up!!

It was our first and the last fight we lashed out over eachother.

Okay it's only me who spatted furiously fucking away the soberness I usually hold in such swingeing situation ever arose in my life. Rehaan was getting on my nerves day by day continuously sheilding me away that guy, leaving me utmost irritated all the time. So we fought and I screamed my lungs out on him to being overprotective around me every disgusting second during our school hours those few days I had been with my date.
However I couldn't kept raising my head defending and saving my love life much longer high because within a month the guy broke up with me and never even bother to explain my damn fault.
Then the day brought the limelight itself when I heard him throw up to his class fellow in defence he planned for, sitting ahead me in the library a row afar. Back facing me that idiot whispered least purposely those disgusting truth of his successful plot hurting me.

Yes that son of burger. That guy had a crush on a girl who was one of our school prefects. He cooked inside his hollow brain that Rehaan is catching up the opportunity over him to ruin his interest being a Vice school capitan and every girl's crush in our School. So to hurt Rehaan in his way he tried to smash me dumping to take revenge in that process to owe his crush in exchange.

Rehaan got aware the day they fought there in play ground and he gave him hint all of his up comings, left Rehaan fume in rage. In affect it made my bestie continuously crashing my every way towards him.

I cried untill the night I got to know the entire plot made by that bloody hell and find back the shoulder I'was belong to, since my kindergarten. And gripping myself back again in a happy track I promised Rehaan that I'll help him to get that girl but again immediately got crashed to know that he never ever had any interest on that particular chick.
And this information cracked us to our house shaking laughter.

That day onwards I put myself away this things as far as could be possible.

That is totally different thing.

Now the truth is......

To admit that I haven't any shakiness inside, there is a feeling, a silhouette of unknown strings pull me towards him every second I see him around me and to some extent in his absence as well.
That I haven't felt before for anyone around the circle I have met.


Isn't it weird! you are crushing on someone for sometime long and the next day he wanted to be your date and you agreed!!
I mean isn't everything happening too fast!!

Yes I liked him a lot I realised but the least I have ever thought to be his girlfriend!!!

Yeah it's amazing but still irrational.
It's unexpectedly stupendous but still dismaying.

What would you feel when your crush has crush on you, he said!!

Everything got blurry in front of my eyes for a while when he made that unexpected confession. It took me time to stay holding onto the moment awhile. I didn't know what to react, what to say, how to say, so I kept numb whole day.
Even Still I haven't come out of that state of dumbfounded. I was dumbstruck the move he took suddenly kissing me on my cheeks.
These things aren't casual to me at all if a guy kissed me and when he is your crush. I have never been in this situation before.Everything is so foreign to me.
I stiffened when he hugged me again digging his face on my sensitive spot ,his hot breath over the crook of my neck, was giving me goosebumps and in reaction my body stiffened failing to show any other emotions responding to his words he said, in result it made him doubt my words I have said being impatient then,when he asked me to accept saying him yes.

And again when in the evening waiting for me in his vanity he replied my message replying those words "your Man" I shivered under my plodding heart inside my ribcage. For a second I felt uncomfortable almost sweating by those sudden possessive words staring at my pH screen. And in response again I missed to sent him any love emoticon in reply amidst my inner baffle.

All this in a herd made him reacted the way he had shown himself in the parking lot being paranoid that somehow may be I have been distraught by him accepting his feelings towards me.

And I agree by my actions throughout he had been obligated to feel insecure that way in this newly discovered beautiful thing just has happened between us. Everything went unsure to him because of my behavior towards him being numb during this entire unexpected Fiasco I have experienced today.

"Will you pick me tomorrow morning" I smiled changing the topic to make him feel sure about me.

"Do you want me to!!" He smirked replying in a deep tone coming closer to me and that made me immediately whirled my face towards the window hiding my flushed cheeks.

Gawwwwd his voice radiates heat inside me..
I gulped sighing.

Replying to his good night message sending him many love emoticon this time ,Avni blushed hard covering her face inside the duvet and closed her eyes.

Akhon k panno pe
Maine likha tha saudafa

Lafzon mein jo mein ishq thaa
Huya na hoton se bayaan
Khudse naaraz hu
Kyun beawaz hu
Meri khamoshiyan hai sazaa
Dil hai ye sochta
Phirbhi nahi pata
Kis huqse kahu bata

K main hoon Hero Tera
K main hoon Hero Tera..


Excluding the song lines over 3300 words 🥶🥶

Lots of love to all🥰

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