Chapter 3

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One of my favourite love lyrics..
It's an awesome slow track.. dedicated to my Tu Appe Hi Samajh Jaa AvNeil Season 2🤘🤘

Sometimes I wonder what's so special in this ff that people love to read it so much😂😂 thanks to all my lovely readers..
So this is another chappie.. Sorry if I sounds rude..
TaniyaJain8 my lil new friend Huggie 😚💕

Neil's Pov

It's my first day shoot today and I'm still not convinced whether this character will suit me..

Raj Sir narrated the script so well that it helped me to built up a lucid vision the character has been portrayed..he is an excellent buddy of mine since my struggling days..he is superb in his work..the projects he has done till now they are the bestest in every aspects..he is one of the bests in this Television world till date and I trust him..
Despite been screened by innumerable character shades I have found this 'Arjun' unconventionally very challenging ; Arjun the protagonist, his life is wrapped in dark shades..

"The day this script came to me I knew it to whom I'll approach for this Arjun and without wasting a single second I had pinged my casting team..
I'm more than sure Neil, that you will nailed it" this was the last statement Raj Sir made before he left my apt last month..
I heaved a deep sigh pulled out my clothes from the wardrobe..

I put on my Grey Tee and black jeans It's 9 o'clock I saw the time on my pH screen..I was about to take my car keys then I remember my car has gone for servicing..I left my bedroom walked towards the shoe rack put on them I sat on my kne to tighten up the shoe laces. I straighten my back, took my bike keys from the key rack and brought the helmet out from the cupboard moving to the dinning area..I stepped outside my apt, locked the main door..
The elevator dinged in the ground floor.. I walked towards the garage.. yesterday I have parked my byke to the side into the middle row..I went there removed the cover around my Royal Enfied, stretched my right leg across the seat I sat on it..put on the helmet kick started the bike engine and drove off..

I looked at my watch it's 9:35..I was in the traffic waiting for the signal turned to be green.. I roamed my eyes around the huge tragic..turned my head to my left my eyes stuck on a person sitting inside a cab ..I knitted my brows staring at the person..all the hair strands falling on her face she looked up straight murmuring something nervously..she folded her palm touched her forehead then again said something moving her lips so fast and then roaming her eyes forward she turned to her right..
Our eyes met, she creased her brows then flipped her eyeslids staring at me..I heard the honking of the vehicles surround,I turned my face straight,saw the traffic dissolved...I drove fast my bike passed by her cab..
"She was cute" I smiled inwardly..

I reached the location 9:55..I parked my bike and headed inside..Raj Sir was talking with a guy instructing him something he rose his eyes saw me coming towards him..he was smiling, waved his hand at me..

We hugged eachother..
"Hey welcome Neil All the very best for your first day comfortable" Raj sir wished me then informed many more things regarding the schedule..
"This is DD our art director" Raj sir introduced me..
Dd guided me to my vanity..
Nice guy, I went inside, he left..
With a second my hair dresser and costumes arrived..

I was fixing up my shirt collar facing the mirror someone knocked at the door..I went towards the bed to take my phone from the mattress,it knocked again, this time a bit louder than before..

I walked towards it and pulled the door opened, responded yes in a very calm manner..

I saw a cute lil girl stumbled back immediately I had have opened the door..
Our eyes met..
wait!! she is the same girl I have just seen her few minutes back on the way I was reaching here!! OMG she is that cute cab girl I mean the girl I saw inside the cab beside my bike stuck in the traffic..I was wearing my helmet so she couldn't recognise me..

She looked nervous..
She cleared her throat and said..

"Ggood Morning Sir..
Rrraj Sir told me to get you"
I creased my eye brows listening to her..
She again said, this time nervously..
"The set is ready"

I guess she got embarassed fumbling to me..

I replied softly 'Yup' staring at her..

"Yeeeaah..this way" she left the front space move to the side..

I came out closed the door..
"After you" I smiled softly..

She looked at me gave a simple smile then turned and walked before me..

I followed her to the set.

'Hey!!' Raj sir called looking at us..

He introduced me one my one with all the cast and crew..
They seems excited seeing me..

"And this is Avni my lil assistant..she is a champ..
if you need any conveniences just give her a call..don't hesitate let us know we would definitely try to take care of it.." Raj Sir side hugged her..she smiled shyly..

"A-V-N-I nice name" I repeated in my mind...

"Neil" I gave a warm smile, introduced myself to her...

"Hello" she said softly and gave a bright smile...

Within some minutes the shoot started..we got engrossed building up the scenes..


Neil left half an hour passed..
Raj Sir release Avni after half an hour more..

Avni unlocked her apt door came inside..
She removed her flats moved to the refrigerator..she took out a water bottle from the freezer, turned the cap open gulped down some water and put it back inside, walked towards her bedroom..

Avni freshen up came outside from her room saw Diya sitting on the couch watching TV..

"Hey hii babe" Diya turned her face looked at Avni..

"Hiii" Avni replied calmly sat beside her on the couch...

Heaved a sigh tiredly..

"How's the day" Diya shifted her sitting posture leaned on the handrest, sat facing to Avni..

Avni turned her face looked at her..

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!" Avni shrieked excitedly shaking her hand her eyes shut..

Diya grinned looking at her crazy roommate..

"I met Neil the Neil Khanna....
Can you believe it.." Avni inhaled and exhaled heavily widened her eyes..

"He was so close to he is here and I was there" Avni explained..
Avni kept describing the entire day shoot..

Diya chuckled gazing at her antics..her excitment was a treat to watch..

" what did he say" Diya asked folding her hands on her chest..

Avni leaned her back on the couch relaxingly..

"Nothing as such, it was just an professional talk,most of the time he stayed busy reading scripts or doing his scenes..he is highly professional.." Avni replied..

"He is much more handsome in real babe I must say.." Avni curved her lips being impressed..

"And hot" Diya added..

Avni suddenly rose her eyes..
Diya winked at her smiled naughtily..

"Shut up" Avni hide her blush stood up walked towards the dinner table..

Started uncovering the bowl one by one full of food Bheema made for them few hours back..

"Come D let's have the dinner..I'm very sleepy I have early call time tomorrow" saying this she started heating up the food in the microwave..

"Yup..even I'm hungry too.." Diya picked up the remote and switched off the television then stood up from the couch and headed to the dinning space..


Neil parked his bike stepped inside the elevator tap the 20th floor button..

Elevator door halted on his floor, the door opened he stepped outside..he unlocked his apt came inside..
He bent down to removed his shoes straighten his body and kept the other stuffs back to their places..
Opening his shirt button he went inside his bedroom..

He freshen up changed into his short and sleeveless tee..took his pH from the bed mattress gave a ring to his cook..
Cook replied him he will be there in a few minutes...

He slumped his chest on the bed grabbed a pillow set it just beneath his neck.. he closed his eyes thinking of the day passed his brows knitted for a bit second and again it was stretched back,a soothing smile appeared on his lips..he heaved a gentle sigh, clutched the cushion closer kept his head on it and turned to his right..


Kab aata hai...
              Tarpaata hai re...
Kab jaata hai...
               Tarsasta hai...
Parr rehta hai jabtak
          Ye  kambakht Jannat dikhata hai....

(Not edited)

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Love Mon❣️

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