Chapter 35

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I made an excuse and left the spot. It was a effing struggle to me looking at her eyes that very second.

I shouldn't have reacted this way with her...she doesn't know anything...

"Your ex" she said and I flushed gripping my fist harder.

I know it wasn't what she meant but it hit my conscience really hefty.

As hours, days, weeks running, it's becoming accentuate disclosing her all those things....

I can't loose her... freaking can't loose her...

I will die if she leave me...
Yeah it sounds creepy feeling this way at this initial stage of our relationship. But still I would say. Neil wouldn't be the same if Avni...

Fuck. My soul shatter just a thought of it...

I know how it feels. I have experienced it a bit closer the day I had seen her with Rehaan and counted on things anticipating him as her boyfriend.

I felt Someone ripped my skin taking my heart out. It was that painful.
I know it wouldn't be easy either for Avni knowing her man had a past with a girl.

I wouldn't shift a bit away her I swear if she will throw pebbles on me for not sharing her before all these. I would totally surrender to her my body, my soul. Only If she promise she won't give up.

She won't. Right!!

Yes in a very short span of time l have realised she is the one. The girl I have badly madly fallen for.

My Bachha.

I fucking love her gawwd, I had have ever felt for anyone else before...

How would I explain to her all these!!
What if she wouldn't understand me!!

What if she couldn't trust me!!

What if she say I have hid it to her everything purposely!!

Yes I did because I didn't want to loose her...I thought I would say her everything. But later. I had decided to.

It was just a past. Not at all important to me anymore.
Its never been in fact the way Avni is to me now.

I have never felt for Simran the things I experience everytime I see my baby around.
Yes she is mine. Avni is mine.
I will kill that someone, would ever try to lay a single glance on her. I will just rip those eyes.

A single glance of my girl I can go on my knees to give her the entire universe.
That's the thing I have for her.

A simple appreciating smile of her and it is for me similar to the happiness mountaineers experience reaching the Mt. Everest peak overcoming those deadly challenges they faces proceeding to its path.

Her touches, her kisses. My heart goes crazy drumming inside, everytime I feel her closer mine. My lips over hers. The way our body rub to eachother while getting intimate. Her sent.Every single thing of her sends my body on fire. I hardly focus on anything when she is around me.

Even her those innocent eyes.
When she asked anything emphasising to believe. That word of her "sachhu!!" how cutely she propped her head forward and ask me if I am not faking anything. I just want to kiss her life out then and there.

Faking anything!

I'm not at all doing anything such heinous. Nor cheating her.
I just taking time to make sure, stable things between us so that she could understand what she exactly mean to me.

And my smile came back.

Yes I want to kiss her all the time I see her around.

It's creepy. I know.

I so Want to do all those dirty things with her everytime I get her alone.

I wish to be with her all my life.

I want to marry her. I want to make babies with her.

None would believe.I have already started imagining her with my babies. Yes I do.

She would definitely look super cute in those chubby cheeks when a girl gain weight before and after their pregnancy period.
I swear I won't be decided whom I would cuddle. My baby or my Baby!!
See I'm already confused.

It's a pile of fears grow inside me thinking the day I would capitulate myself. My heart aches.

She is Pristine. And I have flaws.

Time has come to let her know something contemplative before I promise her to give her my entire life. I need to start everything transparent between us.

After hearing me it's upto her if she...
No she won't.

I would fall on her feet if she would think about anything stupid knowing my ex.

Yes ex.The word is ex.

Past tense; there isn't a bit of any emotion left in it.

And she would always be that. My past. My worst past.
Whom I have nothing to do with. That cheater Simran Raichand.
I rested my head on the wardrobe door and groaned aloud releasing my frustrations.

She must me waiting for me in the hallway. I scrubbed my face inhaling deeply before opened the door and came outside my room.

I said her to miss me.

"You too" she replied before she kissed me on my cheeks and moved to the elevator door.
Her whole being is lull to my heart. I'm feeling calm, all my frustrations blew away.

My baccha. I can't loose her at any cost. Or I will go insane.

I stood there with a tight smile at my door until the elevator went carrying her down.

I ran my hand twice over my hair tensely. I closed my eyes clutching the door knob closing it shut. I leaned my back against it.

Not a single day I can leave without seeing her. How would I live my entire life!!!

I so fucking hate my condition.
It's not that I don't want this things to come up. I can discuss with her everything she would ask me to spill, including every detail.
Just before she need to promise me she won't think about leaving me or...

Or it will be death of me. I swear to god.


"What the hell is this Neil" Raj sir fumed storming inside his office. Neil was behind and shut the door closed.

"What did I do now" He leaned to a chair opposite to him. His gape was calm.

"Should I need to mention it!!" He gritted and Neil strengthen his body.

"Fine I know. And I'm not at all sorry for that" He crossed his arms.

"Because you wouldn't be get into know that well... isn't you!!" Raj sir mocked. His chest rising and falling showing how much anger he is consuming inside only the person he least wanted to bother. Because Neil is one of those people he knows genuine and also he heartily adore.

"You know what. I give damn concern about you or anyone else's bullshit...I'm concern about Avni and only you get that!!
I'm concern about her bloody fucker..." Raj sir realised he shouldn't have used those cursing words and next moment pinched the bridge of his nose gripping control his agitation over Neil.

Raj sir got aquinted of, the incident Neil created yesterday night. Saying those words to DD abd his crew. That was the discussion topic around set this morning Raj has got to know from his second assistant. And that made him get furious on Neil so he called him in his office before starting the day.

"Now what do you mean by that!!!" Neil squinted.

"Have you told her yet anything promising.... didn't you.
Then why are you dragging her into this shit, advertising your status with her to everyone!!!
Don't you know the consequences she could face because the lack of your those silly concern!!" He snapped.

"But you are Neil khanna, these things don't bother you!!!" There was sarcasm in his voice. And Neil tightened his jaws, his fist clenched into ball.

"Listen Neil very carefully...she is not any random casual girl..she is Avni and I mean it, I won't be the same if you hurt her by any chance...get this into your fruitful brain" Now it's a proper threat he sounded.

"If you have finished it then let me tell you very audibly and clearly....even I won't let that person go either if by any chance anyone would cause a drop of single tear off her eyes..." Neil leaned chewing his words, looked straight right into his eyes.

"And don't ask me when,where I will propose my's our personal it's better you stay out of this and us...." His voice was balantly deep and firm.

"You know what I'm very bad at repeating things" Raj Sir leaned matching his height.

"Even though me..." Their gapes met.

"Neil.." Raj sir softened. A smile appeared in his eyes.

"I just can't hide it anymore...I'm serious this time..." Neil heaved a sigh breaking his gape over him. His voice deepened.

"You know what! we are fighting for the girl we both care for..." A humorless chuckle came out of Neil's throat.

"Then why don't you tell her" Raj sir said, leaned on his chair sitting back down on it.

"I need to confess her something... before" Neil ran his fingers between his hair and inhaled deeply.

"About what" Raj sir raised a brow.

"About everything..." He took a heavy breath pulling his hands down. He clutched the head of his chair.

" Just don't hurt her" Raj tried to plead but it came out as warn.

Neil paused at the door before turning the knob open.

"No one purposely hurt the person who is his heart already" His eyes held something made Raj Sir end questioning him further.

And Neil slammed the door behind, left.


"How dare you Avni hid such a hottest news to us!!!" Dd sent an amuse look to her. Avni was in search of Raj Sir her eyes paused at Dd. Who was a step away her and the monitor desk.

"What news!!" Her brows knitted together in confusion.

"That you and Neil khanna is doing things you wouldn't be allowed to..." He snorted.

"What rubbish you are talking about" she was about to move away.

"Hein!! Neil sir himself told us" Another guy from the car last night stood blocking her way forward. And Avni stopped.

"What.... what he told you" Avni flipped her eyes lashes trying to be confident. But internally she is shaking tensed.

"That you both are seeing eachother..." Dd put his arm around that guy playfully and their eyes were full display of amusement.

"My girl and all... ahem ahem" that girl added smiling groofily , she tug her tongue on her cheeks and rolled her eyes once.

"And he also told us to stop checking out his girl..." Dd stated and all three of them nodded together conceal their laughter, brought Avni gulped hard staring at three of them as if she gulped a whole frog instead having her lunch today.

"Yesterday" The girl confirmed with a smirk.

"What" Avni almost whispered but it was quite audible to them.

"Yes" they all again nodded confirming the information.

"No he didn't" as if she said to herself more than reasoning them.

"Ask him" That guy said and she rose her eyes in disbelief and embarrassed.

"Definitely...i will" she got back her confident.

"You people just shut your shitty mouth now...." She spatted watching them all.

"See we zipped up already..." Dd gesture zipping his mouth, so as others did mimicking him the same.

"That's better..."

"Get back to your works..." And Avni pulled aside Dd by grabbing his arm away them.


"Don't tell me you didn't kiss eachother yet" Diya asked incredulously munching the veg sandwich she had made both of them.

"It's nothing like that, you are cooking into your idle brain..okay!!" Avni bit her lip getting blush all of a sudden remembering his kisses. She turned away Diya. A jolt of electricity passed through her spine. She gasped cleaning the sink. There were some left over stuffs over the kitchen sink. They just had their breakfast.


So what do you think!!
Is that a bigger issue if you don't want to open up those left over unpleasant experiences of your Ex to your current relationship!!
When you have absolutely nothing to do with!!

Please vote comment and share.

Thank you all.
MoN ♥️

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