Chapter 66

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His palpable gaze roamed all over her_at her long, wet eye lashes; in them holding pure fret for him, her pink trembling lips suppressing her weep, those tendril like hair strands over her neck, down her faintly cleavage on view to him because of having her this close, creating his heart leaped in some mild staccato rhythm.

Avni couldn't take her petrified eyes off Neil and his bruise. Her condition was terrific with apprehension.

His hands itched to push those fringe over her forehead away, cup her beautiful face and kiss her untill the world ends. But it can't be can't be possible in the presence of so much of people around. Therefore at that moment it's suffice for him to hold her close, more than bothering any other thing on earth.


Telling someone how you feel honestly the hardest thing ever...

"Neil you need to get a break" Raj Sir's concerned words were after having my bandage done by Avni. My hands still around her, we rose up from our respective positions when Raj Sir spoke. I looked away Avni, her gaze has finally shifted away my hands to Raj Sir, so as mine. We both looked at Sir.

"Nope I'm absolutely fine no need to worry at all" replying I twisted my wrist to check my wound and a deep sigh blew out my nose abruptly staring at my bandage.

"It's okay Neil..."

"Trust me I'm fine...yep there is a pain, I won't deny...but I have my commitments...I need to finish these last minute scenes as early as possible..." I didn't let Raj Sir finish his sentence looked up with a convincing smile on my lips, faced Raj Sir who is gazing at me in worry. "I have very little time here Sir" I added, gave a faint, modest smile.

"I...l.... need to go now...." Avni took the cue, tentatively spoke. We both looked at her. And she slipped my hold off her shoulder her eyes downcasted for a second looking away me then she firmly looked up, evading me her eyes at Raj Sir. I felt keen trying to figure out, furrowed, staring at her facade what's going on in her mind if she has noticed how close we were physically few minutes ago.

Let me say you.She is not a easy nut to crack. She has already left wipping her face before I could have stopped her, to stay.

As soon as I was out of the Sir's office I glanced around. People scattered, started resuming their task they were busy at.
My breathing caught it's normal rhythm when I was out of his sight, out of the spot far away Neil.

I'm mad at myself caused to be the reason of such harrowing pain to him.Then again irked of myself being this helpless, effing resistless_ why I just can't stop loving him.

Because you never loved someone, more than you love him. My inner voice declared, sighed deeply. And my inside squirmed. She is right.


The day went quite hectic for the entire cast and crew, as because of that unfortunate, very much of spontaneous, unpremeditated predicament happened at the first hour, have acquired or better to be explicated it killed much juncture of these few crucial final days of Neil Khanna in the show.

Everyone noticed the discomfort in Neil's behaviour because of the wound he got. At every interval between his shoot he is checking his wounded hand stretching, twisting it. Though his facade kept shifted oddly sometimes impassive, sometimes slightly grinning eyes. Sometimes he has been seen pressing his both lips together suppressing his cheeks not to be appear pink blushing he was fighting with himself to keep his focus on reading the script. Everyone noticed but no one dared to mention or discuss openly about his strange behaviour all day long being too busy in their packed up schedule back to back. Only few eye talks have been seen among people in crew closer around.

Now it's time for pack up.

Raj Sir and other crew member left one by one.

In Neil's car Neil and Avni at the back seat beside eachother. DD in driver seat, he will drive the car and next to him a fresher boy DD's assistant at the front row, as Neil got injured in his hand so there is no way he could drive tonight.

Neil was in cloud nine when Avni said she will join them in car. But he kept his face impassive, unfazed while his heart elevated in joy, he was doing somersault inside. He relaxed, leaned against the backrest.

Only if he knew the actual reason behind her joining him in his car.


"DD stop the car at any near by hospital" Avni said gazing towards the direction DD was on driver seat.

"Hospital?" DD's immediate reply in a perplexed tone. He glanced at Avni through the rear view mirror at the front.

"Yes we need to get someone a tetanus" speaking curtly Avni looked outside the window in attempt to avoid the unwanted attention she could gather now.

"What! who?" Untill now Neil was looking outside through the windshield glass but her last few words made him snap his glare at her in all furrow, shock.

"Avni I'm fine. There is no need of that tetanus or any kind of hell like that" Neil stated with a strenuous, stringent voice.

"You will" Avni retaliated with same determining tone. Now she is facing him, away from window.

"No I won't" Neil gritted his teeth harder and Avni couldn't help slightly flinched by his stony gaze over her.

"One more word I'll get off this car I swear you Neil Khanna" now she is in super obstinate mood to cut off his words.

"Are are kidding me. I mean will you!
Are you fucking serious?" He snorted rudely with a deep scowl on his face. Seems his temper became equable down a bit.

"DD stop the car now" Avni straightened up, commanded Dd, tore her fierce gaze away Neil.

"Nope he won't" Neil threw a reaproachful look at Avni berated back, did the same looking straight at DD.

"Yes he would" Avni yelped.

"Guys we have already reached. Actually she is right Neil Sir you should get a professional check for your avoid any infection later" taking in the scene in front of him DD proclaimed in a requesting tone unfastening his seat belt, same did his assistant with a suppressed smile at the corner of his lips. Since Avniel started their vocal fight he is in great effort controlling his grin listening to their bickering.

"What the hell damn! I'm not coming out" Neil barked almost jumping on his seat. His disbelief glances over each of them.

"Fine you stay I'm going out and will come back with a Doctor. Let everyone know how scared you are from a little injection" Avni said opening the door to climb off the vehicle.
"If your fans could know this Neil Khanna" she added with a devilish snort.

"Who told you I scare of these silly things?" Neil chided, his arms crossed rested over his chest in a manner succinct.

"Then it's true? Really?" Avni scooted her brows, threw these words and slauntered out the car.

"Nonsense you assume, you know that?" He muttered tersely. And Avni wanted to throw something on his face but controlled thinking he is already injured.

"You are proving me right you see" Avni answered back slamming the door shut.

"Stop playing with me Avni Mehta. You are not that smart" he remarked dryly still sitting inside.

"Neil Sir. Please. She is right" DD finally spoke turning his head behind slightly at Neil.

"Okay fine she is right. She is invariably right. Happy now?" Neil's upbraiding tone bellowed while throwing his hands upward in air being exasperated by her action. The entire situation he has gotten into is out of his grip and Neil is murmuring like some grumpy brat throwing tantrums. Avni has already walked away him and was seen waiting at the reception so there not any option left for Neil not to join her.

"She is so stubborn. God!!" Neil clenched his teeth climbing down the car roughly. Slammed the car door shut in a harsh manner, he strode forward, followed by Dd and his assistant behind him. They couldn't help chuckling looking at Neil Khanna's pitiful state.

15 minutes later.

" The cuts aren't much deep. I have given him a pain killer and some antibiotics for five days. He have to take both after meal twice a day. Make sure the bruise doesn't come into contact with water, or catch any dust untill the wound is fresh. And keep changing the dressing every six hours for next three days...consult me if required..." Doctor suggested with a small smile passing the prescription to Avni. A nurse has just adeptly finished dressing his contusion.

The words doctors said 'there aren't any deep cut' gave Avni much relief knowing it. She heaved a deep sigh she was holding since he got the accident.

Calmly she took a look over the prescription with a little agreement node. When she looked up she returned the same smile at Doctor. Next moment pushing the chair backward she was sitting on She rose off her seat, So did Neil being on the cure bed other side.

When Neil and Avni came out of the Doctor's room DD and that fresher boy Ishan his assistant was outside, waiting for them.


"First I'll drop Neil Sir then you. Then we will take a cab" DD said getting inside the car followed by others. He had to park my car in my compound.


"Nope" I and Avni almost shouted together in a imperious tone in reply to DD's words. Then immediately our head snapped at the same time and we both scowled being awful at eachother.

She should thank god I didn't pull that fight with her yet. How could I forget how her words caused rip my heart, forced me to pull this stunt! I don't want to talk about those wrathful, extremely gut- wrenching, superfluous words she has uttered before Raj Sir. What if I haven't grew intrusive and didn't follow them when Avni asked Raj Sir to have a talk privately away us! Even thinking something like that boil my blood and in response I want to assassinate someone. And I did the same, harm myself banging my hand on that glass door and showed her how hazardous this Neil Khanna could transform into if she even think of such grave ever.

It was just a tiny demonstration. She haven't seen worst of me yet. It will be better for her if she only come contact to the lovey-dovey, adorable Neil Khanna.

"You don't need to drop me first DD" Avni blinked her eyes rapidly few times tentatively stating to DD. While my disgruntled face was much visible to everyone there. I was preparing myself for a good fight now with Avni if she let out one more word of exchange from her mouth any further regarding this home dropping thing, She would see worst of me tonight. I'll drag her out of my car and slam her on my shoulder, walked to my building and lock her in my bedroom. Yes I would definitely do this if she keep testing me.
How could she think of I would let two guy drop her home alone in a car at this late hour! Doesn't matter how faithful as a friend they are to her. I don't care being her boyfriend when she is my priority.

I fisted my injured knuckles and immediately flinched by the acute pain I felt in my palm all around. My face cracked.

"DD this time you would drop her first" My voluminous tone made the ambience inside deadly silent. DD gulped holding the steering and Ishan didn't dared to move a bit he paused buckling his seat belt. Avni tried to act unfazed, she rolled her eyes before she exhaled roughly. And I glared at her offhand manner. She is damn testing my nerves these days.

"Yes you will drop Neil.
And me at his place will you please start the car and drop us home it's already mid night" Avni smoothly ended her sentence.

And I frowned then gulped then again frown. Biting my lips I looked away threw my perplexed gaze out of the window blankly then immediately darted my eyes back at her.

What? What did she just say?
Wait. Did I hear it right? Did she mean to say she is staying with me tonight? In my house? I felt goosebumps, my heart frenzied god knows why.

"I'll stay tonight" answering my thoughts trying to keep her tone stern Avni glanced at me twice surreptitiously, lightly cleared her throat then turned her face towards the window to her side.

Fucking hell.
I mouth agape slightly, I blinked my eyes few times being disoriented for few minutes gawking at her in disbelief.

See this is how she has the control...just few words from her Neil Khanna is out of words.

My daze broke harshly by the noise when DD ignited the engine, manoeuver the car down the main road. My Adam apple blobbed, I have got andrenaline rush. She is staying with me. God!

This girl would be a death of mine someday. I swear. My heart beat expedited being excited expecting some uncertain possibilities or may be reconciliation between us, by her such spiffing unpredictable move. I sinked in my seat, have gone in a merry serene mode for next half an hour sitting beside her, until we reached.


It's deadly silence inside the elevator. It's already midnight, only the sound in the elevator is it's moving upward.

DD dropped us in Neil's compound, parked his car then they book a cab and left.

We are at the corner each side. He was leaning to the elevator wall his hands resting over his thigh both sides and a smutty smile playing on his lips since I have said I'm staying tonight.

Damn Why did I said that!

Obviously because I thought I would help him doing stuff like....

Stuff like??? Don't tell me you are giving him bath tomorrow morning or helping him taking his clothes off. Ooh Avni you are not supposed to take care of such scandalous stuffs at this stage of your relationship babe! My inner voice sniggered and I felt clammy.

"What was that?" To avoid my stupid inner voice I snapped at Neil walking out of the elevator door.

Ooh we reached! I hurriedly followed him scurrying behind getting out of the elevator.

"What?" Walking to his door He responded to my question quickly.

"I have heard you people chuckled" my fast reply was. I was breathing rapidly for the hastened steps.

"Ohh that?" Did he chuckled!

"Oh c'mon there is nothing to grow so much of jealous Bachha!" His soft chuckle, that very manly lascivious tone of his_caused my inner self batted her eyelashes acting dreamy. Uff she is intolerable.

I startled breaking the trance.

Bachha! I repeated the word inwardly, mellowed. I had whirlwind of emotion. I realised I missed him calling me that. It's been long he last called me that, may be a week.

Soon it will be a month then year. My inner self remarked.

I felt a pang somewhere inside me. I gulped hard carrying my swollen heart. The thought itself a threat, enough to make me weep.

Instantly I shook my head controlling my dropping heart beat, melancholy words exchanges with my subconscious self. I composed myself back.

"In your Dreams. Now would you tell me what was so funny in treating someone's injury?" I contradicted, glared at him. Inwardly I was waiting for his reply anxiously.

"Eager. Aren't you!" His face askew, a smutty smile playing on his face gaping at me. And my blood boiled. Next moment he made a clicked sound, his hand behind while he was facing me.

Neil unlocked his house entrance door. I flinched at the sound when he pushed opened the door of his apartment.

"I said. In your Dreams" I abruptly said moving inside. God I just can't keep looking into such excruciating eyes of him, nor can I avoid longer when he look at me this vehemently. Now My exalted heart is on the way bursting out soon I surmise.


"Doc said I look more handsome in person than on Television screen....She watches my show..." nonchalantly speaking I locked the gate, hung the keys at the key stand. I'm having hard time not to grin like a fool. Gotcha. She looks hell cute when she get jealous.

My baby queen.

"How did it happen? " Doc asked me when the nurse deligently finished removing the bandage around my knuckle Avni had tied.

"I was in shoot, was doing a fight scene.." I lied stretching my injured palm causiously. There are many deep cuts I have noticed for the first time this clear. There are dried blood strain in the cut deep areas as well.

"Ooh so you are an actor?" Doctor took my hands in her, checked it. She is of my age more or less. May be a year younger than me.
In one word she is sweet and friendly kind of doctor with smiley face. I glanced at the ward around. Emergency written there on a board in red bold letters above the door inside the room as well as outside. My gaze fell on that nurse who took the syringe and deposited in a medical wastage at the corner after destroying it's needle.

"Yes I do television..." I replied rubbing the cotton over the spot doc injected me over my elbow.

"I hardly get time to watch TV" doc replied in a friendly tone, walked back to her chair.

"Yup I can understand" I put my bruised palm on my lap. I was sitting in a small bed they asked me to sit, to get treated.

"And those are your colleagues..." She spoke pulling the medicine pad to write a prescription I'm sure. I so hate medicine.

"Yup. And that girl is my special one" I stated with a smile, took a quick glance at the transparent glass door saw Avni peeping there to have a look inside through the ajar curtain not neatly pulled closed in purpose of privacy. She looked alarmed, distressed.

"Ooh I see...let her come inside then..I'll write the medicine.." doc looked up away her writing pad, her both hands resting on the paper, she smiled warmly.

And that was it. That's the real scene.

I sighed staring at Avni who was fretting around, muttering god knows what. But it's fun looking her in this state, only for me.

I would reveal her the truth later till then let's enjoy this rare jealous mode of Miss. Mehta some more time.
Before a broad grin appeared on my lips in excitement. I coughed loosening my shoes lace, hid my face looking down.


Haah handsome! Yes he is. Who the hell you think you can complement him. He is mine okay.

"Ooh really!!" My inner self raise a brow with an amused grin and I dismissed her.

Even doctors these days flirt with their patients.... excellent....what else remains to see in this world for me!

My inner confrontational head paused hearing a soft throaty laugh then it's ends with cough by that pompous jerk beside me.
He must be in cloud nine seeing me in this condition.

Condition! Ooh god he shouldn't know I'm jealous. Avni mask it off babe hurry. I panicked, built my face as straight as possible.

God why I feel still so jealous of female species around him? We are in bad terms. Don't we??

Because you are insanely, unconditionally love with him babe. My subconscious is back with her amused tone and my chest swelled up fuming.

Why the hell I still love him! He don't deserve me. I made a nerve jumping squawk in my head. And next moment I marched, followed him emerging in his bedroom.


*Coming up next_

"I tried hard to keep my full focus on helping him get rid of his shirt buttons but that sinewy glimpse of his chest distracting me repeatedly in a way that getting me some incongruous, scandalous thoughts regarding that spot around. I'm taking swallow after swallow down my barren throat. My breathing got stuck, hot. Why staying alive is so difficult!"

Above lines are a short glimpse you would get to read next in my further updates.

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MoN ❤️

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