Chapter 9

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The journey was amazing she is a kind of cuteness overloaded..

While rolling the steering wheel I was just kept glancing at her. There is an uncomfortable silence inside my car this morning compare to last night we had traveled together.
The moment she stepped inside my car she greeted me good morning and that was the only phrase she uttered till now while half of the route has already been crossed by us..

"Is anything bothering her!!"

"Is she not comfortable traveling with me!!"

"Then she could have tell me if she had some other plans, I wouldn't have offered her ride then..."

"Shit !! I should have had asked her much politely."

"Nope it's your fault Neil you didn't asked just commanded like a boss usually does..."

"My tone had sounded quite authorative, might have been when I called her in the morning.."

"Shit I messed up..."

Thinking about all these fusses I just made, I hit the steering wheel frustratingly earning a perplexed gaze from her...

She frawned..

"Iiitts... I'm fine..."
I stammered and then crunched my nose frustratingy...Shit..

"What happened" asking me she looked at my hands that was on the steering wheel then rose her eyes at me curiously...

I just curved my lips tried to smile but failed...

I can feel her gaze over me. she is observing my every moves..

"Can I ask you something!!"

"Uff finally.."I huffed inwardly..

Doesn't matter what she is going to ask me next but more of that I'm relaxed hearing her voice after a long pause...

"Yup" I responded smiling at her to go ahead...

"Raj Sir has told you to bring me with you na!!
I know...... but trust me I don't get late know na Mumbai traffic. I so want to be on time but unfortunately I always get stuck in the traffic" she pouted lowering her face...

"Gawwwwd please say her to stop doing those pouts"I raked my hair diverting my mind away from her face...

She is distracting my peaceful mind Or I will end up banging my car to any innocent soul and earn curses from hundreds of people around the road.

I some how gathered myself straightening my head to focus on the driving..

"Nope he didn't" I replied keeping my voice normal as possible as I could have.

"Sachhu!!" She snapped her head forward angling towards me.
I turned my face slightly to gave a glance at her and have managed to bring a brief smile in assurance.
This time her pout along with her eyes looked more cuter.


I just want to park my car aside in some isolated place and kiss that pout harder making her breath hitched inside her throat..

"God She is giving me hard time..." I exhaled swapping out those fearful urges growing inside me.

Sharing the journey with her was a bad idea Neil. You shouldn't have done this. she is not safe with you dude... Gripping the steering wheel tightly I sighed..

She leaned back on her seat scrolling on her pH screen...I tried not to look at her cute face so that the rest of the journey my nerves could get some rest..


"Hey" Raj sir raised his hand slightly smiling at me...

I responded him back raising my hand in reply...

I saw Avni turned her direction towards Dd who is busy with showing his assistant some stuff in his laptop standing beside a huge frame like structure...

Dd gave a toothy grin seeing Avni beside him, then saying something to her he got engrossed in his work back explaining something to the people who has just now joined him...

Avni turned back and started moving towards us...

Raj Sir was explaining the scene that will be done in today's Schedule Avni came and stood beside him..Raj Sir turned his head up at her and moving his hand he started explaining her the schedule she have to be followed rest of the day...

And I couldn't miss this chance that I was doing from last few days..

Me and Raj Sir was sitting side by side our eyes glued on the monitor in front of standing beside Raj sir she was engrossed in the instructions Raj sir was giving her..she bent a bit in a concentrating manner to listen that he was trying to brief..

I snapped my head backward over Raj shoulder glancing at her I have been drowning to the pool of emotions I was never attracted towards anyone such insanely..

Concentrating at him she nodded her head a bit which caused her few strands of hair fell on her face interrupting her veiw. flipping her big eye lashes she tucked those hair stands behind her hair carelessly...that moving of her dark orbs between Raj Sir and the monitor... shaking her head mouthing okay she bent a bit more supporting her one arm on his chair.
My eyes trailed down on her lips..

I gasped.

I flinched slightly when Raj Sir patted on my arms...I brought my eyes at him coming back from my trance not fully yet...

Raj sir narrowed his eyes staring at me and then curved his lips growing a smirk...

I rubbed my forehead realising "I got caught may be..."

"I'm calling you from past 5minutes where are you lost" he asked waggling his brows few times and leaned against his chair...

"I just thinking how the scene should be" reasoning myself I smiled nervously averting my gaze at the monitor...

"Real or Reel" he asked plastering the smirk still on his lips...

I turned my eyes casually settled on him.

"Both" I winked immediately standing up to leave the place...

Go to your vanity I'm sending Avni with the script..Raj Sir said shifting his eyes on the monitor screen...

I sighed heading towards my vanity...
As soon as I turned around back facing him my cheeks burned flushing the blush all over my face....


I flushed even more...


Few minutes back Avni sent a girl along with the script and my costumes...she took all the costumes those had been given to me last week shoot and informed that my hair dresser will be here within in a minute...

I was folding my sleeves upto my elbow facing the mirror, someone on knocked the door...

May be my hair dresser has come "Yess come in" I responded from inside..


I refused Neil Sir when he offered to drop me home back again after the pack up because I had to meet Rehaan my bestie at my place so I requested Raj Sir for my leave before the schedule time today...

Getting outside the location I immediately dialled my cab driver number...

"Haan wahase left turn leke rukiye I'm just coming" I hurried my steps to catch the cab...


She left almost half an hour early before us...may be she has something to catch up with....I was thinking rolling the pH in between my two fingers lying on my bed. Suddenly my pH rang.

It's Raj sir...

"Yup Hello" I received the call putting the left arm beneath my head...

"Neil I got the list of your female co-star that we discussed last week remember " Raj Sir said from the other end..

"Yeah" I furrowed my brows shifting my pose slightly.

"So yeah I'm mailing you the names you justp have a look once okay!!" Raj said politely..

"Not needed I'll be okay with anyone" pulling my left arm from my head I shifted the pH from my right ear to left..

"I want you Neil to see it once before I finalize the name" Raj Sir insisted...

"Ummm.. okay Sir as you say" I smiled broadly and the next moment I earned a chuckle from his side...

As we doesn't share those typical type of professional relationship with eachother so we hung up after few minutes sharing some daily personal chores like what we are having for dinner tonight or the show we are watching at Netflix these days..

I left my bedroom and moved towards the dinning table. I picked up the food bowls from there to heat up my dinner putting them inside the microwave one by one that prepared by my house helper an hour before..


I unlocked the door and my eyes immediately fell on the person wearing black shirt pairing with grey chinoes sitting on the couch facing Diya.

Rehaan and Diya who was sitting on the seperate couch and chatting holding coffee mugs in their hands.Hearing the unlocking sound of the door they both turned their faces together at Avni who was just now entered the apt through the main gate...

"Heyyyy bhalu" spreading my arms I ran towards him and he immediately stood up keeping the cup on the centre table smiling broadly.
he engulfed me in a tightest hug...
I threw my arms around his neck giggled keeping my head on his shoulder...

" Hey Tiger" he replied breaking his smile...

Ashish Kapoor as Rehaan😍


Not edited I'll edit it later 🥰

Very Interesting right😁
So If you people are anticipating jealous track may be coming up next!!!! then let me tell you, Nope☺️☺️
"U r wrong" it will be much more bigger than this😂😂

Bye🙋 see you on my next update 😜

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Love Mon 😘😘

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