Starry Night

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"I don't know guys..." I said as BonBon dug through my closet.

"Yes you do! You've locked yourself in this dorm for like two months! Plus there's a high school reunion! Everyone from school will be there!" ChiChi said as she put some of my red lipstick on her lips then mine.

"Here!" BonBon said as she grabbed a thigh high light pink dress.

"Wow!" Me and ChiChi said together as I smiled.

"There it is!" ChiChi said as she smiled.

"There what is?" I asked her as I redirected my attention from the dress to her.

"Your smile!" She said as she hugged me. We looked at ourselves in the vanity mirror.

"I guess so..."

We got dressed and set out for FNaF High.

I looked around. It was decorated so beautifully! There were flowers of all different colors! It looked like prom.

"Wow..." I whispered as I looked around.

Foxy would've loved this... I thought, No, Mangle stop. Stop thinking about him.

"Mangle!" A familiar voice called to me, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I asked before seeing, Springtrap standing before me.

"You poor thing! You've been through so much over the passed few months.

"Yeah," I said as I sighed.

A song began to play. Not just any song. The song me and Springtrap shared our first song to.

Springtrap smiled and chuckled.

I smiled too.

"M'lady...may I have this dance?" He asked as he bowed down. Offering me his hand.

I giggled and said, "Sure,"

He lead me to the dance floor and spun me around a few times. I had forgotten how good a dancer he was.

"Are you having fun my dear?" Springtrap asked as we swayed.

I giggled and said, "Yes, Springtrap,"

He spun me around so my back was against his chest.

"You know...Foxy isn't the only option~" he purred into my ear.

"Yeah? Then tell me who the other one is." I whispered.

Angie: What's that reference? Its from one of my stories! Which character said it in which story? If you get it right you earn the title of super fan!

"I'll let you decide~" he purred before kissing my neck.

I blushed and bit my lip. It had been so long since someone kissed that...and Springtrap was such a good kisser!

I love this! He's so good at kissing! I thought, B-But I love Foxy...what if he gets out of the hospital right now?! Has my phone been on?! Oh my God I hope I didn't miss a call from his doctor! Foxy...please get better...I need you...

I hadn't realized how far things were getting. He had turned me around and prepared to kiss me on the lips.

"I-I'm sorry, Springtrap but I'm just not ready yet," I said as I pulled out of his arms and ran off.

"Mangle wait! I'm sorry!" Springtrap called to me but I ignored him.

"Mangle?" BonBon asked as I ran passed her.

"Mangle where are you going?!" ChiChi shouted at me.

I didn't answer either of them. I went outside and sighed. I stared at the stars. There was always a good view of the stars from our school. And on cold, bitter, lonely nights like these, there were lots of stars.

"Isn't this view beautiful?" Mangle asked as she leaned her head on Foxy's shoulder.

"Not as beautiful as my view of you," he said, as he put his arm around her and pulled her in close.

She smiled and accepted his embrace.

"These stars are a sign,"  he whispered to her.

"Of what?" she asked as she looked up at him.

"Stars only come out on the coldest nights," he began.

She was about to debate and say that she saw stars every night but she realized he was right, and nodded.

"I see it as a glimmer of hope. It's cold out your lonely but the stars are out. Shining brightly down on you. It means that everything will be ok. I love you and everything WILL be ok," he whispered as Mangle shook herself out of her memories.

"Everything WILL be ok..." I repeated.

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