The End of a Nightmare

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It's been two days since I got kidnapped. Just imagine not being to eat or drink for two days! I'm beginning to lose hope. I've been wondering why he wants me here in the first place. It's not like he has any intention of killing me.

He anxiously stared at the door as if expecting someone to come in while he sharpened his knives. He even unlocked the door, so someone could definitely come in.

"That's it!" He said as he slammed the knife on the table, making me jump.

He bent down and kissed my cheek, "Be a good girl while I'm gone." He whispered making me cringe.

He turned the dim and dingy ceiling lights off.

A few moments passed in the freezing cold, pitch black darkness. I was blindly messing with the knot that held my wrists together in the back of the chair when I heard a "Snap!" One of the ropes broke!

I continued the same cycle until they all snapped.

"Yes!" I said through the duct tape.

The first thing I did was remove the duct tape, slowly and gently mind you. Then I bent down and untied my legs.

I slowly got up with the floor creaking beneath me. I slowly felt around the walls to see if I can find the light switch. If I do I can look for the door key or maybe a...window...

I continued feeling until the lights turned on, "Got it!" I said.

To my surprise I wasn't the one who turned the light was my kidnapper! His eyes were wide in shock. He had one hand on the light switch and in the other, an unconscious Foxy whom was awoken by my gasp.

He saw me and shouted, "Mangle run!"

I nodded and ran towards the door but the man caught me over his shoulder.

"Nice try..." He said.

He stuck Foxy with a tranquilizer and he collapsed.

He pulled a gun out of his pocket and demanded that I sit down. I obeyed and didn't struggle when re-tied me to the chair.

He tied Foxy to another chair making us face each other.

Moments passed and Foxy woke up, "Mangle?" I heard his muffled voice ask.

I nodded.

"It's finally time for you to pay your debt!" He said as he tore the duct tape off of his mouth.

Foxy barely reacted to the tape but said, "Don't touch her!"

The man chuckled and said, "No." Seriously.

He slowly approached me with a reasonably sized knife, which made me squeal.

"STOP IT!" Foxy shouted at him.

He moved down to my arm and stabbed it. I screamed in pain.


"You won't care if I do that!" He said, "Only if I hurt her!"

He grabbed another knife and slit my leg with it.

"Never have you once apologized for everything you've done."

I cocked my head in confusion.

"I'm sorry!"

"It's too late for that now!" He grabbed a saw and lifted my arm.

He ripped the duct tape off, "I wanna hear you scream,"


He dropped my arm and said, "You're right..."

He untied me, "Go. Live your life! Before I change my mind!"

"Run Mangle!"

"No not without you!"

The kidnapper pushed me aside, making me land on my slit leg. I clutched it in pain.

He slowly approached Foxy, knife in hand. He didn't even try to stop him, he just accepted it.

I thought all hope was lost. But it wasn't! I reached for the gun he used to threaten me and shot him in the back with it.

Foxy smiled and said, "Good job!"

I limped over to him and tried to untie him, with one hand. Once I got him somewhat free he handled the rest.

When he stood up he wrapped me into a hug. It was the tightest, warmest hug we've ever shared.

I felt tears fall from my eyes as I cried into his shoulder and clutched the back of his shirt.

"It's ok..." He whispered and picked me up, bridal-style.

He started running somewhere but I wasn't sure where. I didn't care where. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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