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Our lips slowly separated until we saw the others staring at us.

ChiChi was jumping up and down squealing with delight and Frederick was making this face at us:

In his hand he was holding an unconscious crimson red animatronic.

"What were you two doing?" Frederick asked, still making the face.

"It was just a kiss..." Toy Bonnie said as he looked away.

"Yeah..." I agreed as I blushed.

The animatronic Frederick was holding jumped up, and fast as lighting got into a combat position.

"Woah!" Frederick jumped back.

"Who are ye?!" He demanded.

I instantly knew he was, the husky, cracking voice, the pirate accent, "Foxy?"

"Mangle?" He asked me.

" know this guy?" BonBon asked.

"I used to..." I replied.

"Mangle you don't have to answer to this guy! Just tell me why I'm here and-"

"Oh but she does have to answer to you!" Bon hissed at him.

A/n(gie): To clear any of you guy's confusion and my own...I address Toy Bonnie by the following: Toy Bonnie, BonBon, and Bon.

"Keep out of this, Blue-Bunny-Brat!" Foxy hissed at him.

"Stop it, both of you! All of this useless crap, is pointless! The only thing you both are proving is that you're both jealous, argumentative jerks!" I yelled they froze.

BonBon was frozen but Foxy...Foxy was totally turned on...

"Well, lassie I never knew you could be do feisty!"

"Oh shut up!"


"Just everyone leave me alone!" I screamed.

Everyone ran out. I sat alone in my cove for about two hours.

"Knock-Knock," Said a voice from outside.

"What?" I asked as I quickly wiped my eyes.

"Its me..."

"Who's me?" I demanded.


"What do you want?"

"To talk to you..."

I sighed, "Fine...come in..."

He came inside and sat beside me.

"I know how you feel..." He told me.

I dried my eyes, "What do you mean?"

"To have all this negative attention on you for something you didn't do..."

I kept looking at him, waiting for more.

"Have you ever heard of, 'The Bite of '83'?" He asked me.

I shook my head.

"A teenager...put on a mask...a mask with my face on it and shoved his little brother is Fredbear's mouth,"

"Oh my God..."

He sighed, "Everyone thought I did it..."

"Foxy...that was four years ago..."

"What? F-Four years?!"

"Yes, this is the year 1987,"

He looked shocked, "I-I-I,"

"You were shut down...I saw..."

"What did you-"

"They rolled me out from that room...the one with all the blood..."


A tear rolled down my cheek, "I'll never unsee it..."

"Mangle stop-"

"And then I saw you when I was finally free...but were trapped...I wanted to help you...but they wouldn't let me..." I took a shuddered breath, "When I did...they reset me...things weren't like this...the others...they weren't very nice to me...when I saw you again...when we 'First Met,' I couldn't remember...but now I know...I know what I did...and it was no accident..."

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