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Peggy's POV

Eliza and Alex looked like... Well, they looked like two kids that had been living on their own for about 5 years. I couldn't believe they were officially married!

The moment that all four of us (and toddler Angie) were looking at each other was too much to take in. The Eliza/Alex marriage, seeing these two for the first time in 5 years, and the way Alex and Angelica's eyes met for just a moment, and Angie was rendered completely speechless. Momentarily. The two kids added even more ridiculousness.

It was strange to stand there. I took in what Eliza and Alex looked like. Eliza looked exhausted, and not cared for-- Which, I suppose, was true. Alex looked the same-- Except that the rope burns from years ago had turned into scars. Eliza had a white scar across her cheek. I had no idea where that came from. They looked terrible, honestly, but what can ya do? Eliza pulled the two of us into the house.

The house was a complete mess. I guess they didn't have any time to clean it up! Little Angie and Philip stood awkwardly behind their parents--that was weird-- and Alex cleared it up. "These are just some friends from before you were born. We haven't seen them for a while, and we're gonna catch up a little, okay?" The two kids nodded and ran off down the narrow hallway. "So," I managed, "We've graduated... College..." Angelica nodded. "Yeah, what about you guys?" Eliza glanced down, "I think it's time for you to go, if that's how it's going to be." I nudged Angelica in the side, and said, "No, it WON'T be like that... But we should go."

Philip's POV (surprise!)

Angie and I scurried down the hall and into the small room that we shared. She pulled the small mess of tape that we'd created and held it to the wall. Now, we could hear everything that they said. I heard an unfamiliar voice mutter to Mom and Dad, "But we should go." Then footsteps out the door. It was quiet. 

Nothing for hours after that, until another person burst through the door without even knocking, and screamed, "I SUCCEEDED IN MY GOAL AND I'M NOT HAPPY THAT I DID! I DIDN'T THINK THIS THROUGH! THIS KID ISN'T TIMED RIGHT, HELP!" I heard a baby crying, and felt a shudder from someone hitting the wall to hard the mess of tape, and both of us, fell from the wall. It was chaos.

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