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Chapter 1

Taeyeon woke up and felt someone had their arms wrapped around her waist. She 

looked under the blanket and saw a blonde girl sleeping beside her. 

Taeyeon smiled by herself when she saw the beautiful girl sleeping beside her. 

Taeyeon took away the girls arms and kissed her on the forehead before she got out 

of bed. She walked in the shower and took a quick shower before she was going to 

prepare the breakfast. When she got out of the shower the blonde girl was still 

sleeping. Taeyeon smiled a bit but the smile soon faded and she had  a serious face. 

She looked at the girl on the bed and then on the computer in the living room. I 

wonder how long she will sleep. Taeyeon thought. Taeyeon rubbed her hair with the 

towel she had around her neck when she slowly walked to the computer in the living 

room. She sat down on the chair next to it and turned it on.  I will just look if I have 

any mails, nothing else. She thought. She looked if she had any mails and she had 

three. She looked who it was from and it was from the same person. She opened th e 

first mail.

Taeyeon I really need you here now! You said you would come here soon and help 

me! Please answer!

Taeyeons hands had started shaking. She deleted the mail and started read the 

other ones.

Taeyeon if you don't come here soon, it will get pretty bad! I know you have this girl, 

but please can you forget about her for a while? I really need you now, you know?

She deleted it and opened the last one. She was going to start reading it when she 

heard a cracking sound from the bedroom. She turned around fearing that her 

girlfriend had woken up. But she hadn't, she had only changed sleeping position. 

Taeyeon let out a sigh. She started read the last mail again.

Taeyeon if you don't come here soon, I'm afraid that I must come to you and get 

you here! Don't you care what happens to me? Or don't you care what happens 


Taeyeon deleted the last mail. She was going to replay to them later. She looked at 

the time and saw it was almost 9 am. She needed to prepare breakfast and go to 


She turned off the computer and walked out in the kitchen and started to take out 

what she was going to prepare. She was cutting some ham when she felt some arms 

wrap around her waist and a face appeared beside her.

"Mmm what are you cocking?" Jessica asked.

"Sandwich, if you go and wash yourself I can give you one without cucumber." 

Taeyeon said with a smile.

Jessica wrapped her arms tighter around Taeyeon and rested her chin on Taeyeons 


"I don't think you would make a sandwich with cucumber in it when you know I 'm 

here." She said and pouted.

Aww she's pouting. So cute! Taeyeon thought.

"Hehe of course I wouldn't." Taeyeon said and smiled even wider than before. 


Jessica kissed Taeyeon and went to the bathroom. Taeyeon heard that she put on 

the water in the shower. Taeyeon continued making the sandwiches.

How will I ever be able to leave her? I love her too much. She thought to herself.

She putted the sandwiches on the table and placed two glasses with orange juice 

there too. She sat on one of the chairs and looked at the empty set in front of her. 

She heard that Jessica had turned off the water so she would come and eat soon. 

Taeyeon changed sitting position and when she looked up Jessica had come into the 

kitchen. She had a big t-shirt and a pair jogging pants on. She sat on the chair 

opposite Taeyeon.

She's so beautiful! Taeyeon thought to herself.

"It looks delicious!" Jessica said and grabbed a bite of her sandwich.

Taeyeon smiled at her girlfriend and took a bite of her sandwich too.

"Do you have work today?" Jessica asked after a while.

"Yeah. Why?" Taeyeon answered.

"I'm just wondering if you can drive me to my work on your way to yours." Jessica 

said and smiled.

Of course I can if you smile like that. Taeyeon thought to herself.

"Hello? Taeyeon?" Jessica said and waved her hand in front of Taeyeon.

"Huh? What?" Taeyeon said after she woke up from her daydreaming.

"You were spaced out. So can you drive me there?" Jessica asked.

"Yeah, of course I can." Taeyeon said and smiled.

"Thank you!" Jessica jumped up from her seat and kissed Taeyeon quickly on the lips 

and went to the bedroom to change clothes.

Taeyeon smiled to see her girlfriend so happy. She took the dishes and started 

washing them. She still thought about the mails she had read earlier. 

When Jessica had finished changing clothes they both got out and sat in Taeyeons 

car. Taeyeon drove out in the street and started driving to Jessica‟s work.

"Do you want me to pick you up later?" Taeyeon asked.

"I don't know when I'm done, but I can call you." Jessica s aid.

"Okay. Do you want to eat something special tonight?"

"Anything you cook is good for me." Jessica said and Taeyeon could feel that she 


"Okay, then I will make a cucumber salad." Taeyeon said and grinned.

"No! Anything except cucumber!" Jessica screamed and smacked Taeyeon lightly on 

the arm. 

Taeyeon just laughed took Jessica‟s hand in hers.

"I was just kidding, okay?" Taeyeon said and looked Jessica in the eyes.

Jessica pouted and nodded in answer.

"Good." Taeyeon hugged Jessica and kissed her before she let her go. 

"Now go and good luck on your work." Taeyeon said and smiled.

Jessica looked surprised and looked out the window and saw that they had come to 

her work.

Jessica went out of the car and saw Taeyeon drive of. She walked in to the bu ilding 

with the big Soshi Fashion sign on. When she came in from the doors she saw three 

girls approached her. They were all pretty tall and all of them had long black hair.

Taeyeon parked her car near the company‟s building and went in. She took the 

elevator up to the fourth floor. When she came in to her office two girls where there. 

One was tall and was eating on something and the other one was shorter, almost 


like Taeyeons height. And she was talking to the taller about something. The tallest 

sat on the chair next to the desk and the shorter sat on the desk.

"Hey what are you guys doing here?" Taeyeon asked and hang her coat behind the 


"The boss wanted to talk to you." The shorter answered.

"It seems pretty serious." The tallest added.

Taeyeon nodded to what the two girls where saying when she saw that the tallest 

was eating something.

"Hey! Sooyoung don't eat in my office!" Taeyeon said and walked up to her to take 

what she was eating on.

"But I didn't eat any breakfast." Sooyoung said and looked at Taeyeon with puppy 


"You did eat breakfast! You even ate mine so I needed to cook more!" The shorter 

girl said.

"You cooked too little! It was like food for a bird!" Sooyoung said.

"Hey if you guys are going to have a love quarrel, do it somewhere else and not 

here. Don't you have any work to do?" Taeyeon said before they could continue with 

their quarrel.

"No I'm actually free today." Sooyoung said and rested her back at the chairs back.

"And what about you Hyoyeon?" Taeyeon asked and looked at the shorter girl.

"I have some work. But not much." Hyoyeon said.

Taeyeon looked at both of them. She couldn't believe she had worked with this two 

in one year now.

"Well I have a lot of work to do. So I'm afraid that you must go now." Taeyeon said 

and pushed the two girls out of the office.

"Will you join us for lunch later?" Sooyoung asked while Taeyeon tried to push her 

out of the office.

"What lunch? Didn't you just eat?" Taeyeon asked the tall girl.

"She doesn't have a bottom of her stomach." Hyoyeon said and patted the taller girl‟s 


"I do have a bottom of my stomach!" Sooyoung said and blushed a bit.

Taeyeon sighed and closed the door. She walked to her desk and sat on the chair. 

She looked at the roof before she looked at the package of the thing Sooyoung had 

eaten earlier.

She looked at it for a while until she realized what it was. She grabbed the package 

to look if there where something left but there wasn't.

Yah Sooyoung! You are going to pay me back for eating my jelly worms! She thought 

and threw the package in the garbage.


Chapter 2

Jessica walked to the three girls that were walking towards her.

"Good morning." She said to them.

"Morning." One girl said.

"Good morning unnie." The other two said.

"So why did you call me Yuri?" She asked the girl that had greeted her first.

"I need your help with some things." Yuri said.

"And what are those things?" Jessica asked.

"I will show it to you."

All the girls went into the elevator.

"So how do you like this place so far Seohyun?" Jessica asked one of the other girls.

"It's very nice. But my feet hurt from all the running for all the things all the unnies 

are asking for." Seohyun said.

"You will get used to it pretty soon." Jessica said.

They went up to the third floor and walked to an office. Yuri walked to the computer 

on the desk and turned it on. She said to Jessica to sit down on the chair opposite 

her and Jessica did what she said. The other two girls sat on the sofa that was 

placed a bit from the desk.

"Look at this!" Yuri said and turned the screen so Jessica could see it.

It was a picture of a girl in a white dress. She had a very innocent look but looked 

really pretty.

"Yeah? What‟s wrong with it?" Jessica asked and looked at Yuri.

"She's too pretty!" Yuri screamed.

Jessica looked at Yuri with a cold gaze. Yuri backed a bit.

"You called me over here just to say that your girlfriend is too pretty on a picture?!" 

Jessica screamed and smacked her hands on the desk.

"I can't concentrate on my work when she's that pretty." Yuri said.

Jessica rested her forehead on her hand.

"You could just have let someone else look at the pictures then." Jessica said and 

tried to calm down a little.

"But I'm afraid they will try to take her away from me." Yuri said and looked a bit 


"So what do you want me to do about it then? Make your paranoia fly away?" Jessica 

said and looked at Yuri.

"Well....I want you to look at the pictures. Because I trust you and I know you won't 

try something on her." Yuri said with her gaze on the floor.

Jessica still looked at Yuri and raised an eyebrow. 

"Sure, I will look at the pictures." Jessica said and got up from her seat.

"Really?" Yuri looked at Jessica all happy.

"Yeah, but Yoona won't be with you today. She will be with me!" Jessica said and 

grabbed the girl that sat next to Seohyun and dragged her out of the office and 

closed the door after them.

"Wait! Jessica!" Yuri ran after them but the door closed right before she could catch 

up with them.

Yuri slammed her hands on the door and sat on the floor with her back against the 

closed door. 


"She's cruel." Yuri mumbled to herself.

Seohyun walked to her unnie that sat on the floor. She put her hand on her shoulder 

for comfort.

"I think Jessica unnie knew why you didn't want to look through the photos." 

Seohyun said.

"I think so too." Yuri said still sitting on the floor.

Jessica walked in to her office and didn't let go of Yoona until they were in her office. 

She let go of Yoona and closed the door behind them.

"Kwon Yuri, you think you're so smart but I know what you were really planning." 

Jessica thought loud.

Yoona stood where Jessica had let go of her and looked at her. Jessica putted her 

things on the desk and sat on the chair, and then she noticed that Yoona still stood 


"Yoona you can sit down if you want." Jessica said pointed to one of the chairs.

"Well...I shouldn't be here today because I have a day of today but Yuri wanted me 

to come with her here today." 

"Do you want to go home then?" Jessica asked.

"No I can wait for Yuri." Yoona said and sat on the chair Jessica  had pointed to.

Jessica looked at the younger girl that sat on the chair. Yoona was one of the best 

models in the company and she was the youngest too. Jessica had started in the 

company because her friend Yuri had suggested that she should start there.

Jessica was happy that she had met Yoona, Yoona was like a little sister to her and 

they worked well together. 

"Jessica looked at the photos on the computer screen. It was photos from one of 

Yoona‟s photo shoots. Yuri was right when she said that Yoona was pretty, but Yuri 

had done her work in two years and never said that she couldn't concentrate 

because the model were too pretty. So Jessica thought it was one of Yuri‟s excuses 

so she could spend some time with Yoona when Yoona had a day of.

"So how come you had a day of today?" Jessica asked still looking at the pictures on 

the screen.

"The photo shoot I was supposed to go to closed because it was too windy." Yoona 


"That‟s too bad." Jessica answered still looking at the screen.

They sat quiet for a while. Jessica looked through all the photos and she took a quick 

glance of Yoona. Yoona sat and listened to her iPod and looked out of the window.

It feels like I'm cruel to you too now when you just sit here and don't do anything. 

Jessica thought.

Jessica turned off the computer and got up from her seat and stretched. 

"Come Yoona. We are going to get Yuri and Seohyun and go and eat something." 

Jessica said and offered a hand to Yoona who was still sitting.

Yoona smiled wide and grabbed Jessica‟s hand and they walked out in the hallway. 

Jessica knocked on Yuri‟s office door and Seohyun opened it.

"Unnie!" She said happy.

"Is Yuri here? I wanted to ask you if you two wanted to come and eat with us." 

Jessica said and walked in to the office.

"Yuri unnie are talking to someone on the second floor." Seohyun said.

Jessica and Yoona looked at Seohyun.

"We are going to the second floor." Jessica said and walked out of the office and to 


the elevator.

They went to the second floor and Jessica asked one of the girls that were fixing 

some clothes if Yuri was here. The girl said that Yuri had gone with a girl to a room 

farther away in the hallway. Jessica stormed to the room the girl had said Yuri was in 

and she slammed up the door and saw Yuri sitting close to a girl with long brown 

hair. Jessica crossed her arms when she saw the sight.

"Uh Jessica, what are you doing here?" Yuri said and backed away from the girl.

"I would like to ask you the same." Jessica said cold.

Yoona and Seohyun came into the room and Yoona gasped of the sight she saw.

"Yuri...You haven't..." She said.

"No no, I can explain!" Yuri said and got up from her seat to go to Yoona.

The girl that was seated in the sofa got up from her seat.

"It's not what you think. Yuri came to me and wanted to talk  about a photo shoot I 

had done. And I got something in my eye and Yuri was going to help me take it out." 

She said and walked closer to them.

"And you are?" Jessica asked.

"Victoria, nice to meet you." Victoria said and offered a hand.

"Jessica." Jessica said and grabbed the hand.

"Anyway, I wanted to ask Yuri if she wanted to come and eat with us." Jessica said 

and turned her head to Yuri.

"Yeah, I have finished talking to Victoria so I can come with you." Yuri said.

"Okay, we are going then." Jessica said and walked out of the room.

The girls left the room and Victoria stood there and watched them walk away.

The girls took the elevator to the floor where the cafeteria was. Yuri grabbed Yoona‟s 

hand to say sorry. 

"We talk about it later." Yoona whispered to Yuri.

Yuri nodded in answer.

The girls went to the cafeteria and took something to eat and sat at a table next to a 

window. They ate in silence till Yoona broke the silence.

"How is it between you and your girlfriend unnie?" She asked Jessica.

Jessica swallowed what she had in her mouth.

"Pretty good." Jessica said.

"How long have you been together?" Yuri asked.

"Tomorrow it will be one year." Jessica said.

"Congratulation then!" Yuri said and the two youngest nodded in agreement.

"Are you going to do something special then?" Yuri asked.

"I don't know, we haven't talked about it." Jessica said and looked at her plate.

I wanted to talk about it in the car this morning. Jessica thought.

The other three girls watched Jessica. They looked at each other and all of them had 

a bit worried look on their face.

"You can talk to her tonight." Yuri suggested.

"Yeah." The other two said.

"Yeah, I will call her later and ask if she can come and pick me up after work." 

Jessica said and forced a smile.

"Call her now." Yuri suggested.

Jessica looked at her.

"She might have lunch now." Yuri said with a smile.

Jessica took out her cell phone from her pocket and pressed Taeyeons number. 


Taeyeon sat on her office and read some papers that were placed on her desk. She 

looked at the heap of papers when the phone called. She picked it up.

"Taeyeon can you please come to my office." Her boss said.

"Yes of course." She said and hung up.

Taeyeon walked to her boss's office and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" A voice said.

"It's Kim Taeyeon." Taeyeon said.

"You can come in."

Taeyeon walked in and there was another girl sitting on one of the chairs in the 


"Taeyeon I want you to meet..." Her boss started but got cut off.

"Taeyeon!" The girl jumped up from her seat and hugged Taeyeon.

"Ti...Tiffany?" Taeyeon asked.

Taeyeons boss looked shocked at the two girls.

"I can't believe you are working here!" Tiffany said when she had stopped hugging


"Well I do." Taeyeon said and smiled.

"You two can sit down." A voice said.

Both Taeyeon and Tiffany looked at Taeyeons boss that sat and looked at them.

Taeyeon and Tiffany sat down on the chairs.

"So you two already know each other?" Taeyeons boss asked.

"Yeah we went to same school." Taeyeon said.

"Well it's good that you already know each other, because you two will be working 

together from now on. Taeyeon you can show Tiffany around and help her if there is 

anything she needs help with."

"Okay boss." Taeyeon said.

"So Tiffany I hope you will work hard with us now." Their boss said.

"I will do my best." Tiffany said.

"That‟s good. You two can go now." Their boss said.

Taeyeon and Tiffany bowed to their boss before leaving the office.

When they had closed the door Tiffany hugged Taeyeon again.

"I can't believe it's you." She said.

Taeyeon couldn't say anything because of Tiffany's tight hug. When they finally had 

stopped hugged they started go around and Taeyeon showed her around.

"Weren't you supposed do go back to America?" Taeyeon asked Tiffany after a while.

"Yeah, but a few things happened so I came back." Tiffany said.

Taeyeon nodded. She didn't want to ask Tiffany what had happened right now 

because it seemed like it bothered her and Taeyeon didn't feel like it was the right 

time to talk about it either.

Taeyeon continued showed Tiffany around and when they were finished Taeyeon felt 

a bit hungry.

"Do you want to eat lunch?" She asked Tiffany.

"Sure, I'm a bit hungry actually." Tiffany said and showed Taeyeon her eye smile.

Taeyeon smiled back. She was happy to see her old friend from school again.

"Is it okay if two of my friends join us?" Taeyeon asked.

"Yeah it's okay. I would be nice to meet new people." Tiffany said still smiling.

Taeyeon smiled and took up her cell phone and called Sooyoung and it didn't take 


too long for her to pick up.

"Yeah?" Sooyoung answered and it sounded like she had something in her mouth.

"Sooyoung? Do you and Hyoyeon want to join me and a friend for lunch?" Taeyeon 


"Lunch? Sure, we meet you in the cafeteria." Sooyoung said.

"Okay." Taeyeon hung up.

"We will meet them in the cafeteria." Taeyeon said and smiled to Tiffany.

They walked to the cafeteria and Taeyeon saw that Sooyoung and Hyoyeon where 

already sitting by a table. Taeyeon and Tiffany took the food they were going to eat 

and went to their table.

"Hey guys. This is Tiffany; she will be working here from now on. Be nice to her." 

Taeyeon said and took a seat next to Hyoyeon.

"Hello my name is Tiffany. Take good care of me." Tiffany said and took the seat 

next to Sooyoung.

"A newcomer, nice to meet you. My name is Hyoyeon and this is Sooyoung." 

Hyoyeon said.

They sat and eat and talked with each other. Hyoyeon and Sooyoung asked Tiffany 

about different things.

"So you know Taeyeon from school." Hyoyeon said and looked at both of them.

"Yeah, I started in Taeyeon‟s school when I moved from the US here. And since then 

me and Taeyeon have gone to the same school."

"Interesting." Hyoyeon said and smiled.

They continued with their chatting and eating and Taeyeon got some rice stuck on 

her cheek.

"You got some rice here." Tiffany said and whipped Taeyeons cheek gently.

"Thanks." Taeyeon said and smiled.

Hyoyeon and Sooyoung looked at each other after what they saw.

"You know, if Jessica saw that, you would be a frozen ice sculpture right now." 

Sooyoung said and looked at Taeyeon.

"Who's Jessica?" Tiffany asked and looked at Taeyeon.

"My girlfriend." Taeyeon answered and whipped her mouth.

Tiffany sat and looked at Taeyeon.

"So what happened with....?” Tiffany got cut off by a phone that was calling.

"Sorry it's mine." Hyoyeon said and picked up.

They sat quiet and listened to what Hyoyeon said.

"A friend will have a party tonight and are asking if I can come and  I can invite some 

people if I want." Hyoyeon said and looked at them.

"I can come with you." Sooyoung said.

"I don't know, I must ask Jessica first." Taeyeon said.

They looked at Tiffany.

"I can go." Tiffany said

"Okay I have two people with me, maybe three. So what time is it?" Hyoyeon 

continued to talk to the person in the phone.

They waited for Hyoyeon to finish her call. And when she finished it she smiled a bit.

"So the party starts at 9." She said and pouted her cell phone back in her pocket.

"Where is the party?" Sooyoung asked.

"At Victoria‟s house." 

"But why don't you invite Jessica to the party?" Hyoyeon said and turned to Taeyeon.  


"Well tomorrow is ours...." Taeyeon begun but she got cut off by her phone ringing.

She looked who was calling and saw it was Jessica.

"Who is it?" Sooyoung asked.

"Its' Jessica" Taeyeon said.

"Ask her now! It's you opportunity" Sooyoung said.

Taeyeon picked up and heard Jessica‟s beautiful voice.

"Taeyeon? Are you busy right now?" Jessica asked.

"No, I have lunch right now." Taeyeon answered.

"Good, can you come and pick me up later?" 

"Yeah sure, what time?"

Jessica was quiet for a bit.

"Three?" She said after a while.

"Yeah I will be there then. Jessica? I have something to ask you." Taeyeon said and 

looked at the others around her.

"What is it?" Jessica asked.

"A friend invited me to a party and I'm wondering if you want to come with me" 

Taeyeon said.

Jessica was quiet again.

"When is it?" She asked

"Today at 9."

Jessica looked at Yuri and Yoona in front of her.

"What is she saying?" Yuri whispered.

"She's asking if I can come with her to a party." She whispered back.

"Say yes and ask if you can take some friends with you." Yuri said.

"Yes I can come with you, but can I take some friends with me?" Jessica asked.

Taeyeon looked at Hyoyeon.

"Is it okay if Jessica takes some friends with her?" She whispered to Hyoyeon.

Hyoyeon nodded.

"Yes it's okay. Taeyeon said.

"Okay so you pick me up at three?" Jessica said.

"Yeah I pick you up at three, bye."

"Bye bye"

They both hung up.

"So what did she say?" Sooyoung asked Taeyeon when she had finished talking to 


"She said that she would come with me and she wanted to take some friends with 


Sooyoung nodded. They sat quiet for a while and then Taeyeon remembered 


"Sooyoung you owe me a package jelly worms!" Taeyeon said and pointed at 


"What me?" Sooyoung said and pointed at herself.

"Yeah you. Remember this morning, you ate them when you sat in my office!"

"Yeah, I was so hungry and that was all I could find." 

"It was mine jelly worms! I need them." 

"Hey calm down Shorty. I will buy new ones for you." Sooyoung said.

Taeyeon crossed her arms and pouted.

"I'm not short." She mumbled. 


They all heard someone giggling and they turned their heads towards the person.

"Sorry sorry, but you haven't changed at all." Tiffany said and pointed at Taeyeon.

"You always liked jelly worms in school too and you didn't like it when people ate 

them without your permission." Tiffany continued.

Taeyeon had stopped pouting and started smile a bit. She liked to hear Tiffany talk 

about their past. After all, they had been best friends.

"Anyway about tonight. How will you come to the party?" Taeyeon asked Tiffany.

"I don't know. I don't even know where it is." She said and looked at all the girls.

"Don't worry. Me and Sooyoung can come and pick you up. And after that we can 

meet up with Taeyeon and Jessica and her friends before going to the party." 

Hyoyeon suggested.

"That sounds good." Taeyeon said.

Tiffany just nodded.

"Well I must go and finish up my work now. So see you guys later then." Taeyeon 

said and stood up.

"Yeah see you." Sooyoung and Hyoyeon said.

"Taeyeon!" Tiffany said and grabbed Taeyeons arm.

"What is it?" Taeyeon asked.

"Can....can I come with you to your office for a while?" Tiffany said and looked at 


"Yeah of course you can." Taeyeon said and smiled at her.

They both went to Taeyeons office and Taeyeon sat on the chair and took up some 

papers and started reading them. Tiffany sat on the chair opposite Taeyeon and 

looked at her when she was working.

"Taeyeon is it something you haven't told me?" Tiffany started.

"Like what?" Taeyeon looked at Tiffany.

"Like this Jessica. What happened to Sunny?"

"She got pregnant." Taeyeon said and continued reading the papers.

Tiffany stared at Taeyeon. She couldn't understand what Taeyeon just said.

"She what?! Did you make her pregnant?! But you are both girls...that are 

impossible!" Tiffany screamed.

"Don't talk so loud." Taeyeon said and gestured that she would talk quieter.

Tiffany covered her mouth with her hands.

"A few months after we had finished high school she told me that she was pregnant. 

And we all know that two girls can't make a baby so I knew what she had done. She 

said that she didn't love that guy and he started avoiding her when she had told him 

that she was pregnant with his baby. I couldn't stand the thought of that she had 

been cheating on me with a guy and that she got pregnant too so I broke up with 

her. But she said she couldn't take care of the baby alone and she needed help. So I 

offered her my help for a while, but then I found this job so I moved here and I met 

Jessica so I stopped helping Sunny with the baby." Taeyeon stopped and turned her 

head to the window.

Tiffany looked at her friend that sat in front of her. She didn't know that so much 

had happened to her when she had gone to the US.

"So you haven't talked to her since then?" Tiffany asked.

"She took contact with me for a few months ago. She said she needed money 

because her parents didn't give her any so I sent some money to her. And now she 

wants me to come back to her." Taeyeon said and looked down on her hands. 


"And Jessica doesn't know about anything of this?" Tiffany asked.

Taeyeon nodded.

Tiffany got up from her seat and hugged her little friend.

"Sorry I couldn't be there for you when you had a hard time." She said.

"You are here now." Taeyeon said.

"Yeah, and I will try to help you with all this now." Tiffany said.

Tiffany stopped hugging Taeyeon and Taeyeon looked at the time.

"I must go now. I need to pick up Jessica at her work." Taeyeon said and got up 

from her seat.

"Yeah. I will see you at the party." Tiffany said.

Taeyeon turned around and looked at Tiffany.

"Do you want me to drive you to your home?" Taeyeon asked while sh e was putting 

on her coat.

"No it's okay. I will ask Sooyoung or Hyoyeon if they can drive me." Tiffany said and 


"Okay see you later then." Taeyeon said and walked out of the office.

If I let you be too nice to me, I will fall for you again. Tiffany thought when she saw

Taeyeon leave the Office.


Chapter 3

Jessica waited outside the building. She looked at the time, it was too early for 

Taeyeon to come. She sat down on one of the benches outside. She looked at the 

people passing by. She felt that someone come behind her but she couldn't turn 

around before the person had already covered her sight.

"Guess who?" The person said.

Jessica knew that dorky voice to well to get fooled.

"Taeyeon!" She said and took away Taeyeons hand from her eyes.

"Right!" Taeyeon said and kissed her on the lips.

"You are early." Jessica said and kissed her back.

"Well I drove here fast." Taeyeon said and sat beside her on the bench.

Jessica smacked Taeyeon light on the arm.

"You can't drive too fast in the traffic, what am I supposed to do if you get in an 

accident?" Jessica said and looked serious at Taeyeon.

"Take care of me when I'm in the hospital." Taeyeon said and hugged her. 

"Taeyeon I'm serious!" Jessica said and pushed Taeyeon away a bit.

Taeyeon stopped hugging Jessica.

"Okay, I won't drive so fast in the traffic again. Happy?" Taeyeon asked and looked 

Jessica in the eyes.

"Happy." Jessica said and kissed Taeyeon.

Taeyeon hugged her and pulled her closer to her. 

"Taeyeon we are outside my work, what happens if someone sees us?" Jessica 


"They will get jealous." Taeyeon said and kissed Jessica again.

Jessica kissed Taeyeon back but stopped the kiss and got up.

"Come now. I need to get ready for the party." She sad and took Taeyeons hand.

Taeyeon pouted a bit because Jessica had stopped the kiss.

"You are a teaser." Taeyeon said while they walked to her car.

"You will have me for yourself tomorrow." Jessica said and smiled at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon looked all happy now and jumped like a little kid to the car still holding 

Jessica‟s hand. Taeyeon started the car and drove out in the street.

"Before we go home, I need to buy clothes to the party." Jessica said.

They went to the shop Jessica usually goes to. But they went to five more shops until 

Jessica was finish.

"Is it somewhere else you want to go to before we go home?" Taeyeon asked and 

followed Jessica with all her bags.

"No I'm finish now, now we can go home." Jessica said and smiled. 

They drove home and the time was over six when they come home.

"I will go and take a shower." Jessica said and went in to the bathroom.

Taeyeon leaved all the bags on their bed. She sighed at the sight of all the bags. But 

she smiled of the thought of Jessica‟s smile when she tried on all the clothes. She 

went to the living room and turned on the TV and sat in the sofa. She zapped 

through all the channels but she couldn't find anything fun to see. She stopped at 

some program about elephants and watched a bit of it. She looked at the computer 

and just remembered the mails she had got. She listened to the pouring water in the 


shower and thought that Jessica would be in there for a while. She went to the 

computer and turned it on. I hope she hasn't sent anymore mails. Taeyeon thought. 

She looked and saw that she hadn't got any new mails. Taeyeon pressed the 'New' 

button to write a new mail. She thought about what she was going to write but she 

couldn't think of anything. She then come up with something to write and started to 


Sunny, I'm sorry I haven't responded to your mails until now. Even though you want 

me to come to help you I'm afraid I can't. I have my work here and my new friends, 

and I don't want to leave them. And I have this special girl that have a special place 

in my heart, and just thinking about leaving her is br eaking me apart. So I hope you 

understand and good luck with your life. 

Taeyeon sent the mail and rested her back against the chair back. She heard that 

Jessica had turned off the water so she got up from her seat on the chair and lied 

down on the sofa. She heard the bathroom door open and heard steps coming closer 

to her. She closed her eyes and she felt someone look at her.

"Taeyeon, are you asleep?" Jessica asked and looked at Taeyeon that was lying on 

the sofa.

"No, just resting a bit." Taeyeon said.

"Had a hard day at work?" Jessica asked while she sat on the armrest.

"No, I just had a lot to do." Taeyeon answered.

"I see." Jessica said and brushed away a bit of Taeyeons hair that was in her face.

Taeyeon grabbed Jessica‟s hand that was touching her face. She opened her eyes 

and saw Jessica with wet hair and a big t-shirt looking down at her. Taeyeon thought 

she looked really sexy like that. Taeyeon made place for Jessica to lie beside her in 

the sofa and Jessica lay down beside Taeyeon and Taeyeon hugg ed her tight.

"Jessica, you know that I love you and I will never leave you." Taeyeon whispered in 

Jessica‟s ear.

"Yeah, I love you too and I will never leave you." Jessica whispered back.

They lied there and hugged each other for a while.

"Do you know what day it is tomorrow?" Jessica asked.

"Yeah, I know." Taeyeon answered.

"Shouldn't we plan something for it?" Jessica asked.

Taeyeon was quiet for a short time.

"Can't we just take the day as it comes?" Taeyeon asked.

Jessica thought about it.

"Sounds good." She said and smiled a bit.

They lied down for a little longer. 

"What time is it?" Taeyeon asked after a while.

"Don't know. Over eight maybe." Jessica said a bit sleepy.

"We need to get ready and pick up your friends." Taeyeon said and tried to get up.

"No, I want to lie like this for a few more minutes." Jessica said and hugged Taeyeon 


Taeyeon smiled at Jessica‟s action. She kissed Jessica‟s cheek.

"I will let you hug me as much as you want tomorrow, but now we need to go." 

Taeyeon whispered in Jessica‟s ear.

Jessica released Taeyeon from her hug and Taeyeon went in to their bedroom to get 

ready. Jessica lied down on the sofa still feeling the warmth after Taeyeon.

"I think you also need to get ready." Taeyeon whispered in to Jessica‟s ear. Jessica 


got surprised by it and jumped up from the sofa.

Taeyeon grinned by the reaction from Jessica and Jessica pouted and went to get 


Yuri sat at the kitchen table and watched Yoona eat. They hadn't talked to each 

other since they left work.

"I'm sorry." Yuri started.

Yoona looked at her a bit surprised.

"It wasn't like it looked like. I went to Victoria to talk to her and she got something in 

her eye and I was going to help her take it out and then you came into the room." 

Yuri continued.

Yoona was still quiet and didn't say anything.

"Please can you forgive me and please say something!" Yuri begged.

Yoona looked at her girlfriend that desperately tried to get her forgiveness. 

"I forgive you, but if I find you like that with someone else it's over. Okay?" Yoona 


"I promise! I will not lay a finger on someone else!" Yuri said and grabbed  Yoona‟s


"If you say so, I believe you." Yoona said and placed her other hand on Yuri‟s hand 

that had grabbed her.

Yuri looked Yoona in the eyes and leaned forward. Yoona felt Yuri gentle lips touch 

hers and Yuri kissed her. Yoona kissed her back but they stopped kissing when Yuri‟s 

cell phone rang. Yuri looked who was calling and saw it was Jessica. Yuri picked up 

the phone. Yoona watched Yuri when she talked to the person in phone. She played 

with Yuri‟s fingers at the hand that was still holding hers. Yuri ended the call and 

looked at Yoona.

"It was Jessica, she said that she and Taeyeon will be here in ten minutes and pick 

us up." Yuri said. 

"Okay, but I'm ready." Yoona said.

"Me too." Yuri said and leaned closer kiss Yoona again.

Yoona backed away a bit.

"Shouldn't we go down and wait for them?" Yoona asked before Yuri could kiss her.

"Soon." Yuri said and started kissing Yoona again. 

They got interrupted again by Yuri‟s phone that was calling again, and Yuri 


"Kwon Yuri, stop making out with Yoona and get down here now. We don't have all 

night!" Jessica‟s voice screamed in her ear and then she hung up.

Yuri looked at her phone. How did you know what we were doing? Yuri thought.

Taeyeon and Jessica waited in the car for Yuri and Yoona. Taeyeon grabbed Jessica‟s 

hand and smiled at her. Jessica smiled back.

"Did you know, you are very beautiful?" Taeyeon said and leaned closer to Jessica.

"I've heard it a few times."Jessica said not backing away from Taeyeon.

Before their lips could meet they got interrupted by someone knocking on the 

window. Taeyeon and Jessica looked who it was and it was of course Yuri and 



Jessica told them to get into the car and Yuri and Yoona jumped in the backseat. 

Taeyeon drove off to the place where they would meet Sooyoung, Hyoyeon and 


"Aren't Seohyun coming with us?" Jessica asked and looked at Yuri and Yoona.

"No, she was tired so she stayed at home." Yoona answered.

"I see." Jessica said and looked at the street.

Taeyeon parked at a parking spot near a store and they walked a bit to where three 

girls where standing.

"Hey guys." Taeyeon said and waved to them.

"Hey." They said.

"This is Jessica, Yuri and Yoona." Taeyeon said and pointed at the girls.

"And this is Tiffany, Sooyoung and Hyoyeon." Taeyeon said and pointed to the other 


All the girls greeted each other and then they walked to where the party where. 

Sooyoung and Hyoyeon held hand and so did Taeyeon and Jessica, and Yuri and 

Yoona. Tiffany walked beside Taeyeon not saying anything.

"I heard you were from the US." Jessica said to Tiffany.

Tiffany looked at Jessica and felt like a shock through her body. She didn't know 

what it was. Maybe she was nervous?

"Yeah, I am." Tiffany answered and smiled.

"I see, I'm also from the US." Jessica said.

Taeyeon listened to the conversation her girlfriend and her friend had. She smiled 

when it seemed like they got along. They arrived at a big house, and it was many 

people in there and loud music was playing. Hyoyeon opened the door to the house 

and walked in.

"Lets find a place to sit." She said. 

The others girl followed her. They tried to walk through all the people and tried to 

find a place to sit. They found two sofas and an armchair that was surrounding a 

table. They settled down there.

"So do you want anything to drink?" Hyoyeon asked trying to get louder than the 


"I want gin and tonic." Sooyoung said.

"I take rum and coke." Tiffany said.

"I take the same as Tiffany." Jessica said.

"I take a bloody marry." Yoona said.

"I take a tequila sunrise." Yuri said.

"Okay, what do you want Taeyeon?" Hyoyeon asked.

"I will just take some coffee. I'm driving." Taeyeon said.

"Okay. I need some help to get the drinks." Hyoyeon said.

"I can help you." Both Yuri and Taeyeon said and got up. 

The three girls walked away to get the drinks and the rest waited for them.

Tiffany looked at Jessica that was talking to the girl called Yoona. Tiffany thought 

that Jessica looked really beautiful. She thought that Jessica had really beautiful hair.

I would like to stroke my hand through that hair. Tiffany thought

she woke up from her thoughts when a hand waved in front of her.

"Huh? What?" She asked.

"I asked how long you have known Taeyeon." Jessica said and looked at Tiffany.

"Uhm for about eight year‟s maybe." Tiffany said after she had thought about it. 


"I see. Are you tired? You are spacing out." Jessica asked.

"A bit I guess." Tiffany said.

"I can see that." Jessica said and then turned her head to talk to Yoona again.

The other girls arrived with the drinks after a while. All the girls sat and chatted with 

each other and drank.

"Come on Yoona. We go and dance." Yuri said and pulled Yoona up.

"Unnie come with us." She said to Jessica.

Jessica looked at Taeyeon and Taeyeon just smiled.

"We are coming with you." Jessica said and pulled Taeyeon up. 

The four girls went to the dance floor and started dancing.

"Oh Sooyoung I like this song. Can we also dance?" Hyoyeon said and  pulled 

Sooyoung‟s arm.

"Yeah. Sure." Sooyoung looked at Tiffany.

"Do you also want to dance?" She asked her.

"No I'm okay. I can sit here." Tiffany said and smiled.

"If you say so." Sooyoung said and walked with Hyoyeon to the dance floor and 

started dancing.

Tiffany watched the other girls dance. She looked at Taeyeon and Jessica.

Jessica is really sexy. Almost too sexy for Taeyeon. Tiffany thought. She smacked her 

face when she realized what she just had thought.  Stupid! You can't think like that 

about your friend and your friends‟ girlfriend. She continued watching the girls 

dance. I think I need something more to drink. Tiffany thought. She went to get 

something more to drink and went back to her place. The girls were still dancing. 

Tiffany had just finished her drink when the other girls returned.

"I really need something to drink now." Yuri said.

"Me too!" Yoona said.

"Do you want something?" Yuri asked the others.

"Yeah same as before." Jessica said.

"Don't drink too much." Taeyeon whispered in Jessica‟s ear.

"Don't worry, I won't get drunk. And even if I do, I know you will be taking care of 

me." Jessica whispered and kissed Taeyeon.

"Hey you two get a room!" Sooyoung screamed.

"Let them be." Hyoyeon said and took Sooyoung‟s hand.

"So do you guys want anything?" Yuri asked the others.

"Same as before." Tiffany said. 

"We just want water." Sooyoung and Hyoyeon said.

"Okay we will be right back." Yuri said and walked away with Yoona.

The girls sat and chatted till the drinks arrived. Yuri and Yoona came back pretty 

quick. The girls finished a few more drinks while chatting to each others.

"I need to go to the restroom." Jessica said and stood up.

She had bad balance because of all she had drunk.

"Take it easy." Taeyeon said and held her hand.

"Don't worry." Jessica said and strokes her finger over Taeyeons cheek.

Taeyeons watched Jessica when she stumbled to the restroom.

"I think I will go to the rest room too." Tiffany said and got up.

Tiffany walked to the rest room and saw Jessica wash her hands. Tiffany got closer 

to her.

"Hey Tiffany, wanted something?" Jessica asked. 


Tiffany grabbed Jessica hand and dragged her closer to her. Jessica could feel the 

smell of alcohol from Tiffany‟s mouth.

"Tiffany are you drunk?" Jessica asked and tried to push Tiffany  away.

"No...... I'm in love with you." Tiffany whispered and leaned closer so their lips 

almost touched.


Chapter 4

"Tiffany, are you drunk?" Jessica asked.

"No...... I'm in love with you." Tiffany whispered and leaned closer so their lips 

almost touched.

Jessica tried to back away from Tiffany but Tiffany's grip was too strong for her.

"Tiffany....You are Taeyeon's friend." Jessica tried.

Jessica could almost feel Tiffany's lips on hers but then the door opened. Tiffany 

released Jessica from her grip and both of them turned to the person that had come 


"Uh what is happening here?" Yuri asked surprised.

"Nothing, what do you want?" Jessica asked and tried to pretend like nothing.

"We are thinking of going home." Yuri said and leaned against the wall.

Jessica looked in the mirror and tried to fix her hair and Tiffany stood beside her and 

looked at the floor.

"Taeyeon are asking how you will come home." Yuri continued and looked at Tiffany.

Tiffany looked at Yuri.

"Uh I don't know, I will go and talk to her." She said and went out of the restroom.

When the door closed behind Tiffany Jessica sat down on the floor and started 

shaking. She didn't know what Tiffany meant by doing that, she thought Tiffany was 

Taeyeon's friend.

Yuri walked over to Jessica and held Jessica's hand.

"Hey what‟s wrong? What happened in here?" Yuri asked Jessica.

Jessica just shook her head and some tears fell down.

"Don't cry! Did Tiffany do something to you? Has something happened between you 

and Taeyeon?" Yuri asked and hugged Jessica.

"I want Taeyeon." Jessica said through her sobs.

"Okay I will get Taeyeon for you."Yuri said and helped Jessica up on her feet.

Yuri ran out from the rest room to get Taeyeon. Jessica was still shaking, she heard 

someone come with fast steps to the restroom. Taeyeon stormed in and when 

Jessica saw Taeyeon she started cry again.

"Taeyeon!" She said and Taeyeon walked up to her and hugged her.

Taeyeon stroke Jessica's hair and tried to comfort her.

"It's okay, it's okay." Taeyeon said and tried to calm Jessica down.

They stood and hugged for a while. When Taeyeon felt Jessica had calmed down she 

looked at Jessica.

"Are you okay?" Taeyeon asked and whipped a tear on Jessica's cheek.

Jessica nodded in answer.

"Do you want to go home?" 

Jessica nodded again.

Taeyeon putted her arm around Jessica's shoulder and leaded her out of the 

restroom. They saw that Yuri and Yoona were waiting for them outside. They went 

to Taeyeon's car and none of them said anything on the way home.

"Good night, and thanks for the drive." Yuri and Yoona said when they went out of 

the car.

"Good night." Taeyeon said and drove off.

Taeyeon and Jessica didn't talk to each other on the way home. Taeyeon looked at 


Jessica and she sat and looked on the road. Taeyeon noticed that Jessica had some 

red lines around her wrists like someone had grabbed her tight there. Taeyeon 

turned her head back to the road. When they came home Jessica went straight to 

bed. Taeyeon wasn't feeling tired so she sat in the living room. She thought of what 

had happened earlier that night.


"I will go and tell Jessica and Tiffany that we are going back." Yuri said and walked 

to the restroom.

Taeyeon had talked to Sooyoung and Hyoyeon when Tiffany came back.

"Were are Yuri and Jessica?" Yoona asked.

"In the restroom." Tiffany said and stood beside Taeyeon.

"Is it something wrong?" Taeyeon asked Tiffany.

"What? No nothing is wrong." Tiffany said and looked away.

Yuri came rushing to them and dragged Taeyeon away from the group.

"Jessica is crying in the restroom. You should go there." Yuri whispered to Taeyeon.

Taeyeon looked at Yuri.

"I promise I haven't done anything to her." Yuri said.

Taeyeon looked at Tiffany that leaned against the wall.

"I believe you." Taeyeon said and rushed to the restroom.

'End of flashback'

Taeyeon got up from the sofa and went to the bedroom. She saw Jessica sleeping on 

the bed. She laid down beside her and tried to not wake her up. She closed her eyes 

when she felt Jessica wrap her arms around her waist. Taeyeon hugged her.

"Are you awake?" Taeyeon whispered.

"Yeah, I can't sleep." Jessica answered.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?"

Jessica was quiet.

"Tiffany said she love me and tried to kiss me." Jessica said after a while.

Taeyeon was quiet. She was both shocked and angry at what Tiffany had done. She 

couldn't believe her friend had done something like that. Tiffany even said she would 

help Taeyeon, is this what Tiffany call helping? Taeyeon couldn't understand Tiffany.

"I think she was drunk." Jessica said when Taeyeon didn't say anything.

"I will talk to her about it." Taeyeon said.

"No. Pretend like you don't know anything. I think that will be for the best." Jessica 


Taeyeon looked at Jessica in the dark. She couldn't see what expression Jessica had 

so she didn't know if Jessica was sad or angry.

"Okay, I won't say anything about this to her." Taeyeon said and hugged Jessica 


"Thank you. I love you Taeyeon." Jessica whispered in Taeyeon's ear.

"I love you too." Taeyeon whispered back.

Yuri closed the door behind them when they came home and Yoona sat on the sofa 

in the living room.

"What happened to Jessica unnie?" Yoona asked and followed Yuri with her eyes.  


"I don't know, but I think Tiffany did something. But I don't want to jump to any 

conclusions without hearing the truth from them." Yuri said and sat beside Yoona.

"But..... Isn’t Tiffany Taeyeon's friend?" Yoona asked still looking at Yuri.

Yuri met Yoona's eyes and saw Yoona had a worried expression.

"Yeah. But don't worry, I don't thi nk something bad will happen between Jessica and 

Taeyeon because of this." Yuri said and tried to make Yoona's worried expression 


"Are you sure?" Yoona asked still with her worried look.

"I'm sure." Yuri said and leaned closer to Yoona.

Yuri dragged Yoona closer to her and started kiss her neck.

"Can we stop talk about them for now?" Yuri asked still kissing Yoona.

Yoona wanted to know if her friend was okay, but she gave in to Yuri's kissing.

"Okay, for now." She said and kissed Yuri on her lips. 

Sooyoung and Hyoyeon dropped of Tiffany outside her apartment.

"Good night." Sooyoung and Hyoyeon said when Tiffany got out of the car.

"Good night, thanks for the ride." She said and waved to them when they drove off.

She stumbled in to the elevator and pressed the button to the floor where her 

apartment was on. She leaned her head against the wall and tried to keep her 

balance. She didn't know how much she had drunk that night. But she guessed she 

had drunk a lot. When the elevator reached the floor Tiffany stumbled out and tried to 

find her keys in her handbag. She found them and opened the door and stumbled in, 

she dropped her handbag in the hallway and stumbled in to her bedroom and lied 

down on the bed and fell immediately asleep. Tiffany woke up the next morning with 

a terrible headache. She looked at the time and saw it was 1.30 PM. She rubbed her 

eyes. What did I do last night? She thought. She rolled over at her back and placed 

her arm over her forehead. I went to a party with Taeyeon and her friends, but what 

more happened? She looked at the roof. Uh I don't remember, I shouldn't have drunk 

so much. She went up from her bed and took a quick shower. After the shower she 

went to the living room and turned on the TV. It was news about some car acci dent. 

She looked at the news, she thought the place looked familiar. But...isn't that...? She 

thought and looked with big eyes at the TV.

Yoona woke up and felt that Yuri had already got up. She got up and stretched a bit 

and went out in the kitchen. Yuri stood and made breakfast. She walked over to her 

and hugged her from behind.

"Good morning." She said.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?" Yuri said and placed one of her hands on 


"Yup. What are you making?" Yoona asked and looked at what Yuri wa s cooking.

"Fried eggs with bacon." Yuri said and smiled.

"Sounds yummy!" Yoona said and sat on one of the chairs and picked up the 

newspaper that lied on the kitchen table. 

She looked through it and stopped at an article about a car accident. She looked at 

the place where the car accident had happened. She thought the name was familiar.

"Do you know someone from this place?" Yoona asked Yuri and showed her the 


Yuri turned around and looked at it.

"Yeah, if I don't remember wrong, Jessica said T aeyeon lived there before she 

moved here." Yuri said and continued with the cooking. 


"Yeah, that’s right." Yoona said and continued to read. "How sad! It was a mother 

and a baby in the car accident, and the baby died! Yoona said with pity in her voice. 

"W hat happened to the mother?" Yuri asked and placed a plate with fried eggs and 

bacon in front of Yoona.

"She's in the hospital now." Yoona said and started to eat her eggs.

"It's really sad when things like that happen." Yuri said and watched Yoona when sh e 


They sat quiet for while, Yuri looked at Yoona when she ate. She thought Yoona was 

so cute when she ate. She smiled for herself.

"What is it?" Yoona said and looked at Yuri.

"Nothing" Yuri said still smiling. 

"It is something, you're smiling." Yoona said and whipped her mouth with a paper 


"I'm just wondering what you want to do today." Yuri said and placed her chin on her 


"Today?" Yoona thought for a while."What about we go out for a walk and then we 

watch a movie at home?" 

"Sounds good." Yuri said still smiling at Yoona.

Yoona smiled back and continued to eat her eggs and bacon.

Jessica woke up and felt that Taeyeon was still hugging her. She looked at 

Taeyeon's sleeping face. She smiled. You are so cute. She thought and moved 

closer to Taeyeon. She could hear Taeyeon's heart beat against her ear and she 

almost fell asleep again when she heard Taeyeon say something. She looked at 

Taeyeon to see if she was awake but Taeyeon had her eyes closed. 

"Are you awake?" Jessica whispered.

"Hello, my name is Kim Taeyeon nice to meet you."

Jessica giggled. You are even cute when you sleep talk! Jessica thought and placed 

her head on Taeyeon's chest. She slept for a few more minutes, she woke up when 

she felt that Taeyeon moved. She opened her eyes and looked at Taeyeon.

"Are you awake?" Taeyeon said and smiled.

"Yeah." Jessica said and cuddled closer to Taeyeon.

"Good." Taeyeon said and kissed Jessica on the forehead. 

They lied in bed for a few more minutes. Just enjoying each other’s company. 

Jessica played with Taeyeon's hair and Taeyeon held Jessica's other hand.

"What do you want to do today?" Taeyeon asked after a while.

"I thought you said that we would take the day as it comes?" Jessica said still playing 

with Taeyeon's hair.

"Yeah, but I thought if there was something you want to do."

Jessica thought about it for a while. She hadn't thought about anything yet, she only 

wanted to be with Taeyeon that was enough for her.

"No there isn't anything. But if something comes up I will tell you." J essica said and 

wrapped her arms around Taeyeon's waist. Taeyeon wrapped around her arms 

around Jessica too.

"I want to lie like this forever." Jessica said after a while.

"Me too." Taeyeon said.

They laid like that for a while and got surprised by the door bell that rang. They both 

looked at each other.

"Are you waiting for someone?" Jessica asked.

"No are you?" 


Jessica shook her head. They waited to see if the person would ring at the door 

again. And the person did.

"I will go and see who it is." Taeyeon said and got out of bed.

Jessica rolled over at her back and listened to Taeyeon that opened the door and 

greeted someone. She thought the voice was familiar but she couldn't completely 

recognize it. She closed her eyes when someone stormed in the room and  jumped 

on the bed and hugged her.

"Jessica unnie!" The person screamed. 

Jessica looked at the person and recognized her little sister.

"Krystal?! What are you doing here?" Jessica asked and tried to pull the girl away.

"I wanted to say congratulation to my sister for her first anniversary with Taeyeon." 

Krystal said and sat up beside Jessica.

"There is something called phone! You could just have called me." Jessica said and 

sat up.

"It's much funnier to be here with you." Krystal said in a teasing way.

"Yeah, yeah. Sure." Jessica said and got up from bed. 

She couldn't believe her little sister interrupted her and Taeyeon when they had a 

sweet moment together. Taeyeon came in to the room and saw the two sisters talk to 

each other. Taeyeon thought it was nice that Krystal had come over, but from the 

look at Jessica's face, Taeyeon knew that Jessica wasn't that happy about it. 

Taeyeon sighed. I hope they don't start to fight. She thought. She went to the kitchen 

to prepare something to eat. After a while Jess ica and Krystal came in and sat down 

around the table.

"Do you want something to eat?" Taeyeon asked Krystal.

"No, I ate before I came here." Krystal said.

Taeyeon nodded and placed one plate in front of Jessica and one for herself, she sat 

beside Jessica and started to eat.

"So how is the dancing going?" Jessica asked Krystal and drank from her coffee.

"It's going pretty good. I've made some new friends." Krystal said.

"That’s good. So how are mom and dad?" Jessica asked and picked up the 

newspaper and started read it.

"They are working like usual. And dad is still angry at you for being together with 

Taeyeon. But mom are happy for you, she told me to say to you that you should bring 

Taeyeon over sometime."

"I will think about it." Jessica said not moving her eyes from the newspaper.

Taeyeon drank her coffee and listened to the sister’s conversation. She remembered 

that Jessica had a lot of problem with her parents when she told them about her 

relationship with Taeyeon. But her mother soon accepted it, but h er father was totally 

against it. Taeyeon had lost her contact with her parents when she moved here. She 

hadn't called them or visits them since she moved. She woke up from her thoughts 

when Krystal talked to her.

"Taeyeon you must promise me something." Krystal said and looked serious in 

Taeyeon in the eyes.

Taeyeon nodded. 

"You must promise me that you take good care of my sister, not cheat on her and 

never leave her or hurt her." Krystal said still looking Taeyeon in the eyes.

"I promise." Taeyeon said almost a bit scared of Krystal's seriousness.

"Good." Krystal said and smiled.

Jessica looked at her sister and Taeyeon. She shook her head and wondered what 

Krystal was trying to do. She continued to read the newspaper and saw something 


about a car accident in the place Taeyeon lived before.

"There has been a car accident in the place you lived before. There was some 

mother with a baby that smashed into a truck. The baby died. That’s sad." Jessica 


Taeyeon almost stopped breath when Jessica told her that. No it can't be her. 

Taeyeon thought.

"Yeah that’s sad." Taeyeon said and tried to not sound effected by what Jessica had 


"The mother is the same age as us. Her name is Lee Sunny." Jessica continued.

Taeyeon dropped her fork on the floor and almost choked. She drank from her coffee 

and picked up the fork from the floor. Jessica was surprised by Taeyeon's reaction 

and looked at her.

"Do you know her?" Jessica asked. 

Taeyeon stood up and went to get a new fork. She sat down again, she didn't know 

what she would tell Jessica. She looked Jessica in the eyes.

"No I don't know her." Taeyeon said.

Jessica looked at Taeyeon. Jessica felt that there was something wrong with 

Taeyeon's reaction. When she couldn't figure out what it was she turned her eyes to

the newspaper again.

"Well it's sad. She is young, and to lose a baby at her age must be a pretty big lost. I 

hope she has someone to help her." Jessica said.

"Yeah I hope so too." Taeyeon said and looked at the fork in her hand.

They all looked up when they heard a cell phone ring. It was Taeyeon's. Taeyeon 

picked up her phone that lied on the table. She looked who it was and saw it was 

Tiffany. If Tiffany had seen the news or read the newspaper, Taeyeon didn't even 

need to think about why she was calling. Taeyeon excused herself and went into the 

bedroom and closed the door behind her and picked up the phone.

"Taeyeon?" Tiffany said. 

"Yeah what is it?" Taeyeon asked.

"Have you seen the news yet?"

"Yeah." Taeyeon said like she didn't want to talk about it .

"So are you going to see how she is?" Tiffany asked.

Taeyeon was quiet. She thought about it. She can't just go and see Sunny, she 

hasn’t told Jessica about Sunny and she even told her that she didn't know her a 

while ago!

"No, I won't go and see her. She is in my past. And I have Jessica." Taeyeon said.

"Okay. Sorry if I bothered you. Bye." Tiffany said and hung up.

Taeyeon looked at her phone. Is this the right thing to do? Taeyeon thought


Chapter 5

Taeyeon went to the kitchen again after she had ended the call with Tiffany. Jessica 

looked at her when she sat beside her.

"It was Tiffany." Taeyeon answered.

Jessica was a bit surprised that Tiffany had called Taeyeon, she wanted to know 

what they had talked about, but if it was about yesterday she didn't think it would be 

a good idea to talk about it in front of her little sister. Krystal looked at her sister and 

her sister's girlfriend, she looked at the time and remembered she was going to meet 


"It was nice to see you unnie. And congratulation again. I must go now, I'm going to 

meet a friend soon." Krystal said and stood up from her seat.

Jessica and Taeyeon followed Krystal to the door. Jessica and Krystal hugged each 

other good bye.

"Bye bye. And Taeyeon, remember what you promised me!" Krystal said before she 

went out of the door.

Taeyeon smiled and waved good bye and Jessica closed the door after her.

"She's cute." Taeyeon said after Jessica had closed the door.

"Yeah, but she had been cuter if she hadn't come today and visited us." Jessica said 

and pouted.

Taeyeon smiled at Jessica and hugged her.

"So what do you want to do now?" Taeyeon asked.

"I don't know." Jessica said and hugged back.

Taeyeon looked out the window and saw that it was nice weather outside. 

"Hey do you want to go outside for a walk?" Taeyeon asked and stopped hugging 


"Now?" Jessica asked a bit surprised.

"Yeah it's a nice weather outside. Perfect for a walk." Taeyeon said and smiled.

Jessica hesitated for a second but gave up when she saw Taeyeon's cute smile.

"Okay we can go out for a walk. I will just change clothes." Jessica said and walked 

to the bedroom to change clothes. 

Taeyeon waited for Jessica in the hallway. When Jessica was ready they went out to 

the park. They walked around and held hands. Jessica stopped by a pond.

"Look, isn't it beautiful?" She asked Taeyeon.

"Yeah it is. But you are more beautiful." Taeyeon said.

Jessica blushed a bit and smiled. She smacked Taeyeon lightly on the arm.

"Don't say that." She said and tried to hide her smiling face.

Taeyeon smiled at Jessica's actions and laid her arm around Jessica's shoulders. 

When they had walked a bit they sat down on one of the benches. It started to blow 

lightly and Jessica moved closer to Taeyeon.

"It's starting to get cold, it's autumn soon." Taeyeon said and hugged Jessica with 

one of her arms.

"Yeah, and it was your suggestion to go for a walk!" Jessica said and tried to keep 

her hands warm.

"Yeah, are your hands cold?" Taeyeon asked and held Jessica's hands to warm them.

"Yeah, a bit. I forgot my mittens at home." Jessica said.

Taeyeon took of her mittens and putted them on Jessica's hands. 


"Is it better now?" Taeyeon asked and rubbed Jessica's hands so they would get 


"Yeah, but now you will get cold hands." 

Taeyeon looked at their hands, and then she got an idea. She took off one of the 

mittens and putted it on one of her hands, and then she grabbed Jessica's hand that 

didn't have a mitten on with her hand that didn't have a mitten on and putted them 

in her pocket.

"Now we both will have warm hands." She said and smiled.

Jessica just giggled at her girlfriends dorky but cute actions. They sat on the bench 

close to each other so they could keep each other warm, they talked about various 

things. And sometimes they didn't talk at all, just sitting and enjoying the view.

Yuri and Yoona had gone to the park to take a walk. Yuri held Yoona's hand in her 

pocket. They walked and talked to each other. They walked by a person that sat on 

a bench and read a book. Yoona thought she looked familiar and then she saw who 

it was.

"Hey, Seohyun!" Yoona stopped and looked at the person at the bench.

The person looked up from her book.

"Unnie, hello." She said and bowed a bit.

Yuri and Yoona sat beside her on the bench.

"Why are you sitting here and reading?" Yoona asked.

Seohyun was quiet for a while like she didn't want to answer.

"Some problem at home." She said and looked at her hands

"That‟s bad. Do you want to talk about it?" Yoona asked with a worried look.

"No I'm okay." Seohyun said.

"You can take a walk with us if you don't want to be alone." Yoona said.

"But....I don't want to bother you." Seohyun said and looked at Yuri.

"You don't bother us! Right Yuri?" Yoona said and looked at Yuri.

"Of course not." Yuri said agreeing to what Yoona had said.

Yoona smiled and turned to Seohyun.

"See? You don't bother us." Yoona said.

Seohyun just nodded and Yoona and Yuri stood up and Yoona offered a hand to 

Seohyun. Seohyun grabbed Yoona‟s hand and they continued with their walk. They 

walked a bit when they saw two girls sitting on a bench that looked familiar.

"Isn't that Jessica and Taeyeon?" Yuri asked and pointed at their direction.

"Yeah, we go and greet them!" Yoona said and dragged Yuri and Seohyun with her.

They walked over to Jessica and Taeyeon that was sitting on the bench not far away 

from them. 

"Hi unnie!" Yoona said when she was near them.

Jessica and Taeyeon looked up a bit surprised. 

"Yoona, Yuri, Seohyun, what are you doing here?" Jessica asked.

"I and Yuri were out for a walk and then we met Seohyun on the way and then we 

saw you and wanted to say hello." Yoona said with a smile.

"I see. Taeyeon I don't think you have met Seohyun before." Jessica said and 

pointed at Seohyun. 

"No, I haven't. Nice to meet you, I'm Taeyeon." Taeyeon said and  reached out her 



"Hello, my name is Seohyun." Seohyun said and took Taeyeon's hand and bowed.

"We will be going now. It was nice to see you." Yoona said and walked away with 

Yuri and Seohyun.

"Bye see you guys at work." Jessica said and waved.

"I wonder how many people we will meet today." Jessica said and sighed a bit when 

Yuri, Yoona and Seohyun had walked away.

"Don't be angry at them. It's nice to meet them." Taeyeon said and kissed Jessica on 

the cheek.

"But I thought we would be alone today." Jessica said and pouted.

Taeyeon laughed at Jessica and laid her arm around her.

"So if you want to be alone, do you want to go home now?" Taeyeon asked.

Jessica nodded.

Taeyeon grabbed Jessica's hand and putted it in her pocket and stood up. They 

started to walk home and Jessica laid her head on Taeyeon's shoulder. When they 

came home and had taken of their jackets Taeyeon got an idea.

"Jessica can you wait for me in the living room?" Taeyeon asked.

"Yeah. But why?" Jessica asked.

"A surprise." Taeyeon said and led Jessica in to the living room and made sure she 

didn't follow her.

Jessica looked at Taeyeon when she went do to something and just shook her head. 

What is she up to now? Jessica thought and sat on the sofa and turned on the TV. 

She started to smile when she thought about how cute her girlfriend actually was. 

Taeyeon always surprised her with her cute action and sometimes romantic actions. 

Jessica didn't regret that she had told her parents about her and Taeyeon, even if 

she had made her father very angry. She sighed on the thought of how much trouble 

it was for her and Taeyeon to persuade them to let Jessica live with Taeyeon. She 

heard that Taeyeon came in to the room so she looked up and the short girl had two 

cups and a blanket with her when she came in. Taeyeon placed the two cups on the 

coffee table and sat on the sofa and covered her and Jessica with the blanket. 

Taeyeon grabbed the two cups and gave one to Jessica and smiled.

"Now we can have sometime alone." Taeyeon said and smiled even wider.

Jessica looked at her cup and wondered what it was. She looked up at Taeyeon.

"It's peanut tea, it's my favorite!" Taeyeon said.

Jessica looked at the cup again. She took a sip from it. 

"It's good." Jessica said a bit surprised.

"I know." Taeyeon said and moved closer to Jessica.

They sat close to each other and looked at the TV. They had just finished watching a 

movie when Taeyeon felt that she was a bit hungry.

"Do you want to eat something?" Taeyeon asked and stood up and stretched a bit.

"If you make it." Jessica said.

Taeyeon looked at Jessica and smirked.

"Okay, I will make cucumber salad then." Taeyeon said and turned around.

"No!" Jessica screamed and threw herself after Taeyeon and grabbed her hand 

before Taeyeon could go away.

Taeyeon laughed at Jessica and held her up so she didn't fell on the floor.

"I was just kidding. I won't make anything with cucumber." Taeyeon said and patted 

Jessica on the head.

Jessica pouted and crossed her arms over her chest. Taeyeon smiled at how cute 


Jessica was and went to the kitchen to prepare something to eat. Jessica looked at 

Taeyeon when she walked to the kitchen. Jessica lied down on the sofa and placed 

an arm over her forehead. When I am with you, I have so much fun because you do 

so unpredictable things. Jessica thought and smiled. When Taeyeon had finished 

preparing the food she placed them on the kitchen table and lit some candles. She 

walked to the living room to get Jessica, only to find that Jessica sleeping on the 

sofa. Taeyeon walked to the side on the sofa and kneeled down where Jessica heads 

was. Taeyeon thought Jessica looked so beautiful when she was sleeping, she almost 

didn't want to wake her up. She watched Jessica's sleeping face for little more then 

she got an idea. She leaned closer to Jessica's lips so they barely touched. 

"Jessica, I've just ate some cucumber." Taeyeon whispered but Jessica didn't react.

Taeyeon kissed Jessica and Jessica opened her eyes. Taeyeon stopped kiss her and 

looked at her.

"The food is ready." Taeyeon said and smiled.

Jessica still looked at Taeyeon.

"What is it? Is something wrong?" Taeyeon asked.

" said you had eaten cucumber." Jessica said in a shock.

Taeyeon looked at her shocked girlfriend. The she started to laugh.

"I was just kidding, don't worry. We don't even have cucumber at home." She said 

and hugged Jessica.

"That wasn't funny!" Jessica said and smacked Taeyeon on the back.

"I know. I won't make any more cucumber jokes. Okay?" Taeyeon said still hugging 


"Okay." Jessica said and hugged Taeyeon.

They stopped hugging and Taeyeon helped Jessica up from the sofa and led her to 

the kitchen. Jessica was surprised of how romantic Taeyeon had done in the kitchen. 

Jessica sat on one of the chairs and Taeyeon sat opposite her. Jessica looked at the

food and it looked like fried rice. Jessica looked at Taeyeon.

"Fried rice?" She said and raised an eyebrow.

"I couldn't make any romantic food." Taeyeon said.

Jessica took a bite of it.

"It's good. I really like your fried rice, it's better than American food." Jessica said 

and smiled.

Taeyeon smiled back and took a bite from her food. They enjoyed the meal and 

when they were finish Taeyeon washed the dishes.

"Do you want to see one more movie?" Taeyeon asked.

"Sure. Which one?" Jessica said.

"You can choose one while I'm washing these." Taeyeon said.

Jessica walked to the living room and looked at the shelf where they had their DVD 

movies. She looked through them when she found something she liked. She putted 

the DVD in the DVD-player. She sat on the sofa under the blanket while she waited 

for Taeyeon. Taeyeon come in to the living room and sat on the sofa and joined 

Jessica under the blanket when she had finished the dishes.

"So what movie will it be?" Taeyeon asked.

"You will see." Jessica said pressed the play button 

they watched the TV screen when the name on the movie appeared.

"Titanic?" Taeyeon asked.

"Yup." Jessica said and nodded. 


"Are you sure you want to watch a movie for more than three hours?"


Taeyeon gave in. It was Taeyeon who have told Jessica to choose a movie.

"Okay, we will watch Titanic." Taeyeon said.

Jessica smiled and leaned her head on Taeyeon's shoulder. They watched the movie 

but it didn't take so long until they had fallen asleep.

Yuri, Yoona and Seohyun stood outside Seohyun's house. They had walked around 

the whole park and Seohyun had said she needed to go home.

"Are you sure you don't want to come over to our place?" Yoona asked Seohyun.

"Yes, I will be okay." Seohyun said.

"You can always stay at our place if you have problems." Yuri said and Yoona 

nodded in agreement.

"It's very nice of you, but I will be okay." Seohyun said.

"Okay, but call if you have any more problems." Yoona said and hugged Seohyun 

good bye.

When they had said good bye and good night to each other Yuri and Yoona walked 


"Isn't it a bit cold today?" Yoona asked.

"Yeah, but I guess it's autumn soon." Yuri said and laid an arm around Yoona so 

Yoona could feel warmer. 

They walked by a DVD store and Yoona stopped.

"Should we hire a movie?" Yoona asked.

"I think we have a box full of movies we haven't seen yet at home." Yuri said and 

continued to walk.

"We have? Where did we get those from?" Yoona asked a bit surprised.

Yuri looked away so Yoona couldn't see her face.

"Your fans sent some movies and I putted them away, and I kind of forgot to tell 

you." Yuri said.

"Why haven't you told me? And why did you put them away?" Yoona asked.

Yuri was quiet. She didn't want to tell Yoona her reason but she guessed she needed 

to do it now.

"But it was you male fans that send them! And they had written some letters too! 

And it stood like 'When I watched this movie, I imagine that you were with me.' and 

'I hope we can watch this movie together sometime.' etc." Yuri said.

Yoona was shocked at hearing what Yuri said. She was a bit angry that Yuri had kept 

away her fans gifts from her, and even letters. She knew that Yuri got easily jealous 

but she didn't thought she could get this jealous. But Yoona find it a bit cute that 

Yuri was jealous.

"You are jealous?" Yoona said and smirked.

"Yes." Yuri said still not looking at Yoona.

"Look at me." Yoona said and stopped and turned Yuri's face so she could look her in 

the eyes. "Even if my fans send those movies to me, and whatever they write in their 

letters to me, it's still you who I love, and you who I will be watching those movies 

with." Yoona said.

Tears started to flow up in Yuri's eyes and ran down her cheeks. Yoona hugged her.

"Don't cry! I didn't want to make you cry!" Yoona said and rubbed Yuri‟s back.  


"I didn't want to get jealous! But I'm so afraid of losing you!" Yuri said and hugged 


They hugged each other for a while and stopped and looked at each other.

"I won't leave you. Okay?" Yoona said and whipped Yuri's tears on her cheek.

Yuri nodded.

They continued to walk home. When they came home Yoona sat on the sofa in the 

living room. 

"Can you show me that box now?" Yoona said.

Yuri walked to the bedroom and opened her closet and took out a small box, she 

walked out in the living room and placed the box in front of Yoona. Yoona looked at 

the box.

"I thought the box would be bigger." Yoona said and opened it.

"I promise that these are all the movies." Yuri said and looked at Yoona when she 

looked at the DVD's

on every DVD there was some kind of note for Yoona, and some had letters inside 

the case. But Yoona didn't read the notes when she knew that Yuri sat beside her. 

She was afraid to upset her. She had almost looked through the whole box when she 

found a movie.

"I've always wanted to see this!" Yoona said and showed Yuri the cover.

"Land of Women?" Yuri said and raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, someone was talking about it and I thought it sounded good." 

Yuri grabbed the DVD and opened the case and took the disc out. She putted it in 

the DVD player and pressed the play button. She sat beside Yoona on the sofa and 

they watched the movie. Yuri thought the movie was boring so she fell asleep. She 

woke up when she felt that Yoona stood up. 

"That movie was good." Yuri said and stretched her arms.

"You fell asleep." Yoona said a bit angry.

"No I was resting my eyes." Yuri said and tried to not look guilty.

"Don't lie!" Yoona said and threw a pillow at Yuri.

"What?" Yuri said.

"When I wanted to watch a movie, I wanted to watch it together with you, and then 

you're not supposed to fall asleep!" Yoona said and crossed her arms.

"I'm sorry, but I was really tired!" Yuri said and stood up.

"It doesn't matter!" Yoona said and walked to their bedroom and closed the door 

after her.

"Yoona please! Don't be angry!" Yuri said and tried to open the door to the bedroom 

but Yoona had locked the door. "We can see another movie tomorrow! And I 

promise I won't fall asleep then!"

"You can sleep in the living room!" Yoona said.

Yuri sighed and sat in front of the door and looked at it like a dog waiting for her 

owner to open it.

"Yoona I'm sorry!" Yuri said.

No respond.

Yuri sighed again and lied down on the floor and looked at the roof. I'm such an 

idiot. She thought.

After an hour Yoona came out from the bedroom. She saw that Yuri was lying on the 

floor in front of it. She walked closer and saw that Yuri was sleeping. Yoona smiled.

"You can't sleep here. You will catch a cold." Yoona said and shook Yuri lightly.  


Yuri opened her eyes and saw that Yoona sat beside her and looked at her.

"Yoona I'm sorry, I won't fall asleep again." Yuri said with a tired voice.

"I know you are, but come and sleep in the bed now, or else you will catch a cold." 

Yoona said and helped Yuri up.

They walked to the bedroom and they lied down in the bed. Yuri hugged Yoona and 

Yoona placed her head on Yuri's chest.

"Good night Yuri. I love you." Yoona said.

"Love you too." Yuri mumbled before she fell asleep again.


Chapter 6

Tiffany woke up the next morning from that her alarm clock. She turned it off and 

went up from bed. She stretched and went in to the bathroom to take a quick 

shower. When she felt the water pouring down on her she closed her eyes. She saw 

some lips getting closer to her. Tiffany opened her eyes wide. What was that? 

Flashback? She thought. She touched her lips. But whose lips was it? She continued 

to wash herself. After the shower she went to the kitchen to make some breakfast. 

She opened the fridge and looked if there was anything she could eat there. There 

wasn't much there, she closed the fridge and decided she would eat in the 

company's cafeteria when she got to work. But she wanted to drink some coffee 

before she went to work. She took out one cup from the cabin. She got a flashback 

that she leaned close to Jessica and almost kissed her but she stopped when the 

door opened. Tiffany dropped the cup that broke on the floor and backed until she 

bumped on the table. She held her hand in front of her mouth. She was shaking and 

didn't know what to do. So that was what happened on the party. Tiffany thought. 

Omg Jessica must be really angry at me, and what if she has told Taeyeon about it? 

Tears started do roll down Tiffany's cheeks. I don't want them to be angry at me, I 

just wanted to come here and start a new life. Why must I mess up everything?! 

Tiffany thought and sat down on the floor and covered her face with her hands.  I 

don't want Taeyeon to be angry at me! She whipped her tears. I must go to work, 

even if Taeyeon is angry at me. She started to pick up the pieces of the broken cup. 

She cut her hand on one of the pieces and started bleeding. Ooh it looks bad. But I 

don't have time for this now. Tiffany thought and went to the bathroom and cleaned 

the cut and wrapped bandage around it. She cleaned up in the kitchen and changed 

clothes and went to work, hopping that the first thing she saw wasn't an angry 


Taeyeon woke up only to find herself lying on the sofa in the living room. Jessica laid 

on her arm and had her head on Taeyeon's chest. Taeyeon looked at Jessica while 

she was sleeping. Just as beautiful as always. Taeyeon thought and stroke Jessica's 

hair out of her face. From the touch of Taeyeon's hand Jessica opened her eyes.

"Sorry, did I wake you up?" Taeyeon said and smiled.

"It's okay if it's you who wake me up." Jessica said with a tired voice. 

Taeyeon smiled and kissed Jessica. She stood up and stretched and walked in to the 

kitchen and left Jessica on the sofa. Taeyeon looked at the clock that hung on the 

wall. Holy shi... Taeyeon thought and run to the bedroom.

"We are late for work." She screamed while she tried to find some clothes. 

Jessica sat up in the sofa and looked to the bedroom.

"What did you say?" She asked not fully awake.

"We are late for work!" Taeyeon said while she runs in to the bathroom.

"Ah." Jessica said and lied down on the sofa again. Then she flung up again when 

she realized what Taeyeon had said. "What? How much time?" Jessica said and run 

in to the bedroom and tried to find clothes too.

"We start in 15 minutes." Taeyeon said from the bathroom.

"What? We will never make it in time!" Jessica said while she put on her shoes.

"Yes we do! We just need to hurry." Taeyeon said and grabbed her coat in the 



Taeyeon run out of the door and down the stairs. 

"Jessica we take your car." She said before she left.

"What why?" Jessica said and run after her.

They jumped in Jessica's car and Jessica started to drive to Taeyeon's work.

"If you drive, I won't break my promise that I wouldn't drive so fast in the traffic 

again." Taeyeon said and smiled.

Jessica ignored Taeyeon and focused on the road. When they reached Taeyeon's 

work Taeyeon kissed Jessica quick and then run into the building. She didn't care 

about the elevator and run up the stairs, when she reached the floor she run to her 

office, she opened the door and landed on the desk and slide off it and landed on the 

floor. She hadn't noticed that there was a person sitting in the room. 

"I'm in time!" Taeyeon said still lying on the floor.

"Not exactly in time." The person said.

Taeyeon stood up from the floor, her clothes and hair were all messy, and she 

looked at the person who had said that.

"You're one minute late." Sooyoung said and grinned.

Taeyeon looked at the clock that was hanging above her head. Sooyoung was right, 

Taeyeon was one minute late. Taeyeon sat down one the chair and tried to fix her 

messy clothes and hair.

"What are you doing here?" Taeyeon asked and tried to fix her bangs.

"I was looking for food in your office." Sooyoung said.

Taeyeon glared at her.

"Sorry but I don't bring food to my office." Taeyeon said and started to pick up the 

things that had fallen on the floor when she slides of the desk.

"Well it was worth to come here anyway. It was fun to see your extraordinary 

entrance." Sooyoung said and started to laugh.

Taeyeon ignored her and started to work.

"So why were you late?" Sooyoung asked.

"I overslept." Taeyeon said and continued with her work.

"And you overslept because you and Jessica had some fun last night." Sooyoung said 

and raised her eyebrows.

Taeyeon looked at her friend. She knew exactly what Sooyoung meant by 'fun'.

"Yeah we had." Taeyeon said. "We saw a movie and fell asleep on the couch.

"Nothing more?" Sooyoung asked.

"Nothing more." Taeyeon said still reading the papers on her desk.

Sooyoung was quiet for a moment when she looked at her friend.

"Yah! What is wrong with you two?! You have been together for a year now and you 

haven't done it yet!" Sooyoung complained.

Taeyeon looked at her friend.

"Have you and Hyoyeon done it?" Taeyeon asked and looked at the papers again.

Sooyoung was a bit surprised by the question so she was quiet for a few seconds.

"Of course we have!" Sooyoung said after a while. 

"Good for you." Taeyeon said still looking at the papers at her desk.

Sooyoung sat quiet and looked at Taeyeon. She waited for Taeyeon to say 

something more.

"Aren't you going to ask about it?" Sooyoung asked after a while.

"Not interested." Taeyeon said. 


"Yah! You are boring!" Sooyoung said and stood up and walked out of the room.

Taeyeon smirked when Sooyoung left the room. Your girlfriend has already told me 

everything and it wasn't that funny to listen to that I wanted to hear it again. 

Taeyeon thought.

Jessica speeded to her work when she had left Taeyeon at her work. She parked 

near the building and went with fast steps to the building. When she came in she 

ignored the stares from people and went straight to the elevator. She pressed the 

button on the floor she was going up to. She picked up one of her pocket mirrors 

from her bag and tried to fix her hair and make-up. When she landed on the right 

floor she walked with fast steps to Yuri's office. She opened the door and found Yuri 

sitting and reading a newspaper. Jessica threw her bag at the sofa and sat on the 

chair opposite her. Yuri looked at her surprised.

"What have you done?" Yuri asked and placed the newspaper on the table.

"Over slept." Jessica answered and took Yuri's mirror that was placed on her desk.

"If it's you, then I'm not surprised. Didn't Taeyeon wake you up?" Yuri asked and 

gave Jessica a hairbrush so she could brush her hair.

"Taeyeon also overslept." Jessica said and started to brush her hair.

"I see. How come you two overslept?" Yuri asked and a smirk formed on her face.

"We fell asleep when we watched a movie yesterday."

Yuri's smirk faded and she leaned her back at the chair. She remembered what had 

happened to her last night so there wasn't any fun teasing Jessica about it then.

"Well you haven't missed anything important. The boss just gave us this paper about 

a meeting tomorrow night." Yuri said and placed a paper in front of Jessica.

Jessica read the paper.

"Are some people going overseas to work?" Jessica asked.

"Yeah, that's what we are going to talk about." Yuri said. 

"I see." Jessica said and continued to fix herself.

They sat quiet for a while. Jessica looked at her friend that looked at the computer 

screen. She wanted to tell Yuri what had happened on the party, because Yuri was 

her closest friend and they had known each other since school.

"Yuri do you remember at the party when you came in to the restroom and me and 

Tiffany was there?" 

Yuri looked at Jessica.

"Yeah I remember." Yuri said.

"Tiffany had tried to kiss me, and she also told me that she love me." Jessica said 

and looked at her hands. "That's why I started to cry."

Yuri felt anger boil up inside of her. Who is that Tiffany? Is she trying to break 

Jessica and Taeyeon apart? And she is Taeyeon's friend! Yuri thought.

"Does Taeyeon know about it?" Yuri asked and tried to calm herself down."

"Yeah. She said she was going to talk to Tiffany, but I said that she shouldn't. I think 

Tiffany only was drunk and she didn't mean to do that." Jessica said.

"Yeah that can be true, people do pretty stupid things when they are drunk." 

Jessica nodded. Yuri looked at Jessica that looked a bit sad. She grabbed Jessica's 

hand and looked her in the eyes.

"Do what you think is best for you. I don't want you do get hurt. The first time I saw 

you together with Taeyeon you looked really happy, I haven't seen you so happy 

before. So I hope you two stay together for a long time. And I will support both of 


you. You are my best friend and I want you to be happy, okay?" Yuri said.

"Okay, thanks Yuri." Jessica said and felt better. 

"You're more than welcome." Yuri said and continued to look at the computer 


Tiffany sat in Hyoyeon's office when Sooyoung came in. Sooyoung sat on the chair in 

front of Hyoyeon and crossed her arms.

"What is it?" Hyoyeon asked.

"The Shorty is boring." Sooyoung said.

"Who? Taeyeon?" 

Tiffany looked up when she heard Taeyeon's name. 

"Yeah! I want to hear stories about her and Jessica! I'm sure she's hiding 

something!" Sooyoung said.

Hyoyeon patted Sooyoung on her shoulder.

"Believe me, Taeyeon isn't hiding anything." Hyoyeon said.

Tiffany stood up from her seat.

"I will go and say hello to Taeyeon." She said and walked out of the office.

"Yeah. Do so. You can always come here and ask for help if Taeyeon can't help you." 

Hyoyeon said.

Tiffany smiled and closed the door after her. She walked to Taeyeon's office. She 

had thought about what she was going to do with what happened on the party. She 

knocked on the door and Taeyeon said she could come in. Taeyeon looked up from 

her work when Tiffany came in. Taeyeon felt a bit anger boil up inside her when she 

saw Tiffany and she was almost going to say something about the party but then she 

remembered what she had promised Jessica.

"Hi Tiffany. What's up?" Taeyeon said and tried to hide her anger.

"I wanted to chat with you." Tiffany said and sat on the chair in front of Taeyeon and 


Tiffany had thought that if Taeyeon didn't say anything about the party she wasn't 

going to say anything either. She only wanted to talk to Jessica about it.

"About what?" Taeyeon asked still trying to hide her anger. Taeyeon thought that if 

Tiffany wanted to talk about it then it was okay for her to say what she thinks.

"Jessica is from the States, right?" Tiffany said.

Taeyeon nodded.

"Well I wanted to become friend with her, because we can have much to talk about 

and such. And she's your girlfriend and I'm your friend and if we all get along I'm 

sure it will be great." Tiffany said and smiled wide.

"Okay, and what do you want me to do.?" Taeyeon asked.

"I want you to ask Jessica if she wants to go out and take a coffee with me 

sometime, just so we can talk." Tiffany said and smiled.

Taeyeon looked at Tiffany. She didn't know if this was the truth intentions Tiffany 

had or if there was something else. But she decided to trust her this time.

"I can ask Jessica. I can do it now actually." Taeyeon said and picked up her cell 


"You don't have to do it now." Tiffany said and waved with her hands in front of her.

"I want to do it now." Taeyeon said and smiled. She pressed Jessica's number and 

waited for her to pick up.

"Hello." Jessica said. 


"Hi. Are you busy right now?" Taeyeon asked.

"No. Why?" Jessica asked and looked at Yuri that sat in front of her.

"Who is it?" Yuri whispered.

"It's Taeyeon." Jessica whispered back.

"Well Tiffany wanted me to ask you if you want to go out with her and take a coffee 

sometime. She wanted to talk to you." Taeyeon continued.

Jessica didn't know what she was going to answer. She looked at Yuri like she 

wanted help.

"What is she saying?" Yuri asked.

"She asked me if I want to go out and take a coffee with Tiffany sometime. Tiffany 

wanted to talk about something." 

"Say yes. Then you have your chance to talk to her about the party." Yuri said.

Jessica nodded.

"Yeah, I can take a coffee with her." Jessica said.

"Okay. I will tell her that." Taeyeon said

"No wait. Can you ask her if she have time after work today?" Jessica said after she 

thought about it. "Or you can just give her my number so she can call me when she 

is finish." 

"Okay I'll do that. See you later. Bye." Taeyeon said and hung up.

"Jessica asked if you had time after work today." Taeyeon said and putted her cell 

phone in her pocket.

"I have time." Tiffany said.

"You can call her when you have finish." Taeyeon said and gave Tiffany Jessica's 


"Really? Thank you so much!" Tiffany said and hugged Taeyeon tight.

"You...You're choking me." Taeyeon said.

"Sorry." Tiffany said and smiled.

"You haven't changed much since school." Taeyeon said and picked up a paper on 

her desk.

Tiffany smiled at Taeyeon.

Something has actually changed since school. Tiffany thought.

"What are you working with right now?" Tiffany asked and looked at the papers that 

lied on Taeyeon's desk.

"I'm looking through the lyrics for some new songs." Taeyeon said.

"Okay, but aren't you a composer?" Tiffany asked.

"Yeah, but the boss told me to look at these." 

"Why aren't you listening to the songs?" Tiffany asked.

"That‟s Sooyoung's job."

"But isn't she the one who are making choreography?"

"She and Hyoyeon are. But Hyoyeon can work alone right now."

"Okay. Now I get it." Tiffany said.

Taeyeon smiled and continued with her work. Tiffany sat quiet and looked at the 

floor. Taeyeon thought Tiffany looked bored.

"Hey, do you want to go and eat lunch?" Taeyeon asked.

Tiffany shined up and looked at Taeyeon with bright eyes.

"Yeah!" Tiffany said and smiled.

"Then we go and eat lunch." Taeyeon said and stood up and walked to the door. 

Tiffany followed her. 


They went to the cafeteria and saw Sooyoung and Hyoyeon sitting by a table. They 

joined them and started to chat and eat. When Taeyeon had finished her m eal she 

stood up.

"I'm going to go and finish up my work now. Tiffany are you going to be with me 

now or someone else?" Taeyeon asked before she left.

"Sorry, but I wanted to help Sooyoung today." Tiffany said.

"It's okay." Taeyeon said and walked out of the cafeteria.

When Taeyeon was going up the elevator she leaned her head against the wall. She 

was tired from pretending like there wasn't anything wrong between her and Tiffany. 

She wondered what was going to happen when Tiffany was with Jessica. She was a 

bit worried about Jessica. She sighed. When she came to the right floor she walked 

to her office and finished up her work. When she was finished she walked to 

Sooyoung's office to leave the papers. She knocked on the door before she went in.

"Sooyoung, here is the last lyrics papers." She said and walked in.

Sooyoung and Tiffany looked up at her when she came in. Both of them looked a bit 


"Thanks. Are you okay? You look a bit pale." Sooyoung said and took the papers 

Taeyeon gave her.

"I'm okay. Don't worry. I guess I'm a bit tired." Taeyeon said and forced a smile.

"Okay. You better go home and sleep then." Sooyoung said.

"Yeah. I will do that. See you guys tomorrow." Taeyeon said and walked out.

"Take care." Tiffany said.

Taeyeon closed the door behind her. She walked to the elevator and pressed the 

button to the entrance floor. She leaned her back against the wall and sighed. What 

is wrong with me? I shouldn't be like this. I must stop thinking about it. Taeyeon 

thought and slammed her head against the wall. When she reached the entrance 

floor she walked out and was going to pick up her car key from her bag when she 

remembered she didn't had a car today. Right Jessica drove me here. Well I guess I 

need to take a taxi then. Taeyeon thought and started to look for a taxi. She found a 

taxi and she jumped in and told the taxi driver where he could drop her off. She 

went to a convenience store to buy some food. She bought two cups of ramen, she 

was too lazy to cook anything else. And if Jessica wanted something to eat when she 

came home later, it was easy for her to cook. She walked home, she felt that it was 

getting colder outside now. She guessed that autumn was already there. When she 

came home she putted the ramen on the kitchen table and went to the living room 

and putted on the TV and sat on the sofa. She wasn't feeling hungry right now, she 

was going to eat later. She watched some drama on the TV and she felt that her 

eyes were really tired. She closed them. I can rest for a while before I eat. Taeyeon 

thought and fell asleep.

Tiffany wondered what was wrong with Taeyeon. Sooyoung had right when she said 

that Taeyeon looked a bit pale. She wondered if it's had something to do with 

Jessica. She continued to look at the computer screen that was in front of her. 

Sooyoung looked at the time and saw it that it was time to go home.

"Tiffany it's time to go home now." Sooyoung said and stood up from her seat.

"Now?" Tiffany said and looked up at Sooyoung.

"Yeah. Do you want me to drive you home?" Sooyoung said and started to pack her 



"No. I'm going to take a coffee with Jessica so she is picking me up." Tiffany said 

and smiled.

"Jessica? Taeyeon's girlfriend?" Sooyoung said a bit surprised.

"Yeah." Tiffany said and helped Sooyoung pack the things.

"Well you are both from America so I guess you could become good friends." 

Sooyoung said and took her things.

"I hope so." Tiffany said and followed Sooyoung out.

"Yeah. Anyway have fun." Sooyoung said and walked towards Hyoyeon's office.

"I will bye." Tiffany said and walked towards the elevator.

When she came to the entrance she took out her cell phone from her jacket and 

pressed Jessica‟s number and waited for Jessica to answer.

"Hello?" Jessica voice said.

"Hi Jessica. It's Tiffany. I've just finished work." 

"Okay. I'll be there in ten minutes so you can wait outside the entrance and I'll come 

and pick you up." Jessica said.

"Okay. I'll do so. See you later." Tiffany said and hung up.

Tiffany walked out and stood outside the entrance. There were many cars that 

passed by. There were about to get dark so the street lights were on. Tiffany 

wrapped her coat tighter around her because she felt it was cold. I hope this is going 

well. Tiffany thought. She saw a white car coming closer and slowed in when it 

reached Tiffany. Tiffany walked closer to see who it was, and it was Jessica. Jessica 

gestured that Tiffany was going to jump in and Tiffany did so. Tiffany putted on her 

seat belt and Jessica drove off.

"Where do you want to go?" Jessica asked.

"I don't know. I don't know any places around here." Tiffany said and felt a bit 


"So you are taking me to a coffee but you don't know any cafés?" Jessica asked.

Tiffany nodded and looked at her hands.

"Don't worry. I'll take you to my favorite place." Jessica said.

Tiffany smiled. For a second she thought that Jessica was mad at her. They sat quiet 

the rest of the time. Jessica stopped outside a café called Soshi Corner. They both 

went in, there was quiet and not many people where there. It was a pretty nice and 

a calm place.

"What do you want?" Jessica asked.

Tiffany got a bit startled.

"I want...." Tiffany looked at the menu that was hanging on the wall over the 

counter. "A caramel coffee." She said.

Jessica looked at her. 

"Caramel coffee?" Jessica asked.

"Yeah. It's my favorite." Tiffany said and smiled.

Jessica giggled.

"It's my favorite too." Jessica said.

Tiffany was a bit surprised that Jessica had giggled.

Jessica ordered two caramel coffee and they sat by a table that was in a corner. 

"How come you know this place?" Tiffany asked.

Jessica thought about it.

"I think I went here the first time when I was in high school, and after that I came 

here more often. I liked this place because it was so quiet and there weren‟t so many 


people here." Jessica said.

"I see. But the place is really nice." Tiffany said and took a sip from her coffee.

They sat quiet for a while. Tiffany didn't know what she was going to say. She 

wanted to apologize for what she had done on the party.

"Jessica, what I did in the restroom on the party, I'm sorry for it. I didn't mean to do 

anything of it, I was drunk and didn't know what I was doing." Tiffany said and 

looked at her coffee.

Jessica looked at Tiffany. She saw that Tiffany was sorry for it. And that she didn't 

mean to do it, and she admitted that she had been drunk when she did it. 

"I forgive you." Jessica said.

Tiffany looked up.

"Really?" Tiffany said and shined up.

"Yeah. You have apologized for what you have done and said that you didn't  mean

to do it. So there is no reason to be angry then." Jessica said.

"Thank you." Tiffany said and smiled.

"Now we can forget about it. And maybe start over." Jessica said.

"Yeah, I guess that would be good." Tiffany said still smiling.

Jessica smiled. She felt relieved that Tiffany had apologized for what she had do ne 

and she didn't mean to do it. She hoped that she and Tiffany could become good 

friends. For some reason she felt that she had knew Tiffany from before.

"I hope we can become good friends." Jessica said and held out her hand.

Tiffany looked at Jessica's hand a bit surprised. Tiffany took Jessica's hand

"I hope so too." Tiffany said and started to smile.

They both started to giggle after they had said that. They started to talk to each other 

and laugh together. Tiffany felt happy that it had gone so well with Jessica. And she 

really hoped that they could become good friends in the future.


Chapter 7

Yuri went down the elevator. She looked at the time. She wondered how Jessica had 

it with Tiffany. She sighed. I haven't seen Yoona since last night. She thought. She 

wondered what Yoona did right now, she knew that Yoona was going to attend a 

photo shooting and a meeting about something. Yuri picked up her cell phone from 

her pocket and looked at it. I wonder if it is okay to call her now. Well you won't 

know if you don't try. Yuri thought and pressed Yoona's number and waited for her 

to answer.

"Hello?" Yoona voice said.

"Hey baby, can you talk right now?" Yuri asked.

"Yeah, I can talk. I'm on a little break before my meeting." 

"Hehe good. So do you know when you'll be coming home?" Yuri asked.

"No, I don't know. But I think I will be late." 

"Okay. Do you want anything to eat when you come home?"

"If you are cooking you can just leave the food on the bench and I'll be heat it up 

when I come home."

"Okay. I'll do so." Yuri said and smiled. "How did the photo shooting go?" 

"It went really well. And Seohyun tried too! And she was really good, I think she 

should try becoming a model." 

"I see. That‟s good."

"Yeah. Sorry Yuri, but I must go now. The meeting is starting. Love you."

"Love you too"

"And Yuri. You don't have to stay up and wait for me if you're tired." 

"I won't." Yuri said and Yoona hung up.

Yuri smiled. Waiting for Yoona was just what she had planned to do, and with a little 

surprise. She got out of the elevator and went to her car. She drove away and 

stopped outside a grocery shop she went in and bought a few things. Then she 

drove off again but stopped outside a flower shop, she went in and bought a 

bouquet of all kinds of flowers. After she had bought the flowers she went home. 

Yuri couldn't stop smiling when she thought about what she was going to prepare for 

Yoona. When Yuri came home, the first thing she did was putting the flowers in a 

vase and putted it on the kitchen table. She placed the other things she had bought 

on the bench. She started to search for something in the cupboards. I wonder where 

Yoona putted the cook book. Yuri thought and looked through all the cupboards, she 

stood up and looked around in the kitchen. Then she remembered where Yoona had 

said the cook book where. She went to the living room and started to look trough the 

books on the bookcase. When she find the cook book she was looking for she 

jumped happily in the kitchen and started to read how she was going to prepare the

meal she had planned to do. She started to paper the meal and when she waited for 

it to get ready she cleaned the apartment. When she was done with the cleaning it 

was a bit time left before the dinner was ready, so she organized the kitchen table so 

it looked lovely and romantic. When she was done she looked at what she had done 

and smiled. She looked at the food and saw it was ready, she took it out of the oven 

and placed it nice on a plate, and she putted the plate on the kitchen table and sat 

down on the chair. She looked at the time. It was a bit over 11 pm. She hoped that 

Yoona would come home soon. Yuri looked in front of her at the empty seat, she 


heard that someone unlocked the door and came in. Stood up and walked to the 


"Hi baby, how was the meeting?" Yuri said and embraced Yoona that stood in the 

hallway and took of her shoes.

"Hi, I thought you were asleep." Yoona said surprised and looked at Yuri.

"No, I have prepared something for you." Yuri said and smiled.

"Really what is it?" Yoona said and tried to get pass Yuri but Yuri stopped her.

"I'll show you." Yuri said and covered Yoona's eyes and started to lead her to the 


"It smells food." Yoona said and Yuri laughed.

"You are right about that." Yuri said and took of her hands from  Yoona's eyes.

Yoona stared at what Yuri had prepared. She was amazed at how romantic Yuri had 

done it. She turned around so she faced Yuri.

"Have you prepared all this?" Yoona asked and grabbed Yuri's hands.

"Yep, I wanted to make a surprise for you." Yuri said and smiled.

"You didn't have too, you have done too much!" Yoona said and hugged Yuri.

"I'll do anything if it's for you." Yuri said and kissed Yoona.

Yoona kissed back. They stopped kissing when they heard something rumbling. 

Yoona looked embarrassed away and Yuri laughed.

"Do you want to eat now?" Yuri asked and tried to hold her laughter.

Yoona only nodded in answer, still embarrassed about it.

They sat around the table and started to eat, Yoona ate like she hadn't seen food for 

days. Yuri looked surprised at her.

"When was the last time you ate? Last month?" Yuri laughed.

"Lunch time." Yoona said after she had swallowed what she had in her mouth.

Yuri laughed at her girlfriend. She thought Yoona's appetite was cute, and it was 

something she liked about her. Yuri continued to eat her food. After they had 

finished their food Yuri was going to wash the dishes but Yoona stopped her. Yuri 

looked at Yoona a bit surprised.

"You have made all this for me, now I'm going to give you your reward." Yoona said 

and dragged Yuri with her.

When Yuri understood what Yoona meant she grinned and dragged Yoona with her 

in to the bedroom and closed the door.

Jessica and Tiffany were still on the café and chatted.

"So you also like to shop, you should come with me someday. Taeyeon doesn't like 

shopping so much but she comes with me just to be nice." Jessica said after Tiffany 

had told her that she likes shopping.

"It sounds like Taeyeon, in high school she come with me and her girlfriend just to 

be nice." Tiffany laughed.

Jessica looked at Tiffany until she realized what Tiffany had said.

"Taeyeon had a girlfriend in high school?" Jessica asked after Tiffany had stopped 


"Yeah, haven't she told you yet?" Tiffany asked surprised.

"No, she hasn‟t told me about anything about her past." Jessica said.

"That‟s strange. Even though she hasn't told you about it, Taeyeon said to me that 

she's in her past."

"Well that‟s good, I suppose." Jessica said and looked down at her coffee cup that 


was empty.

"Jessi, please don't be angry at Taeyeon for this. If you give her time I'm sure she 

will tell you." Tiffany said and tried to cheer Jessica up.

"But haven't she had enough time? I have told her about my past." Jessica said and 

looked more upset.

"Taeyeon is a bit complicated person, she keeps everything to herself. If you wait 

I'm sure she will open herself to you."

"I thought she already had." 

Tiffany looked at the upset Jessica. She didn't know what she was going to say. And 

she didn't know why Taeyeon hadn't told Jessica yet. She looked at Jessica with a 

worried look.

"What was the name of Taeyeon's girlfriend?" Jessica asked still looking and her cup.

"I don't think you should hear it from me." Tiffany said.

"Why not?" Jessica asked and looked up at Tiffany.

Tiffany felt it was much colder now. She wondered why.

"I think it's better to hear it from Taeyeon, she can give you an explanation." Tiffany 


Jessica looked at her cup again. Tiffany thought she saw a tear in Jessica's eye.

"Jessi, please don't be upset. I didn't want to make you upset." Tiffany said and 

grabbed Jessica's hand.

"You didn't make me upset." 

Tiffany looked at Jessica. She didn't know what to do know. If this was going to start 

a fight between Jessica and Taeyeon, she swore she would kill herself for opening 

her mouth about Taeyeon's ex girlfriend.

"Jessica, can you please promise to not get angry at Taeyeon for this. I can talk to 

her tomorrow about it if you want." Tiffany said and tried her best to cheer Jessica 


"If you tell me the name, then I promise that I won't even mention this to Taeyeon." 

Jessica said.

Tiffany sighed.

"Okay, her name is Lee Sunny." 

Jessica looked up surprised.

"The girl in the car accident?" Jessica asked shocked.

"Yeah, it's her." Tiffany said and looked down at her hands.

Jessica looked shocked at Tiffany. She didn't know what to say. She was sure that 

Taeyeon had said she didn't know her when Jessica asked.

"But...but...but Taeyeon told me she didn't know her." Jessica said.

"What?" Tiffany asked and looked up at Jessica.

"When I read about it in the newspaper, I told Taeyeon about it, and she seemed 

shocked to hear about the name, and I asked if she know her but she said that she 

didn't know her."

Tiffany was shocked to hear what Jessica told her. Had Taeyeon lied to Jessica about 

Sunny? What is going on in Taeyeon's head right now? Tiffany thought. She woke up 

from her thoughts when she saw Jessica still in a bit of shock.

"Jessica are you okay?" Tiffany asked and waved in front of Jessica.

"I can't believe she has lied to me." Jessica mumbled.

Tiffany stood up and walked to Jessica's side.

"Jessica listen to me. Taeyeon must have a reason for this, because I can't imagine 


Taeyeon did this to hurt you. Taeyeon love you too much." Tiffany said and tried to 

shake Jessica back to reality.

"You are a good friend." Jessica said. "You believe so much in Taeyeon." 

"It's because I haven't seen Taeyeon so happy before. And I don't want you two to 

break apart! You two are like the perfect match!" Tiffany said.

Jessica looked shocked at Tiffany. She just remembered what Yuri had told her 

earlier. Jessica hugged Tiffany.

"Tiffany thank you. I won't be angry at Taeyeon. I promise." Jessica said.

Tiffany was surprised at Jessica's sudden action but hugged her back. Jessica broke 

the hug. 

"It's pretty late, should we go home?" Jessica asked.

"Yeah, sure." Tiffany said still a bit surprised.

They got in to Jessica's car and Jessica drove Tiffany home. Tiffany was going to talk 

to Taeyeon about Sunny in the morning. Tiffany wanted to help  Jessica with these, 

she new lying was wrong in a relationship and she was sure Taeyeon knew that too, 

but she really wanted to know why Taeyeon was lying to Jessica. Jessica dropped off 

Tiffany outside her apartment and Jessica drove back home. When Jessica came 

home she found Taeyeon sleeping on the sofa, she walked closer to her and sat 

down beside her. She stroke Taeyeon's bangs out of her eyes and looked at her 

sleeping face. Taeyeon, why did you lie to me? Did you think I would have become 

angry at you if you told me? Jessica thought. Jessica stood up and got a blanket, she 

covered Taeyeon with it and kissed Taeyeon at the forehead. She was going to go 

away but someone grabbed her hand. She looked down and saw that Taeyeon was 


"Did something happen?" Taeyeon asked with a tired voice.

"No, why?" Jessica said.

"Good. I was so worried that Tiffany would do something to you." Taeyeon said and 

sat up and rubbed her eyes.

Jessica sat beside Taeyeon.

"She apologized for what she did at the party. She was drunk and didn't mean 

anything of it. And she wanted to start over and try to become friends, and I think 

that was a good idea. So I think you should forgive her." Jessica said.

Taeyeon looked at Jessica.

"Yeah, I have forgiven her." Taeyeon said.

"Good. I want to sleep in the bed tonight." Jessica said and pouted.

"Me too." 

They walked to the bedroom and the lied down in the bed. Taeyeon hugged Jessica 

and Jessica hugged back. Jessica felt that Taeyeon soon fell asleep. Jessica hugged 

Taeyeon tighter. I hope you won't lie to me again and give me an explanation why 

you lied to me. Jessica thought and placed her head closer to Taeyeon


Chapter 8

Tiffany was at home, she talked on the phone with someone and looked out the 


"Yeah. I'll do that. And I will try to get her with me. Take care. I'll maybe call some 

other time." Tiffany said and hung up.

She looked at her phone. I hope this will work out somehow. She thought. She 

looked outside and saw it was raining. She was going to go to work soon. She  hoped 

that what she had planned would go well. She sat in the armchair and leaned her 

head back. She really needs help right now. And there is only one person who can 

help her. Tiffany thought.

Yoona woke up and felt that Yuri lied beside her. She looked at Yuri's sleeping face. 

Yoona smiled and kissed Yuri on the cheek and got up out of bed. She went to the 

bathroom and took a quick shower. When she came out of the shower Yuri was still 

sleeping. Yoona smiled and sat on the bed beside Yuri, she leaned closer to Yuri's 


"Unnie. You need to wake up now so you don't be late for work." She whispered.

Yuri opened her eyes slowly and looked at Yoona.

"Good morning." Yoona said and smiled.

"You are beautiful." Yuri said with a tired voice and dragged Yoona closer to her.

Yuri kissed Yoona and sat up.

"But you were more beautiful last night." Yuri said and smiled.

Yoona blushed and looked away. She looked at Yuri and saw that Yuri still was 

smiling so she took a pillow and threw it in Yuri's face.

"Like I said. You will be late for work if you don't go up now." Yoona said and stood 

up and walked out of the room.

Yuri started to laugh at Yoona because Yoona had blushed. Yuri got up and went in 

to the bathroom and took a quick shower. After the shower she putted on her 

clothes and went to the kitchen, she saw that Yoona had prepared some coffee so 

she took a cup. Yoona stood in the living room and talked to someone. Yuri sat down 

on one of the chairs and drank her coffee. Yoona came into the kitchen after she had 

ended her call and took a cup coffee and sat at one of the chairs.

"Who was it?" Yuri asked.

"It was from Seohyun. She asked me if I would go to the meeting later today." 

Yoona said and took a sip from her coffee.

"I see." Yuri said and took a sip from her coffee too.

"You will go to the meeting, right?" Yoona asked after a while.

"Yeah, I must go to the meeting." Yuri said.

"Hehe good." Yoona said and smiled.

They talked for a bit then they went to work. Yoona went to film a commercial and 

Seohyun went with her. Yuri went to her office and started to work. She wondered 

how it went for Jessica yesterday. She was going to ask her when Jessica came to 


Taeyeon woke up and looked at the time. There was a few minutes left before she 

needed to go up so she decided she would stay in bed the rest of the time. She 


hugged Jessica that was sleeping text to her. She felt that Jessica wrapped her arms 

around her waist. Taeyeon smiled for herself. She kissed Jessica on her cheek and 

Jessica opened her eyes and looked at Taeyeon. 

"Good morning." Taeyeon said.

"Morning." Jessica said and yawned.

"Did you sleep well?" Taeyeon asked and hugged Jessica tighter.

Jessica thought for a while. She had had problem to fall asleep because she thought 

about Taeyeon's ex. 

"I had problem to fall asleep." Jessica said and leaned her head on Taeyeon's arm.

"Why? Are you thinking about something?" Taeyeon asked and stroke Jessica's hair.

"Work I guess." 

"I see."

"I will attend a meeting later today, so I will be home late, so you don't need to wait 

for me." Jessica said after a while.

"But I want to wait for you." Taeyeon said and pouted.

"Do as you want then." Jessica said and kissed the pouting Taeyeon.

Taeyeon kissed back and smiled after they stopped kissing. Jessica shook her head 

and went up to take a shower. Taeyeon got up and prepared some coffee. She took 

a cup and sat in the sofa in the living room. She stretched her legs and listened to 

the sound of the water from the shower. Taeyeon drank her coffee and heard that 

Jessica got out of the shower.

"You can take a shower now if you want to." Jessica said while she poured up some 

coffee for her.

"I will do that." Taeyeon said and smiled at her.

Jessica sat beside Taeyeon in the sofa. That Taeyeon had laid to her bothered her 

more than she thought it would do. She had hard to believe that the cute and 

romantic girl that sat beside her had actually lied to her. She looked at Taeyeon.

"Taeyeon, are you hiding something from me?" Jessica asked.

Taeyeon looked surprised at her. Taeyeon didn't know what Jessica was talking 


"No, why?" Taeyeon said and looked at Jessica.

"Nothing. Wanted to know." Jessica said and drank her coffee.

Taeyeon looked at her. She couldn't think of anything she was hiding from Jessica. If 

Jessica didn't mean 'her', but Taeyeon didn't think Jessica would know about it.

"I'll go and take a shower now." Taeyeon said and got up and kissed Jessica on the 

forehead before she went to the bathroom.

Jessica watched when Taeyeon walked to the bathroom, when Taeyeon closed the 

door after her Jessica leaned her head back and sighed. Every time you lie to me you 

hurt me even more. Why are you doing this to me Taeyeon? Jessica thought.

When Taeyeon had finished showering and putted on her clothes Jessica was already 

on her way to work.

"You are already going?" Taeyeon asked while she rubbed her wet hair with a towel.

"Yeah, I have a lot of work to do today." Jessica said while she was putting on her 


"Okay, I guess I'll see you tonight." Taeyeon said.

"Yeah. But if you are tired you can go to sleep. You don't need to wait for me." 

Jessica said and kissed Taeyeon and went out of the door.

Taeyeon watched when Jessica went out. 


Jessica took the elevator down and went to her car, she looked up to the apartment 

before she got in. She started the engine and drove off. When she came to work she 

rushed to the elevator and pressed the button to the right floor. She rushed to Yuri's 

office, she rushed in and closed the door behind her and sat down on the sofa. Yuri 

looked at Jessica surprised.

"You are....early." Yuri said and looked at Jessica that had buried her face in her 


"I know. I couldn't stand being at home." Jessica mumbled.

Yuri blinked in surprise.

"What why? What has happened?" Yuri said and got up from her seat to sit beside 


"Taeyeon has lied to me!" Jessica screamed.

Yuri was shocked to hear it and rubbed Jessica's back to comfort her.

"I think you need to tell me everything from the beginning." Yuri said.

Jessica told Yuri everything. And Yuri listened to her.

"I don't know what to say. But maybe you should give Taeyeon time like Tiffany 

said?" Yuri said after she had listened to Jessica's story.

"But I even asked her today if she was hiding something from me and she said no!" 

Jessica said.

"Yeah. But I never thought Taeyeon would lie to you about something like that. It's 

her ex! It's not something to lie about." Yuri said

"Yeah I know." Jessica said. "But what if Taeyeon has contact with Sunny and is 

afraid to tell me?" 

"That could be the case. But I still think it's so weird of her to not tell you about her. 

And now Sunny even have lost her baby." 

Jessica looked at Yuri.

"Sunny had a baby." Jessica said in surprise.

"Yeah, it said so in the newspaper." Yuri said.

"Yeah I know. But Sunny and Taeyeon was together, but Sunny had a baby!"

"What? You mean that Taeyeon actually is a guy and got Sunny pregnant?" Yuri 

asked in surprise.

"No!" Jessica said and smacked Yuri on the arm. "Something must have happened 

between them and I think the baby has something to do with it."

"Ah. You mean that Sunny maybe cheated on Taeyeon with a guy and got 


"Yeah, that can be it." Jessica said and nodded.

Yuri nodded also. They sat quiet for a while.

"Anyway, enough with this talk. I think you and Taeyeon need to talk about it 

someday." Yuri said and got up from her seat. "So you and Tiffany decided to start 

over and try to become friends?" Yuri said and sat on the chair by her desk.

"Yeah, she is nice and funny. It feels like I've known her since before." Jessica said 

and got up from her seat and sat on the chair opposite Yuri.

"I see. That is good. I hope you two will become good friends." Yuri said and smiled.

"Yeah me too." Jessica said and smiled a little.

Tiffany sat in the training room when Hyoyeon and Sooyoung were practicing some 

dance steps together. She looked at the time and saw that Taeyeon should have 

come to work by now. She got up from her seat on the floor. 


"I think I will go to Taeyeon now." Tiffany said.

"Okay. Say hello to the Shorty from me." Sooyoung said.

"Okay, I will do so." Tiffany said and walked out of the room. She rode up the 

elevator to the floor where Taeyeon's office was. When she came to the floor she 

walked to Taeyeon's office and knocked at the door but no one responded. She 

opened the door carefully only to find it empty. She saw that Taeyeon's bag and coat 

was in here so she was at work. Tiffany walked out of the office and closed the door 

after her. She wondered where Taeyeon might be. She went to the training room 

again to ask Sooyoung and Hyoyeon.

"Do you know where Taeyeon might be? She isn't in her office." Tiffany said while 

she walked in.

Sooyoung and Hyoyeon stopped dancing.

"She might be in the studio." Sooyoung said. "You take right when you walk out from 

here and walk to the room farest away." 

"Okay, thanks a lot." Tiffany said and smiled.

She walked like Sooyoung had said. When she came to the studio she knocked on 

the door, but no one answered. She knocked again but still no answer. She opened 

the door and saw that Taeyeon sat on the floor with a lot of papers around her and a 

pair of headphones on. She walked closer to the girl that sat on the floor. Taeyeon 

looked up when she saw Tiffany was coming.

"Hello." Taeyeon said and took of her headphones.

"Hi, I knocked on the door but it seems like you didn't hear." Tiffany said and sat on 

the floor.

"Yeah, I was listening to my new song." Taeyeon said and tried to organize the 

papers on the floor.

"It's okay." Tiffany said and smiled.

Tiffany looked at Taeyeon while she was organizing the papers.

"Taeyeon I think we need to talk about something." Tiffany said and looked serious 

on Taeyeon.

Taeyeon looked at Tiffany.

"About what?" Taeyeon asked.

"Have you told Jessica about Sunny?" Tiffany asked.

"No, why?" 

"Don't you think it's time for you to tell her?"

Taeyeon looked at Tiffany.

"You have told Jessica about sunny." Taeyeon said after a while.

"Yeah I did."

"Don't you think this is something between me and Jessica?" 

"But you lied to her! You told her that you didn't know Sunny! I think that Jessica 

only deserves the truth."

Taeyeon looked at Tiffany.

"That still doesn't make it right for you to tell her about my past!" Taeyeon said and 

got up.

"But you had already lied to her! You can't change the truth that you actually lied to 

her! And what are you going to do with Sunny? Sunny really needs you right now, as 

a friend."

Taeyeon looked at Tiffany.

"Have you talked to Sunny?" Taeyeon asked. 


"Yeah, I talked to her this morning. I will go and visit her someday, and she asked 

me if I could ask you to come with me." 

Taeyeon sat on the floor again.

"I can't go to Sunny. Sunny is in my past, and I have Jessica now." Taeyeon said and 

buried her face in her palms.

"You sent her money when she asked you! Is she really in the past then? And I'm 

sure Jessica will understand if you talk to her. Jessica isn't a cold hearted person" 

Tiffany said.

"Tiffany, it's great that you and Jessica are friends. But this is still something 

between me and Jessica, I think it's up to me to decide what to do."

"Taeyeon, you lied to Jessica. Jessica was upset about it. This will break your 

relationship apart. You can't have secrets in a relationship, you know that."

Taeyeon looked up at Tiffany.

"I made Jessica upset?" Taeyeon asked.

"Yeah. She couldn't believe you lied to her." 

Taeyeon lied down on the floor and covered her eyes with her hands.

"I'm an idiot." Taeyeon mumbled.

Tiffany looked at Taeyeon that was lying on the floor. She didn't know if this was the 

right thing to do. She hoped that Taeyeon would change her mind and tell Jessica 

about her past and go and visit Sunny. Tiffany walked closer to Taeyeon and sat 

beside her. She placed her hand on Taeyeon's arm.

"Taeyeon, people do mistakes. And we learn from our mistakes so we don't make 

them again. If you tell Jessica about your past, and apologize for that you lied to her 

I'm sure she will forgive you." Tiffany said and tried to cheer Taeyeon up.

"I'm still an idiot." Taeyeon mumbled.

"I'm sure Jessica will forgive you for being an idiot too." 

Taeyeon sighed. They were quiet for a while. Someone knocked on the door and 

came in. It was Sooyoung and Hyoyeon.

"Here you are! We took with us something to drink." Sooyoung said and held two 

bottles in her hands and Hyoyeon also held two. Sooyoung stopped when she saw 

the two people on the floor. "Hey Taeyeon what‟s wrong?" Sooyoung asked and 

walked closer.

"Headache." Taeyeon mumbled.

Sooyoung and Hyoyeon looked inquiringly at Tiffany.

"She has a headache." Tiffany said.

"I see. Take something to drink and you might feel better." Sooyoung said and sat 

on the floor and held out one of the bottles to Taeyeon.

Taeyeon sat up and took the bottle. Her eyes were a bit red. Hyoyeon gave Tiffany 

one of her bottles. They started to drink their drinks.

"You looked a bit pale yesterday and now you have a headache. Are you starting to 

get sick?" Sooyoung asked after a while.

Taeyeon looked at Sooyoung.

"No, I'm not getting sick." Taeyeon said.

Sooyoung looked at Taeyeon.

"If you say so." Sooyoung said and took a sip from her bottle.

They sat quiet for a while and when they had finished their drinks Hyoyeon and 

Sooyoung got up.

"We are going to show some dancers new moves, so I guess we will see you 


around." Sooyoung said.

"Okay. Thanks for the drinks." Tiffany said and smiled.

Sooyoung and Hyoyeon went out. Tiffany and Taeyeon sat on the floor quiet.

"So what will you do?" Tiffany asked after a while.

"I don't know." Taeyeon said and looked in front of her.

"You know, the truth is the best." Tiffany said.

"Mm I know. But I will think about it." Taeyeon said.

"Okay. But don't mess things up. And I know you only have Jessica on your mind. 

But please try to get Sunny in the picture too, she needs you right now." Tiffany said 

and stood up. Tiffany pated Taeyeon on the head and walked out of the studio. 

Taeyeon looked when Tiffany walked away and lied down on the floor when Tiffany 

closed the door. What have I done? Taeyeon thought.

Jessica sat in her office and worked. She looked at the time and saw that the 

meeting would start soon. She drank her coffee and took a notebook and a pen with 

her and walked to the room where the meeting would be. She met Yuri, Yoona and 

Seohyun there.

"Hi." Jessica said and stopped beside Yuri.

"Hi unnie. I haven't seen you so much." Yoona said and smiled when she saw 


"It's because you are so busy all the time." Jessica reminded her. "So is everything 

going well for you?" Jessica asked and turned to Seohyun.

"Yes. It's going very well thank you." Seohyun said.

"Seohyun is going to try to become a model." Yuri said that was leaning on the wall.

"Really? How come?" Jessica said.

"Yoona unnie said that I was good at it when I tried it and I should  try it out." 

Seohyun said shyly.

"I think it's great. You are pretty and I'm sure you will do fine." Jessica said.

"I told you they would think the same!" Yoona said.

Seohyun smiled. She was happy that her unnies thought she could do it.

The meeting started and all of them walked into the room and sat on a chair and 

waited for the boss to start talking. The boss waited for all of the people to sit down.

"Okay. I'm glad that you all are here. Some of you might get shocked by this 

information but it's all for the company's good. Tomorrow some of you will go 

oversea to work or to get more contacts with companies overseas. So I've split you 

up in teams. All the models, even those who are practicing to become models will go 

to Japan tomorrow morning for photo shooting. You don't have to worry about hotel 

and tickets, we have already prepared that. The stylist, the editors, the clothes 

designers and photographers are going to USA tomorrow night. I'm sorry that it 

comes so sudden, but it's for the best. All of you will get information about what you 

will do tomorrow. All of you will be away for four days. You will get your tickets 

today, so don't go away until you've got your tickets." The boss stopped there. 

Everyone looked at her in surprise. "If you don't have anything to say I can pass out 

your tickets now." The boss said and started to call up names and everyone got up 

and took their tickets. Jessica waited for Yuri, Yoona and Seohyun in the hallway. 

When all of them had gotten their tickets they went to the cafeteria to buy a coffee 

and sit and talk a bit.

"I can't believe we will go to Japan for four days!" Yoona said and looked at her 



"Yeah, I wonder why the boss all of sudden sends us away. And to different 

countries!" Yuri said.

"Unnie it's only four days, it will go fast." Seohyun said to cheer Yuri up because 

Seohyun knew that Yuri wanted to go with Yoona.

Jessica looked at her ticket. She hadn't expected that she would go to the US. She 

didn't know what she was going to do with Taeyeon now. She woke up from her 

daydreaming by her phone that was ringing. She looked who it was and saw it was 

Tiffany. She answered.

"Hi Tiffany." Jessica said.

"Hi Jessi, are you busy right now?" Tiffany asked.

"No, I'm taking a coffee with some friends. Why?"

"I was going to ask if you had talked to Taeyeon yet." Tiffany said.

"No I haven't. I've been on work the whole day. We had a meeting."

"I see. But I talked to Taeyeon and I hope she will tell you the truth, you deserve it."

"Thanks, but tomorrow night I will go to the US to work."

"What? You are going to the US?!" Tiffany asked in surprise.

"Yeah but only for work." Jessica said.

"But still! How long will you stay there?" 

"Only for four days." Jessica said.

"I see. But that is maybe good. It gives Taeyeon time to think, and you can clear 

everything up when you come home again." Tiffany said and Jessica could almost 

feel that she smiled.

"Yeah. Maybe. I hope we can talk about it then." Jessica said.

"Yeah. But I hope you will have it great in the US, call me when you  come back."

"I'll do that. Bye." Jessica said and hung up.

Yuri, Yoona and Seohyun looked at Jessica.

"Who was that?" Yuri asked.

"It was Tiffany." Jessica said and putted her cell phone in her bag.

"Taeyeon unnie's friend?" Yoona asked.

"Yeah, the girl you met at the party." Jessica said and drank her coffee.

After they had finished their coffees they decided they would go home. Seohyun 

would get a ride from Yoona and Yuri so Jessica went home alone. She didn't know 

how she was going to meet Taeyeon when she came home. She guessed she would 

tell her that she didn't want to talk about it today. When she came home she saw 

that Taeyeon was awake and sat in the living room and watched TV.

"I'm home." Jessica said and took of her shoes.

"Welcome home." Taeyeon said from the living room.

Jessica went to the living room and sat beside Taeyeon.

"How did the meeting go?" Taeyeon asked and looked at Jessica.

"It went well. And the boss said that tomorrow some of us will go oversea to work, 

and I will go to USA." Jessica said.

"What? You will go to USA tomorrow?" Taeyeon asked in surprise.

"Yeah tomorrow night. I'll be there for four days."

"Why so sudden?" Taeyeon asked.

"I don't know." Jessica said. "But I think it's good for us. Because there is something 

we need to talk about and I think you need to think about it and now you will get 

four days to be alone and think about it." Jessica said and got up from her seat. 


"Jessica I...." Taeyeon started but Jessica cut her off.

"No, don't say anything now. I don't want to hear it now. We talk about it when I 

come back" Jessica said and walked to the bedroom.

Taeyeon watched when Jessica went to the bedroom and closed the door. She lied 

down on the sofa. Taeyeon couldn't bare the fact that she had made Jessica upset. 

It was driving her crazy, and now Jessica was going to be away for four days. She 

didn't know if it would be good or bad. She sat up and went to the bedroom, she 

saw that Jessica was sleeping. Taeyeon guessed Jessica must be tired after work and 

the meeting. She didn't want to disturb Jessica's sleep now, if Jessica was going to 

USA tomorrow she needed a lot of rest. Taeyeon lied beside Jessica in the bed, she 

turned her back to Jessica. She wasn't sure if it's was okay for her to hug Jessica 

now when she had made her upset. Taeyeon closed her eyes and tried to sleep. She 

felt that some hands wrapped around her waist. 

"I'm not angry at you. I'm disappointed in you. But even though I'm disappointed in 

you, I'll still miss you. So can't you hold me a last time before I go? I won't be able 

to feel your warmth for four days." Jessica whispered.

Taeyeon was a bit surprised. But she turned around so she faced Jessica and hugged 


"Thank you." Jessica whispered. 

The next morning Taeyeon and Jessica didn't talk to each other. Taeyeon watched 

when Jessica packed her things. She didn't know if she should ask if Jessica needed 

help, so she just sat in the living room and drank her coffee and watched when 

Jessica searched for her things. Jessica placed her suitcase in the hallway when she 

had finished packing. Taeyeon looked at the suitcase and then at Jessica.

"I'll go to the airport after work with Yuri. Do you think you will be able to come 

there before the plane goes?" Jessica asked.

"I'll try." Taeyeon said and looked at the floor.

Jessica walked closer to Taeyeon and hugged her.

"I'll miss you." Jessica said.

"I'll miss you too." Taeyeon said and hugged Jessica back.

They stood and hugged each other for a while.

"Sorry, but I must go now. I have things to do at work before I leave." Jessica said 

and tried to pull herself away from Taeyeon.

Taeyeon hugged Jessica tighter when she felt that Jessica tried to go away.

"Taeyeon, can you let me go now?" Jessica said.

"I don't want you to go." Taeyeon said.

"It will only be for four days. I promise I will come back to you, I'm not leaving you. 

I love you." Jessica said and kissed Taeyeon.

When they stopped kissing Taeyeon let go of Jessica and watched when she walked 

out of the door. When the door closed she went to the living room and lied down on 

the sofa. She didn't want to go to work today. She buried her face in one of the 

pillows. She heard that she got a message on her cell phone so she went up to check 

who it was from. It was from Jessica, she read it.

'I almost forgot to tell you. Take care of yourself!'

Taeyeon smiled. She felt a little better now. She decided she would get ready and go 

to work. When she was finish she went to work, when she came to her work and 

went to her office she saw that Tiffany, Sooyoung and Hyoyeon were there. She was 

a bit surprised to see all of them there. 


"Hi, what are all of you doing here?" Taeyeon asked and closed the door after her.

"I and Hyoyeon were a bit worried about you. And we asked Tiffany if she knew 

what was wrong with you. And she told us a few surprising things." Sooyoung said.

Taeyeon looked at Tiffany and Tiffany looked at the floor.

"Taeyeon you have your chance to explain yourself now." Sooyoung said.

Taeyeon sat on her chair.

"What if I don't want to tell you?" Taeyeon said.

"That's just stupid. We are friends! We support each other." Sooyoung said and 

stood up from her seat.

"Okay, we are friends I know. But I want to tell Jessica first, after I have done that, I 

can tell you guys about it. Is that okay?" Taeyeon said and looked at the taller girl.

Sooyoung sat beside Hyoyeon again. 

"Okay, but you must promise that you tell us! We are worried about you, you are our 

friend." Sooyoung said.

"I promise." 

"Good. Now we will go and do our job. And don't be angry at Tiffany becau se she 

told us." Sooyoung said and walked out of the room and Hyoyeon followed her.

Taeyeon and Tiffany sat quiet. They didn't even look at each other.

"So you told them?" Taeyeon said after a while.

"I only told them you lied about Sunny to Jessica." Tiffany said and looked at 


"Nothing else?" 

"Nothing else. I said that they should ask you directly if they want to know more." 

Taeyeon looked in front of her. She didn't know what to say. And she didn't know 

what to do either.

When Jessica arrived at work she found Yuri sitting in the cafeteria. She sat down 

opposite her.

"Hi. When did you come here?" Jessica asked.

"After I left Yoona and Seohyun at the airport." Yuri said and looked sad.

"It will only be for four days." Jessica said and grabbed Yuri's hand. 

"I'll still miss her." Yuri said.

"I know, but I'll miss Taeyeon too."

Yuri looked up at Jessica. Jessica smiled at her. Then Yuri remembered what they 

had talked about yesterday.

"Hey, did you and Taeyeon talk about Sunny?" Yuri asked.

Jessica stopped smiling. Yuri felt that it was a stupid question.

"No, we didn't. I told her that we will talk about it when I come back." Jessica said 

and leaned back.

"I hope you will clear it up." Yuri said.

"Yeah." Jessica said and looked down.

Yoona and Seohyun sat next to each other on the plane. Yoona watched the movie 

that was shown and Seohyun read a book. Yoona thought the movie was boring so 

she tried to talk to Seohyun.

"Have you been to Japan before?" Yoona asked.

"No, I haven't. Have you?" Seohyun asked and looked up from her book.

"No, this is my first time." Yoona said and smiled.  


Seohyun smiled back and started reading her book again. Yoona still looked at 

Seohyun. She wondered how the girl had it at home, Seohyun had mentioned that 

she had problem but she never talked about it.

"How is it at home? Is everything okay?" Yoona asked after a while.

Seohyun looked up at Yoona. Yoona saw that Seohyun hesitated about telling her.

"Seohyun, you can tell me if you want. I won't tell anyone." Yoona said and grabbed 

Seohyun's hand.

Seohyun looked at Yoona's hand and looked up again. She closed her book and took 

a deep breath.

"My mother is sick. And my dad is an alcoholic. My mom isn‟t able to work because 

she's sick and my dad always gets fired from all his jobs. All he does is hanging 

around at home and drinking and screaming. Sometimes he goes out. My mom 

recently got into hospital because she got worse." Seohyun stopped.

Yoona was shocked to hear what Seohyun said. She guessed that it must have been 

something serious but nothing like this.

"If you need any help at home. Or any help at all, even if it's just something little. 

Tell me. I would be glad to help you." Yoona said and hugged Seohyun.

"Thank you." Seohyun said and hugged Yoona back.

Yoona stopped hugging Seohyun and smiled at her.

"Do you want something? I can pay for you." Yoona said and was going to press the 

button for the flight attendant.

"No thanks. It's okay." Seohyun said and grabbed Yoona's hand to stop her.

"Okay. But sometime I want to buy something for you." Yoona said still smiling.

"You don't have to." Seohyun said and looked down embarrassed.

"I'm your unnie, and I want to treat you for something." Yoona said not giving up.

"Sometime, maybe." Seohyun mumbled still looking at the floor.

Yoona sat back at her seat smiling and satisfied with the answer.

Yuri waited for Jessica in the entrance. Jessica was looking for something on her 

office. Yuri had her suitcase with her, they were going to go to the airport with 

Jessica's car. Jessica came out of the elevator and walked to Yuri.

"Sorry I made you waiting." Jessica said and they both started to walk to Jessica's 


"It's okay. I'm used to it anyway." Yuri said and grinned.

"Yah! What do you mean by that?" 

"You always made me wait for you when we walked to school together. Or when we 

were going to go out.” Yuri said and tried to remember all the times Jessica had 

made her wait.

"Okay okay. I don't need to hear it." Jessica said and waved her hand in front of 


Jessica unlocked her car and Yuri placed her suitcase in the backseat next to 

Jessica's. They both sat in the car and Jessica drove off to the airport. They didn't 

speak during their way to the airport, when they come to the airport they checked in 

their bags and got their boarding pass. Jessica looked at the entrance to see if 

Taeyeon were going to come.

"Have you forgotten something?" Yuri asked who was walking in front of Jessica.

"No. I just looked to see if Taeyeon were going to come and say good bye. She said 

she would try to come, but I guess she couldn't make it." Jessica said and continued 


to walk.

"We can wait for a while if you want to." Yuri said and stopped.

"No, it's no need for it. The plane is going to depart soon anyways." Jessica said not 


Yuri walked after her and noticed that Jessica took a last glance at the entrance 


Taeyeon sat on her office. She looked at her screen and then looked at the clock on 

the wall. She jumped up when she saw what time it was.  Oh crap! I forgot the time! 

I must go to the airport right now! She thought while she grabbed her coat and run 

out in the hallway and took the stairs down. She didn't care that she bumped in to 

people she kept running to her car. She started the engine and didn't care about the 

promise to Jessica, she speeded of. She drove to the airport the fastest she could, 

she got almost hit by cars but she didn't care about that. When she came to the 

airport she looked after Jessica. She tried to see if there were anyone who looked 

like her but she couldn't find her. She went to see if the plane had departed and she 

was one minute late. Taeyeon fell down on her knees.  How could I miss you with 

one minute?! With one minute! I'm such an idiot! Taeyeon thought and covered her 

face with her hands. She felt a hand on her shoulder and she looked up.

"It's no use sitting here." Tiffany said and looked at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon was surprised to see Tiffany. But she hugged her because she really felt she 

needed to rely on her friend right now.

"I missed her! I wanted to say good bye, but I forgot the time! I'm such an idiot. I 

wanted to tell her to not go!" Taeyeon said still not getting up from the floor.

"Jessica will forgive you. I promise she will." Tiffany said and rubbed Taeyeon's back, 

she was a little surprised that Taeyeon had hugged her.

Taeyeon stopped hugging Tiffany and stood up from the floor.

"Why are you here?" Taeyeon asked.

"I said good bye to Jessica and I thought you maybe needed a friend when you 

come here." Tiffany said.

"When did you come?" 

"I came before Jessica went to the gate. I caught her just in time before she went to 

the gate." 

"How did you know that I would come?" 

"Jessica told me that you had said that you would try to come. And I knew you 

wouldn't want Jessica to go without saying good bye." 

"You know me too well." Taeyeon said and walked to the entrance.

Tiffany followed her and they walked out together. Tiffany followed Taeyeon to her 


"How did you get here?" Taeyeon asked and opened the car door.

"I took a taxi." Tiffany said and opened the other door.

"I see." Taeyeon said and sat in the car.

Taeyeon drove Tiffany home and then she went back home to her. She wasn't 

hungry so she went right to sleep. She tried to make the time go faster so Jessica 

could come home faster.



Chapter 9

Jessica sat on the bed and unpacked her things. Yuri was in the other room  and 

talked to Yoona on the phone. When Jessica and Yuri had come to the hotel the boss 

had given everyone their key to the hotel room and a schedule so they knew what 

they were going to do for the four days here. Jessica and Yuri were going to cheer 

the same hotel room for the next four days. Jessica looked at her phone, she 

wondered if she was going to call Taeyeon. She wondered what she was doing. She 

putted the phone on the side table and finished unpacking her things. When she was 

finish with unpacking her things she took a towel and a changing of clothes. In an 

hour she was going on a meeting so she wanted to wash herself up. After the 

shower she saw that Yuri had finished talking to Yoona and was unpacking her 


"Did the flight go well for them?" Jessica asked and started to dry her hair with a 


"Yeah. They were going to go to sleep soon. They had a photo shooting in the 

morning." Yuri said and placed her suitcase under the bed.

"I see." Jessica said and continued to dry her hair.

"I'm also going to get a shower." Yuri said and took a towel and a changing of 


Jessica watched when Yuri walked to the bathroom and closed the door. She started 

to put on some make-up and stopped when her phone started ringing. She looked at 

the bedside table and held her breath. Taeyeon? She thought and walked to the 

phone. She looked who it was and got disappointed when she saw it only was her 

boss. She sighed and answered.

"Hello?" Jessica answered with cold voice.

"Jessica what are you doing?" Her boss asked.

"I'm getting ready for my first meeting." Jessica said and sat down on the bed.

"Okay. But I need your help with a thing. You can take Yuri with you. Meet me in the 

lobby. Come as fast as you can." The boss said and hung up.

Jessica looked at her phone. She shook her head and placed her phone in her hand 

bag and started to put on make-up again. Yuri come out of the bathroom sat down 

on her bed.

"The boss wanted my help with something and she told me to take you with me." 

Jessica said and was putted few things in her hand bag.

"Right now?" Yuri asked a bit surprised.

"Yeah. She told me to come to the lobby as fast as I can." 

"Okay. I'll only dry my hair and put on some make-up then I'm finish." Yuri said and 

got up from her seat.

When Yuri was finish they went to the lobby and met their boss there. 

"Good you are here." The boss said when she saw them. 

"What is it you need help with?" Jessica asked and stopped beside her boss.

"Instead of going to the meeting you were supposed to go to, you are com ing with 

me to a meeting." The boss said and started to walk to the doors. Jessica and Yuri 

followed her. 

"Is it a necessary for both of us to come with you?" Yuri asked.

"Yeah. You two are going to learn a bit about music." The boss said and opened a 


door to a cab and they all went in.

"Why are we going to learn us about music?" Yuri asked.

"Because when we get back to Korea. We will try to collaborate with Soshi Studios." 

"Why?" Jessica asked surprised.

"I'll explain to you another day." The boss said.

Jessica looked at Yuri with big eyes.

"Soshi Studio is where Taeyeon and Tiffany are working." Jessica whispered.

"Really?" Yuri asked surprised.

Jessica nodded.

The cab stopped and they went out. The boss showed them in to a building and they 

met a man in there.

"This is George. He will teach us that music and fashion have similarities and that 

they are a great combo if you connect them." The boss said and pointed at the man.

Jessica and Yuri shook hands with him. The four of them went to a room and George

started to talk and show them videos and photos and everything. They had finished 

it after two hours and Jessica felt like going home and sleep. She had taken in so 

much information that her brain felt like it would explode. Jessica and Yuri started to 

walk to the entrance but their boss stopped them.

"Thank you for coming with me. And here is my plan. When we come back to Korea, 

I will plan a meeting with Soshi Studios. And on that meeting I want you to tell them 

what is good about to connect fashion and music. And I also want you to tell them 

new opportunities. I'm sure you guys will make a great job with it! But now you need 

to go on a meeting. See you another time!" Their boss said and walked away.

Jessica and Yuri stood there and looked after her boss.

"Why are we doing this?" Jessica asked after a while.

"Because the boss thinks we are a great team." 

"Don't she have other people to do this kind of stuff for her?"

"I think she must pay them more if they do the work." 

Jessica looked at Yuri.

"She is crazy." Jessica said and started to walk out of the building.

"Hey where are you going?" Yuri said and walked after Jessica.

"I'm going back to the hotel. I'm tired." Jessica said and tried to find a taxi.

"But we have meetings we are going to. You can't go back and sleep now." Yuri said 

and stopped Jessica.

"It's night in Korea. Aren't you tired?" Jessica asked angry.

"I am, but this is our job. We need to do this." 

Jessica sighed and leaned her head against a street lamp.

"I'm tired. I want to go home. I'm missing Taeyeon." She said.

Yuri felt sorry for Jessica and hugged her.

"I know you do. But it's only for four days." Yuri said and rubbed Jessica‟s back.

"I'm wondering what she is doing." Jessica said.

"If it's night in Korea I think she is sleeping. But you can always call her, right?" 

"I'm scared to do that." 

Yuri looked at Jessica.

"Why are you scared?" Yuri asked surprised.

"I don't want to disturb her when she is working. Or if is she is thinking." Jessica said 

and looked down.

Yuri pated Jessica's head. 


"Don't think like that. I'm sure she will be happy if you call her. She's probably 

thinking of you too." 

Jessica looked up at Yuri and Yuri saw that Jessica's eyes were watery.

"Don't cry now. We are going to work and after that I can treat you to something to 

eat. Some American food that you like." 

"Okay." Jessica said.

"Good." Yuri pated Jessica's head and tried to catch a taxi.

A taxi stopped and they both went in the backseat. Yuri looked at Jessica that was 

looking out the window. You must really love Taeyeon. I hope she don't hurt you 

more than what she had already done. Yuri thought.

After the meeting they went to a restaurant and took something to eat. Yuri was 

happy that Jessica had done her work and didn't show that her mind was somewhere


"If we are going to have a meeting with Soshi Studios when we come back, how 

should we represent what we want to say in a good way?" Jessica asked and took a 

bite of her food.

"Hmm, maybe we should show them some of the videos George told us. Or maybe 

make a new video that are similar to them." 

"Yeah. That sounds good. But the boss didn't say when the meeting was going to be. 

So when we are here we can maybe work on what we are going to say and get help 

from George. And when we come back we can make the video." Jessica said.

"Good idea." 

Yuri looked at Jessica when she was eating. She wondered if Jessica tried to get 

Taeyeon of her mind by working harder. She hoped that Jessica would call Taeyeon 

later. After they had finished eating Yuri paid for t he food like she had promised she 

would do. They went to the hotel and they both went straight to bed. Yuri looked at 

Jessica that was sleeping in the bed next to hers. She hoped that Jessica would sleep 

well, or else it would be almost impossible for her to wake her up. Yuri turned 

around in her bed and looked at her phone. She wondered what Yoona was doing 

and if she was okay. She opened her phone and looked at her background picture. It 

was a picture of Yoona. Yuri smiled and putted her phone back at the side table and 

tried to sleep. 

The next morning she woke up by her phone that was ringing. She looked at it and 

saw it was Yoona. She smiled and answered.

"Hello baby." Yuri said.

"Hi unnie. Did I wake you up?" Yoona said.

"Yeah. But it doesn't matter." Yuri said still smiling.

"Okay. I just wanted to call you. How is everything over there?" 

"It's good. We have a lot to do. What about you?" 

"Same. We are going to different places all the time. It's really tiring." 

"I can understand that. I hope you rest properly and eat enough."

"Don't worry. I take care of myself." Yoona said laughing.

Yuri smiled when she heard Yoona laugh.

"I most go now. But I will call you another time. Bye bye and good luck." Yoona said.

"Bye bye. Good luck you too." Yuri said and hung up. 

Yuri placed her phone on the side table and looked at Jessica's bed. Jessica was still 

sleeping. Yuri looked at the time. They needed to be in a meeting in one and a half 

hour. She guessed it was time to go up now. She went up from her bed and went to 


Jessica's bed. She shook Jessica lightly.

"Sica, it's time to get up." Yuri said.

"Five more minutes." Jessica said and turned around.

Yuri looked at Jessica. She knew that it had been hard to wake Jessica up since a 

long time ago. She got an idea.  She leaned close to Jessica's ear.

"Jessica if you don't wake up now. I will put cucumber in your nose." Yuri whispered.

Jessica jumped out of bed.

"No!! I hate cucumber!" Jessica screamed and threw a pillow at Yuri.

"I'm sorry. Calm down. I don't have any cucumber, I just wanted you to get up." Yuri 


"You really scared me there." Jessica said and pouted.

"Haha sorry. But we need to get ready soon. We must be in a meeting in one and a 

half hour."

Jessica took her towel and went in to the bathroom. Yuri drank a cup of coffee while 

she waited for Jessica to get finish in the bathroom. When Jessica was finish Yuri 

went to the bathroom. When they both were finished they went to their meeting. 

They went to three meetings that day, and when they had been to all the meetings 

they went back to the hotel. Yuri said that she was going out to buy something for 

them to eat and Jessica said she was going to wait in the hotel room. When Yuri 

came back she saw that Jessica was sitting with her laptop and working. Yuri  placed 

the things she had bought in the small kitchen and went to see what Jessica did.

"What are you doing?" Yuri asked and looked at the screen over Jessica's shoulder.

"I'm preparing what we are going to say on the meeting." Jessica said still looking 

typing at the computer.

"I see. But can't you wait with it until another time. You should eat something now." 

Jessica looked up at Yuri.

"Have you bought food?" Jessica asked.

"Yeah. I took take-away." Yuri said and smiled.

"What did you buy?" Jessica asked and turned off the laptop and stood up.

"I bought pizza." Yuri said and smiled.

Jessica went to the kitchen and took the pizza carton.

"We can sit on the balcony and eat." Yuri said and opened the balcony door.

Jessica and Yuri went out. It was a bit cold, but not too cold. Jessica placed the pizza 

carton on the table that stood outside and Yuri went in to get glasses and plates and 

something to drink. They sat around the table and took a slice of the pizza and 

started to eat.

"Have you called Taeyeon yet?" Yuri asked after a while.

"No, why?" 

"Just wondering. Are you going to do it?" 

"I don't know. But if I call her I must check the time there before I call."

"I see." Yuri said and took a bite of her pizza slice.

"How do tomorrows schedule look like?" Jessica asked.

"We are going to a meeting tomorrow morning. After the meeting we are going to 

George to talk about some things. And after we have been there, we are going out 

to eat with our boss and some other people." Yuri said after she had thought for a


"I see. Well it's best to get to sleep if we are going up early tomorrow." Jessica said 

and stood up and took her plate and glass. 


Yuri watched when Jessica got up and went in. Yuri sighed. 

"I'm taking a shower before I go to sleep." Jessica said from the inside.

"Okay." Yuri responded.

Yuri took the rest of the things and went in. She washed up the plates and the 

glasses and waited for Jessica to finish in the bathroom. When Jessica was finish Yuri 

went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. When she came out Jessica was 

already sleeping. Yuri went to her bed and tried to sleep.

"Yuri, are you thinking about Yoona?" Jessica asked after a while.

Yuri opened her eyes and looked at the wall in front of her.

"Yeah. All the time." Yuri responded.

"Do you love her?" 

"Yeah. With all my heart."

"I think it's the same for me but Taeyeon." 

They were quiet for a while and soon both of them fell asleep. Next morning Yuri 

woke up by her alarm that was ringing, she turned it off and went out of bed. Jessica 

was still sleeping and Yuri was going to let Jessica sleep for a little bit more. Yuri 

went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. When she was finish Jessica was still 

sleeping. Yuri took her hairbrush and placed it close to Jessica's hand.

"The thing that is lying near your hand is a cucumber. You better wake up now." Yuri 


Jessica sat straight up and held both of her hands close to her and looked at the 

hairbrush with terrified eyes. Yuri started to laugh so much that she was lying on the 


"It's only a stupid hairbrush!" Jessica said and threw it on the laughing Yuri.

"Yeah I know. But your reaction is the best!" Yuri said still laughing.

Jessica pouted and got out of bed, she went to the bathroom and closed the door 

after her. Yuri stood up from the floor and sat on her bed. She thought Jessica‟s 

reaction was so funny every time you mentioned cucumber. When they were finish 

they went to the meeting. On the meeting Yuri noticed that Jessica was spacing out. 

Yuri got a bit worried but thought Jessica might be tired. After the meeting there was 

a time left until they needed to go to George so they decided they would go and take 

a coffee somewhere. Jessica was quiet and drank her coffee. Yuri looked at her with 

a worried expression.

"Jessica are you okay? It seem like something is on your mind." Yuri asked after a 


Jessica looked up at Yuri.

"I'm okay. I'm just thinking about Taeyeon." Jessica said.

"Why don't you call her? Or send a text messages?" 

"She might be busy." 

"That is not an excuse."

"I'm scared Yuri! I don't know what will happen to us when I go back home. I don't 

know what Taeyeon is thinking. And if I call her or send a messages now I'm afraid 

that she will tell me something I don't want to hear." Jessica said and buried her face 

in her palms.

Yuri sat beside Jessica and hugged her. Yuri guessed that Taeyeon meant a lot more 

to Jessica than what it seemed like. She didn't know what she should do to help 

Jessica right now. Jessica missed Taeyeon but at the same time she was scared t hat 

Taeyeon might leave her. Yuri rubbed Jessica's back. 


"Hey tomorrow do you want to go shopping somewhere?" Yuri asked and tried to 

make Jessica think about something else.

Jessica looked up at Yuri and Yuri smiled.

"Tomorrow? Where do you want to go?" Jessica asked.

"I thought that you could show me some great stores." Yuri said still smiling.

"Sure. We can go to shopping tomorrow." Jessica said and Yuri noticed that Jessica 

was a little bit happier.

After they had finished their coffee they went to George and got more information 

and a bit tips how they should do the meeting for Soshi Studios. When they were 

finish they went back to the hotel to get ready for the dinner. The dinner would be in 

the hotel‟s restaurant and people would come there. Yuri helped Jessica doing her 

hair when Yuri's phone rang. Yuri looked who it was and smiled wide and answered. 

Jessica knew who it was and continued fixing her hair by herself.

"Hi baby, how are you?" Yuri answered happily.

"Hi, I'm good. What are you doing?" Yoona asked.

"I'm getting ready for a dinner. What about you?"

"I'm on my way to a photo shooting. Dinner that's nice. Who are going to be there?" 

"The boss and some other people. I don't remember all of them." 

"Haha. Is Jessica unnie going too?" 

"Yeah. I think everyone will go to the dinner."

"That will be a lot of people."

Jessica looked at Yuri when she talked on the phone. Yuri smiled wide when she 

talked to Yoona. Jessica was happy that they could talk to each other. Jessica looked 

at the time and saw they must go now. She didn't want to disturb them in their 

conversation but she did it anyway.

"Yuri, we must go now." Jessica said and pated Yuri on the shoulder.

"Yeah right." Yuri said. "Baby, I'm sorry but I must go now. The dinner is soon 

starting. I love you." Yuri said and hung up.

Jessica and Yuri went to the restaurant and met their boss there.

"There you are. You two will sit over there." Their boss said and pointed at a table 

near a window.

There were already people sitting there and some of them had Jessica and Yuri met 

on meetings. They greeted the people around the table before they sat down on 

their seats.

When everyone that was going to come on the dinner had come the boss held a little 

speech. After the speech the food was served. Jessica and Yuri ate their food and 

talked to the people that sat around the same table as them. Before the dinner was 

going to end their boss came to their table and asked Jessica and Yuri to stay a little 

bit after because she needed to talk to them. When the dinner ended Jessica and 

Yuri said good bye to everyone that was leaving. After everyone had left they went 

to their boss to ask what she wanted.

"You two have impressed me. Many people have praised me for your hard work and 

all your great ideas. And thanks to your English Jessica we can start doing more 

business here. Really thank you. I want to raise you salary when we go back to 

Korea, but you don't need to say anything to you coworkers. I'll maybe need your 

help when the business starts later, but I'll talk about that when it's comes up. Thank 

you for your hard work." Their boss said and walked away.

Jessica and Yuri stood speechless and looked after their boss when she walked away. 


Yuri and Jessica looked at each other.

"We will get more paid?" Yuri asked still looking totally surprised by what their boss 

had said.

"Yeah, she said so." Jessica said.

"That's....awesome!" Yuri said and hugged Jessica.

Jessica clapped Yuri at the back.

"We should go back to our room now." Yuri said when she had stopped hugging 


"Now? But I wanted to go out and take a drink." Jessica said.

"What? But we still have one more meeting tomorrow. Shouldn't we rest?" Yuri asked 


"Yeah. But I still want to go out and take something to drink. Come with me." Jessica 

said and dragged Yuri after her.

Yuri followed Jessica surprised that Jessica wanted to drink. They went to a club and 

Jessica went to the bar and ordered drinks for her and Yuri. Jessica gave Yuri one of 

the glasses and Yuri took a little sip of it. She felt it  was strong alcohol and putted 

the glass away. She looked at Jessica with a worried expression when Jessica drank 

her drink. Jessica drank a few more drinks and Yuri noticed that Jessica was getting 

drunk. When Jessica said she was going to order one more drink Yuri stopped her.

"Jessica I think you've had enough for tonight. We should go back and rest now." 

Jessica glared at Yuri when Yuri had stopped her.

"You aren't my mother." Jessica said and tried to walk away but Yuri grabbed her 


"No but I'm your friend and I don't want you to do anything that you might regret."

Jessica still glared at Yuri.

"What do you know?! You have it great with Yoona. No problem at all. How can you 

feel my pain? Yoona has never lied to you!" Jessica said and took away Yuri' s hand 

from her arm.

Yuri was getting angry now. She knew that Jessica was drunk and just acted stupid 

because of that.

"Fine. Do as you want then. I'm going back." Yuri said and walked to the door.

"Fine." Jessica said and looked after Yuri.

She ordered one more drink and stood by the bar and watched when people danced. 

She drank her drink. She started to regret that she had yelled at Yuri. She looked to 

the door to see if Yuri might come back. She looked at her drink.  What am I doing? 

This isn't me. I should have gone with Yuri. Jessica thought. She placed her drink on 

the bar and went out. She looked to see if Yuri was somewhere, but she wasn't. Now 

she regretted even more that she had yelled at her. She took a cab and went back to 

the hotel. When she came to the room Yuri was sleeping. Jessica didn't want to wake 

Yuri right now so she decided she would apologize to Yuri tomorrow morning. She 

went to the bathroom to take a shower. When she had taken the shower she 

brushed her teeth. When she was going to bed to sleep she slipped on the wet floor 

and hit her head. She lied on the floor and felt that something was running down 

from the place that she had hit. She placed her hand there and looked at it and saw 

that it was blood. She tried to stand up when she  heard someone knocking on the 


"Jessica are you okay?" Yuri's voice said.

Jessica unlocked the door and Yuri opened it. Yuri got shocked when she saw Jessica 


holding the sink to keep her balance and had blood in her face.

"What happened?" Yuri asked and helped Jessica.

"I slipped and hit my head on the sink." Jessica said and sat down on her bed.

Yuri went to get things so she could clean Jessica's wound. When Yuri come back 

and started to clean Jessica's wound Jessica felt ashamed that she had yelled at Yuri 

before and Yuri is still nice to her and helps her.

"Yuri, I'm sorry for before." Jessica said.

"It's okay. I forgive you. We are friends right?" Yuri said still cleaning the wound.

"Yeah. We are friends." Jessica said and felt relived.

"Now it's done." Yuri said and putted away the things.

"Thank you." Jessica said and looked at her hands.

Yuri pated Jessica's head.

"We have been friends for too long to get mad at each other for something like this." 

Yuri said and sat next to Jessica.

"Yeah." Jessica said.

They sat quiet for a while. They didn't look at each other, they were both filled with 

their own thoughts.

"We should go and sleep now. It's our last day tomorrow and we have one meeting 

and we should do a great job on that meeting too." Yuri said and stood up.

Jessica lied down under her blanket in her bed and Yuri lied down in her. They both 

soon fell asleep.

Jessica woke up when Yuri tried to wake her up. She felt that she had a headache 

and regretted that she had drunk last night.

"I have a headache." Jessica said and rubbed her eyes.

"Here, take this and you might feel a bit better." Yuri said and held a glass of water 

and a pill to Jessica.

Jessica took the pill and drank the water. She went up and took a quick shower. 

When they both were finish they went to the meeting. Nothing special happened on 

the meeting and after the meeting they walked back to the hotel.

"Do you still want go shopping?" Jessica asked.

Yuri thought for a while.

"Yeah. We don't need to do it a long time if you are tired." Yuri said.

"Okay. I'll just leave the things from the meeting at the hotel and after that we can 

go." Jessica said.

They went to tree stores. And Yuri bought things only for Yoona. And Jessica only 

bought a few things. After they had finished shopping they went to a restaurant to 

eat. After they had finished their meal they went back to the hotel and started to 

pack their things. The plane back to Korea was going to go early in the morning. 

After they had finished packing they went to sit on the balcony. 

"It feels good to going home again." Yuri said.

Jessica nodded. "When will Yoona and Seohyun go back?" Jessica asked.

"They will come home before us. They will wait for us at the airport." Yuri said.

"I see. That's nice." Jessica said.

They talked a bit. But they decided that they would sleep for a little while until it was 

time for them to go to the airport. They both woke up when someone called to their 

hotel room. It was their boss that said that they were going to meet in the lobby 

before they went to the airport. Yuri and Jessica went up and went to the lobby. 

When everyone that was going to be there the boss said she only wanted everyone 


to come there so she was sure she didn't forgot anyone. All of them went to the 

airport and soon they sat on the plane back to Korea. 

Yoona looked at Seohyun that sat and read a book on the bed. It was their last day 

in Japan and the photo shooting had gone well. Yoona and Seohyun had talked a lot 

during these days and Yoona felt that she had become closer to Seohyun. Yoona 

went up to the bed and sat next to Seohyun.

"Is the book good?" Yoona asked.

"Yeah." Seohyun said and smiled a little.

Yoona nodded.

"How does it feel to go back home?" Yoona asked.

Seohyun was quiet for a while.

"It will be good to see Jessica and Yuri unnie again I guess." Seohyun said.

"Yeah it will be." Yoona said and jumped up from the bed.

She went to the kitchen to take something to eat.

"Do you want something to eat?" Yoona asked and looked in the fridge.

"No thanks. I'm not hungry." Seohyun said and looked at Yoona that took something 

out from the fridge.

Yoona went to the window and looked out. She was happy that she was going to see 

Yuri in a few hours. She turned around and looked at Seohyun.

"What time are we going to the airport?" Yoona asked.

"We will go in three hours." Seohyun responded.

"So we don't have time to go out for a while?" Yoona asked.

"We do have time. But we must be here in time before we leave." Seohyun said.

"Good! Can we go for a walk then? I want to look at a few things before we go 


"Yeah, we can go." Seohyun said and closed her book.

They went out and they walked on the streets. Yoona looked at all the windows to 

see if she saw something she liked in the stores. Seohyun walked beside her and 

looked at the street. She looked at what Yoona was doing so she didn't notice that 

someone was walking in front of her and she bump into that person.

"I'm sorry, I‟m sorry!" Seohyun said and bowed to that person.

"It's okay." The person said.

Seohyun looked up and saw a familiar face but she couldn't name it.

"Kyuhyun! What are you doing here?" Yoona said and went up to them.

"Walking around before we are going back. What about you?" Kyuhyun said.

"We are also walking around." Yoona said.

"I see. Can I walk with you?" Kyuhyun asked.

"Yeah it's okay. Right Seohyun?" Yoona asked Seohyun.

Seohyun had only looked at Kyuhyun. There was something she felt that she didn't 

know what it was. And she was scared to know.

"Ye...yes it's okay." Seohyun said and blushed a little and looked down on her feet.

Seohyun had never talked to Kyuhyun before. She had seen him when she worked 

but never talked to him. She wanted to talk to him but nothing came to mind what 

she was going to talk about.

"Seohyun are you a model?" Kyuhyun asked.

"No, I'm practicing to be one." Seohyun said and felt that she blushed again.

"I see. You will become a great model." Kyuhyun said and smiled. 


Seohyun's face turned all red and she looked down while they walked. 

Yoona and Kyuhyun talked about different photo shootings and Seohyun walked 

after them and listened to them when they talked. For some reason Seohyun felt 

really shy when Kyuhyun walked with them, she didn't know why. Maybe it was 

because of that she didn't know him. After a while Kyuhyun said he would go back to 

the hotel to meet up with some of his friends.

"Bye Seohyun. I'll see you some other time." Kyuhyun said and waved at them when 

he walked away.

Yoona and Seohyun waved back at him and continued to walk. Yoona was smiling 


"So what do you think of Kyuhyun?" Yoona asked after a while.

"He...he's nice." Seohyun said and she felt that she blushed.

"That's good. He is a friend of me and Yuri. I've worked with him since I started 

modeling." Yoona said.

Seohyun nodded.

"So do you want to go out with him?" Yoona asked and grinned.

"What?" Seohyun asked surprised by the question.

"Yeah. If you like him, you should date him. I can help you." Yoona said.

"But...but I don't think I like him that way." Seohyun said and looked down.

"Okay. But if you want to get closer to him you can ask me for help." 

Seohyun smiled and they continued to walk. When it was almost was time for them 

to go to the airport they went back to the hotel. They got their suitcases from their 

room and waited with the other models outside the hotel for the bus to come. 

Seohyun noticed that Kyuhyun stood and talked to his friends. He smiled and 

laughed with them, she thought he looked handsome when he stood there. She 

woke up from her daydreams when Yoona talked to her. Seohyun turned her head to 

Yoona and asked what she had said.

"I asked if you want water." Yoona said and held a bottle of water in her hand.

"No thanks." Seohyun said and turned her head to Kyuhyun again.

Yoona looked at what Seohyun looked at and saw that she was looking at Kyuhyun. 

She smiled. Seohyun might not know that she likes Kyuhyun but I'm going to help 

her realize that. Yoona thought for herself when she watched Seohyun when she 

looked at Kyuhyun with dreamy eyes.

On the bus and the plane Yoona noticed that Seohyun looked for someone. And she 

knew who she was looking for. But Yoona didn't say anything, she thought it would 

be fun to see what happens when they come back home again.

Taeyeon sat in her office and it was almost time for her to go home. She was looking 

at something at the computer. She thought about what she was going to do at home 

when Jessica wasn't there. She sighed and stretched her arms. She knew how she 

was going to tell Jessica everything when she came home again, she had been 

awake the whole night Jessica had went to USA and thought about it. She wanted to 

call Jessica and tell her but she was afraid that Jessica was working or was sleeping 

so she hadn't called her. Taeyeon turned off the computer and went up and took her 

bag and coat. She thought she could clean when she came home. When Taeyeon 

came home she started to clean the apartment, when she was going to clean the 

bedroom she opened her wardrobe to look if there was something in there she could 

throw away. When she was looking around in there she found a small box. She 


looked at it, she didn't know what it was in it but she took it out from the wardrobe 

and placed it on the floor. She sat on the floor and opened it. The box was full of 

letters and photos. She looked at one photo, it was a picture of her, Tiffa ny and 

Sunny when they were in high school. Taeyeon looked at all the photos. It was only 

photos from her school time. It was photos on her and her friends. But what she was 

more surprised of what that she still had the photos on her and Sunny when they 

had been together. She read some of the letters too. Some of them were from her 

friends, but most of them were from Sunny. Taeyeon placed all the photos and 

letters in the box again. She placed the box in her wardrobe again and closed. She 

started to miss the time when she, Tiffany and Sunny had hanged out together. She 

still remembered how she and Sunny got together. She smiled o the thought. She 

turned around and saw a picture of her and Jessica beside their bed and her smiled 

faded. Gosh! What am I thinking about? I can't think about Sunny when Jessica is in 

USA. Taeyeon thought and smacked her head. She continued to clean and after she 

had finished cleaning she made some food for herself and sat in the living room and 

watched TV. For some reason she couldn't take Sunny of her mind, those pictures 

had made her start to think about her. She wondered how Sunny had it. When it was 

getting late she went to bed. For some reason she dreamed about Sunny that night. 

The next day when she was at work she sat in the studio Tiffany came in and sat 

there with her. She took of her headphones to listen to what Tiffany had to say 

because she saw that Tiffany had something to say on Tiffany's expression.

"Did you want something?" Taeyeon asked and Tiffany smiled.

"What are you doing after work?" Tiffany asked still smiling wide.

"Uuh I haven't planned anything. Why?" Taeyeon asked.

"Well I thought that you maybe wanted to do something after work. It might be 

boring being at home by yourself." Tiffany said and showed her eye smile.

"Sure. What are we going to do?" 

"Go around and look in stores maybe?" Tiffany said and tilted her head to the side.

"I'm okay with it." Taeyeon said.

"Okay! I'll wait on you in the entrance!" Tiffany said and stood up.

"Okay. See you." Taeyeon said and putted on her headphones again.

"See you." Tiffany said and walked out from the studio.

Tiffany was happy. She had made Taeyeon agree on to be with her after work. Now 

she only needed Taeyeon to come with her to the hospital to visit Sunny. Then it 

would be all okay. She needed to think out a way to do that.

After Taeyeon had finished work she met Tiffany in the entrance and they walked 

out. They walked on the streets and Tiffany went in to some stores when she saw 

something in the window she liked. Taeyeon thought this was like when they went to 

school together. Then she almost always went with Tiffany to look in stores. Tiffany 

asked Taeyeon for suggestions when she tried on some clothes and Taeyeon said 

what she thought. Taeyeon was happy to hang out with Tiffany like this. It had been 

a long time since they last did. She thought she was going to tell Tiffany about the 

letters and the photos she had found the day before.

"Hey Tiffany. I found some old photos and letters from school yesterday." Taeyeon

started when they sat on a bench and rested.

"Really? You still had those left?" Tiffany asked surprised.

"Yeah, I have them in a box at home. I even had those photos of me and Sunny 

left." Taeyeon said and looked at her feet. 


Tiffany was quiet. She felt that Taeyeon was going to say something more.

"After I had looked at the photos I started to think about Sunny. And I've thought 

about it the whole day and I want to go and visit her on the hospital." Taeyeon said 

and looked at Tiffany.

Tiffany shined up when she heard what Taeyeon said. She grabbed Taeyeon had and 

started to drag her away.

"Where are we going?" Taeyeon asked surprised.

"To the hospital of course!" Tiffany said still dragging Taeyeon.

"What? Now?" Taeyeon asked still surprised.

"Yeah! Right now! Sunny will be so happy to see you!" 

They went to the hospital. Tiffany and Taeyeon went to the room Sunny was in. 

Taeyeon felt that Tiffany had been there before.

"Hi, Sunny how are you?" Tiffany said when she walked inside the room.

"Hi Fany-ah. Well it's up and down. What are you doing here?" Sunny said.

"I am visiting you of course! And I took someone with me!" Tiffany said and dragged 

Taeyeon inside the room because Taeyeon still stood outside.

Sunny and Taeyeon looked at each other. They didn't say anything just looking. 

Tiffany stood beside and looked at them with hopeful eyes.

"Well hi, nice to see you again." Taeyeon said after a while.

"Maybe we could have met when I was in a better condition." Sunny said and looked 

at around the room.

"Yeah maybe." Taeyeon said and sat down on one of the chairs in the room.

It was an awkward silence in the room. Taeyeon looked at her feet and Sunny 

looked at her hands and Tiffany looked at both of them waiting for them to say 


"So how is life?" Taeyeon started still looking at her feet.

"It could have been better." Sunny said still looking at her hands.

Taeyeon was quiet she didn't know what to say.

"Taeyeon-ah, why did you disappear from me? I really needed you! And now I've 

lost my baby! I need you even more now! ”Sunny said and looked at Taeyeon with 

tears in her eyes.

"I agree with her Taeyeon. You should help her." Tiffany said.

"Why must I help her? I'm not even involved with that baby!" Taeyeon said to 

defense herself.

"But if you hadn't written that mail to me I haven't tried to go to you and that car 

accident hadn't happened!" Sunny said and tears run down her cheeks.

"What? So it's my fault that you got into a car accident?" Taeyeon said and she 

started to get angry now.

"No, but if you hadn't...." Sunny started.

"It sounds like it's my fault if you say it like that!" Taeyeon said and stood up.

"Taeyeon calm down. Sunny didn't mean it like that." Tiffany said and tried to calm 

Taeyeon down.

"You planned this! You planned to take me here and let her speak out to me so I 

would feel guilty!" Taeyeon said and pointed at Tiffany.

"No, you said that you wanted to visit Sunny and I took you here. You said it for 


"Hey guys. Don't fight." Sunny said and tried to calm Tiffany and Taeyeon down .

"Why did I even come here?" Taeyeon asked herself and turned around and looked 


out the window.

"Taeyeon-ah. Calm down." Sunny said.

"Why did you even try to come to me? Why are you so obsessed with me? It's over 

between us! Haven't you got that?" Taeyeon said and turned to Sunny again.

"But you came back to me and helped me with the baby even though you had 

broken up with me." Sunny said.

"That's because I was nice to you. I helped you like a friend!"

"You still helped her even though she had cheated on you." Tiffany said.

"You shouldn't say anything you weren‟t even there!" Taeyeon said and turned 


Tiffany looked at Sunny and Sunny looked back.

"Actually Taeyeon-ah, I told Tiffany first when I had slept with that guy." Sunny said 

and looked at her hands.

Taeyeon turned around and looked at the both girls in front of her. She couldn't 

believe what she just heard.

"So you both went behind my back?" Taeyeon asked and she felt that her anger 

getting worse.

"Sunny needed someone to talk to and I...." Tiffany said.

"I can't believe it! You were the person who took us together and then you 

supported her when she cheated on me! I thought we were friends! And now you 

are in love with my girlfriend! Are you trying to break all my relationships?" Taeyeon 

said when she couldn't hold in her anger anymore.

"What? I'm not in love with Jessica! I'm in love with you and I've been that since 

school!" Tiffany said and stood up.

"What?" Both Taeyeon and Sunny said and looked at Tiffany surprised.

Tiffany blushed when she realized what she had just said.

"You are in love with Taeyeon-ah?" Sunny asked and tried to face Tiffany.

"Is that the reason why you are trying to break all my relationships? So you can have 

me for yourself?" Taeyeon asked.

"I can't bare this anymore! I wish I never came here in the beginning!" Taeyeon said 

when Tiffany didn't respond and walked out of the room.

"Taeyeon-ah waits." Sunny tried but Taeyeon went out and slammed the door after 


Taeyeon rushed out of the hospital. She wanted to come so far away from them as 

she could. It rained outside but Taeyeon didn't care. She continued to walk to a 

park, she stopped there and sat on a bench. She placed her head in her hands. What 

happened there? How did it turn out like this? Taeyeon thought. She tried to calm 

herself down. She sat in the rain for a long time. She looked at her cell phone and 

saw on the time that Jessica's plane had landed. She thought she would try to go 

home before Jessica came home. She stood up from her seat and sneezed. She felt a 

bit dizzy but she didn't care about that. She started to walk home. She started to 

freeze so she wrapped her arms around her but that didn't help because she was all 

wet. When she came home she took the elevator up. When she stood in the elevator 

she felt really dizzy, almost like she was going to faint. She tried to keep her focus 

and went out from the elevator and on to her apartment. When she came inside the 

door everything in the room was spinning and she tried to walk but her sight went 

black and she fell on the floor.

Jessica and Yuri met Seohyun and Yoona on the airport. Yoona and Yuri greeted 


each other with a big hug and a long kiss. Jessica hugged Seohyun and Yoona. In 

the car Yoona talked about how Japan had been and Yuri listened to her. When 

Jessica had dropped of Yoona, Yuri and Seohyun she drove back home. When she 

came home she felt a bit nervous. She didn't know what Taeyeon was going to say 

when she came inside the door. Jessica decided that she would be like all the other 

times she had come home, and not give any sight of how worried she had been 

about Taeyeon explanation. Jessica opened the door and went in. The first thing she 

saw when she came inside the door was Taeyeon lying on the floor unconscious. 

Jessica got panic when she saw it and went to see how Taeyeon was.


Chapter 10

Jessica placed a damp towel on Taeyeon's forehead. She stroke Taeyeon's hair and 

sighed. She walked out to the kitchen to make some tea for Taeyeon to drink. 

Yesterday when Jessica had found Taeyeon in the hallway she had panicked. She 

had felt that Taeyeon was hot and all her clothes were wet. She wondered what 

Taeyeon had done out in the rain. When Jessica had helped Taeyeon to the bed 

Taeyeon had woke up but Jessica had said to Taeyeon that she should sleep and 

Taeyeon had immediately fallen asleep again. She went to the bedroom while she 

waited for the tea to get ready. She sat on the bed beside Taeyeon and watched 

Taeyeon's sleeping face. Jessica was glad that she was free today so she could take 

care of Taeyeon. Jessica held Taeyeon's hand. She saw that Taeyeon opened her 

eyes. Taeyeon looked at Jessica and smiled a little.

"You're home." Taeyeon said.

Jessica hugged Taeyeon.

"I've missed you. I've missed you a lot." Jessica said.

Taeyeon was a bit surprised but hugged Jessica back. 

"I've missed you too." Taeyeon said.

Jessica stopped hugging Taeyeon and looked at her.

"How are you feeling?" Jessica asked and looked at Taeyeon with a worried 


"A bit dizzy. But you are home now so I'm okay." Taeyeon said and smiled.

Jessica tried to smile and held Taeyeon's hand.

"Why were you out in the rain? I found you in the hallway when I got home. You 

were all wet and had a high fever." Jessica asked and still had a worried expression.

Taeyeon looked at Jessica. She didn't want to lie to Jessica anymore so she was 

going to tell the truth.

"Is it okay if I tell you that after I have told you something else first?" Taeyeon asked 

and tried to sit up.

Jessica helped Taeyeon to sit up.

"Okay. You can tell me the other thing first." Jessica said. "But I'll give you some tea 

first." Jessica said and stood up.

Taeyeon watched when Jessica went to the kitchen and came back with a cup. She 

gave Taeyeon the cup and sat on the bed again.

"Okay. I'll listen now." Jessica said and looked at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon thought for a while. She didn't know how to start.

"I know that Tiffany told you about Sunny. And I know that you got upset because I 

lied to you and said that I didn't know her when you asked me. And I'm terribly sorry 

for that. But Sunny did something to me, and I got really hurt after that. And when I 

met you, and we started to go out. I was so scared that it might happen again. I 

didn't want that to happen. So I didn't tell you about my past. But even though 

Sunny is in my past I've talked to her when I was with you. And I helped her 

because she had it difficult. And I was scared that you might get angry at me for 

helping her. So that's why I ended up lying to you." Taeyeon said and looked at her 


Jessica looked at Taeyeon.

"Do you want to tell me what she did to you?" Jessica asked. 


"She cheated on me with a guy, and got pregnant." Taeyeon said and looked at 


Jessica felt sorry for Taeyeon. It must have been a hard time for her. But she was a 

little angry that Taeyeon thought that Jessica would do something like that. Jessica 

took Taeyeon's cup and placed it on the bedside table and hugged Taeyeon.

"You are such a fool sometimes, Kim Taeyeon. I would never do such a thing to you. 

I love you too much." Jessica said.

"I'm sorry." Taeyeon said.

"It's okay. But promise me that you tell me everything you think from now on? I 

don't want this to happen again. We must start to share our thoughts to each other. 

Or else it won't work out for us. I love you." Jessica said still hugging Taeyeon.

"I promise. Jessica I'm so sorry." Taeyeon said and tears started to run down her 


Jessica felt that Taeyeon started to cry. She hugged Taeyeon tighter.

"Don't cry. I forgive you, people do mistakes." Jessica said and felt t hat she also 

wanted to cry.

They hugged each other for a while. And when Jessica felt that Taeyeon had calmed 

down she stopped hugging her.

"Are you okay?" Jessica asked and looked Taeyeon in the eyes.

Taeyeon nodded. 

"Good. So what happened yesterday? Why were you out in the rain?" Jessica asked.

"I visited Sunny in the hospital. And we started to fight and I was upset so I went 

out and didn't think about that I was outside in the rain." Taeyeon said and looked at 

her hands.

Jessica felt sorry for Taeyeon again. She held Taeyeon's hand.

"I'm sorry. And even though what Sunny did to you and you start to fight I hope you 

can become friends again." Jessica said and looked at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon just nodded. She didn't know if she wanted to become friend with Sunny 

again, and she didn't know what she was going to do about Tiffany either. Jessica 

saw that Taeyeon looked bothered about the talk so she thought it was good timing 

to end it here and talk about it another day.

"You can drink up your tea. And I'll go and get some medicine for you and then you 

can rest for a bit." Jessica said and stood up.

Taeyeon drank her tea and took the medicine Jessica gave her. She soon fell asleep 

again. Jessica looked at Taeyeon's sleeping face. She sat in the bed beside Taeyeon 

and Taeyeon had her head on Jessica's lap. Jessica stroke Taeyeon's hair and smiled. 

She was glad that she was home now, and Taeyeon had explained why she lied to 

her. She thought that she and Taeyeon would build up a stronger relationship now 

when they could trust each other more and didn't have secrets. She heard that her 

cell phone was ringing in the living room. Jessica sighed. She moved Taeyeon's head 

to the pillow carefully so Taeyeon didn't wake up and went to the living room to pick 

up the phone.

"Hello?" Jessica answered.

"Unnie, I heard you went to the U.S." Krystal said.

"Yeah. So?" Jessica said and sat down on the sofa.

"Why didn't you tell me? Maybe I wanted you to buy something for me!" Krystal 

complained to Jessica.

"Sorry Krystal. But maybe some other time we can go there together. I was only 


there for four days and it was for work." 

"I'm sure you bought something even though you were only there for work." 

"That's true. But aren't mom and dad going there for vacation soon?" 

"I don't know. Dad is busy with work."

"Ask mom if you two can go there then."

"But I want to go with you." 

"Yeah I know. I'll see what I can do about it."

"Thanks unnie. I think we should see each other sometime."

"Yeah. But I think I will be pretty busy with work from now on. We are working on a 

new project and my boss wants me to be in it." 

"Sounds interesting. But unnie take care of yourself and say hello to Taeyeon unnie 

from me. I must go now. Bye."

"Bye bye." Jessica said and hung up.

Jessica sat in the sofa and looked out the window. She wondered how Krystal knew 

she had been in the U.S. Jessica sighed. Her little sister sure knew everything about 

her. She stood up and then she remembered she was going to call Tiffany when she 

had come back from U.S. She pressed Tiffany's number and waited for her to 

answer. It took a while. Jessica looked at the clock on the wall in the kitchen. Maybe 

she is at work. Jessica thought and was going to hung up.

"Hello?" Tiffany answered after a while.

"Hi Tiffany. What took you so long to answer?" Jessica asked.

"Hi Jessi. I was in the shower." Tiffany said.

"I see. Well I wanted to call you and say that I'm home now." 

"Ah that's nice. How was it?"

"It was great. But I had a lot of work to do."

"Sounds hard. Can we maybe meet somewhere so you can tell me more about it?" 

"I'm sorry, I'm kind of busy right now. I'm taking care of Taeyeon, she is sick. But 

you maybe already knew that because she didn't was at work today." 

Tiffany was quiet for a while.

"I wasn't at work today either. Is Taeyeon okay?" Tiffany said after a while with a 

worried voice.

"She has a fever. She got some medicine and she is resting right now."

"I hope she will be okay." 

"Yeah. Maybe we can meet some other time instead." 

"Yeah. You can call me when you have time."

"Okay. See you some other time then." 

"Yeah. Bye." Tiffany said and hung up.

Jessica looked at her phone. Apparently Tiffany wasn't at the hospital with Taeyeon 

then, because it didn't seem like Tiffany knew anything about the fight Taeyeon had 

mention she and Sunny had. Jessica thought. She placed her phone on the coffee 

table and went back to the bedroom.

Tiffany looked at the phone. She shook a bit. Taeyeon, did you get fever because I 

said that? Tiffany thought. She looked at the clock on the wall. Maybe I should go 

and see Sunny for a while. Tiffany thought. 

Tiffany putted on some clothes and went to the hospital. When she came to Sunny's 

room Sunny was watching TV. Sunny was surprised to see Tiffany.

"Hi." Tiffany said and sat on the chair next to Sunny. 


"Hi. What happened yesterday?" Sunny asked.

Tiffany remembered that she had run after Taeyeon when she had left and tried to 

stop her. But Taeyeon had been too fast so she had lost her.

"I don't know. I ran after Taeyeon but she just disappeared. And I wasn't at work 

today, and I talked to Jessica before I came here and she said Taeyeon have a 

fever." Tiffany said

"I didn't mean that. What was it with that love confession? It never crossed you mind 

that I was here and that Taeyeon have a girlfriend?" 

"I'm sorry Sunny. But I got upset when Taeyeon claimed that I love Jessica."

"It's okay. I just want Taeyeon as a friend right now. But why would Taeyeon think 

that you love Jessica." Sunny asked curious.

"Because when I was drunk I kissed Jessica when we were at a party. And Jessica 

told Taeyeon."

Sunny looked shocked at Tiffany.

"I don't want to say it. But for some reason I think Taeyeon had a point when she 

said that you try to ruin all her relationships." 

Tiffany sighed.

"I told you I was drunk!" Tiffany said.

"It still sound like it. But you said you had been in love with her since school? Since 

when exactly? And you really need to explain your reason to match me and Taeyeon 

up when you was in love with her." Sunny said.

Tiffany thought about it.

"Since first year in high school I think. That's when I realized it. But I knew that 

Taeyeon didn't feel that the same way about me. And when Taeyeon told me she 

liked you, I was really hurt. And then you said that you liked Taeyeon. So I thought 

that you guys could go out with each other because you loved each other. And I 

went back to America because I couldn't stand seeing Taeyeon with you. So I 

thought that I would forget Taeyeon if I moved far away from her. And it worked, 

but now when I'm back and see Taeyeon at work I got my feelings back." Tiffany 

said and looked down.

Sunny looked at Tiffany.

"So because your two best friends love each other you match them up even though 

you are in love with one of them? You sound like a real friend or a person that don't 

want to fight for their love." 

"I'm pathetic." Tiffany mumbled.

"Why don't you try again to forget about your feelings for Taeyeon, or maybe find 

someone else? Taeyeon isn't the only person in the world."

"It's not easy when I see her all the time and she's nice to me and helps me!" 

"I don't think Taeyeon will be so nice to you after what happened yest erday. And 

why don't you go on a vacation if you need to be away from her?"

"I don't have money for that." Tiffany said and looked depressed.

"Get another job then! Then you won't see Taeyeon at work." 

"That's a good idea! I will try that!" Tiffany said and looked happy.

Sunny sighed and looked at the TV.

"But how come you suddenly only want Taeyeon as a friend?" Tiffany asked after a 


"Because I don't want to break Taeyeon's relationship with Jessica. Being just friends 

is enough for me." Sunny said . 


"Your sudden change scares me." Tiffany said.

"And your sudden confession surprised me." 

"But what are you going to do about Taeyeon then? I don't think she wants to talk to 

any of us." 

"I guess I need to catch her when she last expects it." Sunny said  and smiled.

"That's scary!" 

"That's how you must act if you want anything."

"I guess you are right about that." Tiffany said and smiled and the both girls started 

to laugh.

"Aww you are so sweet unnie! I love all of them!" Yoona said after Yuri had showed 

what she had bought to her from USA.

Yuri sat in the living room and smiled when Yoona stood and looked at all the clothes 

and accessories Yuri had bought to her.

"You are the best." Yoona said and kissed Yuri. "You might get a reward for this 

later." Yoona said and winked and started to carry in all things in the bedroom.

Yuri smiled wide when she thought about what Yoona meant. After Yoona had 

putted all her gifts away she sat in the sofa beside Yuri. Yuri leaned in and tried to 

kiss Yoona but Yoona stopped her.

"Wait! I need your help with a thing." Yoona said and putted her hand over Yuri's 

mouth to stop her from kissing her. 

Yuri leaned back and listened to what Yoona was going to say.

"You know Kyuhyun, right?" Yoona asked.

"Yeah I know him." Yuri said.

"I want to match up him with Seohyun." Yoona said and smiled.

Yuri looked surprised at Yoona.

"Why?" Yuri said.

"Because I think Seohyun likes him. But she hasn‟t realized it yet. And I think 

Kyuhyun would take good care of her. They would be cute together."

"Okay. So what do you want me to do?" 

"Help me get them together!" 

"Yeah. But how?"

"I haven't thought about that. But if they become friends first I think it would be 

easier then."

Yuri nodded.

"Yoona are you really sure on what you are doing?" Yuri asked after a while.

"Yeah why? Don't you trust me about this?"

"I do. But it's feels weird to match people up like this and...." Yuri stopped because 

Yoona kissed her on the lips.

"Don't worry so much. It will go fine." Yoona said and hugged Yuri.

Yoona laid her head on Yuri's chest and heard Yuri's heart beat. She felt calm when 

she heard it. She closed her eyes but opened the again when she felt that she was 

being lift up.

"Unnie what are you doing! Put me down!" Yoona said when she saw that Yuri was 

carrying her.

"Nope. I'll take my reward now so I'm taking you to the bedroom." Yuri said and 


"Unnie let me down!" Yoona said and tried to get down but Yuri didn't  let her. 


Yuri closed the door after them by kicking it with her foot. After a while you could 

hear Yoona laugh like crazy.

"Unnie don't tickle me!" She said and got quiet soon after that. 

Taeyeon had her head on Jessica's lap when Jessica sat in the bed and read a book. 

Taeyeon opened her eyes and looked at Jessica. Jessica noticed that Taeyeon was 

looking at her and stopped reading and looked at her.

"How are you feeling?" Jessica asked and stroke her hand over Taeyeon's forehead.

"Better I guess." Taeyeon said.

"That's good. I will not be home tomorrow. I must go to work, so you will be alone." 

Jessica said.

"It's okay. I can take care of myself." Taeyeon said and smiled.

"Okay. But if you get any problem call me." 

"I will do that." Taeyeon said still smiling.

"Good." Jessica said and kissed Taeyeon's forehead. "I must sleep now. Is it 

anything you need before you sleep?" Jessica asked before she turned her bed lamp 


"No. I don't need anything. And if I do I think I can get it by myself." Taeyeon said 

and laid her head on a pillow.

"Okay. Good night." Jessica said and turned off the light. Jessica hugged Taeyeon 

and felt that Taeyeon wasn't that hot anymore. She was so happy to be home now. 

She closed her eyes and fell asleep pretty soon.


Chapter 11

Jessica went to work. She made sure to not wake up the sleeping Taeyeon in the 

morning. She had rather been at home and taking care of Taeyeon than going to 

work. She sighed when she rode up the elevator to her office. She walked by Yuri's 

office and saw that Yuri wasn't there. She continued to go to her office and saw a 

load of papers on her desk. She looked at all the papers with big eyes. She sat down 

and looked through all the papers. Must I go through all these today?! I will never 

get home! I want to go home to Taeyeon. Jessica thought and pouted. She started 

to do her work. After an hour she heard someone knock on the door. She told the 

person to come in and Yuri came in. Yuri had a big smile and was energic. Jessica 

could tell from just the sight that Yuri was totally happy. And she was too busy with 

work to ask her why she was so happy. Yuri sat down on the chair opposite Jessica 

and looked at Jessica with a big smile. Jessica ignored her friend and continued with 

her work. Yuri still looked at Jessica with the big smile like she waited for Jessica to 

say something.

"Hi, Sica. What are you doing?" Yuri said with bright voice.

"Working." Jessica responded without raising her head from the papers.

Yuri looked at Jessica.

"Is something wrong? You are all serious all of sudden." Yuri said and her big smile 

had faded.

"I want to finish my work fast so I can go home." Jessica said.

"Why? Have you plans for today?" Yuri asked curious.

"No, but Taeyeon is sick and she is alone at home." 

"I see. You want to take care of her. You are so nice." Yuri said with a big smile. "But 

have she told you her reason for lying." Yuri then asked.

"Yeah. But I can tell you that when I'm finish. Or tomorrow." 

"Yah, c'mon! Tell me, I want to know!" Yuri complained.

"Nope. I'll tell you tomorrow." 

"Sica, c'mon!" Yuri said not giving up.

Before Jessica could say something someone knocked on the door. Jessica told the 

person to come in and their boss came in.

"Good, you both are here. Then I don't need to go around finding you." The boss 


"Hello boss. What brings you here?" Yuri asked.

"I want you two to start planning for the meeting with Soshi Studios. I'll give you 

anything you need for it, so just tell me. And when you are done, please tell me 

what you have come up with." The boss said.

"But, I have to do all this today." Jessica said and pointed at the load of papers.

"Don't worry about them. Someone else can do that instead. I want you to do th is, 

it's more important right now. And you don't need to worry either Yuri, someone else 

will take care of your work too." The boss said.

Yuri and Jessica looked at the boss surprised.

"So is there something you need right now? Do you want to sit in another room?" 

The boss asked.

"No, I think we have everything we need right now. And we can be in this room." 

Jessica said and looked at Yuri that was nodding in agreement. 


"Okay. I'll leave the rest to you then. Just tell me if there is a problem." The boss 

said and walked out of the room.

Yuri and Jessica looked at each other with surprised faces. Yuri saw something in 

Jessica's expression and grabbed her arm before Jessica could stand up.

"Sorry but you stay here. It's still your work." Yuri said.

"Yuri let me go! I want to go home to Taeyeon!" Jessica said and tried to get lost 

from Yuri.

"Don't worry. I'm sure Taeyeon can take care of herself." 

Jessica crossed her arms and pouted.

"So, how are we going to plan this meeting?" Yuri started and made place for  her 

laptop to be on the desk.

Jessica didn't respond and just sat and looked at Yuri.

"Are you going to act like that now?" Yuri said and looked at Jessica.

Jessica frowned and turned her chair around so her back faced Yuri. Yuri sighed.

"I'll let you go home if we just start up something so we have something to work 

with. You may get to go home before lunch." Yuri said.

Jessica turned her chair around again so she faced Yuri.

"Okay. We can start with write down all our own ideas and when we are done we 

show each other them and takes what we think are best and try to make something 

out of that." Jessica said and took a pen and paper and started to write on it.

"That was a good idea." Yuri said and started to write on her own paper.

They both sat and wrote in silence.

Tiffany sat in the practice room and talked to Hyoyeon and Sooyoung that had 

finished their dance practice. Hyoyeon had her head on Sooyoung‟s lap and 

Sooyoung was eating grapes. Tiffany sat on the floor in front of them and read lyrics.

"Is Taeyeon sick?" Sooyoung asked.

Tiffany was surprised by the question and looked up.

"Yeah, she has a fever I think." Tiffany said and continued to read the lyrics. She 

didn't want to show that it was something wrong between her and Taeyeon.

"Maybe we should visit her." Hyoyeon suggested.

"Yeah, that would be good." Sooyoung said. "Do you want to come with us?" 

Sooyoung asked Tiffany.

"What? Uh no, I have something else to do." Tiffany said and tried to sound 


"Well, that's too bad. Do you want us to say something to her?" 

"No thanks. I can call her." Tiffany said and faked a smile.

"Yeah." Sooyoung said. "I'm hungry, we should eat lunch." She said after a while.

"You just ate grapes! How can you be hungry?" Hyoyeon asked.

"It's only water! I can't believe you think that I can please my hunger with grapes?" 

Sooyoung said angry.

Hyoyeon sighed.

"Of course, you don't have a bottom in your stomach. So of course you would still be 

hungry." Hyoyeon said and placed her arm over her eyes.

"Yeah. Come on we go and eat lunch now." Sooyoung said and tried to lift Hyoyeon's 

head off her lap.

"Noo, you are my pillow right now. So you can't eat lunch." Hyoyeon said and tried 

to keep her head on Sooyoung‟s lap. 


Tiffany looked at the two lovers that were arguing. She giggled at the sight from 

their silly fight. Sooyoung and Hyoyeon always had small fights. Tiffany wished she 

could have someone to have small fights like that with. 

"Use something else as a pillow instead!" Sooyoung said and stood up.

Hyoyeon smacked the back of her head on the floor. She moaned because of the 

pain and rolled over at her side and held on the place she had hit her head.

"That hurt!" She said still lying on the floor.

"It's your own fault for not getting off me." Sooyoung said and packed  her things.

"I think I'm bleeding." Hyoyeon said with a serious voice.

"What?" Sooyoung said and went to look at Hyoyeon's head. "Yah! There is no 

blood!" Sooyoung said and tried to stand up but Hyoyeon grabbed her hand.

"What?" Sooyoung asked and tried to get out of Hyoyeon's grip.

Hyoyeon grinned and dragged Sooyoung in for a hug.

"Hyoyeon what are you doing?" Sooyoung asked and tried to pull herself away from 


"I just want to hug you a bit." Hyoyeon said still had her grin plastered on her face.

Tiffany stood up and walked out from the room. She thought it might be good to 

leave them alone. Otherwise she might see something she doesn‟t want to see. She 

closed the door after her and before she walked away she could hear Sooyoung 

giggle inside. She smiled and started to walk to the cafeteria. She bought a coffee 

and a sandwich and sat by a table. She looked at her phone. She wondered if 

Taeyeon was better, she wanted to call her and ask how she was but she was afraid 

that Taeyeon was angry at her. She wondered if Taeyeon had told Jessica about 

what had happened. She struggled between the thought to call Jessica and ask her 

how Taeyeon was or just ignore it. She looked at her phone for a while. She pressed 

Jessica's number and waited for her to answer.

"Hello?" Jessica answered.

"Hi Jessi. Are busy right now?" Tiffany said.

"No, I'm taking a break from my work right now. What about you?"

"I have lunch. Do you have much work to do?"

"Yeah, I'm working on a special project for my boss. I'm sorry that I can't tell you 

about it, it's a secret."

"It's okay. Uhm how is Taeyeon? Is she better?" Tiffany managed to ask after a 


"She is getting better. I actually wanted to stay home and take care of her but work 

didn't let me." Jessica said and Tiffany thought she sounded cute when she 

complained like that.

"Hehe I guess you need to finish up your work fast and get home then." Tiffany said.

"Yeah, but for some reason the person I'm working with is taking long time to finish 

her part of the work so I can't get home!" Jessica said angry and Tiffany thought she 

heard someone else there and guessed it was Yuri.

"You have it hard." Tiffany said.

"Yeah. But I think I can manage it." Jessica said. "Hey, I want to meet you 

sometime. Maybe tomorrow. We can eat lunch together!" Jessica said.

Tiffany was surprised by what Jessica said.

"Sure. We can eat lunch together tomorrow. Where should we eat?" 

"I haven't thought about it. I will tell you tomorrow when I have thought about it 



"Sounds good."

"Yeah. But I must go now. This slow person will never finish up her work, so I guess 

I must help her. Bye, see you tomorrow." Jessica said.

"Bye." Tiffany said and hung up. 

She looked at her phone still surprised by what Jessica had said. She guessed that 

Taeyeon hadn't told her about the confession. She wondered what would happen if 

Taeyeon told Jessica about it. She woke up from her thoughts when she saw that 

Hyoyeon and Sooyoung were coming to her table. They sat down around the table. 

Sooyoung started to eat her food.

"So you aren't coming with us to Taeyeon?" Hyoyeon asked.

"No, not today. I can meet her when she is feeling better and is back at work." 

Tiffany said and smiled.

"Yeah that's true." Hyoyeon said.

They continued to eat their lunches and talked. Hyoyeon and Sooyoung started to 

argue about their food. Sooyoung wanted a bite of Hyoyeon's food but Hyoyeon 

didn't let her have it and she complained. Tiffany giggled at the silly couple. 

Jessica putted her phone in her pocket and looked at Yuri that still was writing.

"Yuri are you trying to make me come home late today?" Jessica asked coldly and 

looked at Yuri.

Yuri looked at Jessica with an innocent expression.

"No, why do you think that?" Yuri asked and continued to write.

"It's because you have been writing for more than an hour now!" 

"Okay, I will write faster!" Yuri said and tried to write faster than before. 

Yuri looked at Jessica that was looking at the computer screen.

"Was it Tiffany that called before?" Yuri asked.

"Yeah." Jessica said still looking at the computer screen.

"I see. So you two will go out and eat lunch together?" Yuri asked.


"What about me?" Yuri asked and looked at Jessica with puppy eyes.

Jessica looked at Yuri.

"You can eat with Yoona and Seohyun." Jessica said and looked at  the computer 

screen again.

"Yoona will be at a photo shooting the whole day so I won't see her." Yuri said and 

still looked at Jessica with her puppy eyes.

"You can go and visit her and take something with you so you both can eat there." 

Jessica said.

Yuri smiled when she heard what Jessica said.

"That's a good idea! I will do that." Yuri said and continued with her writing.

Jessica shook her head at the silly Yuri. She wanted to call Taeyeon to see how she 

was, but she was afraid that she would wake her up if she was sleeping. She thought 

that she would wait until she came home.

Taeyeon woke up by the light that was coming in from between the curtains. She 

rubbed her tired eyes and sat up in the bed. She saw it was a nice weather outside. 

She looked at the time and saw it was over lunch time. She got out from bed and 

stretched on her arms. She felt that she didn't have so high fever anymore but she 

was freezing a bit. She took a blanket that lied on the bed and wrapped it around 


her. She walked to the living room and putted on the TV and sat in the sofa and 

looked through the channels to see if there was something to see. She stopped at 

some drama and watched it. When the drama had ended she made some tea and 

went back to the living room to see if there was something else to see on TV. She 

heard that there was someone that unlocked the door and came in. Taeyeon smiled 

when she heard Jessica's voice but it faded when she heard that there was someone 

with her. Jessica walked to the living room and saw that Taeyeon was awake. 

"Ah, you are awake." Jessica said and smiled. "I found these two outside so I took 

them with me." Jessica said and pointed to the hallway and walked to the bedroom.

Taeyeon walked to see who Jessica meant and saw that Sooyoung and Hyoyeon 

stood in the hallway.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Taeyeon asked and let Sooyoung and Hyoyeon in.

"We wanted to see how you were. But I guess it was a waste of time, you don't look 

so sick." Sooyoung said and sat in the sofa.

Taeyeon and Hyoyeon sat down in the sofa too.

"I only have fever. And I think I will be able to go to work tomorrow. So it's nothing 

to worry about." Taeyeon said.

Jessica came out from the bedroom and had changed into comfortable clothes. She 

hugged Taeyeon around her neck. Hyoyeon and Sooyoung watched the two of them.

"How are you feeling today?" Jessica asked still hugging Taeyeon.

"A lot better." Taeyeon said and smiled.

"Good." Jessica said and kissed Taeyeon on the cheek and went to the kitchen and 

left Taeyeon with her friends.

"Tiffany didn't come with us because she had something to do. Otherwise she would 

have come with us." Hyoyeon said.

Taeyeon was a bit surprised to hear about Tiffany. She hadn't forgotten what 

happened in the hospital.

"I guess I will see her at work when I come back." Taeyeon said and looked another 


"Yeah. But it seems like you are feeling pretty well now. So we will be leaving now." 

Hyoyeon said and tried to pull up Sooyoung from the sofa.

"What? Are we already leaving?" Sooyoung said disappointed.

"Yeah. Come on now. I will make dinner for you when we come home!" Hyoyeon

said and Sooyoung jumped out up from the sofa because of the last Hyoyeon had 


Sooyoung and Hyoyeon said good bye to Taeyeon and Jessica. When they left 

Hyoyeon smacked Sooyoung on the arm.

"What are you thinking? Jessica has recently returned from the U.S. Don't you think 

they want to spend some time for themselves now when Taeyeon are feeling 

better?" Hyoyeon said angry.

"Oh. I never thought about that. But wouldn't they have said something to us if they 

wanted that?"

"No. Taeyeon are too friendly to throw out her friends. And I don't think Jessica 

would throw out her girlfriend's friends either. You need to think a bit more!" 

"But that's why I have you! You do it for me." Sooyoung said and smiled.

Hyoyeon shook her head and continued to walk. Sooyoung laid an arm around 

Hyoyeon‟s shoulders.

"You are a fool, did you know that?" Hyoyeon said. 


"Yeah. But you still love me." Sooyoung said with confidence.

"Yeah. That's true." Hyoyeon said and smiled.

They continued to walk home in the cold night.

When Taeyeon had closed the door after Sooyoung and Hyoyeon she went to the 

kitchen. She saw that Jessica was sitting on a chair and read a book. Taeyeon smiled 

and started to look for something she could make for them to eat. Jessica looked up 

from her book at Taeyeon that was searching for things in the kitchen.

"Are you going to make dinner?" Jessica asked.

"Yeah. Is it something you want?" Taeyeon asked while she looked in the cupboards.

"No. But isn't it better that we eat take-away today so you don't get sicker?" Jessica 

asked with a worried expression on her face.

Taeyeon turned around and looked at Jessica.

"What is it you want to eat then?"

"Uh, I don't know. I just don't want you to get sick again now when you are starting 

to get better." Jessica said.

Taeyeon went out from the kitchen to look for something. Jessica sat on the chair 

and looked after her. When Taeyeon came back she had a lot of menus from 

different places they could call for delivery. Taeyeon placed the menus in front of 


"You choose what we are eating today." Taeyeon said and smiled.

Jessica picked up some of the menus and looked at them. She didn't know what to 

choose, she was expecting Taeyeon to choose so it would be easier for her. She 

looked at Taeyeon that sat in front of h er and smiled. She smiled back and looked at 

the menus again. She showed Taeyeon the menu and pointed at something she 


"I want this." Jessica said and smiled.

Taeyeon took the menu and looked at what Jessica had pointed at.

"You only want that?" Taeyeon asked and looked at Jessica.

"I couldn't choose something else." Jessica said.

"Okay. I will order this then." Taeyeon said and went out to the living room to get 

her phone so she could order what they wanted.

Jessica waited in the kitchen while Taeyeon was doing the order. She smiled when 

she heard Taeyeon saying what she wanted. She was so happy to be home again. 

Taeyeon came to the kitchen again after she had ordered and sat in front of Jessica 

and smiled.

"They will be here in fifteen minutes." Taeyeon said and smiled.

"Good." Jessica said and smiled back.

Taeyeon sat and stared at Jessica. She thought Jessica was really beautiful with her 

long blonde hair and her brown eyes. She smiled.

"What is it?" Jessica asked and looked at Taeyeon that had got a weird expression.

"I just think you are so beautiful." Taeyeon said still smiling and that made Jessica 


Jessica changed her sitting position.

"Have you missed me?" Jessica asked and looked at the napkins that were placed on 

the table.

"Yeah. I've missed you very much." Taeyeon said and followed Jessica's eyes to the 



"I see. Are you sure you are feeling better now?" Jessica asked and looked at 

Taeyeon with a worried look.

"Yes, I'm sure." Taeyeon said and placed her arms on the table.

"That's good." Jessica said and smiled a little.

"Is everything good at work?" Taeyeon asked and tilted her head, and now it was 

she who had a worried look.

"Yeah, it's just a lot to do. We are working on a new project. And I'm involved in it." 

"I see."

They sat in silence and just looked at each other and waited for the delivery to 

arrive. The delivery arrived a few minutes later and Taeyeon went to the door to 

take the delivery and pay for the food. When Taeyeon came in to the kitchen Jessica 

was shocked that Taeyeon had ordered so much food.

"Why did you order this much?" Jessica asked and helped Taeyeon.

"You seemed to have it hard to choose, so I ordered a few more things I know you 

like." Taeyeon said and smiled.

"You didn't have to do that." Jessica said and took out some plates from the 


"I wanted to. I want to celebrate that you have come home from the U.S." 

Jessica looked at Taeyeon. Apparently Taeyeon had missed her more than she 

thought she had done. They took the food and the plates and went to the living 

room to watch a movie. After they had eaten Jessica leaned her head on Taeyeon's 


"I'm so happy to be home and be with you." Jessica said.

Taeyeon leaned her head on Jessica's.

"I'm happy too." Taeyeon said and held Jessica's hand.

Yuri sat in her office and looked at the computer. She looked at the time. She was 

waiting for Yoona to end her photo shooting so she could go and pick her up. She 

spins her chair around so she faced the window and looked out. She closed her eyes. 

She was feeling tired and wanted to go home and sleep. She felt some arms come 

and wrap around her neck and she opened her eyes in surprise and turned the chair 

around to face the person.

"I thought you were sleeping." Yoona said surprised.

"Yoona? What are you doing here?" Yuri asked also surprised to see Yoona.

"The photo shooting ended early and I wanted to come here and surprise you." 

Yoona said and looked down on her feet.

"Hehe and you sure did." Yuri said and stood up.

"Are we going home?" Yoona asked and looked at Yuri who was putting on her coat.

"Yeah. Or is it somewhere you want to go?" Yuri asked.

"Well. I wanted to take you out to eat." Yoona said and smiled.

"If you want that then sure we can go out and eat." Yuri said and smiled at Yoona.

"But you looked so tired before." Yoona said and followed Yuri.

"I got my energy back when I saw you." Yuri said and grabbed Yoona's hand.

Yoona smiled and looked down when they walked out from the building. She didn't 

want their colleagues to see her blushing. They took Yuri's car and drove off. 

"So is there a place you want to eat?" Yuri asked. 


"Yeah. I'll show you the way." 

Yuri drove like Yoona showed her and they stopped outside a restaurant. Yuri looked 

at the place when they stood outside.

"Is this the place you wanted to go to?" Yuri asked.

"Yep." Yoona said and dragged Yuri in.

A waiter come to them and asked if they wanted a table for two.

"Yes please." Yoona said and the waiter showed them to a table near a window.

They sat down and got menus from the waiter. They ordered something to drink 

before the waiter went away.

"I've never seen this place before." Yuri said and looked at the menu.

"It's because it's new. A friend from school called me today and said that he had 

opened a new restaurant. And he said I could come by and try the food." Yoona 


"He?" Yuri asked and looked at Yoona.

"Leeteuk." Yoona said and looked at Yuri. "We are only friends, and we have never 

been more than that, I promise." Yoona added when she saw Yuri's expression.

"Has he a girlfriend?" Yuri asked and looked at the menu again.

"Not what I know. I can ask him next time I talk to him."

"I see." Yuri said.

After a while they ordered their food and Yuri had forgotten about Leeteuk when she 

saw how adorable Yoona was when they were eating. When they had finished eating 

the ordered dessert. When they had got the dessert Yuri leaned closer to Yoona over 

the table.

"So what do you want to do after this?" Yuri asked.

"It's up to you." Yoona said and also leaned closer.

"I hope you don't mind what I choose then." Yuri said and smiled.

"I would never mind what you choose." Yoona said and their faces were only a few 

inches away.

"Good." Yuri said and leaned even closer.

Yuri was about to kiss Yoona but they got interrupted by someone who called 

Yoona's name. Yoona looked up to see who it was and Yuri looked down on the table 


"Yoona! I didn't think you would come here today." A guy said and came to their 


"But I did." Yoona said and got up from her seat and hugged the g uy.

"It's good to see you again." The guy said.

"It's good to see you too." Yoona said and smiled.

Yuri looked at both of them and then Yoona noticed Yuri was looking at them.

"Unnie this is Leeteuk, and friend from school." Yoona said and pointed at Leeteuk.

"Hi. I'm Leeteuk, nice to meet you." Leeteuk said and put out his hand to Yuri.

"I'm Yuri. Yoona's girlfriend." Yuri said and shook Leeteuk's hand.

"Ah it's you. Yoona mention you on the phone earlier today." Leeteuk said and took a 

chair and sat down.

Yuri just smiled and looked at Yoona.

"So how is it to be a model?" Leeteuk asked and looked at Yoona.

"It's fun. But sometimes it can be a bit tiring." Yoona said.

Yuri ate her dessert and looked at Yoona and Leeteuk when they talked.

"So what did you think about the food?" Leeteuk asked. 


"It's was really good. Very delicious. Right unnie?" Yoona said and looked at Yuri.

"Yeah. It was good." Yuri said.

"That's good. But I won't disturb you two anymore. I hope you will enjoy the rest of 

the evening." Leeteuk said and got up. "It was nice to see you again Yoona." 

Leeteuk said before he walked away.

Yoona and Yuri looked after him when he walked away. Yuri turned her head to the 

dessert and Yoona looked at her.

"So that is my friend from school." Yoona said and looked at Yuri.

"He likes you." Yuri said.

"What?" Yoona asked surprised.

"I saw it on the way he looks at you." 

Yoona was surprised.

"But you don't need to worry. He is only a friend to me. I don't have any of those 

feelings for him. I only love you. Okay?" Yoona said and held Yuri's hand and tried to 

look Yuri in the eyes.

"Okay." Yuri said and looked up at Yoona.

"So what was it you wanted to do after this?" Yoona asked and looked at Yuri.

Yuri smiled.

"You'll see that when we come home." Yuri said still smiling.

They paid for their food and went home to continue their happy night.

Tiffany lied on her bed and looked up at the roof. She wondered what she was going 

to do about Taeyeon. Maybe changing work would be good. She woke up from her 

thoughts when her phone called. She picked up.

"Hello?" Tiffany said.

"Hi Fany-ah. Are you busy?" Sunny said.

"No, what‟s up?" Tiffany said and sat up in her bed.

"I was only going to say that they will let me out of the hospital in a few days. And I 

will go to a curator to get help so I can move on with my life and all that. And I will 

also try to look for a job."

"That is good. But you know that you have me if you need any support right?" 

Tiffany asked serious.

"Hehe I know Fany-ah. Anyway how was work today?"

"Nothing much happened there." Tiffany said.

"What are you going to do about the Taeyeon problem?" 

"I think I will change job." Tiffany said and sounded depressed.

"I think that will be for the best if you want to forget about her." Sunny said.

"Yeah. I think that too." Tiffany said.

"I'm sorry Tiffany that you have had it so hard." 

"Don't be sorry! It's not your fault, it's my fault for not fighting for my love. And now 

it's too late." Tiffany said and sounded even more depressed.

"Next person you fall in love with you should really fight for, or else you will end up 

alone!" Sunny said.

"Hehe yeah. I will think about that when it happens." Tiffany said and smiled.

"Hope everything goes well on work. I must go now. I will call you some other time." 

Sunny said.

"Yeah. And good luck with all your life." Tiffany said and they both hung up. 


Tiffany looked at her phone. Sunny, I hope everything will go well for you. Tiffany 

thought and placed her phone on the bedside table and went to sleep.


Chapter 12

Seohyun sat in the cafeteria and read a book. Yoona was with Yuri and she didn't 

want to disturb them. She noticed that someone was coming to her table. She 

looked up and saw it was Kyuhyun. She got surprised to see him.

"Hello. Is it okay if I join you?" Kyuhyun asked and looked at the empty seat in front 

of Seohyun.

"Yes. It's okay." Seohyun said shyly.

Kyuhyun sat in front of her and started to eat. Seohyun continued to read her book. 

But she took some glances of Kyuhyun when she was sure he didn't notice her. 

Kyuhyun looked at Seohyun and tried to see what book she was reading.

"Do you like to read?" Kyuhyun asked.

"Yeah. I enjoy it very much." Seohyun said and smiled.

"I see. Is the book good?" Kyuhyun asked and pointed at the book.

"Yeah. An unnie recommend it to me." Seohyun said still smiling.

"I see. That's nice." Kyuhyun said still looking at Seohyun.

Seohyun watched Kyuhyun when he ate his lunch. Kyuhyun looked up at Seohyun.

"Aren't you going to eat?" He asked and looked surprised.

"I've already eaten my lunch." Seohyun said.

"I see. What are you doing after lunch break?" 

Seohyun searched after her calendar with her schedule in her bag. She took it up 

and looked what she was going to do.

"I will go to another photo shooting." Seohyun said and placed her calendar back in 

her bag.

"Are you going there alone?" 

"Yeah. But my unnie will come there later." 

"I can take you there if you want to." Kyuhyun said and smiled.

Seohyun blushed a bit.

"If it's not a bother for you, then I guess you can take me there." Seohyun said and 

placed her things in her bag.

"It's not a bother. I would love to take you there." Kyuhyun said still smiling.

Kyuhyun finished his lunch and they sat and talked for a bit before it was time for 

them to go to Seohyun's photo shooting. Seohyun went with Kyuhyun in his car and 

Seohyun felt nervous the whole way. Her heart couldn't stop pounding. She thought 

something was wrong with her. When they come to the place where the photo 

shooting would be held Seohyun thanked Kyuhyun for the ride and that he had made 

her company during the lunch.

"Seohyun wait!" Kyuhyun said before Seohyun went into the building.

"Yes?" Seohyun asked.

"Here is my number. You can call me when you have finished your schedule and I 

can come and pick you up if you want to." Kyuhyun said and gave Seohyun a note 

with his number on.

Seohyun took the note and stared at it.

"Bye bye, good luck on the photo shooting." Kyuhyun said and waved and drove off.

Seohyun looked after him. She felt that her heart still pounded like crazy, and she 

felt that her face was hot. She shook her head. Something must be wrong with me. 

Why am I feeling like this? Seohyun thought and went into the building. She met 


Yoona and Yuri inside.

"Seohyun! You are here. I was about to call you and ask how you would come here." 

Yoona said when she saw Seohyun.

"Someone drove me here." Seohyun said after she had greeted Yuri.

"Who?" Yoona asked curious.

Seohyun blushed and looked down on her feet.

"Kyuhyun oppa drove me here." Seohyun said.

Yuri and Yoona looked at each other. Yoona had a big smile.

"That was nice of him! But I think we need to get ready for the photo shooting now 

so we need to hurry." Yoona said and dragged Seohyun to the dressing rooms. "Bye 

bye unnie! I will call you when I'm finish." Yoona said and waved to Yuri.

Yuri smiled at the two girls and went back out to her car.

Tiffany was walking to Jessica's job. Jessica had asked her to come to her job and 

wait for her because she needed to do some things before she could go on lunch. 

Tiffany went into the building to wait for Jessica. A lot of people that worked there 

looked at her when she went in. She looked down on the floor a bit embarrassed. I 

should have worn better clothes if I had known that I was going to this place. Tiffany 

thought. A few minutes later she saw Jessica coming. But there was someone with 

her and she talked to her.

"Yes. And this is all the things me and Yuri have come up with." Jessica said and 

showed the woman some papers she had in her hands.

"It's really good. You and Yuri don't let me down with your hard work." The woman 


They continued to talk until they stood in front of Tiffany.

"Hi Tiffany. Sorry that I made you wait. But I just showed my boss my work." Jessica 

said and greeted Tiffany.

"It's okay." Tiffany said and smiled.

The woman that was Jessica's boss looked at Tiffany.

"Omo, do you know this beautiful girl Jessica?" The boss asked and looked at 


"Yeah. She is my friend Tiffany." Jessica said.

"I see. Nice to meet you Tiffany." The boss said and shook Tiffany's hand.

"Nice to meet you too." Tiffany said and bowed to the woman.

"I think this girl would also do a good job in this company. Don't you think that 

Jessica?" The boss said and looked at Jessica.

"What?" Jessica said surprised and looked at Tiffany.

"Tiffany do you have any interest in fashion?" The boss asked.

"Yeah, I guess I have."

"That is just great! Do you want to try and work for us?" The boss asked.

"I'm thankful. But I already have a job." Tiffany said still surprised.

"I see. But if you change your mind. Here is my card. Just call if you want to try out 

and work here." The boss said and smiled.

"Thank you." Tiffany said and took the card.

"Well you can go and eat lunch now Jessica. And you have made a great work so far. 

Keep it up." The boss said and walked away.

Jessica and Tiffany looked after the boss. 

"Sorry about my boss. She can be a bit weird sometimes." Jessica said after her boss 


had gone to the elevator.

"It's okay. She seems nice though." Tiffany said and they walked out of the building.

"So where do you want to eat?" Jessica asked.

"I thought you were going to choose. It was you who suggested that we would eat 

lunch." Tiffany said.

"Yeah. That's right." Jessica said and tried to think of a place to go and eat.

"I want American food." Tiffany said after a while.

Jessica looked at Tiffany.

"But if you want that, then I know a perfect place for it!" Jessica said.

Tiffany followed Jessica to a restaurant. They took a table far inside the restaurant 

and got a menu from the waiter. Tiffany looked at the menu.

"Omg! They have spaghetti and hamburger and hot dog. And even pizza!" Tiffany 

said in surprise when she saw the menu.

Jessica giggled at Tiffany's reaction.

"I told you I knew a perfect place for it." Jessica said and looked at her menu.

Tiffany looked at Jessica.

"But aren't you tired of this kind of food? I'm sure you have eaten this a lot when 

you were in US." Tiffany asked in concern.

"I never get tired of this kind of food." Jessica assumed.

"That's good then." Tiffany said and tried to choose something from the menu.

When they had chosen what they wanted they ordered and waited for the food.

"So how was US? Did you get to do a lot of things?" Tiffany asked.

"Not that much. I was most busy with work." Jessica said and took a sip from her 


"I see. But except for work, what did you do?" 

"You know. Shop, eat delicious food and walking around to see things." Jessica said.

"Only that?" Tiffany asked with big eyes.

"I was only there for four days."

"Yeah, that's right. You don't get to do so much for four days." Tiffany said and 


Jessica held back a giggle from Tiffany's expression.

"But what did you do here in Korea? Did something happen?" Jessica asked.

Tiffany almost choked on her soda when Jessica asked the question. Tiffany looked 

at Jessica to see if there was something special she meant, but she couldn't read her 


"I was working. And living my usual life." Tiffany said and smiled.

"I see. So you didn't know that Taeyeon went and visited Sunny at the hospital?"

Tiffany looked at Jessica. She knew that if she lied to Jessica now she couldn't turn 

back and if Jessica got to know the truth later their friendship might end. Tiffany 


"Yeah. I know she went there. I went with her." Tiffany said and looked down at her 


Jessica raised an eyebrow.

"I see. So you know about the fight Taeyeon and Sunny had?" 

Tiffany looked up. Have Taeyeon told you about my confession? Tiffany thought and 

tried to read Jessica's expression. But like before. She couldn't read it.

"It wasn't only Taeyeon and Sunny who fought. I and Taeyeon also fought." Tiffany 

said and looked down again. 


Jessica was surprised to hear it. She wanted to know what it was that caused the 

fight. But she felt that it wasn't something she wanted to ask Tiffany right know, she 

was going to ask Taeyeon that later when she came home.

"Too bad that you had I fight. I hope all of you can clear it up later." Jessica said 

with sympathy.

Tiffany didn't say anything. Jessica looked at Tiffany and thought that Tiffany had a 

very sad expression. She didn't know what she should do to make Tiffany happy 

again. Soon their food arrived and Tiffany's expression lit up and Jessica felt better 

that Tiffany was a bit happier.

When they had finished their lunch they walked back to Jessica's work. Before 

Jessica went inside the building she turned to Tiffany.

"If there is any problem, you can always call me. Okay?" Jessica said.

Tiffany was surprised but she nodded in answer and smiled.

"I'll be going back to work now. So see you another day." Jessica said and walked 

into the building.

Tiffany looked after Jessica. If people don't think you are nice, then I don't know 

what planet they are from. Tiffany thought and smiled and started to walk back to 

her work.

When she came back to the work she saw that Taeyeon, Sooyoung and Hyoyeon sat 

in the cafeteria and ate their lunch. Tiffany thought she would just walk past the 

cafeteria and pretends she hadn't seen them, and hopes they didn't see her. She 

walked fast but heard Sooyoung call her name. She turned around and saw that 

Sooyoung waved to her to come. Tiffany smiled and did what Sooyoung wanted.

"Hey, where have you been?" Sooyoung asked.

Tiffany looked at Taeyeon and saw that Taeyeon looked at another direction. Tiffany 

turned her head back to Sooyoung.

"I was eating outside today." Tiffany said and smiled.

"I see. Did you eat alone?" Sooyoung asked.

Tiffany looked at Taeyeon again. This is so hard! What will she do if she finds out 

that I was eating lunch with Jessica? She will think that I'm trying to take her 

girlfriend away from her or something else that isn't true! Tiffany thought.

"With a friend." Tiffany said and still smiled.

"That's nice. So you don't want to join us?" Sooyoung asked.

Tiffany looked at Taeyeon. Taeyeon still looked another way. It will be too awkward 

if we are like this. And Sooyoung and Hyoyeon will notice right away that something 

is wrong. Tiffany thought.

"Sorry. But I have a few things to do right now. But maybe next time I can join you." 

Tiffany said and smiled at Sooyoung.

"That's too bad. But I guess it can't be helped with work." Sooyoung said and took a 

bite of her food.

Tiffany still smiled.

"I guess I will be going now. Enjoy your lunch." Tiffany said and turned around and 

walked to the elevator. She had took a last glance of Taeyeon to see if Taeyeon 

reacted on anything she had said but Taeyeon had reminded like she didn't hear 

Tiffany or that Tiffany didn't existed.

Tiffany rushed in to the elevator. She pressed the button for the floor she was going 

to. She felt that tears burned behind her eyes. Tiffany took a big b reath and tried to 

calm herself. Tiffany you can't cry right now. And absolutely not because of her! 


Tiffany thought and tried really hard to hold her tears in. 

when the elevator had reached the right floor Tiffany went out and walked to the 

staff‟s room. She sat on one of the chairs there and tried to calm down.

"Tiffany are you okay?" A woman that worked there asked her.

"Yeah." Tiffany said and smiled.

"You look a bit pale? Are you sure you are okay?" The woman asked and placed a 

hand on Tiffany's forehead.

"Yeah. I guess I'm tired." Tiffany said still smiling.

"Don't overwork yourself. You need to take care of yourself." The woman said and 

looked at Tiffany in concern.

"Don't worry. I will take care of myself." Tiffany assumed.

"If you say so. But if you are feeling ill you should go home and rest." The woman 

said and walked out of the staff room.

Tiffany bowed to the woman before she went out. Tiffany placed her face in her 

palms when she was sure no one else was there. I can't be like this! I will not be 

able to work like this! Tiffany thought. When Tiffany had calmed down she stood up 

from her seat and went out of the staff room, she took the elevator to the floor the 

practice room was on. She thought she could be there for a while. When she came 

to the floor she saw that Taeyeon stood in front of her and talked to someone. 

Tiffany got afraid and turned around and walked around a corner and stood there 

pinned against the wall. Did she see me? Tiffany thought and tried to look around 

the corner to see if Taeyeon had noticed her. Taeyeon still stood and talked with the 

person. Tiffany sighed. Tiffany you can't act like this! This is just crazy! You will not 

be able to live like this! Just walk past her. You are also working here! Tiffany 

thought. She took a big breath and turned the corner and towards the practice room. 

She walked faster than she used to do and walked past Taeyeon and the other 

person without looking at Taeyeon. When she came to the practice room she opened 

the door and found Hyoyeon sitting on a chair with Sooyoung on top of her and they 

were making out. Tiffany got embarrassed so she turned around fast and went out 

of the practice room and closed the door after her fast. She leaned against the door. 

She felt that she was blushing from what she had just seen. This day is not my day! 

Why did I even come to work today?! And why are they making out in the practice 

room and not locking the door?! Tiffany thought and slammed her head against the 

door. She turned her head the way Taeyeon had stood before but Taeyeon wasn't 

there anymore. I'm lucky she didn't see me like this. Tiffany thought and felt that the 

door was opening behind her and she fell on her back. 

"Ouch!" Tiffany moaned from the pain she got when her back hit the floor. She 

looked up and saw Sooyoung looking down on her.

"Did you knock?" Sooyoung asked.

Tiffany looked at Sooyoung in confusion. She hadn't knocked. She thought about it. 

Then she remembered that she had slammed her head against the door.

"Ye...Yeah, I knocked." Tiffany said and forced a smile.

"Why were you leaning against the door then?" Sooyoung asked.

Tiffany looked at her and didn't know what to answer.

"Or why didn't you knock the first time you went inside here?" Hyoyeon asked from 

her seat on the chair.

Crap... they saw me. Tiffany thought.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to disturb you." Tiffany said. 


"It's okay. Don't worry about it." Sooyoung said and helped Tiffany up from the floor.

"Thank you." Tiffany said when Sooyoung had helped her up from the floor.

"But why aren't you with Taeyeon?" Sooyoung asked when she had taken a seat 

next to Hyoyeon.

Tiffany looked at both of them. They both looked at her with curious eyes.

"I don't know where she is." Tiffany said and looked another way.

"She is in the studio like always." Hyoyeon said and still looked at Tiffany.

Tiffany looked at them again. Oh no. They are suspecting something. What should I 

do? Tiffany thought and almost got panicked.

"Really? She wasn't there when I went there. But I will go there again and check." 

Tiffany said and smiled and turned around to walk to the door.

"Thank you for the help." Tiffany said and smiled before she went out.

Hyoyeon and Sooyoung looked at her when she went out.

"Something is fishy about her." Hyoyeon stated.

"I agree. Something is just wrong with those two!" Sooyoung said and crossed her 

arms over her chest. 

They both sat and looked at the door in silence.

"Should we continue on what we did before?" Sooyoung asked and grinned.

"No, dance practice starts soon. We must get ready before the others come." 

Hyoyeon said and got up from her seat.

Sooyoung got disappointed but followed Hyoyeon and started to warm up before the 

others came.

Tiffany stood outside the studio. She didn't know if she should go in or not. She 

raised her hand to knock on the door but changed her mind and turned around and 

walked to the elevator. I'm going home! I can't stand this anymore! Tiffany thought 

and pressed the button in the elevator. She went to the staff room to take her 

things. She saw the woman she had talked with before.

"I'm going home. I don't feel so well after all. Can you tell the boss for me?" Tiffany 

said to the woman.

"Yeah of course Tiffany. Take care of yourself." The woman said.

"Thank you." Tiffany said and bowed.

She took the elevator to the entrance. When she went out of the entrance she felt 

that it was blowing cold outside so she wrapped the coat tighter around her and she 

started to walk. She didn't want to go home because she didn't know what she was 

going to do at home. She putted her hands in her pockets and she felt that she had 

something in her pocket. She took it up and looked at it. It's the card Jessica's boss 

gave me. Tiffany thought and was going to put in back in her pocket. But before she 

did it she remembered what the boss had said to her. It's my chance! It's my chance 

for a new job! Tiffany thought all happy. She smiled again. And walked all happy 

back home. When she gets home she threw her bag and coat on the chair in the 

hallway and jumped on her bed and took out her cell phone. She pressed a number 

and waited for the person to answer.

"Hello?" A person said.

"Sunny! Guess what has happened!" Tiffany said all happy.

"Uhhh. The world has turned pink?" Sunny said.

"Noo. But that would be great too. But I have got a new job!" Tiffany said happy.

"Really? That's just great! Congratulation."  


"Yeah I know. But how has it been for you?" 

"Yeah, I will get released from the hospital tomorrow. And then I will try to look for a 

job too."

"That's great. But where will you live?"

"I still have my apartment, so I will live there. I just need to get rid of a few things 

that can awake bad memories." Sunny said and laughed a bit.

"I can help you." Tiffany suggested.

"You don't have to, I can do it by myself." 

"No. I want to help you, Sunny."

"Hehe thanks Fany-ah." Sunny said and smiled.

"Don't mention it. We are friends right?" Tiffany said and smiled too.

"Yeah of course we are."

Tiffany smiled. She wanted to help her friend and make up for the time she had been 


"So we will see each other tomorrow?" Sunny asked.

"Yeah. I can call you when I'm finish with everything I must do tomorrow." Tiffany 


"Okay. Sounds good to me. So see you tomorrow then." 

"See you tomorrow." Tiffany said and hung up.

Tiffany smiled wide and rolled over at her back. This feels so good! I can finally 

move on with my life! Tiffany thought and smiled.

Jessica and Yuri sat in Jessica's office and worked on the project. Jessica stretched 

her arms up.

"How is it going Yuri?" Jessica asked and looked over at Yuri's work.

"Pretty good. What about you?" Yuri said and looked at Jessica's work.

"Pretty good as well." 

"That's good." Yuri said and smiled.

They continued with their work and then someone knocked on the door. Jessica and 

Yuri looked at each other. Yuri got up from her seat to open the door and there 

Leeteuk stood with a big bouquet with flowers. Yuri looked surprised at him.

"Yuri! Hi! I was looking for Yoona but I can't find her. Do you know where she is?" 

Leeteuk said and smiled.

Yuri felt a desire to close the door in the face on him but kept herself for doing that.

"Yoona is on a photo shooting right now. What do you need from her?" Yuri asked 

and faked a smile.

"Too bad. I wanted to give her these flowers." Leeteuk said and looked at the 

bouquet in his hand.

"Yeah that is too bad." Yuri said and was about to close the door but Leeteuk 

stopped her.

"Hey, do you know where the photo shooting is and when it ends?" Leeteuk asked 

and looked happy.

"No. I don't know." Yuri lied.

"That's too bad." Leeteuk said and looked sad.

Yuri looked at him. She felt that he would stop her if she tried to close the door 

again. Leeteuk looked up at Yuri and a smile formed on his face. 


"Yuri, can't you pass Yoona these flowers from me?" Leeteuk asked and handed the 

flowers to Yuri.

Yuri looked surprised at the flowers.

"Thanks a lot! I will see you around! And say hello to Yoona from me." Leeteuk said 

and walked to the elevator.

Yuri closed the door behind her angry and looked up and saw that Jessica was 

looking at her and then she realized that Jessica had heard everything.

"You need to tell me who that is, my friend." Jessica said and looked interested.

Yuri sighed and walked to her seat and sat down and threw the flowers on the desk. 

Yuri took a deep breath so she could calm down.

"That was Leeteuk. He is Yoona's old friend from school. We went to his restaurant 

yesterday. And I noticed that he liked Yoona and I told Yoona that." Yuri said and 

looked angry at the flowers.

"You can tell from far away that he likes Yoona. Just look at the flowers!" Jessica 

said and pointed at the flowers.

"I know!" Yuri said mad.

"But what did Yoona say when you said that he likes her?" 

"She said that I shouldn't worry about it because she only think of him as a friend." 

"Yeah. I believe she does. But that doesn't stop him from doing things he want to." 

Jessica said.

Yuri looked at Jessica with big eyes.

"What? He is a guy! You should know how a guy acts when he doesn't get what he 

wants." Jessica said.

"Yeah I know." Yuri said and looked worried.

"But you should also trust Yoona that she won't let him do whatever he wants." 

Jessica said and tried to ease Yuri's worries.

"Yeah. I will trust her." Yuri said and moved some papers on the desk.

"But...what are you going to do with the flowers?" Jessica asked and looked at the 


Yuri looked at the flowers also.

"I guess I will have to give them to Yoona." Yuri said and moved some more papers 

on the desk.

"For some reason it feels like you are forcing yourself to do that." Jessica said and 

looked at Yuri.

Yuri sighed.

"Yeah. I'm forcing myself. Last time I hide something from Yoona I almost ended up 

sleeping in the living room by myself!" Yuri said.

Jessica started to laugh.

"Yoona really has control over you!" Jessica said still laughing.

Yuri looked angry at Jessica.

"It's not funny!" Yuri said mad and didn't look at Jessica.

"Aww don't be angry. I'm sorry that I laughed at you." Jessica tried.

Yuri looked at Jessica.

"Hey, you should be going now if you want to go to Yoona before she finishes the 

photo shooting." Jessica said and pointed at the clock.

Yuri looked up at the clock.

"Yeah you are right." Yuri said and started to pack up her things.

"You don't have to worry about them. You can go and I can take care of it." Jessica 


said and stopped Yuri from packing up her things.

Yuri looked at Jessica surprised.

"Only to make up for that I laughed at you earlier." Jessica added.

Yuri shook her head and left her things at the desk and took her coat and bag. 

"Thanks Sica. And don't worry, I forgive you for that you laughed." Yuri said and 

went out of the door.

When Yuri had closed the door after her Jessica burst out in laughter again.

"You are so funny sometimes Yuri! I thought you would have control over Yoona and 

not the other way!" Jessica laughed and started to pack up Yuri's things.

Yoona was in the dressing room and changed to her clothes after the photo 

shooting. She saw Seohyun had come back from her last shoot. She smiled and 

walked up to Seohyun.

"You did really well today!" Yoona said.

"Thanks. You did really well as well." Seohyun said and smiled.

"Are you going home now?" 

"Yeah. I think so." 

"Do you want a drive home? Yuri will come and pick me up so you can go with us if 

you want." Yoona said and smiled.

Seohyun looked at Yoona. Then she remembered that Kyuhyun had offered that he 

will drive her when she had finished. She felt that her face heated up when he 

thought about it.

"It's okay. I have someone who will come and pick me up." Seohyun said and smiled.

Yoona saw that Seohyun blushed. She grinned at the sight.

"Really? Who?" Yoona asked curious.

"Umm." Seohyun looked down at her things and didn't face Yoona.

"C'mon. You can tell me! I'm you unnie!" Yoona said and tried to make Seohyun say 

it even though she already knew from how Seohyun acted.

"Kyuhyun oppa said that he can come and pick me up when I'm finish." Seohyun 

said and blushed madly.

Yoona smiled.

"That's great!" Yoona said and started to pack up her things.

She heard a familiar voice greeting someone and she looked up and saw that Yuri 

had come.

"Yuri unnie!" Yoona said and walked to Yuri and gave her a hug.

"Hi. Did everything go well today?" Yuri asked and hugged her back.

"Yep. But how come you are here early, I didn't even give you a call yet." Yoona said 

and looked at Yuri curious.

"Sica made me go earlier so I could come here earlier." Yuri said and smiled.

"Really? Jessica unnie is really nice." Yoona said and took her bag.

"Yeah." Yuri said and then she noticed Seohyun. "Hi Seohyun! Is everything going 

well for you with the modeling?" Yuri asked.

"Hi. Yes, everything is going well." Seohyun said and smiled.

"That's great. Do you want me to drive you home?" Yuri asked.

Seohyun blushed again and Yuri looked at the blushing Seohyun surprised.

"Someone will pick her up." Yoona said smiling and linked her arm with Yuri's to drag 

her away.

"Really? Have a good night then." Yuri said and waved at Seohyun before she and 


Yoona left.

Seohyun waved at Yuri and Yoona. She took up her phone and looked at it and the 

note with Kyuhyun's number. She took a deep breath and pressed Kyuhyun's 

number. She waited for him to answer and her heart pounded real hard.

"Hello?" Kyuhyun answered.

"Uh. Hello this is Seohyun. I'm finish with my schedule now." Seohyun said 


"Okay. I can come and pick you up. Where are you?" Kyuhyun asked.

"The same place you dropped me off."

"Okay, I will be there in five minutes."

"Okay, I will wait for you." 

"Good!" Kyuhyun said and hung up.

Seohyun went out to wait for Kyuhyun. She felt that her heart pounded hard. She 

placed her hand over her chest and tried to calm down. She saw that Kyuhyun came 

and he stopped in front of her. She went into the car and putted on the seat belt. 

She looked at him and he smiled at her. She turned her head quickly away from him 

and tried to hide that she blushed. Kyuhyun began to drive.

"So where do you want me to drop you off?" Kyuhyun asked.

"I need to buy a few things before I go home so you can drop me off by the grocery 

store near the company building." Seohyun said and looked at her hands.


Kyuhyun drove to the grocery store Seohyun wanted to. Seohyun went out of the car 

and was going to thank Kyuhyun for the ride but noticed that he also had stepped 

out of the car. She looked at him surprised.

"I also need to buy a few things." Kyuhyun said and smiled.

Seohyun smiled a little and they both went into the store. They walked around 

together and bought the things they needed. When they had paid for everything 

Seohyun was going to go home but Kyuhyun stopped her.

"I can drive you home." Kyuhyun said and smiled.

Seohyun got a little surprised but looked away.

"It's okay. You don't have to. I can walk home." Seohyun said still facing another 


"But I want to drive you home." Kyuhyun said and didn't let go of Seohyun hand.

Seohyun looked at him.

"I don't think it's a good idea." Seohyun said.

"Why not?" 

Seohyun was quiet. She didn't want him to see how she lives. It was her greatest 

shame and he was the last person she wanted to see that.

"It's near, so I can walk." Seohyun tried.

"I can walk with you." Kyuhyun said not giving up.

"It's really nice of you. But it's best if I walk alone." Seohyun said.


Seohyun looked away again. She guessed that she didn't have another choice than 

to let him go with her.

"Okay. I will let you go with me. But when we come there, don't ask anything about 

it. And please, don't tell someone else either." Seohyun said and started to walk.

Kyuhyun got surprised by what Seohyun said and started to walk beside her. They 

walked in silence the whole way. Seohyun stopped outside a house that looked 


abandoned. Some of the windows were broken and had a plastic over it instead. In 

the garden it was a lot of garbage and the grass was very long. A man lied outside 

the house. When Seohyun noticed the man she ran up to him and helped him up.

"Why did you come home so late! I've been waiting for hours!" The man screamed 

at Seohyun.

"I'm sorry." Seohyun said.

"It's your fault that your mother is in the hospital! Let go of me! You can't do 

anything right!" The man said and walked inside when Seohyun had opened the 

door. And Kyuhyun saw he was drunk. 

"Thanks for following me home. And please, don't tell anyone about this." Seohyun 

said and turned to a shocked Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun nodded his head.

"Good night." Seohyun said and bowed before she went inside the house.

Seohyun saw from the window that Kyuhyun walked slowly back. She sighed. Why 

did I show him this? Seohyun thought.

Yoona and Yuri went to Yuri's car and Yuri held the door for Yoona. Yoona smiled by 

Yuri's action and got into the car. Yuri sat on the other side and started to drive. 

Yoona looked at Yuri.

"You seem over nice today." Yoona said and looked at Yuri.

"Why?" Yuri said surprised.

"You are acting nicer than usual. Eating lunch with me, coming early to pick me up. 

Opening doors for me. Something is suspicious." 

"It must be because of those things in the backseat." Yuri said and pointed at 

something in the backseat.

Yoona looked at what Yuri pointed and saw a bouquet with flowers.

"Have you bought flowers to me?" Yoona said and took the flowers and looked at 


"No. They are from Leeteuk." Yuri said coldly.

Yoona smelled at the flowers and but had an eye on Yuri to see if she was jealous.

"And you actually gave me them?" Yoona asked.

"Yes." Yuri said and Yoona saw that Yuri took a tighter grip on the steering wheel.

"You are so honest. That's what I like about you." Yoona said and placed a hand on 

Yuri's lap and kissed her on the cheek.

Yuri loosened the grip and smiled a little. Yoona smiled also and kept her hand on 

Yuri's lap.

Taeyeon lied in the sofa when she heard that Jessica came home. She sat up when 

she heard that she come in.

"Hi. Did you have a lot to do when you come home so late?" Taeyeon asked and 

looked after Jessica while she walked in to the bedroom.

"Yeah. I stayed a bit longer to finish up a few things." Jessica said and came out 

from the bedroom when she had changed clothes.

"I see." Taeyeon said. "There is food in the kitchen if you are hungry." Taeyeon said 

and smiled.

"Thanks." Jessica said and took a plate and went to sit beside Taeyeon in the couch. 


Taeyeon looked at Jessica when she ate, Jessica looked at her. She placed her plate 

on the coffee table when she had finished eating.

"Taeyeon is there a reason why you didn't tell me that Tiffany had come with  you to 

the hospital before?" Jessica asked and looked at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon got surprised by the question. Now she knew who the friend Tiffany had 

eaten lunch with was.

"I and Tiffany started to fight." Taeyeon said and bend her head down.

"I know. Tiffany told me. But why Taeyeon? Why didn't you tell me from the start? 

Didn't we say that we wouldn't have secrets?" 

"Yeah. But I didn't want your friendship with Tiffany to end because I and Tiffany 

had a fight." Taeyeon said still not looking at Jessica.

Jessica patted Taeyeon on the head.

"It's okay. But please, stop hide things. I'm tired of hearing it from someone else 

before I hear it from you." Jessica said.

"I'm sorry." Taeyeon said still having her head bent down.

Jessica sighed.

"I wonder how many times I will be able to forgive you." Jessica said and took the 

plate and went to the kitchen.

Taeyeon looked after her with sad eyes. Jessica saw that Taeyeon was sad, she took 

something to drink from the fridge and went back to the couch.

"But I can't blame you. You actually did it to be nice. But still, I said that you should 

tell me everything you are thinking." Jessica said and drank from her glass.

"I know." Taeyeon said and bend her head down again.

Jessica looked at Taeyeon. She sighed and took the remote control and changed the 

channel on the TV to a movie and began to watch it.

Taeyeon looked up at Jessica. She saw that Jessica was angry. She felt that she was 

stupid for not telling Jessica from the start that she and Tiffany had fought. Taeyeon 

turned her head to the TV and watched the movie too. When the movie ended 

Jessica got up and went to the bathroom. Taeyeon was still in the living room and 

watched TV.

"I'm going to sleep now." Jessica said before she went to the bedroom.

"Okay. Good night." Taeyeon said.

Jessica looked at Taeyeon that sat in the couch and watched TV.

"Aren't you going to sleep?" Jessica asked.

"I will come after I've seen this." 

"Okay. Good night then." Jessica said and walked in to the bedroom and closed the 

door after her.

Taeyeon didn't look at Jessica when she went to the bedroom. When Taeyeon had 

finished watching what she wanted to see she went to the bathroom and took a 

quick shower and brushed her teeth. When she had dried her hair she went to the 

bedroom. She saw that Jessica was sleeping. She crawled down in the bed and 

turned her back at Jessica. She closed her eyes and soon fell asleep.

Yoona woke up and saw that Yuri was sleeping beside her. She smiled and pinched 

Yuri's cheek. Yuri opened her eyes and Yoona kissed Yuri on the lips. 

"Good morning." Yoona said and smiled. 


"Morning." Yuri said and rubbed her eyes.

Yoona went up and went to prepare herself. Yuri turned around and laid on her 

back. She looked at the clock beside the bed to see what time it was. It was two 

hours before she started work. She sighed and went up. She made some coffee and 

sat on a chair in the kitchen. She saw that they had got mail. She raised an eyebrow. 

Who post mails this early? Yuri thought and went to see what it was. She saw it was 

a package and it was addressed to Yoona. But there wasn't a sender. She looked at 

it and placed it on the kitchen table. Yoona come behind her.

"Who is that from?" Yoona asked and pointed at the package.

"I don't know. But it's addressed to you." Yuri said and looked at Yoona when she 

sat down on a chair.

"Really? Wonder who it can be from." Yoona said and began to open the package 


Yuri watched when Yoona opened the package.

"Omo it's chocolate!" Yoona said and took out a big box of her favorite chocolate. "Is 

it from you?" Yoona asked and looked at Yuri.

"No." Yuri said and looked at the box.

"Here is an envelope." Yoona said and opened it. It was a card with flowers and 

hearts on inside. Yoona began to read the card. Yuri looked at her.

"It's from Leeteuk." Yoona said and laid the card on the table. She looked at the box 

and the envelope and then she looked at Yuri.

Yuri didn't say anything. She felt a bit angry that Leeteuk gave Yoona all these 

things, but she didn't know what she could do about it. Yoona noticed that Yuri was 

in her own thoughts. She looked at the chocolate box again. She felt that Leeteuk's 

gestures bothered Yuri even if Yuri didn't say anything.

"I'll give him back these." Yoona said and took the chocolate box.

Yuri woke up from her thoughts.

"What why?" Yuri asked surprised.

"Well, I don't want it. And I can't accept it." Yoona said and carried the  box to the 


"But it's your favorite chocolate." Yuri said and tried to stop Yoona even if she was 

happy that she didn't accept Leeteuk's gift.

"If I want it I can just ask you to buy it, right?" Yoona said and smiled at Yuri. "And I 

know this is bothering you, so I will ask him to stop because you are more important 

than receiving gifts." Yoona said and went back to the kitchen and sat on Yuri's lap.

Yuri smiled and hugged Yoona. Yoona kissed Yuri on the lips.

"Get ready now. We must go to Leeteuk's restaurant before we go to work." Yoona 

said and jumped down from Yuri's lap and dragged her up.

"Okay." Yuri said and kissed Yoona a last time on the lips before she went to get 


When Yuri had got ready they went to Leeteuk's restaurant. Yoona told Yuri to wait 

in the car while she went in to talk with Leeteuk. Yuri did as Yoona said and Yoona 

went in the restaurant. There weren't any costumers there and one of the waiters 

came to her and asked if she was going to eat. She said she was looking for Leeteuk 

and she was a friend of his. The waiter understood and said to Yoona to sit by a 

table and wait while he went to get Leeteuk for her. She sat down by one of the 

tables and soon Leeteuk came. 


"Yoona it's nice to see you here this early. Did you get my gifts?" Leeteuk asked and 

was going to hug Yoona but Yoona stopped him.

"Yeah. I got your gifts. It's very nice of you. But can you please stop giving me 

them?" Yoona asked and looked at him serious.

Leeteuk looked shocked at her.

"Why? Don't you like them?" Leeteuk asked and looked hurt.

"No, I like them. But it's bothering me." Yoona said.

Leeteuk looked at her.

"Is it because of Yuri?" Leeteuk asked.

"Yuri has nothing to do with it." Yoona said.

Leeteuk leaned closer to Yoona.

"Do you really think Yuri is enough for you?" Leeteuk asked.

"Yes she is enough for me. I love her with all my heart."

Leeteuk laughed.

"You are foolish Yoona. You will never be able to come out with your relat ionship 

with Yuri in the public. No one will accept your relationship with her. And if people 

found out that you have a relationship with a girl, don't you think it will affect your 

model career?" 

Yoona looked at him shocked. She knew that Leeteuk was right in what he said. But 

she wasn't going to let anything of that happen.

"I guess I will just have to be careful with what I'm doing then." Yoona said.

Leeteuk laughed again.

"I think it's better for you to have a relationship with a man. It will suit you  more. 

And don't you want to have children in the future? You won't be able to have it with 

Yuri. And what about your family? If I'm right your father wanted you to marry to a 

great man. Me for example." Leeteuk said and smiled.

Yoona was getting angry now. She didn't think Leeteuk would go so far.

"I know that you like me. But you have no rights in bringing up my family." Yoona 

said and stood up. 

Leeteuk grabbed Yoona's hand so she couldn't go away.

"Yoona, I will do anything to make you mine. Remember that. And if I'm right there 

are no rules in this game called love." Leeteuk said.

Yoona pulled away her hand and walked out of the restaurant. She stepped inside 

the car and told Yuri to drive.

Yuri was surprised but did as Yoona said and began to drive. Yuri tried to look at 

Yoona and saw that Yoona was angry and upset. She wondered what had happened 

there. She wanted to ask but it felt that Yoona was going to get more upset.

When they arrived at the company Yoona followed Yuri to the office Yuri was in and 

worked with Jessica. Jessica was already there and Jessica looked shocked at them 

when they came in. Jessica could tell from the sight that something was wrong, and 

she saw that Yoona was angry and upset. Yoona sat on the couch and took a 

magazine and started to read it. Yuri sat on the chair opposite Jessica. Jessica looked 

at her and waited for her to tell her what had happened. But Yuri didn't say 

anything. Jessica grabbed Yuri's collar and dragged her closer.

"What have happened to you two? What have you done now when Yoona is this 

upset?" Jessica whispered to Yuri.

"It wasn't me. I promise. Yoona went to Leeteuk to talk to him and after she had 

talked to him she was like this." Yuri said and took a glance at Yoona over her 



"And you don't know what happened?" Jessica said and released Yuri from her grip.

"No. I waited in the car." Yuri said and fixed her collar.

"You didn't ask her?" 

"No. I was afraid." Yuri said and bends her head down.

Jessica sighed and placed her hand over her forehead.

"I will ask her then." Jessica said and got up from her seat.

Yuri looked after her when Jessica went to Yoona.

"Hi Yoona. I want to show you something, do you have time?" Jessica asked when 

she stood in front of Yoona.

Yoona looked at her.

"Yes. I have time." Yoona said and stood up and followed Jessica.

Jessica took Yoona to the room where all the new clothes were hanging. Jessica 

searched through the dresses. Yoona stood in the middle of the room and looked at 


"I designed a new dress a few days ago, and I want you to try it." Jessica said while 

she searched.

"I see." Yoona said.

"Here it is." Jessica said and took out a white dress and gave it to Yoona. 

Yoona looked at it. She smiled a Jessica and went to the changing room. Jessica 

waited outside.

"Yoona, is it something wrong? You seemed upset earlier." Jessica asked when she 

waited for Yoona to try on the dress.

Yoona was quiet for a while.

"Something happen before I came here." Yoona said.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Jessica asked.

Yoona was quiet again. 

"Can you pull up the zipper for me?" Yoona said after a while.

Jessica went inside the changing room and helped Yoona with the zipper. Yoona 

looked at herself in the mirror.

"The dress really fits me." Yoona said.

"Yeah. I designed after your measurements." Jessica said and looked at Yoona in the 


"It's beautiful." Yoona said.

"Yeah. You can use it when you want to." Jessica said and stepped out of the 

changing room.

Yoona looked shocked at Jessica.

"Why? Aren't you going to show up this dress when we show the new collection?" 

"No. This dress isn't in the collection." Jessica said and looked at the other clothes in 

the room.

"Why? The color and the design match with the other clothes in the collection, 


Jessica turned around and walked closer to Yoona.

"You aren't one of the models that are going to show up the clothes, right?" Jessica 


"No. I gave my place to someone else because I have something else to do then." 

Yoona said.

"I know. That's why you don't know what material the other clothes are made of." 


Jessica said and turned around. "The models that are going to show the collection 

have already tried all the clothes." 

"I see. But that's too bad. The dress is really beautiful. It's such a waste." Yoona 


"Yeah. But if you are going to an event or something else I would be happy if you 

used it." Jessica said and smiled.

"I will use it on the next event I go on." Yoona said happy and closed the curtains in 

the changing room to take of the dress.

When Yoona had changed back to her usual clothes she sat down on the couch in 

the room. And Jessica sat beside her.

"I will tell you what happened that I got upset earlier." Yoona said.

Jessica listened to her.

"I have this friend from school. He called me a few days ago and said that he had 

opened a restaurant and wanted me to go there. And I went there with Yuri unnie. 

We also met him when we were there. After that he have been sending gifts to me 

and I've noticed that it's bothering Yuri unnie. So today I went to him to tell him that 

he must stop. But we started to fight." Yoona stopped and Jessica waited for her to 

finish. "He said many cruel things. He said that Yuri unnie isn't enough for me. And 

he said that I never will be able to get children if I'm in a relationship with a girl. And 

if I came out with my relationship to the public it will affect my career. And he 

brought up my family too! And they have nothing to do with this! And I know what 

he said about the children and that this relationship will affect my career if it comes 

out in the public. But he has no right to say it like that!" Yoona said and her eyes got 


Jessica hugged Yoona. She felt sorry for her. Jessica knew how hard it had been in 

the beginning of her relationship with Yuri. She knew that Yoona had  struggled with 

her feelings and she knew that Yoona knew that this was putting her career at risk.

"You shouldn't listen to him. You know why you chose to be with Yuri, right? Just 

think about that. It's all that matters. And he only said those cruel thing s for his own 

good. But as you said, he has no right to say things like that. So don't listen to him." 

Jessica said and patted Yoona at the back.

"I thought he would support me and Yuri unnie. Not go against us." Yoona cried.

"I know. But you don't need his support. You have me and Seohyun, right? You can 

always come and talk to me if it's something is bothering you." 

Yoona whipped her tears.

"Thank you unnie. You've really helped me a lot." Yoona said and smiled.

"It's nothing. We are friends, and friends help each other." Jessica said and whipped 

a tear on Yoona's cheek.

Yoona smiled more.

"But how is it between you and Taeyeon unnie right now?" Yoona asked while 

Jessica fixed her make up for her.

Jessica got surprised by the sudden question about her and Taeyeon. Jessica faked a 


"Everything is fine." She said and continued to fix Yoona's make up.

"That's good." Yoona said. 

They went back to the office and Yuri looked at both of them when they came in. 

Jessica went to her seat and Yoona went to Yuri and gave her a kiss.

"I will be going to an interview now. So see you later." Yoona said and took her bag 


and coat and went out.

Yuri looked surprised at her and after she had walked out she turned her head to 


"What did you do?" Yuri asked surprised.

"We talked." Jessica said and continued with her work.

"About what?" 

"Different things." 

"The thing that made her upset?" 

"Maybe. You'll have to ask her for yourself." Jessica said and smiled.

"Sica, please tell me!" Yuri said and begged Jessica.

"Nope." Jessica said and moved farer away from Yuri.

"You are mean." Yuri said and pouted.

"Who knows? She maybe tells you when the interview is finish." 

Yuri looked at her. 

"Yeah. You are right. She maybe does that." Yuri said and started to work.

Jessica looked at Yuri and laughed a little.

"What? You are changing job?" Sooyoung asked when Tiffany told her that she was 

changing work.

"Yeah. I got an offer to job somewhere else and I have accepted it. And I have also 

talked to the boss here and he wished me good luck on my new job." Tiffany  said.

"But we have just become friends!" Sooyoung complained.

"She's changing work. It doesn't mean that we can't still be friends." Hyoyeon said.

"Yeah that's true. But still!" Sooyoung said and crossed her arms.

"We can hang out after work sometime." Tiffany said and smiled.

"It will be a bit empty without you." Sooyoung said.

Tiffany just smiled.

"Have you told Taeyeon that you are changing job?" Hyoyeon asked.

"No. I will do that later." Tiffany lied.

"I see. But good luck on your new job. But you are always welcome here to visit us." 

Hyoyeon said.

"Thanks." Tiffany said still smiling.

"And don't forget about us!" Sooyoung said.

"Don't worry. I won't forget you guys." Tiffany said. "But I must go now. I must go 

to my new job, my boss wanted to see me." Tiffany said and walked to the door.

"So you won't tell Taeyeon today?" Sooyoung asked.

"No. I will call her later." Tiffany said.

"I see. Well good luck then." Sooyoung said and watched when Tiffany went out of 

the door.

Tiffany went out of Sooyoung's office. She looked at Taeyeon's office. She didn't 

want to tell Taeyeon that she was leaving so she just walked to the elevator. She 

pressed the button to the entrance floor. She was glad that she hadn't become too 

familiar with the other staff, because it had been harder to quit then. She walked out 

and took a last glance at the building before she walked to her new work. 

She went to the boss offices and the boss welcomed her to the company. 

"It's great that you changed your mind and come to us. I will show  you were Jessica 

is and she can help you around. Have you told Jessica that you will start to work 

here?" The boss asked when they walked in the hallway. 


"No I haven't." Tiffany said.

"Then it will be a surprise for her." The boss said and they continued t o walk. She 

introduced Tiffany to a few people they met in the hallway and Tiffany greeted them.

"Here is the office Jessica and Yuri is sitting and working right now. Do you know 

Yuri as well?" The boss asked.

"I've met her, but I don't know her that well." Tiffany admitted.

"I think you three will become great friends." The boss said and knocked on the door 

and went in without waiting for someone to open it.

"I see that you two are busy with your work but know you can take a break. I have a 

little surprise for you." The boss said and smiled.

Jessica and Yuri looked at their boss. How many surprised could she actually come 


"We have a new worker here. She might be a help for you two." The boss said. "You 

can come in now." The boss said and turned to the door.

Tiffany went in and stood beside the boss.

"Hello. I'm Tiffany Hwang. Please take good care of me." Tiffany said and bowed.

Jessica looked surprised at Tiffany and Yuri turned her head to Jessica and saw that 

Jessica was as surprised as her, and Yuri then understood that Jessica didn't know 

anything about this.

"Tiffany are you going to work here?" Jessica asked surprised.

"Yes, I will start to work here from now on." Tiffany said.

"You don't need to talk formal with Jessica. She's your friend, right?" The boss said.

Tiffany looked at Jessica for permission, and Jessica just nodded her head.

"You don't need to talk formal with me either."Yuri said and smiled.

"Well, this is just great. I will leave you with these two now because I must run to a 

meeting now." The boss said and clapped her hands together. "You two better take 

care of her now." The boss said and walked out of the office and closed the door 

after her.

The three of them looked at the door.

"You can sit down if you want to." Yuri said and pointed at the couch behind Tiffany. 

Tiffany sat down on it.

"But how come you started to work here all of sudden?" Yuri asked. "Didn't you have 

a job on Soshi Studios?" 

"I wanted to try something new, I guess." Tiffany said and smiled.

"I see. I hope you will like to work here." Yuri said and smiled back.

Tiffany sat quiet and watched while Yuri and Jessica worked.

"I guess you must need to run around and help people with different things now in 

the beginning." Yuri said after a while.

"Yeah, that's what the boss told me." Tiffany said.

"I good. Do you know where they make all the clothes?" Jessica asked.

"Yeah. I think the boss told me where it is." Tiffany said.

"Good. I want you to leave this to the people there. Say it's from Jessica and they 

will take care of it." Jessica said and gave Tiffany a folder with paper in it.

"Okay." Tiffany said and went away.

Jessica and Yuri looked after her.

"You sent her away the first thing you do?" Yuri asked.

"I didn't have time to leave it myself so I can at least give it to her. And then she will 

get used to the work faster." Jessica said. 


"But she is your friend after all. But didn't you know she would start to work here?" 

Yuri asked.

"No, she didn't tell me. But I know the boss gave her an offer to work here." 

"I see. Maybe she really wanted to try to work here then. Because first I thought 

something had happened on Soshi Studios so she needed to change work." Yuri said 

and continued to with her work.

"Yeah." Jessica said. Or maybe something else is behind her changing work. Jessica 


"What?" Taeyeon screamed when she heard what her boss told her.

"Yeah. She said she had found a new job. Didn't she say anything about it to you?" 

The boss said.

"No, she didn't." Taeyeon said.

"But she left this morning."

"Well, guess that is too bad." Taeyeon said.

"Yeah. But you can go back now. This was all I wanted to tell you." The boss said 

and waved to Taeyeon to get out.

"Okay. Thank you for telling me." Taeyeon said and bowed before she left.

She went back to her office, thinking about the reasons why Tiffany changed job so 

sudden. She sat down on the chair and was still in her thoughts when someone 

knocked on the door. She told the person to come in.

"Hey Taeyeon. Are you busy?" Sooyoung came in and asked.

"No, why?" Taeyeon said.

"Well I bumped into this person in the hallway and she said she was looking for 

you." Sooyoung said.

"Well take her in then." 

"You can come in." Sooyoung told the person.

Taeyeon got shocked when she saw who the person was, but tried to not show it.

"I will leave now." Sooyoung said and left Taeyeon and the other person in the office

Taeyeon looked at the person.

"Sunny what are you doing here?" Taeyeon asked.

Sunny sat down on the chair opposite Taeyeon.

"I came here to talk. I got released from the hospital today." Sunny said.

"I can see that. Otherwise you wouldn't be here." Taeyeon said coldly.

"Taeyeon please listen to me. I came here to talk." 

"About what? That it's my fault that everything happened?" Taeyeon said angry.

"No, Taeyeon. I'm sorry for blaming you for it. I really am. I want to start over, I 

want to start over as friends." Sunny said and leaned closer.

Taeyeon raised an eyebrow and looked at Sunny.

"What's your reason for it?" Taeyeon asked.

"I just want to be friend with you. Nothing else." 

Taeyeon looked at Sunny. She still couldn't believe this was the only reason Sunny 

did this.

"Why do you want to become friends all of sudden?" Taeyeon asked.

"I want to start my whole life over. And this is one part of it. I don't want to come 

between you and Jessica."

Taeyeon still looked at Sunny like she didn't believe her.

"I still don't believe you." Taeyeon said. 


"Please give me a chance Taeyeon." 

"Why should I?" 

"Because I gave you so many chances before!" 

Taeyeon got surprised. She knew that she had made a few mistakes before and 

Sunny had always forgiven her for it.

"Taeyeon one chance is enough for me, please." Sunny begged.

Taeyeon looked at Sunny. It felt like Sunny meant it, but she still couldn't believe 

her. She thought about it.

"I will just have to think about it." Taeyeon said.

"Think about it?" Sunny asked.

"Yeah. Because now I'm just confused. So just give me time to think about it." 

"Okay. I will give you time to think about it. But I promise Taeyeon that I only want 

to become friends with you. And I won't stand in your and Jessica's way." Sunny 


"I said I will think about it." 

"Okay. I will go now. I hope we will see each other some other day." Sunny said and 

stood up from her seat.

Taeyeon looked after Sunny when she left the room. Taeyeon sighed when Sunny 

had closed the door after her. What is this? First Tiffany quitting working here and 

now Sunny comes here! It feels like I going to get a headache. Taeyeon thought and 

rested her head on the desk.

Tiffany stretched her arms. She didn't think she would do a lot of work today but she 

got to do a lot of work anyway. She felt tired. Yuri and Jessica still sat and worked. 

"Is it okay for me to go home now?" Tiffany asked.

Jessica looked at the time.

"Yeah, it's okay." Jessica said.

"Good, because I have a few things I must do." Tiffany said and stood up from the 

couch. "She looked at Yuri and Jessica that was still working.”Won't you go home?" 

Tiffany asked.

"No, we must finish a few things before we can go home." Yuri said and smiled.

"It sounds hard." 

"It would have been taking a longer time if you hadn't been here and helped us." 

Yuri said and smiled.

"I didn't do much." Tiffany said and smiled.

"Don't say that. Everything you did helped us." 

"Good I could be of help. But I need to go now. Bye bye." Tiffany said and went out.

Tiffany felt happy that even if the first day had been tiring it had been fun to work. 

And she had had a lot to do so she hadn't had time to think about Taeyeon. She 

called Sunny when she had come out of the building.

"Hello Fany-ah." Sunny answered.

"Hi Sunny, what are you doing?" Tiffany asked.

"I'm on my way home now, what about you?" 

"I just finished work."

"I see. Hey, Fany-ah can we have a sleep over at my place today? I don't feel like 

cleaning right now." Sunny laughed. 


"Sure, I will just get a few things at my place and then I can meet up with you 


"Okay. See you later then."

"See you later."

Tiffany hurried home and got her things. She got a massages from Sunny that Sunny 

told where she was waiting for Tiffany. Tiffany went to that place and met up with 


"Hi Sunny." Tiffany said and gave Sunny a big hug.

"Hi Fany-ah" Sunny said and hugged Tiffany back.

"Sleep over will be fun! I'm actually tired from work so it's was pretty good that you 

decided to not clean today." Tiffany said and smiled.

"Hehe. Did you get to do a lot of work?" Sunny asked.

"Yeah. It was really tiring, but I had fun! And the people there are really nice."

"I see, that's great. I hope I also will find a job soon." Sunny said.

"Yeah, I will try to help you." Tiffany said.

"Hehe thanks." Sunny said. And they both walked happily to Sunny's apartment.

When they come to the apartment Tiffany helped Sunny to clean away a few things 

on the floor in the living room and they made place for two mattresses. After they 

had cleaned the worst of the things Tiffany lied down on one of the mattresses.

"I'm so tired now." Tiffany said.

Sunny laid down beside her.

"Maybe we should sleep now." Sunny suggested.

Tiffany rolled over on her side so she faced Sunny.

"No, that's not fun! We are supposed to talk all night! Don't you remember the sleep 

over‟s from school time?" Tiffany said.

Sunny laughed.

"Yeah, I remember. But that was from school time! I think we are too old for that 


"We never get too old for it!" Tiffany said and threw a pillow at Sunny.

Sunny took the pillow and threw it back at Tiffany.

"What? You want a pillow fight now?" Sunny said and took another pillow.

"Maybe." Tiffany said and threw the pillow back at Sunny.

They both started to throw pillows at each other till they were both so tired that they 

couldn't even move.

"Maybe we should just talk a bit now." Tiffany suggested when she was lying down 

again and couldn't move her arms because she was tired.

"Haha, it was you who started the pillow fight." Sunny laughed.

"But you must admit it was fun!" Tiffany said.

"Yeah, it was fun." Sunny said.

They laid quiet and stared on the ceiling. And soon the both of them fell asleep.


Chapter 13

Taeyeon laid on the couch and stared at the white ceiling in the living room. It had 

been two weeks since Sunny had come to her work and talked to her, and she hadn't 

seen Tiffany since she had quit her job on Soshi Studios. But Taeyeon knew now that 

Tiffany had started working at Jessica's job because Jessica had told her. Taeyeon 

placed an arm over her head. These days Jessica often came home late because she 

had much to do at work and they hadn't spend so much time together like they did 

before. Taeyeon rolled over at her side and looked at the black TV screen. She was 

feeling lonely, she wanted to be with Jessica more. But she didn't want to be a 

hindrance in Jessica's work. Taeyeon sighed. But the thing that bothered her the 

most was that Jessica was spending more time with Tiffany than her now. Taeyeon 

knew they were only friends, but it still kept bothering her. She rolled over at her 

back again. She couldn't relax. She sat up and looked around in the dark apartment. 

She hadn't made any dinner because she knew Jessica would go out and eat with 

Tiffany after work like usual and she wasn't feeling hungry. She went up from the 

couch and went to the window. It was dark outside, she looked at the time and saw 

it was over 10pm. She wondered when Jessica  would come home. She got back to 

the couch and took the blanket and wrapped it around her. She took the remote 

control and turned on the TV. She changed between the channels to see if there was 

something to see but she couldn't find anything so she stopped at a movie she 

already had seen. Taeyeon listened more to the sounds outside than what they said 

on the TV, she wanted Jessica to come home soon. She started to rock back and 

forth on the couch. She looked at her phone thinking about to call Jessica. She 

reached for it but changed her mind. Maybe Jessica was busy and couldn't talk right 

now. She looked at the movie again. Taeyeon felt that she got tired, she closed her 

eyes and dozed off for a while. She woke up when she heard the door shut. She 

listened to the person in the hallway. Soon Jessica appeared just as beautiful as 


"You are still awake." Jessica said and walked towards Taeyeon.

"Yeah. I wanted to wait for you." Taeyeon said and smiled.

"But I've told you that if I'm coming home late you can go and sleep if you are tired." 

"I'm not tired!" Taeyeon said.

Jessica looked at Taeyeon's tired face and saw that Taeyeon was obvious tired. She 

shook her head. 

"Sure, but I will be going to sleep now. I must go to work early tomorrow and help 

with a thing." Jessica said and turned around and was going to go to the bedroom 

but Taeyeon stopped her.

"Can't we just talk for a bit? I don't get to see you so much anymore." Taeyeon said 

and looked at Jessica with sad eyes.

Jessica looked at Taeyeon and felt sorry. She knew that they didn't get to see each 

other so much, but she needed to do her work. She hoped for Taeyeon to 


"I'm sorry Taeyeon. I'm really tired right now, we can talk tomorrow maybe." Jessica 

said and kissed Taeyeon on the lips and went to the bedroom.

Taeyeon looked after Jessica. She wrapped the blanket tighter around her. She 

sighed heavy. Right now I hate everything about your work. Taeyeon thought. And 


looked at the TV screen.

Yuri and Yoona laid in their bed and holding each other. Yoona played with Yuri's 

hair and Yuri looked at Yoona. Yoona hadn't told Yuri about the incident with Leeteuk 

yet, she was scared that Yuri will get so mad that she will do something she 

shouldn't. But Yoona didn't want to hide it from Yuri, she thought she could discuss it 

with her but she didn't know how. She looked Yuri in the eyes and Yuri smiled at her. 

Yoona smiled back. And Yuri kissed Yoona on the lips, the kiss got heated but Yoona 

broke the kiss and looked at Yuri.

"Yuri there is something I want to talk to you about." Yoona said.

Yuri looked at Yoona, a bit surprised that Yoona had broken the kiss.

"Sure what is it?" Yuri asked.

Yoona thought about the right thing to say. She didn't want Yuri to know that it was 

Leeteuk that had said this to Yoona. 

"Yuri, do..." Yoona stopped. "Do you want to have children in the future?" Yoona 


Yuri sat up, surprised by the question. She looked at Yoona. Yuri hadn't thought 

about children, she was just happy to be with Yoona. But maybe Yoona wants to 

have children, but that means that she....

"I haven't thought about children yet." Yuri said.

"Really?" Yoona looked at her.

"Yeah. Why are you asking?" 

"I just want to know what you think about it." Yoona said and made circles with her 

finger on the blanket.

Yuri looked at Yoona's finger.

"Like I said, I haven't thought about children yet." Yuri said and changed her sitting 

position. "What about you?" 

Yoona stopped doing circles. She thought about it. Did she want to have children in 

the future? She didn't know right now.

"I don't know. I haven't thought about it either." Yoona said.

Yuri looked at her. Know she knew that Yoona didn't come up with this herself, 

someone had said something to her. She held Yoona's hand.

"Yuri what are we going to do if someone of us wants children in the future?" Yoona 

asked all of sudden.

Yuri dropped Yoona's hand. She didn't think that this question would come. Yoona 

looked at Yuri, Yoona sat up so she faced Yuri.

"Yuri we can't get children together." Yoona said and Yuri could hear a bit of sorrow 

in her voice.

"Do you really want to have children?" Yuri asked and looked Yoona in the eyes.

"Maybe in the future." Yoona said and bend her head down.

Yuri looked at her. What was she going to do if Yoona one day said she wanted a 

child? She knew it was impossible for them to get children.

"Can't we wait and see when that day comes?" Yuri asked and held both of Yoona's 

hands in hers.

Yoona looked at their hands. 

"We can't have a normal relationship." Yoona said. 


Yuri looked at her. She saw that Yoona was sad.

"What made you think like that?" Yuri said. 

"I can't come out with our relationship in the public because it will affect my career." 

Yoona said and her eyes got watery.

Yuri hugged Yoona. Yuri thought they had already gone through this already, why is 

it happening again?

"Isn't it more important that we love each other? And who said that we can't have a 

normal relationship? We just have a secret relationship." Yuri said and hugged Yoona 


"Is this what Leeteuk told you in the restaurant?" Yuri asked after a while.

Yoona was quiet, and Yuri waited for Yoona to answer.

"Yes." Yoona answered after a while.

"I'm seriously going to kick his......!" Yuri said and stood up  from the bed but Yoona 

stopped her.

"Wait! I know you are angry. And I know that he had no right to say this to me, but 

please calm down." Yoona said and pulled Yuri down so she sat on the bed again.

Yuri sat down on the bed and tried to calm down. She really wanted to smash 

Leeteuk's face right now. How could he say things like that? He really wanted to 

break their relationship.

"Why didn't you tell me when right after he said this?" Yuri asked after a while.

"Because if I had told you right after he had said that you would have killed him. And 

I talked to Jessica unnie about it, and then I didn't think about it for a while. But 

later it kept coming back in my mind and I thought about it." Yoona said and looked 


Yuri looked at her. She took Yoona's hands.

"Don't listen to him. He just wanted to confuse you. Believe in what you think it's 

right. Okay?" Yuri said and looked Yoona in the eyes.

Yoona smiled and nodded. She felt a bit better. Yuri hugged her.

"Just tell me whenever you are thinking things like that. I don't want you to go 

around and think about those things alone. It hurts me." Yuri said.

Yoona hugged Yuri back.

"I'll tell you next time." Yoona said.

"Good." Yuri said and kissed Yoona on the forehead.

Seohyun walked around in the company building. All the models that was going to be 

on the show when they showed the new collection was there and prepared with the 

fashion designers and the other staffs. Yoona had given Seohyun her place in the 

show because Yoona was going to attend something else that day, and Yoona said it 

was a great opportunity for Seohyun. Seohyun didn't want to take Yoona's place but 

Yoona had insisted her to do so and Yoona had already asked the person who was 

taking care of the show if it's was okay and she had said that  it's was okay. Seohyun 

walked in to the room where all the models and fashion designers were checking 

that all the clothes were okay. She sat down on a chair so she wouldn't be in the way 

for the others. She had already checked all the clothes she was goin g to wear. She 

looked at all the people in the room, she hoped that she wouldn't mess up the show 

when it was time for it. She sighed and bent her head down. She felt a hand on her 

shoulder and looked up on the person and got surprised when she saw Kyuhyun

stand there. 


"Are you okay?" Kyuhyun asked with a worried face.

Seohyun was surprised to see him there. She hadn't seen him since that day he had 

seen how her family situation was like. She thought that he was avoiding her.

"Yes. I'm okay, a bit nervous." Seohyun said and looked at her hands.

Kyuhyun sat down beside her.

"Are you going to be on the show?" Kyuhyun asked.

"Yes. An unnie gave me her place because she was going to attend something else." 

Seohyun said and looked at Kyuhyun in the corner of her eye.

"I see. That's nice of her." Kyuhyun said and smiled.

"Why aren't you going to be on the show?" Seohyun asked and looked at him.

"It's because I have so many other things I must do so I don't have time for it." 

"That's too bad." Seohyun said and looked at her hands again.

"Yeah. But I promise that I will come and look at the show." Kyuhyun said and 

smiled at her.

"You don't have to if you don't have time." Seohyun said and blushed.

Kyuhyun laughed at Seohyun's reaction.

"If I don't go I might miss something I don't want to miss." Kyuhyun said and stood 

up and walked away.

Seohyun looked after him still blushing. What did he mean by that? She saw him 

walk out of the door and the same time he was going out of the door he bumped 

into a girl that was carrying two boxes. The girl bowed to him and apologized and he 

said it was okay and walked away. Seohyun watched when the girl rushed with the 

boxes to one of the staffs and the staff told her where to put the boxes and she did 

so. Seohyun watched while the girl went from one person to another and helped 

them. Seohyun new the girl was new, she had seen the girl with Jessica and Yuri 

unnie a few times. Seohyun remembered when she had started to work here, and 

she was also running around like that. She felt sorry for the girl. She looked at the 

door and saw Yoona coming towards her, Yoona sat down beside her.

"Hey, how is everything going?" Yoona asked.

"Good I guess. But I'm already nervous!" Seohyun said.

"Don't be! You have worked really well and everything will just go fine! I promise." 

Yoona said and smiled.

"But I'm not as good as you." Seohyun said and looked at her hands.

"I've been a model longer than you, so of course I would be better! But after a few 

months I think you will be an excellent model too!"


"Yeah, you just need to practice, practice, and practice and never give up!"

Seohyun smiled.

"I will work hard then." Seohyun said and smiled at Yoona.

"That's the spirit!" Yoona said and held Seohyun's hands.

Seohyun smiled at her.

"By the way. How is it going with Kyuhyun oppa? Are you two going out now?" 

Yoona asked with a smile.

Seohyun blushed by the question.

"No. We are not going out. We are just friends." Seohyun responded still blushing.

"That was too bad. I thought you two were already going out." Yoona said and 

looked disappointed.

"No, we are not like that. I don't think I like him in that way." Seohyun said.  


"Really? So how do...." Yoona got interrupted by her cell phone that was ringing.

Yoona picked it up and Seohyun waited for her to finish her call.

"Sorry I must go now. But we can talk about it some other time. Good luck with 

everything!" Yoona said and hugged Seohyun quickly before she went out from the 


Seohyun looked after Yoona. Maybe Yoona unnie knows why I feel strange when I'm 

near Kyuhyun oppa. Maybe it's a good idea to talk to her. Seohyun thought.

Taeyeon sat in the practice room with Sooyoung and Hyoyeon. Sooyoung and 

Hyoyeon was practice new moves for a dance and Taeyeon sat beside and watched, 

or more spacing out. Taeyeon thought about what Jessica did right now and if she 

was with Tiffany or not. She sighed and she was so lost in her own thoughts she 

didn't noticed that Sooyoung and Hyoyeon had stopped dancing and was looking at 

her. Sooyoung and Hyoyeon looked at each other and both of them had concerned 

looks. They hadn't seen Taeyeon like this before and they started to get worried. 

Sooyoung walked to Taeyeon.

"Hey Taeyeon. Are you okay? It seems like you are thinking about something." 

Sooyoung asked and sat in front of Taeyeon.

Taeyeon got surprised by Sooyoung's sudden question. She didn't know what to 

answer so she just smiled.

"It's nothing." Taeyeon said.

"Are you sure?" Sooyoung asked and was looking serious.

"Yeah I promise." Taeyeon said and still smiled.

"So what did you think about the dance?" Hyoyeon asked and sat beside Sooyoung.

Taeyeon looked surprised at her. She hadn't watched the dance because she had 

been lost in her thoughts.

"It's was good." Taeyeon said and tried to hide that she didn't know.

Hyoyeon looked at Sooyoung. They both know Taeyeon hadn't watched the dance.

"Yeah, but I think we must practice more on the spin. Or what do you think?" 

Hyoyeon asked and looked at Taeyeon. She was lying, because there wasn't any spin 

in this dance.

Taeyeon looked at them. She didn't know what to answer. 

"Yeah, that's a good idea." Taeyeon said and looked down on her hands.

Sooyoung and Hyoyeon looked at each other again. Now they had Taeyeon were 

they wanted her.

"Taeyeon, we didn't do any spin." Sooyoung said.

Taeyeon looked up at them. They knew she hadn't watched their dance. She looked 

down again.

"Taeyeon we can see that something is wrong. Can't you tell us what it is?" 

Taeyeon was looking at her hand.

"I haven't talked to Jessica so much lately." Taeyeon said and looked at her hands.

Sooyoung and Hyoyeon looked at each other. They felt sorry for Taeyeon, she 

looked sad because of it.

"Have you had a fight or something?" Sooyoung asks.

"No, Jessica is just busy with work. So she isn't at home so much." Taeyeon says 

playing with her fingers. 


"Why don't you go to her work and surprise her?" Sooyoung suggested.

"I don't want to disturb her during her work." Taeyeon said.

"I'm sure Jessica will be happy to see you. I'm sure she is tired from work and is 

actually dying to be with you." Sooyoung said.

I wish that she could show that if it was true. Taeyeon thought.

"Why don't you go to her work now and surprise her?" Hyoyeon asked when 

Taeyeon didn't say anything.

Taeyeon looked up at them. Maybe it wasn't a bad idea to go to Jessica's work.

"I will go." Taeyeon said and stood up.

"Yeah go and surprise her! And don't forget to buy flowers!" Sooyoung said after 

Taeyeon when she walked out of the door.

Taeyeon waved at them and closed the door after her. Sooyoung turned her head to 


"I don't think that is the only reason Taeyeon is upset." Sooyoung said.

"Yeah, and I think I know what it is. But I hope I'm wrong." Hyoyeon said still 

looking at the door.

"What? You know?" 

"I'm not sure. But I really hope I'm wrong." Hyoyeon said and turned her head to 


"Tell me!" Sooyoung said and sat closer to Hyoyeon.

"We noticed that Taeyeon and Tiffany behaved weird before. And then Tiffany quit 

working here, and I heard that Tiffany changed job to where Jessica is working right 

now. And after that Taeyeon started to seem upset. So it feels like it has something 

to do with it." Hyoyeon said.

Sooyoung nodded her head.

"Something feels weird about it." Sooyoung said.

"Yeah. I hope things get better." Hyoyeon said and looked at the door.

Taeyeon had bought a bouquet flowers to Jessica. She was walking to Jessica's job. 

She felt a bit nervous and she didn't know why. She didn't have to be nervous! She 

walked in to the building and realized that she didn't know where Jessica was, she 

thought should try to find someone who she could ask where she was. She walked 

around in the building and tried to find someone to ask, and then she bumped into 

someone she thought was familiar.

"Yuri?" Taeyeon asked the tall girl.

"Hey Taeyeon! What brings you here?" Yuri said when she realized that it was 


"I'm looking for Jessica. Do you know where she is?" 

"Yeah. She is in the room there and taking a break right now. You can go there if 

you want." Yuri said and pointed to a room further away.

"Thanks." Taeyeon said and walked towards the room.

"No problem." Yuri said and smiled and turned to go the other way.

Taeyeon walked to the room. She was about to knock on the door when she heard 

people talking inside. She leaned closer to the door to hear well.

"Why are you still at work when you are so tired?" A familiar voice asked and 

Taeyeon thought it was Tiffany. 


"I must finish the stupid project for the boss and help out with the show." Jessica 

said with a tired voice.

"I see. But you should rest, you look really tired."


"Come here, you can place your head on my lap and rest for a bit."

"Thanks Tiffany." Jessica said.

"You're welcome." Tiffany said and smiled.

Taeyeon backed away from the door. Her hands were shaking. She wanted to open 

the door and tell Tiffany to stay away from Jessica. But she couldn't, she was scared. 

She was scared that it would made things worse. She was scared that if she did that 

Jessica might say something she didn't want to hear or that she would see 

something that she didn't want to see. She looked at the flowers in her hands. She 

turned away from the door and ran away from it. She came out on the street, she 

walked to her car and sat in it. She threw the flowers on the passenger seat and 

started the car and drove off. She felt that anger was boiling up inside her. She 

tightens her grip around the steering wheel. She saw the flowers in the corner of her 

eyes, she got angrier when she saw them so she took them and threw them out of 

the window. She didn't look how fast she was going she just wanted to come so far 

away from that place as she could. She didn't want to go home. She thought about 

places she could go to but she couldn't come up with a good place. She smacked her 

head with her right hand so she could think of a place to go to. Then she 

remembered a place she could go to.

She stood outside the building and looked at it. It hadn't changed much. She felt it 

was cold outside. She went up the stairs and stopped outside a door. She looked at 

the door. She took a deep breath before she knocked. She waited for the person to 

open. She heard someone unlock the door and open it. Taeyeon smiled a little. 

Sunny looked a bit surprised to see Taeyeon standing outside her door.

"Can I come in?" Taeyeon asked.

"Yeah. Sure. Come in." Sunny said and let Taeyeon in.

Taeyeon took of her outdoor clothes in the hallway. Sunny looked at Taeyeon. She 

had seen on Taeyeon's face that something was wrong. She led Taeyeon in to the 

living room and said to Taeyeon that she could sit on the couch . Taeyeon sat on the 

couch and looked around in the apartment. She had lived with Sunny here before, it 

hadn't change much but it had changed. And a few things were gone too. She didn't 

have to think about why the things were gone. She looked at the bookshelf that was 

standing in front of her. There were a few books on the shelf and a few photos. 

Taeyeon noticed that all the photos were from high school. 

"Do you want tea or something?" Sunny asked.

Taeyeon looked at Sunny.

"I will take tea." Taeyeon said.

"I will be right back." Sunny said and smiled.

Taeyeon continued to look around in the room. All the baby things that had been 

there when she lived there where all gone. As expected. She wondered if Sunny had 

taken away all things by herself. Taeyeon felt  a bit sorry for Sunny, it must have 

been a big lost for her.

"Here is your tea." Sunny said and gave Taeyeon a cup.

"Thanks." Taeyeon said as she took the cup.

Sunny sat beside Taeyeon and looked at Taeyeon when she took a sip from the tea. 


"So what brings you here?" Sunny asked.

Taeyeon placed the cup on the coffee table in front of her.

"I wanted to say that I forgive you. We can start over as friends." Taeyeon said and 

looked at the cup.

"Thank you." Sunny said and smiled.

"No problem." Taeyeon said.

Sunny looked at Taeyeon, she clearly saw that something was wrong. She had 

known Taeyeon too long to not notice that kind of things.

"But why aren't you at home with Jessica right now?" Sunny asked and looked at the 


Taeyeon winced when she heard Jessica's name. She looked in front of her.

" with Tiffany." Taeyeon said still looking in front of her.

Sunny looked at Taeyeon. She didn't know what Taeyeon meant by that. She 

thought that Tiffany and Jessica only were friends. But she hadn't been  able to talk 

to Tiffany lately because she had been busy looking for a job and Tiffany had been 

busy on her new job. She hoped Taeyeon didn't mean what Sunny thought she 


"What do you mean that Jessica is with Tiffany?" Sunny asked.

"Jessica has been spending more time with Tiffany than me lately and they have 

gotten really close. Kinda too close."

Sunny's mind was spinning right now. Didn't Tiffany clearly say that it was Taeyeon 

she liked and not Jessica? Why is Tiffany with Jessica right now then?  Did she forget 

about Taeyeon that fast? But she said she would be in their way. Sunny was 


"I don't get it. Have you and Jessica....broke up?" Sunny asked.

"No. But...." Taeyeon tried to find something to say.

Sunny looked at Taeyeon. 

"So they are close. Can't it be just friendship?" Sunny asked.

Taeyeon looked at her.

"I don't know. It didn't sound as 'just friendship' when I heard them." Taeyeon said 

and leaned her head on the backrest.

"What did you hear?" 

“„Jessica you look so tired. Come here and place you head on my lap for a while.' 

”Taeyeon said and tried to imitate what Tiffany had said earlier that day.

Sunny raised an eyebrow.

"Taeyeon aren't both of them from the US? Don't you think that what counts as 

friendship and not friendship is a bit different from here? If you claim that they are 

'too close' because of that, then I think you are stupid. I think you should talk about 

it with Jessica." Sunny said and crossed her arms over her chest.

Taeyeon looked at Sunny. Sunny was right, but it still felt as if something was wrong 

with it. She sighed.

"I will talk to Jessica. But she never has time for it! She's always at work or too tired 

to talk or something else." Taeyeon said and crossed her arms.

Sunny sighed.

"Plan Taeyeon! Ask her if she can eat lunch with you or something, because she 

must have lunch break, right?" 

"I think she have." 

"Just say to her that you want to talk to her and it's important. And try to find a time 


that suits her." 

Taeyeon blinked. Why haven't she thought about that.

"Yeah, I should do that." Taeyeon said and looked a bit brighter than before.

Sunny sighed again.

"Why can't you come up with these things by yourself?" Sunny asked.

"I don't know." Taeyeon said and looked down on her hands again.

"Well shouldn't you be going home now if you want to ask Jessica when she has time 

to talk?" Sunny asked.

"Yeah, that's a good idea." Taeyeon stood up and walked to the hallway.

Sunny followed Taeyeon to the hallway and waited for her to put on her outdoor 

clothes. Taeyeon looked at Sunny before she left.

"Sunny thanks for everything." Taeyeon said and smiled.

"It's nothing. Good luck." Sunny said and smiled back.

Taeyeon thanked Sunny once more before she left. She was a bit happy she had 

talked to Sunny. She didn't regret it. She jumped in the car and drove back home. 

When she came home she noticed that Jessica's car was already there so Jessica 

must also be home. She went up to their apartment and when she opened the door 

Jessica came rushing to her.

"Where have you been? And why didn't you answer you phone?" Jessica asked with 

a furious look.

Taeyeon was surprised.

"I've been out. And I haven't noticed that you have called me." Taeyeon said.

"Maybe because you have turned off you phone." Jessica said still furious.

Taeyeon looked at her phone. She didn't remember that she had turned off her 

phone. She looked at it, and Jessica was right, it was off. Taeyeon tried to turn it on 

again but it showed that it had low battery.

"It must've died because it had low battery." Taeyeon said.

Jessica crossed her arms over her chest and tapped her foot.

"So where have you been? I came home early because you told me yesterday you 

wanted to talk and now when I came home early you weren't here! And Yuri told me 

you have been at my work today and was looking for me but I didn't see you there."

Taeyeon looked down at her feet.

"I was at Sunny's place." Taeyeon said still looking down on her feet.

"You were where? Why were you there?" Jessica asked surprised.

"I needed someone to talk to!" Taeyeon said and she felt angry now.

"And you couldn't talk to your girlfriend?" Jessica asked.

"No because you are always so busy with work and are always with Tiffany and 

when you come home you are always tired and go to sleep so I never have a chance 

to talk to you!" Taeyeon said and couldn't stop her anger.

"Taeyeon I thought that you understood that this work is important for me!"

"Yeah I know that! But I never thought that it was more important than your 

girlfriend! And it seems like Tiffany are more important than me too! Why don't you 

hang out more with her and sleep on her lap?!"

"What are you talking about? That is just crazy, she isn't more important than you. 


"Well you clearly aren't showing what you are saying so I don't know what I should 

believe." Taeyeon said and turned around and went out of the door.  


"Wait Taeyeon! Where are you going?" Jessica said and tried to stop Taeyeon.

"Out!" Taeyeon said and Jessica watched as her girlfriend took the stairs down.


Chapter 14

Seohyun sat in her room at home and read a book. Her dad was sleeping and she 

didn't want to do anything so he would wake up. She sighed and looked outside the 

room. She wished she could get an own apartment so she didn't need to babysit her 

dad. Seohyun closed the book and walked quiet out from the room. She looked at a 

door to the right of her. It was her parent‟s room and right now her dad was 

sleeping there. Seohyun walked quiet down the stairs. She took her jacket and 

putted on her shoes and walked out. She needed to come away from the house for a 


She walked on the street and looked at the cars that passed by her. She felt the 

wind blowing and she was freezing a bit. She wrapped her jacket tighter around her. 

She didn't know where she should go. She sighed and looked at the street when she 

walked. She got startled by her phone that rang. She checked who it was and got 

surprised when she saw it was Kyuhyun. She answered.

"Hello?" Seohyun said.

"Seohyun hello. Are you busy right now?" Kyuhyun asked.

"Uhm no. Why?" 

"Do you want to go out and eat with me?" 

Seohyun stopped in her tracks. She thought she had heard wrong. 

"Seohyun are you still there?" She heard Kyuhyun's voice asking.

"Yeah. I'm still here." Seohyun said and continued to walk.

"So do you want to go out and eat with me?" Kyuhyun asked.

"Uhm uhm." Seohyun thought for a while. "Can I call you back?" Seohyun asked.

Kyuhyun was quiet.

"Yeah you can call me back." He said.

"Okay. I will call you in a few minutes." Seohyun said and hung up.

She dialed Yoona's number and waited for her to answer. Yoona must help me now.

Seohyun thought.

"Hello?" Yoona answered.

"Hi unnie. Uhm are you busy now?" Seohyun asked.

"Ah Seohyun. No I'm not busy. Why?" Yoona said.

"Uhm well. Kyuhyun oppa asked me if I want to go out and  eat with him." Seohyun 

said and felt that she blushed by the thought.

"That's nice of him. Did you accept it?" 

"No, that's why I called you. I wanted to ask what you think." 

"You should accept his offer. Kyuhyun oppa is nice. I think you should go out a nd eat 

with him if you have time." 


"Yeah. Go for it!" 

"Okay. I will tell him that then."

"That's good. Tell me everything about it after." 

"I will do that."

"Yeah. See you tomorrow then."

"Yeah. See you tomorrow." Seohyun said and hung up.

Seohyun looked at her phone. She took a deep breath before she dialed Kyuhyun's 

number. She waited for him to answer and her heart started to beat fast.  


"Yes." Kyuhyun answered.

Seohyun got startled when he answered. She forgot what she was going to say for a 

few minutes but she remembered it soon again.

"Uhm hi it's me again." Seohyun started.

"Hi, so do you want to go out and eat with me?" 

"Yeah. I can go out and eat with me."

"Good. I will come and pick you up." 

"I'm not at home right now." 

"Oh, but I can come and pick you up there you are now. Where are you?"

Seohyun looked around her and saw a flower shop.

"I'm near a flower shop in the neighborhood I live in."

"Stay right there and I will come and pick you up." Kyuhyun said and hung up.

Seohyun looked shocked at her phone. She felt a bit nervous. I must calm down.

Seohyun thought and tried to breathe slowly.

Yoona smiled wide. She hoped it will go well for Seohyun when she went out to eat 

with Kyuhyun. She walked into the living room and saw that Yuri sat on the couch 

and watched a baseball game on the TV. She sat beside her and leaned her head on 

Yuri's shoulder. Yuri placed her arm around Yoona.

"Who did you talk to?" Yuri asked.

"Seohyun. She is going to go out and eat with Kyuhyun oppa." Yoona said and 


"That's nice. It feels like they have gotten close lately."

"Yeah. I hope it goes well for them. Seohyun deserves it." 

"I hope it too." Yuri said and kissed Yoona on the forehead.

Yoona looked at the TV.

"Why are you watching this?" Yoona asked.


"Fun?" Yoona said and looked for the remote. She found it on Yuri's lap. She grabbed 

it but the same time she grabbed it Yuri grabbed Yoona's hand.

"What are you trying to do?" Yuri asked.

Yoona smiled at her and started to giggle.

"I wanted to change channel so we could see something else instead." Yoona said.

Yuri looked at her.

"I don't want that." Yuri said not letting go of Yoona's hand.

"Why not?" Yoona asked with puppy eyes.

"I want to look at the game." 

"I don't want to look at the game." Yoona said and still looked at Yuri with her puppy 


Yuri and Yoona looked into each other‟s eyes.

"Please can we watch something else?" Yoona said with her aegyo.

Yuri tried to resist Yoona's aegyo. She knew that Yoona had always won over her 

when she used her aegyo.

"Please unnie." Yoona tried once more.

Yuri looked away from Yoona's face and took a deep breath. She still held Yoona's 

hand. She looked at Yoona again.

"No. We will watch the game." Yuri said and took the remote from Yoona before 

Yoona had the time to even think. 


Yuri placed the remote far away from Yoona. Yoona looked at Yuri and pouted. Yuri 

smiled at her and turned her head to the TV. Yoona crossed her arms and looked at 

the TV screen too. She didn't want to give up. She glanced at Yuri and saw that Yuri 

was busy looking at the screen. She got an idea. She leaned her head on Yuri's 

shoulder again. And as she expected Yuri putted her arm around Yoona. Yoona 

smiled. She leaned over Yuri and kissed Yuri. Yuri responded to the kiss and Yoona 

grabbed the remote that was on the other side of Yuri. Yoona broke the kiss when 

she had got the remote. Yuri looked at Yoona, surprised that Yoona had broken the 

kiss, and then she noticed the remote in Yoona's hand.

"Now will I decide what we are going to watch." Yoona said and waved with the 

remote in front of Yuri.

Yuri shook her head and stood up. 

"Where are you going?" Yoona asked surprised.

"To sleep." Yuri said and made her way towards the bedroom.

"Can't we decide what we are going to watch together?" Yoona suggested but Yuri 

closed the bedroom door after her without saying anything.

"What is wrong with her now all of sudden?" Yoona mumbled and turned her head to 

the TV again.

Yoona tried to find something to watch but there wasn't anything she wanted to see. 

She stopped at the baseball game again. She looked at the closed bedroom door like 

she waited for Yuri to come out, but she didn't. She turned to the TV again and 

watched some of the game. She turned off the TV and stood up. She walked slowly 

to the bedroom and opened the door. She saw that Yuri was lying on the bed. Yoona 

tiptoed to Yuri and looked at her. She knelt down beside Yuri and looked at Yuri's 


"Is something wrong?" Yoona whispered and stroke a few hair strands out of Yuri's 


Yuri opened her eyes and looked at Yoona. Yoona smiled and hoped for Yuri to smile 

too but Yuri didn't.

"Yuri is something wrong when you are acting like this?" Yoona asked again. 

Yuri looked in Yoona's eyes. Yuri took her hand out from the blanket and held 

Yoona's hand.

"I'm tired I guess." Yuri said and closed her eyes again.

Yoona stroke Yuri's hair.

"I can understand that. It seems like you and Jessica unnie has a lot to do at work 

right now." Yoona said.

"Jessica has more to do than me. But when I'm working, there is something I'm 

afraid of." 

"What are you afraid of?" Yoona asked and looked at Yuri with a concerned look.

Yuri opened her eyes again.

"It feels like Leeteuk will take you away when I can't be with you. Like kidnap you or 

something." Yuri said.

Yoona chuckled.

"You don't have to worry about that. I promise that will never happen. I always have 

my manager with me when I'm not with you. I'm not alone, and I don't think that 

the people I am with will let anyone take me away without my agreement." Yoona 

said and placed her forehead against Yuri's. 

Yuri hugged Yoona. 


"I guess I need to trust those people then." Yuri said.

"They haven't let you down yet, right?" Yoona said.

Yuri smiled a little.

"Yeah. They haven't." Yuri said.

Jessica sat in the kitchen. She tapped her fingers on the kitchen table. Taeyeon 

hadn't come home yet after she left. Jessica looked at the clock. She had been 

waiting over two hours now and she was getting a bit worried. She leaned back on 

the chair and sighed. She wondered what Taeyeon meant by what she said before 

she left. Was Taeyeon jealous because she and Tiffany were friends? She didn't 

know. She wanted to know. She placed her elbows on the table and placed her chin 

on her hands. How long must I wait for her? Wasn't she the one who wanted to talk 

to me? Jessica thought. She heard the door opened and closed carefully. Jessica 

stood up and went to the hallway. She found Taeyeon sitting on the floor and trying 

to take of her shoes. She looked a bit....drunk. Jessica raised an eyebrow when she 

watched Taeyeon fumbled with her shoes. When Taeyeon had taken of her shoes 

she stood up and swayed a bit. She noticed Jessica and looked at her a bit surprised.

"So where have you been?" Jessica asked and looked at Taeyeon who swayed.

"A bar." Taeyeon said and walked past Jessica. 

Jessica grabbed Taeyeon's arm.

"I don't care if you are drunk or not. I will not waste my time of waiting for you for 

nothing. We are still going to talk." Jessica said.

Taeyeon was surprised by Jessica's action but followed Jessica to the kitchen. Jessica 

made Taeyeon sit on a chair and Jessica sat on another.

Jessica watched Taeyeon, she saw Taeyeon was very drunk. 

"Taeyeon are you jealous that I and Tiffany are friends?" Jessica ask ed.

Taeyeon looked at her.

"No." Taeyeon said and waved her hands. "It's just that I know what Tiffany's 

intention is." Taeyeon said and leaned closer to Jessica.

Jessica raised an eyebrow.

"What is her intention?" Jessica asked.

Taeyeon pointed at Jessica with her finger.

"Tiffany likes me, and she wants to break all my relationships so she can have me 

aaaaaall by herself." Taeyeon said.

Jessica looked at her. She wondered if this was true or not, it sounded crazy. But she 

wanted Taeyeon to continue.

"How do you know she likes you?" Jessica asked.

"That girl confessed her love to me when we visited Sunny at the hospital. Aish, I 

wonder what she's thinking when she confessed in front of my ex and when she 

knows I love you. So crazy." Taeyeon said and leaned back in the chair and crossed 

her arms.

Jessica was a bit surprised. Was this what happened in the hospital? Was this the 

reason they fought? Maybe it's better to ask Taeyeon when she's not drunk. Jessica 

thought. Jessica looked at Taeyeon and Taeyeon had fallen asleep with her head 

bent down. Jessica sighed and stood up. She grabbed Taeyeon's arm and made her 

stand up and led Taeyeon to the bedroom. Jessica tried to lay Taeyeon on the bed 


but when she was going to Taeyeon grabbed Jessica around her waist and dragged 

Jessica down. Taeyeon hugged Jessica while Jessica lied on top of her. Jessica was a 

bit surprised. She didn't know if Taeyeon was asleep or if she was awake.

"Taeyeon?" Jessica asked.

"Mmm don't say anything." Taeyeon mumbled still not letting Jessica go.

Jessica smiled. She adjusted her position and placed her head on Taeyeon's chest. 

Jessica felt the warmth of Taeyeon's body, she felt safe even though Taeyeon was 


The next day, Taeyeon sat on a restaurant and waited for Sunny. They had planned 

to eat lunch together at a place near her Taeyeon's work. Taeyeon rubbed her 

temples. She had a terrible headache. She only remembered that she had went to a 

bar last night but she didn't remember how much she had drunk. But with her 

current state, she guessed she had drunk quiet a lot. She wondered how she came 

home again. She wondered if Jessica had noticed that Taeyeon had been drunk 

when she came home yesterday, Taeyeon hadn't had the time to ask Jessica 

because when she woke up Jessica had already gone to work. She had called Jessica 

and asked if they could eat lunch together but Jessica had said she would be busy so 

she couldn't. Taeyeon sighed by the thought.

"Hello, sorry I made you wait." Sunny said and sat opposite Taeyeon.

Taeyeon looked up.

"Don't worry. It's okay." Taeyeon said and tried to smile.

Sunny looked at Taeyeon.

"What have happen with you? You look terrible." Sunny said and looked at Taeyeon.

"I went out to drink yesterday after me and Jessica had a fight." Taeyeon said and 

bent her head down.

"I'm sorry. I hope you will make up soon." 

"I hope that two." Taeyeon said.

Sunny patted Taeyeon's head.

"But how is it for you? Have you found any job yet?" Taeyeon asked and looked up.

"No. It's really hard to find a job. I have looked everywhere!" Sunny said and pouted.

"If I found something, I will tell you about it." Taeyeon said.

"Thanks." Sunny said and smiled.

Taeyeon smiled back. 

"Weren't we supposed to eat?" Sunny asked and looked at the empty table in front 

of them.

"Yeah. That's right." Taeyeon said and waved to one of the waiter.

The waiter come and gave Taeyeon and Sunny a menu. They looked through the 

menu before the ordered what they wanted. The waiter went away with their orders 

and soon returned with their drinks. Sunny looked at Taeyeon's glass.

"You will only drink water?" Sunny asked.

Taeyeon looked at her glass.

"Yeah. I don't feel like drinking anything else right now." Taeyeon said and smiled.

"I can understand you." Sunny said and smiled a little.

Sunny took a sip from her glass then she saw two girls coming in to the restaurant 

walking with linked arms and smiling. She thought one of the girls that had brown 

and short hair looked familiar. Then she noticed who it was when the waiter showed 

the two girls to a table that were a few tables away from them. Taeyeon noticed that 


Sunny was looking at something behind her and she turned around and saw Jessica 

and Tiffany sitting at a table a bit away from them. Her eyes widened by the sight 

and she turned around. Sunny noticed Taeyeon's reaction and she figured out that 

the other girl must be Jessica. 

"Are you okay?" Sunny asked and looked at Taeyeon.

"I thought she said she would be busy today so she couldn't go out and eat lunch." 

Taeyeon mumbled.

Sunny looked at the two girls that sat behind Taeyeon. They were talking and 


"Maybe she got some time." Sunny said. 

"Yeah, but she is eating with her. Something doesn't feel right." 

"Taeyeon-ah, if you think that is something. Then I wonder what this is, it's the same 

thing! Two friends going out to eat together, that's all!" Sunny said.

Taeyeon looked at Sunny. She sighed.

"Yeah. You are right. They are just friends." Taeyeon said.

Sunny smiled. Soon their food came and they started to eat. Taeyeon couldn't help 

but to try to hear what Tiffany and Jessica talked about. But she couldn't hear 

anything, she only heard when they laughed or if they said something a bit louder. 

Taeyeon felt that she couldn't relax or enjoy her food and Sunny noticed this too. 

She looked at Taeyeon worried and then she looked behind Taeyeon to see what 

Tiffany and Jessica did. Sunny thought they were very friendly to each other. Maybe 

a bit too friendly. She observed them while she ate her food but she also looked at 

Taeyeon to see how Taeyeon was reacting to it. She didn't want Taeyeon to do 

something like make a scene in the restaurant right now. She saw that Tiffany and 

Jessica also got their food and started eating, but now had Taeyeon and Sunny 

finished their food. But Sunny kept observing them. Then she saw something she 

actually didn't think her friend would do. Her eyes widened. Tiffany fed Jessica with 

her own food. Taeyeon looked at Sunny and saw Sunny's reaction. Sunny saw that 

Taeyeon had noticed her and she tried to stop Taeyeon from turning her head 

around but it was too late. Sunny closed her eyes and prayed for Taeyeon to not do 

something stupid. Sunny opened her eyes when she noticed that Taeyeon didn't do 

anything. Taeyeon had turned her head to look outside the window. Sunny looked at 

Tiffany and Jessica again and she saw that they still fed each other. She looked at 

Taeyeon and tried to see if Taeyeon showed any jealousy toward what she had just 

seen. She looked at Taeyeon's face, she got scared when she saw that Taeyeon was 

very mad. 

"Taeyeon-ah, should we pay for our food and go?" Sunny asked and tried to calm 

Taeyeon down.

Taeyeon didn't respond and just looked out from the window. 

"Taeyeon-ah...." Sunny tried but she was cut off when Taeyeon stood up from her 


Uh oh. Don't do it Taeyeon you will regret it. Sunny thought like she had just read 

Taeyeon's mind. And like she had thought, Taeyeon was walking towards Tiffany's 

and Jessica's table.

"Taeyeon wait." Sunny said and followed Taeyeon. 

Taeyeon couldn't bear the thought of what Tiffany did. She wanted to yell at her, 

Tiffany knew that Jessica was her girlfriend, so why did she act like that with 

Jessica? Taeyeon was so mad that she couldn't control her feelings anymore so she 


walked to their table. She walked to their table and smacked her hand on the table in 

front of them. Both of them looked up surprised at her.

"So can I ask what you two are doing here?" Taeyeon asked.

Sunny stood behind her.

"We are eating lunch." Jessica said and looked at Tiffany and then back at Taeyeon.

"Taeyeon is not what...." Tiffany started but Taeyeon cut her off.

"I don't even want to hear your explanation." Taeyeon said to Tiffany and turned 

back her head to Jessica. "And you! You said to me that you didn't have time to go 

out and eat lunch! Why are you sitting here now eating and laughing like you have 

all time in the world for this?"

"Taeyeon I thought you meant that you wanted to go out and eat lunch the time yo u 

called me." Jessica said.

Taeyeon started to laugh.

"Yeah sure. Or maybe you wanted to think it was like that so you could go out and 

eat with her." Taeyeon said and pointed at Tiffany.

"Taeyeon don't be stupid. I would really like to eat lunch with you but today didn't 

work for me and..."

"Yeah yeah. But you have all time for her." Taeyeon said and pointed at Tiffany 

again. "You can go out and eat with her, you can use her lap as a pillow when you 

want and you can even ditch your girlfriend for her! You know what? I'm tired of 

this! I've had enough!" Taeyeon said and walked toward the door of the restaurant. 

"Taeyeon wait!" Jessica said and got up from her seat and followed after Taeyeon. 

Sunny and Tiffany followed Jessica.

"I'm tired of waiting!" Taeyeon said and run out from the restaurant.

Jessica ran after Taeyeon. When Jessica came out on the street she didn't see 

Taeyeon and there were a lot of people going on the streets so it was impossible for 

her to find Taeyeon. She sighed and went back in to the restaurant. She met a 

confused Tiffany and another shorter girl when she came in. And the waiter stood 

behind them. She walked past them and sat down by the table she and Tiffany 

earlier had eaten their lunch. She buried her hands in her face. She looked up and 

found Tiffany sitting in front of her and not she noticed the other girl sitting by 

another table a few tables away from them. She stood up and walked over to the 

other girls table and sat down in front of her.

"Are you Sunny?" Jessica asked the girl.

The girl looked at Jessica.

"Yes. And I suppose you are Jessica." Sunny said.

"Yes. Can you explain why Taeyeon got so mad?" Jessica asked.

Sunny looked at Jessica's and Tiffany's table and saw that Tiffany was looking at 

them. She turned her head back to Jessica.

"I guess Taeyeon thought you were cheating on her when you and Tiffany fed each 

other. ”

Jessica looked at her hands.

"If you meet Taeyeon. Please tell her it wasn't what it looked like. I promise that I 

and Tiffany aren't anything other than friends." Jessica said.

"If you ask me, it looked like something more over there." Sunny said. "So if you 

want to explain to Taeyeon how it really was, you should do it yourself." Sunny said 

and stood up from her seat. Jessica watched as Sunny went to the waiter and paid 

and went out of the restaurant door. Jessica sighed. How did it turn out like this? 


Jessica thought.

Yuri looked at Jessica that sat beside her and wrote papers. Then she looked at 

Tiffany that sat on the floor and was placing things in a box. Yuri felt that something 

was wrong with the atmosphere in the room. And it had been like that since Jessica 

and Tiffany came back from lunch. She looked at the two girls, she felt that 

something was wrong. Tiffany stood up when she had packed the things in the box. 

She turned to Yuri.

"Where do you want me to put the box?" Tiffany asked.

Yuri looked at Jessica. Jessica didn't look up from her papers and it seemed like she 

didn't want to answer Tiffany's question either. Yuri looked back at Tiffany.

"The room that the designers are in. Just put it on a table there. And mark the box 

so the people know what's inside the box." Yuri said and smiled.

"Okay." Tiffany said and went out of the office and closed the door after her.

Yuri turned her head to Jessica again. Jessica still didn't look up from the papers. 

Yuri snapped her fingers in front of Jessica's face.

"Hello? What‟s up with you and Tiffany?" Yuri asked.

Jessica looked at her. She turned her head to the door then back to Yuri.

"Taeyeon thinks that I'm cheating on her with Tiffany." Jessica said.

Yuri got surprised. She looked at Jessica.

"Why is she thinking that?" Yuri asked.

"Taeyeon saw me and Tiffany when we went out and ate on a restaurant." Jessica 

said and started to write on the paper again.

"So friends can't go out and eat together?" Yuri asked.

Jessica was quiet.

"She saw when I and Tiffany fed each other." Jessica said.

Yuri was stunned by the thing Jessica said. 

"Jessica....are you.....?" Yuri asked still surprised.

"No! I'm not cheating on her! It's all a misunderstanding! And Taeyeon didn't even 

let me explain!" Jessica said and slammed her hands on  the desk. 

Yuri looked at Jessica. She saw that Jessica was angry and sad about the situation. 

"Have you tried to call her and explain?" Yuri asked.

"Yeah. But she didn't answer my calls. I even sent text massages but it seems like 

she didn't care about them either." Jessica said and crossed her arms.

Yuri looked at the desk. She didn't know what to do or say.

"Aish this is driving me crazy!" Jessica said and buried her head in her arms.

Yuri patted her head.

"What if Taeyeon leaves me?" Jessica asked and Yuri heard that Jessica was about to 


"No, don't think that way. She won't leave you because of this." Yuri said and lifted 

Jessica's head.

"She said she had had enough." Jessica said and tears started to run down her 


Yuri hugged Jessica.

"She won't leave you. Not because of this. Taeyeon isn't that stupid." Yuri said and 

tried to comfort Jessica. I hope Taeyeon isn't that stupid. Yuri thought.



Chapter 15

Seohyun didn't wait long for Kyuhyun to come and pick her up. They were quiet the 

whole ride to the restaurant. When they came to the restaurant a waiter showed 

them to a table. They sat opposite each other. Seohyun looked down on her hands 

because she was too nervous to look at Kyuhyun's face. She cupped her hands 

around her glass and looked at it. She felt that someone was looking at her and she 

looked up and met Kyuhyun's eyes. She quickly lowered her head and started to 

blush. She felt it was a bit awkward when no one said anything. She looked up again 

and saw that Kyuhyun was still looking at her. He smiled at her and she smiled a 

little too. 

"So you like to read books, is it something else you like to do?" Kyuhyun asked.

Seohyun got surprised that Kyuhyun suddenly asked her something, and she forgot 

what she was going to say. Kyuhyun looked at her and waited patiently for her to 


"I like to play the piano." Seohyun said and looked at her hands.

"Really? Have you taken lessons?" 

Seohyun looked at her hands.

"My mother was a piano teacher so she taught me." Seohyun said.

"That's nice. Are you still playing it?"

"I stopped playing it when my mother got sick and was sent to the hospital." 

Kyuhyun looked at Seohyun. He saw she was sad about the thought of her mother. 

He regret that he had brought up the topic. But know he learned something new 

about her.

"I'm sorry." Kyuhyun said.

Seohyun looked up at him, she didn't understand why he apologized.

"I'm sorry about your mother being sick." Kyuhyun said. "And I'm sorry that I 

brought up the topic." He said and looked at her with an apologetic look.

"It's okay. Don't worry about it." Seohyun said. She didn't want him to f eel bad about 


The waiter came with their food and they started to eat. Kyuhyun looked at 

Seohyun's plate.

"Why are you eating so healthy food?" Kyuhyun asked.

Seohyun looked at him and then at her plate. She blushed a little.

"I don't want to gain weight when we will have the show soon." Seohyun said. "And 

you live longer if you eat healthy food." 

Kyuhyun looked at her surprised. 

"I think you are beautiful."Kyuhyun said before he realized what he had said.

Seohyun looked at him when she heard what he had said and started to blush. 

Kyuhyun realized what he had just said and started to blush. Both of them looked 

away from each other blushing. They ate their food in silence. They only took 

glances of each other now and then. After a while Kyuhyun cleared his throat.

"It is good that you think about your health, but don't  exaggerate. Once in a while 

you deserve to be a bit unhealthy and enjoy something sweet." Kyuhyun said.

Seohyun looked at him. She thought that he had a point in what he said. Kyuhyun 

noticed that Seohyun was looking at him, he smiled and Seohyun started to blush 

but she didn't turn away her head like the other times. Instead she smiled back. 


They sat quiet again. Seohyun looked at him.

"Uhm thanks." Seohyun said after a while.

Kyuhyun looked at her a bit surprised.

"For taking me out to eat, and....and that you think I'm beautiful." Seohyun said and 

lowered her head to hide her blushing cheeks.

" are welcome." Kyuhyun said and blushed a little.

They sat in silence again. But now they looked at each other and if they made eye 

contact they started to smile at each other. They finished their food and the waiter 

came and took away their plates.

"Do you want any desert?" Kyuhyun asked.

"No thanks. I'm full." Seohyun said.

"You sure?" 

"Yeah, I'm sure." Seohyun said and smiled a little.

"So do you want to go somewhere else now?" Kyuhyun asked.

Seohyun looked at the time and got shocked when she saw how late it was getting.

"I'm sorry, but I think it's better for me to get back home now." Seohyun said.

"Ah it's okay, I understand." Kyuhyun said and tried to hide that he was a bit 

disappointed that she was going home so soon.

Kyuhyun paid for the food and Seohyun took out her wallet to pay for her food but 

Kyuhyun stopped her.

"You don't need to pay for your food, it's on me." Kyuhyun said.

"But...." Seohyun started.

"No, it was me who asked you out to eat so I should pay for the food." Kyuhyun 


"But..." Seohyun said not giving up but Kyuhyun stopped her again.

"I want to pay for your food. So please let me pay for it?" Kyuhyun said and looked 

at Seohyun.

"Okay." Seohyun said and putted her wallet away.

They walked back to the car. Kyuhyun looked at Seohyun's hand, he wanted to hold 

it but he was afraid that it will scare her. So he putted his hands in his jeans pockets. 

When they come to his car he opened the car door for Seohyun. Seohyun smiled and 

got in to the car. He went to the other side of the car and got in. He started the car 

and drove off.

"Should I drop you off by your house?" Kyuhyun asked.

Seohyun flinched when she remembered what Kyuhyun had seen the last time he 

had been near her house.

"No. You can drop me off at the flower shop you picked me up earlier." Seohyun said 

and looked at her hands.

Kyuhyun looked at her but turned his head back to the road.

"Okay." He said and they sat quiet.

He stopped the car outside the flower shop. Seohyun turned her head to Kyuhyun 

before she went out.

"Thanks for the dinner." She said and blushed a little.

"You're welcome." Kyuhyun said and smiled. He watched when Seohyun opened the 


"Wait." He said and grabbed her hand before she could go out. 

Seohyun looked at him surprised. Kyuhyun leaned closer to her. Seohyun felt that he 

was getting closer to him, she wanted to back away but she couldn't. She was 


paralyzed. She could feel his breathe on her face now, she felt that she was getting 

hot in the face. Kyuhyun noticed that Seohyun blushed. He smiled and kissed her on 

the cheek.

"Good night." He said and smiled and looked at the tomato red Seohyun.

"G...g...good night." Seohyun said and got out of the car. She touched the place 

Kyuhyun had kissed her and watched while Kyuhyun drove off.

She walked back to her house. She felt that she was still blushing and she kept her 

hand on the place Kyuhyun kissed her earlier. He...he...he kissed me! Seohyun 

thought and blushed even more by the thought. She come to the house and was 

surprised to see her dad when she opened the door.

"Where...where have you been?" Her dad asked and walked towards her.

"Out...Outside." Seohyun said and backed away from her dad.

"Where?" Her dad asked and still walked after her.

Seohyun continued to back away from her dad.

"Outside." Seohyun said.

Her dad picked up a lamp that was standing on a table near and threw it in front of 

Seohyun. Seohyun screamed when the lamp hit the floor.

"Do you think you can leave your dad alone like that? Who is going to make my food 

if it's not you? Do you want me to starve?" Her dad asked angry still walking towards 


"I'm sorry. I will make your food now." Seohyun said and went to the kitchen but 

was stopped by a hand that grabbed around her wrist.

"What? Do you think it will be okay now if you make food for me?" Her dad asked 

and leaned closer to Seohyun's face.

Seohyun could smell the alcohol now. She turned her head away from her dad.

"I could have died when you were away!" Her dad screamed and shook Seohyun.

"I'm sorry." Seohyun said while her dad shook her.

Her dad slapped her in the face.

"Do you think sorry will make things better?" Her dad screamed and slapped 

Seohyun again.

"I...I.....I will make food for you." Seohyun said.

"I don't want food anymore!" Her dad screamed and pushed Seohyun away so her 

back hit the wall. He walked closer to her again and Seohyun putted up her arms 

over her face to protect herself. Her dad grabbed Seohyun's collar and punched her 

in the face. Seohyun fell to the floor and she felt that blood was coming from the 

place her dad hand punched her before. She saw that her dad walked away from her 

and was muttering a few things. Seohyun sighed and sat up and leaned her back 

against the wall. Her dad turned around to her again and she covered her face again, 

scared that he will punch her again.

"Don't think I will ever let you out of the house again!" Her dad screamed and went 


Seohyun lowered her arms that were covering her face. She curled up to a ball and 

hugged her knees. She felt that tears were running down her eyes, she had been 

holding them in and now she couldn't hold them in any longer. She started to cry, 

sitting on the cold floor in the hallway.

Yoona looked around in the studio after Seohyun. They were going to have a photo 

shooting together but Seohyun hadn't come yet. Where can she be? She's never late. 


Yoona thought and tried to call Seohyun once more. But Seohyun didn't pick up her 

phone. Yoona looked at her phone worried. She hoped nothing had happened to the 

younger girl. Yoona sat on a chair she saw that Kyuhyun walked in to the studio. She 

flung up from the chair and walked up to him. Maybe he knew where Seohyun was. 

"Oppa." Yoona called after Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun turned around and saw Yoona.

"Hi Yoona. What is it?" Kyuhyun asked her.

"Uhm I'm just wondering if you might know where Seohyun is?" Yoona asked.

"No I don't. Why?" 

"We are going to have a photo shooting together but she hasn‟t showed up yet. And 

I've tried to call her but she isn't picking up. I'm starting to get worried." Yoona said 


Kyuhyun saw that Yoona was worried.

"I'm sorry. But I don't know where she is." Kyuhyun said.

"Okay. I guess I will wait for her a bit more. Thanks anyway." Yoona said and walked 


Yoona sat down on the chair she had sat on before. She sighed. Seohyun what has 

happened to you? Yoona thought and faced her hands.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and she looked up only to get angry when she saw 

the person in front of her.

"What are you doing here?" Yoona asked angry.

"Is that how you greet your future husband?" Leeteuk asked with a fake sad face.

"Go. You have nothing to do here." Yoona said and stood up and tried to walk away 

from him.

Leeteuk grabbed Yoona's hand.

"Not so fast Yoona. I have something important to say, and you better listen to what 

I have to say." Leeteuk said.

Yoona glared at him. She shook off her hand from him.

"Like I would want to listen to you." Yoona said and turned around.

"Maybe you should listen. Or I might show this picture to your dad or maybe even 

the magazines." Leeteuk said and held up a picture to Yoona.

Yoona turned around and looked at the picture. It was a picture when she and Yuri 

walked out of Soshi Fashion and they both held hands. Yoona tried to take the 

picture away from Leeteuk but Leeteuk held the picture far away from Yoona.

"Where did you get that from?" Yoona asked.

"I have my contacts" Leeteuk said and smiled.

"Don't show it to my dad!" Yoona said and tried to take the picture away from 

Leeteuk again.

"Then you must listen to what I have to say." Leeteuk said.

Yoona stopped to try to take away the picture from Leeteuk.

"Okay I will listen to you." Yoona said and sighed.

"Good." Leeteuk said and led Yoona to the chairs and sat down. He gestured to 

Yoona to sit beside him and she did as he said.

"So what is it you want to say?" Yoona asked.

"I've spoken to your dad." Leeteuk said.

Yoona was surprised.

"About what?" Yoona asked and tried to hide that she was surprised.

"I asked him about his permission to marry you. And he was really happy about it. 


And he wants us to get married." Leeteuk said.

Yoona looked angry at him.

"You know that it's impossible for me to marry you. I'm with Yuri and I love her." 

Yoona said and crossed her arms.

"I knew you would bring Yuri up in this. But I asked your father if he knew if yo u 

were in a relationship with anyone, and he said no. And if I tell him you are together 

with Yuri, I wonder what he will do then." Leeteuk said and grinned.

Yoona's eyes widened. Yoona knew what her father was able to do, and that was the 

last thing she wanted to happen. She took a deep breath. She thought about it.

"What is it you want me to do?" Yoona asked.

"I want you to marry me. Break up with Yuri and come to me, and that will make it 

better for both you and her."

Yoona looked at him. She wanted to punch him in the face. She wanted to tell the 

securities to take him away. But she knew what he was able to do. She didn't want 

to make things worse. And she absolutely didn't want Yuri to get hurt.

"I can't break up with Yuri." Yoona said.

"Don't worry. I can do it for you." Leeteuk said and smiled.

Yoona looked at him.

"No. I will do it myself." Yoona said.

"You know, you can't back out of this now. If you don't do it and don't come to me, 

you know what will happen." 

Yoona shoot a glare at him. 

"I know." Yoona said angry.

"Good. I will come and pick you up later." Leeteuk said and gave Yoona a kiss on her 

cheek. Yoona pushed him away and whipped the place he had kissed her.

"You better get used to it. I will be kissing you and hug you and touch you when y ou 

become mine. And I won't let anyone touch you." Leeteuk said and walked away.

Yoona glared after him. She sighed heavy when he disappeared. How did it end up 

like this? How will I be able to break up with Yuri?  Yoona thought and buried her 

face in her hands.

Jessica let out a big sigh after she had written everything she needed for the 

meeting. She looked at Yuri that still was writing. She took up her phone and looked 

at it. She had tried to call Taeyeon before but she didn't pick up, and she didn't 

answer on Jessica's massages either. She sighed once more.

"Call her again." Yuri said still looking at her computer screen.

"But she isn't picking up." Jessica said.

"Call again. Don't give up. Show her that you care." Yuri said and winked.

Jessica smiled. Yuri had comforted her when she had cried a few hours ago. She was 

really happy that Yuri was her best friend. She dialed Taeyeon's number and waited 

for her to pick up. But she still didn't pick up. She looked at her phone.  Taeyeon 

where are you? Why aren't you picking up? You don't even let me explain. Jessica 

thought and sighed.

"She's still not picking up?" Yuri asked and looked at Jessica with a worried look.

"No." Jessica said and looked sad.

"I'm sorry." Yuri said. 


"Don't be." 

"Okay." Yuri said and looked at her computer screen.

They sat quiet for a while.

"I‟ve finished writing!" Yuri said and turned the computer screen to Jessica for her to 

look at it.

Jessica looked at it.

"It's good. I'm also done. Now we only need to come up with a day with th e boss 

that we will have the meeting and then everything is finish." Jessica said.

"Yeah. And we will get less work to do." Yuri added.

Jessica smiled.

"We can talk to the boss tomorrow. We should go home now." Yuri said.

"Sounds good." Jessica said. 

They started to pack up their things when someone knocked on the door. Jessica 

that was closest to the door opened it and saw Yoona there.

"Hi Yoona." Jessica said to Yoona.

"Hi unnie." Yoona greeted Jessica.

Jessica looked at Yoona. She thought that something was different with Yoona but 

she didn't know what. She let Yoona inside the office and Yoona walked inside and 

looked at Yuri. 

"Hi baby. I thought that I would come and pick you up today." Yuri said and smiled.

"I have something to talk to you about." Yoona said and had her eyes on the floor in 

front of her.

"Okay, what is it?" Yuri asked and looked at Yoona.

"Uhm...." Yoona said and looked at Jessica. Jessica noticed it and understood what 

Yoona wanted.

"Don't worry. I will go soon." Jessica said.

Yoona nodded and Yuri looked at her worried. They were quiet while they waited for 

Jessica to pack up her things and go home.

"Bye bye. See you tomorrow." Jessica said before she left and closed the door 

behind her.

Yuri walked closer to Yoona and took her hand.

"What is it? Is something wrong?" Yuri asked and tried to look Yoona in the eyes.

Yoona looked down on her hand that Yuri was holding. She was scared even though 

she had thought through this on the way here and she knew what she was going to 

say. She hoped that Yuri would understand.

"Yuri, lets break up."

Jessica walked to her car. She wondered what it was that Yoona wanted to talk 

about with Yuri. She hope it wasn't something bad. She still had a bad feeling about 

how Yoona had looked when she had seen her. She opened her car and threw her 

bag at the passenger seat and was going to throw her phone there to but stopped. 

She looked at it. Maybe I should try to call Taeyeon again? She thought. She dialed 

Taeyeon's number and waited for her to answer, but like before, Taeyeon didn't 

answer. Jessica sighed and threw her phone on her bag. She looked at it before she 

started the engine. Maybe she's at home and sleeping. Jessica thought and started 

the car and drove off.  


When Jessica came home she didn't even look if Taeyeon's car was at home. She 

just hurried up the stairs because she thought the elevator took to o long. She 

opened the door only to see darkness. She turned on the light in the hallway. She 

looked for Taeyeon's shoes but they were nowhere. Jessic a sighed and took of her 

shoes and jacket. She looked around in the apartment but it seemed like Taeyeon 

hadn't been there since morning. She got frustrated by the thought that she didn't 

know where Taeyeon was. She took her phone and dialed Taeyeon's number once 

more and waited for her to answer. But Taeyeon didn't answer. Jessica wanted to 

throw the stupid phone at the wall but she stopped. She thought of something. She 

dialed a number and waited for the person to answer.

"Hello?" The person answered.

"Fany have you heard anything about Taeyeon?" Jessica asked.

"Uhm, no I haven't." Tiffany said a bit surprised.

"Give me Sunny's number and I will call her and ask her." Jessica said.

"Jessi I don't think it's a good idea."

"Give me Sunny's number." Jessica said more serious.

"O...Okay I will give you her number." Tiffany said a bit scared of the sudden serious 


Jessica took a pen and a paper and wrote the number Tiffany was saying to her.

"Thanks Fany." Jessica said after she had written down the number.

"Jessi, I'm sorry it turned out like this." Tiffany said.

Jessica was surprised that Tiffany was apologizing.

"We will talk about it another time." Jessica said and hung up. Jessica felt that she 

didn't had time to talk to Tiffany right now. She wanted to call Sunny now. She 

dialed the number she had written on the paper and waited for Sunny to answer.

"Hello?" Someone answered.

"Hi, is this Sunny?" Jessica asked.

"Yes. It is Sunny. Who are you?" Sunny asked.

"I'm Jessica. Sorry to bother you right now but I must ask you something." 

"I see. Well what is it?" Sunny asked.

"Do you know where Taeyeon is? I've tried to call her all day, or since lunch. And she 

haven't picked up her phone, do you know where she is? I'm getting worried that 

something might have happened." 

"I see. I'm sorry but I haven't heard anything from her either. But I'm sure she is 

okay. So I don't think you should worry about her too much." 

"Oh. Okay. Thank you." Jessica said. She was sure that Sunny would know where 

Taeyeon was.

"You are welcome." Sunny said and they both hung up.

Sunny sighed after the phone call. Where did she get my number? Sunny thought. 

She turned her head and looked at the person that was lying on the couch and read 

a magazine. She walked to the couch and looked at the person. The person stopped 

reading the magazine and looked at Sunny.

"Who was it?" Taeyeon asked and putted the magazine away.

"Believe it or not. But it was Jessica." Sunny said and sat on the armrest.

Taeyeon looked surprised. But turned her head away from Sunny and looked at the 

TV-screen instead.

"She was worried about you. How many times have she called you today?" Sunny 

asked and looked at Taeyeon. 


"She have called me 19 times and sent me 9 messages." Taeyeon said still looking at 

the TV.

"I see." Sunny said.

They sat quiet for a while.

"Have you thought about what you are going to do then?" Sunny asked.

Taeyeon was quiet. She sat up from her position and sat with her legs crossed.

"I need time to think." Taeyeon said.

"I think that is a good idea to do." Sunny said.

Taeyeon smiled a little.

"I'm sorry that you got dragged into this." Taeyeon said.

"Don't worry about it. I want to help you, it makes me think about something else." 

Sunny said and tried to laugh it off.

Taeyeon didn't laugh or smile.

"I'm sorry." Taeyeon said.

Sunny looked surprised at her.

"I'm sorry for everything that has happened to you." Taeyeon said and looked up at 

Sunny and Sunny saw that Taeyeon's eyes were watery.

"Don't worry about it Taeyeon-ah. It's in the past, we shouldn't think about the past. 

Okay?" Sunny said and sat beside Taeyeon.

Taeyeon nodded.

"Okay." Taeyeon said and forced a smile.

Sunny smiled at her and turned to the TV.


Chapter 16

"Yuri, lets break up." Yoona said.

Yuri dropped Yoona's hand. She couldn't believe what Yoona said.

"Why?" Yuri asked.

"I can't be with you anymore." 

Yuri made Yoona look her in the eyes by pushing up her chin.

"Say that when you are looking me in the eyes." Yuri said and didn't let go of 

Yoona's chin.

"I'm sorry Yuri. I can't, I don't want anything to happen to you." Yoona said and 

tears that she had been holding in started to run down her cheeks.

Yuri whipped Yoona's tears.

"Why would something happen to me?" Yuri asked.

"I can't tell you." Yoona said and she couldn't stop her tears from flowing now.

"Yoona, don't you love me anymore?" Yuri asked.

Yoona looked Yuri in the eyes. 

"I...I don't love you." Yoona said.

Yuri dropped her hand to her side.

"I see." Yuri said and turned away from Yoona. "If you don't love me, I won't  force 

you to be with me."

"Yuri, I'm sorry." Yoona said and whipped her tears.

Yuri turned around to Yoona again.

"But why would you care if something happen to me if you don't love me anymore?" 

Yuri asked.

"Yuri, you must understand. We can't be together anymore. It will hurt both of us." 

"I don't understand! You told me you wouldn't leave me! I don't know what I should 

think. And why would it hurt both of us if we are together? Won't it hurt us both if 

we aren't together?" 

Yoona took a deep breath. She didn't want to say this, but if she didn't, Yuri wouldn't 

let her go.

"Yuri, I want to have kids." Yoona said and looked Yuri in the eyes. Yoona could see 

through Yuri's eyes how her heart was breaking. She felt sorry for her, she didn't 

want to hurt her like this. 

"I'm sorry." Yoona said and went out of the door and left the heart broken Yuri in the 

office. She ran out and saw that Leeteuk was waiting for her. She walked past him 

not looking at him. He stopped her by grabbing her hand.

"I hate you!" Yoona screamed and punched Leeteuk in his chest. She looked at him 

angry and tears were still running down her cheeks.

"Don't say that." Leeteuk said and tried to wipe away a tear from Yoona's cheek but 

Yoona smacked the hand away.

"Don't touch me!" Yoona screamed at him. 


"Yoona you can't act like that towards me. You should show more love to me." 

Leeteuk said and tried once more to wipe away Yoona's tears but Yoona smacked 

away his hand again.

"I will never show love to you! You can force me to be with you, you can force me to 

break up with Yuri, but you will never be able to force me to love you. I will always 

love Yuri!" Yoona said and turned away from him.

Leeteuk looked at the sad and angry girl in front of him. He started to laugh.

"Maybe I can't force you to love me. But I will maybe be able to make you love me." 

Leeteuk said.

Yoona looked at him angry. She snatched her hand away from him and started to 

walk away from him. Leeteuk followed after her.

"Where are you going?" Leeteuk asked.

"Away from you!" Yoona said angry.

"Can't you come home with me today?" 

Yoona stopped and turned around to him.

"I rather die than that!" Yoona said and turned around and started to walk again.

"You know, when we get married you must come with me home." Leeteuk said.

Yoona stopped.

"We aren't even engaged yet. How can you talk about being married then?" Yoona 

said and looked at him.

Leeteuk shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know. In the news paper tomorrow it will maybe be an article about a model 

that is engaged." Leeteuk said and looked at the passing cars on the street.

Yoona's eyes widened.

"You haven't...." Yoona said and looked at him.

"I have my contacts." Leeteuk said and winked.

"You can't force me to do this!" Yoona screamed and started to run away from him.

Leeteuk ran after and grabbed Yoona's hand before she could run away from him.

"You said that I can force you to be with me. And that's what I'm doing now." 

Leeteuk said still holding onto Yoona's hand.

"What happens if Yuri unnie reads it tomorrow?" Yoona said and started to cry again.

"Well that's not our problem. Yuri doesn't have anything do to with us." Leeteuk said 

and grinned.

Yoona glared at him and pushed him away from her.

"I thought you were my friend. I thought you would support me! I regret that I wen t 

to your stupid restaurant! I wish we never became friends!"

"Ouch. That hurt you know." Leeteuk said and held his hand over his heart. "You are 

breaking my heart." He said and faked an expression that he was in pain.

Yoona ignored him and started to walk again.

"Where are you going?" Leeteuk said and started to follow her.

Yoona kept ignoring him and walked.


Jessica sat in the office and waited for Yuri. Yuri was late and Jessica had tried to call 

her but Yuri hadn't answered. She felt irritated because of lack of sleep. She didn't 

know where Taeyeon was and it had made it hard for her to fall asleep last night. 

She sighed and turned her chair around and looked around the window. She heard 

the door to the office open and she turned around and saw a messy Yuri. Yuri's 

clothes and hair were messy. And she walked like a zombie and her eyes were red. 

Jessica was surprised to see her friends like this. She wondered what had happen to 

her. Yuri sat down by her desk and threw her bag at the couch. She sat in the chair 

and stared blankly in front of her.

"What have happened to you?" Jessica asked.

Yuri looked at her.

"Yoona....broke up with me." Yuri said and turned her head to look  in front of her 


"She WHAT?!" Jessica asked shocked to the news Yuri said.

"She wants to have kids." Yuri said still looking in front of her.

Jessica knew now why she had felt that something was wrong with Yoona when she 

saw her yesterday. She didn't know how to comfort Yuri but got up from her seat 

and hugged Yuri.

"I'm sorry Yuri." Jessica said.

Yuri leaned her head on Jessica's shoulder. Jessica pulled away from the hug and 

looked at Yuri.

"If you want to go home and rest today, you can do that. We can talk about the 

meeting with the boss another day if you want to." Jessica said.

"It's okay. It's better to be at work. I will get my thoughts on other things." Yuri said 

and turned on her computer.

"Okay, but don't push yourself too much. "Jessica said and sat by her desk again. 

She picked up a magazine that was lying on her desk. She turned to the middle page 

and got shocked when she read the title.

"What?!" Jessica screamed again and now Yuri jumped in surprise.

"What is it?" Yuri asked and looked at Jessica shocked.

Jessica read the article and frowned.

"I think Yoona was forced to break up with you." Jessica said and looked at Yuri.

"Why do you think that?" Yuri said and looked at the magazine Jessica gave her. Her 

eyes widened. She read the article and when she finished reading it she felt anger 

boil up in her and she threw away the magazine.

"I'm going to kill him when I get my hands on him. I'm sure he  threatens Yoona with 

something! No wonder she said she didn't want me to get hurt!" Yuri said and stood 

up and started to walk around the office.

Jessica looked at Yuri confused. She didn't know what Yuri was talking about.

"What did Yoona say to you?" Jessica asked.

"Yesterday when she told me that we should break up and I asked her why she said 

that something will happen to me if we stay together." Yuri said and stopped walking 



"Something will happen to you?" Jessica said and raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. But she didn't tell me what." Yuri said and crossed her arms.

Jessica thought about it. She was sure that Yoona had said something to her before 

but she didn't remember what it was.

"You must talk to her." Jessica said.

"Why?" Yuri asked.

"You must talk to her. You must get the truth out from her. She's hiding something 

from you. I'm sure this Leeteuk guy is forcing her and he is using something against 

her so she can't say no." Jessica said.

"Yeah. But when should I talk to her?" Yuri asked.

Jessica looked at the clock on the wall.

"I'm sure you know Yoona's schedule for today. Look what she is doing now and go 

there. Try to talk to her there. And don't give up until she has told you the truth. 

Follow her to all the places she goes to." Jessica said.

Yuri looked at the clock.

"Should go now?" Yuri asked.

"Yeah. Right now! Go!" Jessica said and pointed at the door.

Yuri grabbed her things and ran out of the door. She didn't even think about what 

Yoona's schedule was right now.

Jessica looked at the door Yuri had closed behind her. Why does it feel like I threw 

her out of the office? Jessica thought. She sighed and spin her chair around. What 

should I do today now when Yuri is trying to talk to Yoona? Jessica thought. She got 

an idea and stood up. 

"Why didn't I think about that from the beginning?" Jessica said to herself and took 

her things and left the office.

Sooyoung and Hyoyeon sat in the dance studio. Sooyoung was reading a magazine.

"Hey. Isn't Yoona a friend of Jessica?" Sooyoung asked.

"If you mean the model, yeah she is." Hyoyeon said.

"Wasn't she together with the tanned girl? Yuri?" 

"Yeah. Why are you asking?" 

"It says here that she is engaged to a restaurant owner." Sooyoung said and showed 

the magazine to Hyoyeon.

Hyoyeon looked at the magazine. 

"Something maybe happened between them. It's a lot of love couple problems going 

around now." Hyoyeon said.

"Yeah." Sooyoung said and continued to read the magazine. "By the way, have you 

heard anything about Taeyeon lately?" Sooyoung said and looked up from the 


"Yeah I have. I got really surprised this morning. Taeyeon came to work and went to 

the boss and she told the boss she wanted to do her work at home for a few weeks." 


"Really? So she won't come to work now?" Sooyoung asked surprised.

"Probably not." 

"Wonder what has happened to her when she sudden needed to do that." Sooyoung 

said and started to read her magazine again.

They sat quiet when they heard someone screaming outside. Sooyoung and Hyoyeon 

looked at each other. Sooyoung got up from the floor and went to look outside the 

studio to see what was going on. She saw a blonde girl that she thought was 

familiar, getting dragged by one of the securities.

"Let go of me! I know she is here! She has just told you that she doesn't want to see 

me! I must talk to her!" The blonde girl yelled and struggled to get lost from the 

security guard.

Sooyoung took a closer look at the girl and then she saw who it was.

"Jessica?" Sooyoung said.

Hyoyeon came up by Sooyoung's side and looked at what Sooyoung was looking at.

"What is happening?" Hyoyeon asked and looked at the girl. "Isn't that Jessica?" 

Hyoyeon asked when she also saw who the girl was.

Sooyoung nodded and they both continued to look at the Jessica that was being 

dragged by the security.

"What is she doing here?" Hyoyeon asked.

"I don't know. Maybe we should ask her." Sooyoung said and started t o walk 

towards the security and Jessica. Hyoyeon followed after her.

"Hey Jessica what are you doing here?" Sooyoung asked.

Jessica looked at Sooyoung and Hyoyeon and the security stopped dragging her.

"Sooyoung! Hyoyeon! Tell the security to let me go!" She screamed.

"Do you know her?" The security asked.

"Yeah. You can let go of her now." Sooyoung said.

The security did as Sooyoung told him. Jessica shoot a glare at him when he walked 

away from them.

"Thank you for helping me. I need to find Taeyeon now, do you know where she is?" 

Jessica asked and looked at them.

Sooyoung and Hyoyeon looked at each other.

"Taeyeon isn't here." Sooyoung said.

"What?" Jessica asked shocked.

"She came this morning and told the boss she wanted to do her work at home for a 

few weeks." Hyoyeon said.

"So she's not her?" Jessica asked still shocked.

"No, she isn't." Hyoyeon said.

Jessica sighed and leaned her back against the wall.

"What am I supposed to do now?!" Jessica screamed and stomped on the floor.

"Tell us what is happening between you two would be a good idea." Sooyoung said.

Jessica looked at her.

"Taeyeon haven't said anything to you?" Jessica asked. 


"She has told us, but not much." Hyoyeon said.

"It's all a misunderstanding. That's all you need to know. Taeyeon saw something 

and she took it the wrong way." Jessica said.

"And what would Taeyeon have said if we asked her?" Sooyoung asked.

"I guess she would have said that I'm cheating on her." 

Sooyoung and Hyoyeon looked at each other.

"I don't want you to be at my side. I understand if you stand on Taeyeon's side, but 

all I want to do now is explain everything to her. So if you ever talk to her, tell her I 

want to talk to her." Jessica said and walked away from them.

Sooyoung and Hyoyeon looked at each other and then at Jessica.

"Thank you for helping me earlier." Jessica said before she turned around the corner 

in the hallway.

"I'm really happy that we don't have that much problem." Sooyoung said.

"Me too." Hyoyeon said.

Sooyoung smiled and putted her arm around Hyoyeon and they walked back to the 

dance studio.

Sunny looked at the folded blanket and the pillow that laid on the couch. It was a 

note on top of the pillow. She looked around the apartment but Taeyeon was 

nowhere to be found. She picked up the note and read it.

'Hey Sunny. Thank you for letting me st ay over for the night. I owe you! I needed to 

do a few things in the morning. I will try to call you later. Taeyeon'

Sunny placed the note on the coffee table after she had finished reading it. She took 

the blanket and the pillow and carried them to her bed room. She placed them on 

her bed and looked at them for a while. Will Taeyeon sleep over here today as well?

Sunny thought and looked at the pillow and blanket. She will probably tell me that 

when she calls me. Sunny thought and walked out in the kitchen. She made some 

coffee for her and sat on the couch in the living room and watched some TV. It feels 

a bit empty now. Sunny thought and switched her position. She drank her coffee and 

heard her phone ringing. She walked to it and looked at it to see who was calling. It 

was Tiffany. She got a bit surprised that Tiffany was calling all of sudden. She 


"Hello?" Sunny answered.

"Sunny-ah, hi it's Tiffany. What are you doing?" Tiffany said.

"Nothing. I'm going to go out and look for a job soon. Why are  you asking?" Sunny 

said and looked out from the window.

"Can't we meet somewhere? I need to speak with you about something." Tiffany 


"Is it about what you did at the restaurant yesterday?" 

Tiffany was quiet after Sunny question.

"Sunny it's a misunderstanding." Tiffany said.

"Don't tell me that. You should tell that to Taeyeon."  


"Have you talked to Taeyeon? Do you know where she is?" Tiffany asked.

"No. I don't know where she is right now." Sunny said and looked at the empty 


"Did Jessica call you yesterday?" 

"You are the person that gave her my number!" Sunny said. Now she saw how it 


"Sorry for giving your number away like that. But Jessica really wants to talk things 

out with Taeyeon. But she can't do it when Taeyeon is avoiding her!"

"I'm on Taeyeon's side in this. I saw what Taeyeon saw and I can understand why 

she's avoiding Jessica right now. Taeyeon need time to think things out. Jessica 

should just give her time. She was good at leaving Taeyeon alone before, so why 

can't she do it now?" 

Tiffany was quiet. 

"Jessica is really sorry for not being with Taeyeon so much and leaving her alone. 

She really is. She just wants to talk to Taeyeon now." Tiffany said.

"She should have thought about that earlier. And what about you? Didn't you say 

anything to her about Taeyeon?"

Tiffany was quiet again.

"You didn't say anything to her. I see how it is now. Tiffany good luck with your life. 

I hope you will be happy." Sunny hung up. She sighed heavy.  I didn't expect this to 

happen. She thought and went to her bedroom to change clothes and go out.

Yoona sat in her dressing room after the photo shooting. She had a break now 

before she was going to a commercial filming. She was feeling extremely tired. She 

hadn't slept much the night before, she had only thought about Yuri. Yoona leaned 

her head on the wall, she just wanted to sleep now. She heard someone talk outside 

the dressing room she was to tire to try to listen to what they say. She heard the 

door open and close. She opened her eyes and saw Yuri standing in the middle of 

the room.

"What are you doing here?" Yoona asked surprised. She tried to hide that she was 

happy to see her.

"I want the truth." Yuri said and walked closer to Yoona.

"What truth?" Yoona said and stood up from hear seat.

"I know everything already. Leeteuk have forced you to do this, am I right?" 

Yoona was shocked. She didn't think that Yuri would figure it out so fast. But she 

needed to hide the truth from her.

"No. He didn't." Yoona said and looked down.

Yuri walked closer and laid her hands on Yoona's shoulders.

"So when did he propose to you? Since when were you engaged?" Yuri asked and 

looked at Yoona. 


Yoona kept her head low. She knew Yuri would see she lied if she looked her in her 


"Yuri don't ask so much." Yoona said and removed Yuri's hands.

"Because you can't answer my questions?" Yuri said.

Yoona looked up at Yuri.

"Yuri please. Don't make it hard for me." Yoona said and turned around from her.

Yuri hugged her.

"What did he say to you? Tell me." Yuri whispered in Yoona's ear.

Yoona didn't want Yuri to let her go. She felt so safe in her arms. She wanted to cry 

out in her arms and tell her everything, but she couldn't. If she did, she knew what 

would happen. Yoona tried to remove Yuri's arms around her but Yuri held her 

tighter then. She felt her tears burning behind her eyes.

"Yu...Yuri please....let me go." Yoona begged.

"You don't want me to let you go." Yuri said and hugged Yoona tighter.

Yoona's tears started to run down her cheeks. She could hold it in any longer now.

"Of course I don't want you to let me go. But you will get hurt. Yuri, I don't want you 

to get hurt." Yoona cried.

Yuri turned Yoona around and placed her hands on Yoona's cheeks and looked 

Yoona in the eyes.

"Why would I get hurt? Who is going to hurt me?" Yuri asked and whipped Yoona's 

tears with her thumb.

"My dad." 

"Why would he hurt me?" 

Yoona was quiet.

"My family is strictly against gay couples. And my dad want me to marry a guy, he 

want me to marry Leeteuk. And if he got to know that I'm on love with a girl he 

would kill that girl." Yoona said and started to shake.

"How is he suppose to kill me? He will get in jail." Yuri said.

"He has contacts." 

Yuri dropped her hands to the sides.

"But you were with me before. How come he didn't do anything then?" 

"He didn't know anything then. And I told him I was busy with my career so I didn't 

want to marry anyone." 

"Why can't we do that now? He doesn't need to know anything." 

"Leeteuk have a picture of us. And he said he will show that picture to  my dad if I 

don't do as he say." Yoona said and looked down on her feet.

Yuri clenched her fits. Jessica had been right. Leeteuk was the one behind all of this.

" you are going to marry him then?" Yuri asked and turned away from Yoona.

"Yes. But Yuri, I will always love you. Remember that." Yoona said and looked at 

Yuri's back.

Yuri looked at Yoona. 

"Don't think I will give up this easy. I will still try to get you back." Yuri said and 


smiled a little.

"But you will get hurt. I don't want you to get hurt!" Yoona screamed at Yuri.

Yuri walked closer to Yoona. She kissed Yoona gently on the lips.

"I don't care if I get hurt. I want to be with you. And I want you to be happy, and I 

know you won't be happy with Leeteuk." Yuri whispered and leaned her forehead 

against Yoona's

"Yuri I...." Yoona started but Yuri placed her finger on her lips to stop her from 


"Don't worry. I will take care of everything. Just live like normal." Yuri said and 

removed her finger from Yoona's lips.

Yoona hugged Yuri and Yuri returned Yoona's hug.

"I didn't want it to be like this. I swear Yuri. I don't want to be with him, but I don't 

want you to get killed." Yoona cried.

"Don't worry, I will fix it somehow." Yuri said.

Someone knocked on the door and came in.

"Yoona I brought something for you to eat and..." The person stopped and starred at 

Yoona and Yuri.

Yoona and Yuri looked at the person and Yoona pushed Yuri away when they saw 

that the person was Leeteuk. Yuri and Leeteuk glared at each other.

"I thought you broke up with her." Leeteuk said and turned to Yoona and pointed at 


Yoona looked at the floor.

"What are you doing here? Didn't Yoona break up with you?" Leeteuk asked and 

looked back at Yuri.

"She did." Yuri said.

"So what are you doing here?" Leeteuk said.

"I'm here as a friend. Can't we remain as friends even if we have broken up?" 

Leeteuk looked at Yoona and then back at Yuri again.

"No, you can't. You of all persons in this world shouldn't come near her!" Leeteuk 

said and walked up to Yuri and grabbed her collar and tried to drag her out of the 


Yuri smacked away Leeteuk's hand.

"It's not for you to decide who can be friend with Yoona" Yuri said.

"This is different." Leeteuk hissed.

"I don't see any different." Yuri said and crossed her arms.

Leeteuk started to laugh a little. He placed the food he had held in his hand on the 

table behind him.

"Yuri you might don't know what I'm able to do. But if you are a problem for me, I 

can get rid of you right away." Leeteuk said with a mischievously grin.

Yuri looked at Yoona that was standing behind him. She thought about what Yoona 

had told her. She turned around and walked to the door.

"Bye bye." Yuri said and winked to Yoona before she went out of the door. 


Leeteuk turned to Yoona that was looking at the floor.

"Don't go near her again. And don't let her go near you. If she does that, I will tell 

your dad about her and you know what he will do to her." Leeteuk said and sat down 

on the couch.

Jessica walked out of her car. She was so tired, she had been looking for Taeyeon on 

every place she could think of. She walked slowly to the company's building. She 

looked at the ground when she walked. She didn't know what she should do now, 

she didn't know where Taeyeon was and it was making her crazy. She kept her head 

down and she felt a hand on her shoulder and she looked up at the person that had 

approach her and saw it was Tiffany.

"Jessi are you okay? I called you five times but it seemed like you didn't hear me." 

Tiffany said and looked at Jessica with a worried expression.

"Sorry Fany. I had my mind somewhere else." Jessica said and looked away.

"I understand. Have you found Taeyeon yet?" 

Jessica looked at her again.

"No I haven't." Jessica said and looked away again.

"I'm sorry Jessi." Tiffany said and rubbed Jessica's back.

Jessica suddenly hugged Tiffany and Tiffany heard that she cried. She hugged 

Jessica back.

"I can't take it anymore Fany. I don't know where she is. It feels like she will leave 

me and I can't do anything because I can't contact her. I feel so powerless. I don't 

want her to leave me. I'm so scared." Jessica cried.

Tiffany rubbed Jessica's back and tried to comfort her. She looked up and saw 

Taeyeon standing and looking at them.

"Taeyeon!" Tiffany said and Jessica and Tiffany immediately stopped hugging each 


Taeyeon turned away and started to walk away from them.

"Taeyeon stop!" Jessica said and ran after Taeyeon and Tiffany followed her.

"Taeyeon it's not what it seems like! I promise! Let me explain!" Jessica said and 

tried to catch up with Taeyeon but Taeyeon had also started to run now.

"Taeyeon listen to what Jessica has to say!" Tiffany said and also tried to catch up 

with Taeyeon.

They kept running after Taeyeon and Taeyeon never stopped even though they 

screamed after her. They saw she was going to run out on the street and cars were 

coming from both sides.

"Taeyeon stop!" Jessica screamed in panic when she saw what Taeyeon was going 

to do.

Taeyeon ran out in the street. She ran over before the first car come near her and 

the second car on the other side stopped before it could hit her and she kept running 

when she had ran over the street. Jessica and Tiffany had stopped on the other side 

of the street and watched when Taeyeon ran furder away from them. Jessica felt her 


heart pounding hard against her chest and she was panting from all the running.

"Taeyeon!!!" Jessica screamed. She crouched and covered her face with her hands 

and started to cry.

Tiffany tried to help Jessica up.

"Jessi, let's go in. It looks like it will rain." Tiffany said and grabbed Jessica's arm.

"I don't care." Jessica said and didn't stand up.

"Jessica please stand up." Tiffany said and tried once more.

"Leave me alone!" Jessica screamed with her hands still covering her face.

Tiffany backed away from Jessica. She looked at her. She wanted to help her but she 

didn't know how, it felt that she was the reason everything had gone worse. She 

sighed and looked at the street. She saw a familiar car had stopped  nearby and Yuri 

was coming out from it and walked to them.

"What has happened?" Yuri asked and crouched beside Jessica.

"Taeyeon." Tiffany said and she saw Yuri immediately understood the situation.

"Sica?" Yuri said and tried to remove Jessica's hands from her face.

Jessica slowly removed her hands and she looked at Yuri. Yuri whipped Jessica's 

tears on her cheeks.

"Sica let's go home. You shouldn't be out here if it starts raining." Yuri said.

Jessica nodded in respond. Yuri stood up and helped Jessica up on her  feet. Yuri 

hugged Jessica to comfort her. Tiffany looked at the two friends. She felt a little 

jealous that Jessica had listened to Yuri faster than her. But she guessed it was 

because they had been friends a longer time. When they stopped hugging Yuri 

looked at Jessica.

"I can drive you home. Come on." Yuri said and tried to lead Jessica to her car but 

Jessica stopped.

"I....I need to get my things from the office first." Jessica said and pointed at the 

company's direction.

"Okay. Then we go and take your things first." Yuri said and the three of th em 

started to walk back to the office. It's started raining so they tried to hurry to the 

office. When Jessica had gotten all her things they walked fast to Yuri's car so they 

wouldn't get wet from the rain. Yuri drove Jessica to her apartment and on the way 

there they were all quiet in the car.

"Do you want us to come up with you?" Yuri asked Jessica before she went out of 

the car.

"No. It's okay." Jessica said and opened the car door. She stopped before she went 

out and looked at Tiffany.

"Earlier in the street, sorry that I yelled at you." Jessica said.

"It's okay. I understand you." Tiffany said and smiled.

Jessica went out of the car and went in to the apartment building and Yuri and 

Tiffany drove off. Jessica took the elevator up to the floor the apartment was on. She 

took out her keys from the bag and stopped before she opened the door. She felt 

that something was wrong. She opened the door and walked in. She felt that 


something was wrong, it felt like someone had been there. She turned on the lights. 

She noticed that some things were gone. Her eyes widened when she saw what 

things were missing. She walked around the apartment to see if the person was still 

there but she was alone. She walked in to the bedroom and stopped when she saw 

that Taeyeon's closet door was open. She walked slowly to it and looked inside the 

closet. It was almost empty inside. It was few old clothes left. Jessica took out an old 

shirt with trembling hands, she looked at the shirt. No, no, no, this isn't happening!

She thought and looked around. She held on to the shirt tighter and walked around 

in the apartment she stopped when she saw it was a letter on the kitchen table. She 

walked closer to it and picked it up. She her hands shook when she read the letter.

'Dear Jessica. I'm sorry for leaving you like this. But I think it will be best for both of 

us. I have someone else now and you have Tiffany. So I think that it will be best like 

this now. Please live a happy life with Tiffany, you both deserve it. 


Jessica sat down on the chair. She cried after reading the letter and she held 

Taeyeon's shirt close to her. No, no, it can't be true! She thought and held the shirt 

tighter. Don't leave me like this! Please Taeyeon, not like this! It's a 

misunderstanding Taeyeon! She thought and cried even more.

Outside Taeyeon walked. She didn't care that she got soaked by the rain that was 

hitting her. Her view got blurry so she looked up and tried to prevent her tears from 

running down. She sighed and sat down on the street and let her tears fall down.  I'm 

sorry Jessica. I didn't want to lie to you. I will never get someone else, you will 

always be in my heart. But I can't be with you if you keep hurting me. And this was 

the only way I knew that you will accept that we can't be with each other. I'm sorry. 

Taeyeon thought and covered her face with her hands and let the rain pour down on 



Chapter 17

Kyuhyun walked around in the company's building. He had tried to contact Seohyun 

the whole day but she hadn't answered her phone or his massages. He had asked 

other people that work with Seohyun if they knew something about her but they 

didn't know anything and they were also wondering where she is. He felt that he was 

worried about her. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to take her out to eat? He thought 

and walked in the hallway with his hands in his pockets. He was so lost in his 

thoughts that he didn't saw where he was going so he bumped into someone. The 

person dropped all her things and fell on the floor.

"I'm sorry. I didn't look where I was going." Kyuhyun said and helped the girl up.

"Don't worry." The girl said and smiled and started to pick up her things.

Kyuhyun helped the girl and when he did that he saw it was Nicole. Seohyun's hair 


"Nicole! Do you know where Seohyun is?" Kyuhyun asked her and handed Nicole her 


"No, I don't know. I was wondering that too. I tried to contact her but she isn't 

answering." Nicole said and looked a bit sad.

"I see." Kyuhyun said looked a bit sad too.

Nicole looked at him and a grin appeared in her face.

"Do you have much to do today?" Nicole asked.

"No, I don't have. Why?" Kyuhyun asked.

"If you don't have so much to do today, why don't you go home to Seohyun and 

check up on her? I'd have done it, but I have a lot to do today. So I can't really do 

it." Nicole said and tried to hide her smile.

"Yeah. I guess I can do it." Kyuhyun said.

"Good. Thanks a lot. I really want to know that she is okay. I'll go back to work now. 

Bye bye." Nicole said and walked away from him. When she was sure he didn't saw 

her she started to smile and giggle.

Kyuhyun you should know how much Seohyun talks about you with me. Of course I 

will send you to her in this situation. Nicole thought and smiled.

Kyuhyun walked out to his car and opened the door and stepped inside it. He started 

the engine and drove off. When he came to Seohyun's house he stopped outside it 

and looked at the house before he went out of the car. He thought the house looked 

empty and he wondered how someone actually could live there. He got out of the 

car and walked up to the door. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door. He 

waited for someone to open the door but no one did. He knocked a few times more 

but no one opened. He thought it was strange so he walked around the house and 

tried to look inside the windows to see if someone was home. 

When he had almost walked around the whole house he looked up to a window on 


the second floor. That window was the cleanest one. He guessed that was Seohyun's 

bedroom. He looked for something he could throw at her window so he maybe could 

get her attention. He didn't want to scream because it might gather attention from 

the people that lived in the area. He looked at the ground to find something small he 

could throw but instead he found a ladder lying on the ground. He took the ladder 

and putted it against the wall beside the bedroom window. He checked it was safe to 

climb on it before he started to climb on it. When he reached the top he could look 

inside the window. And as he had guessed, this was Seohyun's bedroom. He saw her 

sitting on her bed and reading a book and had her back to the window, so he

couldn't see her face. He looked around the room and saw it was very tidy. The 

bedroom door was closed, he thought it was good. He knocked on the window and 

hoped for Seohyun to hear it. Seohyun turned around surprised that someone 

knocked at her window. Kyuhyun waved at her when she turned around and 

gestured to her that she should open the window. When she walked closer to the 

window Kyuhyun could take a better look on her face and he saw something had 

happened to her cheek. Like someone had punched her. Seohyun opened the 


"Hey." Kyuhyun said and smiled at her.

"Oppa what are you doing here?" Seohyun asked in a whisper and looked a bit 


"I wanted to check how it was with you. You don't answer when people call you and 

you didn't go to your photo shooting yesterday. What happened?" Kyuhyun asked 

and looked at her.

Seohyun looked away from him. Kyuhyun climbed in from the window and Seohyun 

looked shocked at him. He walked closer to her hand putted his hands on her 

shoulder and looked her in the eyes.

"Seohyun, what happened to you?" Kyuhyun asked and looked her in the eyes. He 

moved his eyes to the mark on her cheek. He putted his hand gently on her cheek 

and rubbed the mark with his thumb. "Did your dad hit you?" Kyuhyun asked still 

looking at Seohyun. 

Tears started to appear in Seohyun's eyes, she didn't want to answer him but she 

didn't want to lie to him either. When Kyuhyun saw that Seohyun started to cry he 

hugged her.

"Don't cry. I didn't want to make you cry." Kyuhyun said and rubbed S eohyun's back.

Kyuhyun stopped hugging her and whipped Seohyun's tears.

"Your pretty eyes shouldn't shed tears." Kyuhyun said after he had whipped away all 

of her tears.

Seohyun blushed a little and looked down on the floor.

"Can't you tell me what happened to you? Did your dad do something?" Kyuhyun 

asked and looked at her worried.

"He...he hit me." Seohyun said still looking at the floor. "And he locked me up in my 

room so I can't go out."  


Kyuhyun understood the situation fast.

"Come with me. Don't stay in this place." Kyuhyun said.

"What? But I must take care of my dad." Seohyun said surprised and looked up at 


Kyuhyun sighed.

"Is it really worth taking care of someone who does this to your pretty face?" 

Kyuhyun asked and placed his hand gently over the mark on her cheek.

Seohyun blushed again and looked down on the floor.

"I promised my mom that I would take care of him." Seohyun said.

Kyuhyun lifted up her head so he could look her in the eyes.

"Do you think your mom would want this to happen to you? Do you think she wants 

her pretty daughter to get hurt?" Kyuhyun asked and looked her in the eyes.

Seohyun shook her head.

"Then come with me. You don't need to stay in this place. You deserve better. I 

promise that I will help you if you get problem." Kyuhyun said. 

Seohyun looked worried at the door.

"Don't worry about your dad. He is a grown up, he should be able to take care of 

himself." Kyuhyun said when he saw that Seohyun looked at the door.

"I will come with you." Seohyun said shyly.

Kyuhyun smiled at Seohyun's decision. He grabbed her hand and leaded her to the 

window but she stopped. He looked at her.

"Don't I need to take some things with me?" Seohyun asked.

Kyuhyun looked around in the room and saw a bag. He took the bag and gave it to 


"Put in all things that are important here. And if you need something I can buy it for 

you." Kyuhyun said.

Kyuhyun waited for Seohyun to pack her things. Seohyun was quick and they started 

to climb down the ladder when she was done packing. Seohyun was a  bit scared 

when she was going to climb down the ladder but Kyuhyun helped her the whole 

way down. When they had climbed down the ladder Kyuhyun took away the ladder 

and placed it on the place he had found it. They walked to his car and they got into 

the car. When Kyuhyun drove off Seohyun looked a last time on the house before 

they drove away from it. Kyuhyun glanced at Seohyun in the corner of his eyes when 

he drove. Seohyun was sitting and looking out the window and hugged her bag tight. 

He saw that a tear run down her cheek and he whipped away it with one of his 

hands. Seohyun looked at him.

"Don't worry. Everything will be okay." Kyuhyun said and smiled at her.

Seohyun smiled a little and they reminded quiet the rest of the way. They stopped 

outside a big building and Kyuhyun got out of the car and went to the other side to 

open the door for Seohyun. Seohyun got out of the car and looked at the building. 

She was a bit nervous to go in but Kyuhyun grabbed her hand and led her into the 

building. They stopped outside an elevator and Kyuhyun pressed the button and 


waited for the elevator to come. Seohyun looked at his hand that was holding hers 

and she blushed. When the elevator came they stepped inside it and Kyuhyun

pressed the 7th floor. When they reached the floor they went out of the elevator and 

Kyuhyun walked to a door and now he dropped Seohyun's hands.

"Don't be surprised." Kyuhyun said and opened the door to the apartment.

Kyuhyun gestured to Seohyun that she should go in first and she did as he told her. 

He got in after her and closed the door. Seohyun looked at the shoes that were

standing in the hallway. Some pair were female shoes. Seohyun felt a little stung in 

her heart. She wondered why there were female shoes here. 

"I'm home!" Kyuhyun said and took of his shoes.

Seohyun took of her shoes and followed Kyuhyun. 

"Kyuhyun why are you home so early?" A female voice said and the person to the 

voice appeared.

The girl was short and had brown long hair. She looked at Kyuhyun and Seohyun 

that stood in front of her.

"And you brought a girl with you?" The girl asked and looked at Seohyun.

"Yeah." Kyuhyun said and looked a bit embarrassed. "Seohyun, this is my older 

sister." Kyuhyun said and pointed at the girl.

When Seohyun understood who the person was she bowed quickly.

"Hello. Nice to meet you. I'm Seohyun." Seohyun quickly said.

"Such a pretty girl. I'm Boa." Boa said and looked at Seohyun.

Boa quickly saw the mark on Seohyun's cheek.

"Omo, what has happened to your cheek?" Boa asked and took a better  look at 

Seohyun's cheek.

Kyuhyun placed a hand on Boa's shoulder to stop her.

"Noona not now." Kyuhyun said.

Boa understood and smiled.

"I will go and cook some food. Kyuhyun show her to the guest room." Boa said and 

went to the kitchen.

Kyuhyun showed Seohyun to the guest room. Seohyun looked around in the 

apartment. It was a really nice apartment and it felt relaxing being there. Kyuhyun 

opened the door to a room. There was a bed standing to the left in the room and a 

table beside the bed. It was not big but Seohyun liked it.

"You can sleep here. You can pack up your things and if you need something you 

can tell me. I will go to the kitchen now." Kyuhyun said and left Seohyun in the 


Kyuhyun walked to the kitchen and sat down on one of the kitchen chairs and 

watched while Boa was preparing the food.

"Who is she?" Boa asked and didn't look away from the food.

"She is a model for the same company as me." Kyuhyun said.

"I see. So what happened to her? You don't usually bring girls home like that."

"Her dad is an alcoholic, he hit her and locked her up in her room and didn't let her 


go out." 

"What about her mom?" 

"She's in the hospital. She's sick."

Boa nodded.

"What is your relationship to her?" Boa asked.

Kyuhyun looked down at his feet.

"I don't know." Kyuhyun said.

"Do you like her?" Boa asked and now she turned around and looked at him.

"Yes. I like her." Kyuhyun said and looked up at her.

"I see. If you like her, I will help you. You know this action won't go by without 

problems." Boa said and looked at him serious.

"I know. But it's worth it." Kyuhyun said.

Boa smiled.

"You are so cute when you are serious." Boa said and ruffled his hair.

"Hey stop it." Kyuhyun said and smacked away Boa's hand.

Boa smiled and Kyuhyun couldn't help but smile too.

"Why are you sitting there anyway? Help me prepare the food instead!" Boa said and 

looked serious.

Kyuhyun laughed at his older sister.

"Okay okay, I will help you." Kyuhyun said and took a knife and started to cut the 


Sunny walked into the store that she had seen a sign outside that they were looking 

for helpers. She looked for someone that worked there when she hear a crash and 

saw a girl fall down from a ladder and landed on her butt on the floor. She looked at 

the girl and soon a man appeared and looked at the girl.

"Hyomin can't you do anything right?!" The man scolded the girl that sat on the 


"I'm sorry." The girl that was called Hyomin said.

"Don't sit there! Clean up the mess you have caused!" The man said and walked 


"Excuse me!" Sunny said and the man stopped and turned around to her.

Hyomin and the man looked at her.

"Yes. Do you need something?" The man asked.

"I saw a sign outside that you were looking for helpers, and I wanted to apply for it." 

Sunny said.

The man crossed her arms and looked at Sunny.

"Climb up for that ladder and take down that box for me." The man said and pointed 

at a box that was at the top shelf.

Sunny did as she was told. She climbed up the ladder and took down the box 


without any difficulties. Hyomin looked at her like she just had broken a world 


"Good. You are hired. You start working today." The man said and smiled at Sunny.

"Thank you. I will work hard." Sunny said and bowed to the man.

"Hyomin show..." The man stopped and looked at Sunny.

"Sunny. Lee Sunny." Sunny said.

"Hyomin show Sunny around the store, and clean up this mess." The man said and 

looked at the mess on the floor.

"Yes sir." Hyomin said and bowed to the man.

Hyomin took a broom that stood nearby and started to brush up the pieces of the 

broken glass on the floor. Sunny saw another broom and started helping Hyomin 

brush up the pieces. Hyomin looked surprised at her.

"Why are you helping me?" Hyomin asked.

"Because I work here too now. And if we help each other it goes faster." Sunny  said 

and brushed up the last pieces.

Hyomin looked at her.

"Your name is Sunny?" Hyomin asked.

"Yeah. And yours is Hyomin?" Sunny asked.

"Yeah." Hyomin said.

"It will be nice to work with you, Hyomin." Sunny said and reached out a hand to 


Hyomin grabbed her hand.

"It will be nice to work with you too, Sunny." Hyomin said.

Sunny was working with Hyomin the whole day. And she noticed one thing about 

her. Hyomin was very clumsy. Either was it because she didn't pay attention to what 

she was doing or it was because Hyomin had a really bad luck. Hyomin often got 

scolded by the man that was called Taewoo and was their boss. And Sunny felt sorry 

for Hyomin but she couldn‟t do anything else than help Hyomin clean up the mess 

she caused every time. Sunny met other fellow co-workers too. Two were the older 

girls called Narsha and Shinyoung and the other was a younger girl called Hyuna. 

Sunny got pretty close to all of them.

After the day and they had closed the store all the girls were in the dressing room 

and changed their clothes. Hyomin sat on one chair exhausted after the day. Sunny 

walked to her to check if she was okay.

"Are you okay?" Sunny asked and sat on the chair beside Hyomin.

"I'm just tired" Hyomin said.

"Sunny I'm really impressed of you. Even though it was your first day and you 

needed to be with Hyomin you did a really good job." Shinyoung said.

"I wasn't that good." Sunny said and smiled.

"Yes you were! I'm really impressed of you. Have you worked somewhere before?" 

Narsha asked her. 


"No. I haven't." Sunny said.

"That's so cool! You will come back tomorrow to work too, right?" Hyuna asked.

Sunny looked at the exhausted Hyomin that sat beside her.

"Yeah. I must come back to work tomorrow." Sunny said and turned to Hyuna and 


"Yay! I will see you tomorrow then!" Hyuna said and went out of the door.

After a while Sunny and Hyomin went out and were going to go home. They said 

good bye to Shinyoung and Narsha before they turned to each other.

"Uhm. Thank you for helping me today, even though it was me who were going to 

help you." Hyomin said and looked at her feet.

"Don't worry about it." Sunny said and smiled.

Hyomin smiled a little too.

"I will head that way." Sunny said and pointed behind her.

"Ah, okay. I will head that way." Hyomin said and pointed the opposite direction.

"Okay. Good night and I'll see you tomorrow." Sunny said and walked backwards.

"Yeah. See you tomorrow." Hyomin said and walked to her direction.

Sunny turned around. She smiled wide that she had finally got a job now. 

Yoona looked at her mother that sat in front of her. She felt really uncomfortable in 

the situation she was in now. Leeteuk sat on her right side, he held her hand and he 

had given her a ring that she was forced to wear on her ring finger. She had a faked 

smile on her lips and she pretended like everything was okay. She actually wanted to 

scream and run away.

"Yoona dear. Why didn't you tell us this great news earlier?" Yoona's mother asked 

and took a spoon from her soup.

"We wanted to surprise you." Yoona lied and faked a smile.

Leeteuk had forced Yoona to come with him to eat dinner with her parents. She had 

known from the start that it wasn't any point in not coming with him. The only 

fortune she had was that her dad was away today. Before the dinner L eeteuk had 

told her how she was going to answer the questions her mother might ask her. 

Yoona had hoped that she would get some time alone with her mother, but Leeteuk 

was like glued to her. He didn't leave her side one second. She was getting really 


"Your dad and I are really happy for you. We didn't think you would get married 

when you were so busy with modeling." Her mother said and smiled.

Yoona faked a smile.

"I so happy that you decided to take my daughter as your wife." Yoona's mother said 

and turned to Leeteuk.

"Don't mention it. I'm happy to have her as a wife." Leeteuk said and putted his arm 

around Yoona. 


Yoona faked a smile again. She wanted to push Leeteuk away from her but she knew 

she couldn't do that in front of her mother.

They sat and talked while they ate their food. Yoona acted like everything was 

normal through the whole dinner and she was really happy now that she was good 

at acting. But she couldn't help to think that if she wasn't good at acting, her mother 

might have seen that something was wrong.

"Leeteuk I will call your mother later this week and talk about the wedding and start 

to plan everything." Yoona's mother said when they had finished eating their food.

"I and Yoona want to have the wedding as fast as possible." Leet euk said and 

grabbed Yoona's hand.

"I understand that. We will try to make it as fast as possible. We can maybe see 

each other another day this week and talk more about it?" Yoona's mother said and 

looked at both of them.

"Yes. That will be great." Leeteuk said and smiled.

Yoona faked a smile again. 

When the dinner was over Yoona and Leeteuk said good bye to Yoona's mother and 

they walked to Leeteuk's car.

"You are really good at acting." Leeteuk said.

Yoona ignored him.

"Hey, you can't start ignore me right after the dinner is over!" Leeteuk said and 

grabbed Yoona's hand and turned her around so she faced him.

"Why did you have to say that we want to have the wedding as fast as possible?" 

Yoona asked angry.

"Because I want that." Leeteuk said.

"Right. I forgot that everything is about what you want." Yoona said and walked 

away from him.

"Yoona stop!" Leeteuk said and went after Yoona. "What is it you want then?" 

Leeteuk asked and turned Yoona around again.

"You know what I want!" Yoona screamed at him.

"Yeah. But that is impossible." Leeteuk said.

Yoona shot a glare at him and walked away again. Leeteuk followed after her again.

"Can't you leave me alone?" Yoona asked angry.

"No. I want to know where you are going." Leeteuk said.

"I'm going home to sleep." Yoona said.

"And where is home? Can't I drive you there?" 

"Over my dead body that I let you drive me!" 

"You know what happens if you go home to Yuri." Leeteuk said and stopped.

Yoona stopped too.

"Yeah I know what happens! And if you really want to know, I live at a hotel right 

now!" Yoona said and the mention of Yuri made tears flow up in her eyes.

"Why can't you come and live with me?" Leeteuk said. 

"Because I don't want to be with you 24/7!" Yoona said and turned away from him.  


"But when we get married you live with me." Leeteuk said.

"I know! That is way I take all opportunities I have now to not be with you!" 

"But isn't it better for you to get used to be with me?"

"I will never get used to be with you! Just leave me alone now!" Yoona said and 

walked away faster from him.

Leeteuk had stopped and looked at the angry and upset Yoona that walked away 

from him. He thought it was no use in following her tonight.

Taeyeon opened the door to her parent‟s house. She was exhausted after everything 

that had happening. When she opened the door her mother come to the hallway and 

looked at her.

"Omo isn't it my daughter?" Taeyeon's mother said.

"Nice to meet you too, mom." Taeyeon said.

They heard someone coming with fast steps towards them and soon Taeyeon's dad 


"Taeyeon-ah, what are you doing here?" Taeyeon's dad asked.

"Some things happened." Taeyeon said and looked at the floor.

Taeyeon's mother walked closer to Taeyeon and cupped Taeyeon's face and took a 

closer look at her.

"You have had a hard time lately, haven't you?" Her mother asked and looked 

Taeyeon in the eyes.

Taeyeon couldn't hold in her tears. She started to cry and her mother embraced her.

"There there. Why haven't you contacted us when you had a hard time? You know 

you can call me when you want to talk." Her mother said and tried to calm Taeyeon 


Taeyeon kept crying her heart out in her mother‟s embrace. When Taeyeon had 

stopped crying her mother made some tea for her to drink and Taeyeon drank it. She 

had missed her mother‟s tea. Taeyeon's mother looked at Taeyeon when she drank 

her tea.

"Do you want to tell me the reason why you came home all of sudden?" Her mother 


Taeyeon looked at her mother and putted down her cup.

"I need time to think about a few things. And I thought that this place is the best to 

do it." Taeyeon said.

Her mother nodded.

"What about you work?" Her mother asked.

"I talked to my boss and I will do my work while I'm here." 

Her mother nodded again.

"Taeyeon-ah, I won't force you to tell me what has happened to you. But if you ever 

want help or advice you can always come to me." Her mother said and held 


Taeyeon's hand.

Taeyeon smiled.

"Thank you mom." Taeyeon said.

Her mother smiled at her.

"Sometimes you need to hear another person's perspective to understand the whole 

situation. And it's good to ask people that aren't involved in the problem because 

they can see it in another way than the people that are involved." Her mother said. 

Taeyeon looked at her mother after she had said that.

"Just so you know that it may be good to hear what other has to say about it." 

Taeyeon's mother said and smiled.

Taeyeon nodded and smiled a little. She took her cup and took a sip from her tea. 

Maybe it was a good idea to spend a little time at home with my family. Taeyeon 



Chapter 18

Krystal opened the door to her sister‟s room. She peeked her head in and looked 

around in the dark room. Her eyes stopped on the figure that lied on the bed. She 

opened the door and walked in. She stopped by the bed and looked at the figure 

that had the blanket over her whole body. Krystal sighed. She walked to the window 

and pulled away the curtains so the light came in. She walked back to the bed and 

sat beside the figure.

"Unnie wake up." Krystal said and shook the figure lightly.

There was no reaction from the figure.

"Unnie wake up!" Krystal said louder and pulled away the blanket.

Jessica turned around to her sister and looked at her angry when she had pulled 

away the blanket. Krystal looked at her sister. She had never seen her sister like this 

before. Jessica's eyes were red, her hair was messy and into looked like she hadn't 

washed it for days.

"Get up. You are going back to work today." Krystal said and ignored the angry glare 

her sister gave her.

Jessica pulled the blanket over her again and turned away from her sister.

"Leave me alone." Jessica mumbled.

Krystal sighed and looked at the floor. Her eyes fell on the plate of food she had 

brought to her sister. The plate wasn't even touched.

"You didn't eat anything yesterday." Krystal said and looked at her sister.

"It doesn't matter." Jessica mumbled.

"Yes it matters! You will get sick if you continue like this!" Krystal said.

Jessica was quiet for a while. Krystal thought she had fallen asleep again.

"I don't care if I get sick." Jessica mumbled after a while.

Krystal frowned at what her sister said. She stood up from the bed and pulled the 

blanket away and grabbed Jessica's hand and tried to pull her out of bed.

"Get up now! You have been lying here for three days!" Krystal said and pulled her 


"Krystal leave me alone!" Jessica yelled and pulled her hand away from her sister 

and turned away and pulled her blanket over her again.

Krystal sighed. She looked at her sister while she tried to come up with a way to get 

her up.

"Unnie you...." Krystal started but stopped when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

Krystal turned around and saw her mother stand there.

"Krystal let me try." Her mother said calmly.

Krystal walked to the door and leaned on the door frame and looked at her mother 

while she sat on the same place she had been sitting before.

"Jessica wake up." Her mother said and shook Jessica lightly.

"Leave me alone." Jessica mumbled once more. 


"Jessica you have been lying in bed since the day you come here." Her mother said 

still with a calm voice.

"I hadn't been here if there weren't for some people that dragged me here." Jessica 

mumbled angry.

Her mother sighed.

"Jessica I understand that you are sad for what happened to you. But you must 

move on. You should be happy that your dad isn't home right now. Who knows what 

he had done with...." 

"Don't say her name!" Jessica screamed.

Jessica's mother and Krystal looked shocked at Jessica. 

"And don't say you understand me! You don't know me at all! You weren't don't understand me." Jessica said and both her mother and Krystal 

heard that she was crying.

Jessica's mother sighed. She got up from the bed and walked out from the room, 

leaving Jessica to Krystal. Krystal looked at her sister, she felt sorry for her. She 

walked to her sister again, she took a tissue from the tissue box that was standing 

beside the bed. She sat down on the bed and pulled the blanket slowly from Jessica's 

head. Jessica had curled up to a ball and was crying. Krystal started to wipe away 

the tears on her sister's cheek.

"Unnie you can't continue like this. You can't keep blaming yourself for what 

happened. You must move on." Krystal said.

"You don't even know what happened." Jessica mumbled.

"I know. But I hope that you will tell me someday so I will understand it better and 

maybe be able to come with some advice." 

Jessica turned around and looked at her sister that sat beside her. Jessica saw that 

Krystal had a worried expression, but she saw that Krystal was caring too. If there 

was one person she could tell in her family about what had happened she knew it 

was only Krystal she could tell. Jessica grabbed Krystal's hand.

"How long will you wait for me to tell you?" Jessica asked and looked at her hand 

that held Krystal's hand.

"I will wait till you are ready to talk about it." Krystal said and looked down at their 


Jessica was quiet. 

"Maybe I should go to work today after all." Jessica mumbled.

"I think it's a good idea." Krystal said and smiled.

Jessica smiled a little.

Krystal stood up from the bed and walked to the middle of the room before she 

turned around and looked at Jessica.

"But it would be good if you took a shower before you go. I don't think they want a 

stinky worker there." Krystal said in a teasing voice.

"Yah!" Jessica said and threw her pillow at Krystal.

Krystal dodged the pillow and stuck out her tongue at Jessica. 


"Krystal go to your room and study or something!" Jessica said and was going to 

throw another pillow at Krystal but Krystal ran out from the room.

Jessica sighed and shook her head. She wondered how the caring and nice Krystal 

could change so fast to the teasing and playful Krystal. She smiled at how  much she 

was grateful to her little sister.

"I don't think you will get any cleaner by sitting in bed." Krystal said and peaked her 

head in.

"Yah!" Jessica said and threw her pillow at Krystal.

Krystal laughed a little.

"No but seriously, you will get late if you don't hurry up." Krystal said after she had 

stopped laughing.

"Yeah yeah, I'm on my way." Jessica said and got up from bed.

Krystal giggled at her sister when she walked past her.

"What?" Jessica asked and looked at Krystal.

"No, nothing." Krystal said and turned around to go to her room.

Jessica raised an eyebrow and looked at her sister.

"I just think you are a real slowpoke!" Krystal said and hurried inside her room 

before Jessica could get a hold on her.

Jessica looked at the closed door to her sister's room. Slowpoke? Jessica thought.

"Yah Krystal! Do you think you can hide from me forever? Just wait till you get out 

from your room and I get my hands on you!" Jessica screamed and turned around to 

go to the bathroom.

When Jessica had showered and putted on her clothes she ran down the stairs. She 

just remembered that she didn't have a car. She walked to the living room and saw 

her mother reading a book and drinking tea.

"Mom, can I borrow your car when I go to work?" Jessica asked.

Her mother looked up at Jessica.

"What's wrong with your car?" Her mother asked.

"My car isn't here, it's parked outside my work. So it will be difficult to go to work 

when my car isn't here." Jessica said.

Her mother placed her book on the table.

"But isn't it your white car that is parked outside?" 

Jessica looked shocked at her mother. She ran to the nearest window and looked 

outside. And her mother was right, it was her car that was parked outside.

"How did it get here?" Jessica asked and looked at her mother that had started to 

read her book again.

"Yuri drove it here for you." Her mother said and didn't look up from her book.

Jessica turned around and looked at her mother. 

"I guess you have one more thing to thank Yuri for now." Her mother said and took 

a sip from her tea, still not looking up from her book.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm off to work now." Jessica said and grabbed her jacket and walked 

out and slammed the door after her. 


"Have a nice day." Her mother said but Jessica had already closed the door after her.

When Jessica came to work and opened the door to the office Yuri was there and 

she was reading some papers. Yuri looked up when she heard the door open.

"Jessica, welcome back." Yuri said with a smile on her face when Jessica sat down on 

a chair.

Jessica looked at Yuri. 

"How are you feeling?" Yuri asked.

"I have felt better." Jessica said and turned around in her chair.

"It's good that you decided to come to work today." Yuri said and started to read her 

papers again.

Jessica turned her chair around and looked at Yuri.

"Thank you." Jessica said and looked down at her hands.

Yuri looked up from her papers.

"No problem." Yuri said and smiled. "But promise me you don't do it again, even 

though you are sad. Talk to someone instead." Yuri said and had a seriou s face.

Jessica looked up from her hands.

"I'm sorry." Jessica said.

"Don't worry about it. Just don't do it again. You deserve better than that. And I 

know you are stronger than that." Yuri said.

"How did you know?" Jessica asked.

"You hadn't come to work for days, and you didn't answer your phone, so I started 

to suspect the worse." Yuri said.

"I won't do it again." Jessica said and looked down at her hands.

"Good. But don't think about it now. You have work to do." Yuri said and pointed at 

the pile of papers on Jessica's desk.

Jessica looked at the pile and sighed. She picked up the first paper in the pile and 

started read it. She glanced at Yuri's desk to see what she was doing. She got 

shocked when she saw it wasn't work she was doing.

"And what are you doing?" Jessica asked and pointed at the papers with weird phone 

numbers and weird photos on.

"I'm fixing my life." Yuri said wrote down something on a paper.

Then Jessica remembered what had happened between Yuri and Yoona.

"Yuri, I'm sorry." Jessica said.

"Don't be. I have everything under control." Yuri said and smiled.

Jessica couldn't smile back. Yuri had been through so much but she still helped her. 

Jessica felt that she was a terrible friend.

"But what are you doing?" Jessica asked and tried to take a better look at Yuri's 


"I'm trying to get information about Leeteuk." Yuri said.

Jessica blinked a few times.

"Why?" Jessica asked. 


Yuri placed the paper she was reading on her desk.

"Last week I went to a club to get my mind of everything. To my surprise Leeteuk 

was there too. He was there with a few friends. But to my bigger surprise, Leeteuk 

was flirting with other girls. First I wanted to go up to him and beat him up, but then 

I got an idea. I watched him all the night and looked at he was doing. I also took a 

few pictures of him with other girls." Yuri said and gave Jessica the pictures Yuri had 

taken. "So I wondered why Leeteuk wanted to be with Yoona so badly if he didn't 

love her. So that was when I started to look up things about him, his  family and 

what relationship his family has to Yoona's family." Yuri said and took the pictures 

Jessica gave back to her when she had looked at them.

"So how much have you found about him?" Jessica asked and looked curious on the 

papers that laid on Yuri's desk.

"Not much. I have people that are helping me gather information too, but it's going 

slow." Yuri said and leaned back in her chair.

"Why is it going slow?" Jessica asked and leaned back in her chair to.

"I need the information before the wedding." Yuri said.

"When is the wedding?" 

"In two weeks." Yuri said and sighed.

"I see. I hope you will get the information you need fast." Jessica said.

"Me too." 

They sat quiet and did their business. After a while they heard a knock on the door 

and their boss came in.

"Jessica, I'm glad you are back. Yuri said you had caught a flu, are you okay now?" 

Their boss said and walked up to them.

Jessica looked surprised at Yuri. Then she turned back to their boss.

"Yeah. I'm okay now." Jessica said.

"That's good. But take care of yourself so you don't get sick again." Their boss said 

and sat down on the couch.

"I will." Jessica said and turned to the computer screen.

"But now when you are here, shouldn't we decide on a day for the meeting with 

Soshi Studios?" Their boss asked.

Jessica stiffened when she heard what her boss said. She had totally  forgotten the 

whole project she had been working on. Yuri noticed Jessica's reaction and looked at 

her. Jessica turned to her boss.

"Yeah. We should decide on a day for it." Jessica said.

"I was thinking of Monday. It gives you time to prepare for it and I can also check 

with Soshi Studios boss if they are okay with it." Their boss said.

Jessica nodded.

"Okay. We take Monday." Jessica said and turned away from the boss.

Yuri looked at Jessica.

"Yeah. Monday is good." Yuri said. 


"Good. And one more thing Jessica. You are one of the designers for our new 

collection so you are supposed to be on the show. The show is on Wednesday." 

Their boss said and stood up.

"I will be there." Jessica said and didn't look at the boss.

"Good. Yuri will you also come to the show?" Their boss asked.

"I will see if I can manage to come." Yuri said and smiled.

"Good. I will leave you alone now." Their boss said and left the room.

When the boss had closed the door after her Jessica laid her head on the desk.

"You okay?" Yuri asked and looked at Jessica.

"I had forgotten about the project." Jessica mumbled.

"Don't think about it too much, okay?" 

"How will I be able to not think about it?" Jessica screamed  and sat up and looked at 


"Keep your mind busy?" Yuri said.

"Easy for you to say that have loads of things to do." Jessica said and crossed her 


Yuri sighed.

"And you don't think it's work you have on your desk?" Yuri asked and pointed on 

the papers on Jessica's desk.

Jessica took up a few papers.

"Doing this won't get my mind of it." Jessica mumbled.

"Give it a try. I know you can do it." Yuri said.

Jessica sighed and started to read the papers. She looked at Yuri.

"The flu?" Jessica said and looked at Yuri.

Yuri looked up at Jessica.

"Better than saying you had taken pain killers with alcohol."

Jessica lowered her head.

"Should I thank you again?" Jessica asked.

"You don't have to, we are friends. But I hope you will cover me up when I need it."

Yuri said and smiled.

Jessica looked up at Yuri.

"Yuri, how can you be so strong after everything that is happening to you?" Jessica 


"What doesn't kill, you makes you stronger." Yuri said.

Jessica looked at Yuri. 

"I guess you are right about that." Jessica said.

Yuri smiled and continued to look through the papers on her desk.

Taeyeon sat in her room in her parent‟s house. She did her work on her computer 

when she heard a knock on her door and her mother came in with a cup of tea. 


"I thought you needed some tea." Her mother said and smiled.

"Thank you." Taeyeon said and took the cup her mother gave her.

Taeyeon's mother sat down on Taeyeon's bed.

"How is it going with your work?" Her mother asked and looked at her computer.

"It's going good. I'm almost finish for today." Taeyeon said and stretched her arms 

over her head.

"That's good. I'm going to prepare dinner soon, do you want to eat with us today?" 

Her mother asked.

Taeyeon thought about it.

"I'm not feeling very hungry." Taeyeon said.

Her mother looked worried at Taeyeon.

"You have been eating very little since you came here." Her mother said and looked 

at Taeyeon.

"Maybe." Taeyeon said and looked away from her mother.

Taeyeon's mother held Taeyeon's hands.

"Taeyeon-ah, don't be afraid to tell be what's bothering you. You are my daughter 

and I see when something is wrong. You can't hide it from me." Taeyeon's mother 


Taeyeon looked at her mother. Taeyeon sighed.

"Is it okay if I tell you know?" Taeyeon asked and looked at her mother.

"It's okay. I will listen." Her mother said and looked at Taeyeon when Taeyeon told 

her mom about everything that has happened between her, Jessica and Tiffany. 

When Taeyeon had told her mother the whole story her mother stood up and 

hugged Taeyeon.

"Aish my little daughter. Why couldn't you have just called me earlier when this 

happened. Look how hurt you are now." Taeyeon's mother said and stroke Taeyeon's 


"I'm sorry." Taeyeon said and started to cry.

Taeyeon's mother hugged her for a while then she pulled away and wiped Taeyeon's 


"Do you want to listen to what I think about this?" Her mother said and looked at 


Taeyeon nodded.

"I can understand that you are feeling hurt by what Jessica and Tiffany did to you. 

But how I see it, it seems you didn't even give them a chance to explain. I 

understand that you were angry, but if you don't let them explain you will never 

learn the truth. And what if it was just a misunderstanding? Won't you forgive Jessica 

for that then?" 

"But she was so caught up in her work and spend time with Tiffany so much and 

didn't care about me." Taeyeon said.

"Yeah I know. It was wrong of her to do so. But we all do things like that, and forget 

about the people that are important to us. But if you really love Jessica, you should 


give her a chance to explain herself." Taeyeon's mother said and looked Taeyeon in 

the eyes.

"What if she just wants to explain that she doesn't like me anymore?" Taeyeon said 

and looked sad.

"It's better than not listening at all. It's better to listen to the  person‟s explanation 

than jumping to your own conclusions. Then you are sure if you are right or wrong." 

Her mother said and wiped a tear that ran down Taeyeon's cheek.

"So my suggestion to you is that when you are ready you should go back to Jessica 

and hear her out." Taeyeon's mother said.

Taeyeon nodded.

"Good. Now finish your work and eat a little with us." Taeyeon's mother said and 

patted Taeyeon on the head before she walked out of the room. 

Taeyeon sighed when her mother had left the room. Why must you always come 

with so good advice? Taeyeon thought and continued with her work.

Tiffany walked in to the cafeteria. She looked for a place to sit and saw an empty 

table. She sat down by the table and started to eat. 

"Sorry but can I sit here?" A person said.

Tiffany looked up and saw a girl with short hair.

"Yeah. Sure." Tiffany said and smiled.

The girl sat opposite Tiffany and started to eat her food.

"By the way. I'm Nicole." The girl said and smiled.

"I'm Tiffany." Tiffany said and smiled.

"You are new here, right?" Nicole asked and looked at Tiffany.

"Yeah. I started to work here a few weeks ago." Tiffany said.

"I see. I noticed you when you ran around and helped the other workers." Nicole 

said and smiled.

"It's so tiring to help everyone." Tiffany said and sighed.

"Why don't you start to help one or two persons only? I've seen you with Jessica and 

Yuri a lot, why don't you just be with them." Nicole asked.

"Uhm it's a bit complicated." Tiffany said and looked down on her food.

Nicole looked at her.

"Why don't you help the hair stylists then?" Nicole suggested.

Tiffany looked up at her.

"The hair stylists?" Tiffany asked.

"Yeah. I'm one of them, and I know we can need an extra hand sometimes." Nicole 

said and smiled.

"Really?" Tiffany said.

"Yeah. You can start to be with me today and see what you think of it." Nicole



"It sound like a good idea." Tiffany said and smiled at Nicole.

Nicole smiled back and they continued to eat their food.

"You are from America, right?" Nicole asked.

Tiffany looked up at her surprised.

"The accent." Nicole said and smiled.

"Is it that bad?" Tiffany asked worried.

"No no. It's not bad." Nicole reassured her. "I have it too." Nicole said.

Tiffany smiled.

Sunny looked at Hyomin that was once again sitting on her butt on the floor. Sunny 

helped Hyomin up on her feet.

"Can't you be more careful? This is the fifth time you have fallen today!" Sunny said 

and picked up the things Hyomin had dropped.

"It's at least better than yesterday." Shinyoung said and laughed.

Hyomin looked at her angry.

"She's doing improvements in her falling." Hyuna said that was placing things on the 


"Was that a compliment?" Hyomin asked and looked at Hyuna.

"You can take it as a compliment." Hyuna said.

Hyomin frowned and turned to Sunny to help her pick up the things she had 


"But Hyomin, your falling wasn't this bad before. It's like it got worse when Sunny 

started here, almost like you...." Narsha started and then looked at Shinyoung. 

"She's thinking about Sunny! That is why she has her mind somewhere else!" Narsha 

said and laughed.

"Now it makes sense!" Shinyoung said.

"That's not it!" Hyomin said and blushed.

"It is, it is! You always look at Sunny unnie when you work and don't think about 

what you are doing!" Hyuna added.

"It can be that she falls on purpose because she wants Sunny to help her." 

Shinyoung said.

"It's not like that." Hyomin said angry and stomped on the floor.

"Hey, don't tease her now. You are making her upset. We should do our work now." 

Sunny said.

"Okay. We were only joking with you, Hyomin-ah." Shinyoung said and placed a 

hand on Hyomin's shoulder.

"But if you look at her behavior, it's like she likes Sunny unnie." Hyuna said.

Everyone looked at Hyuna.

"Hyuna you are too young to know about those things!" Shinyoung said and took 

Hyuna's arm and dragged her away.

"I'm not young!" Hyuna protested while she got dragged away with Shinyoung. 


Narsha and Sunny looked after them.

"What are you girls doing? Slacking of like that." A man said behind them.

All three of them jumped in surprise.

"Yah. Don't scare us like that." Narsha said angry.

"Don't talk back at your boss." Taewoo said and held up a finger to warn Narsha.

"I think I have worked here so long that you should be used that I'm talking back at 

you." Narsha said and crossed her arms. "And you can't fire me because I'm one of 

your best employers." Narsha said in a teasing voice and picked up a box from the 

floor and walked away from them.

"Aish...she's hard." Taewoo mumbled.

Sunny and Hyomin looked at him.

"And why are you standing there?" Taewoo asked and looked at Hyomin and Sunny.

Hyomin jumped in surprise. But Sunny was calm.

"Uhm you are standing in the way. So we can't put up the products on the shelf." 

Sunny said and pointed at the shelf beside Taewoo.

Taewoo looked at his left.

"Yeah yeah, go back to work now." Taewoo said and walked away.

They continued with their day and when the day ended Sunny and Hyomin were 

helping the other girls to clean the store. Hyomin looked at Sunny that was  whipping

the floor beside her.

"Sunny?" Hyomin said and Sunny looked at her.

"Yes?" Sunny said and smiled.

"Thank you for always helping me." Hyomin said.

"No problem." Sunny said still smiling.

Hyomin smiled back and they continued to clean.

Narsha and Shinyoung were looking at Sunny and Hyomin while they cleaned.

"How should we get them together?" Shinyoung asked.

"Hmm. First we must get Hyomin to realize her feelings." Narsha said and leaned on 

her broom.

"Yeah. But what should we do with Sunny?" 

"Don't worry. I think Sunny will be able to see Hyomin's charms." Narsha said and 


"What are you talking about?" Hyuna asked that was standing behind them.

Shinyoung and Narsha turned around and saw Hyuna standing there.

"We aren't talking about anything." Shinyoung lied.

"Don't lie unnie! I heard you two talking about Sunny unnie and Hyomin unnie." 

Hyuna said.

Shinyoung and Narsha looked at each other.

"You shouldn't listen to what others are talking about." Narsha said.

"I couldn't help it. I was standing over there first but I could still hear what you were 

talking about." Hyuna said and pointed at the other side of the store.  


Narsha and Shinyoung looked at each other again.

"If you want to keep what you are talking about a secret you shouldn't speak so loud 

about it." Hyuna said and walked back to the other side of the store.

Narsha and Shinyoung looked after Hyuna.

"That kid is scary sometimes." Shinyoung said.

"Don't joke about those things." Narsha said and started to clean the floor.

Seohyun walked out of her room and walked to the kitchen and saw Boa washing the 

dishes. Seohyun looked around and didn't saw Kyuhyun. 

"Do you need help?" Seohyun asked.

Boa turned around and smiled.

"No. I'm almost finish." Boa said.

"Okay." Seohyun said and sat down on a chair.

"Kyuhyun will be back soon I think." Boa said.

"Ah okay." Seohyun said a bit happy.

Boa smiled at Seohyun's reaction.

After Boa had finished washing the dishes she sat down on the chair opposite 

Seohyun. She placed her hand on the table and placed her chin in her hands and 

looked at Seohyun.

"What do you think about Kyuhyun?" Boa asked.

"What?" Seohyun asked surprised and looked at Boa.

"What do you think about Kyuhyun?" Boa repeated.

Seohyun started to blush and lowered her head.

"He's nice." Seohyun said.

Boa nodded.

"Anything else?" She asked.

"He's....good looking." Seohyun said shyly and started to blush even more.

Boa smirked at what Seohyun said.

"Do you like him?" Boa asked.

Seohyun looked up at her.

"Uh…I...I…" Seohyun stuttered.

Boa laughed at her.

"Don't worry. You don't have to tell me, I can already see it in  your eyes." Boa said.

Seohyun lowered her head again and tried to hide her blushing cheeks. Boa smiled 

at her. They heard the door open and someone came in.

"I'm home." Kyuhyun said.

When Seohyun heard Kyuhyun's voice her head shoot up and she looked at the 

direction Kyuhyun was.

"Kyuhyun what took you so long?" Boa asked in a teasing voice.

"It was a lot of traffic." Kyuhyun said and walked into the kitchen. 


"I see." Boa said and looked after Kyuhyun when he sat down on the chair next to 


"How are you feeling today?" Kyuhyun asked Seohyun.

"I'm feeling better." Seohyun said and smiled.

"Did you go to the photo shooting today?" 

Seohyun nodded.

"Yes I did." Seohyun said.

Boa looked at her little brother and the girl in front of her. She smiled at their 

conversation. She stood up from her chair.

"I will go in to my room now, and leave you two love birds alone." Boa said and 


She left the blushing Kyuhyun and Seohyun in the kitchen. Both of them had their 

head down and didn't look at each other. Kyuhyun took a glance at Seohyun that sat 

beside him. He wondered if his sister was up to something else when she left them 

alone in the kitchen. He took a deep breath.

"Seohyun." He said.

Seohyun looked at him a bit startled.

"I…I…I wanted to ask..." Kyuhyun stuttered.

Seohyun looked at him and waited for him to finish what he was going to say.

"I wanted to ask if you wanted to come with me to watch a movie some day this 

week." Kyuhyun said and looked away from Seohyun.

"I'd love to." Seohyun said and smiled.

Kyuhyun smiled back.

"Good. I will tell you when I have time." Kyuhyun said and stood up from the chair 

and walked to his room.

Seohyun looked after him. She smiled because she was so happy that they were 

going to a movie together.

Jessica walked out of her car when she had come home. She opened the door to the 

house and went in.

"I'm back." She said while she took off her shoes.

She heard someone running towards her and soon had Krystal over her.

"Unnie! Let‟s go out." Krystal said in a rather panicked voice.

"What? No, I'm tired." Jessica said and pulled Krystal away from her.

"Please?" Krystal begged.

Jessica looked at Krystal. Something was wrong with Krystal's expression.

"Krystal what...." Jessica started till she saw a man stand behind Krystal.

"Jessica, welcome back my eldest daughter." Her dad said.

Krystal lowered her head and Jessica's eyes widened.

"Aren't you going to greet your dad after all this time?" Her dad asked and walked 


closer to Jessica.

Jessica looked at her dad with terrified eyes. She looked at Krystal that was looking 

at the floor. Now she knew why Krystal wanted to go out.

"Hi dad." Jessica said without looking at her dad.

Her dad crossed his arms and looked at her.

"I think we really need a talk with each other." Her dad said.

Jessica looked at Krystal and Krystal looked at her with apologizing eyes. Jessica 

turned back to her dad.

"What is it dad?" Jessica asked coldly.

"Come in to the living room. We can talk there." Her dad said and walked to the 

living room.

Jessica followed her. She had a tight grip on Krystal's hand, she didn't want to be 

alone with her dad now. She could feel what her dad was going to say to her.

Her dad sat on an arm chair when Jessica and Krystal come in to the living room. Her 

dad gestured that Jessica should sit on the arm chair opposite him and she did that. 

Krystal followed her and sat down on the couch beside the arm chair Jessica sat on. 

Their dad turned to Krystal.

"Krystal don't you have homework you must do?" He asked.

"No, I don't have." Krystal answered.

"Okay. But can you leave us? I want to talk to your sister alone." He said.

Krystal looked at Jessica, and Jessica looked back at her with a don't-leave-me look.

"Krystal." Their dad said.

Krystal stood up from her seat. She looked at Jessica with an apologizing look before 

she went out from the living room. Jessica looked after her sister and after Krystal 

had left her dad started to speak.

"So how come my daughter that ran away from her home because she wanted to be 

with her lover suddenly are sitting in front of me?" He asked.

Jessica didn't look at him. She didn't want to answer the question either.

"Jessica you know I warned you before you left the family that this was surely to 

happen. That girl is not worth you, just look what she did to you!" Her dad said.

Jessica clenched her fits. She still didn't look at her dad.

"I forbid you to see that girl again. Do you understand?" Her dad said.

Jessica looked at her dad now.

"It wasn't her fault. It was my. I...." Jessica said.

"Don't talk back at me! It's not your fault, it was she who left you, right? She left you 

first! She doesn't deserve another chance from you." Her dad screamed.

Jessica looked at her hands.

"Jessica if that girl comes near you, I will send you to America so you two will never 

see each other again. I don't want to see something like this happen to my daughter 


Jessica looked up at him.

"Do you understand? Don't let her in your life again. She is dangerous."Her dad said 


and stood up.

Jessica nodded her head.

"Good." Her dad said and left the living room.

Jessica covered her face with her hands and sighed. Maybe this is for the best.

Jessica thought and sighed once more.


Chapter 19 

Taeyeon picked up her phone that was ringing beside her. She was a bit surprised 

that someone called her at this time of the day.

"Hello?" Taeyeon answered.

"Taeyeon hi sorry to bother you." Taeyeon's boss said on the other line.

"It's okay. Why are you calling?" Taeyeon asked still a bit surprised that her boss 

called her.

"I just talked to the boss of Soshi Fashion. And they want to have a meeting with us 

on Monday, and I actually accepted the meeting." Her boss said.

Taeyeon nodded.

"Okay. So what do you want me to do?" Taeyeon asked.

"I heard that they will have a fashion show this Wednesday. I want you to go to that 

show and see how they are working. I also want you to attend the meeting on 

Monday. Is that okay with you?" Her boss said.

Taeyeon thought about it. This was maybe her chance to get to talk to Jessica again, 

but was she ready to hear Jessica's explanation yet? Maybe she should go to the 

show and see it and maybe think about it a bit more and talk with Jessica  after the 

meeting on Monday. Yes that was a good idea.

"Yes, it's okay with me." Taeyeon said.

"Good. And I'm sorry that I make you do this even though you told me you wanted 

to work at home for a while." 

"It's okay." Taeyeon said.

"Okay, I won't bother you anymore now. I will see you on Monday." Her boss said 

and hung up.

Taeyeon looked at her phone. So Wednesday huh? I guess I will see Jessica there 

then. Taeyeon thought and sighed. Gosh why am I feeling nervous all of sudden?

Taeyeon thought and laid down on her bed.

Yoona looked at the wedding dress her mother held up for her.

"What do you think about this? Isn't it beautiful?" Her mother asked and smiled at 


Yoona sighed. They had gone to three different wedding dress stores now and they 

still hadn't found a dress. Or it was more like Yoona didn't want to find a dress. She 

looked at the dress her mother held up for her.

"Mom, I don't think I'm ready to get married yet." Yoona said.

"What are you talking about? You are at a perfect age to marry!  And you and 

Leeteuk are perfect for each other! I think you are just nervous." Her mother said 

and gave Yoona a smile.

Yoona sighed again and putted her face in her hands. Why is it so hard to make you 


listen to what I want? Yoona thought.

"What about this dress then?" Her mother said and held up another dress.

Yoona looked up at her mother. Her mother wasn't giving up on the dress, she really 

wanted to buy it today. Yoona gave up.

"Okay, we take that dress." Yoona said and stood up.

"Good. Put it on so I will see how you look in it." Her mother said and gave the dress 

to Yoona and pushed her in to a changing room.

Yoona putted on the dress and looked at herself in the mirror. I look more sad than 

happy in this dress. But I guess that's how it's supposed to be. Yoona thought and 

sighed. Yoona walked out of the changing room to show the dress for her mother. 

Her mother looked at her with happy eyes.

"You look so beautiful! I'm so happy that you are getting married!" Her mother said 

and she had tears of joy in her eyes.

Yoona looked at her mother. It sounds like you want to get rid of me. Yoona thought 

and looked at her over happy mother.

When her mother had paid for the dress they went back home. When they come 

home Yoona's mother stopped Yoona before Yoona could go to her room.

"Yoona wait. I want you to look at something." Her mother said and pointed to the 

living room. 

Yoona followed her mother to the living room to look at whatever her mother wanted 

her to look at.

"Here is the cake. What do you think about it?" Her mother said and showed a 

picture to Yoona.

"The cake?!" Yoona asked surprised and looked at the picture. She got surprised that 

the cake was so big. She wondered why the cake has to be so big. And when her 

mother had decided on a cake.

"Why must the cake be so big? And when did you decide on a cake?" Yoona asked 

and gave back the picture to her mother. 

"I went with Leeteuk yesterday to decide on the cake. And the cake must be big 

because a lot of people are invited to the wedding!" Her mother said and placed the 

picture at a table beside her.

Yoona's eye twitched at the mention of Leeteuk. And that it would be many people 

at the wedding didn't make it better. She let out a sigh.

"If you are done showing me the cake, can I go and rest in my room now? I'm tired 

after looking at so many wedding dresses." Yoona said.

"Yes. You can go and rest now." Yoona's mother said and smiled.

Yoona walked out of the living room and up to her room. She laid down on her bed 

and buried her face in her pillow. She had been staying at her parent's house since 

her mother started to prepare for the wedding. The only good thing about it was that 

she didn't have to live at a hotel now, but she would rather prefer that than living in 

this house that Leeteuk came to everyday to check up on her. She sighed and took 

out her cell phone from her pocket. Yuri unnie, what are you doing right now? Yoona 


thought and looked at the image of her and Yuri she had as background.

It was the day of the show and Seohyun were backstage and got ready with the 

other models. Yesterday had both Kyuhyun and Boa promised her that they would 

come and look at the show. She looked at her reflection in the mirror while the hair 

stylist was doing her hair. She felt a bit nervous, but not much. Kyuhyun  had told her 

that there is no reason to be nervous. Kyuhyun had also said that he would take her 

out to a movie after the show. She smiled at the thought of it. She hoped that it 

would go well.

Jessica walked around and checked all the models that were wearing the clothes she 

had designed. She checked that everything was right with the clothes and that they 

fitted. She still had what her dad had told her in her mind. But she still didn't know 

what to do. Maybe he was right that Taeyeon didn't deserve another chance, she 

had tried so hard to explain the misunderstanding to her but she had only avoided 

her. She sighed. I need to think about something else. I need to focus on what's 

happening on the show. She thought and fixed the tie on the model she was helping.

Taeyeon watched the show that was starting. She was sitting in the far back because 

she didn't want anyone she knows to see her there. She noticed that one of Jessica's 

friends was one of the models. She knew that Jessica was somewhere there then. 

She had looked around to see if Tiffany was somewhere but she hadn't seen her, she 

felt a bit relived because of that. She had looked for Jessica's other friends but she 

didn't see anyone. Maybe everyone was helping backstage. When the show come to 

an end the designers were going to hold a little speech and tell their thoughts about 

their clothes. Three girls and a man got up on the stage. But the only one of the 

designers that caught Taeyeon's eyes was Jessica. Taeyeon saw that Jessica was a 

bit sad, she knew Jessica too well to not notice it. Even though Jessica seemed to try 

to hide it, Taeyeon saw it all. Taeyeon continued to look at Jessica until Jessica 

looked at her. Jessica stopped in her speech and continued to look at Taeyeon and 

Taeyeon sat frozen in her seat and didn't take her eyes of Jessica either. This wasn't 

what Taeyeon had planned, if someone were to know that Taeyeon were there, 

Jessica would be the last one to know. Soon Jessica turned away from Taeyeon and 

continued with her speech like she didn't have seen anything. Taeyeon breathed out. 

Maybe Jessica didn't noticed it was her. When the show was over Taeyeon hurried 

out from there so no one else would see her.

After her speech Jessica went backstage. She thanked everyone that had been 

helping with the show. She sat down on a chair when she had thanked everyone and 

tried to calm down. Why was Taeyeon here? Of all people to come here she comes 

here! I need to calm down. I can't see her, or else my dad won't be very happy. 


Jessica thought. 

"Unnie!" Krystal come running towards her.

"Krystal." Jessica said when she saw her sister‟s worried face.

"What happened? Something seemed wrong during your speech." Krystal said and 

placed her hand on Jessica's forehead.

Apparently had Krystal noticed that Jessica had seen Taeyeon during her speech.

"Taeyeon was here." Jessica said.

"What? You must find her then! You should talk to her!" Krystal said and tried to pull 

up her sister from the chair.

"I can't." Jessica said and lowered her head.

"Why not?" Krystal asked and looked at her sister with a concerned expression.

Jessica took a deep breath and looked at her sister. No, I can't tell her what dad told 

me. She will try to talk to dad and get in trouble. I can't let that happen. Jessica 


"I saw her with someone else. She has already moved on." Jessica said and stood 

up. "And I need to move on too. So I will not talk to her." Jessica said and faked a 


Krystal looked after her sister when she went to grab her things.

"Come on Krystal. We are going home now." Jessica said and went to the door and 

Krystal followed her sister. Jessica looked at Krystal and saw that she had a worried 


Sorry that I lied to you. But it's for the best. You shouldn't get in trouble because you 

are helping me. Jessica thought.

After Seohyun had changed to her clothes she met Kyuhyun and Boa outside.

"You were great! So beautiful, a true model!" Boa said and gave Seohyun a hug.

"Thank you." Seohyun said and smiled.

"You were beautiful up there. And I told you it would go well." Kyuhyun said and 

gave Seohyun a light hug.

Seohyun started to blush by what Kyuhyun said.

"Thank you." Seohyun said shyly.

Boa smiled at them. 

"So I will go back home now. You two have fun tonight!" Boa said and walked away 

from them.

Kyuhyun and Seohyun watched when Boa walked away from them.

"So should we get going? I already have the tickets." Kyuhyun said and held up two 


"Okay." Seohyun said and smiled.

When they come to the movie Kyuhyun bought something for them to drink and they 

went in to the cinema. Seohyun couldn't help but take glances of Kyuhyun when they 

watched the movie. She thought he looked so cool and handsome in the dark there. 


When she looked at him he turned his head and looked at her.

"Is it something wrong?" He whispered 

Seohyun turned her head to the movie and blushed madly.

", nothing is wrong." She whispered back.

Kyuhyun looked at her confused but then turned his head back to the movie as well. 

He took a glance on Seohyun's hand that was lying beside his. Noona said I should 

try. But I'm scared to make a move too fast. What if she doesn't even think of me 

like that? He thought. He looked at her pretty face. She's so pretty. I don't want to 

scare her. He thought and looked down on her hand again. He moved his hand a bit 

closer to hers, he slowly put his hand on hers and looked away and pretended like 

nothing had happened. When he noticed that she didn't do anything he held her 

hand a bit tighter and took a little glance at her face and he saw that she was 

smiling a bit. He was relieved and continued to hold her hand through the movie.

After the movie when they went out from the cinema and walked on the streets they 

still held hands. They didn't say much to each other, they just felt happy with each 

other‟s company. After a while Kyuhyun stopped in his track and Seohyun stopped 

too and looked at him.

"Seohyun." He said and looked at her serious.

Seohyun was a bit surprised that he was so serious but looked at him.

"Yes?" She said.

"I...I…I was wondering if....if...if you....You would like to be my girlfriend." Kyuhyun 

said and looked down to hide his blushing cheeks.

Seohyun couldn't believe what he said. She blushed but she was happy. She was so 

happy that tears started to form in her eyes.

"I really like you." Kyuhyun said and looked up at Seohyun. When he saw that tears 

had started to form in the girls eyes he panicked.

"Seohyun I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry, please stop cry." He said in a 

panicked voice.

Seohyun shook her head.

"I'm crying because I'm happy." Seohyun managed to say.

Kyuhyun looked at her confused.

"I like you too." Seohyun said to him and wiped her tears.

Kyuhyun started to smile wide. He hugged her.

"I'm so happy to hear that." He said.

Seohyun was a bit surprised by his sudden hug but returned it. She smiled too.

He pulled away from the hug and looked Seohyun in the eyes. He still smiled. 

"Should we go home?" He asked with a wide smile on his face.

Seohyun nodded and she was also smiling. Kyuhyun grabbed her hand and they 

started to walk back to Kyuhyun's apartment.

Sunny looked at the table behind Hyomin. She sighed by the sight she saw. Are they 


really thinking that I can't see that they are spying on us?  She thought shook her 

head. Hyomin looked at Sunny with a worried expression.

"Sunny are you okay?" Hyomin asked.

Sunny looked Hyomin and smiled.

"Don't worry. I'm okay." Sunny said in a reassured voice.

Hyomin nodded and started to eat her ice-cream.

Sunny had asked Hyomin out to eat ice-cream with her. But soon after they had 

arrived at the ice-cream bar she had seen Narsha unnie, Shinyoung unnie and Hyuna 

coming in. They had hats and sun glasses on and were looking very suspicious, and 

the other customer was looking at them weirdly. Sunny wondered what they were  up 


"Sunny, why did you start working at the store?" Hyomin asked.

Sunny looked at her.

"Because I needed a job, and that was the only one I could get." Sunny said and 


"What? But you are so good at everything that you should get a better job e asy!" 

Hyomin said.

Sunny laughed.

"No, it isn't that easy for me to get whatever job I want." Sunny said.

"Why?" Hyomin asked and looked at her a bit confused.

"I will tell you that another time." Sunny said and smiled.

"Okay." Hyomin said and continued to eat her ice-cream. 

"I don't think it's a good idea to do this." Hyuna whined.

"Be quiet. We must listen to what they are saying." Narsha said and was trying her 

hardest to hear what Hyomin and Sunny were talking about at the table behind her.

"But isn’t this digging into other people’s private life?" Hyuna asked.

Shinyoung and Narsha looked at Hyuna.

"You don't know about these things Hyuna! Sometimes people must do this to help 

each other." Shinyoung explained to her.

"But why must I have to do this? Can't you two do it alone?" Hyuna asked and 

crossed her arms.

"No, we need your good ears to listen to what they are saying. And I will treat you to 

ice-cream later if you are staying." Narsha said.

"Why can't you treat me to ice-cream as well?" Shinyoung complained.

Narsha looked at her.

"Because if I treat you it will be like treating a whole kindergarten with kids!" Narsha 


Shinyoung looked angry at her.

"Oh! I think they are going!" Narsha said and sat straight up in her chair.

Sunny and Hyomin walked by their table. But Sunny stopped and walked back to 

their table and stopped in front of it.

"Why are you three here?" Sunny asked and looked at them. 


Narsha and Shinyoung looked at her scared.

"We....we were eating ice-cream! Yeah. Ice-cream. The ice-cream here is so tasty!" 

Narsha said and held up her ice-cream to show Sunny.

Sunny raised an eyebrow and looked at them.

"No, Narsha unnie heard that you asked Hyomin unnie if she wanted to eat take ice-cream with you after work. And said that we should follow you, and she dragged me 

with them." Hyuna said.

"Hyuna you can't tell her the truth!" Narsha said and looked at angry at Hyuna.

Sunny sighed once more.

"I hope you had fun spying on us." Sunny said to Narsha and walked out of the door 

with Hyomin.

Sunny and Hyomin walked beside each other on the street, both of them were quiet. 

Hyomin took glances of Sunny once in a while and soon she was lost in her mind 

again because she was thinking about Sunny that she didn't watch were she was 

going and she walked straight into a lamppost.

"Ouch!" Hyomin whined and held her nose she had hit.

Sunny started to laugh at Hyomin.

"Do you ever watch were you are going?" Sunny asked and removed Hyomin's hand 

from her nose to take a look at it.

"Yes, I do." Hyomin said and blushed.

Sunny smiled at her.

"Your nose is just red. Nothing serious." Sunny said and rubbed Hyomin's nose to 

ease the pain.

Hyomin looked at Sunny with big eyes and started to blush even more.

"So I think I will be going back home now." Sunny said.

"Yeah…me too." Hyomin said and tried to hide her disappointment.

Sunny looked at Hyomin.

"I hope we can do something else another time." Sunny said and smiled. "And 

hopefully without those three." Sunny added and pointed back at the ice-cream bar.

Hyomin laughed a little.

"I hope that too." Hyomin said and looked at the street.

Sunny smiled.

"I will see you at work then. Bye bye." Sunny said and turned around to walk back 


"Bye bye." Hyomin said and turned to walk back to her home.

Sunny smiled even wider. I don't know why I like hanging out with you Hyomin. But 

you are really an interesting girl, and for some reason, I feel really relaxed around 

you. Sunny thought and smiled.


Chapter 20

"Jessica here is a list on the people that will attend the meeting." Jessica's boss said 

and gave Jessica a paper with a lot of names.

Jessica and Yuri both looked though the paper but Jessica's eyes stopped on one 

particular name.

Kim Taeyeon.

After Jessica had seen Taeyeon on the show she hadn't seen her. And she was a bit 

relieved because of that. But now she couldn't do anything about it. She was going 

to meet Taeyeon now even if she wanted it or not. And it was scaring her, she didn't 

know how she should act in front of her. She didn't know if she could handle being in 

the same room as Taeyeon. She felt that she was starting to sweat. She felt scared 

and nervous because she didn't had expected Taeyeon to be one of the persons she 

was going to speak to.

Yuri and her boss looked at her.

"Jessica are you okay? You look pale." Her boss said and looked at Jessica with a 

concerned look.

Jessica woke up from her thoughts and looked at Yuri and her boss that were looking 

at her.

"Yes I'm okay." Jessica said and forced a smile.

"Good. Go and take some fresh air. We will meet up 30 minutes before the meeting." 

Her boss said and gave her a clap on the shoulder and walked out from the room. 

Jessica and Yuri were quiet when their boss had left. Yuri looked at Jessica with a 

concerned look.

"You okay?" Yuri asked after a while and looked at Jessica.

"Yes, I'm okay." Jessica said forced another smile.

"You sure?" Yuri asked once more and didn't take her eyes of Jessica.

"Yes. I think I need some fresh air. Do you want to come with me?" Jessica said and 

walked towards the door.

"No, I must make a call." Yuri said and held up her phone.

"Okay. I will see you later then." Jessica said and walked out from the room and 

closed the door after her.

She went up to the roof to clear her thoughts. She stood there and looked out over 

the city. She took a deep breath and breathed in the  fresh air. Taeyeon I will only 

think of you as one of the Soshi Studios workers and nothing more. I won't let you 

affect me now. I made a decision and I promised my dad I won't talk to you. So I 

won't let you get in my way now. I never left you. You were the one that left me. 

You were the one that left me first. And I'm going to move on. Jessica thought. 

She heard someone open the door and she turned around and saw it was Tiffany. 

She hadn't talked with Tiffany for the last few days. They had only met in the 


hallways but nothing more than that.

"Is it okay if I join you?" Tiffany asked.

"Sure." Jessica said.

Tiffany stood beside Jessica and also looked over the city. They were both quiet.

"Beautiful view." Tiffany said.

Jessica looked at her.

"I know. It's calming." Jessica said and turned her head back to look over the city.

Tiffany nodded. She turned back to Jessica.

"Jessie, I'm really sorry for all the problems I've caused you." Tiffany said and looked 

at Jessica with sincere eyes.

Jessica looked at Tiffany. Surprised by Tiffany's apologize.

"It's okay. You shouldn't apologize. It's my fault that it happened. But it's o kay now, 

I've come over it." Jessica said and smiled.

Tiffany looked at Jessica with a worried expression.

"You sure?" Tiffany asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Jessica said and smiled.

Tiffany turned her head to the city again. She stretched her arms.

"I should go back in. I'm sure Nicole is looking for me." Tiffany said.

"Nicole?" Jessica asked and looked at Tiffany with a raised eyebrow.

"A friend." Tiffany said and smiled.

"Sure." Jessica said and smiled back.

"I will see you around. And good luck with everything." Tiffany said and walked to 

the door.

Jessica waved at her. She felt a bit relieved that Tiffany had talked about it. She took 

a deep breath before she went back inside to meet up with Yuri and her boss.

Jessica sat on a chair and looked at the people that walked inside the room. Yuri sat 

beside her and was looking through some papers about what they were going to say. 

When Jessica saw that Taeyeon came into the room she quickly moved her eyes to 

something else to look at and reminded as calm she could. She tried to not show she 

had reacted by Taeyeon's presence. Yuri looked up from her paper and saw Jessica's 

stiff sitting pose and her vacant face. She looked around the room and spotted 

Taeyeon. Taeyeon sat in a rather stiff pose too, and her face was as vacant as 

Jessica's. Yuri looked back at Jessica. Is she really going to be okay during this 

meeting? Yuri thought.

The meeting started and Yuri had her eyes on Jessica and Taeyeon. Jessica was 

doing what she was going to do without any problem. But Yuri couldn't help but 

notice that Jessica was more stiff than usual. And she avoided any eye contact with 

Taeyeon, no, she avoided looking at Taeyeon at all. Yuri thought she didn't have to 

do it because Taeyeon were looking down on the papers on the table like she was 

avoided to look at Jessica too. Yuri looked back at Jessica again. Both of them are 


trying really hard to hide their feelings. Do they even realize what they are doing? 

Yuri thought. 

After an hour they took a break and their boss was going to show the people around 

the building. Jessica and Yuri stayed in the meeting room and relaxed. Jessica sat 

down on a chair and sighed deep. Yuri looked at her concerned.

"Are you okay?" Yuri asked and handed Jessica a water bottle.

Jessica took the bottle and drank from it.

"Yeah I'm okay. I just get a bit dry in my throat from all the talking." Jessica said and 

placed the bottle on the table.

Yuri looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

"What?" Jessica asked when she noticed that Yuri was looking at her.

"Nothing. I was just thinking about something." Yuri said and picked up the paper in 

front of her and started to read.

Jessica looked at her annoyed.

"Yuri I'm really okay. You don't have to worry about me." Jessica said.

"Too bad that your body language is telling something else." Yuri said still looking at 

her papers.

Jessica looked at Yuri. She knew that Yuri knew her too well to tell when something 

was wrong with her. They had known each other for too long to not notice that. She 


Soon the meeting continued and now it was Yuri's turn to talk. Jessica tried to keep 

her eyes on something so she wouldn't look at Taeyeon. But she couldn't help to 

take a few glances of Taeyeon. She noticed that Taeyeon looked really tired, like she 

didn't have slept for a while. And she thought that Taeyeon looked skinner. She got 

a bit worried, she wondered if Taeyeon had been depressed too. But then she got 

reminded by her dad's words and she dropped all the thoughts about Taeyeon and 

tried to focus on what Yuri said instead. After the meeting had ended Jessica ran out 

of the meeting room the fastest she could. She couldn't handle being in the room 

anymore, just the sight of Taeyeon made her want to go back to her. She wanted 

her back but she couldn't go back to her. She had already made a decision that she 

wouldn't go back to her.

Yuri noticed that Jessica had run out from the room. She wanted to go and check 

how she was but she couldn't do it because she was talking with the boss from Soshi 

Studios. And to her fears she saw Taeyeon walk out of the room and walked the 

same direction Jessica had. Yuri got really worried now.

Taeyeon had tried to hide her feelings during the whole meeting, and it had gone 

well. But she had made a decision that she would try to talk to Jessica after the 

meeting. When she had seen Jessica walk out from the meeting room she had 

followed her. Now she was walking in the hallway and Jessica was walking  in front of 


her, she didn't try to stop her, nor did she call out her name. She waited for Jessica 

to stop and see her. Jessica turned a corner and Taeyeon kept following her, she 

found Jessica sitting on a couch when she had turned the corner. She walked slowly 

towards Jessica. Jessica looked up and saw Taeyeon. She looked at  her with shocked 

eyes and stood up. She turned around and started to walk away from Taeyeon 


"Jessica wait!" Taeyeon said and grabbed Jessica's hand.

"I know that I left you. But I want to hear your explanation. I know it's stupid of me 

to come now and ask for your explanation when you tried to explain before. But I'm 

sorry. I really am." Taeyeon said and looked at Jessica's back.

Jessica wasn't moving. She stood there and felt the warmth from Taeyeon's hand 

that had grabbed her own hand. She slowly turned around to face Taeyeon. Taeyeon 

looked at her with her big brown eyes.  Taeyeon why are you coming now and saying 

this? Why? Why? You stupid! Jessica thought and closed her eyes to prevent tears 

from coming. She opened her eyes and looked at Taeyeon t hat stood there and 

waited for her explanation. Should I explain to her? Tell her everything I wanted to 

tell her before, tell her that it had all been a misunderstanding. Should I tell her that 

and ignore what my dad had told me? No, no. I can't. Taeyeon had got her chance 

to hear the explanation and she had run away from it. She had left me. Yeah, now it 

was too late for her to come back and hear it. I'm not going to tell her. Jessica 


Jessica looked up at Taeyeon. She removed Taeyeon's hand from hers.

"Do you think you can come now and expect me to explain it? Do you think I will tell 

you after you just left me and didn't even give me a chance to explain it to you?" 

Jessica said angry.

"I'm sorry. But I needed time to think. But I will listen to your explanation now if you 

tell me." Taeyeon said.

"I won't tell you Taeyeon. You left me. You hurt me. And I didn't do anything wrong 

to you! You left me and didn't even give me a chance to explain to you! I tried and 

tried to explain to you, but you just avoided me and ran away from me. Don't you 

think I got hurt by it? I'm moving on now Taeyeon. It's your own fault that it ended 

like this. Not mine." Jessica screamed and turned away from Taeyeon. She was 

surprised by her sudden outburst. She didn't know why she had suddenly let her 

anger out.

She waited for Taeyeon to say something. But Taeyeon kept quiet. She waited, no 

she hoped for Taeyeon to say something. She heard that Taeyeon turned around 

and walked away. Jessica turned around and saw Taeyeon's back turn around the 

corner. She stared at the corner Taeyeon had just turned. She was shocked, she had 

expected Taeyeon to say something. What did I just do? Why didn't she say 

anything? Jessica thought and kept looking at the corner. Hoping for Taeyeon to 

come back and say something. Did I hurt her? Jessica thought and sat down on the 

couch again. 


Boa looked at Kyuhyun and Seohyun that sat in front of her. Kyuhyun had dropped 

his spoon and got something on his shirt and Seohyun helped him to clean it. She 

smiled at the cute couple in front of her.

"You two are so lovely-dovely that I almost get jealous!" Boa said and smiled wide.

Kyuhyun and Seohyun looked at her and both of them started to blush.

"If you two continue to be this lovely-dovely it wouldn't surprise me if I find you two 

making out in the living room one day!" Boa teased them.

Kyuhyun and Seohyun moved farther away from each other still blushing.

"Maybe I should start to share a room with Seohyun so I'm sure she isn't sleeping 

with you." Boa continued to tease them.

Both Kyuhyun and Seohyun turned the same color as a tomato and Boa almost laid 

on the floor laughing at them. She had fun teasing the cute couple.

"I better get ready now. I going out with some friends later. I hope I also will mee t 

someone I can be that lovely-dovely with." Boa said and walked towards her room, 

leaving the two tomatoes in the kitchen.

When Boa had got into her room Seohyun and Kyuhyun looked at each other and 

started to smile.

"I'm sorry my sister is like that." Kyuhyun said.

"Don't worry. She's funny." Seohyun said and looked at her hands.

Kyuhyun smiled and looked at Seohyun.

"Do you want to do anything special today?" Kyuhyun asked.

Seohyun looked at him and thought for a while.

"I want to go and visit my mother at the hospital. And I want you to come with me." 

Seohyun said.

"I'm okay with that." Kyuhyun said and smiled.

Both of them got ready and Kyuhyun drove to the hospital. He followed when 

Seohyun walked to the room her mother was staying in. Seohyun opened the door to 

the room and walked inside, he stayed by the door and looked at the mother and 


"Mother, hello." Seohyun said and sat on a chair next to her mother‟s bed.

"Seohyun? Is it my Seohyun?" Her mother said and reached out a hand to touch 

Seohyun's cheek.

"Yes, mother. It's me." Seohyun said and grabbed her mother's hand and held it.

"You are so beautiful now, my daughter. Is everything going well for you?" Her 

mother asked.

"Yes. Everything is going well for me." Seohyun said and smiled.

"That's good. How is your dad now?" Her mother asked.

Seohyun got surprised by the question. She turned her head to look at Kyuhyun that 

was standing by the door. She turned back to her mother. 


"Mother, I moved out from the house. So I don't know how father is." Seohyun said 

and she had a sad face.

"I can understand you. It must have been hard for you to live with him. As long as 

you are happy I won't stop you." Her mother said and smiled.

Seohyun brighten up a bit by her mother's words and looked at Kyuhyun.

"Mother I want you to meet someone." Seohyun said and gestured to Kyuhyun to 

come closer. "This is Kyuhyun. Right now I'm staying at his and his sister's place." 

Seohyun said.

Her mother looked at Kyuhyun.

"Hello I'm Cho Kyuhyun." Kyuhyun said and bowed to Seohyun's mother.

"What a polite boy." Seohyun mother said and looked at Kyuhyun.

"I hope you are taking good care of my Seohyun. And I'm really thankful that you 

are letting her stay at your place." Seohyun's mother said and grabbed Kyuhyun's 


"It's nothing to thank me for. I really like your daughter, and I will do everything for 

her and take good care of her." Kyuhyun said.

"That's good. I will leave my daughter in your hands." Seohyun's mother said and 


Kyuhyun bowed once more to Seohyun's mother.

"Seohyun you should take good care of this boy here. He's really good, I wonder 

where you found him." Her mother said and chuckled.

Seohyun smiled and blushed lightly.

"I guess I had luck." Seohyun said.

Seohyun's mother smiled at them again.

"You look really cute together, you will get cute kids." Her mother said when she had 

looked at them closer.

Kyuhyun and Seohyun looked at each other and started to blush. 

"Mother, I think kids are a topic that is a bit early to talk about." Seohyun said still 


"It may be. But I can still think about grandchildren!" Her mother said and laughed.

Seohyun and Kyuhyun kept quiet.

"Did you have a sister?" Seohyun's mother asked and looked at Kyuhyun.

"Yes. I have an older sister. We live together." Kyuhyun said.

"That's good. Take her with you if you are coming here again, I want to meet her." 

Seohyun's mother said and smiled.

"I will make sure to do that." Kyuhyun said.

When the visit hour were over Kyuhyun and Seohyun said good bye to Seohyun's 

mother and returned home. Now they were sitting in the living room and watched a 

movie. Kyuhyun had his arm around Seohyun and she was leaning her head on his 


"Your mother is nice." Kyuhyun said. 


"Yeah. I'm happy that you came with me." Seohyun said.

"I'm happy that I came with you too." Kyuhyun said and smiled.

They continued to watch the movie till it ended and they both went to their 

bedrooms to go to sleep.


Chapter 21

Sunny looked at the zombie like Taeyeon that sat on her bed and starred at the wall. 

Taeyeon's mother had called Sunny and asked if Sunny could come over to talk to 

Taeyeon. Taeyeon's mother had tried to talk to Taeyeon but Taeyeon had reminded 

lifeless and zombie like. Sunny walked closer to the zombie like Taeyeon and looked 

at her. Taeyeon's eyes were red and she had dark circles around her eyes, and she 

looked like a mess. She waved with her hand in front of Taeyeon to see if she 

reacted but Taeyeon kept looking at the wall. Sunny sat beside Taeyeon on the bed.

"Taeyeon-ah, what happened to you?" Sunny asked and shook Taeyeon lightly.

Taeyeon reminded still and didn't even look at Sunny.

"Taeyeon-ah say something!" Sunny said and shook Taeyeon a bit more.

Still no reaction from Taeyeon. 

"Taeyeon-ah, did something happen with Jessica?" Sunny asked.

Taeyeon's left eye twitched when Sunny mentioned Jessica's name.

"Did you talk to Jessica?" Sunny asked.

Taeyeon turned her head to Sunny. Sunny took aback when she saw how scary 

Taeyeon looked. Taeyeon turned her head back to look at the wall. Sunny looked at 

Taeyeon. She wondered how she was going to help Taeyeon if Taeyeon didn't say 

anything. Sunny sighed and stood up from the bed and walked out of the room. She 

returned to the room and held a glass of water in her hand. She walked to Taeyeon's 

bed and stood right in front of her.

"Taeyeon-ah, can you tell me what happened so I maybe will be able to help you?" 

Sunny asked and looked at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon still didn't say anything or move. Sunny sighed. She splashed the water she 

had in the glass in Taeyeon's face and now did Taeyeon react. Taeyeon started to 

cough and wiped her face.

"Taeyeon-ah, you haven't gone mute, have you?" Sunny asked and looked at 

Taeyeon with a concerned look.

Taeyeon looked at her.

"No I haven't." Taeyeon said and looked away from Sunny.

"Good now you are talking!" Sunny said happy. "But what happened to you? Why 

were you like a zombie and didn't speak?" Sunny asked and looked at Taeyeon with 

a worried look.

Taeyeon looked at Sunny and leaned on the wall.

"Something." Taeyeon answered.

"Yeah. Something big because I have never seen you like this before. So stop 

keeping it to yourself and tell me." Sunny said.

"Jessica." Taeyeon said and looked away from Sunny.

"Yeah. I kind of figured that out. So what happened between you and Jessica?" 

Taeyeon looked at Sunny again. 


"We talked. Or she more screamed at me." Taeyeon said and looked sad.

"Okay. What did you talk about then?" Sunny asked.

"I wanted to hear her explanation why she did those things with Tiffany. But she 

didn't want to tell me. She said that it was too late and I should've listen to her when 

she tried to explain it before. She said that it's my fault because I avoided her and 

ran away from her. And it's my fault that it ended because it was me who left her." 

Taeyeon said and looked at her hands.

"What did you say to her then?" Sunny asked.

"I walked away. I couldn't handle it. I was in so much pain when she told me. I 

didn't think I had hurt her so bad, I had only thought about my own conclusions and 

didn't think about her situation. I regret that I left her like I did. But she is right, it's 

my own fault that it's like this now. And I can't turn back now. She has all right to be 

angry at me." Taeyeon said and tears started to run down her cheeks.

Sunny hugged Taeyeon.

"Don't blame yourself. You were also hurt by what she did, remember that. So it's 

not only your fault it's like this." Sunny said and rubbed Taeyeon's back.

"But she wanted to explain it to me and I ran away from her." Taeyeon cried.

"You weren't ready to hear the explanation. She should've waited for you. Given you 

time to think." Sunny said and tried to calm Taeyeon down.

"She was probably tired of waiting for me." Taeyeon mumbled.

"But you waited for her too, you know. And you tried to talk to her but she didn't 

give you time to talk, she left you alone. I actually think it was she who left you 

first." Sunny said.

"I should've tried harder." Taeyeon mumbled.

Sunny pulled away from the hug and looked Taeyeon in the eyes.

"You waited for her. You tried to talk to her. But she kept hurting you. Leaving you 

alone. I think it's was only right of you to keep a distance from her so you could 

think. And if she didn't want you to leave her she should've thought about that 

earlier. It's her fault, not your fault. Do you understand?" Sunny said.

Taeyeon nodded. She was a bit surprised by Sunny's sudden seriousness.

"Good. So stop blaming yourself now. It wasn't your fault." Sunny said and wiped the 

tears on Taeyeon's cheek. 

"Thank you Sunny." Taeyeon said after she had calmed down.

"It's nothing to thank me for. We are friends." Sunny said and smiled.

Taeyeon smiled a little and looked at her hands.

"But you should show yourself to your mother so she knows that you aren't a zombie 

anymore. She was really worried about you." Sunny said and stood up from the bed.

"I will do that." Taeyeon said.

"Good. And try to come over this. You shouldn't go and be sad about this." Sunny 

said and ruffled Taeyeon's hair.

"I will try." 

"Good. I will be going now. I'm going to meet someone." Sunny said and walked 


towards the door.

"Meet someone?" Taeyeon asked and looked at Sunny confused.

"Yeah. Hyomin. We are working at the same job." Sunny said and smiled.

"Have I missed something?" Taeyeon asked still looking confused.

"Yeah. But I will tell you another time about it. I don't want to be late." Sunny said 

and opened the door.

"Have fun." Taeyeon said and waved to Sunny.

"Thanks. And take care of yourself!" Sunny said and went out of the room.

Taeyeon laid down on the bed after Sunny had left. She putted her arm over her 

eyes. Jessica if you only knew how much pain I have gone through because of you 

lately. Taeyeon thought and let out a sigh. But I won't let that happen again. It was 

your decision to end it this time. Not mine. 

Yoona looked at all the workers that were running around in the big room the 

wedding dinner would be. Everyone were preparing for the dinner. Fixing the tables 

and decorate them. She was supposed to tell them if something was wrong. But she 

couldn't, because she thought the whole wedding was wrong. She sat on a chair and 

looked at the workers that ran around her. Some of them come to h er and asked 

where to put some things and she just pointed somewhere. She didn't care about it 

at all. She sat there and had a boring look on her face. She didn't even notice that 

someone walked to her.

"You look bored." The person said.

Yoona looked up and saw Leeteuk stand there.

"What are you doing here?" Yoona asked coldly.

"Checking how the preparations go here. And checking how my future wife is doing." 

Leeteuk said and smiled.

"Whatever." Yoona said and looked back and the workers.

"You can't look a bit interested at least?" Leeteuk asked and sat beside Yoona.

"Leave me alone." Yoona said without looking at Leeteuk.

Leeteuk sighed.

"Is this how I'm going to live with you?" Leeteuk asked.

"It's you own fault so stop complaining." Yoona said angry.

Leeteuk smirked.

"But if you don't do as I say, I might show your dad a picture he won't like." Leeteuk 

whispered in Yoona's ear.

Yoona's eyes widened and she looked at Leeteuk that was still smirking.

"Are you going to use that every time I don't do as you say?!" Yoona screamed at 


"It depends." Leeteuk said still smirking.

"Jerk!" Yoona said and stood up and walked away from him.

Leeteuk laughed at Yoona. 


"I'm letting you go easy for now, but just wait till we are married. Then I won't let 

you go so easy." Leeteuk said to himself.

Some of the workers looked weirdly at him and he glared back at them. And they 

stopped looking at him and continued with what they did.


Chapter 22

Yoona looked at her reflection in the mirror while the hair stylist was fixing her hair. 

Yoona looked really sad and nervous. How could this day come so fast? Yoona 

thought and looked at her sad expression. Yuri unnie I thought you would save me 

from this, but you haven't! Where are you?! Yoona thought. She was so scared. She 

hadn't seen Yuri for days, and she hadn't heard anything about her either. She was 

starting to think that Leeteuk had told her dad and he had done something to her. 

Yoona was starting to panic.

"Are you nervous?" Her hair stylist asked.

"More scared." Yoona said and looked even more sad.

"Just relax. The man you are marrying are really good. I think you will be so happy 

together." The hair stylist said and smiled.

Yoona faked a smile. If you only knew what he really is like. Yoona thought.

It was time for the wedding. Yoona stood outside with her father and they waited for 

the music to start playing. Yoona was so scared that she was shaking. She couldn't 

believe what was going to happen to her. Ever since she had met Yuri she had 

thought she would be with her forever, but now she's standing here and was going 

to marry a man she hated. She didn't know what she was going to believe anymore. 

She wanted to cry, scream, and run away from there. But she couldn't, what would 

happen if she did that? She wanted to see Yuri so badly now. She wanted to see the 

person she love one last time before this nightmare happened to her.

The music started to play. Yoona started to shake even more now, her dad started to 

walk and her feet started to walk too. She wanted to stop, she begged her feet to 

stop. But they didn't, they just walked after her father steps. She saw all the people 

in the church looking at her, she felt that she wanted to faint.  I can't believe this is 

happening! Please tell me it's a nightmare! Please let me wake up! I want to wake up 

and be in Yuri unnies arms! Please bring me to Yuri unnie! Was all that went through

Yoona's mind.

Her dad stopped and left her in front of Leeteuk. Leeteuk had a smile plastered on 

his face. Yoona wanted to spit him in the face, no punch him in the face. It's his 

entire fault this is happening! She was so mad at him. She couldn't believe they had 

been friends before. The priest started to talk. Telling the people why they were 

here. He started to read out from the bible. And then he looked at Yoona and 


"Park Leeteuk, do you take Im Yoona as your wife. Being true to her in good and 

bad times?" The priest said and looked at Leeteuk.

"I do." Leeteuk said and smiled.

Yoona could see her mother crying of joy in the corner of her eye. 

"Im Yoona, do you take Park Leeteuk as your husband. Being true to him in good 


and bad times." The priest continued and looked at Yoona.

Yoona could feel that the whole church was looking at her. She wanted to disappear, 

she wished for something to happen, something so the wedding needed to stop. She 

didn't want to say those two words. Not when it was this man she was going to 

marry. She could feel that her parents were looking at her and she knew what they 

wanted her to say. She closed her eyes. Please someone save me! She thought. 

Like God had heard her praying the church door slammed open and revealed a 

person that was panting like she was out of breath.

"Objection!!" The person screamed.

Everyone in the church looked shocked at the person that had suddenly come in. But 

Yoona was smiling wide when she saw the person that was standing there. She 

wanted to run to that person and hug her. Letting her embrace her and take her 

away from here. She was so happy and relieved to see Yuri standing there. Yuri 

walked towards her and she felt her heart beat faster as every step Yuri took. 

"I object to this marriage!" Yuri said and turned around to all the people in the 


Yoona could feel that Leeteuk was getting angry beside her. She could hear how he 

gritted his teeth in anger. Yoona's father stood up and looked at Yuri.

"What is this all about?" He asked her angry.

"I'm not letting your daughter marry that jerk over there!" Yuri said and pointed at 


Everyone in the church started to mumble when they heard what Yuri called Leeteuk.

"Explain yourself!" Yoona's father said to Yuri.

Yuri smirked.

"I would gladly do that." Yuri said and walked to the place the priest had stood at. 

She looked at all the people in the church.

"Dear men and women in this church. I'm afraid I will reveal some shocking truths 

about this jerk." Yuri said and pointed at Leeteuk. Leeteuk glared angry at her but 

she didn't mind that.

"This man, or more jerk, have all lied to you. He only wanted to marry Yoona 

because of her father. Leeteuk got into some problem with a yakuza family in Japan. 

And he knew that Yoona's father was a good friend with them so he thought that if 

he married his daughter they wouldn't harm him. To make it simple he tried to use 

Yoona because of her father‟s contacts. Is that really a good marriage? Should Yoona 

really have to marry a man like this? He even cheated on her! I don't think Yoona 

deserves someone like this, she deserves someone that is much better than this." 

Yuri said.

The people in the church gasped and were stunned by what Yuri had told them.

"How do you know all this?" Yoona's father asked.

"I have some contacts myself. And if you don't believe me I suggest you make a call 

to Mr. Kimura and ask him about it." Yuri said and  smirked. "And about the cheating, 

I have pictures. And the date of the day he was with these girls are on the photos if 


you all wondered." Yuri said and gave the photos to Yoona's mother.

Yoona's mother looked at the pictures shocked. She showed the pictures to Yoona's 

father and he looked at Leeteuk.

"Who do you think you are? Trying to use my daughter for your own good!" Yoona's 

father screamed at him.

"Father I can explain." Leeteuk said and took a few steps back.

"Explain? What are you going to explain?! That you don't love my daughter?" 

Yoona's father screamed and walked closer Leeteuk.

"But before I even came to Yoona, Yoona was together with that girl!" Leeteuk said 

and pointed at Yuri.

The whole church gasped once more.

Yoona's father turned around and looked at Yuri and Yoona. Yoona was now holding 

tight onto Yuri's arm.

"Is this true?" Yoona's father asked and looked back and forth at Yuri and Yoona.

Yuri and Yoona looked at each other before Yoona turned back and looked at her 


"Yes. It's true. I was together with Yuri before. I love her dad. I'm happy with her. 

And you can't change it. I was only with Leeteuk because he threaten me. I knew 

what you thought about people with the same gender being together and I was 

scared what you might do to Yuri. I didn't want you do hurt her." Yoona said and 

held Yuri's arm closer.

Yoona's father turned his head to Yuri.

"I love Yoona with all my heart. I have never cheated on her, and I won't use her in 

the same way as Leeteuk did. I only want her to be happy. I won't do anything to 

make her sad or hurt her." Yuri said and looked at Yoona's father with sincere eyes.

Yoona's father turned around and looked at the people in the church. They were all 

quiet and looked at him and waited for him to say or do something. As unexpected 

Yoona's mother stood up and walked to Yuri and Yoona. She looked at them. She 

held Yoona's cheek.

"Yoona are you really happy with this girl." Her mother asked and looked Yoona in 

the eyes.

"Yes mom. I'm really happy with her. I don't want to be with anyone else than her." 

Yoona said.

Her mother smiled a little sad smile.

"I never expected my dear daughter to be like this. But I only want you to be happy, 

and if it's this girl here you are the happiest with. I will accept it." Yoona's  mother 

said and tried to look a bit happier.

"Really?" Yoona asked and looked at her mother with hopeful eyes.

"Yeah. I only want the best for my daughter." She said and smiled a bit happier.

"Thank you." Yoona said and hugged her mom.

Yuri looked at them and smiled. They all looked at Yoona's father and expected him 

to say something. He walked towards Yoona and cupped Yoona's face with his big 



"My dear daughter, why did it have to be a girl." He asked and looked her in the 


"You can't control your feelings dad. You can't help who you are falling in love with." 

Yoona said.

Her father sighed.

"Do you really love this girl Yoona?" Her father and asked looked Yoona in the eyes.

"Yes. I do. I really love her." Yoona said and didn't look away from her father.

"I guess I don't have a choice than to let you be with her. I only want you to be 

happy." Her father said and sighed.

"Thank you!" Yoona said and hugged her father happily.

Her mother walked to them and joined the hug. Yuri looked at the family happily. 

Leeteuk stood a bit away from them and were glaring at them. She couldn't believe 

that it had gone this way. And it's all Yuri's fault. He looked at her, Yuri just stood 

there and smiled like all her life were good now. She walked towards her.

"Yuri I think I have something to say to you." Leeteuk said and walked towards her.

Yoona stopped hugging her mom and dad and looked at Yuri and Leeteuk.

"Really what is it?" Yuri asked and looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"This!" He said and ran towards her and tired to punch her but Yuri dodged 

Leeteuk's hand and kicked him in his stomach and gave him a punch on his chin 

when he crouch over from the kick in his stomach. Now he was lying on the floor. 

"I have wanted to do that to you for a quiet long time  now." Yuri said and looked at 

Leeteuk that was lying on the floor.

The whole church looked shocked at Yuri and Leeteuk. Yuri looked at the crowd that 

was looking at her.

"Come on! You can't mean that I can't punch him after all he has done? He even 

tried to hit me! Me! A girl! That doesn't even make him a man!" Yuri said and tried to 

defense herself for her action.

Yoona looked at Yuri. She was so proud over her. She was so happy that Yuri had 

come and saved her from this marriage. And she was happy that her parents had 

given them permission to be together.

Now were Yuri and Yoona back home in their own apartment. After everything that 

had happened at the wedding Yoona and Yuri had stayed back and apologized to 

everyone there. And the people there had wished Yoona and Yuri a happy life. And 

Yoona's father took care of Leeteuk, he made sure that Leeteuk wouldn't come in 

between Yoona and Yuri again. Yoona was lying in Yuri's arms and they were 

enjoying that they were finally together. Yuri hugged Yoona tight and kissed her on 

the cheek.

"I've missed you so much." Yuri said.

"I've missed you too. It was torture to be away from you." Yoona said and hugged 



"Yoona can you promise me something?" Yuri asked after a while.

"Sure." Yoona answered.

"If an old school friend of yours call you and ask you if you could meet. Say no. I 

don't think I can go through this again." Yuri said. 

Yoona giggled.

"I promise I won't meet any of my old school friends again." Yoona said and cuddled 

closer to Yuri.

"Good." Yuri said and smiled.

"But how did you get so many contacts?" Yoona asked and looked at Yuri.

Yuri shrugged her shoulders.

"I've always had them. But I haven't used them until now." Yuri said and kissed 

Yoona's forehead.

"Why haven't you told me about it before?" Yoona asked curious.

"There was no need to tell you. I hadn't talked with them for a long time and I didn't 

think I would do it until this happened."

"Promise me something." Yoona said and looked serious.


"Don't use your contacts too often. It feels like they will come with problem." Yoona 

said and had a worried face.

Yuri laughed and kissed Yoona.

"Don't worry. I will only use them if someone tries to take you away from me." Yuri 

said and hugged Yoona tighter.

Yoona smiled wide and hugged Yuri back. 

Krystal looked at her sister that was once again lying under her blanket. Krystal 

wondered what had happened now to her sister. She had thought that her sister had 

seemed fine the last few days, until one day when Jessica had come home and were 

a totally mess. And then she had started to hide under her blanket in her room 

again. Krystal sat beside her sister on the bed and stroke her sister's head.

"Unnie how come you are back to this again?" Krystal asked and looked worried at 

her sister.

Her sister didn't move or answer. Krystal sighed.

"I'm not going to go through the same thing I did last time. So just tell me now what 

has happened?" Krystal said and pulled the blanket away. Jessica glared at her

"Tell me what has happened! Don't keep it to yourself. It won't get any better if you 

just lie here and hide from the world." Krystal said.

Jessica sat up and looked at her sister.

"Taeyeon." Jessica said.

"What about Taeyeon?" Krystal asked and looked confused.

"I met Taeyeon! She wanted to talk to me, she wanted me to explain to her but I 

didn't want to explain to her. I was scared! Dad told me to keep away from her. He 


said she's dangerous and I shouldn't be with her. He told me that I shouldn't blame 

myself for what happened and it wasn't my fault and it was her fault for leaving me 

first. And when Taeyeon told me that she would listen to my explanation I got angry 

at her because she come now and thought that I could explain to her and everything 

was fine. And I blamed her for everything and she got hurt. I hurt her Krystal! I 

didn't want to hurt her! I've already hurt her so much!" Jessica said and started to 


Krystal looked at her sister confused. She understand a bit of what Jessica had just 

told her but most of it she didn't get a thing of. She hugged Jessica and tried to calm 

her down.

"I think you need to explain everything from the beginning to me. I don't get a thing 

of what you are talking about." Krystal said and tried to calm Jessica down.

Jessica pulled away from the hug and took a deep breath. She told Krystal 

everything from the beginning. How she had started to hang out more with Tiffany 

because she had been busy with her work, and she had left Taeyeon alone. How 

Taeyeon had misunderstood the situation and that Jessica had tried to explain to 

Taeyeon but Taeyeon had avoided her and then left her. And what her dad had told 

her and that had made her scared so she had let out a lot of her anger on Taeyeon 

when Taeyeon asked for an explanation.

"Why haven't you told me anything of this?" Krystal asked shocked when Jessica had 

finished talking.

"Because I didn't want you to worry about me. And I didn't want you to get into 

trouble because of me!" Jessica screamed.

"If you had told me I could have helped you from the start! And I will be worrying

about you even more if I don't know what's going on!" Krystal screamed back.

Jessica pouted and crossed her arms and looked at her sister.

"Sorry for not telling you. So how are you going to help?" Jessica asked.

"You and Taeyeon are the most stupidest people in the world. You just leave 

Taeyeon alone not thinking about how she feels. I'm sure she was hurt with 

everything you and that Tiffany did. And Taeyeon are stupid for running away from 

you when you try to explain. But for some reason I can understand her. And when 

Taeyeon comes back and want to hear your explanation you listen to our dad's 

words! You know our dad just thinks about money, he just wants to send you to 

America so you can work for him there. And why did you even listen to him now? 

You didn't listen to him the first time you wanted to be with Taeyeon! You are a real 

babo sister! You just rejected your love because you listened to our dad! I never 

thought you would do such a thing! You have never listened to our dad! And you 

start to listen to him just the time you shouldn't listen to him! Babo! And Taeyeon 

sure is dangerous! She is dangerous when she's not with you!" Krystal screamed at 

her sister.

Jessica looked stunned at her sister. 


"And why are you sitting here? Go and find Taeyeon! And don't come back if you 

haven't found her and talked everything out with her!" Krystal said and dragged 

Jessica out of the bed.

Something that Krystal had just said made Jessica realize what had gone wrong. She 

had been so stupid. Why had she done all that? And the biggest mistake she ever did 

was listening to her dad and blame Taeyeon for everything. It wasn't Taeyeon's 

fault, it was her fault. And she blamed someone else because she couldn't see what 

she had done. 

Jessica jumped out of bed and griped the nearest piece of cloth she could find and 

putted in on her. She turned to Krystal and hugged her.

"You are the best little sister anyone can get! I promise I won't disappoint you now." 

Jessica said and ran out from the room.

Krystal looked after her sister and shook her head. 

"You are a real babo sister. You better make up for what you have done now." 

Krystal said and walked into her own room.

Jessica ran down the stairs and grabbed her jacket and was going towards the door 

but stopped when she heard someone call her. She turned around and found her 

dad standing there.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" Her dad asked and looked at her.

"I'm going to find Taeyeon. And I won't listen to you, I have never listened to you 

and I won't ever listen you again. I have made many mistakes in my life and I will 

correct them all by myself, and you are the last person that's going to stop me!" 

Jessica screamed and left the house and her shocked father. 


Chapter 23

Jessica drove to her and Taeyeon's apartment to see if Taeyeon was there. But the 

apartment was like it had been when she had left it. She drove to Soshi Studios to 

see if Taeyeon were back at work but she wasn't. Jessica looked at all the possible 

places Taeyeon could be at, but Taeyeon was nowhere to be found. Jessica thought 

and thought about a place she hadn't been to yet. Then she got an idea. She picked 

up her phone from her pocket and dialed a number.

"Hello?" The person answered.

"Hi, this is Jessica speaking. Is this Sunny?" Jessica asked.

"Yeah. This is Sunny. What do you want?" Sunny asked.

"Okay Sunny. If you know where Taeyeon is you better tell me. And you are going to 

tell me now. N.O.W. Do you understand?" Jessica said serious.

"And why should I tell you?" Sunny asked.

"Because I have made a big mistake in my life. And I want to correct it. And I won't 

be able to correct my mistake if you don't help me. So if you don't want me to come 

home to you and force you to tell me where Taeyeon is you better tell me right here 

and right now." Jessica said still death serious.

"I still don't understand why I should tell you after all you've done." Sunny said.

"Do you want to die or something?!" Jessica screamed. She was losing her temper 

now. "Don't you get that I love Taeyeon and I want to make up for everything I have 

done to her? Don't you understand how much I need her? So just tell me where the 

hell Taeyeon is so I can get over with this!" Jessica screamed. 

"Taeyeon are at her parent's house." Sunny said.

"You sure?" Jessica asked.

"That was the last place I heard she was." Sunny said.

"Okay. Give me the address there!" Jessica said. 

Jessica wrote down the address Sunny gave her. And right after she had got the 

address and she hung up on the phone and drove to Taeyeon's parent's house.

When Jessica had arrived at Taeyeon's parent's house she stood outside the door for 

a while. I need to calm down. I have come this far. You are going to explain 

everything to her now. Jessica thought and took a deep breath before she rang on 

the door bell. Jessica didn't wait long until someone opened the door. It was a 

woman that opened the door and Jessica assumed that it was Taeyeon's mother. 

They looked a bit alike.

"Hello. I'm looking for Taeyeon." Jessica said and bowed to the woman.

"I'm afraid that Taeyeon isn't at home for the moment. She's out right now." 

Taeyeon's mother said. 


"Do you know where she might be? I really need to find her." Jessica asked.

"Taeyeon usually goes to the river. You can look if she's there." Taeyeon's mother 


"Thank you so much." Jessica said and bowed to Taeyeon's mother.

She ran to her car and jumped in and started the engine. She had seen a river on 

her way there and she hoped that it was that river Taeyeon's mother meant. When 

she arrived at the river she stopped her car and went out of it. She walked by the 

river and looked after Taeyeon. She spotted Taeyeon sitting on the other side of the 

river, throwing stones into the water.

"Taeyeon!" Jessica screamed and ran so she was standing right across the river from 

Taeyeon. Taeyeon looked shocked at her.

"What do you want?" Taeyeon screamed back at her.

"I want you to hear my explanation!" Jessica screamed.

"I don't want to hear it!" Taeyeon screamed and stood up and started to walk away.

"Don't you dare walk away from me Kim Taeyeon! You are going to listen to my 

explanation now!" Jessica screamed. 

"Try me!" Taeyeon screamed and continued to walk on her side of the river.

"Taeyeon stop right there! I'm not going to let you go now!" Jessica said and walked 

after Taeyeon, not letting her come far away from her.

"How are you going to make me stop? You are on the other side of the river!" 

Taeyeon screamed at her.

"Just listen to my explanation!" Jessica screamed.

"I wanted to listen to your explanation but you refused to tell me! Why should I 

listen to your explanation now?" Taeyeon screamed back.

"Because I'm stupid and don't know how else I'm going to make up to you!" Jessica 

screamed even louder than she had done before.

Taeyeon looked at her. 

"Jessica go back home! I won't listen to you now! I gave you your chance." Taeyeon 

said and turned her back to Jessica and started to walk away.

No Taeyeon. I'm not going to let you get away from me now. You are going to listen 

to what I have to say. This misunderstanding have gone too far now!  Jessica thought 

and jumped in the river to try to come over to the other side.

When Taeyeon heard the splash she turned around and saw Jessica swimming in the 

water towards her.

"Are you out of you mind?! You can't just jump in the river like that!" Taeyeon 

screamed and sat down by the edge of the river and tried to reach Jessica that was 

swimming towards her.

Jessica grabbed Taeyeon's hand and Taeyeon pulled her out from the wat er. Jessica 

was shivering from the cold water. Taeyeon took off Jessica's wet jacket and putted 

on her own jacket over Jessica and tried to make Jessica warm.

"Are you totally crazy? Do you know how cold it is? You could have drowned if the 

flow was stronger!" Taeyeon said and rubbed Jessica's arms to make her warmer. 


"I ....I...I wanted to listen t...t…to me." Jessica shuddered.

"Okay I will listen to you. Just don't do anything like this again." Taeyeon said and 

made Jessica stand up.

Jessica whole body was shaking and she could almost not walk because her legs 

were shaking so bad. Taeyeon held Jessica tight and tried to make her warm.

"I will take you home so you can get dry clothes. Otherwise you will catch a cold." 

Taeyeon said and still held Jessica so she would feel warmer.

Jessica had told Taeyeon where her car was and Taeyeon had driven them back to 

her parent's house. Taeyeon had lend dry clothes to Jessica and Jessica had taken a 

warm shower and now she was sitting on Taeyeon's bed in Taeyeon's room and was 

waiting for Taeyeon to come back from the kitchen. Jessica looked around in 

Taeyeon's room. She could feel the scent of Taeyeon and she felt relaxed. She 

wondered how long Taeyeon had been staying at her parent's house. Taeyeon come 

back and closed the door behind her. She was holding a cup in her hand and she 

gave the cup to Jessica.

"Here drink this." Taeyeon said and sat down on the bed beside Jessica.

"Thank you." Jessica said and took the cup.

Jessica took a sip from the cup. It was warm and she felt that her whole body was 

warmer now. She looked at Taeyeon that sat beside her and kicked her legs up and 

down. She thought she looked like a cute child. Jessica placed the cup on the table 

that stood beside the bed. She had her chance to explain now, but she didn't know 

what to say. It was like she had lost her mind in the river.

"I will listen to your explanation. So you can explain now." Taeyeon said without 

looking at Jessica.

Jessica looked at Taeyeon.

"Taeyeon I'm sorry for everything I have done to you. I'm really really sorry. I was 

only thinking about my work and I didn't think about what you thought and wanted. 

I only expected you to support me when I did my work, but I never thought about 

how you felt. And I know that I spent more time with Tiffany than you. But we are 

only friends Taeyeon, I promise you. Everything you saw was just a 

misunderstanding. On the restaurant when you saw us, we had ordered different 

foods and we wanted to taste the other one's food. That's why yo u saw us feed each 

other. But we did it as friends! Nothing more! And that day when you saw us 

hugging, Tiffany was only trying to comfort me. I had been looking everywhere for 

you that day and I was so sad then. So she tried to comfort me, and you had the

bad luck to see us then. So everything was just a misunderstanding." Jessica said 

and looked at Taeyeon with sincere eyes.

Taeyeon looked at her.

"So why didn't you say this the other day when I asked you?" Taeyeon asked and 

looked at her.

"Taeyeon I take back everything I said that day. My dad had told me to not talk to 


you and I shouldn't give you another chance. But I don't care about what he say 

now. I only care about you. I want you back Taeyeon, I love you too much. I know 

that I've done so much wrong to you and I want to make up for it. Please Taeyeon, 

give me a chance to make up to you." Jessica begged Taeyeon. She had started to 

get tears in her eyes.

"Why should I believe you after everything you did?" Taeyeon asked and looked at 

Jessica in disbelief.

"Please Taeyeon, trust me. I promise I won't do anything like that again. I won't 

feed any other person, I won't put my work before you, I won't blew you off if you 

want to talk to me. I promise Taeyeon! Please give me another chance!" Jessica 

begged and tears started to run down her cheeks.

Taeyeon looked at Jessica. She didn't expect Jessica to start crying. She didn't want 

Jessica to cry. It hurt her to see Jessica cry. But what should she do? She didn't 

know. The girl she loved so much was sitting in front of her, crying and begging for 

her forgiveness. Was it really bad to forgive her? Was it wrong to give her a second 


Taeyeon looked at the tears that run down Jessica's cheeks. She got a picture of 

Jessica in the river in her head. When Taeyeon had seen Jessica in the river she had 

panicked. She didn't think that Jessica would jump in the river to get to her. Taeyeon 

lifted her hand and wiped a tear on Jessica's cheek.

"Do you know how scared I got when you jumped in the river?" Taeyeon asked and 

looked Jessica in the eyes.

"I'm sorry." Jessica said and lowered her head.

"Do you know how hurt I got when you said all those things to me?" Taeyeon asked 

still looking at Jessica.

"I'm sorry." Jessica said once more.

"Do you know how lonely I felt when you weren‟t with me? Do you know how 

jealous and hurt I was when I saw you with Tiffany?" Taeyeon asked and placed her 

hand on Jessica's cheek.

"I'm sorry." Jessica cried.

"Do you know how much I love you and regret that I didn't listen to your explanation 

from the beginning?" 

Jessica looked up at Taeyeon with tears that run down her cheeks. 

"Jessica I was so hurt by you, but I'm still loving you like a fool. I regret running 

away from you like I did." Taeyeon said and hugged Jessica.

Jessica was stunned by what Taeyeon said. But she returned the hug to Taeyeon. 

She had missed this feeling. The feeling of Taeyeon. She was so happy that she cried 

even more. Taeyeon pulled away from the hug and wiped Jessica's tears.

"Can we start over? Forget all the misunderstandings and move on." Taeyeon asked 

and leaned her forehead against Jessica's.

Jessica nodded and looked Taeyeon in the eyes. Taeyeon leaned in and gave Jessica 

a kiss on the lips and Jessica returned the kiss. Taeyeon was going to pull away from 


the kiss but Jessica grabbed Taeyeon around the neck and held her back.

"Please, I've missed this so much." Jessica begged.

Taeyeon smiled and continued to kiss Jessica. They broke away from the kiss and 

looked each other in the eyes.

"I love you, Jessica. And I will never stop loving you." Taeyeon said and leaned her 

forehead against Jessica's.

"I love you too, Taeyeon. And I will never stop loving you." Jessica said and looked 

Taeyeon in the eyes.

Taeyeon smiled and gave Jessica a light kiss on the lips.


Chapter 24

A few weeks later.

"Choi Sooyoung! Give back my jelly worms!" Taeyeon screamed.

Jessica and Hyoyeon looked up from their work and looked at the door that had just 

opened and showed a scared Sooyoung with a package of jelly worms in her hand.

"Hide me! The midget will kill me!" Sooyoung said and jumped behind Hyoyeon's 

chair and tried to hide herself.

Jessica and Hyoyeon looked at the hiding Sooyoung.

"Why are you always stealing her jelly worms if you know she will get angry?" 

Hyoyeon asked and looked at Sooyoung.

"Because I'm too lazy to buy my own." Sooyoung said.

Hyoyeon sighed. They all looked up again when the door slammed open once more 

and an angry Taeyeon stood there.

"Choi Sooyoung give them back!" Taeyeon said and pointed at Sooyoung that was 

hiding behind Hyoyeon's chair.

Sooyoung shivered behind Hyoyeon's chair and held the package close to her. 

Jessica stood up from her seat and walked to Taeyeon and hugged her.

"Don't be angry. I will buy new ones for you." Jessica said and tried to calm Taeyeon 


Taeyeon smiled and gave Jessica a kiss.

"Okay." Taeyeon said and smiled.

Jessica grabbed Taeyeon's hand and they walked out from the office. Hyoyeon and 

Sooyoung looked after them.

"Why is Jessica able to calm Taeyeon down like that?" Sooyoung asked and sat down 

on the chair Jessica had sit on before.

Hyoyeon looked at her and shook her head.

"Think twice and you will know why she is able to do that." Hyoyeon said and looked 

at the papers in front of her.

Sooyoung looked at what Hyoyeon did.

"What are you doing?" Sooyoung asked and took a closer look at what Hyoyeon did.

"I and Jessica are planning out the outfits for the dancers next week." Hyoyeon 

answered without looking up at Sooyoung.

"I see." Sooyoung said and started to eat the jelly worms.

"I wonder why Taeyeon only have jelly worms at her office. Doesn‟t she like to eat 

anything else?" Sooyoung asked with her mouth full.

"She likes to eat something else."Hyoyeon said still looking at her papers.

"What? What is it? Is she hiding it somewhere else?" Sooyoung asked.  


Hyoyeon looked at Sooyoung and shook her head.

"Haven't you seen Taeyeon and Jessica make out sometime?" Hyoyeon asked.

Sooyoung shook her head.

"It's like they are eating each other up! Taeyeon likes to eat Jessica." Hyoyeon said 

and continued to look at the papers in front of her.

Sooyoung looked disgusted.

"That was more than I needed to know!" Sooyoung said and threw the jelly worms 

on the table.

"I'm sure they have done it in Taeyeon's office a few times now." Hyoyeon 


Sooyoung's looked even more disgusted now.

"I'm not going into that office anymore!" Sooyoung said.

Hyoyeon leaned closer to Sooyoung.

"That's good. Because I only want you to be with me." Hyoyeon said and smirked. 

Sooyoung smirked too.

"Really? We will see about that." Sooyoung said and leaned closer to Hyoyeon.

"Okay! Now for the lovely couple!" Yuri said and looked in her camera. She took a 

few shoots and looked at the picture. She smiled and looked at the couple  in front of 


"You are really cute together. Here you can take a look at the photos." Yuri said and 

showed Kyuhyun and Seohyun the photos.

Seohyun hugged Kyuhyun around his waist and he showed her the pictures and they 

both smiled together.

"The photos are great." Kyuhyun said and gave back the camera to Yuri.

"Yeah. But it was a perfect couple too. I think you two will be at the first page for 

the magazine now." Yuri said and grinned.

Seohyun started to blush and Kyuhyun hugged her. Yuri smiled and went to pack up 

her things.

"Yuri unnie!" Someone screamed. Yuri looked around and smiled when she saw who 

it was.

"Yoona why are you here?" Yuri asked and gave Yoona a hug and a kiss.

"My photo shooting ended early so I came here to be with you." Yoona said and


Yuri leaned in and kissed Yoona again.

"Hey you two! Are you trying to be on the first page again?! Get a room!" A voice 

screamed and Yuri and Yoona broke the kiss and looked at the person.

It was Yuri's boss that screamed.

"I can't believe that my top photographer is dating my top model. I'm okay with it 

but stop making news about you two, you have been in the magazines for weeks 

now!" Yuri's boss said. 


Yuri and Yoona started to laugh.

"Be happy that your company is getting famous because of us!" Yuri said and laid 

her arm around Yoona.

"I guess I should be thanking you for it. But you could have told me about it first! 

I'm still recovering from the shock." Yuri's boss said and crossed her arms.

"It was months ago that happened. Shouldn't you have come over it by now?" Yuri 

asked and looked at her boss with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm slowly recovering from the shock!" Her boss said and turned around.

Yuri and Yoona laughed again.

After what had happened on the wedding, Yuri and Yoona's relationship had been a 

hot topic for over the past months. It was like the news papers couldn't get enough 

of them. Yuri and Yoona weren‟t scared to go out in the public with their relationship 

now. And Yoona was relieved that her parents were supporting her now, and she 

didn't lost her job as a model either. Yoona was happy that she could be with Yuri 

again. And Yuri was as happy as Yoona was.

"Do you want to take couple pictures with me?" Yuri asked and looked at Yoona with 

a smile.

"What? But I have been taking pictures the whole day." Yoona said and looked at 

Yuri with her puppy eyes.

"C'mon! I want to take pictures with you!" Yuri said and dragged Yoona to the spot 

Seohyun and Kyuhyun had been standing on before. "Kyuhyun! Do me a favor! Take 

some pictures of us!" Yuri screamed at Kyuhyun and threw her camera to him.

Kyuhyun caught the camera and stood on the spot Yuri had been standing on before. 

He looked in the camera and then he looked at Yuri and Yoona.

"Okay. Get ready!" He said before he took a shoot.

Yuri pulled Yoona closer to her and kissed her on the lips and the Kyuhyun took a 

shoot. Kyuhyun looked at the camera and looked at Yuri and Yoona.

"Why don't you become a model Yuri? You can take pictures with Yoona then." 

Kyuhyun asked and handed back the camera to Yuri.

Yuri smiled at him and took the camera.

"No, I rather stand behind the camera. I want to capture my beautiful Yoona on 

pictures." Yuri said and laid an arm around Yoona.

Kyuhyun smiled at them and turned back to Seohyun.

"So should we go somewhere to eat now?" Kyuhyun said and hugged Seohyun.

"It's fine with me." Seohyun said and smiled.

Kyuhyun leaned in and kissed Seohyun on the lips. But he broke the kiss when he 

heard someone screaming his name. Both Seohyun and Kyuhyun looked at the 

direction the voice came from and saw Boa walking towards them.

"Yah! Kyuhyun I see you kissing Seohyun everywhere now! Isn't it enough that I let 

you two sleep in the same bed room now?" Boa screamed and stopped in front of 


Seohyun started to blush and buried her face in Kyuhyun's chest to try to hide her 


blushing cheeks. Yoona and Yuri looked at the couple surprised.

"What? You two are sleeping together now? Since when? Why haven't you told me 

Seohyun?" Yoona asked and looked at Seohyun.

"Since last week. I always hear giggles inside their room!" Boa said and smirked.

"Noona!" Kyuhyun whined.

"C'mon, why keeping it a secret? You should go all out like these two does." Boa said 

and pointed at Yoona and Yuri.

"Unnie don't tease them. Let them keeping it a secret if they want. It's sweeter that 

way." Yuri said.

"Aish. I thought you would be on my side in this." Boa said and shook her head.

"Sorry. But I know how it is to have paparazzi‟s after you, and it's not that pleasant." 

Yuri said and gave a smile to Boa.

"Says the person that gives the best shoots to the pap arazzi! I think I've seen 

pictures of you two kissing everywhere!" Boa said.

"Noona don't you have a date today? Why are you here?" Kyuhyun  interrupted them.

"Ah right. I have a date today." Boa said like she had just remembered it. "But I 

wanted to come here and see how you two sweeties are doing." Boa said and 

pinched Kyuhyun's and Seohyun's cheek.

"I'll be off now! Bye bye!" 

Yuri, Yoona, Seohyun and Kyuhyun waved after Boa.

"Your sister is weird but funny." Yuri said to Kyuhyun.

"I know. I live with her." Kyuhyun said.

"Well. Thank you for your hard work today. We will be going now." Yuri said and 

walked away with Yoona.

"We will also go now. Bye bye, see you another day." Kyuhyun said and walked with 

Seohyun the other direction.

"Bye bye!" Yoona said and waved.

Seohyun smiled and waved back. 

Hyomin had once again fallen down from a ladder. And now she was lying on top of 

Sunny that had tried to catch her. But in the fall Hyomin's lips had smacked on 

Sunny's and they were now lying on the floor, both shocked what had happened, but 

still had their lips against their other ones. 

"Omg you are kissing now?!" Narsha said and looked at the girls that laid on the floor 

in front of her.

Shinyoung had covered Hyuna's eyes and Hyuna was trying to get Shinyoung's hand 

away from her eyes.

"Let me see! Let me see!" Hyuna complained.

"You shouldn't be seeing things like this." Shinyoung said and tried her best to cover 

Hyuna's eyes.

"I want to see!" Hyuna whined. 


Hyomin had got up on her feet and helped Sunny up. She was blushing like mad 

after what had just happened. Sunny was smiling after what had just happened.

"Really you two should just get a room. This is a store! You shouldn't be lying on the 

floor and kissing each other." Narsha said and putted her hand on her hips.

Hyomin blushed even more and looked away.

"It was an accident. Hyomin fell down from the ladder." Sunny explained.

"Yeah right. She fell down from the ladder and smacked her lips in yours. And wash 

that smile off on your face, I know you enjoyed it. You don't have to show it." 

Narsha said.

Sunny started to laugh and Hyomin was still blushing and didn't look at them. 

"We should leave them alone now. They might start kissing again." Narsha said and 

gestured to Shinyoung to go. 

Shinyoung followed Narsha and took a complaining Hyuna with her. They walked 

away from Hyomin and Sunny that stood quiet and didn't look at each other.

Hyomin looked at Sunny that was still smiling.

"Did you really enjoy it?" Hyomin asked and looked at Sunny.

"I guess I did." Sunny said and smiled even wider.

Hyomin looked away and started to blush even more.

"Sunny I think I like you." Hyomin said still not looking at Sunny.

Sunny walked closer to Hyomin and turned Hyomin's head so she could look Hyomin 

in the eyes.

"I think I like you too Hyomin." Sunny said and smiled.

Hyomin was shocked by Sunny's words and started to blush even more. Sunny 

leaned closer to Hyomin and kissed her on the cheek.

"You are very cute Hyomin." Sunny said and smiled.

Hyomin started to smile too now.

"Get a room!!" Narsha screamed from the other side of the store.

Sunny laughed.

"Maybe we should start to work now so they don't need to look over us." Sunny said 

and gave Hyomin a wink.

Hyomin nodded and they started to work again.

Tiffany watched when Jessica and Taeyeon walked past their table at the cafeteria. 

Jessica and Taeyeon greeted Tiffany before they continued to walk to their 

destination. Tiffany smiled at the two of them. She was happy that it had finally 

turned to a happy ending. She turned back to her friends that she was sitti ng with.

"You know Jessica and Taeyeon?" Hara asked.

"Yeah. Aren't they cute together?" Tiffany said and smiled.

"I agree. They match each other so well! I'm so happy for them." Nicole said and 



"They are always with each other. Clinging onto each other." Gyuri said and looked 

the way Taeyeon and Jessica had walked to.

"Are you jealous?" Tiffany asked in a teasing way.

"No. She has me!" Jiyoung said and hugged Gyuri. 

"She has me too." Hara said and hugged Gyuri from the other side.

Gyuri laid her arms around the girls and smiled. Nicole and Tiffany looked at them 

and smiled.

Taeyeon and Jessica were sitting on the roof. Jessica was feeding Taeyeon with the 

jelly worms she had just bought. Jessica smiled wide when Taeyeon was eating 


It had gone a few weeks since the incident happened at Taeyeon's place. And 

Taeyeon and Jessica were loving each other even more than before. And now they 

almost never leaved the other one alone, they were always together. And it was 

good that their company's started to collaborate because then they got the chance to 

be with each other even more.

Taeyeon stopped Jessica from feeding her another jelly worm. She looked Jessica in 

the eyes and leaned closer to her face and kissed her. Jessica kissed Taeyeon back. 

She could feel the taste of jelly worms that Taeyeon had been eating. They broke

the kiss and looked each other in the eyes. Jessica intertwined her fingers with 


"I will always love you." Jessica said and leaned her forehead on Taeyeon's

"I will always love you too." Taeyeon said and smiled.

Jessica smiled too.

"I will be with you forever and ever." Taeyeon said.

"I will never let go of you." Jessica said and looked Taeyeon in the eyes.

Taeyeon smiled wider and kissed Jessica again.

"You better not let me go." Taeyeon said against Jessica's lips and smirked.

Jessica pulled Taeyeon in and deepen the kiss and Taeyeon pulled Jessica closer to 


"Don't you think it will be a problem if our bosses find us here?" Taeyeon asked after 

they had broken away from the kiss.

"Don't worry so much. I know how to lock doors." Jessica said and grinned. She 

pulled Taeyeon in for another kiss.

Taeyeon grinned too and kissed Jessica back.

"You are a pretty bad girl sometimes." Taeyeon said against Jessica's lips.

"Yeah. I don't listen to my parents." Jessica said still kissing Taeyeon.

"I like that side of yours. You should continue with that." Taeyeon said and grinned 

even wider.

"Please, stop talking so I can kiss you." Jessica said and looked at Taeyeon with a 



Taeyeon laughed at Jessica's request.

"I will stop talking now." Taeyeon said and kissed Jessica.


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