A Delicious Surprise

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Just a little note, this whole story will be told from Adorabat's point of view. Also this is my very first story! You can tell me how you feel about this first chapter.

I woke up hanging upside down where I usually sleep . . . the middle bunk. I suddenly smelled a SUPER delicious smell, but what could it be? Wait a minute—I smell PANCAKES!!! I quickly unhook myself from the ceiling of my bed and I fly as fast as I could to the kitchen. I slow to a stop as I see Badgerclops and Mao Mao in the kitchen making an UNBELIEVABLE stack of pancakes! It was so high the ceiling above the table broke! Actually, it looks like Badgerclops made a large hole in the ceiling since the steam from his laser beam is formed around it.

There were multiple pans on the stove with pancakes on each one of them. Every time a pancake was done, Mao Mao would flip it backwards onto the huge stack! You wanna know the best part? HE DIDN'T EVEN LOOK BEHIND HIM TO MAKE THE SHOT! I just stared in amazement as the giraffe's neck of the pancakes got higher and higher. Just then, I heard Badgerclops saying, "It's a good thing we got all this pancake mix to use right Mao Mao?"

"Yep, Adorabat's gonna be so astonished when she sees this! I can't wait to see the look on her face," Mao Mao replied.

The one thing that they didn't know was that I was standing right there on the table! When the last pancake was somehow flipped on the tall stack, they turned around and saw me sitting on the table. My smile felt surprisingly wide and my heart was beating really fast because I couldn't keep in my excitement any longer! 

"That was so COOL you guys! Badgerclops that was really smart of you to blast a hole in the ceiling to make the humongous stack of pancakes! Mao Mao how'd you manage to flip the pancakes backwards without even looking! That's impossible!" I bubbled in delight.

"Well," Badgerclops explained as they walked up to the table, "in all honesty little dude, I was just too lazy to get more plates so . . . yeah."

"I'm glad that you like my flipping skills Adorabat, but how should I tell you...?" Mao Mao used his thumb to point at himself. "It was all thanks to my shocking luck and my huge muscles," Mao Mao bragged.

"Don't forget the use of trajectory Mao," Badgerclops groaned.

Mao Mao turned his head to him and smirked. "Whatever math boy. Anyways, we decided to do this as a little present for you. We've noticed how much you improved at fighting during our time at Pure Heart, so we wanted to eat pancakes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert. Perhaps snacks in between depending on how many pancakes there are." 

He chuckled as he crossed his arms. 

"Therefore, you've earned this Adorabat." Mao Mao patted me on the head with his warm glove.

I felt exhilarating tears in my eyes as I looked at my two best-est friends in the whole wide world. They did all of this for ME?!?! I couldn't believe it, even for a second! "T-Thanks so much you guys! I-I don't know what to say!" I sniffled. 

Suddenly, Mao Mao picked me up and hugged me tightly. I felt a giant arm wrap around my head as well. "You don't have to say anything," Mao Mao spoke softly.

"You're awesome Adorabat..remember that," Badgerclops remarked.

We broke the hug and Mao Mao wiped my happy tears away. "LET'S EAT!" I yelled making Mao Mao and Badgerclops flinch.

Mao Mao raised his eyebrow. "Did you brush your teeth?"

I smelled my breath and I made a disgusting look on my face. "Oops. Sorry...I'll be right back!" I blushed as I apologized. I zoomed to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

After my teeth were squeaky clean, I sat down in the kitchen to eat with Badgerclops and Mao Mao. I flew all the way up the huge stack to take three pancakes and I dropped them onto my plate. It felt so weird to eat SKY pancakes! Badgerclops used his mechanical arm to get four pancakes for him and three for Mao Mao, except Mao Mao blurted out, "Hey! A hero like me eats FIVE pancakes!"

"Whatever dude. Don't blame me if you get a stomachache," Badgerclops doubted him as he reached up for two more pancakes. 

After eating and letting the food in our tummies settle, Mao Mao asked me if I wanted to train with him. Of course I said yes! First, we would meditate before anything. Next, Mao Mao would show me a new technique for fighting or keep teaching me the previous one. Then, I tested it out until I got it right. Finally, we would battle each other. If one of us got hit 4 times, we would be out. Mao Mao made sure to take it easy on me since I was just a kid, but I certainly didn't! Now it was time to show him how much this bat is made of!

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