A Snowy Adventure: Part 2

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Mao Mao's POV:

Since Badgerclops was in front of me, I saw him getting flung out of the slide. Finally, it's over! I got flung out with him and I hit the ground hard. The impact added to the pain that I felt when I hit my head on that trunk, so I had a massive headache. Thanks a lot Bao Bao! I managed to get up, wobbling with every movement. I looked around and I opened my mouth in disbelief. 

The place that Badgerclops and I landed in was HUGE! It was an ice castle with a beautiful chandelier in the middle of it. The floor wasn't made of ice, but it was very smooth and the design had a bunch of butterflies on it. Of course it had to be butterflies, but anyways, it seemed like there were multiple rooms in the ice castle. I expected to see people in this room, but no one was here. I guess they're all in the other rooms.

There was a tall ice throne all the way across from the slide and there were multiple ice doors leading to other rooms (two on each side of the main room). I also saw an upstairs obviously. I didn't realize it was this cold, geez. I covered myself with my cape and I heard Badgerclops yawning.

"All my blood curdling screaming made me tired," he noted. I chuckled as I remembered him yelling on the long slide. 

"I bet it did scaredy badger," I joked. Badgerclops glared at me and crossed his arms. 

"Dude I almost hurled on that thing! I never wanna do that again! N-not even for a pretzel!" he shuddered.

"Whatever, we're suppose to be looking for Adorabat! Let's split up and search." I suddenly felt dizzy and I firmly held onto Badgerclops's soft arm. I closed my eyes tightly and gritted my teeth as I felt the headache coming back. 

"You okay Mao Mao?" I heard him ask in a concerned way. I opened my eyes and looked up at him with double vision.

"Y-yup, I just feel all mixed up from hitting my head on that tree trunk and hitting the ground when we got here," I heaved. My vision went back to normal and I let go of Badgerclops's arm.

"Okay . . . let me know if anything else happens." I nodded and we went looking in every room. The rooms that I went into had more rooms connected to it. No one was in the first room, but it seemed like it was made for supplies. There were several piles: meat, toys, medic, and weapons. There was also a small room packed with jugs of water.

"These guys are definitely prepared," I thought out loud. The rest of the rooms that I checked out didn't have Adorabat or Bao Bao in them, but they were pretty interesting. A play room, a dining room that had no table or chairs, and a hot tub room. Don't ask me what Bao Bao's been up to, I still have no idea! Suddenly, I heard Badgerclops screaming. 

I immediately ran out of the rooms and went to the rooms that Badgerclops was suppose to be looking in. Did he get attacked?! Nobody messes with my partner ok?! No one except me gets to tease him a hundred times a day! If he's hurt, so help me I'll-

I zoom into one of the rooms to see Badgerclops getting cuddled to death by a bunch of dogs. Well I can't blame them. I spotted Bao Bao in the pile of dogs and Adorabat's on Badgerclops's head. "Adorabat! Badgerclops!" I burst. 

Adorabat's eyes lit up. "Mao Mao!" I took her off his head and hugged her gently. 

"You scared me! Bao Bao took you here right?" I asked, glancing at Bao Bao annoyingly.

"Yeah . . . I'm really sorry! He took me to a super fun slide and I couldn't resist! He should come to Pure Heart Valley more often!" she suggested. I sighed as I looked at the millions of dogs still nuzzling Badgerclops. 

"It's okay Adorabat. I should've been watching you so that this wouldn't have happened." I smiled at her as I put her down. "I would've allowed you to go, though." She giggled and blushed deeply. Man, I love that kid.

Bao Bao looked at me and barked several times before he jumped on me and licked my face. "Alright, alright boy get off of me!" I chortled. He got off of me and I sat up, staring at his beady, playful eyes. "I didn't know you had this much Bao Bao! How did you find this whole ice castle and a bunch of other dogs?"

He barked cheerfully and ran around in circles. "You followed a dog that lived here? Heh, figures."

"Dude how do you even understand what he's saying?" Badgerclops asked, still recovering from the fluffy attack. I shrugged. 

"I spent some years with him, so I'm sort of connected with him I guess." 

Adorabat squeaked, "That's so COOL!" Just like me, I thought bravely. Unfortunately as I got up, the stupid headache came back and I grunted loudly.

I felt myself sway a little until Badgerclops went over to me and held me by the shoulders. I think he did that in case I passed out or something, but why would I pass out from a simple headache?  "I don't know how some dumb tree trunk and a floor did some damage to me," I grumbled. I heard Bao Bao whimpering and he placed his paw on my cape. I rubbed his head slowly. 

Adorabat looked really anxious and worried as she rested Badgerclops's shoulder. "Mao Mao . . . did I hurt you?" she trembled. I raised my eyebrow.

"Hurt me? Why would you think that my little deputy?"

"I'm the one that got you running to look for me!" I saw a few tears glistening in her eyes and I felt horrible. I never mean to make her cry because of my actions, but that's when I start wondering- am I a good enough par- teacher for Adorabat? I'm not even sure anymore...

I shook my head to her. "Stop blaming yourself for these kinds of things! It's my fault that I got hurt, not yours."

She looked down to the floor as she mumbled, "Okay." 

"Sorry to say," Badgerclops decided, "But I think we should head home now. Maybe we can come here another time." I pulled his hands off my shoulders and knelt down to Bao Bao.

"Well Bao Bao, we're gonna be going now. We'll make sure to visit okay?" He barked and licked my face one more time. I smiled warmly and blushed a little. Then I realized we had a bit of a problem. How were we gonna get home? We seemed to be pretty far away from Pure Heart Valley, so I can't call my aerocycle. 

As if he heard my question, Bao Bao ran to the slide that we came out of. "Uh, this is how we got here. How does it make any sense if we-"

"It's a backwards slide!" Adorabat interrupted me. She flew over to the slide and sat down. I opened my mouth to say that that was prosperous, but she suddenly zoomed up the slide like magic!

"A-ADORABAT WAIT FOR US!" I stuttered in disbelief. All the dogs bunched into a group as they watched Badgerclops and I run towards the slide. He groaned since he didn't wanna go through this again.

"Isn't there any other way to get out of here?! I don't wanna do this!" he whined. 

"You know Badgerclops, I don't know what's worse- your complaining or your party pooper status."

"Excuse me?!" He exclaimed. He pushed me out of the way and sat down in front of the slide. "I'll show YOU that I'm not a party-" he shot up the slide and I could hear his yelling from a mile away. Tsk, tsk, tsk. If only he'd ever learn, am I right? I'm always right.

I plopped my butt on the slide and a second later I blasted up. Okay I gotta admit, that time I wanted to vomit. Oh wait I almost forgot! You remember that ice throne I saw earlier? I wonder who that belonged to . . . Bao Bao perhaps?

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