Not me Anymore

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Requested by Brachiozaur! Have fun watching the Sky Pirates be idiots xD

Oh yeah, there's some blood in this one-shot, but it's not that graphic. Letting you know now!

Third Person POV ('Cause it saves me from going back and forth from POVS):

Badgerclops was sitting on the rooftop of a building in Pure Heart Valley. He wasn't enjoying the view, though. He was thinking about Mao Mao and Adorabat. How they meant so much to him. How if they were hurt mentally or physically, he would rescue them.

He actually thought about Mao Mao more than Adorabat. Badgerclops liked spending the free time he had with him. He thought about one time where it was late in the night and they were watching TV. Mao Mao fell asleep and leaned on Badgerclops. He said Badgerclops's name unconsciously and hugged his side.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt his face getting hot and red. That was one of the moments he thought about that made him all tingly inside. He didn't know why and he didn't know how.

It just happened.

He was gonna think about it more deeply when he smelled a delicious, warm, and comforting smell in the air. Badgerclops went on the ground with his robotic arm and followed the smell. What he didn't know was that it was from a certain group of pirates that were up to no good.

Meanwhile, with the Sky Pirates at their grounded airship, they were waiting patiently for Badgerclops to come to their trap. Well, not all of them were waiting patiently. Orangusnake was observing the collar he was holding. It was metal and it was painted a dark, crimson red. "Come on come on! Where's that chunky badger at?! I must put this collar on him immediately!" Orangusnake whined.

He turned to Ramaraffe who was nibbling the crust of their delicious trap. "And Ramaraffe! Stop trying to eat the beignet! It's suppose to be the bait!"

"Duh sorry boss! It just smells so . . . good . . . ." Orangusnake wacked her metal neck with his holographic sword.

"Stop it! This is serious! Badgerclops needs to turn evil so that he can destroy that no good Mao Mao and Adorabat! Then, I can steal the Ruby and take over the world!"

"Uh," Ratarang asked, "don't cha mean we can steal the Ruby and take over da world?"

"Oh yeah! That's definitely what I meant!" Orangusnake chuckled nervously. The Sky Pirates heard heavy footsteps. "He's coming! Quick, hide!" The Sky Pirates hid behind some trees, all the while bumping into each other like the dummies they are.

Badgerclops appeared out of the forest he pushed through and gasped. He saw a huge beignet right in the open! He knew it was right outside the Sky Pirates' base, but he didn't care at all. Badgerclops went straight to the beignet and shoved it in his mouth. Orangusnake sneaked behind him and put the collar over his head.

Badgerclops's eye rolled to the back of his head and he dropped face first to the ground. The other Sky Pirates came out from behind the trees. Boss Hosstrich asked, "You know how that collar works right?"

"Of course I do! It's uh . . . it's on right?" Orangusnake puzzled.

"If the light's blinking white then yeah!" Ramaraffe gazed at the shiny collar.

"It's so shiny! Put it on me! Put it on me!" she exclaimed.

"NO!" Orangusnake snapped. "Stop getting distracted you fool! For the fiftieth time it's not yours!"

"Sorry boss!"

"Whatever! Wait the light's blinking. Why isn't Badgerclops—" All of a sudden, Badgerclops stood up. The Sky Pirates saw that his one eye was mostly black, but red in the middle. Badgerclops looked at all of them and growled. "D-don't eat me please!" Orangusnake squeaked.

"Boss," Ratarang decided, "we need to tell him what to do! That's what the collar was made for!"

"Oh right!" Orangusnake cleared his throat and spoke nervously. "B-Badgerclops, go attack our enemies Mao Mao and Adorabat! Mao Mao's the black cat with the red clothing and Adorabat's the tiny blue bat." Badgerclops nodded slowly and ran off to Pure Heart Valley on all fours. "Come back to us when they're DEAD okay?!" Orangusnake yelled.

Mao Mao and Adorabat were walking around the Valley, making sure no one was stirring up chaos. "Hey Mao Mao," Adorabat started as she tugged the bottom of his cape, "where's Badgerclops?"

"I dunno. He told me he was gonna be sitting on top of a building. He didn't specify which one."

"Can we go look for him? No one's been causing trouble so far."

"Sure! Let's split up." They went on opposite sides of the town to search for their furry friend. A few minutes later, Mao Mao spotted Badgerclops across from him, standing on the white cobblestone pavement. "Hey Badgerclops. We were wondering where you were, so we went in different directions to . . ." Mao Mao trailed off and squinted at Badgerclops's neck and eye.

There was a collar on his neck and his eye looked . . . strange. Was he going for a Halloween look or something? "Badgerclops what's with the weird fashion choice? It's not a good one anyways," Mao remarked. Badgerclops walked up to the small, but ferocious feline. He gritted his teeth in fury and breathed heavily.

Mao Mao knew something was up. He backed away a little, but Badgerclops took a step forward. Mao kept backing away and Badgerclops kept moving forward. "Uh, d-dude? Are you okay? Was it something I said?" Badgerclops grabbed him by the neck part of his cape and lifted him off the ground.

"Don't. Call me. Dude," he snarled. Mao Mao stayed very still, afraid that if he made a single movement, he would instantly regret it. Badgerclops threw him forcefully against a lamppost. Mao groaned, feeling a nauseous wave of pain shoot up his spine and into his head. He looked up to see Badgerclops charging a laser beam that was aimed to his skull. His eyes widened in fear.

He quickly rolled out of the way right before the laser beam was released. Mao Mao got up painfully and took out his katana. He finally realized that the collar Badgerclops was wearing made him evil. Only the Sky Pirates would lure him into a trap like that! 

"You're such an easy prey to catch Badgerclops," he muttered sadly.

"SHUT UP!" the possessed Badgerclops exploded and threw a punch. Mao Mao dodged it with ease. He really didn't wanna hurt Badgerclops. It may seem like he has to. The badger packs quite a punch after all. I need to get that collar off of him, Mao Mao thought.

"Badgerclops listen to me! I'm your best friend/partner! You wouldn't hurt your best friend would you?" Badgerclops grinned and wrapped his robotic arm around Mao Mao. He spun him 'round and 'round and threw him extremely high into the air. He blasted a special laser into the ground that allowed him to go up in the air.

Soon enough Badgerclops was floating above Mao Mao. He formed a fist with his robotic arm. Right before he stretched his arm at Mao, Mao Mao threw Geraldine at his stomach, making a deep cut. Maybe the cut would make him wince later on and Mao could pull the collar off of him! Badgerclops yelled in pain.

Too bad Mao Mao couldn't stop the fist from coming at him since it punched him right in his unseeable nose. The impact launched him rapidly to the ground. He almost blacked out from the pain throbbing in his head. Mao Mao heard a clang and turned his head to the right to see his katana lying on the ground. He felt blood running from his nose. He wiped it away weakly, but more came out.

Mao Mao reached to grab his precious katana, but a floofy hand grabbed it. He looked in front of him to see a furious Badgerclops clutching at his stomach. Mao tried to sit up, but the pain and dizziness he was feeling was too much. Badgerclops lifted him up by his left arm. Mao Mao was too weak to do anything else but to talk.

"Badgerclops . . . snap . . . out of it," he croaked. He heard a squeaky voice yell something, but he was too dazed to hear who it was. He saw Adorabat biting Badgerclops's furry arm. Badgerclops roared in pain and let go of Mao Mao. He fell to the ground and grunted when his head smacked against the cobblestone. He was surprised he didn't break any bones.

At least he thought he didn't.

"LEAVE MAO MAO ALONE!" Adorabat screeched. She threw several smoke bombs at Badgerclops, blinding him temporarily. She flew over to Mao Mao in a panic. "Mao Mao! Y-you're bleeding!"

"I'm okay Adorabat," Mao Mao assured her quietly as he sat up and wiped his nose. "Badgerclops has a collar around his neck and—"

"It made him evil again!"

"Oh yeah, you have a point there." Mao Mao coughed out some blood, but easily ignored it. He saw Adorabat's lip quivering. He felt horrible that she had to see him like this. "I need you do something very important Adorabat. Listen carefully," he spoke wearily.

"Okay," she quavered.

"I need you to remove the collar off of Badgerclops's neck and pull as hard you can. You can use your wings to flap away some of the smoke. And do you mind getting my katana for me?" Mao Mao instructed.

"Not at all! I'll do my best Mao Mao!" Mao Mao watched as Adorabat flew behind the still blinded Badgerclops and flapped some of the smoke away. It took a few attempts, but she managed to pull the collar off of his head. She threw it on the ground and stomped on it angrily. Obviously, it didn't break, but she grabbed Mao's katana and gave it back to him.

"Thanks little deputy. You did a great job," Mao Mao congratulated her as he sheathed his katana and rubbed her head. She giggled.

The smoke cleared away and Badgerclops's eye turned back to its normal yellow. "What . . . happened?" Badgerclops groaned.

"Badgerclops!" Mao shouted happily, but coughed out a tiny bit of blood from shouting. Badgerclops gasped.

"Mao Mao! Are you okay man?!" He knelt down next to him. "What happened to you?! Why is your nose bleeding?!" he fretted. Mao Mao looked at him solemnly and frowned.

"You're not gonna like the answer."

"Yeah," Adorabat agreed.

"Mao Mao," Badgerclops protested, "it is my job to know who beat you up, so please tell me right now!" Mao looked down at the floor.

"It was you." Badgerclops's eye widened.

"What...? I-I know I hurt you a little sometimes, but that's only because you get on my nerves! W-what did I do to you?" Badgerclops stuttered. There was a tiny pause.

"I'll just say that my head and back hurts really bad."

Mao Mao gingerly touched his nose.

"I think my nose is broken as well," he grumbled.

Mao looked up at Badgerclops to see tears in his single eye. "It's okay Badgerclops. The Sky Pirates must've put that collar on you to turn you evil." He pointed at the collar in front of them.

"Well that makes sense. But . . . I hurt my best friend! I can't believe I fell for that beignet trap! Why am I so stupid?!" Badgerclops cried. Mao Mao put a hand on his robotic shoulder.

"You're not stupid Badgerclops. Heck you're smarter than me at times! You're only stupid when you get lured with food. Everyone has an ultimate weakness, even me."

Mao Mao wiped a tear that traveled down Badgerclops's cheek. Badgerclops hiccuped as he was sobbing quietly. "Shhhh, c'mon Badgerclops. You're a big, fluffy baby. I'm gonna be fine and it's not your fault," he consoled him.

"Are you sure?" Badgerclops sniffled. Mao smiled comfortingly.

"I'm sure." He and Adorabat pulled him into a group hug. Badgerclops yelped a little. Mao Mao pulled away from the hug to see why he was yelping. He then remembered the deep cut that he gave to Badgerclops. "Oh yeah, I cut you while you were possessed by the collar." 

He paused, watching Badgerclops look down at the cut on his stomach.

"I didn't want to, but—I thought I had to. Now I realize it wasn't worth it. I'm sorry," Mao Mao apologized, feeling his shame stab right through him. Badgerclops grinned at him.

"It's okay man. I would've done something like that if you had the collar. I'll patch myself up when we get home." He stretched his robotic arm to the metallic, crimson collar and picked it up.

"What are we gonna do with this?" he wondered. Mao Mao shrugged.

"Throw it in a lake or something."

"Alright. First, we gotta get you home." He stored the collar in his arm. Badgerclops stood up while Mao Mao unsheathed his katana. Adorabat went on Badgerclops's furry shoulder.

"Yeah, lemme just . . . . " He trailed off and he used the hilt of his sword to lift himself up slowly. "See? No problem at all . . . " Mao Mao groaned slightly as his eyes rolled and he passed out.

"Aww shoot!" Badgerclops exclaimed as he caught Mao in his arms. Adorabat picked up Mao Mao's katana with her legs. "Well at least he passed out at the right time."

"That sounds kinda weird, but okay," Adorabat commented. They went on the aerocycle with Mao Mao lying on Badgerclops's stomach as he was going to drive.

Huh. Mao Mao feels really warm. Or is that just me? Badgerclops thought.

"Um, Badgerclops? Are you gonna start up the aerocycle or—"

"Oh yeah! Sorry little dude," he responded as he got out of his trance. They zoomed back home to take care of Mao Mao.

Back with the Sky Pirates, they were waiting at the entrance of their ship until the possessed Badgerclops came back with the news. Ratarang spoke up.

"Boss? Do ya think that Mao Mao and Adorabat got the collar off of Badgerclops by now?" Orangusnake narrowed his eyes at the rat in disbelief and irritation. He closed his eyes and sighs in defeat.

"Yep. Does anyone want lunch?" The other pirates nodded.

Boss Hosstrich asked, "What's for lunch?"


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