The Ferocious Monster

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On paragraph 7, there are mentions of blood and injuries. If that sort of thing makes you uncomfortable or uneasy, it's up to you if you don't wanna read it. Otherwise, sure go ahead! I'm not stopping you! 

Mao Mao, Badgerclops, and I jumped on the aerocycle and took off! We blasted through the waterfalls of our house and went to the scene. My eyes went wide when I saw the enemy. The monster was in the middle of the Pure Heart Valley Plaza and boy was it scary! You might not even think I'm 5 years old anymore once you see how I describe this thing! 

It was like a combination of a dragon and a wolf. Its whole body color was a mixture of mahogany and gray. The head resembles a dragon. It had scales all over its body. Its ears looked like mine, they were facing out, and they looked pointy at the tips to make it look dangerous. The life was sucked out of their eyes, so they looked dull and had a deep gray to them. Plus, their pupils looked sharp. It had a million teeth as it roared so loud that my ears rang. At the same time it had the body of a wolf. The fusion had sharp, shiny claws, but a tail that was curled up with spikes covering the top layer. 

That was the one thing I found really bizarre. What kind of monster has that kind of tail? I guess that doesn't matter because once I saw Mao Mao jump from the aerocycle, I kept my mind focused on the task. Defeat the monster, do our signature handshake, and go home to fight Mao Mao! Badgerclops landed the aerocycle away from the abomination and we ran towards it. 

I saw Mao on top of the monster with his katana in his hand, trying to get a good hit as the monster's tail tried to smash him. Badgerclops was making sure the Sweetiepies stayed far away from the battle field. I'll distract the monster while Mao Mao slices its neck off! I thought. I threw a bundle of smoke bombs at the abomination, making it swing its head around violently. I sensed Mao Mao jumping in the air with his katana raised as he was going to slash the monster. I grinned as I knew he was gonna finish this monster once and for all!

For some reason though, that did nothing as it still kept swinging around the smoke, not trying to hit Mao Mao whatsoever. Darn it, that monster has tough armor! Time for Plan B: fly in front of the monster really fast! Once most of the smoke cleared, I saw Mao hanging onto the monster while trying to hit it another time. I started to zig-zag in front of the monster's face, doing my best to help my hero! This should work! It NEEDS to work! Mao Mao is COUNTING on me! He-

"ADORABAT NO!" Mao Mao yelled.

When I turned to the direction that I heard his voice, I suddenly got pushed away from the monster. As I got pushed, I watched in horror as it slammed its head into Mao Mao's body! He flies into a white stone wall, slides down, and falls on his side. I flap my wings to keep myself from falling to the ground and I throw more smoke bombs at the monster to keep it at bay. I trembled as I saw Mao Mao lying on the ground, not moving. 

"M-MAO MAO!" I zoomed over to him as fast as the aerocycle. There were cuts and bruises all over his body, but the injury that I was really petrified about was the deep cut near the middle of his head. The blood traveled down the right side of it and I desperately wiped it away with my wing. I looked at the blood on my wing and I tried not to cry. "No! You're better than that Adorabat!" I consoled myself. 

I'm such an idiot thinking I was helping Mao Mao! He got hurt because of ME! What kind of being AM I?! To let someone so legendary be weighed down by some follower! I heard giant feet stomping towards me and my defenseless friend. I shook like a leaf as I saw the stupid monster charging a beam of energy. I hugged Mao Mao's arm as tight as I could and closed my eyes shut. I can't hold back the tears anymore. The tiny waterfalls go down my cheeks as I tightened my grip on his arm. 

Suddenly, I heard something that sounded like Badgerclop's laser beam. Then I hear a roar from the monster. 

"LEAVE MY FRIENDS ALONE!" He fumed. Yay, Badgerclops is here to save the day! Badgerclops took out his badger blaster (that's what he likes to call it) and shot it at the abomination. He led it away from Pure Heart Valley, leaving me with Mao Mao until he came back. Not feeling any happier that Badgerclops was there, I shook Mao gently, tears rolling down my face. They dropped on his arm and soaked a patch of his fur.

"M-Mao Mao . . . wake up . . . please!" I squeezed his hand while I sobbed. "I can't lose you because of ME! We had so much fun today and I don't wanna ruin it!" I turned around to see if Badgerclops came back yet. Nope. Using my shaky voice, I blubbered, "You shouldn't have saved me! You should've just let me get hit! I wouldn't care about what would happen to me!" I thought about it for a moment and looked down. "My parents would know if I'm okay. They . . . they think I'm strong—VERY strong actually. They're wrong."

I felt a squeeze at the wing that I was holding Mao Mao's hand with. 

"You're the strongest kid I know Adorabat," a familiar, hoarse voice comforted me. I looked up to see Mao Mao smiling weakly at me as he slowly sat up. I gasped knowing that he was able to move. I immediately jumped on his chest and hugged him, not letting go. He won't leave me. Not now, not ever.

"YOU'RE OKAY!" I cried as more tears poured down my face. I felt a hand on my back rubbing me. Then, I heard Mao Mao grunting in pain.

"Not so tight kid," he chuckled. Whoops, I forgot about his bruises. I lowered my squishing power a little. "If I let you get hit by the monster, I would've never forgave myself. Don't ever think for a SECOND that this was your fault because you're a treasure to have." We broke the hug and I wiped my own tears. I'm such a sniffly mess today!

"How do you know? I mess up all the time! I try to help you win fights and I make everything worse!" I snapped.

"No you don't. In fact, you make the challenge more. . . well challenging! I can feel the adrenaline in my muscles as you throw smoke bombs around the monsters. You make battles intense in a good way Adorabat!" I blushed hearing his assuring words. After that, we heard someone clearing their throat. We looked over and saw Badgerclops listening to the whole thing.

"Yeah! Don't be so hard on yourself ok?" He responded to me. He looked anxious and hesitant as he looked at us. 

Mao Mao seethed, " Badgerclops why were you watching us the whole time?! You could've helped me up or something don't just stand there!" I giggled seeing him get annoyed at Badgerclops. Those two are funny when they argue sometimes!

"Sheesh dude," Badgerclops squeaked, "It's not my fault y'all are too cute!" Mao Mao rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's just go back to HQ." He started to get up but gritted his teeth and fell to his knees. Badgerclops seemed to notice this and did the most hilarious thing ever! He lifted up Mao Mao and put him over his shoulder.

"What the-what are you doing?!" Mao demanded as he kicked Badgerclops.

"What does it look like? I'm helping you up like you want me too!"

"THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEAN!" Mao Mao exploded. "Also where's the monster?"

I explained before Badgerclops did. "He led it far away from Pure Heart Valley so it won't bother us for a long time!" He nodded. 

"Yeah, so don't even start with the 'not doing anything' Mao." Badgerclops exasperated.

"Alright I'm sorry ok?! Let's just go home already!"  As Badgerclops carried the irritated Mao back to the HQ, I flew after them. I just hope he feels ok after Badgerclops patches him up. Oh yeah, Badgerclops! I haven't talked about THAT fur ball so much. Don't worry though! He'll get his spotlight!

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