10 | Theo

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You know, last evening was pretty bad with the whole empousai and Orthrus thing, but besides that, it really wasn't bad. I made a bunch of new friends, pretty much everyone is really nice, and Caily surprisingly left us alone for the rest of the night.

Of course me being the naive young man thought I am thought that today would be just amazing. Naturally, I just had to be wrong.

I was heading to the pavilion for breakfast when I bumped into something that was very... pink. We both fell to the ground, and the pink thingy shrieked in horror. "Agh! My skirt! You, like, totally got mud on it!" It screamed. 'She' apparently. We had bumped heads and I rubbed my sore forehead, looking at her and- oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no. It was Willow, which would usually be awesome, but not in the circumstances that it was. Why? Well... let me just describe was she was wearing.

Honestly, it was the most revealing this I've ever seen her wear, and she showed off more skin then actual clothes. She wore a black leather booty skirt that honestly hardly even covered her but, a super tight, hot pink crop top with a very low v-neck and a bra that wasn't doing it's job, and black stilettos that had to have an at least eight inch heel.

Along with that, she had way too much pink make up plastered on her face, and her hair was curled in perfect ringlets. She had also completely ditched her glasses and was probably wearing contacts, which seemed weird, since contacts usually really bothered her.

It was extremely shocking to see her in the outfit since she got really uncomfortable this one time at school in a loose crop top that only showed her belly button when she raised her hand super high. What had gotten into her? Was she in on some bet or something? And it was the middle of December in New York, how was she not freezing?

"Uh, Wil-"

"What the hell, bitch?!" Willow screamed. Whoa... she never swore. She was too pure for that. "Do you know how much this skirt cost?!"

"Um, I don't-"

"700 dollars! That's like, um... 7 but one million times!" Willow screamed.

"It's actually 7 but 100 times..." I blinked, my mouth dripping open. Since when did Willow not know how to do some simple multiplication?

"See! That's, like, even more!" Willow threw her hands up.

"Less actually..." I said quietly, my eyes widening. What the heck is wrong with Willow?! "Willow, are you okay? What's up with you?"

"Um, yeah I'm okay! Why the hell do you, like, care, dumb ass?" Willow snapped. So you're calling me dumb? I thought.

"I'm just... I'm just going to go," I said, slowly backing away.

"Yeah, you better! You're, like, the most annoying bitch I've ever met!" Willow said, studying her fake, pink acrylic nails.

I didn't even respond, just ran away. Man, that was weird. But not as weird as what was about to happen. I looked ahead of me and saw Caily, whom I recognized from her unnatural bleached hair and mini skirt. But there was someone with her. His arm was wrapped around her waist, and the two of them snuggled into each other. He also had wavy black hair... I had a really bad feeling about who he was.

Well, only one way to find out.

Taking a deep breath and summoning all my courage, I balled my fists and stomped over to Caily and the boy. Unfortunately, my suspicions were confirmed. Cuddling into Caily McGuire was the one, the only, Percy freakin' Jackson.

He stared at Caily with a lovstruck gaze and a goofy grin on his face, occasionally stealing kisses on her cheek or lips. Caily just looked stupidly proud.

"P-P-Percy?!" I stammered. "What are you doing?! Why are you with that sorry excuse for a human being?" I demanded, gesturing to Caily.

Percy suddenly looked very defensive... and dangerously angry. He glared at me, his lips curling into a scowl. "How dare you speak of my girlfriend that way! She's more amazing then you ever will be!" He yelled at me. What in the world...

"But-but... but she's a slut! You-you hate her!" I said, trying to find the right words in this horribly wrong situation.

"Ha!" Percy scoffed. "The only person I really hate is you, Theodore! And how dare you call my precious Caily-Poo a slut! She's anything but one, a loyal girlfriend whom I love with all my heart!"

"Oh Percy! You flatter me!" Caily gushed with a smirk.

"I'm glad I do, babe," Percy grinned stupidly, leaning in and pressing a soft, passionate kiss against Caily's lips. I felt puke begin to come up in my mouth, and I had to swallow it back down, gagging.

"Ugh, this is disgusting! Percy, aren't you dating Annabeth?" I blurted.

"Who?" Percy frowned, staring at me in confusion.

"Annabeth? Annabeth Chase? The girl you claim to date and love and you want to marry her one day? You know, her?" I said.

"I know no such girl. And my heart belongs to only Caily, it always has. Sorry, but I think you need to check up on your mental state," Percy said.

"You... you don't know who Annabeth is?" I said, absolutely horrified.

"No, I don't. Now fuck off," Percy said, leaning in for another kiss with Caily.

Not proofread or edited or spellchecked or anything.

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