26 | Theo

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Abigail, Willow, Grover, Malcom, Annabeth, and in the pavilion quietly, not knowing what to do. Annabeth wanted to chase after Percy after he ran away, but Grover said that he needed space. We didn't know what else to do so we just went to the pavilion, and we're now scattered around at the tables.

I sat at a table by myself, Annabeth, Malcom, and Grover at another, and Willow and Abigail at one themselves. I was honestly super uncomfortable though. Abigail was staring absolute daggers through me and I was just slightly terrified. She would occasionally say something to Willow, but would never pull her eyes away from me.

Finally, Abigail jumped to her feet, then walked over to me, her arms crossed. "What's wrong with you?" She demanded, plopping down into a seat across from me. I blinked. That's not what I was expecting her to say.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, avoiding her piercing gaze.

From the corner of my eye I saw Abigail roll her eyes. "Don't play stupid, Stupid. Ever since I came back with Chiron earlier you've been quiet, your face has been red as a chilli pepper, and you've been avoiding me! I may not be a daughter of Athena, at least I think so, but it's pretty obvious you're hiding something! So spill!"

I sighed, knowing I'd have to confess at one point. I forced myself to make eye contact with her. "Well, there's this girl I like, and she is just... amazing. Just makes me go wow, you know? She's so optimistic and cheerful, and man, she's funny. She's just hilarious. I thought I'd just ignore my feelings for her, but I can't. Not to mention I just confessed my feelings for her to someone. I feel like I'm going crazy. That's what they say after all," I said, smiling awkwardly.

"What do they say?" Abigail narrowed her eyes.

I smiled softly, this time not breaking eye contact with Abigail. "It makes you crazy," I said, "Love makes you crazy."

Abigail then did the thing I least expected. She sighed, pursing her lips. She had to know I was talking about her, right? "Theo," She said, "I don't like you. Not romantically at least."

Oh God. That hurt. That hurt bad. "You...you-"

"Let me finish," She said, "I can't like you. I'm a lesbian."

"Oh," I said. My eyes widened, actually processing what she just said. "Oh! Oh shit..." I felt my face grew hot and I pulled my gaze away from her. This was humiliating. "I mean, that's great and all and it actually explains a lot but... shit."

"I... I'm sorry if I was leading you on or anything. That really wasn't my intention. And I'm sure if I was actually attracted to boys, I would like you too!" Abigail said, forcing a smile. But I didn't like her, I loved her. I literally just confessed my love for them to reveal they didn't even like boys romantically. God I was an idiot.

"I-um, I need to go," I said.


"No, no, it's fine. I just need to get some, fresh air?" I lied, even though the pavilion didn't have walls. Just as I was rushing out of the pavilion, I ran into someone. Percy. The only difference was he was back in his regular clothes.

He ignored me, walking over to Annabeth. Not even a sorry. Weird. "Hey, Wise Girl? I need to talk to you," Percy said.

"Why?" Annabeth raised her eyebrow suspiciously.

"I have a surprise for you," Percy smiled.

"Um, okay?" Annabeth said. She got up, following Percy out of the pavilion, the opposite way I was originally heading. Now I knew I needed to follow them, because let's be honest, Percy was acting weird AF.

I snuck around the pavilion, then followed Percy and Annabeth deep into the woods, careful to be quiet so they wouldn't notice me. They finally stopped at a pile of boulders.

"You seem surprisingly happy considering you were incredibly angry just fifteen minutes ago," Annabeth noted.

"Yeah, I guess her punishment was fair enough. I mean, never finding out your godly parent is pretty severe and harsh," Percy shrugged.

"Okay," Annabeth said, "So what did you need?"

"Well... I felt bad about leaving you all angry earlier, so I went to Pollux and he helped me create a special drink for you. It's supposed to make you feel incredibly happy. He's kind of an expert when it comes to drinks," Percy said.

"Pollux?" Annabeth raised her eyebrow. "What does he know about magic like that?

"Yeah, he was happy to help, and he knows more then you think," Percy said.

"Okay. This better not be a prank, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth said.

"Not a prank, just an apology," Percy said.

"Well thanks then, I guess. Where is it?" Annabeth asked.

Percy pulled a small vial out of his hoodie pocket, filled with some sort of cloudy gray liquid. Annabeth wrinkled her nose, eyeing it up suspiciously. "That's a happiness potion?" She said doubtfully, and I could see why. It was all rather questionable. "It's... gray."

"Well what color did you expect it to be?" Percy laughed.

"I mean, I don't know. Something bright then that, I guess," Annabeth said.

"You're just going to have to trust me, Wise Girl. You trust me, right?" Percy asked. That must have been what did it for her. She took the vial from Percy, unscrewed the cork lid, and gulped it down. "Ugh, no offense but it tastes like-" Her sentence was cut short when she suddenly began to stumble around. That wasn't good.

Suddenly, she fell, but before she could hit the ground, Percy jumped forward and caught her. Holy crap what the fuck was happening.

A few moments later, Annabeth's eyes fluttered open and she stood up. "Annabeth...?" Percy asked hesitantly. "Are you... okay?"

"Of course I am, silly," Annabeth giggled.

Percy's eyes widened but he continued. "And what's two plus two?"

Annabeth frowned, looking like she was seriously thinking hard. Wasn't she a daughter of Athena and super smart? Even I know what two plus two is and my grade point average is a C. Then again, it's two plus two and my three year old cousin knows the answer to that problem. So why did it look like Annabeth was struggling so much?

"Um two plus two... is it eleven?" Annabeth cocked her head to the side, her hair falling in her face.

Percy sighed. "And will you do whatever I say?"

"Without question!" Annabeth said cheerfully.

Percy frowned, his expression grim. "You can come out now, Caily," He said solemnly. Caily emerged from the trees, a larger then life smile on her face. Oh my plot twist.

"You know you're a real monster for making me do this," Percy growled.

"I don't care. You don't, like, have a choice. You made a promise that you can't break, that's your fault," Caily giggled.

"But this is taking it too far! Making me drug my own girlfriend!" Percy screamed, gesturing at Annabeth.

"She's not your girlfriend anymore," Caily smirked, "And it's not like it's even that big of a deal. It only, like, made her super stupid and submissive."

"Anything at all is a huge deal you snake!" Percy screamed.

"I already told you, your opinion doesn't matter," Caily said, placing her finger on Percy's lips. She suddenly broke into a grin. "You know what would be fun? If we conquered the gods?"

"Say what now?" Percy said. Say what now is right! "Besides, how would you even do that? There's not enough of you to ever come close to doing that. Ever. Give up, Caily."

"Then we'll just have to do what we did to your poor little Annie to the rest of Camp, huh?" Caily giggled.

Oh no. I had to get out of here. I had to warn the others. Without even thinking, I sprung around and began to make a break for it. Unfortunately, I completely forgot about the whole being quiet thing, and I tripped over a huge log and making, well, a lot of noise.

I heard a small gasp come from Caily, before she said, "Percy, go find who that was." I tried to stand up and run away, but I was too late. Two strong hands grabbed onto me and dragged me over to where Caily stood.

"I'm so sorry, Theo," Percy whispered.

"Now," Caily smiled, "You've been a real naughty boy. It's time for you to, like, get punished."

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