3 | Abigail

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We were all crammed in the back of Percy's step-dad's Prius that he was driving, except for Grover who sat in the front seat, and I had completely lost track of time. Percy and Grover had gone back and forth explaining everything and I was beyond confused.

I mean, apparently I was half god. My mom was a Greek goddess! How insane is that? I mean, I was left at an orphanage when I was a newborn, and had been bouncing around from foster home to foster home for awhile.

I always daydreamed that my real parents were celebrities or something, but a goddess?! I never would have guessed! A part of me was also a little angry at my mom. How could she just let me be abandoned like this? Kicked out of dozens of foster homes, abused, all that junk. And she did nothing about it? She knew of my existence, yet she did nothing to help me. What kind of trash mom move was that?

"ABIGAIL!" Percy suddenly screamed. I yelped, jumping in my seat.

"Holy crap, Percy!" I screamed, smacking his arm. "What the hell was that for?"

"You weren't answering me! I said your name seven times!" Percy said defensively.

"Okay, I zoned out a bit. Sorry," I grumbled. "What is it?"

"I just asked if you were upset? Or if you have any questions?" Percy said.

"No. I... guess not?" I said.

"That sounded like a question," Percy said.

"Well, I guess I'm just a bit upset. Why would my mom abandon me? And never say a thing! I've been on this earth for 17 years and yet she's never done a thing to help me, never once did anything to help me in my life. She's just let me be off by myself and hurt," I blurted, "Sorry, it's a bit hard to explain. I'm just upset that I've been fostered and in pain for years and my mother who is perfectly capable of helping, didn't."

"That's the Greek gods for you," Percy grumbled, "But you're not alone, Abigail. You have all of us! Just keep that in mind."

I smiled, "Thanks, Perce." But even though I wore a fake smile, I was still upset. I didn't need anyone worrying about me though.

"You know, you guys are actually taking the fact that monsters and the Greek gods and all that stuff is real pretty well. Usually kids would be freaking out, but you're pretty chill about it," Grover observed.

"Oh trust me, I'm internally having a panic attack," Theo said.

"But like you said, Grover, we've already experienced this stuff before. Yes, it's crazy and hard to believe, but it just kind of makes sense, you know?" Willow said.

Grover nodded. He turned to Percy and the two began a quiet conversation, but it was still loud enough for me to hear. "You know, Percy, whoever their godly parents are, they're going to be in big trouble for not claiming their kids yet. You made the gods swear on the River Styx that they'd claim their kids before they turned thirteen. And Theo, Willow, and Abigail are all either seventeen or eighteen," Grover stated.

"Zeus broke his promise that he'd free Calypso and he wasn't in big trouble," Percy grumbled, a dark look crossing his face out of nowhere.

"I suppose you're right. But still, how are they not dead yet? Usually monsters would have eaten them bone and all by now," Grover said.

"It's definitely weird. But let's let Chiron focus on the complicated stuff. I'm just the driver," Percy said. Grover laughed quietly, but said nothing, turning around to look out the window.

About ten minutes later, Percy pulled up in front of a big strawberry field. A big, painted sign in the front read: Delphi Strawberry Services. In the back of the field was a big, baby blue house, and a bunch of kids were in the fields picking strawberries. Looking closer, it also looked like some of the girls picking strawberries had green skin... odd.

"Welcome to Camp Half-Blood!" Percy said, smiling proudly. It was definitely not what I was expecting it to be, that's for sure. "Everyone can hop out of the car and we'll take you to the Big House."

"Not sure what the 'Big House' is, but okay!" I said, jumping out of the car. I looked around a bit more. Looking off into the distance I saw a large hill with a pine tree on it. Hanging on the pine tree's branches seemed to be a weird golden rug or something.

But the weirdest thing on the hill was the statue. It was a gigantic, ivory statue of a woman. She wore a golden toga, a shield at her feet and some tiny person with wings in her hands. Definitely weird. Willow on the other hand seemed to know exactly what it was.

As soon as she got out of the car, she began to freak out, squealing like a crazy fan girl and basically acting like me when I got to meet LeBron James (one of my foster families were really big sports fans and we went to many sports games. They'd probably be my favorite foster family if the mom wasn't always drunk and the dad didn't abuse me whenever he got mad and the kids weren't total menaces).

"OMG! OMG! OMG!" Willow squealed, grinning, jumping up and down, and fanning herself.

"What?" Theo laughed, climbing out the car after her.

Willow whipped around to face Percy, pointing at the hill. "Is that the Athena Parthenos?!" She asked.

"Uh, yeah. It is," Percy laughed.

"But it's not the actual one, right? Just a super realistic model?" Willow asked.

"Nope, it's the real deal!" Percy smiled. "Some really awesome people, Reyna, Nico, and Coach Hedge, retrieved it and brought it all the way back here. They kind of saved the day during a huge war."

"Wow," Willow said quietly, wiping a tear away. "It's even more beautiful in person."

"You're such a geek, Willow," Theo chuckled.

"It's not a bad thing to be smart," Grover said.

"I didn't say it was," Theo winked.

Willow gasped again. "And oh my God, is that the Golden Fleece?! From the myths?! No way that's real too!"

"It is," Percy said, looking especially proud, "I actually retrieved it myself! Well, me, my girlfriend, and a bunch of friends."

"Hey! Me too!" Grover said.

"Yeah, you too, but we also had to save you from marrying some crazy Cyclopes," Percy said.

"Definitely a traumatizing experience. A goat can never really get over being forced to wear a wedding dress on some insane Cyclopes' island and about to marry him," Grover shook his head.

"What even is this conversation?" I blinked.

"It doesn't matter!" Willow said. "Can I go touch it? Well, not just singular. I want to touch the fleece and the statue! Are there any more Ancient Greek relics?"

"You'd be surprised how many," Percy laughed.

Willow began to run over to the hill, but suddenly, a very familiar and annoying voice cut through the air. "Oh Percy-poo!"

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