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It's been three years since the takeover. Three years since I've watched my friends and family fall. Three years of horror. I've lost so much over the past 36 months, but I have not lost my hope, my will to fight.

I never will.

I still remember the day Caily took over. It will forever haunt my memory, my dreams. The monster didn't even hesitate to follow through with the horrible things she did. First she took over the two camps, then Olympus, and then America as the cherry on top.

Somehow she was able to get even worse. It was sickening.

Caily became mad with power. Of course she was already crazy before, everyone clearly knew that, but at least she was stupid, hardly knew a thing she was doing. Now? She's a villainous mastermind. Somehow every move we make, she's one step ahead. Every attack we plan? She has a larger army waiting for us. That's what happens when you absorb the god of intelligence's essence, I suppose.

All the Olympian's gods' essence's, in fact. She was all powerful, absolutely unstoppable.

For now.

My name is Abigail Nelson, the leader of the Resistance. Our mission? To take back our home from Cailyn Carmiachel.

Oh... my... God. The book is over. I know this epilogue was short, but epilogues are meant to be short. And yes, I did indeed hint at a sequel! I'm really excited to post it, and I'll let you guys know when I do!

Honestly, this book was such a freaking insane emotional rollercoaster on steroids. I'm going to be honest, I had no idea what my plan was for this or what would actually happen the entire time. It was all a weird and random. Seriously, I thought I'd only make it to chapter fifteen. If only I knew...

Anyways, to all the people that have made it this far, thank you so much for your support! Love you guys!!

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