You'll be the Prince & I'll be the Princess

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Prologue: Disappearing Act

"Your Highness!"

"Your Highness! Where are you?" 

"Did you find him? No? Where could he have possibly gone to?" 

"Your Highness!"

The hurried footsteps carried all around the prince's residence palace. 

"This is bad... I have searched all over and there is no sign of His Highness!" 

The elderly butler wore a worried expression. This was not the first time his liege, His Royal Highness Prince Yul, has disappeared, but this was not the time to be playing hide-n-seek. 

"I found this! It's a letter from His Highness!" The young lady-in-waiting ran across the yard, waving a letter in her hand. 

"Manners! Manners!" The butler chided at her apparent lack of formality. 

"Sorry!" She apologised frantically. 

The butler took the letter in hand and began reading it. His expression changed almost instantly. 

"Oh my god... this can't be..." 

"What did His Highness wrote, Sir?" She asked curiously. 

"Has anyone seen this?" 

"No... I brought it over to you, Sir, once I found it." 

"Have you read it?" 

"Lord forbade, no!" 

The elder paused for a brief moment, thinking of the next step. His eyes twinkled for a second as a sudden idea flashed across his mind. It may sound crazy but it was the only solution he could think of at the moment. 

"Keep searching for His Highness!" he instructed. 

The butler walked briskly towards the prince's study room, leaving the puzzled lady-in-waiting to carry out his order. 

"Keep searching guys!" 

He immediately shut the door tight, locking it to make sure no one would come in. He took out his mobile phone and walked to the quietest corner in the room and proceeded to dial the numbers. 


Today was a quiet night as it has always been for a certain phone operator in the palace. He was assigned to night duty this entire week and with the relatively small request to connect call during night time, he had nothing much to do. Instead he concentrated on playing his handheld console. 

"Damn!" He cursed as the game-over wording flashed through his console screen. It was the fifth game-over. Then, the phone rang. 

"Hello..." He tried to sound pleasant, but the mood of losing the game was lingering in his lifeless tone. 

"This is Sir Yoon from Prince Yul's office. ID code 9-6-4-3-1. Connect me to Her Highness's personal guard in America right now." 

"Eh?" He gave a surprised response. 

"Did you hear what I've just said? Connect me at this instant!" The voice roared through the phone. 

"Y-Yes, Sir!" 


The weather was perfect for sleeping. It wasn't too hot or too cold. Just right for a comfortable good sleep. Her phone placed next to her on the bedside table began to ring loudly. 

Who the hell dared to disturb my beauty sleep? 

She reached out lazily and rejected the call. Peace returned at last until the very next second, it rang again. 


She groggily grabbed her phone and removed its battery, discarding the parts on her bed. Contended, she went back to sleep... until another set of ringing sound disrupted her sleep again. It was her second phone ringing. 

"YAH! What's the big idea of calling me in the middle of the night! It is freaking 4 a.m.!" She shouted into the phone. 

"I'm sorry to disturb your sleep, but I need to speak Her Highness's bodyguard. I'm Sir Yoon, His Highness Prince Yul's butler." 

"Huh?" She answered groggily. 

His Highness? Prince Yul? Sir Yoon? 

Her Highness!!!

Her eyes shot open. 

"Choi Sooyoung at your service! I'll do anything for Her Highness!" 

The butler was rather surprised by her abrupt declaration. 

"I need you to escort Her Highness back to Korea right away." 


"Do whatever you can, just get Her Highness onboard the next flight to Korea." 

"But we... erm I mean Her Highness is still attending her classes. The next term break would only start next month." 

"Agent Choi... this is an emergency. Forget about formality. I don't care what method you will be using, even if you have to force her. Just bring her back in secrecy. I will send someone to pick you up once you arrive in Korea." 

"Yes Sir..." With that, the call ended, leaving an utterly confused Sooyoung to device a plan. 

Yuri is so gonna hate me!

Chapter 1: Her Royal Highness

She slammed her hand down on the little digital alarm clock just 15 seconds before it was programmed to start the morning alarm call. 

"Rise and shine!" She said to no one in particular as she stretched her arms above her head.

The alarm clock was just a backup, in case she couldn't wake up in time, but her biological clock never failed her once. 

She jumped off her bed and skipped her way merrily to the living room.

"Morning!" A cheerful voice greeted her. A voice she couldn't possibly have heard at this hour. She rubbed her eyes as she saw the tall figure rummaging around in the kitchen.


"Why did you sound so surprised?"

"Did the sun rise in the west today?" She asked confusedly as she walked towards Sooyoung.

"Nope, it is still rising in the east, Yuri..." Sooyoung answered, looking out of the window.

"You're making breakfast?!? What is wrong with you today?" Yuri placed her hand on Sooyoung's head and touched her own.

"No fever..."

"Of course not," Sooyoung rebutted, "Just go wash up and breakfast will be serving soon, Your Highness!"

"Hey, don't call me that."

"Oops, just a slip of mouth... now just hurry up and go!"

It definitely did not sound right to her. Sooyoung has never woken up before her and she has always been the one making breakfast ever since Day 1 they arrived in the States three years ago.

Yuri returned from the bathroom and sat down at the dining table as she waited uneasily for the breakfast to be served. Within the next minute, the plate of piping hot pancakes was placed in front of her.

"Dig in!" 

Sooyoung immediately devoured the pancakes while Yuri simply looked on at her.

"What's wrong? It's delicious, okay! I know how to cook!"

"Did you put poison?" 

Sooyoung almost choked on the mouthful of pancake she just gobbled. 

Gah! She knew it!

"Just kidding!" Yuri continued jokingly, grabbing a quick bite, "Hmmm, it is quite delicious..."


"Of course, as a food culinary tasting expert, I do know how to cook!"

"You mean as a glutton..."

"I prefer Shikshin though!"

For the next few minutes, they chatted about the upcoming exams as the stack of pancakes started to decrease in height. 

"Yuri ah... do you wanna go back to Korea?"

"You mean during the term break?"

"Ya... kinda..."


She is adamant about going back!

"Why not?"

"Spare me the misery! I'm as free as a bird over here, why do I wanna lock myself in that cage!"

"Come on, the palace isn't that bad..."

"You don't know... imagine the strict regulations all over! And not to mention, my scary grandmother!"

"Her Majesty..." Sooyoung shuddered at the thought of the menacing looking Queen Mother staring into her very soul.

"I swear she could read mind!" Yuri exclaimed, "There is no way I am going back... at least not for the next 10 years..."

"10 years!!?! But-"

"My brother is there, they won't bother about me..."

She is never gonna to go back with me peacefully... This calls for drastic measures...

"Anyway, why are you asking me such question?"

"Ah... no... I was just thinking of going back for a visit..."

"Well, you can go back you know... I can take care of myself. It's pretty safe around here. Actually there is no need for-" 

Ding! A sound came from the kitchen interrupted Yuri.

"Ah... the milk is ready!" Sooyoung quickly excused herself. She poured the content into two separate but personalised cups. They have bought the customised cups a few months ago because they have argued over the dish washing issue. Each claimed that they have washed their own cups and the other had not. Having a personalised set of utensils made things easier.

She made sure she was out of Yuri's sight when she took out a bottle from her pocket and proceeded to pour the powdered white tablets into Yuri's cup. 


Yuri sneezed suddenly. The sudden sneezing sound made Sooyoung jumped and she accidentally poured half its contents into the cup. The milk started foaming. 


She quickly stirred the content and watched on as the powder slowly dissolved. She had no idea how much dose went in but there was no time to prepare another. She carefully carried the two cups over to the dining area. 

"Here!" Sooyoung passed it over to Yuri while she took a small sip on hers.


Yuri took a few sips.

"It tastes funny..."

"Is it? Mine tasted perfectly fine!" Sooyoung took a few gulps to prove her point. 

"Maybe it is just me..." She rubbed her nose. Perhaps I'm getting a cold soon, she thought. Yuri brushed away the thought as she continued drinking. Sooyoung eyed her constantly. 

Don't blame me, Yuri... this is the only way to bring you back to Korea!

"I'm full! Thanks for the meal! Now, let's get ready for classes!" Yuri stood up. Sooyoung sprang up immediately.

"You're... fast today..." Yuri commented at her unusually fast action. Sooyoung, on the other hand, smiled sheepishly as she scratched the side of her head nervously.

Yuri took a step forward when her head spun suddenly, and felt her knees buckled under her weight. Sooyoung who was just right behind her, reacted spontaneously, grabbing Yuri before she fell onto the floor. 

"Thanks..." Yuri muttered a weak thank. She felt all her strength leaving her, and in the next second she was fully knocked out.

"Yuri? Princess?"

There was no response from the girl lying in her arms. 

"Yuri, I'm so sorry... I'll let do whatever you want when you wake up."


"I'm not going!" 

"Baby, please just listen to your dad for this time."

"NO! He can go marry by himself if he wants!"

"For the last time I'm saying, you will be leaving for Korea in another 2 days' time!" A loud voice boomed through the hallway.

"NO! Dad, you can't decide for me!" She shrieked in defiant.

"It's the final decision! You have no say in this!"

"What era are we in? Why can't I choose my own happiness? I don't wanna marry some stranger I have never even meet before!" She broke down in tears.

"Hush baby, don't cry..." Her mother hugged her tight, patting her back to give comfort to her poor child.

"Why.... Why... this is so unfair..." She held onto her mother, sobbing uncontrollably.

"This is for your own good, my dear... they won't mistreat you..." Her mother answered shakily, trying to hold back her own tears.

"No... Mom... I don't wanna leave you..."

"Jessica, dear... me too... you are my baby! Of course, I won't wanna leave you..."

Outside the room standing, her father clenched the letter tightly. He heaved a huge sigh, seeing his wife and daughter cuddling together, crying their hearts out. The sight pained him. If he knew this day would come, he would never have made that promise with his best friend to wed their unborn children. If only both had only daughters.


Her head hurt as if she had a bad hangover. There was a constant low rumbling sound in the background. The bed she was lying on was definitely not hers; neither was it Sooyoung's. It had a faint medicinal smell. She opened her eyes slowly, adjusting to the bright light. She brought her hand up to shield her eyes from the light source and noticed the back of her right hand was attached to an IV drip.

Did Sooyoung sent me to a hospital? The interior looks like... huh... curved wall?

Her eyes shot open wide. She looked sideways and noticed the oval shaped windows. 

No way...

She crawled towards the edge of the bed with all her might and peeked out of the window. 

Clouds were all she could see. 


In the next cubicle, the girl happily slurping her bowl of ramen, jumped in fright. 

I'm doomed...

"Explain..." Yuri said angrily, with a scowling look as Sooyoung entered her cubicle with her head hung low.

"It was His Highness's butler's order..."

"Sir Yoon?"

"He called me yesterday at 4 a.m. and ordered me to bring you back to Korea at once..."

"Yesterday 4 a.m.!?!?" Yuri stared at her wristwatch. It clearly stated 1:25 a.m. in US Standard Time.

"You have been sleeping about 15 hours."

"What did you drug me with!?"

"Sleeping pills... aw... don't be angry... this is the only way you would ever board the plane peacefully!"

"How did they even allow you to bring me onboard?"

"I lied... Medical emergency and with your special status, we easily cleared the customs."

"So this whole thing... This IV drip for a show then?" Yuri responded fumingly as she reached out to pull the IV plug out of her hand. 

"No!" Sooyoung stopped her just in time as her giddiness returned all of a sudden.

"Lie back down! You are still weak from the drug effect..." Sooyoung pushed her down on the bed.

"How many pills did you put in exactly?" Yuri mumbled incoherently.

Great I'm slurring now...

"'m not exactly sure... half the bottle went into the cup accidentally!"

Choi Sooyoung... are you trying to kill me... you're gonna get it when I wake up...

It was the adrenaline rush from the realisation she was on the plane, which kept her awake for a brief moment. Right now, Yuri drifted back to the land of dreams mentally and was on her way back to Korea physically.

Chapter 2: His Royal Highness

"Sorry sorry sorry sorry..."

Sooyoung has been apologising over and over for the past thirty minutes on their car ride. Yuri was leaning her head against the tinted car window, staring out aimlessly at the city lights as the black Audi A8 drove past the bustling city streets, ignoring Sooyoung the entire time.

"I'll do everything you ask!" 

Yuri continued ignoring her. The very thought of returning to the palace or as she always called it the 'royal prison', was depressing enough, on top of Sooyoung's act of betrayal. She simply did not want to think about it anymore.

"I'm really, really sorry..."

The two black suited men in the front seat were keeping a close watch at the two. They were probably thinking she was just another difficult, snobbish princess.

"Your Highness, please..."

She hated that term, especially when it came out from the mouth of her best friend. But she was not able to do anything about it; it was her birth right and in the presence of others, Sooyoung could easily get into trouble if she had called her by her birth name. 

"You owe me..."

Yuri finally responded after the countless pleadings. She couldn't bring herself to hate her best friend.

"You forgave me?" Sooyoung grabbed her hand, staring at Yuri with her puppy-dog eyes.

"Yes..." Yuri returned the look with a bored expression, "My ears are going deaf soon if you don't stop your incessant apologies."

"Hurray!" Sooyoung cheered out loud momentarily. She quickly held your tongue when the one of her senior bodyguards turned around with a disapproving look.


Ten minutes later, the car came to a stop outside the lobby of a grand hotel. 

"We're not going back to the palace?" Yuri asked. Sooyoung shrugged her shoulders. She, too, had no idea what was going on.

The bodyguard stepped out of the car, stopping the hotel bellboy from opening the car door while the other one stood guarding the car from her side. 

As if on cue, two more black suited men appeared through the hotel lobby and swiftly formed a human barricade, preventing other guests from entering or exiting. They signalled to each other and the next moment, the car door was opened.

"Your Highness, this way please." Yuri stepped out of the car, followed behind by Sooyoung as the bodyguards escorted her all the way through the elevator.

Once inside, Yuri started asking questions at the bodyguards but to no avail. In no time, the elevator reached the top floor. The door opened to a quiet but brightly lit corridor.

"Your Highness, Sir Yoon is waiting for you in the presidential suite. Please pardon us for not escorting you further. We shall be taking our leave." The bodyguards bowed their heads down.

"Please don't bow at me. Thanks for the smooth journey so far..." Yuri replied politely as she and Sooyoung returned the courtesy bow. Together the two walked towards the hotel suite as the elevator door closed behind them.

The door opened as soon as Sooyoung pressed the doorbell.

"Greetings, Your Highness." A young chambermaid bowed as she greeted Yuri.

"Your Highness, I must apologise for not being able to pick you up in person at the airport. I hope you had a comfortable flight."

"Indeed, Sir Yoon... I had a comfortable flight. I was unconscious throughout the entire time," Yuri replied with a tinge of sarcasm. Sooyoung hung her head low in shame. The elder butler sensed it.

"Please pardon me for taking such drastic measure, Your Highness. I was the one who ordered your personal guard to do so. If there is anyone to be blame, it is definitely I."

"So what's the big issue for bringing me back when my exams is just two weeks away? Does Da- ... His Majesty know anything about this?" Yuri almost slipped her tongue by calling the King, Dad. She noticed a subtle change in his face. As the chief butler of the royal household, Sir Yoon was rather sensitive with the respectful terms.

"Please, Your Highness. Please take a seat and I'll explain everything to you in details."

The chambermaid quickly served hot tea for the trio.

"You can leave now." Sir Yoon dismissed the chambermaid. 

Now the three were all alone in the suite. The butler and Sooyoung started sipping on their cups, while Yuri looked on doubtfully.

"Please be rest assured, the tea is perfectly fine." Sir Yoon spoke out.

"That was what she said 28 hours ago..."

Sooyoung's face flustered red instantly.Yuri is still harping on it!

"It was perhaps safer to avoid touching on the raw nerve," thought the butler.

"Before I say anything, please take a look at this letter left behind by His Highness, your brother." Sir Yoon took the well-kept letter from his inner coat pocket and handed over to Yuri. Sooyoung peeped as Yuri read the letter.

Gone for a long holiday 

Cancel that engagement in my absence

I have no intention of marrying someone I've never met before in my entire life

And don't bother looking for me 

Will be back once I had my fill of fun

The handwriting was definitely her brother's. 

"What's the meaning of this?"

"His Highness has been missing since yesterday. We have been searching for him but I'm afraid Prince Yul has already left the country."

"To where?"

"His passport record showed he was heading towards Germany. But he could be anywhere else in Europe."

"What's this engagement thing about? I have never heard about this before. Bet he must be leaving because of this..."

"It was His Majesty's idea. His Highness was already engaged to the daughter of the Jung Enterprise before they were born."

"Jung Enterprise? You mean the Jung family who own the biggest luxury hotel chain in the world?"

The butler simply nodded his head.

"This is ridiculous. How could Dad have done that even before Bro was born?"

He cleared his throat slightly as a reminder at the usage of Yuri's words.

"His Majesty and Lord Jung are very good friends since childhood. They decided to be closer and had made this arrangement when His Majesty was still just a Royal Prince. If His Majesty had a son and Lord Jung had a daughter or vice versa, they would be engaged to each other. The Jungs have only two daughters. Otherwise, Your Highness would also have been engaged to their son, if His Highness had refused."

Upon hearing this information for the first time, Yuri felt a little relieved. At least, she was fortunate she was not the designated pawn in the chess set her father and his friend laid over twenty years ago.

"Does Da- His Majesty know that my brother is gone?"

"No... His and Her Majesties are currently out of country for a diplomatic visit in South Asia. They would only be coming back in another week time, in time for the engagement."

"WHAT? The engagement is taking place in a week's time?" 

Her brother could be anywhere now. It could take more than a week just to locate him. Bringing him back was another issue, unless of course, everyone else in the palace decided that drugging was the best solution to transport the unwilling princes or princesses.

"There isn't any way to postpone it until my brother is found?"

"Unfortunately so... His Majesty has been arranging for this engagement meeting for the past 3 months but His Highness always came out with excuses to avoid the meeting..." Yuri could totally imagine the din her brother made over this issue, "This is the final meeting His Majesty has insisted."

Yuri knew when her father was infuriated, nothing could stop him. Now that her brother has disappeared, it only made matter worse.

"As such, I hope Your Highness could help out with the situation until His Highness is found."

Help? What kind of help was she able to give? Pleading to the King on her brother's behalf? There was simply no way to keep this matter under wrap. The disappearance of the crown prince would be making headlines in a week time, disgracing the honour of the royal family.

"What can I do?"

"If Your Highness could pretend to be His Highness-"

"Pretend? You mean pretending to be my brother?"

"Yes, Your High-"

"Absolutely absurd! How am I supposed to pretend to be my brother?" Yuri cut him off immediately. It was a downright ridiculous idea.

"Twins..." Sooyoung voiced out, "You are twins!" 

"Sharing the tiny space for 9 months doesn't necessarily make us identical." 

"But the fact remains, you bear close resemblance to each other!"

"So what? I am a girl, not a guy!"

"Please allow me to say something, Your Highness," Butler Yoon interrupted. 

"I wouldn't have suggested something so brazen if we had other choices. It is impossible to cancel the engagement announcement at this point in time. His Majesty's spokesperson has already released the news to the press. By this time, the media would already be frenzy over this. Any postponement or cancellation would..."

He paused, heaving a sigh.

"This concerns about the dignity for the royal family and I'm sure you know about Prince Jin..."

Yuri had noticed the lack of respectful term for her uncle, the third in line for the throne, right after them. She didn't blame him though. Her mother has always warned them about their uncle who was the first in line since their father's accession until their births displaced him.

"He might make an issue out of this... which could jeopardise His Highness's position as the heir apparent. At least just pretend to be His Highness until he returns..."

Yuri was rendered speechless. Too many things were at stake. The dignity, the public, her family, her twin brother...

"Even if I cut my hair and dress exactly like him, how are we gonna deceive my parents? One look and they will be able to tell us apart. And don't suggest surgery... I'm not making myself an exact copy of my brother..."

"Nobody except the ones present here would know about this... Not even the bodyguards know anything about this. All they know is that Your Highness has flown back for a surprise visit for His and Her Majesties, but returned upon discovering they were out of country. Rest assured, Your Highness. I will definitely do my very best to cover up this act. If any problem should arise, I will shoulder the full responsibility."

It could be his gentle way of speaking but Butler Yoon had the charisma to make her believe in him.

"I guess I have no choice but to go ahead with this big cover-up... so I have a week to pull a Prince Yul's transformation-"

"Hair cut... you're going to say goodbye to your long silky hair... And you gotta cut those nails! Practice Prince Yul's mannerism... this sounds so fun!" Sooyoung squealed excitedly.

Yuri cringed inwardly, imagining one week from now, she would become her brother...

"Yah! Stop it... you are making the hairs on my hands stand!"

"Prince Yuri or Princess Yul?" Sooyoung continued to joke.

The serious issue has suddenly ceased to exist, as it became an interesting interaction between the two ladies. Sir Yoon couldn't bring the heart to break them the bad news, but he has to.

"... There isn't exactly one week..."

"Huh?" Both gave a puzzled look at him.

"She will be arriving in Seoul in 2 days' time..."

Chapter 3: Here comes the Crown Princess

She stared in the mirror dumbstruck by her new image. Gone was her flowing black long hair, instead she was spotting a much shorter but smart, brown coloured hair, bringing out on her handsomely sharp features. 

"Holy... you look exactly like His Highness..." Sooyoung commented, astonished by the similarity.

It has only been 6 hours after she has touched down in Seoul and already the first step of transformation was completed under the skilful hands of an experienced image consultant, the fourth person who has learnt about this secret. 

G, as he introduced himself, was a personal friend of Sir Yoon. Yuri has remotely linked him with the character Edna Mode from Pixar's The Incredibles. She wondered how the usually serious royal butler could have befriended the frivolous G.

"No no darling... you gotta smile without showing your teeth!" Yuri tried for the tenth time, only to fail miserably with an awkward smile.

"Your posture is all wrong. Stand upright. Chest out. Behave like you're of royal blood-"

I'm of royal blood...already...

"Yes yes... breathe in and tuck in your tummy... Did you say something?" 

Yuri shook her head. 

"Nothing? Continue then.... Wait... Hmmm we need to do something to that chest of yours... if you know what I mean-"

Yuri's face flushed red. Immediately she was ushered into the washroom along with Sooyoung.

"You know what to do..." G said as he passed Sooyoung a piece of cloth and a duct tape. A few minutes later, Yuri emerged out with a constipated look on her face, while Sooyoung stifled her laughter.

"Good... now try your standing pose again... GOOD! But there's still room for improvement..." 

Can't breathe...

"No no no you are doing it the wrong way..."

"No no darling... you can't move your butt like a girl now... walk like a man!" 

"No... not as stiff as zombie!"

"Spread your legs outward as you walk..."

"No no darling... not a duck!"

By this time, Sooyoung was already on the floor, clutching her stomach and laughing out loud. She quickly wiped the tears forming at the corners of her eyes. 

"Your 'S' line is all gone! Bwahahaha!"

That was her final straw.

"YAH! Stop laughing!" Yuri shrieked in a high pitched voice.

"No no no! Darling... you have to deepen your voice to sound like a man. Not screaming like a girl!" 

This only served to intensify Sooyoung's laughter.

G shook his head, "You need intensive training for the next 10 hours..."


"Sir, the car is ready," said a strong built man clad in black suit. 

"Get Jessica," He instructed the servant. Within the next minute, the servant emerged down from the stairs carrying the luggage. His daughter quietly followed on. She has worn a simple white dress. Her face was somewhat expressionless with huge shades covering almost the top half of her face. He knew she was hiding her red puffy eyes from all those crying. 

His wife stood besides him, sobbing silently. 

"She won't be mistreated..." He whispered softly.

"I know... but... it's just..." She choked back on her words. She couldn't bear the thought of her eldest daughter leaving her side to live in a place half the world away. 

It was every girl's dream to marry a prince charming. 

But it was also every girl's dream to marry someone they loved. 

It would have been a perfect fairytale if Jessica had meet this prince and fallen in love with him before the engagement or marriage. Sadly, it was not the case.

There was no way her father would be able to reject the marriage proposal that came almost as an imperial decree. It has been long decided even before she was born. Out of the possible candidates for the crown princess between her and her younger sister, the prince was of the same age as her and only at age fifteen, her younger sister was far too young for marriage. 

Jessica has resigned herself to fate. She would rather be the one to suffer instead of her beloved sister.

"Dad... Mom... I'll be going then..." She said in a hoarse voice.

"Unnie!" The younger girl came in through the front door. She has just returned back from school. She immediately ran up to hug her elder sister. 

"It's time to go... Krystal... let go of your sister..." Their father spoke.

Krystal shook her head as she clung unto Jessica, unwilling to let go as tears streamed down her cheeks. On the surface, Jessica was unmoved and appeared indifferent. However, under those dark shades, she was fighting back her tears that were on the brink of overflowing. 

In a seemingly harsh action, she pushed her sister away and walked briskly towards the white Mercedes that was waiting for her. She was afraid if she had stayed any longer, her determination to part would falter. 

"Please drive..." Jessica croaked immediately once she had entered.

Once the car was driven out of their mansion, she could no longer hold up her tears, allowing it to flow freely once more. In another 20 hours and probably for the rest of her life, she would be in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar faces. 


"Yes yes, please come in..."

A group of female attendants entered the suite, armed with measuring tapes and some pushing trolleys of various type of clothing. They flocked up to Yuri immediately and started laying their hands on her figuratively. Yuri was too tired to resist their wandering hands. Her bloodshot eyes were a clear indication.

She has been awake for the last twenty hours; crash coursing on 'How-to-be-a-royal-prince' lesson conducted by G the Devil - at least that was what she called him.

The ladies shouted out numbers to each other and there was a person, presumably, the official recorder, taking down the numbers. Yuri heard her height being shouted across vaguely. 

"Try this on." G handpicked a white shirt coupled with a black vest from the trolleys. One of the attendants immediately took the selected clothing and in a flash, Yuri was fitted with the set. 

"Hmmm, splendid... now try this!" This time round, it was a cream-coloured tuxedo. Then, followed by a black suit with a black bowtie, followed by a simple pale pink shirt with a tie and countless others in rapid successions. 

All in all, Yuri was fitted with the outfits while standing still, without moving a single muscle. 

G clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. 

"Good good! It has been a great job for far. Now my ladies, you have all the measurements you need and the selected clothing. I would be glad if the alterations can be done within the next 3 hours."

They vacated the suite as swiftly as they had come in originally. 

"Oh gosh... my darling, you look horrible!"

Yuri gazed blankly at him. It was the after-effect of drowning down cups after cups of black coffee in order to stay awake and refresh. 

G looked at the clock. There was still a few more hours before old Yoon would come to fetch 'His Highness' and Yuri has managed to master the 101 techniques of being a prince. Though it was not up to perfection yet, G figured she has done her best. The last thing he wanted was for the 'prince' he has trained, to collapse due fatigue during the first meeting, later in the noon.

"Go go... get yourself some sleep... your beloved princess would only be arriving in another 5 hours," he said as he pushed Yuri along to the bedroom. On the huge bed, Sooyoung was sleeping soundly. He set Yuri down and drew the curtain so it would be more conducive for sleep despite the rising sun outside.

"Sleep well my darling..." he said as he left the room.

Yuri lay down on the bed, unable to fall asleep due to her hyperactivity mind. She turned over and watched her sleeping companion. 

"Lucky her..." She mumbled. First an accidental overdose of sleeping pill and now an overdose of caffeine, Yuri wondered what was coming for her next. Her mind began to wander about another plausible solution to end her misery earlier. Perhaps there was a way out after all...


"Wake up, Your Highness..." Sooyoung gave her a gentle nudge.

Yuri squinted her eyes, "Oh, it's just you..." Upon, seeing it was Sooyoung, she fell back to sleep immediately.

"Your Highness, you can't sleep now-"

"... Another hour..."

"No! You gotta get up-"

"...Let me skip school today..."

"School?" Sooyoung scratched her head, "Ahhhh, we're in Korea! Your Crown Princess is arriving soon!" 

"... What Crown Princess..." Yuri mumbled in her sleep. 

Princess? She bolted upright instantly. The last 48 hours of her life had been nothing but a hectic chaos. First, she was 'kidnapped' back to Korea, then she was told to impersonate her brother, and lastly, she would be engaged to a girl in 5 days time.

"Tell me it is all a dream!" Yuri stared at Sooyoung, hoping to hear everything was nothing but a bad dream.

"No... your fianc?ƒ©e is really coming. She'll be arriving Seoul in another hour! Get up!" 

Yuri was immediately dragged out of the bed to the dressing room where the same group of attendants was waiting. Within the next moment, she was ushered out to the living room, where G and Sir Yoon were waiting patiently, all dressed in the smartest suit - a white shirt coupled with a black vest, a matching pair of trousers and a grey tie. Sooyoung stood besides her, holding the black blazer. 

"Perfect, isn't it, old Yoon?" G commented, with great pride.

Sir Yoon was impressed. Even though the prince and princess were twins, he had never expected Yuri would look exactly like Yul after the disguise. It was a 100% success. Sir Yoon nodded his head with gratitude to his long-time old friend. 

"Are you ready, Your Highness?"

"I guess so..."

"From now on, once you stepped out of this suite, you shall be His Royal Highness, Crown Prince of Korea, Prince Yul. Please remember that, Your Highness."

Yuri took a deep breath. There would be no turning back anymore.

"Yes of course. Please lead the way."


"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the Captain speaking. We will be landing in Seoul in another ten minutes. The time now is 1:25pm local time. The ground temperature is 22 degrees. Please fasten your seat belts to prepare for landing. Thank you for flying with United Airlines and a warm welcome to Korea."

Jessica looked out of the window as the plane began its descent. An unfamiliar landscape, she thought. She has not been to Korea since the last visit 15 years ago for a holiday trip with her parents. There seemed to be only bad memories for the place, except for one.

She could remember faintly. She was lost in a huge amusement park amongst the towering adults and there were no sight of her parents. It was a carnival day and there were a lot of other people. Scared and alone, she wandered around for a long time, crying her heart out but no one seemed to hear her, no one bothered about her, until a little girl came up to her.

"Why are you crying?" The little girl asked in the most inquisitive tone.

Jessica did not answer. She continued wailing for her parents' attention. They would always rush to her instantly every time she does that. But today, they were not by her side.

"Don't cry..." The little girl tapped on her shoulder, "Here, have some of my superpower sweets!"

Jessica looked up. A small glass jar with an assorted range of colourful candies was held right in front of her. 

"Take it!" The little girl said, shoving the jar unto Jessica's hands. Surprised by her sudden action, Jessica looked up at the girl. She was wearing black t-shirt and there was a pair of cute fluffy bear ears attached on her head.

"Say ahhhhh~"

"... Ahhhh~" Jessica followed her little girl's action, popping the 'superpower' candy into her mouth. It was the most delicious sweet she had ever tasted.



"And now, you are Super White Bear!" The girl took off her bear ears and placed in on top of Jessica's head.

"Wheeee~ Super Black Bear to the rescue!" The little girl flapped her arms like a pair of wings and ran around Jessica. Soon, Jessica stopped crying and together, she and her newfound friend played happily for quite a long while until she heard a familiar voice crying out for her name.

It was her anxious mother. Jessica ran towards her mother, crying out loud as all her emotions burst out from within. She had missed her mother dearly, hugging her tightly, afraid that her mother will disappear again. 

The little girl came running along behind her, with the jar of candies they left on the floor while they were playing.

"Super White Bear! Glad you found your mummy! Don't forget your superpower sweets!" The girl chucked the jar of candies and ran off in the opposite direction.

"What's your name?" Jessica shouted, choking with tears.

"Super Black Bear!" The little girl shouted back, before disappearing into the crowd.

From that day onwards, whenever Jessica felt sad or unhappy, she would take a candy out of that jar Super Black Bear gave it to her and yelled 'Power-up'. 

"Cabin crew, prepare for landing." The in-flight announcement came on.

Jessica quickly took a candy from the little glass jar she brought along and popped it into her mouth. She hated the ear popping sensation associated with the sudden pressure change, and she would need all her strength for the upcoming 'battle' with the royalties.

"Power-up! Super White Bear! Fight them down!"

Jessica smiled for the first time in many days. The codename Super White Bear had fitted her nicely indeed. She was wearing a white dress.


Chapter 4: So we meet

"This is KBS News Live reporting from Incheon Airport. The Royal Household has recently released an official statement. In a letter addressed to the media from His Majesty, King Chung, the engagement between His Highness Crown Prince Yul and Miss Jessica Jung was agreed upon with the approvals from both parties' families." 

A young female journalist stood at the entrance of the airport, alongside with dozens other news stations actively covering the news of what could be the biggest news of the year. She was a petite figure compared to the other reporters and monstrous equipment present in the tiny space. Fortunately for her, their news team managed to secure the area closest to the bodyguards who have formed a line of barricade, supposedly clearing a path for the crown prince and his entourage. Ignoring the noisy background and the gathering public, she continued the broadcast while the live coverage has been switched to a prerecorded clip of the Prince attending the opening match of this season's baseball league. 

"Crown Prince Yul who is the next in line for the highly coveted throne, is definitely one of Korea's most eligible bachelors; having bagged the award selected by public view for the past consecutive 4 years. News of the engagement has literally broke the hearts of millions hopeful crown princess-wannabes as netizens flooded the online forums with their outcries that their prince has been 'stolen' ever since the release of the engagement news earlier today. If His Highness is to succeed the throne in the future, he would be the 28th King of Kwon Dynasty and the 4th King since the Constitutional monarchy was established in early turn of the 20th century." 

"Miss Jessica Jung, 20, is the eldest daughter of Lord Jung, the current head of the noble Jung clan and the CEO of Jung Enterprise."

A series of still pictures taken from various sources of the crown princess-to-be flashed across the television sets nationwide. She paused for a short moment, briefly reading through the transcript prepared by the editors before continuing. 

"Despite her eligibility as a descendent of noble status, the general public view is somewhat less supportive, as she has never lived in Korea since the Jung family moved to America more than 2 decades ago." 

She shook her head in shame. The small screen at the bottom of the camera showed their live feed from their broadcast. Out of all the pictures, why did the editors choose to broadcast pictures of this Jessica Jung in poor light? She remembered seeing a brilliantly cheerful picture among the stack of photos but most of the televised pictures showed a cold and unflattering side of this crown princess-to-be. And with the comments added, general public view would most likely be swayed. Now everyone would be bound to think that she was a snobbish, rich heiress who was brought up in America without any traditional Korean cultural upbringing - in another words, she should not be crowned as Crown Princess, the future Queen. Then something struck her. The board of editors was all females. Jealousy was the only explanation. 

"You are going live in another 5, 4, 3, 2-" The crewmember signalled a silent 1.

"It would be the biggest royalty event since the celebrated twin births of the Prince Yul and Princess Yuri some 20 years ago. The engagement is to be held in another 5 days time according to statement issued earlier on. This is KBS News' Kim Taeyeon, reporting live from Incheon Airport."


"Woah, that's your fianc?ĩe?" Sooyoung commented after viewing the broadcast from the screen panel installed in their Black Audi A8, giving Yuri a sly look.

"Is that another of your smart alec statement?" Yuri replied coolly, focusing her attention back onto the folder in front of her. She has been reading details about the girl ever since they boarded the car, stopping only to see the news report about the engagement news.

"Nah, I'm just happy..." Sooyoung choked in a dramatic manner, "...That my best friend's getting married... awwwww~ you're all grown-up now..." 

Sooyoung patted Yuri's shoulder, "I'm so proud of you!"

Yuri gave her a huge grin.

"When that day comes, you will definitely be my best man... grow a moustache... you'll look better in one."

"Your humour is at all time low..."

"It is much better than your acting..."

"She looks icy..."

"Be nice, Sooyoung, don't bite..."

"Bite? Hey, I'm not a dog."

"You owe me..." 

"But that doesn't make me a dog..."

"Don't worry, I will feed you well and proper." Yuri patted Sooyoung's head, smirking as she recalled the broadcast. This would make things a lot easier...


The fleet of black Audis has finally entered the airport drop-off zone. Taeyeon quickly scrambled to her feet for another live as the media went frenzied over the appearance of the royalty fleet. Dozens flashlights shone continuously one after another, as the photographers clambered forward eagerly to take a good shot. 

"Reporting live once again from Incheon Airport. His Highness Prince Yul has just arrived." 

The cameraman quickly zoomed past the journalist to the centre car carrying the royal emblem flag. The intimidating looking bodyguard opened the door swiftly and everyone held their breath as the prince took his first step out. 

Taeyeon finally understood the reason why half the population went crazy when they heard the announcement. The prince was breathtakingly handsome as he rose to his full height, dressed in a smart suit in the three black-grey-white colours. The prince was not particularly tall, just an average height for males, but he exuded an air different from the rest. It wasn't simply because he was born into the aristocracy. An individual with high charisma, which dazzled the world with his amazing all rounder talents in competing sports, arts and diplomatic skill, the prince was above the rest by several cuts.

He was simply made to be a prince.

And coupled with a dreamy look like his, it was no wonder the girls would die to marry him, or to be entirely engulfed by the flames of jealousy with the future crown princess. Taeyeon, too, began to feel envious of the lucky girl.

Cries of the shrieking girls and constant shouting of 'Prince Yul' were overwhelming. Yuri, immersed with the intense media attention, cheekily threw a wink at the crowd, much to Sooyoung's disgust. 

I can't believe she is actually enjoying all these?

Taeyeon was completely smitten by the dreamy prince that just walked past her, caught the wink.

"Taeyeon, you're still on air!" came a voice through the receiver in the young journalist's ear. She jumped a little, quickly recomposing herself, as she made the live broadcast with a faint blush on her face.

"We shall now hand over to our next correspondent who's awaiting the crown princess arrival in the gates. I'm Kim Taeyeon from KBS News." 

The scene was immediately switched over to the other standby crew in the comfort of the air-conditioned arrival hall. 

"Thank you, Taeyeon," addressed the second journalist, another young female on Team B.

"Hello, I'm Tiffany Hwang from KBS News. The United Airlines plane from San Francisco has landed approximately 10 minutes ago, and any minute from now, the crown princess-to-be, Miss Jessica Jung, would be passing through the arrival gate, expected to be escorted by the royal bodyguards."

The camera focused its attention to the Arrival Gate Two, the rumoured exit that the crown princess would be taking, which was a quite fair distance from where the KBS team had positioned. Other stations had planted themselves upfront in the waiting zone. It was a fight for the exclusivity of showing the clearest video clip of the princess, probably the very first footage of her at the baggage claim counter. Sadly, their team would probably lose out, but at very least, they should be able to film some footage of the first meeting.

The commotion following the prince and his entourages quickly followed suit as the public and media started to crowd around. The camera immediately wheeled around to capture the footage. Despite the rowdy crowd, the prince maintained his calm composure, fully trusting the bodyguards' ability to secure a walkway and safeguard the security issue. This was the very quality Tiffany found herself attracted to; a self-composed person like Prince Yul.

Another commotion started at the other end. She has been sighted at last. The other news stations began their live broadcast as the first footage of the princess surrounded by at least 4 guards flashed across the various big screens in the arrival hall.

Tiffany reeled into action swiftly. 

"5, 4, 3, 2-"


Jessica hesitated her exit. The media frenzy was a little overwhelming even for a rich heiress like her. The popularity of the royal household in Korea was incomparable to what she had initially thought. 

"Your Highness, please don't worry about the safety issues. All the guards out there would form a barricade." The leader of the 4 bodyguards assured the concerned Jessica.

"You don't have to call me Your Highness... I'm not... at least, not officially yet..." 

"Yes, Miss Jung then... this way."

With that, the small group began their way out of the gates to the readied cameras and their countless flashes. It was like walking on the red carpet of Oscar Awards in Hollywood. Hordes of male photographers shouted out for her attention.

"Look this way!" 

"Look over here, Your Highness!"

The constant flashlights temporarily blinded her as dark spots started swimming in her eyes. She shielded her eyes with a hand and started walking at a brisk pace. Then, the bodyguards around her stopped. She looked up and noticed another group standing in front, facing her. Only one person stood out among the rest. 

Though he was not exactly tall and slightly tanned, the prince had a well-proportioned build, clearly bringing out an unparallel aura of nobility. But what caught Jessica's attention was the smile he had, a smile that simply lit up the world.

So, that's him / So, that's her, the exact thought flashed across their minds.

Dressed in an elegant white strapless dress with a black waist bow and her light brown hair tied loosely in a bun, Jessica was the image of a perfect princess in every man's eyes. 

Woah, you're missing out a lot, stupid brother...

Not even Yuri was able to resist taking a second look at the gorgeous beauty. She was thinking there could even be a remote chance of a 'love at first sight' if her brother was here instead.

Yuri stepped forward and held her hand in front to Jessica. 

"Hi, this seems to be our first meeting. I'm Kwon Yul. Pleased to meet you," Yuri introduced amiably.

"I'm Jessica Jung. Nice to meet you too, Your Highness," Jessica took his hand shyly. 

The moment of their contact was greatly sought after as the media and crowd surrounding them closed in for a better shot. The KBS team was just a few metres away as they prepared for another live broadcast.

"This is Tiffany from KBS News. The royal couple has met and they will be walking past us shortly in a moment."

The camera panned across to the couple that was now posing for the photos under the media constant urging.

Seeing the rather uncomfortable expression on Jessica's face, Yuri acted instinctively. She held Jessica's hand tight and started pulling her along. The bodyguards immediately cleared a path for the young couple to pass through.

A loud snapping sound was heard and before anyone could react, one of the barricades just behind the couple gave way due to the constant pushing of the crowd, sending the crowd stumbling forward.

Then everything else happened in a quick blur.

The unexpected incident occurred just opposite the KBS team. Their recording camera had followed through the royal couple right from the start.

"There's been an accident but- OH MY GOD!" 

"You jerk!" Then came a loud slapping sound. 

Everyone, appalled by the sudden turn of event, remained completely still. With the camera still rolling, the stunned journalist quickly regained her composure.

"This is Tiffany Hwang from KBS News, reporting live..."


That particular rare footage replayed countless of times later throughout the day, exclusive to KBS News who had the full close up coverage.

Just as the barricade fell down, the bodyguards rushed forward to protect the royal couple. Prince Yul acted swiftly as he pulled the crown princess forward to safety. But in the rush to do so, Prince Yul has tripped over someone's leg and stumbled forward, pulling the Crown Princess down with him. The royal couple sprawled on the floor, with the princess lying on her back on top of the prince. All was well, except...

Yuri has meant to cushion Jessica's fall with her own body by grabbing her waist to pull her close. She did succeed, as she managed to let Jessica land on top of her, but the only thing she failed terribly was she grabbed her chest instead of her waist. When Yuri realised that, she quickly let go of her hold. Deeply embarrassed, Jessica turned around immediately.

"You jerk!" Jessica shrieked, mustering all her strength and slapped Yuri across the cheek. An infuriated Jessica stormed off towards the car, leaving the stunned Yuri clutching her stinging cheek. Yuri turned back and looked at the leg that was tangled with hers. 


It was her long leg.

The image of the prince's hand across the princess' chest, followed by a huge slap had made the news clip, a sensation hit in the cyber world.

*****Chapter 5: Left or Right

The two sat in total silent throughout the whole journey back to the palace. Sooyoung and Butler Yoon, too, remained quiet. They have figured it would be best to leave the matter alone. Sooyoung was most worried about the safety of her own leg. Earlier on, Yuri has threatened to chop it off.

Jessica was still fuming mad over the incident. 

That perverted guy... he must have done it on purpose... to think he actually looked decent... Those lecherous look of his... Hmpf! He's a jerk...

On the other hand, Yuri was reeling in the shock over the slap. No one has ever slapped her in her entire life, no one dared. 

Let it go, Yuri... it is not that crazy girl's fault... Let it go...

Then an idea struck her.

No wait... hey, it could work... I can chase her off on her own accord! Then there will be no engagement! And I will be free once again!

Yuri smirked, impressed by her own brilliant idea. 

Jessica caught that look.

Oh my god... he is really perverted!


Soon, Jessica spotted several huge stone structures along the way and then, she finally saw the main gate of the Gyeongbokgung - the Imperial Palace. The changing of guard duty was in procession, as the car drove through a heavily guarded gate meant for the royal household and guards. Along the way, she was fascinated with the grandeur of the ancient buildings in traditional Korean architect that have withstood the age of centuries.

"Your Highnesses, Her Majesty won't be back from her lessons until 4pm. Please take a rest first till then." Sir Yoon explained as they exited the car.

Yuri groaned inwardly. She dreaded meeting her grandmother, the Queen Mother. 

"Lessons?" Jessica asked out of curiosity. 

"Yes, Her Majesty is giving flower arrangement lessons at a local community centre." Sir Yoon smiled, "This way please, Your Highness. I shall show you your residence palace."

Together, they walked through the several grounds and finally reached the residence palace of the Crown Prince. It was a stark contrast with its surrounding structure. The palace was modern looking, designed in a European architecture style. 

As Jessica entered through the front gate, she noticed a beautiful courtyard with a small fountain in the middle, surrounded by the lush greenery. Each individual quarter faced the courtyard. 

"Your Highness, you will staying at the princess quarter on the left."

"She's staying in my room!?" Sooyoung shot Yuri a look immediately, "I mean- my sister's room?" 

"It's Her Majesty's arrangement. The guest room is too small for Her Highness."

"I can take the guest room, if it is a trouble for the princess..."

"Oh, Her Highness Princess Yuri is away at the moment. She's in the States, studying." Sooyoung explained diligently. 

"Miss Choi, please kindly escort Her Highness to her room, will you? His Highness and I have some urgent matter to attend to," Sir Yoon said after checking the time. 

"Yes, Sir!" 

"Alright, right is mine, left is yours! Keep that in mind, and don't touch any of mine- my sister's stuff!" Yuri barked out. She was grumpy, having to sleep in her brother's room, while letting out her own room to Jessica. 

"Please take a good rest." Sir Yoon quickly departed, following behind the prince as he strode off hastily.

"Don't mind His Highness, he's having a rough time this week." Sooyoung apologised on his behalf.

Jessica paid no heed to the moody prince. He's just being a total jerk...

"Oh, I haven't introduced myself... I'm Choi Sooyoung, His Highness's personal guard."

"But you're a girl? Isn't that..."

"Ahhh, erm... I-"

"Isn't that Sooyoung?" An older woman came up to them. 

"Lady Park!" Sooyoung immediately bowed to greet the woman dressed in an official palace suit.

"You must be the crown princess-to-be. Greetings, Your Highness." The senior attendant greeted Jessica with a courtesy bow, which Jessica quickly returned.

"That's right... Sooyoung, why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be with Her Highness in America?"

"Ah, I...I er-" Sooyoung tried to come out with a reason, "I was sent back by the Princess!" 

"Uh?" Lady Park gave an confused expression.

"I made the Princess angry, I broke her violin-" Sooyoung trailed off her sentence softly, feeling bad for lying. 

"And she sent you back just because of this? What's the matter with Princess Yuri? You two are as close as sisters!"

"Erm... sorry Lady Park, I gotta show Her Highness around her new residence."

"Oh... I must apologise for the abrupt interruption!" 

After Lady Park was gone, Sooyoung finally let out a relief.

"This way..."

"So you are originally Princess Yuri's bodyguard? And she sent you away just because of that?" 

Sooyoung nodded her head timidly. She prayed hard that Yuri would never come to hear this blatant lie she has desperately made up. One of her legs was already branded a property of Kwon Yuri and Sooyoung intended to hold on to the other.

Jessica snorted, "I guess it runs in the blood..." 


Right outside, Yuri sneezed. 


The room was painted in a light shade of blue and the furniture was a nice match with the interior d?ĩcor. It suited her taste well. At least, the room wasn't that 'princessy' as she had initially thought.

However, Jessica was more intrigued with the decorations on the walls. There were varying sizes of frames, each containing a brownish piece of paper. She took a closer look out at the nearest frame out of curiosity. It was an aged music score. She took a glance around and discovered the whole place was decorated with pieces of music scores encased in frames.

"The bathroom is over here and the bedroom is over there. Oh and the attendants will be serving you shortly." 

"The princess is a musician?" Jessica asked pointing to the frame with the score titled 'Double Violin Concerto' by the famous composer, J.S. Bach.

"Yes," Sooyoung replied, "Oh that is her favourite piece. It's the original first print." 

She quickly pointed her arm down, afraid that she would break the frame accidentally. Jessica had the tendency of losing her balance at the wrong moment. It was not the exorbitant price of an original first print music score that scared her, but rather, the fear of destroying what could be the few remaining pieces of a masterpiece. She looked around and found there were at least 10 frames all over. 

She groaned inwardly. She has to be real careful not to trip over anything in this quarter.


The grandiose wooden-floored hall and its carvings of the mythical phoenix on the beam structure was nothing but a clear indication of the high royalty status, especially for the person residing in this part of the palace. As she walked through the hall earlier on, Jessica could not help but to feel awe at the historical value of this palace.

Tiny sweat beads starting to form on her forehead along with the growing ache in her ankles. She has been on her knees, watching as the most respected woman in the entire palace and probably the whole of Korea, preoccupied herself with the delicate task. In Jessica's mind, the image of the Queen Mother was one of a scary individual - a strict traditional woman who would not tolerate any nonsense. But instead, the Queen was a graceful woman who wore a constant smile on her face. The same smile that Jessica saw earlier in the day. The same smile which Yul inherited from his grandmother. 

"I'm sorry for the long wait, my dear children. Please enjoy this cup of tea," 

"Yes, Your Majesty."

She looked left at Yul, making sure to follow his movement closely. They waited for the Queen Mother to take her own cup, before graciously accepting their own. She could never understand complexity of tea ceremony.

Jessica took a quick sip of the hot content in the white porcelain teacup.

"It's a good tea." Yul commented, waving the aroma of the tea towards him with a gentle sweeping motion. 

Immediately, she stopped her action, realising no one has drunk his or her tea yet. Her face flushed pink in embarrassment. The Queen Mother simply smiled in return, though Jessica swore she heard a stifled chuckle from Yul.

"Ah, you all have been kneeling in this position for a long time. Why not let's all move to a more comfortable position?" The Queen Mother said amiably.

In a swift motion, the court attendants assisted the Queen Mother to stand up and held her across the room, towards the sofa. 

Jessica rose up too but her feet, numbed from the long kneeling, were not following her command. She yelped and nearly stumbled forward but a pair of arms acted quickly, helping her to secure her balance. 

She turned around and met his deep brown eyes. 

"Be careful," Yul whispered.

Jessica looked away shyly, but before she could mutter a quick thank, Yul added on purposely.

"Cos you'll be so dead if you broke her favourite tea set." 



"Yul, is it me or do you seem a lot thinner since the last time I saw you three days ago?"

Yuri almost choked on her tea.

"No! Granny, it must be your eyes playing tricks on you. I didn't lose any weight in the past 3 days..."

Yuri looked away, pretending to be really interested in the painting at the background. 

"Hmmm... must be my bad eyesight then..." The Queen Mother gave a long sigh. Getting old was not a choice. 

"How're your parents? It has been such a long time since I last met them. I can still remember the times when your father would come over for dinner when he is just a young boy. He and Yul's father are the closest of friends. One could even mistake them for real brothers. And of course, your lovely mother, she is such a sweet little girl who knows everything a girl should know."

"Her Majesty, they are very well. They wanted me to sent their regards to you."

"My child, call me Granny, like how Yul calls me..."

"Y-Yes... Granny..."


The meeting with the Queen Mother went well, although Yuri could not understand how did Jessica manage to get along so well with her granny. When her grandmother found out that Jessica had learnt some basic flower arrangement from her mother during dinner, she fervently insisted Jessica to join in for the next class tomorrow. 

Yuri could tell that her grandmother was very fond of Jessica and couldn't help but to marvel at Jessica's ability to coax the usually stern elder. 

Although it was good that the unlikely pair bonded well, it bode a deeper trouble for Yuri. If the Queen Mother really like Jessica as a granddaughter-in-law, it would be even more difficult to cancel the engagement especially since the views of the elders played a huge role in its decision. 

"Perhaps I need to adopt a harsher attitude towards her," thought Yuri.

Back at their residence, the two walked past the main quarter into the garden. They were now standing in front of the small fountain with three pathways surrounded by small bushes, each leading to the three various living quarters. 

"Yah! Remember right is mine, left is yours!" Yuri barked as she reminded her.

"I got that!" Jessica snapped back, "And I wonder who should be angrier over the airport incident!"

They stared angrily at each other, and with a puff, they turned their backs against each other, walking straight into their rooms.

"You and your twin are indeed peas in the pod! Spoilt peas!" Jessica yelled out without turning her back, leaving the puzzled Yuri scratching her head. 

Did she just... curse me 2 times?


"So how's your first day as the prince?" Sooyoung peeked her head over the sofa as she heard the bathroom door opening. Yuri emerged out from her long refreshing shower.

"Dead tired..." Yuri replied as she plonked herself unto the sofa. Sooyoung was quick to offer her the bag of potato chips she had been munching on ever since the TV was switched on.

"News flash... Today at the airport, the Crown Prince-" 

Before the full announcement was made, Sooyoung immediately switched the news channel. Fortunately for her, Yuri, who was drying her hair with the towel, did not pay any attention to the TV. She did not wish to remind Yuri that she was going to chop off her leg.

"Barney? You are watching Barney?" The screen flashed the purple dinosaur singing. 

"I love you, you love me... we're a happy family-" Sooyoung sang along, stopping only after a deadly glare from Yuri.

"Why are still you here? It's late already, aren't you going home?"

"New mission. I gotta stay in the palace to protect you."

"From what?" Yuri then added, "Oh, if you are gonna protect me from that violent girl, it would be great... do your job and keep her at least 10 feet away from me."

"You discharged all of the prince's former bodyguards. Have you forgotten already?"

Yuri had not. She had made a pact with Butler Yoon to reduce the number of bodyguards to just only one. Just Sooyoung alone would be sufficient. She didn't want her limited freedom to be restricted by having more eyes on her.

"No, I have not... but that doesn't explain why you need to appear in my room at this hour!" The clock on the wall showed it was half past 11. 

"Awwww, what's the matter? We slept on the same bed before!"

"And that's when you sleepwalked into my room the other time!"

"Arhh, that's just... Hey, you drooled on me that time! Hehehehe, I got the proof!"

Sooyoung immediately took her iPhone and brandished it around in front of Yuri, clearly showing a picture of her drooling in her sleep.

The bag of potato chips was spilled over the sofa when Yuri pounced on Sooyoung, wrestling over the phone in an attempt to delete the embarrassing moment. 

"Yah, I give up!" 

Despite her best effort, Sooyoung, a trained bodyguard, was the clear winner. 

"Awww, don't be sad... come, wanna drink some of the Choi's family specialties wine?" Sooyoung said, as she held up a half emptied bottle of a clear liquid. 

"You drank half of it already?" 

"Nah, I placed the remaining in a separate bottle in the fridge. It tasted better when chilled! But we will make do with this now!" Sooyoung chanted happily as she poured the content into the wine glasses.

"Cheers to your successful transformation!" quipped Sooyoung. 

"Cheers to my engagement!" Yuri added with all puns intended.

"Bottoms up!" 

Their glasses clanked loudly in mid air, celebrating nothing joyous in particular. The duo did not need any excuse to drink the renowned delicious wine brewed from Sooyoung's family brewery business.

"Hey Sooyoung... how did that nutcase know anything about me... like the real Yuri? She was cursing the 2 me, Kwon Yul and Kwon Yuri!"

Sooyoung spat out a mouthful of wine. 


The cold wind blew across and the lone figure cuddled herself tightly as she strolled along the dimly lit path. Thankfully, she had worn her grey Hollister hoodie before stepping out.

"Aish, she's all knocked out so fast..." 

She heard a familiar voice close by.


"Your Highness!" Sooyoung greeted, surprised to bump into Jessica in the middle of the night, "What are you doing out here so late?" 

"Ah, I'm just a little thirsty. Needed a drink..."

"Oh, the kitchen is over there!" She pointed straight at the main quarter. "Just go in and turn left. Drink's in the fridge."

"Ah, thanks. Have a goodnight!"

"You too, Your Highness!" 

Jessica managed to find her way to the kitchen. She looked around but spotted nothing that resembled a refrigerator, but noticed a metal door at the corner. Out of curiosity, she opened the door with relative ease and found herself staring into a walk-in fridge the size of a 200 square feet room with racks of groceries neatly placed. 

"This is insane," she thought, "A walk-in fridge?"

The wide assortment of chocolates, sweets, beverages and many others were astounding. She felt she could spend hours in here, just on counting the varieties alone. But first thing first, she was here to quench her thirst. She strode towards the beverage section to pick her choice.

Coke... Pepsi... 7-Up... Nah... I get that in America all the time...

Then something else caught her eye. It was a small clear bottle with a nice labeling on it. However, it was all in Korean and having to grow up in the States all her life, her knowledge of the Korean Hangul alphabets was limited.

At least it is something new...

She took it and tried out with a sip. Surprised by the sweet nectar taste despite there was a little tinge of spiciness, Jessica proceeded for a second drink. The heavenly taste kept getting better and better with every sip and it made her warm and fuzzy within. 

Eventually, there was not a single drop left. 

Satisfied, Jessica made her way out. Initially, she was walking steadily but as she progressed, her pace became significantly slower and her legs started wobbling. And on top of it all, she was grinning like a Cheshire cat to herself. She placed the finished bottle on the kitchen counter and staggered her way out. 

It took her quite a while before she managed to reach the fountain safety in one piece though she did bump into several things on the way.

"Right is mine, left is yours..."

Jessica pointed at the two different directions with her index finger swinging from left to right 

"Right is mine, left is yours..." 

"Right..." Jessica followed the finger pointing to the right and made her way across the yard.

In a drunken stupor, she stumbled into the room, and groped her way to the bed in the dark. She lay sprawled on the huge bed, mumbling gibberish words. 

"Stupid jerk..."

The euphoria lasted for a short moment before she felt sad and lonely as the sorrow feeling came around. Immediately, she thought of her family back in the States and tears started to flow uncontrollably. She cried in silent until she was all so worn out and fell asleep soundly, not knowing a presence of another person, who was all knocked out beside her.


Chapter 6: Three Bears

Outside, in the greenery of the summer, the morning birds chirped happily as the sun began its ascent. It was a perfectly fine day, a good day to sleep in or so she thought until... a tug.

She felt a tug. Something was tugging her waist, pulling her closer. She brushed it off, thinking it was just the blanket getting tangled up around her. To ease the discomfort, she brushed the offending entanglement away, with closed eyes.

Then she heard a soft moan but she was simply too sleepy to bother. 

The next moment, she felt the same tug and an additional weight over her leg. She grumbled in frustration, it was a fine weather to sleep late and she disliked her sleep to be disrupted.

She groped around lazily and felt a warm object, tracing its outline as she tried to identity it, based on touch alone. Then a soft grumble was heard, except this time it definitely was not hers.

A leg? A LEG?!?!

Her eyes shot open, finding herself face-to-face with her nemesis. She quickly placed a hand over her mouth, holding her breath to prevent herself from screaming loud and waking up the sleeping girl.

Yuri looked down at her body and noticed Jessica has wrapped an arm around her waist and draped one leg over her bottom half. Her own right arm was pinned under the crook of Jessica's neck. 


Yuri looked around frantically, trying to recall what has happened last night. Her head started to hurt a little. She rubbed her temple with her free hand. 

Urgh... Hangover!

She remembered she had too much of a little drink with Sooyoung and that was all she could remember. 

What the hell happened!?

Yuri pulled away slowly, not wanting to wake the 'lioness' up. She gently withdrew her pinned arm back.

"Stop moving, Mr. Bear..." Jessica mumbled grumpily as she cuddled Yuri tighter in her embrace.

Yuri froze. She didn't dare to move a single muscle. 


Her heart was beating wildly as Jessica inched her face forward.

She's treating me as a soft toy!

Amidst the thumping heart and worrying, for the first time without any other disturbance, Yuri was able to take a close look at her fianc?ĩe.

She has such an angelic face... 

Then, Yuri noticed her lightly swollen eye bags with a faint trail of dried tears on her face.

Was she crying?

There was an unexplainable feeling arousing from within her. Almost as if she could feel her pain, just by looking the sad look on her face.

Why were you crying?

Unknowingly, she edged her bent index finger closer to Jessica's face, in an attempt to wipe away the dried tears.

All of a sudden, the alarm clock by the bedside table went off with a loud ring, which was quickly followed by a song. 

kom sema-ri-ga han chi-be-yi-so (There are 3 bears in a house)

Yuri froze again, with her hand still in mid-air. Her heart almost stopped. But fortunately, the girl did not stir in her sleep. Woah she's such a deep sleeper!

appa gom, omma gom, ae-gi gom (Daddy bear, Mommy bear, Baby Bear)

The alarm clock was still singing continuously. Yuri withdrew her hand and tried twisting her body to turn off the alarm but found it near impossible in her current unmovable condition. Instead, she twisted her free arm backward, fumbling blindly around the bedside table for the pesky clock.

appa gommun tung-tung-hae (Daddy bear is fatty)

Jessica felt a pull on her sensitive neck. She shuddered in response and opened her eyes slowly. 

omma gommun nal-shin-hae (Mommy bear is slim)

Her eyes slowly turned wide with appall when she saw Yul on her bed. Instantly, she jumped up and let out a high-pitched dolphin scream. 

ae-gi gommun na bul-gwi-yo-wo (Baby bear is too cute)

Yuri cupped her ears with her freed hands immediately, feeling a sharp pain in her eardrums. 


Jessica raised her hand and in a single swift action, she landed a hard slap across his cheek once again. Yuri felt the stinging pain instantly and in a flash, she landed on the floor with a loud thud, knocking down the side lamp in the process, which fell directly on her head.

hishuk hishuk cha-rhan-da (Shrug! Shrug! You are doing well)

"Yah! What is the big idea of kicking me off my bed! And that slap! Owww..." Yuri rubbed her head that was throbbing in dull pain.

"You jerk! Why did you come to my room and sleep on my bed!" Jessica shrieked in return, clutching the bed sheet closer to her body. She was partially relieved when she realised she was still fully clothed. Then, she felt as if someone had hammered her head. It was the hangover effect after drowning half a bottle of the clear wine she mistakenly thought as a sweet drink.

kom sema-ri-ga han chi-be-yi-so (There are 3 bears in a house)

Yuri then noticed she was only wearing a plain loose black t-shirt and a pair of sports pants. She did not bind her chest after bathing since there wasn't any need. Fortunately for her, Jessica was more focused on covering herself up despite the fact she was wearing a hoodie and that she has not noticed the subtle physical difference.

Yuri scrambled for cover at once. The coat hanger was just a few feet away and she dashed for the fleece jacket belonging to her brother, ignoring the nagging pain on her hip where Jessica has landed a strong kick. 

appa gom, omma gom, ae-gi gom (Daddy bear, Mommy bear, Baby Bear)

Jessica caught the sight of Yul scramming. Thinking he was trying to run away after his atrocious deed, Jessica blindly grabbed the nearby object and threw towards his direction.

appa gommun tung-tung-hae (Daddy bear is fatty)

The alarm clock hit Yuri squarely on her back just as she was about to reach the jacket, effectively silencing the alarm, as it lay broken on the carpeted floor. Yuri stumbled forward, pulling the jacket down along with the wooden coat hanger, sending it crashing down, hitting her head for the second time. 

Infuriated at her disastrous morning, she put on the jacket in a swift and precise motion as she turned around facing Jessica.

"What are you talking about!" She bellowed, clutching her back of her head. First the stupid hangover and now, every part of her body ached in pain.

"Pervert! You sneaked into my room in the middle of the night and slept with-" Jessica held back her tongue, her face flushed red. She was mortified at the thought they had slept on the same bed.

"YAH! This is MY room! MY bed! Your room is across the yard!" Yuri pointed towards direction of the main door.

"NO! This is my room and-" Jessica paused as she scanned her surroundings. The walls were painted in a dark shade of red and the furniture arrangement was slightly different. She looked at Yul whose right cheek started to redden with a distinct palm shape. 

"Your Highness, is there anything wrong? We heard a scream from inside." A voice came from outside. It was the palace maid.

"Nothing, nothing has happened... I am watching a horror movie! Ahahahaha," Yuri gave a fake laugh, "Erm... you all can go off... yeah..."

"Yes, Your Highness. Breakfast will be ready in twenty minutes. Do you need us to prepare the hot bath?" 

"Eh... it's ok... erm I am still watching the movie... Don't disturb me further!" Yuri ordered in a commanding tone.

"Sorry, Your Highness, we shall take our leave," the maid apologised, puzzled by the prince's action. He had always wanted a hot bath in the morning.

Jessica stared at him dumbfounded.

"What!? I mean... what if the others found out you were here, on my bed... what would they think!?"

"I... I er...of course! It's not-" Jessica was tongue-tied. Embarrassed, she quickly jumped off the bed, head hanging low and made a quick dash towards the door.

"No... wait!" Yuri gave a quick chase. Luckily, she was the more athletic of the two, managing to reach the door before Jessica did and blocked her exit straightaway.


Yuri covered Jessica's mouth with one hand and held the other at the back of her head immediately in order to prevent her from shouting or screaming again. One dose of high-pitched scream was enough for a day. Anymore of that, she would have to make an appointment with an otologist.

"Shhhhh!!! OW!!!" Yuri howled in pain.

Jessica has responded aggressively by stomping on Yuri's foot. Yuri held back her cry instantly, afraid of drawing any unwanted attention.

Yuri took a quick peek outside through the translucent curtained side window. As expected, there was a young attendant in the yard, seemingly arranging the potted plants and clearing fallen leaves. If Jessica had barged out, she would be spotted by the attendant, which translated to a potential disaster if words had gotten out. Not only it would be hard to maintain their innocence, the elders would definitely disagree with the cancellation of the engagement, especially since the crown princess has already spent a night in 'his' room.

Jessica struggled violently as she tried to break away from her restraint.

"Aish! There's someone outside! Stay here first, don't come out until I tell you to," Yuri commanded. Jessica realised the predicament they were in and nodded at his instruction. 

Yuri removed her hands from Jessica and exited the door, looking calm. Jessica watched on closely, her eyes followed the prince as he walked towards the girl. She was unable to hear a single thing he said but much to her dismay, the young maid took off in another direction with both hands covering her face. 

"That jerk must have made her cry!" Jessica mumbled angrily under her breath.

Yuri laughed at the girl's reaction.

Ah, that's cute...

She scanned around and satisfied no one was within her sight, she gave a quick thumb up to Jessica. 

Jessica stormed out in a quick fury, charging towards her. Yuri was a little taken aback by Jessica's livid face.

"Why are you so angr-"

"You foul jerk!" Jessica gave him another tight slap before marching off to her room angrily. For the third time, in a span of no less than 24 hours, Kwon Yuri has received 3 slaps from the same girl - Jessica Jung, her greatest nemesis. 


"Yah, why are your cheeks red?" Sooyoung asked curiously. Yuri scratched her cheek subconsciously, thinking of the slaps she received from the girl sitting directly opposite at the breakfast table.

"Don't tell me you are still feeling the effect of the famous Choi's wine?"

There was no response coming from the prince and she sensed an uncomfortable silence. Sooyoung turned left then right again, observing Jessica and Yuri. Jessica was concentrated on reading the English newspaper. There was a scary air of animosity between the two.

"Is there something I missed?" She mouthed the words to Yuri.

"Why didn't you lock the door when you left last night?" Yuri mouthed in back. 

While others could have trouble trying to figure out the sentence, Sooyoung and Yuri, having to spend such a long time together, they were able to understand each other's words clearly and precisely.

"Huh? I thought I did?" Sooyoung gave a blur look, pretty sure she did counter lock before leaving.

"Anyway, that violent girl entered my room and slept next to me!"

"O-M-G! Did you two..." Sooyoung began to let her wild imagination took over. 

A drunk Yuri and...

"NO! You idiot!" Yuri immediately guessed what she had been thinking about. Her face showed everything.

"We didn't do anything!"

"Yeah right. You are always touchy when you get drunk. You grabbed me and kissed me last night, remember?"

"NO-I-DIDN'T!" Yuri mouthed forcefully, emphasizing she never did such a thing.

"Yeah... you don't remember anything! You even snatched my phone and took a self-picture!" Sooyoung took her phone out and quickly found the picture Yuri took last night and flashed it in front of her.

Yuri was flabbergasted. The picture clearly showed a red-faced Yuri planting a kiss on Sooyoung's cheek.

"Got your tongue tied now?"

Yuri growled in response.

"Sooyoung ah!" A loud voice boomed through the dining table from the kitchen.

Everyone turned the attention left, to the kitchen. An elderly female attendant whom Sooyoung and Yuri have affectionately called 'nanny' since childhood, walked into the dining table. The elderly lady was a little hard on hearing as a result, she regularly spoke with a loud voice.

"Nanny! Your pancakes tasted fantastic! I haven't eaten that for ages! I missed it badly!" Yuri praised the elderly lady's cooking skill in a cute kittenish tone.

"Your Highness, I thought I just made that a few days ago for you? And Omo, you sound exactly like your sister! How cute!"

Crap... I forgot... I'm supposed to be my brother...

Sooyoung, upon seeing the awkward situation, immediately changed the topic. 

"Nanny! You looking for me?" 

"Oh yeah! Haha I almost forgot! Sooyoung ah... you left your empty bottle on the countertop again!" 

"Eh? What bottle?"

The elderly lady held an empty bottle high up for everyone to see, "This!"

Jessica recognised the bottle immediately.

"Ahhhhh! My wine!! It's gone!?!" 

"Your Highness!!!" A second set of voice boomed through the area. Everyone turned the attention to the right. 

This time round, a young attendant came through the door. Jessica recognised her straightaway. She was the one who ran off crying earlier in the garden after Yul made her cry.

"Thank you soooo much!"

Huh? Jessica was a little confused. Why would she thank that jerk? He made her cried a moment ago.

"Ahhh... don't bother... I found it last night when I was strolling along. I placed it under the care of the chief attendant. Well, I am glad it has returned to its owner once again!"

"Your Highness, I can never repay your kindness! This necklace, it meant so much to me," she held up the silver jewellery and placed it close to her heart, "It belonged to my deceased mother. I thought I would never see it again!"

So it had been a big mistake. The girl had run away, crying with tears of joy when she heard from Yul that the necklace she was searching for in the garden was in the hands of the chief attendant. 

And it was she, herself, who mistaken the wine for a normal beverage and went into the wrong room.

Ahhhh... how embarrassing of me

Jessica stood up abruptly. Her chair pushed backward in a screech. Everyone turned the attention to her. 

"T-Thanks for t-the b-breakfast... I-I... gotta g-get going." She stammered, her face turning redder by the seconds. She threw a glance at Yul and then, she scurried off in a flash, leaving Yuri puzzled. 

What wrong have I done this time?


Jessica made her way across the palace to the Queen Mother's residence slowly. She has decided against staying at her residence, just in case she would accidentally bumped into Yul again, having deeply embarrassed by her previous actions.

It was her first time walking across the big palace alone without any attendants following as she has politely rejected their offer, giving the reason she would like to explore the place herself. 

She looked at her small wristwatch. There was still an hour to go before the meeting with Her Majesty. Tired from the leisure walk, she sat down on the bench in a little pavilion by the pond. The warm sun and gentle breeze was nothing out of ordinary from the nature, but this little ordinary existence was long forgotten to those blindly in pursuit of other worldly possession. She closed her eyes, enjoying the gentle warm breeze. She was starting to doze off in this serene tranquillity until she felt a gentle tap on her shoulder.

Her eyes fluttered open and noticed a well-dressed older male standing in front.

"You must be Yul's fianc?ĩe, am I right?" He extended his hand out warmly. There was a warm and kind look on his benevolent face.

"I'm Yul's uncle."



Here's something I added... hehehe meant to be a out-of-story context... but who knows... things that happen in this segment may take place in actual fic! Enjoy the randomness~

Sunny: Hello everyone, this is Sunny from Love Radio FM! Welcome to the popular segment, "Answer-your-question". This week, our special guest is everyone's favourite Prince Charming! And woah... our mailbox was exploded with the tons of letters from the fans! We are very fortunate to have a little exclusive radio chat with none other than... our Crown Prince, Prince Yul! Good evening, Your Highness!

Yul: Hello Sunny... hahaha you're my favourite DJ!

Sunny: Thanks for your royal compliment! I'm so happy... but first most, where exactly are you!?! There have been rumours flying around that the Prince we are seeing now is actually your twin sister in disguise!

Yul: Ah? Hahaha what're you talking about? Shhhhh, don't tell anyone, especially Yuri... I am currently enjoying the sun in the exotic Hawaii!

Sunny: Woah, so the rumour is true then! So you ran off indeed, because you did not want to be engaged! But have you seen the Crown Princess, Princess Jessica? She is a true beauty.

Yul: I've seen the live telecast from the airport. Yeah I have to agree she is indeed beautiful.

Sunny: Regretted? 

Yul: Did you see that slap she gave Yuri? Gosh, she is violent! Nah she's not my type...

Sunny: Alright then. How about let's talk about you. How do you feel being the future King?

Yul: I actually never gave much thought... 

(Ring! Ring!)

Sunny: Oh, we have our first caller of the day. Taeyeon is that right?

Taeyeon: Y-yes...

Sunny: You sounded a little shy. Awww how cute!

Taeyeon: S-sorry...

Sunny: Don't have to apologise. Would you like to introduce yourself?

Taeyeon: Ahhh... I-I... I just w-wanna say I-I...

Yul: Relax, Taeyeon... hehehe

(dropping sound)

Taeyeon: .........

Sunny/Yul: .........

Sunny: I guess she must have fainted! How cute! The Prince is indeed mesmerising...

(Ring! Ring!)

Sunny: Oh hang on, we have another call-in. Hello... erm... you've given your name as Black Bear... yes your question to Prince Yul?


Yul: Yuri? Ahahahaha...

Sunny: Eh... you mean Princess Yuri?

Yuri: YUL! I'm gonna to wreck every single antique car you own in the garage if you don't appear in my sight within the next 1 hour.

Yul: I can't... I'm not going back

Yuri: I see a vintage red Bugatti Type 57...

Yul: No... I won't

(metal clanking sound)

Yuri: Oops, there goes the bumper...

Yul: STOP! 

(spraying sound)

Yuri: Your mini cooper got a fresh coat of colour! It is now PINK!

Yul: Evil sister!

...: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! (dolphin scream)

Yuri: CRAP!


Yuri: Yah! Why are you standing there! Trying to ambush me again?

Sunny/Yul: Is that...

Yuri: Stay away from me, Jessica... I know what you are thinking of... no no, put that spanner down! OWWW!

Jessica: Get back here you jerk!

Sunny/Yul: .........

Sunny: Oh, our time has come to an end. What an interesting segment... In the end, we have got... no question from the listeners! Thanks again for tuning into Love Radio FM. I'm DJ Sunny and our next special guest... (thunder roll) That's right... the famous Shikshin! Listeners, feel free to post your questions for Shikshin! Simply direct your question to [Love FM Radio's "Answer-your-question"] This is Sunny and the next song we will be playing is "Three Bears!" Till next time! Ciao~


“Ahhhh… Yul must be very lucky to have met you…”

“N-No… I’m not that good…” Jessica said humbly as Prince Jin complimented her again for the umpteenth time. They have been under the coolly shaded pavilion for nearly an hour, mainly chatting about her newfound life in the palace and his personal experience growing up as a royalty – something that Jessica would learn once she officially becomes a part of the royal family. And just like the Queen Mother, Prince Jin has demanded Jessica to drop the honorific title, and just to address him as uncle.

“You still have worries over the engagement?”

Jessica did not dare to speak her mind. How was she going to tell him that she wasn’t exactly ‘in love’ with his favourite nephew? If she did not know beforehand that they were uncle and nephew, Jessica might have mistaken him as Yul’s father from his constant praises for the young prince.

“Yul isn’t that bad. Not that I’m saying this because he happens to be my nephew!”

“Of course… I-It’s just…” Jessica gave a short sigh, “I don’t know him that well yet…”

“Perhaps time would tell…”

Time. She probably needed a lot of that. The engagement was going to be held in another 4 days time and if there was a word to describe their current relationship, it had to be ‘awkward’. But was she supposed to get along with him when all they did was to ‘fight’?

“Why don’t you two spend some quality time together? Maybe you will find something unexpected?”


“Where your heart belongs, my dear…”


“So that’s about all you have for the next few days before the engagement…”

“You call this… that’s all?” Yuri gaped at the ridiculously packed schedule Butler Yoon has prepared for her.

“Lunch with Prime Minister, Meeting with Japan’s Crown Prince Naruhito, a press conference and a social gathering and that’s not all yet!” Yuri grumbled as the list went on endlessly. She figured she would be dead by the time her dear brother returned.

“Your Highness, I have already postponed the ones I could. Please bear with it until His Highness returns.” Sir Yoon answered politely.

“Any news about my brother’s whereabouts?”

“We are still trying to locate His Highness.”

“If he isn’t back on time for the engagement, what am I supposed to do? Take his place and announce I’m going to marry a girl?”

Sir Yoon said nothing but instead, gave a simple nod.

“That’s just perfect…”


“I’m sorry I’m late!” Jessica apologised frantically, panting for breath. She ran all the way to the Queen Mother residence after realising she was running late after a long talk with Prince Jin. It was already fifteen minutes past the intended meeting, and the flower arrangement lesson was scheduled to start in another thirty minutes, outside of the palace. 

“Your Highness! Are you alright?” The female attendant asked seeing the breathless Jessica.

“I’m… fine… has Her Majesty left?”

“No, Her Majesty is still waiting for you. Please come in.”

Jessica quickly followed the attendant. Soon, they reached the hall where the Queen Mother awaited. There was an awful silence in the room. The faces of the attendants in the room were all solemn.

She hung her head low as she was all prepared to receive a scolding from the Queen Mother. 

“I’m sorry, Your Majesty.” Jessica apologised sincerely. But little did she expect to receive a gentle knock on her head. 

“What did I tell you before… call me granny… it isn’t that hard right?”

Jessica looked up only to see a smiling face and nothing more. Not an angry face, not a stern face, but just a kind face. Everyone she has met so far has been good to her – the Queen Mother, Prince Jin, Sir Yoon, Sooyoung, and even, to a lesser extent due to their previous incidents, Yul. With that in mind, her tears started to build up once again. 

“Aigoo… why are you crying, my child? Did Yul bully you?” The Queen Mother cupped her face gently as she pulled her closer for an embrace. Jessica shook her head. Why was everyone so nice to her?

“Granny…” Jessica hugged the elder, which reminded her the warmth of a family. She was not exactly alone in Korea now.


Fortunately for Yuri, the lunch gathering with the Prime Minister was a breeze. The discussion was mainly about the aid relief for the farmers affected by the recent droughts. The issue has already been more or less agreed upon by her father to draw resources from the imperial treasury. 

“So there is nothing on for the rest of today, am I right?” Yuri asked as they walked out of the restaurant. 

“Yes, Your Highness. I have cancelled the dinner plan with the Minister of Transportation. Turns out that he was down with flu as well.” Butler Yoon answered.

“Guess it is the flu season…”

“Indeed, do take care of yourself, Your Highness. You cannot afford to be sick as the regent in His Majesty’s absence.”

Yuri nodded her head dutifully.

“Hey, since there is nothing on later… I would like to go shopping!” 

“Your Highness? I beg your pardon?”

“Shopping! Just Sooyoung and me would do! You guys,” Yuri pointed to the other bodyguards, “can leave us to our own!” 


Yuri immediately whispered into the Butler’s ear, “Have you forgotten the agreement?”

“No… but–”

“Sooyoung is sufficient!”


“We got our disguise ready! We are just going to walk around, pretending to be a couple. No one would realise who I am!”

“Yeah! That’s right, Sir Yoon! Don’t worry I will protect Your Highness!”


“Alright then–”

Yuri and Sooyoung gave each other a hi-five. 

“Which car do you want to take then? But all these cars are… kinda–”

Obvious, was the word the chief butler was planning to say if the two had decided to drive the Black Audi carrying the royal emblem.

“I see you have all come prepared!” Sir Yoon chuckled at the sight of the two hopping unto a Pink Mini Cooper parked nearby. The license plate was however, a very familiar number. 

Isn’t this His Highness’s car? I thought it was supposed to be navy blue.


“Just walk naturally!” Yuri whispered to the girl beside her, carefully adjusting her sporty Oakley shades. The two were walking down a busy shopping district, disguised as regular citizens in their casual outfits. 

“It feels funny…”

“We are supposed to act like a couple!” 

“Yeah but it feels funny… and people are looking at us!”

“That’s because you kept moving. Stop wriggling about!”

“Ahh… I’m taller and I’m hooking your arm in an awkward position!”

“By 3 cm! Duh! I am the ‘guy’… you are the ‘girl’… what do you expect!”

Sooyoung stopped abruptly. Instead of hooking unto Yuri’s arm like what a girl usually does to her boyfriend, she placed her arm around Yuri’s shoulder. 

“Now that’s better…”

“What am I supposed to do then?”

Sooyoung grabbed Yuri’s arm and made it wrap around her waist from behind. Their roles apparently switched over.

“Now you are making me look like a girl…”

“You are!”

“Sometimes I swear I can kill you… ”

Oblivious to their surrounding, there was a camera following behind them secretly. 

“I got a big snoop here!” A young girl spoke into her phone, “The Prince is dating another woman!”


“What are you looking for? I thought we were supposed to be shopping…”

“Shopping for men’s clothes? Duh, what can I buy when I am looking like a guy…”

“Or you can buy a dress for me like what a real boyfriend should…”

Before Yuri could knock her head, she was dragged off suddenly.


The shikshin has spotted the rows of roadside stalls, selling typical Korean street delicacy, dragging the poor Yuri along.

“Dokbokki! I haven’t tried that for ages!” (Dokbokki: Spicy rice cake)

She raised an opened palm in front of Yuri and waited eagerly.

“What’s that for?”

“Money of course! You are my boyfriend!”

“I’m so gonna break up with you when the day ends,” grumbled Yuri as she forked out the money for shikshin’s snack. Having shikshin as a girlfriend could easily deplete one’s wealth, even for a ‘prince’ like her.

“Don’t be so angry my darling, say Ahhhhh~” Sooyoung teasingly fed Yuri with the dokbokki she bought with Yuri’s money, and of course, this only served to increase the monetary value for the pictures taken with the spying camera.


“Candy shop?! Are you going to buy a lollipop for me?” Sooyoung continued teasing her.

“You did enough eating for the day! It’s now my turn!”

“Hahaha just kidding. Hey I remember this shop. Didn’t we use to come a lot when we were younger? I remember you buying tons of those hand made candies back then. You called them–”

“Superpower sweets…” Yuri pointed at the huge array of colourful candies on the best sellers shelves. It was her absolute favourite.

“You are crazy… you almost bought the entire shop! And you got them to deliver the bulk of it to my house?!” Sooyoung chided her as they stepped out of the shop.

“Well, I couldn’t exactly give them the address of the palace right?”

“What are you thinking of? Opening a candy shop?” Sooyoung inquired.

“You will know in due time.”

“Wait,” something caught Yuri’s attention as they walked past a store. 

“What’s with that mischievous look…”

Yuri signalled to the shop named ‘Fred & George Pranksters House’, “It’s prank time!”


“Are you serious about it? What if she gets a heart attack!?”

“Nah, you worry too much…”

“But that’s your plan? To frighten her off with a tale of a ghost that resides in the Princess Quarter?”

Yuri nodded. 

“That’s like the most DUH plan I ever heard…”

“Hey, you will play the most important role of telling the story of the headless ghost who keeps wandering around the palace looking for her head.”

“And that is the reason you bought that disgusting looking bloody head?”

Yuri nodded happily.

“God, you are mental…”


Jessica was dead tired but happy at the same time. She did not expect the lesson to be that enjoyable and the Queen Mother was exceptionally kind to her the entire time.

She stumbled unto her bed, hugging the big teddy bear tightly. 

“Mr Bear, I have so much to share with you… but let’s wait till night-time ok?” She patted the teddy bear gently on its soft head, carefully placing it on her bed. She looked at the small pot of lavender plant on the desk she specially made in her free time during lesson today. Lavender always had a nerve soothing effect on her.

Hope he won’t mind the small apology…


“Where’s His Highness?” Jessica asked nervously over the dining table. Only Sooyoung was present.

“Ahhh, His Highness is a little unwell today. He has taken some medications and is probably asleep by now.”

“Oh…” Jessica sounded a little dejected. She was planning to offer the potted plant after dinner in a quick fashion but it seemed she would have to do in some other time.

The dinner was served and already, Sooyoung has gobbled down most of her food in a quick flash. 

Ah… crap! I am supposed to eat slowly to buy Yuri some time… 

“Your Highness,” Sooyoung spoke uneasily. 

“Please, just call me Jessica… I don’t really prefer the ‘Your Highness’ part…”

“Oooh ok… Jessica then… erm… is the food up to your liking?” 

Sooyoung started to engage in an interesting conversation about food with Jessica in order to hold her back while Yuri was busy setting up the prank. 


“Why do I have to be so sneaky to enter my own room?” Yuri cursed mentally. She was holding a huge bag full of the prank stuff as she hid among the taller bushes awaiting the attendants to pass by. 

Why are there so many attendants today!

Slowly but surely, she made her way across the yard towards the Princess Quarter.

“Your Highness, do you need anything?” Yuri jumped at the sudden voice from behind. 

“No… no… everything is fine,” Yuri smiled weakly, “Oh, maybe you can make me some toast? Yeah, a toast! Gosh, I’m real hungry…” Yuri flashed her mega watt smile.

“Y-Yes, Your Highness.” The shy girl blushed madly. Did the prince just smiled at her? She has been waiting for this day ever since her transfer to the prince residence a few days ago. The crown princess was such a lucky individual to marry the guy of her own dream. 

“Erm… y-you can get going?” 

“Y-Yes! I’m sorry!” With that, the young attendant ran off towards the other direction. 



“I don’t wanna say this but do you feel cold around here sometimes?” 


“I mean even it is a summer night, you still feel a cold breeze sometimes right?”

“Yeah…” Jessica recalled the sudden chill she felt last night as she went out to the kitchen.

“This palace is haunted!” Sooyoung spoke in an eerie harsh whisper.

Now that Sooyoung has stated the obvious, Jessica was a little scared. Of course, with every ancient building that existed over the centuries, tales of horror stories were bound to exist alongside with it.

“Wait!” Jessica stopped Sooyoung in time just as before she was about to continue, “Is there a need… t-to tell me all t-these?” Her voice was starting to shake.

Sooyoung simply nodded her head in a slow but firm manner.

“Of course, it is to keep you prepared…”


Sooyoung eyed around cautiously. Jessica followed her gaze closely. She could sense the cold atmosphere rising.

“What I am about to tell you, is the legend of Lady Gu the headless ghost…”


Mission accomplished!

Yuri closed the cupboard with a grin. 

Hahaha… when she opens the cupboard… hahahaha 

The evil laughter in her mind continued on as she roamed around her own room. It definitely felt good to be back in her cozy room. 

The blue coloured walls, which reminded her of the clear skies, the browned music scores that reminded her of her passion for violin, the soft bed that reminded her of– 

Wait a minute!

Yuri spotted something that did not belong to her or her bed. A large sized black teddy bear was on her bed. 

Black bear? Of all colours? 

It was a little unusual for a teddy bear to be in black colour. Not that it is a rarity; it was just uncommon to associate black with a soft toy. White and brown were the usual colours. 

She held the object curiously. Was this the ‘bear’ Jessica spoke of, as she hugged her tightly this morning? A faint red blush crept into her face as she recalled their ‘intimate’ moment.

Then, she noticed a small heart shaped quilt sewn unto the bear at its side, with a faint wording stitched on. 


Click! Click!

Yuri froze. Someone was turning the doorknob. 

Don’t tell me Sooyoung was done with her so fast?

She placed the bear down and searched around for a place to hide. 

Under the desk!

She dived under the desk at once, accidentally bumping her head to the hard wooden desk as she was trying to get under. She held her breath as she heard a conversation going on just outside.

“Jessica! Wait! I haven’t finished the story! I’m just reaching the part about how the head went missing after the execution!”

“No, no… stop telling me! I don’t wanna hear any of it!” Jessica immediately shut the door and locked it. She turned around to observe her surroundings. Everything seemed fine. She quickly calmed herself down, and started humming songs to drown away the horror story Sooyoung just told her.

“Ah, Mr Bear!” She held the bear tightly. “You are going to protect me right?”

Arh? She’s talking to a bear?

“Let’s just pretend I heard no story from Sooyoung tonight!” Jessica said steadfast. 

“Everyone has been nice to me so far… really nice… but I miss home. I wonder when will I ever go back again?”

Yuri noticed a little sadness in her tone.

So was that reason she was crying in sleep?

Jessica looked at the potted plant on the desk and heaved a sigh.

“Mr Bear… what should I do? Do you think he will accept my apology?”


“I felt bad the whole day. It’s all my fault for entering his room last night and… I mistook him as a pervert and slapped him…”

You forgot to add in the kick…

“I can totally understand if he is angry with me but… it’s his fault too! If he did not have that perverted look on his face everytime I see him…”


“Alright, Mr Bear… can you be Yul for a while?”


First, she was mistaken as Mr Bear earlier in their sleep and now, she was being represented by Mr Bear.

There was a long pause as Jessica held the bear up, hesitating. It certainly sounded stupid to apologise to a stuffed bear. But it definitely a great honour for Yul to be substituted by Mr Bear, the bear that she had it with her for 15 long years. 

“Yul… I am real sorry over this morning incident. It’s all… my fault… C-Can you please accept my apology?”

Hmmm… I will think about it… Gah… apology accepted!

Yuri heard a sigh.

“Well, actually come to think of it, Yul isn’t such a bad guy… if his uncle had nothing but praises for him, how bad can he be?”

Uncle? What uncle…

“Mr Bear… do you think I will ever fall in love with Yul?”

WHAT! Yuri almost blurted out.

“He seems to be nice and courteous to everyone around. And to be honest, he gave me a very good first impression until the part when we tripped…” 

Jessica stopped as her face turned red. Under the table, Yuri too, found herself blushing as she looked at her own hand that grabbed Jessica’s chest accidentally.

Arghhhh! Stop being a pervert! She slapped her hand down.

“Do you think I should give him a chance, Mr Bear?” 

Yuri waited anxiously for Jessica’s response. She was not exactly sure what answer she was actually hoping for. A huge part of her wanted to hear a ‘no’ so she would regain her freedom once the engagement is pulled off. Yet, there was a little tiny part that wanted to hear a ‘yes’, without any proper reason.

She heard another long sigh.


Yuri felt a little dispirited. 

“I shouldn’t be thinking about this now. I guess you are right, Mr Bear…”

Huh? Is that a ‘no’ or a ‘yes’?

“I think we shall leave the matter to some other days!”

Wait! No answer?

Jessica walked to the wardrobe, passing by the desk. Yuri cradled her legs closer to her body at the approaching footstep and waited patiently.

“Ok! Time to change out to a comfy outfit.”

Huh? No… wait! 

It was too late to stop her prank and Yuri knew what was coming next.

Jessica gave a sharp shriek when a bloody head popped out from the wardrobe. She was rooted to the ground as the head rolled unto the floor, eventually touching her feet. 

The legend of Lady Gu searching for her missing head was all that was clouding her mind, before her vision turned black.

In the next instance, Yuri heard a loud thud. She crawled out of her hiding place immediately and noticed Jessica lying on the floor, next to the gory head.

The girl has fainted from the shock.


~Love Radio FM~

Sunny: Hello everyone, this is Sunny from Love Radio FM! Welcome to the popular segment, ‘Answer-your-question’. Who is our guest this week? A little hint! She is tall and hungry most of the time!!! You’ve guessed it right! It is the famous Shikshin, Agent Choi Sooyoung from the elite royal guard. Hello there!

Sooyoung: Ahem… my name is supposed to be a secret! A confidential secret service agent!

Sunny: Oh… I’m sorry… alright, Shikshin then

Shikshin: That’s better…

Sunny: What is your role in the story?

Shikshin: A comic relief… 

Sunny: Care to explain further?

Shikshin: Well, basically due to my action in some way or another, our dear prince is inevitably implicated…

Sunny: By prince… you mean the princess that is pretending to be the prince?

Shikshin: (gasps) How did you know that?

Sunny: Erm… you see… last week… blah blah blah

(5 mins later)

Sunny: And the story goes like that. So the secret is out and our listeners know the whole truth! Alright then, we have our first caller! Who’s that on the line?

…: ……….

Sunny: ….. Ooooook, what’s your question for Shikshin?

…: I know what you did last summer…

Shikshin: Hmmm, I was in the States, taking my music exam… crap it was hard… Yuri passed her violin exam with flying colours though

…: I still know what you did last summer…

Shikshin: You saw it? Shhh don’t tell Yuri I was the one who ate that cake 


Shikshin: Y-Yuri?

Sunny: Again? Princess Yuri does have the tendency to stalk our radio segment eh?

Shikshin: Cut her off! Cut her off!

Yuri: If you dare, you would be d- …………… (dead tone)

Sunny: Ooops… alright, our next question fresh from the mailbox… it’s from yuripaready! All ready?

Shikshin: Yeah! DJ Put it back on!

Sunny: …… Ok whatever that means… so yuripaready wants to know how’s your leg and what was your impression of Jessica? Are you scared of her?

Shikshin: My leg? Oh, left or right? Cos my left leg doesn’t belong to me anymore… you got to direct the question to its owner, Yuri. As for my right leg, thank god! It is still with me… 

Sunny: You have quite an interesting story about your leg…

Shikshin: Yeah! She made me signed a declaration form the other day stating she owns my leg… I mean how that could possibly be legal! But she is the Crown Prince and you know the royal decree and stuff… so technically, her words are law…

Sunny: So will I get into trouble for cutting off her just now?

Shikshin: She probably owns your radio station now…


Shikshin: Just kidding… Oh yeah about Jessica… well, she looked kinda cold, but what can I say… she is my best friend’s fiancée afterall… To tell you the truth, I am pretty scared of her… but I reckon she is not as scary as the real Yuri… I mean that princess owns one of my legs… how scary can Jessica be compared to the real devil…

Sunny: Well, I won’t call her a devil if I were you. What if she demanded the other leg?

Shikshin: (gasps) You are right! Arghhh I didn’t think about it! Erm, sorry ah, Yuri… hehehe I love you! You are the best! Jjang!

Sunny: Wow, look at how time flies! It is already time up for our segment! Thank you so much for the interview. 

Shikshin: That’s awesome… So do I get the food voucher?

Sunny: Sorry?

Shikshin: Yuri said I will get one if I finished the interview.

(line went dead)

Sunny: Oh… hello? Hello? It seems like the line got cut off accidentally… Thanks again for listening to Love Radio FM. This is DJ Sunny! Up next week, our special guest is (drum roll) dum dum dum… Princess Jessica!!! Simply direct your question to [Love FM Radio's "Answer-your-question"] We shall conclude today with the song “Say Yes” by Chage & Aska. Till then! Ciao~


Shikshin: Hello? Hello? (still holding onto the phone) Hey… where is my voucher? Ahhh Jessica have you seen the prince?

Jessica: No… I’m looking for that jerk too.

*****Chapter 8: It's just an accident

The legend has it that Lady Gu, one of King Tae's favourite imperial consort, had committed a grave crime of poisoning another of the King's favourite consort. In a fury, King Tae had Lady Gu and her family executed. But little did he know that Lady Gu was innocent, framed by his jealous Queen. Her head went missing mysteriously after the execution, and her body was hastily buried without her head.

Up till today, you can see the headless figure wandering through the palace ground, searching for her missing head, while the cries of her severed head could be heard, waiting to be reunited with the body, complete once more.


Jessica yelled and thrashed about violently, horrified by the nightmare of the bloody missing head crying out for the body. Then her fist collided into something hard.


Her eyes shot open at the sudden yelp. She found herself lying on the soft bed and was surprised to see the prince sitting on a chair besides her, clutching his eye in pain. 

"W-What are y-you doing h-here?" Jessica spoke, her voice, still shaky from the terrifying experience. 

"Ahahaha..." Yuri smiled awkward, removing her hand from her eye, "Nothing" I'm just a little worried about you. You fainted a moment ago..."

Jessica remembered the bloody head and shut her eyes tightly, trying to forget the gruesome scene as she wrapped herself tightly with the blanket.

"Where's the h-head?" Jessica asked suddenly when she realised no matter how hard she tried, the image of the head kept returning once she shut her eyes.

"What head?" Yuri acted blur, having already cleared the scene with Sooyoung's help. She had no intention of owning up to her prank.

"The h-head on the f-floor!"

"Huh?" Yuri gave a convincing confused look. Jessica looked around tensely. Everything in the room seemed normal.

"You must be seeing things... you're probably just tired," Yuri explained.

Was it really just my imagination? But it looked so real!

"So... y-you f-found me and... c-carried me to the b-bed?"

"If you are t-thinking I did something to you when y-you were unconscious, I-I d-did not!" Yuri defended herself, determined not to be mistaken as a pervert again. Jessica was a little startled by Yul's defensive stance. While she was looking at him, she noticed a little redness around his left eye.

Oh no... I must have accidentally hit him just now...

"Y-Your eye... I-I..." Her hands fumbled around her mouth, trying to find the apology word, but it never came out.

"Ahhh... it's nothing... nothing really..." Yuri scratched her cheek shyly. 

There was a moment of awkward silence as the two avoided each other gaze.

"I-I er..." Both blurted at the same time.

"You go first..." said Jessica.

"Nah, ladies first..." said Yuri in a gentlemanly tone.

"I-I... er..." Jessica hesitated for a long while.

"Alright, I will go first," Yuri spoke instead. 

"How're you feeling now? You were unconscious for an hour. Did you hit your head when you fell?" Yuri asked in a voice full of concern. 

There was nothing but a genuine look in his eyes. Jessica was a little surprised seeing the prince behaving so caringly. 

"I'm f-fine now..." She answered, however something else was bothering her; the punch she gave him accidentally.

"Does your e-eye... hurt? It looks...kinda s-swollen..." Jessica edged her hand forward instinctively to soothe the swell but Yuri pulled away sharply, surprised by her sudden move.

Upon seeing his abrupt reaction, Jessica retracted her hand immediately, not knowing the rationale for her earlier action. It was as if something else took over her senses a moment ago.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to-" Jessica held back, flustered by her baffling action.

"No... it has nothing to do with you!" Yuri replied while cursing herself mentally for being such a blockhead.

"Er... since y-you are feeling better now? I guess I shall take my leave then," Yuri stood up, avoiding Jessica's gaze and was about to leave when she felt a warm hand pulling her hand, holding her back.

"Wait! Don't leave! I-I'm... a little scared... Can y-you stay... for a little longer?" Jessica said bashfully, her face burning hot as she let go off his hand. Upon seeing her helpless face and with a pang of guilt for the prank, Yuri softened. 

"O-Ok... I-I guess..." Yuri stuttered. She, too, was feeling the gradual rising heat around her face. She settled back down again, shifting in her armchair for a more comfortable position. 

Another round of awkward silence took over as neither spoke. 

"I think-"

They spoke at the same time once more. They looked at each other in the eyes and Jessica first broke out into a gentle chuckle, quickly followed by Yuri. At least it worked, breaking their tense atmosphere.

"Well, your turn to go first now..." Yuri smiled. Jessica swallowed her nervousness and voiced out.

"I think... let's s-start all over again... A proper introduction since we kinda... messed up with our first meeting..."

"Ah!" Yuri gave a small gasp at their unforgettable first encounter. Both their faces turned into a redder shade than before.

Jessica averted her gaze to her fingers before holding her hand up with palm outstretched, and their eyes meeting once more.

"I'm Jessica Jung Sooyeon..."

Yuri took her warm hand.

"I'm Kwon Y-Yul..."

The colossal ice between the two has finally began to melt away as if their fixed gazes and connected hands have started a fiery spark somewhere deep down inside. Their hands remained locked for another five seconds before each of them returned to their senses and broke away from the contact.

It was now Yuri's turn.

"I think... that means we are friends now?"

"J-Just friends?" Jessica thought to herself, "and nothing more?"

She could not help but to feel a little disheartened by Yul's choice of word. But did she really wish to hear a different word? She, herself, was confused as she recalled the little secret she shared with Mr Bear earlier on if she would ever have a liking for someone like the prince. She did not have a clear answer then, and it seemed even now, she was still unable to find her answer. 

"I guess... we are..." Jessica replied, not wanting to let Yul catch on her qualms.

"Since you can't sleep at the moment, how about having a talk?" suggested Yuri.

"Ok, but about what?" Jessica asked.

Yuri gave a careful thought.

"Let's start an interesting chat... we take turns to ask each other questions!"

"Truth or Dare?"

"Erm... I guess so..."

"All truths and no lies, all dares and no backing out, punishment for forfeit." Jessica stated the rules specifically. It was her one of her favourite games and she took pride in being one of the toughest nuts to crack.

Yuri, however, was not expecting that at all. 

"Ok... so you start first, Truth or Dare?"


Yuri looked around for a suitable question to test. Then, she spotted the black bear by Jessica's side, which she had called it, Mr Bear. 

"Who gave you that bear? There is a heart shaped quilt on it. Was it from your ex-boyfriend?"

"W-What are you talking about! I-I'm..." Jessica blushed. She had not expected him to ask the question about ex-boyfriend. Not wanting to answer the part about boyfriend, she gave a quick reply.

"My parents had it custom made when I was five! I wanted a huge black bear!"

"FIVE??! That's almost fifteen years ago! Then what about the heart?" Yuri continued to press on.

Why is he harping on the heart?


Can't be?

"Mr Bear was once caught in the escalator when I bought it along on a shopping trip and it was torn at the side. I patched it back with my mum's help!" stated Jessica truthfully.

"Why black?"

"In remembrance for a little black bear I met when I was five..."

Yuri immediately thought of the cute sight of a real Asian black bear cub, Ursus thibetanus, with the distinctive 'V' marking on its chest.

"That's kinda cute... until it becomes older that is..." She started to mimic the growl of a menacing looking bear, amusing Jessica with the silly sound instead.

"The little black bear I am talking about is a girl, silly!" Jessica smiled as she cuddled the bear closer.

"Huh? Is there any difference between the growls of a male and a female bear?" Yuri asked, not realising the black bear Jessica was referring to, was, in fact, a child.

"Hey, it is my turn now!"

"Sure sure... go on... I choose Truth!"

"Tell me about your sister, Princess Yuri..."

"Eh? Why?"

"You gotta answer the question! Besides I am really interested to know what twins think about each other..."

"Eh? erm... ok..." 

What should I say about myself?!?! Think from a guy's perspective... Yul and I fight a lot... so I can't say good thing about myself...

"She is a horrible person!"

Argh... do I have to do this?!?

"And she is bossy! That's all!"

"That's all? Hey, unfair... say a little bit more! And why do you have only negative comments for your sister! You're such a typical brother!"

"What else you wanna know about her?"

"So who's older? You or her?"

"I'm older by eight minutes."

"Do you love your sister?"

"Eh? what kind of question is that!?!"

"Well, I heard a story that twins of different gender were lovers from their previous lives and had made a promise to be reborn together..."

Yuri thought of her brother and instantly made a disgusted face. Jessica, on the other hand, was laughing at Yuri's reaction.

"It's enough that I have spent 9 months with him-her I mean, in my mum's womb..."

And that stupid brother is the one who got me into this mess in the first place!

"Enough about her! Now, your turn!"

"Truth!" Jessica stated her choice.

Yuri pondered for a little while before asking out of her own curiosity.

"What are the qualities in a person that attracts you?"

"Kind, caring and most importantly, honesty!"


"Yes, no lies."

Yuri cringed a little.

"What if that person has to lie for a reason?" Jessica eyed him with doubt, "I m-mean... he has no choice but to lie... but it is all with good intention!" Yuri added.

"Lie is still a lie, no matter how good the intention was..." Jessica stated flatly. 

"Why? You have something to hide?" Jessica teased.

"No! Of course not... I'm j-just asking..."

"Your turn now..."


"You're no fun..." Jessica taunted in a jokingly manner.

"Yah... why didn't you choose Dare then?" Yuri retorted. Jessica ignored him by asking him the question straightaway.

"So what do you look for in girls then?" She shot out blatantly.

Yuri almost dropped her jaw, "Eh?!?"

"Why are you so surprised?" Jessica eyed him strangely.

"W-Who says so? I-I'm j-just thinking," she paused, "Wait a minute... why do you wanna know... unless..."

Yuri gave a little smirk, "Unless you want to know if I would like you?"

This time, it was Jessica's turn to be taken aback by Yul's counterattack. But she convincingly recovered, determined to outsmart his remark as she shot back her reply.

"So I can introduce someone else to you if I turn out to be a wrong match!"

Not to be outdone, Yuri quickly responded, "Great! I want someone that is gentle and not violent!"

"Yah!" Jessica reacted aggressively by throwing the bear she was hugging at him. Yuri, who was all prepared for any possible consequence, caught the bear with quick reflex.

"I thought Mr Bear was your precious?! You giving it to me already?" Yuri mocked her purposely. 

Jessica reached out from her bed, discarding the blanket as she tried to wrestle the bear away from him. However, he was too fast for her as he jumped out from the chair and dodged her move. She ended up grasping the empty chair, with her face almost buried into the soft back cushion.

Feeling complacent over her victory, Yuri wheeled around and gave Jessica a scoffing look. Jessica glared at him. Yuri took a step back quickly, wary of her violent retaliation. But what she did not see it coming was that she had stepped on the protruding end of the silken blanket, which Jessica has thrown off her a moment ago. Her foot slipped on the sleek surface of the high-end silken material and everything else happened in a quick flash. Yuri flailed her hands around, trying desperately to catch hold of any surrounding object as she slipped, but all that was available was the bed and its remaining blanket. She managed to grab hold of it as she slipped, pulling the rest of the silken blanket down with her.

Jessica gave a small surprised yelp when she felt a sudden pull on her left as the entangled blanket around her lower body was dragged down forcefully. And the next moment, she found herself, once again, falling down on top of the prince. This time, it was slightly different from their first encounter. Jessica was crashing down in a sideway motion. 

Fortunately for Yuri, none of her hands were not in contact with Jessica as one grasped the blanket and the other landed on the carpeted floor. There wasn't a single chance of any repeating mishap like the airport incident.

But the misfortunate part for Yuri was that Jessica had landed an elbow strike on her mid torso before the rest of her body came crashing down in the ensuing second later. Surprised with the sudden painful impact and the wind-knocking sensation the blow produced, Yuri jolted upward while Jessica continued the gravitational uni-direction downward. 

Yuri's eyes widened with shock at the close proximity of their faces until it was too late. Her lips met with another pair of soft lips. 

She has kissed Jessica accidentally.

Crap... I'm so dead...


Chapter 9: The bodyguard's help

Thump thump... thump thump...

Her heart was racing with a mixed brewery of emotions. Out of which, fear was distinct; she can?t help but to think of a possible round of violent retaliation. Yet, another prominent feeling eclipsed over; a stirring emotion she has never once felt before.

Yuri remained transfixed, unable to back away anyway now that she was all pinned on the floor; the back of her head against the soft carpet and her lips against hers. 

Her knuckles turned white as she gripped on the blanket and the carpeted floor tightly. She was clearly crippled by the unexpected kiss. 

Thump thump... thump thump...

Just inches away from Yuri's racing heart, came yet another set of pounding heartbeats, which threatened to burst out metaphorically. Shock was the first thing that came to Jessica's mind. It was her first kiss and of all possible romantic scenarios she had dreamt about of giving it, this was definitely not among them. 

Her anger rose but something else eventually clouded over her mind; it was a tugging in her heart she has never experienced.

Thump thump... thump thump...

The dropped teddy bear lay beside the two. With the same smiley face it had ever since its creation, Mr Bear was behaving as if it has bore witness to a beginning of an incredible love journey.

What was supposed to be a mere fraction of the tickling second dragged on seemingly endlessly for the two, until the soft ringing sound of Yuri's phone pulled them back to reality. 

Embarrassed, Jessica quickly broke off their impromptu kiss. She immediately cupped her hand over her mouth.

Their eyes met and instantly, both avoided each other and looked away shyly.

"T-That's m-my dare..."

Yuri didn't understand what Jessica had just muttered.


"I s-say that's m-my dare!" Jessica turned her head away in a dignified manner, as if everything was just a game. But her blushing face gave the game away.

Then it dawned upon her that Jessica was trying to get out of their tricky situation. Of course! Yuri would rather go with this excuse than getting another absurd slap.

"If y-you say s-so..."

"You o-owe me a d-dare..." Jessica added.

Yuri stared at her with an incredulous look. 

What kind of bargain is that?

But instead of grunting out her protest, Yuri simply nodded her head. 

"I-I think I'm feeling alright already... you can go back to your room..." she continued, without taking any glance at Yul.

"I... er... you need to get off me first..." Yuri voiced out timidly.

Jessica then realised she was on top of Yul. She shifted away much to her embarrassment. 

"Well, I better get going then..." Yuri quickly got back up on her feet. Just as she was about to leave, Jessica stopped her. She then hurried over to the desk and took the small potted plant, shoving it to Yul whom confusingly accepted.

"It's... f-for you... as an a-apology for this m-morning..."

Yuri tried to open her mouth to speak, but no word came out.

"Well... eh... g-good night!" Jessica then pushed Yul out towards the door. Once the prince was out of sight, Jessica lay against the closed door and heaved a sigh of relief. Her insides were still in a flutter. 

Despite hugging the bear that never failed to bring her to her dream world, something told her that night as she kept turning around in her sleep, that she was slowly but surely, being affected little by little by him. 

Kwon Yul, why are you affecting me...

In the other end of their residence palace, Yuri was flipping around in her bed, unable to fall asleep too. The lavender plant seemed to be staring back at her from its current position on the bedside table. She then turned around and faced the empty spot where she found her on her bed this morning. 

Jessica Jung, why are you affecting me...



Sooyoung nearly dropped the bowl of cereal she was holding. 

"I was saying it's just an accident! And stop making a mess on my bed!" Yuri ticked disapprovingly as she swept the remnants of Sooyoung the Food Devastator, a nickname she gotten for her after watching Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, off her bed for the third time in the last ten minutes.

She had called for breakfast to be served in bed today.

"If there is nothing going on then why are you avoiding her?" Sooyoung shot.

"W-Who says I'm avoiding her!" Yuri grabbed the glass of orange juice and started to gulp down the entire content.

"Breakfast in bed... you think you're still a kid? Or you are kidding a kid?"

Yuri almost choked at the rate she was guzzling down the juice.

"You are too easy to read..." Sooyoung remarked.

"Just eat your food!" Yuri shot back, stuffing the sandwich in front of Sooyoung's face.

"Don't tell me you are starting to feel something for her!" Sooyoung startled her by grabbing Yuri's hand in a dramatic fashion, "You can't! She... she's your brother's fianc?e!"

"Yah! Choi Sooyoung! For your information, my brother is the one that ran off, leaving behind his so-called fianc?e and you are the one who drugged me back to Korea, leaving me stuck with his fianc?e!" She argued back in an apparent fluster. 

"Kwon Yuri! I have known you for twenty years... well minus the few years where neither of us had any recollection... that is still close to seventeen years?! And you think I can't read your mind?"

"I'm telling you straight, I have no feeling for her! I'm a girl! Why would I have feeling for another girl?!" said the same person who had placed the potted lavender right by her beside table.

"But Jessica doesn't know you are a girl..."

Yuri gave an exasperated cry and placed a hand on her forehead, surrendering her defeat, fearing Sooyoung and her incredible interrogation techniques would reveal something she didn't want to admit.

Sooyoung then placed a hand on Yuri’s shoulder. 

“You really like her, don’t you? Don’t worry, I’ll lend you a helping hand.”


“Do you have an e-bay account?” Yuri asked in a deadpan tone.

“Yeah, why...”

“Do me a favour, buy me a gun so I can shoot you right now...”


Is he avoiding me?

A gentle tap on her shoulder made her jumped in fright.

"My child, why do you look so spaced out?"

Jessica's train of thoughts was brought back down to reality once more when she realised she was in the midst of the solemn tea ceremony with the Queen Mother.

"Er, nothing, I-I was j-just thinking about something..." Jessica spoke softly.

"Thinking about love?"

"N-No, Granny! Y-You've mistaken!" Jessica blurted out. She felt yet another familiar rising heat on her face. She wondered if the blood vessels in her face have already accustomed to its frequent surge in the past few days.

The Queen Mother gave a chuckle as she slowly refilled Jessica?s teacup and offering it to her. Jessica accepted it graciously once more.

"It's okay to think about love and him..." She replied with a knowing smile before taking a small sip.


She felt yet another vibration set off by her phone deep in the pocket of her pants as she remained attentive to the official meeting with the Crown Prince of Japan. Someone has been calling her at least thirty times for the past one hour. Thankfully, she had switched her phone to silent mode prior the meeting. There was a slim chance the call was from the palace, seeing that Sir Yoon and Sooyoung were just seated next to her. If someone from the palace were trying to contact her, surely, they would be calling either the two most likely person to be around her. 


But she was certain nobody except for Sooyoung and Sir Yoon, knew her current new number she gotten when she first touched down in Seoul three days ago in order to prevent exposing her identity.

"Well, I sure hope we will have a great collaboration in the future!" said Yuri as she offered a handshake and posed with the Japan Crown Prince in front of the media, marking the close of the meeting between the two country representatives.

"I heard you are getting married soon. Do bring along your wife the next time you visit Japan." He kindly invited.

"Sure... I will definitely bring her along..." Yuri cheerfully replied, "If only he knew the truth..."

Shortly after the conversation has ended, Yuri rushed off to answer yet another call from the desperate caller. It was an unknown number.


"OH MY GOD! The busy Prince has finally answered!"

"Eh?" Yuri recognised the voice. She thought she had seen the last of him.

"G?" It was the person who single-handedly created a prince out of her.

"Of course it is me, who else did you think!" G clicked disapprovingly. 

"Jess-" Yuri held her tongue back, "I mean... how did you-"

"Find out your number? Who else! Tsk tsk... My good old pal of course!"

Sir Yoon? It must be him...

"Anyway darling, I need a favour from you... you play the violin right?"

"Erm... ya..."

"GOOD! Come down to the Grand Hyatt later at 7pm! I need you to play the violin for my birthday party! It's a favour, not a request..."

"EH!?" Yuri was caught off by G?s sudden declaration.

"Don't worry... I have got everything covered! Nobody will know you are the Great Crown Prince Yul... just come and you will know! Alright, TATA!"

"Wait! I haven't even-" The line was cut off abruptly before Yuri could finish her sentence, "...agree to it..." She trailed off miserably. 

YAH! When will I ever have a peaceful day in Seoul!


"Ok, the prince will be showing up... now I guess it is your turn to do your part..." G spoke in an eerie tone into the phone.

"Of course, I will make sure the princess shows up too... and all our plans will fall into place..." The person whispered into the phone.

They laughed hysterically to each other through their phones.

"Crap, the prince's heading my way... Talk to you later!" She immediately placed the phone down, as the approaching footsteps got nearer.

"Why are you laughing on the phone like that!"

Sooyoung simply stuck her tongue out at Yuri and replied, "Nothing..."


"Your Majesty, His Highness is here to see you." Lady Park, the senior lady attendant whom Jessica met on her first day in the palace, announced courteously as she entered the room.


Jessica's heart skipped a heart when she heard the Queen Mother mentioning his name. A faint blush crept across her face as she recalled the accidental kiss.

A hearty laugh was heard and the next moment, a figure entered.

"My dear mother! All you could think of is your grandson and not your own son?!? How sad!"

Jessica recognised that voice and face instantly. She had seen him before, Prince Jin, the younger brother of the King. She couldn't help but to feel a little tinge of disappointment.

"Oh, and our little princess is here too? What a pleasant surprise! It's nice to see you again!" Prince Jin grinned widely. 

"You two have met each other?" The Queen Mother enquired curiously.

"Yes, I have met Jessica in the garden yesterday when I dropped by for a little business... and speaking of which, today is a great day for some outdoor activity... hmmm..." Prince Jin paused for a while, "I was thinking of making a trip down to the riding stable this afternoon. Care to join in, Jessica?"

"Eh?" She was a little taken aback.

"That's a good idea! You youngsters should be out in the open, enjoying the sun rather than keeping the boring old woman company!"

"Awww... mother! You can come along! It has been ages since I last saw you on a horse..."

"Ahhhh spare my back, I'm getting too old..." The Queen Mother said jokingly.

"Nonsense! You are not that old! Isn't that so, Jessica?"

"B-But I-I don't know how to ride a horse!" Jessica answered in a fluster.

The Queen Mother laughed heartily, "Get Yul to teach you!"


"Yul is an expert in horseback archery! Don't worry!" Prince Jin reassured, "we will just have to call Yul! I think the meeting should be over already..."

Under the strong urgings of the Queen Mother and Prince Jin, Jessica had no choice but to go along with the flow.


"Did Yul change his number? I can't seem to connect the call..." Prince Jin tried for the fourth time but to no avail. There wasn't any dial tone at all.

"Hmmm, try calling Sir Yoon? They should be together at the moment." Lady Park suggested.

"Why not let Jessica speak to Yul? I'm sure Yul would come if Jessica asked him to..." The Queen Mother added, much to Jessica's chagrin. Prince Jin quickly shoved his dialling phone to Jessica.


But it was too late, the call connected through and there came a familiar voice.

"Yes, Your Highness? You called?" Sir Yoon answered, thinking it was Prince Jin as his number displayed on the phone screen.

"Erm... hello Sir Yoon, can I speak to Yul?" Jessica requested shyly.

"Oh, it's Princess Jessica. Of course, Your Highness. Please hold on for a moment while I look for the crown prince.... Your Highness, you have a call!"

"Princess Jessica..." Sir Yoon mouthed the words just before Yuri took over the phone. Nearby, Sooyoung squeaked in joy. Yuri remembered the conversation they had earlier during their breakfast-in-bed and gave a cold hard stare at Sooyoung who then quietened down in response but she held her ear close to the phone.

Indeed, a little short moment later, another soothing voice came through. It was the voice Jessica was hoping to hear again. 

"Hello?" Yuri sounded a little irritated as Sooyoung continued pressing on. She made a quick sweeping action to ward off her. In the meantime, she held out her arm straight to prevent Sooyoung from eavesdropping.

"H-Hello!" Jessica said nervously, "How did the m-meeting w-went?"

"Ahhhh, it was a success..."

"Erm... do you w-want to go t-to the riding stable? Prince Jin and Her Majesty w-wants y-you to... to... t-teach m-me..."

"Teach you to ride a horse!?" Yuri choked out in surprise. 

"Erm, if y-you are busy, it's a-alright!"

Before Yuri could reply, Sooyoung immediately grappled her arm and performed an elbow lock-up. The unsuspecting Yuri whined out in pain. Sooyoung took the advantage and snatched the phone over easily.

"The Prince is free! We'll see you in a while! Bye!" Sooyoung said in a rush. After disconnecting the call, Sooyoung grinned to herself.

Jessica was a little puzzled.

"So is Yul coming?" Prince Jin asked anxiously.

"Ya, I guess so..."

"Yah! Choi Sooyoung! What is that for!" Yuri shrieked. Her arm was still held up in a lock-up. 

"Sorry!" Sooyoung apologised as she released her grip in Yuri. 

YAH! When will I ever have a peaceful day in Seoul!


~Love Radio FM~

Sunny: Yo berry good yo... Welcome to Love Radio FM ?Answer-your-questions? segment. This is your favourite DJ Sunny! (shudders) Hmmm, there is an awkward coldness I am feeling in my studio over here... anyways this week our special guest is none other than Princess Jessica, our future Queen!!! Hello, Your Highness! 

Jessica: Hello, Sunny... 

Sunny: Well, to our listeners at home, Crown Princess Jessica is still a mystery! Care to introduce yourself a little bit more? All we know is that you are the rich heiress of the Jung Enterprise. Take this opportunity to draw in more supporters!

Jessica: Y-Yes... Hello everyone, I?m Jessica from San Francisco. My specialty is daydreaming... (does the stoned look) I like playing soccer and I?m majoring in Piano and Conducting! 

Sunny: Ooooooh? that sounds really impressive... Hmmmm I heard that Princess Yuri, your future ?sister-in-law?, is also majoring in music... I think it?s... violin! (chuckles) Maybe you two could do a duet in the future? 

Jessica: Ahhh... so that?s the reason there are so many violin scores in her room... I would love to do a duet... 

Sunny: How?s the preparation of the engagement coming along? It is just a few days away and it is our nation?s biggest event of the year where our beloved Prince Yul (gives a tender sighs) announces his love for you! Awww~

Jessica: I... erm...

Sunny: Your Highness is very shy I see? of course, when the dreamy prince proposes to you in front of the millions, it must be the dream of your life! Awww~

Jessica: Actually... I... erm...

Sunny: Yes?

Jessica: Nothing...

Sunny: Princess Jessica is soooo shy! How cute! Alright, let?s get into your segment today. We have a question from yuripaready! To Princess Jessica, what do you think about the prince? Do you regret to be engaged to a pervert person like him? Ahhhh... so the Prince is a pervert??? Next, don't you think Sooyoung and the prince are a bit too close with each other?

Jessica: (with a smile on her face) He?s a nice gentleman. The perverted part was entirely a misunderstanding, although he had that strange look on his face at times. But he won?t dare to do anything to me if I carry a pepper spray around (shows Sunny a small can)

Sunny: Where did you get that from?

Jessica: Convenience store...

Sunny: Erm... I?m sorry to tell you, but that is not a pepper spray. It?s just a normal hair spray!

Jessica: EH!?!?

Sunny: You need to brush up your Korean... I heard about the wine incident... (sticks her tongue out)

Jessica: EH!?!?! (turns red then 5 seconds later, gives a tender sigh)

Sunny: Eh? Princess?

Jessica: Sunny ah... you are the Love Radio FM DJ right... tell me how should I handle this problem? 

Sunny: Hmmm I?m no Aunt Agony but sure, fire your question.

Jessica: I think he is avoiding me... and I think I was too violent and I heard from the maid that Sooyoung had a breakfast-in-bed with him!

Sunny: I?m pretty sure the shikshin was more interested in the food than the prince. 

Jessica: How could you be so sure!?! Those two are incredibly close! 

Sunny: Well, let?s just say it?s something I know for sure... (ponders for a while) ... are you... jealous? You ARE! 

Jessica: (face turns red) I-I... d-dunno but I k-keep having a weird vibe that they are hiding something from me... I w-wonder if... Sooyoung i-is actually his s-secret lover...

Sunny: EH?


Sunny: Ah we have a caller on the line! Who?s that? Erm... K Seobang??!?!

Jessica: What does that mean? 

Sunny: You really need to brush up your Korean! Seobang is Husband! K... I?m not very sure (winks) but I have a feeling it is someone I might know... (shrugs shoulder)

K Seobang: Ah DJ Sunny must be joking! Hahaha I am just an avid listener... I would like to ask Princess Jessica if she... ahem... has fallen in love with me- I mean the Prince...

Jessica: (in a cold tone) Why should I tell you...

K Seobang: Eh? Isn?t this... the ?Answer-your-questions segment??

Jessica: (in a cold tone) But I have no reason to tell you anything... you are not Mr Bear!

K Seobang: Eh? Oooook... (hangs up)

Sunny: (laughs weakly) Ahahahahaha~ Princess Jessica... if you keep on doing this... you are going to ruin our show!

Jessica: But that question is weird! 

Sunny: But that is what everyone wants to know! Whether you, Jessica Jung, have finally fallen in love with the Prince!!!


Sunny: (takes a deep breath) Hello! Erm... you have given your name as... Mr Bear!??!?!

Jessica: !!!!!

Mr Bear: I would like to ask Princess Jessica if she... ahem... has fallen in love with me- I mean the Prince...


Mr Bear: Huh? Did the Princess say she would tell Mr Bear? I?m Mr Bear!!! REALLY!!!

Jessica: Mr Bear is a soft toy! The last time I checked, he doesn?t talk!!! 

Mr Bear: Erm... things are more complicated... actually I am the real Mr Bear... 

Sunny: Prince Yul ? I mean Mr Bear... hahaha from my experience, I can say Jessica is indeed in love with the Prince... jealousy is an indication!

Mr Bear: REALLY!!?!??!

(Jessica cuts the line off and gives DJ Sunny a cold hard stare, before exiting the studio in a huff)

Sunny: (clears throat) Well, ladies and gentlemen, time really flies! It is time to end this week segment! This is DJ Sunny and thanks for listening to Love Radio FM. Our special guest next week is... the fake Prince Yul, Princess Yuri!!! Simply direct your question to [Love FM Radio's "Answer-your-question"] Next up, please enjoy the song from Counting Crows, ?Accidentally in love?

*****Chapter 10: Black Pearl

The car journey to the riding stable was pretty fast. It took them only thirty minutes to reach from the palace. Once again, Jessica was impressed by the wealth and status of the royal family as they entered the riding compound. Every facility was of top notch. The greenery pasture and the vast riding track over the area were huge, and not to mention, a special designated area for the Korean traditional horseback archery, one of the sports, which Prince Yul was said to excel it.

There was even a small nature reserve park linked from the stable, as pointed out by Prince Jin when they were on the road, 5 minutes away from the stable. 

"It seems like we have reached before them... why don't you wait for them in the viewing area while I have a word with the trainers first? Gotta make sure the horses are in top shape before riding." Prince Jin then instructed his men to escort Jessica to the air-conditioned platform while he made his way to the horses' holding area with another aide.

Jessica waited patiently for the others to turn up as she wandered around the viewing platform aimlessly, the men clad in full black suit, following closely behind.

"Erm... you all can relax..."

"Your Highness, this is an order from His Highness... we have to ensure your safety."

"But... it is safe around here..."

Before Prince Jin's bodyguards could give her yet another inflexible reply, she heard a loud voice coming from outside.

"Yah! Just go in!" Sooyoung said exasperatedly as she pulled Yuri into the compound. 

Yuri was trying to resist Sooyoung as she still wasn't prepared to face Jessica after their little kissing incident last night. However, when she caught Jessica's eyes on them, she stopped right away, causing her to stumble forward a little. But she quickly regained her composure and acted normal like always. 

"Erm... hello!" Yuri chirped brightly, concealing her tensed inner self.

Jessica gave a shy response. 

"It's a nice day, isn't it?" Sooyoung added. She was determined to help as she recalled G's love guide."Step 1, make sure they are comfortable in front of each other! Nobody would ever make the first step if they continue to be in an awkward position."

"Perfect for a little leisure riding!"

Yuri eyed Sooyoung, hoping she would keep her mouth shut. The last thing she needed was Sooyoung's kind help, which for some unknown reasons could possibly turn into something disastrous.

"Ahhh, gosh, I'm starving!" Yuri said purposely as she looked beyond the crowd at the food displayed at the long table, in an attempt to distract the Food Devastator. 

"Ooooh that's a nice spread for food..."


Sooyoung's eyes lit up at the mention of her favourite word. 

Wait a minute, YAH! Kwon Yuri! You are soooo cunning...

To Yuri's surprise, instead of charging towards the love of her life, Sooyoung walked up to Jessica and grabbed her arm.

"Your Highness!!! Let's go choose the horses!!!" Sooyoung announced vibrantly, holding Jessica's hands as if they were very close girlfriends going on a shopping trip. 

Jessica, startled by Sooyoung's action, flinched slightly at her sudden vibrant act. But upon seeing the latter cheerful face, she relented, smiling in response to her friendly approach. 

"Your Highness," Sooyoung said, referring to Yuri who was still standing near the exit, "What are you waiting for! Lead the way!"

Yuri made a scouring face at Sooyoung who responded cheekily sticking her tongue out. Jessica chuckled at their reactions and for a brief moment, there was an envious feeling for Sooyoung's exceptional relationship with the Prince.

Sooyoung immediately started to pull Jessica along until a figure came into her view, obstructing her from exiting.

"Sorry, Your Highness but you can't leave. His Highness has ordered to remain here until he returns." It was Prince Jin's personal bodyguard, Kang In, whom Sooyoung knew him as a kind but strict senior back during their training days. However, their friendship became strained when Kang In was assigned under Prince Jin, while Sooyoung remained in the palace, groomed to be the royal guard for Yuri under the orders of her father, Sir Choi, the head of royal security act. 

Yuri stepped forward, intervening a possible stand off between both stubborn Sooyoung and Kang In. 

"Are you questioning my bodyguard's ability to protect the Princess?" Yuri raised an eyebrow, "Or are you questioning my authority to bring my fianc?e out for a date?" Yuri finished the statement coolly. 

My fianc?e... 

It was her first time hearing Yul addressing her with that term. Her heart fluttered in response.

Kang In wore a solemn expression, "I won't dare to, Your Highness. His Highness merely wishes for Your Highnesses to rest in the comfort of the room until he returns..."

"That's bullshit..." Sooyoung cursed mentally.

"Sica, you had enough rest right?" Yuri said dotingly. 

Jessica drew a sharp breath, taken entirely by surprise at Yul's unexpected and sudden name for her. It was only just within a few seconds from hearing the first usage of fianc?e from him and now, Yul has just called her by a shortened name she never had. It was always Jess or Jessie back in the States. No one ever called her Sica, at least not until now.

Under that composed appearance, Yuri's mind was running wild. She had no idea what had made her to come up with that affectionate term for Jessica. 

Perhaps, I was trying to let the bodyguard know my rights as Jessica's fianc?e? Or maybe just trying to show off how 'lovely dovely' we are?

That was the reason she came up with desperately, despite knowing the truth was none of the above. 

There was a few seconds of silence as Jessica recovered from the initial surprise, then she responded with a gentle nod.

"I won't mind going out for a little sun, it's getting cold here."

Upon seeing Kang In's change of expression, Yuri's ego swelled slightly. She held out an opened hand in an inviting stance to Jessica whom shyly accepted, hiding her delight. She was about to lead Jessica out when a face she has not seen for three years appeared at the doorway. 

"Yul! Glad you're here! You're such a busy prince!" Her uncle greeted warmly, noticing a solemn atmosphere. He eyed Kang In and knew the answer straightaway.

"Pardon my guard for being over-protective. I was the one who instructed them to watch over the Crown Princess. Don't want anything to happen under my care... Kang In, apologise to His Highness."

Yuri noticed the subtle bitterness with his choice of words. Addressing Jessica as the Crown Princess was merely another directive to imply Yul's position as the Crown Prince. 

Yuri could feel a tightening grip on her hand. Behind her, Jessica was tensed up, afraid that she would be the cause of their misunderstanding.

"Your Highness, I apologise for my rudeness-" Yuri stopped Kang In from bowing in apology. There was no need for any apology from following orders, especially when it was not his decision.

"I'm sure Uncle has the best interests for us..." Yuri tactfully averted the sensitive issue of order of succession while respecting the elder Prince's dignity. 

Prince Jin gave a hearty laugh. 

"Well, we are here for a leisure riding. The horses are ready. So, let's just enjoy this... Oh Yul, it is Jessica's first time, so be a little more gentle on her." He threw a meaningful glance at the young couple before breaking into another round of jovial laughter.

Jessica quickly averted her glance to the boring floor as she attempted to hide her bashfulness while Yuri tried to brush it off as a joke. 

"Of course..." Yuri laughed along. 

No, wait... that didn't came out right... 


"Don't worry, Black Pearl won't bite. She's very gentle!" Yuri has been reassuring Jessica for the tenth time as she grabbed hold of her shaking hand, bringing Jessica closer to the black horse. 

Black Pearl nickered in return. 

"I thought Black Pearl hated the Prince? Ever since he fed her with some cucumbers a few years back?" One of the trainers by the stable side asked inquisitively. 

The other shook his head unsure of the answer, "It's Princess Yuri's horse... I guess Black Pearl missed her owner and is glad that the Crown Princess will be riding her today..."

Of course, unknown to them, Black Pearl had already sniffed out its owner scent, despite her strange appearance, which looked awfully like the other twin whom she disliked. 

The horse nudged the Prince eagerly, much to the amazement of the trainers.

"See! She's gentle!" Yuri touched Black Pearl's head fondly. 

"Just follow my action," Yuri guided Jessica, placing her hand on top of its rich black coat at the neck. Jessica then patted the horse gingerly. She was astonished by the smooth velvet touch of its fur. The horse nickered softly as a form of approval.

"You're real good... Black Pearl likes you already," Yuri said teasingly as Jessica continued to pat the horse gently. Under Yuri's guidance, Jessica grew more accustomed to the horse and relaxed her tense stance as she moved towards its side, caressing it.

"You're such a good girl today!" Yuri patted on the horse's head softly. "Be gentle on Jessica."

Upon the mention of her name, Jessica turned to her side and looked at Yul as he coaxed the horse, remaining oblivious to his surrounding as he focused solely on the horse. To her, the sight of a dedicated Yul was a fresh look she has never seen before. She noticed how mesmerising his dark eyes were, complementing well with his slightly tanned complexion. Her eyes eventually traced downward, noticing that Yul had a small frame compared to other Korean males she had seen. Although she preferred someone stronger, none of that really mattered as she continued to admire his physique. Perhaps it was the small frame that made him look dreamy, as if he had just walked out from the pages of a manga. If he wasn't the Crown Prince of Korea, Yul could have easily found ranks among the top models or celebrities. 

Jessica did not realise she was gazing attentively at Yul until a distant shout brought her back to Earth.

"Your Highnesses, are you ready?" Sooyoung's loud voice boomed through the stable as she approached the two with another horse in rein. The white horse neighed loudly, displaying its excitement.

"Cloud! I miss you!" Yuri patted the horse. Instead, Cloud responded by holding its head up in arrogance. Jessica wore a worried expression as she looked from the side.

"Are you mad at me?" Yuri said teasingly. The next moment, the horse licked her face and gently nibbled her ear. Yuri laughed at the ticklish sensation on her face. Then she caught the brief worrisome look on Jessica's face before it turned to a relieved look. 

She was worried about me?

Although she wanted to laugh it off as Jessica?s inexperience with horses, deep down, Yuri appreciated her show of concern.

"Alright, are you ready for your first horseback riding?" Yuri spoke as she walked towards Jessica. She looked at the approaching Prince with an obvious anxiety.

"Don't worry, I will be here." His assuring voice calmed her jitters.

"Wait!" Jessica stopped the Prince as she made her way in front of the black horse and whispered softly into its ear.

"Miss Black Pearl, I'm Jessica. This is my first time riding a horse... please be gentle on me," she introduced herself to the horse politely.

Yuri smiled at her cute action. When Jessica returned, Yuri pretended to look away.

"Alright, put your left leg on the stirrup."

"Hold onto the wither," Yuri patted on the horse's back just slightly in front of the saddle, showing Jessica the correct region. She followed his instructions clearly.

"Ok, next, try to lift yourself up and swing your right leg over. Don't worry I will help you." Jessica pushed herself up but lacked the momentum to mount over. Just when she thought she would fall back down, she felt his hands on her hip, giving her the extra lift. With Yul's help, Jessica managed to swing her leg over with ease.

"How's it?"

"Ok I guess..." Jessica shifted comfortably in the saddle, "It's safe right?"

"Wear this..." Yuri passed a safety helmet to Jessica whom proceeded on wearing the protective headgear.

"What about you?" Jessica asked when she noticed Yul wasn't wearing any.

"I don't need it." Yuri smiled as she took the horse reins and to Jessica's surprise, Yuri climbed onto the horse and sat right behind her. 

"Just relax, I will ride with you..." Her face blushed in crimson as he spoke gently near her ear.


Ten minutes into the slow walk, Jessica eventually got a hang of the horse four-beat gait.

"Enjoying it?"

Jessica nodded her head, "It's quite fun..."

"Hmmm, I'm sure Black Pearl wants more fun... right?" Yuri squeezed the sides of the horse with her lower calf. Black Pearl responded with a playful snort. The next moment, the horse began to pick up speed and start to canter in a three-beat gait.

"Yah!" Jessica, not accustomed to the increasing speed, held onto Yul's reining hands, squeezing it tightly. Seeing Jessica's obvious nerve-wrecking distress, Yuri slowed the horse down after a mere short distance.

Once the horse came to a full stop, Jessica turned around and glared coldly at Yul who was struggling not to break out in laughter.

"Yah! You-"

Black Pearl reared up slightly in haughtiness, causing Jessica to yelp. She fell into Yul's warm embrace, pressing against his chest. At their brief moment of contact, Jessica thought she felt something on Yul's chest, but quickly brushed that thought away as she quickly pushed herself away from their embarrassing position. Yuri, wary about their close body contact, was quick to distract Jessica's attention as she purposely urged the horse to walk once again, making Jessica to refocus entirely on the horse.

Sooyoung who was observing on the stand smiled delightedly. 

Even the horse is trying to help! 


Jessica watched attentively as Yul rode on Black Pearl, galloping across the open fields. Cloud, the white horse, was also galloping alongside with them. It was like a sight from a fairy tale where the Prince rode on the suave horse on his way to rescue a kidnapped Princess from a faraway land. Jessica smiled, imagining the scene as it played in her head.

"Want a cold drink?" Sooyoung handed a can of coke in front of her, momentarily causing her jump in surprise as she returned to reality from her fantasy. 

Sooyoung giggled at Jessica's reaction. She has been observing Jessica for a brief moment before interrupting her with the drink. The expression Jessica had while watching Yuri was a clear tell tale sign of a certain blooming love.

So she does feel something for Yuri...

She paused before questioning Jessica.

"How do you feel about the Prince?"

Caught by surprise, she choked on the mouthful of coke at Sooyoung's unexpected question. 

"Woah... you don't have to be so agitated..." Sooyoung patted Jessica's back continuously as she coughed uncontrollably. It took a while before Jessica recovered from her coughing fit.



Jessica half-hoped Sooyoung would stop asking her, but under her watchful persistent cajoling, she relented.

"Yul is n-nice..."


"A-And... kind... h-helpful?"

"Do you like him?"


Sooyoung nudged Jessica with her shoulder. 

"Aigoo... don't be shy, we are both girls... you can share with me..."

"I-I... eh..."

"Go on."

"I don't know!" Jessica avoided Sooyoung's intense eyes.


"I don't know! Stop asking me..."

"What are you doing" Bullying Jessica?" A familiar voice shouted from afar.

She looked up instantly and spotted Yul trotting the horse towards them, very much alike the imaginary scene in her head with a suave Prince coming to her rescue. 

"Why? Are you scared that I will kidnap her?" Sooyoung held Jessica gently as she made a pretending act to hold Jessica as hostage.

Yuri jumped down from the horse in a fluid motion and raised her hands, mimicking the action of holding a gun. 


"You missed! And now, take this! Bang!"

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Jessica watched on, amused by their silly behaviour, as the two continued dodging each other's 'bullets'.

"Urghhhh..." Yuri pretended to be shot and fell unto the grassy ground in an awfully slow motion.

"Hahahahaha... now your girl is mine!" Sooyoung made a triumph pose as she held Jessica's arm high up. 

"Erm... Jessica, you gotta cry your heart out..."

"No... seriously, no..."

"Your Prince is dying! And you are not crying?"

"Do I have to do this?"

"Bleh, you are no fun..." Sooyoung made a face at Jessica.

"Let... her... go..." Yuri croaked out, continuing the act.

"Never! Hahahahahaha..." Sooyoung continued her evil laughter until a loud cough interrupted their mini play.

"Is the grass really that comfortable?" Prince Jin asked, bemused by the action of his nephew and his bodyguard.


"This is such a good weather for a ride..." Prince Jin commented as they rode on the horses for a slow walk along the riding trail shaded by the tall trees just a distance away from the main compound. 

"Yeah..." Yuri answered absentmindedly as she kept a constant lookout on Jessica. Though she was a first timer, she was quite impressive, having able to grasp the gist of walking the horse in a matter of an hour. Of course, the docile Black Pearl played an important part in being very gentle on the ride.

Thirty minutes into the ride, Prince Jin decided to stop the horses for a rest under a rest station along the trail. Yuri dismounted her horse and reined in the horse. She approached Jessica with extended hand, offering to help her with the dismount. 

"It's ok... I think I shall remain up here."

"You sure? There is still quite a long way back."

"I would like to ride on it more..."

"You already got the hang of it.?"

"Why don't you two go ahead first? Hahaha, old man here needs a longer rest." Prince Jin urged the two young adults to continue without him.

Unwilling to let Jessica ride alone, Yuri decided to heed her uncle's advice.

"Alright then."

Yuri mounted the white horse with a swift jump and started to walk the horse together with Jessica. 

Once he was sure the young couple were out of sight, Prince Jin took out his phone and dialled.

"Get ready..."


~Love Radio FM~

Sunny: Hello! It's your sunshine bunny! Welcome to Love Radio FM - the only radio station that brings you the juiciest insight news of your beloved royal household. Today, in our "Answer-your-questions" segment, we have invited a very special someone. But first, let's hear some very interesting comments that our previous guests has for today's guest.

(drum rolls)

Sunny: First of, Food Devastator says she is a very good friend who threaten to take your life every few days... Ok, that sounds pretty bad... Yul the Real says she is going to get it for spray-painting that Mini Cooper pink once he comes back... ooops.... and lastly Mrs Bear has no comment for her except that she thinks she is no better than her brother... Hmmm did our Mrs Bear know that she is actually talking about the same person? I guess no... Without further ado, I introduce tonight's special guest! She is none other than Princess Yuri a.k.a Yul the Fake.

Yuri: That's a very interesting red button you got on your control panel... 

Yuri tries to touch it out of curiosity but DJ Sunny slaps her hands away quickly

Yuri: Owwww...

Sunny: Your Highness, you haven't done a proper intro yet!

Yuri: Oh I almost forgot I am on live! 

Sunny: Yeah... we decided to go live since our phone line was getting cranky these days... can't seem to hang up properly...

Yuri: Oh... ok... hello everyone, I'm Prince Yuri... erm I mean Princess Yul... erm... ok whatever, you guys know who I am

Sunny: Yes, everyone knows that except your fiancee! How did you manage to keep her under wrap?

Yuri: Well, I haven't bare my body to her yet!

Sunny: (gasps) you mean you intend to do so! Pervert! 

Yuri: No... you've mistaken... I mean I have never removed my clothes in front of her so there is strictly no chance she will find out...

Sunny: But... what on your wedding night?

Yuri: What wedding night??!?! We are getting engaged that's all! My idiotic brother will be back by then... and who says we are getting married! 

Sunny: Erm, it is the norm to get married after engagement... so wait, are you intending to let your brother have Jessica then?

Yuri: Eh?! I-I...of course... (T_T) 

Sunny: (pats Yuri's back) It's ok... I know the harshness of reality...

Yuri: Do I really have to let her go? I mean... not that I love her or something but I believe my brother deserve better...

Sunny: Did you realise you just called your brother an idiot?! And now, you are all concerned about him?

Yuri: Ahhhh! I see a mailbox (changes topic in a flash)

Sunny: Indeed! We have letters for you! So let's start the segment now! Are you ready, Princess Yul... Prince Yuri...or whatever

Yuri: Yes, DJ Put it back on...

Sunny: You know you should seriously stop this! I have no idea what it means! Anyway back to our "Answer-your-question" segment... Twilight_Frontier has posed this question... How did you get away with giving handshakes with other people without having them know you're a girl? Surely a girl's hand must be softer than a guy's and thus a guy should notice this i.e. Crown Prince of Japan, Minister etc... Oooooh, someone is paying attention to Prince Yuri or whatever she is...

Yuri: Hmmm, the last time I shook hand with my brother, he had softer hands than I do!!! I recently discovered a bottle of hand moisturizer in his drawer... drats... but with a dreamy look I have, of course it is entirely alright to have soft hands!

Sunny: Ooooook, that's a pretty lame excuse...

Yuri: Ahhhh, I even took the bottle from his private collection as a gift for you! (dangles the exclusive moisturizer in front of Sunny)

Sunny: (snatches it away and begins to apply immediately) Thanks!!! Woah, it is pretty good

Yuri: You're welcome

(Ring Ring Ring)

Yuri: Hello! Moshi Moshi? Yaboseyo?

Sunny: You are not supposed to answer the phone! (snatches it away)... Oh yes... we have ordered a pizza... Oh, it will be arriving shortly? Thanks a lot!

Yuri: (T_T)... it's not Jessica...

(Ring Ring Ring)

Sunny: (picks up the call before Yuri gets to it) Hello? Oh yes, this is the correct station... yes... 

Yuri: What did you order this time round...

Sunny: (covers Yuri's mouth) Yes! Your name please? Ok, 'someone-whose-first-kiss-got-stolen'... erm... that is kinda long, can I call you Sica in short?

Yuri: !!! (struggles)

Sica: (hangs up)

Sunny: She hung up!

Yuri: (T_T) whyyyyyyyy! You... shouldn't have broke her cover!

Sunny: Well, it is the same issue with 'he-who-must-not-be-named', just call him Voldy for goodness sake!

Yuri: Whatever... now I am sad... I'm leaving now...

Sunny: Hang on! It's not over yet! We have added a special 'Love-O-meter' test! 

Yuri: Eh?!?! 

Sunny immediately presses the red button before Yuri could react. Mechanical arms appear out of nowhere and hold Yuri down in position. 

Yuri: YAH! What's this about! Get this thing off me!

Sunny: I'm sorry but according to witnesses, you have a tendency to avoid answering to certain questions. So the producer of Love Radio FM has no choice but to resort to such method.

Yuri: Aren't you the producer?!?! 

Sunny: I'm the DJ duh! Let's just say the producer is a certain someone you are familiar with... 

Yuri: Who is it!!! I swear I will get him or her!

Sunny: I don't think so... do you want a tragic ending? Where Princess Jessica cries over your dead body? T-T

Yuri:  (shakes her head)

Sunny: Good... so let's get back to the 'Love-O-meter'. Due to the danger involved, live broadcast will be taken off the web. 

Yuri: WHAT!?

Sunny: Do you see the love meter over here... it measures the level of love in your answer... so without further ado, let's start! Question 1-

Yuri: WAIT!

Sunny: Yes?

Yuri: That's all?!? I mean... that's all the explanation you are giving me about this stupid test??

Sunny: (nods head) Question 1! Do you love Jessica?

Yuri: No!

A loud buzz from the meter and a huge cross flashes on the screen

Sunny: Tsk tsk... you gotta answer truthfully!

More mechanical arms appear and start to tickle Yuri relentlessly

Yuri: Stop! Hahaha... Stop! Hahahahaha! Please!

Sunny: I have no control of the machine. It is automatic! All you have to do is shout out the correct answer.

Yuri: Hahahahaha... ok... ok... Yes! Yes! Hahahaha... why isn't it stopping! Hahahahaha

Sunny: Eh... give me a minute as I read the instruction manual... (flips the manual)

Yuri: Hahahahaha... hurry.... hahahahaha... I... am... dying hahaha

Sunny: Oh you got to say out the answer specifically. 

Yuri: Hahahhaha... ok... I love Jessica!

The love-o-meter shoots up to 100% with a loud ting and the tickling stops

Sica: You really do?

Yuri: EH???!? 

Sunny: Oh I forgot... we have an issue with the hanging up calls... so Jessica is around the entire time (cuts the line dead by cutting the wire) Now she is truly away...

Yuri: (T_T) 

Sunny: Question 2! Do you love Sooyoung?

Yuri: Has a friend or what? This question is ambiguous!

A loud buzz from the meter and a huge cross flashes on the screen

Yuri: WAIT! (tickling starts) Hahahahahaha, ok ok... I love Sooyoung as a friend! Hahahhahaha, why isn't it stopping!

Sunny: Oh dear... there seems to be a malfunctioning system error on sector 78A, clip no. 50382-1910287-1231238... 

Yuri: Hahahahhaha! What is that... hahahhaa.... supposed to mean! Hahhaha

Sunny: I need to kill off the power! Producer! Can you shut down the main supply? But wait, let me tell the audience our next week special guest! It's the oldest person in the palace! (whole radio station building turns dark, broadcast stops) Phew, we made it in time...

Yuri: Hahahahhaha... crap... it... is not stopping! Hahahaha

Sunny: Oh no... it runs on internal battery...

Yuri: WHAT!?!?

Sunny: The only way to stop it is to let the battery runs out...

Yuri: (T_T)

5 hours later...

Sunny: This has to be the longest non-air segment I ever DJ... and the longest laughter I had heard in my entire life...

Yuri: Hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha... when the hell... is this.... stupid.... device gonna... stop! Hahahahaha it's killing me...

Sunny: Don't worry it is now down to 99% battery life... I will keep you company ok... how about a song?

Yuri: Hahhahahahaha, just buy a bomb on ebay... and destroy that thing!!!

*****Chapter 11: Accidentally in love

"So how long have you been riding?"

"I learnt it since I was seven."

"Have you fallen off a horse before?"

"Yeah, it is part and parcel of horse riding..."

Upon seeing Jessica's tensed face, Yuri quickly added, "But nothing too serious, it was just a few knocks and there. Besides my first horse was a little temperamental... nothing like Black Pearl."

The docile black horse neighed vibrantly as if it understood her owner's word of praise. 

Cloud, on the other hand, snorted with jealousy.

"You are good as well!" Yuri patted on its back. Jessica laughed along at their interaction.

The two have been riding the horses alone for quite a distance. They were almost reaching the end of the riding trail that was heavily surrounded by the nature greenery. The air here were much cooler compared to the main compound. 

Any further, the trail would be inaccessible as the thick undergrowth of the forested zone would block out most of the sunlight and the rocky paths restricted any form of comfortable horse riding, especially for the horses. Although there were times where she and her brother would venture further, they were quickly stopped by the King, their father.

The most important reason being, it was well outside the patrol zone of the royal guards. It was a norm for guards to be stationed along the trail whenever the royalties were having leisure horse riding. However, to prevent disturbance in order to preserve the privacy of the royalties, they were sparsely placed, with perhaps two or three covering the entire riding grounds as compared to the well-guarded compound. 

For the countless times Yuri has been riding along this trail, nothing had ever happened before. Safety issues were never compromised. Being well loved by the public, none of the royalties were ever targeted for assassination or kidnapping. The last known assassination on a royalty was hundreds of years ago during the chaotic period of internal power struggle for the throne. For that, Yuri was extremely grateful that she was born in the present era where power struggles for kingdom were all stories of the past.

"I think we are almost at the end of the trail... let's turn back..."

"Aren't you going to wait for your uncle?"

"We can meet up with him along the way back, besides... it is getting late." Yuri eyed her watch. It was close to 4 pm and G's birthday party was at 7 pm. It would take another 30 minutes to get back to the stable and another 30 minutes back to the palace for a change of clothes.



The dark figure grouched low among the knee length grasses, hiding from plain view. 

"Finally here..." he smirked, "I've been waiting here for quite a while..."

His instruction was clear. Hide well, stay hidden, and execute the order in precision. There was no reason for failure. All the other guards were purposely placed well outside of range. 

With a dart rifle in hand, he carefully raised it up, taking aim at one of the two horses. This was the perfect opportunity.


Then all of a sudden, the horses' heads reared up with ears pointed upwards as if it had heard something out of the ordinary. Jessica struggled with the turn as Black Pearl refused to obey her gentle reining. Instead, Black Pearl was stamping its foot on the ground, trying to stand tall.

"I need some help over here... she is not listening to me..." Jessica requested.

Yuri noticed the strange behaviour of the horses. They would only display such mannerism when they feel threatened. But to what? Their surroundings were quiet and surreal. 

"What's the matter, boy?" Yuri tried to calm Cloud by stroking on its neck as she urged it to go nearer to the other horse. 

The end of the long dart rifle shifted, trailing the movement of the white horse. He only had one single chance, and he definitely did not want to risk missing it. All he had to do was to make it look like an unfortunate horse riding mishap. The dart will drop off during its frenzy and the guards would destroy all evidence before anyone could investigate.

"Hey Jessica, pass me the reins. I will pull her along. I think the horses are scared. Perhaps they are not comfortable with the forest. You grab hold of the saddle." Yuri held a hand out. Jessica followed his instruction calmly.

"Ok now's the perfect chance." He took aim and pressed on the silent rifle trigger. He thought he had hit the target but at the precise moment, the white horse moved forward unexpectedly.

Just as she was about to pass the reins over, Black Pearl screamed as it felt an intense pain on its rear. The dart had struck the wrong horse.

"Shit! I missed!"

Black Pearl immediately reared up in response to the stimulus. Jessica held unto the horse's neck instinctively. But to her horror, the horse went into frenzy as it started to jump and gallop away.

Jessica shrieked out of fear in response. The high-pitched loud scream only exuberated the horse's fright. 

Yuri took action instantly. She urged Cloud to go faster, chasing behind Black Pearl and the screaming Jessica. 

"Just hold on tight!" Yuri shouted out. 

She did not need to be told on a second time. Jessica held unto the horse's neck as tight as she could possibly. She did not want to be thrown off a horse, not especially when it was running down the trail at breakneck speed. 

Break neck?

A horrendous thought flashed across her mind, thinking how badly she would fall. She shut her eyes.

Help me, Yul!

Another set of galloping sounds came nearer and nearer. 

Their distance closed up and soon, they were just an arm length away.

"I'm here!" Yuri shouted across in a bid to soothe Jessica's fear. 

Now all she has to do was to somehow grab hold of the reins or get in front of Black Pearl to calm the spooked horse down. Yuri urged her horse to get nearer to them but failed as Black Pearl swerved off the trail into the forested path. 

"Argh!" Yuri yelled in frustration, as their distance grew wider apart. It did not take very long before she was once again on par with the other horse. She could feel Cloud was getting weary as the horse's gait was becoming irregular. It was starting to lose its stamina. It only meant one thing. Yuri has only a single chance to stop the runaway horse before it was too late. 

With that determination in mind, she lunged forward grabbing the loose reins and pulled in with her might. Controlling a horse on another horse was harder than she imagined. None of her known methods in reining the horse worked. She noticed the saddle under Jessica was slipping sideways. In desperation, she did what she thought was the only possible solution. She did the unthinkable. 

It was almost as if it was a scene from one of the 'Die Hard' movies as Yuri rose up from her saddle and jumped off from her horse unto the runaway horse. She caught hold of Jessica, making a 120% certainty that the girl was well protected before they slipped off the horse together. 

One thing for sure, the movies made it seemed a lot easier than reality. And the other thing, it definitely hurt hell lots more.

There were sharp rocks lying around the off-trail. They narrowly missed a few of the bigger rocks as they rolled to a stop, just inches short of hitting a tree.

She was aching all over as every single cuts screamed for her attention. The dull nagging pain on her head throbbed even harder. 

Is she ok?

Then, she felt the girl stirred in her embrace. The stream of sunrays overhead was staring down at her, in a seemingly pitiful manner as the last of her strength drained away.

How did I even get it such a predicament?


She froze in sheer terror as the seemingly endless falling and rolling finally came to a stop. 

This was the fourth time she found herself lying sprawled on top of a warm body - his body. 

But it was the first time she felt safe in his tight embrace. Yul had shielded her from the fall with his own body. Although she had sustained a few cuts, it could have been much worse if he hadn't protected her. 

Then, she felt the protective arms slipping away. 


The terrifying experience has taken a toll on her as she gathered all her strength and shakily propped herself off his body.

"Yul?" Jessica prodded him gently. 

No response.

"Yul?!" This time, she spoke in a louder volume, nudging him harder.

Still no response.

"Stop playing!" Jessica scolded, thinking it was another of his playful trick. 

Her breathing became rapid with panic when Yul was obviously not moving nor was he responsive to her. 

"What should I do!? What should I do?!" Jessica looked around wildly. She was lost. They were lost. There was clearly no help around now.

"Erm... Jessica, you gotta cry your heart out..."

"No... seriously, no..."

"Your Prince is dying! And you are not crying?"

"Do I have to do this?"

The flashback from Sooyoung's remarks and Yul's playful act abruptly flashed across her head.

"No... No..." Jessica muttered weakly. 

"You're joking, right?" A teardrop quickly followed as it rolled down her cheek. The irony of Sooyoung's remarks came back to her, as the prince lay motionless on the ground.

"Yul! Wake up! Stop playing a trick on me!" She shouted desperately.

She wanted Yul to open his eyes and laugh at her for falling for his trick. 

She wanted Yul to say that it was all a prank. 

She wanted Yul to jump right up and say everything was fine.

She just wanted Yul to be safe. 

"Yul!" Jessica cried out loud, unable to control or stop the endless flow of her tears. 


"Super Black Bear to the rescue!"

"Yuri yah... what are you doing!"

"Rescuing a princess from the evil dragon!"

"What princess?" The little boy asked curiously, "You're the princess already!"

"Yul, look over there!" Yuri pointed straight ahead, directing her brother to her interest.

A little girl was sitting on the step all alone by herself, crying.

"That's the princess I'm going to rescue!"

"Uncle Choi! Look, Yuri is running off by herself again!" The older twin complained to the adult accompanying them. 

"Yeah, Daddy! Aren't you going to stop Yuwreee?" A little girl asked, holding a giant bucket of caramel popcorn.

He simply smiled, and replied to the two youngling. 

"Your Highness, Sooyoung ah... let Her Highness play with the little girl for a while... she will be alright... now, why don't you two go ride on the Merry-go-round?"

The young prince nodded his head. 

"Sooyoung, let's go! Aish, stop eating so much! Nobody's going to marry you if you keep eating!" said the young prince as he held the younger girl's hand, leading her to the next ride.


"Why are you crying?" She asked in the most inquisitive tone.

The little princess she planned to rescue did not answer. She continued wailing. 

"Don't cry?" She tapped on the girl's shoulder, "Here, have some of my superpower sweets!"

The wail never stopped. In fact, it got louder and louder.

Little Princess, why are you still crying? I have already given you my sweets...


Wait... who's crying?

She did not want to open her eyes. She wanted just to rest for a little longer. It had been a hectic week. First, her violin examination in another two weeks time, and then all of a sudden, she was back in Korea, getting engaged in a week's time. She did not even sleep well last night when all she was thinking about, was Jessica. 




Her eyes shot open. It took her a while to realise she was lying on the dirt ground. She pushed herself up almost instantly, but found it impossible at the weight lying on her. She glanced up, watching the sight of a familiar crown view of a certain blond haired individual. 

The wailing never stopped. Her princess was indeed crying her heart out.

"Jessica..." Yuri felt the girl rising up on her body and next, her teary eyes staring at her.

Her eyes were all red and swollen from the crying. When she heard the prince's voice, her heart literally jumped with joy. Her Prince wasn't dying. He was very much alive, staring back at her with a confused look.

Yuri pushed herself off the ground into a sitting position. However, before she could speak another sentence, a crushing hug came upon her. 

"BABO!" Jessica bawled out, crying even harder than before.

"Why did you do that?! Do you know I'm so- worried when you-" she choked, as she held back her tears. 

Jessica wanted to tell him so much more. 

She wanted to tell him how this stupid fool has affected her, how this stupid fool has made her cried and how this stupid fool has succeeded in taking a place in her heart. 

But her blocked nose and breathlessness were not helping. She breathed in rapid successions as her crying left her all exhausted, both emotionally and physically.

Yuri, on the other hand, remained stumped by Jessica's outburst.

"Stop scaring me!" The crying girl shrieked uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry... I-I..."

No amount of apology could appease her princess as she continued to sob over her shoulder.

Yuri did the first thing that came across her mind. She held unto the sobbing girl tightly, disregarding whether it was right or wrong to fall in love with someone she should never fall in love with, in the first place. 

"But all I ever wanted was you to be safe..." Yuri whispered softly in Jessica's ear.



Startled, Sooyoung turned around at the sudden voice coming from her back.


"Sorry if I scared you..."

"No... I-It's ok..."

An awkward silence took over. Sooyoung was not expecting him to strike up a conversation, especially not since they had not spoken to each other for years.

"How have you been? Haven't seen you for quite a while... ever since you went to the States with Her Highness..." Kang In broke the silence.

It was irony how the two used to share a good senior-junior relationship with each other prior to Kang In?s assignment and before he became the person he was now.

"Yeah, it's... been a few years already," Sooyoung replied.

"Three. Three years..." He paused before continuing.

"So you're under His Highness now?" Kang In questioned, sounding almost bitter.

"Yes... is there a problem with Yu-... Yul?" Sooyoung almost blurted out the princess's name.

Kang In flinched slightly at her mentioning the prince's personal name without holding back any reservation. 

"You... seem to be quite close with His Highness..." He hissed in despise.

Kang In couldn't help but to feel inferior to the prince. The crown prince who would, one day, succeed the throne, compared to him, a nobody. It was obvious who would win the fight for Sooyoung's heart hands down. 

If only Yul did not exist... 

"I-I... well, we grew up t-together..." Sooyoung replied in an apparent fluster. 

What is he thinking? Don't tell me he knows about Yuri's switching role!

Before they could converse further, the phone in her hand rang out loud. 

Sooyoung looked at the display screen before answering it. Kang In glanced over it casually. But his eyes almost popped out when he saw the display picture for a split second.

It was a picture of Yul kissing Sooyoung's cheek. 

It was the photo Yuri had taken while kissing Sooyoung in her drunken state two nights ago and Sooyoung had playfully set it as a contact picture for Yuri. 


Yuri flinched slightly at Jessica's touch on the open bleeding wound on the back of her right hand. It was one of the bigger cut she had received from the fall by the ragged sharp rocks laying along the path.

"You don't have to-"

"Stay still!" Jessica ordered angrily as she wrapped the nasty cut with her handkerchief.

"But it looks expensive and it is going to be dirty-"

"Kwon Yul! Just stay still!" Jessica gave him a deadly cold glare.

The prince kept completely quiet while Jessica continued bandaging his hand. The sight of the bloodied wound had made her cringed as she imagined the pain that came along with it. She gently applied pressure to stop the bleeding but paid extra careful attention not to further aggravate the wound.

Yuri, on the other hand, stared blankly at Jessica who was focused on fixing her up, without noticing the pair of eyes on her. Looking at Jessica and receiving her tenderness care momentarily distracted her from the aching pain all over.

"Yul? Yul? Are you ok?" Jessica repeated it for the third time, waving a hand in front of the dazed prince.

"Ehh... ahhh... I'm ok..." Yuri laughed red-faced after regaining her composure.

"Are you hurting anywhere else?"

Yuri shook her head. 

Jessica then noticed another cut on his right shoulder. She reached forward to take a closer look but Yuri quickly withdrew back.

"What's the matter?" She asked, puzzled by the prince?s action. 

"Eh?! Nothing nothing..."

"You got a cut on your shoulder... let me take a look first..." Jessica leaned forward. There was a tear on his dark coloured shirt, stained with a barely visible blood trail on the torn edges.

"Remove your clothes."


"What?! I can't tend to the wound with your clothes on!"

Yuri immediately placed her hand over the cut on her shoulder, hiding it from Jessica's sight. 

"It's ok! I'm fine! It's not painful at all!"

"Why are you so scared of me?"

"Eh? Me scared? Huh? Er..." Yuri stuttered, "Ahahahahaha, you gotta be kidding me!"

Jessica, obviously unimpressed by his explanation, tried to pry his hand off the wound. 

"Just let me clean it!"

Yuri held on tightly. 

"Nonononono, it's ok..."


"It's OK!"


Jessica instantly shifted her focus to unbutton his shirt. She managed to catch hold of the top button but before she could unbutton it, the prince held his shirt on tightly as if his life clung on it.

"You... arghhh... stop! I said I'm fine!" Yuri struggled to hold on to her shirt as she shuddered to think of the terrible consequence if Jessica succeeded in undressing her. 

"Stop... struggling!" Jessica cursed under her breath as she struggled to unbutton his shirt in close proximity.

"Wait! Wait!" Yuri yelled as she felt the strain on her shirt as if it was about to be torn apart by their scuffling. In the heat of the moment, Yuri did just one thing to distract her. Getting slapped was definitely better than exposing her true identity.

"There they are!" One of the guards spoke, signalling to the rest that he has located the missing royal couple. 

Sooyoung and Kang In immediately turned their attention towards the pointed direction.

The sight of the princess trying to undress the prince while kissing was priceless.


~Love Radio FM~

Sunny: Love Radio FM, your best radio station in Seoul and perhaps the entire world! A very good day to all our listeners out there! This is DJ Sunny once again! As you can probably see or hear, I have run out of all possible opening speech! I have reached the bottleneck of my career! (does her aegyo)... Just kidding! Hehe, I have no choice but to be very serious today to introduce our very honourable guest. Please rise to welcome Her Majesty, the Queen Mother. 

Queen Mother: Sunny my dear child, please forgo all formality... I'm just an ordinary old woman

Sunny: Ordinary? You are the most reverenced elderly in the whole of Korea! Please allow me to pay my respect! (bows down)

Queen Mother: Hoho, I think the most reverenced elderly in the world is Mr Santa Claus... Hohohohoho

Sunny: Ahhh, I see the connection now... 

Queen Mother: What?

Sunny: Your grandchildren are equally lame... especially the Prince

Queen Mother: Oh! (pretends not to hear the lame part) Of course, they are so good-looking, they got my good genes...

Sunny: Oooook... (silence)

Queen Mother: Do you doubt that? You disagree that my grandchildren are very good-looking?

Sunny: No no no... Prince Yul is very very good-looking, otherwise Princess Jessica won'y be falling in love with him accidentally...

Queen Mother: That's better...

Sunny: (whispers) She's one scary woman like Yuri had said before

Queen Mother: Sorry, what did you say?

Sunny: Oh, it's time for our "Answer-your-questions" segment! First question from the mailbox, "Who is your favourite grandchild out of the 2? Prince Yul or Princess Yuri?" Ooooo, I guess it is time for our Love-O-meter... eh? (searches around) Where is the button!?!

Queen Mother: You mean this? (pulls out a wrecked control panel)

Sunny: ZOMG! (whispers) She is soooo scary~

Queen Mother: Which is my favourite.... oooh, that is such a hard question... they are both troublemakers since Dec 1989!

Sunny: Choose anyone?

Queen Mother: Can I skip this question? (waves the control panel around)

Sunny: Of cos!

Queen Mother: Yul is my favourite!

Sunny: (whispers) She is scary... and psychotic!!! (clears throat) Next letter, "What do you think of the crown princess-to-be? Is Ms Jung a suitable candidate? If not, can I be the crown princess???" Hmmm, I sense jealousy in this letter...

Queen Mother: Hmmm, in my eyes, Jessica is the perfect princess... she is even better than my own grandchild, Yuri! 

Sunny: Eh? Why?

Queen Mother: Yuri doesn't like flower arrangement... but Jessica does!

Sunny: Just for that simple reason????

Queen Mother: (nods and smiles)

Sunny: Ooooook... (whispers) she's soooo scary... I totally understand how Yuri must have felt now...

Queen Mother: You seems to have a habit talking to yourself 

Sunny: Eh??? Hahahahaha, it is a habit of a DJ talking to air during the show... 

(Ring Ring Ring)

Sunny: We got a caller! Hello! Care to introduce yourself...

Yuri: Yah! Old Lady! What do you mean Jessica is better than me! And you liked Yul more than me?!?!

Queen Mother: Omo... I didn't know that you could tune into this station in US... 

Yuri: Eh? Erm-

Sunny: Erm... hahahaha, it is an international radio station! 

Yuri: That's right, Old lady!

Queen Mother: Omo... you don?t have to keep reminding me that I'm old!

Yuri: Anyway, what is with that Jessica is better than me thingy!

Queen Mother: She is indeed better than you!

Yuri: In what ways!! 

Queen Mother: Can't you see it with your own eyes?

Yuri: Eh?!?!

Queen Mother: Aren't you with her all these while?

Yuri: What are you talking about?

Queen Mother: Aren't you Yul? Dear, how's the horse riding?!

Yuri: No! I'm Yuri!

Queen Mother: That is funny... you sounded like Yul!

Yuri: You are getting old and fuzzy...

Queen Mother: Anyway, you are fortunate that Jessica loves you... 

Yuri: WHAT?! I'm Yuri!

Queen Mother: Stop pulling a trick on me... I know you are Yul...

Yuri: Arhhh, whatever... I'm hanging up now! (hangs up)

Sunny: Ahahahahaha, this is erm... confusing

Queen Mother: What is so confusing about it? Yul is Yuri, Yuri is Yul!

Sunny: Eh??!?

Queen Mother: Aren't they the same person? 

Sunny: Eh??? Your Majesty! You have 2 grandchildren from His Majesty King Chung and Her Majesty Queen Hyun!

Queen Mother: Of course I know I have 2 grandchildren... Yul and Yuri! I'm not demented! But isn't Yuri, Yul? I mean, the Yul I'm seeing now, isn't she Yuri? She came back from US a couple of days ago! 

Sunny: (shocked) How did you know?

Queen Mother: Let's just say I have keen eyes... 

Sunny: She is one scary woman indeed...

Queen Mother: Did you say something?

Sunny: No!!! Hahaha, thanks for your time, Your Majesty! Next up on our guest list! Oooooh, it is the famous image consultant, G! 

G: Darling!!! I'm here already!

Sunny: Uncle! You are supposed to come on the next slot, not now!

G: But Darling, I'm here to give you the invitation card for my party! My Birthday party!!!

Sunny: Ok ok I got it! I will come I will come! (chases G out of the recording studio) 

G: Darling darling... play this music at the end! (hands Sunny the CD)

Sunny: Hahahaha, erm please enjoy the song "Masquerade" from the Phantom of the Opera musical... Till then! Ciao!

*****Chapter 12: Masquerade

Sooyoung tried to hold in her laughter as much as she possibly could. But when she saw the deadpan expression on Yuri's face and a now barely visible redness on her cheek, she burst out laughing. 

Yuri glared at her in annoyance as the doctor continued to dress her wound. They were back in the comfort and safety of the palace. Prince Jin came by paying a visit earlier, expressing his dismay at the horse riding unfortunate mishap. Her grandmother, the Queen Mother, visited as well, worried about the prince's condition having to fall off a runaway horse, insisted that he should be hospitalised for observation overnight.

Yuri did her best to reassure the elders that she was absolutely fine, but relented for a treatment by the royal physician. 

"Your Highness, are you sure you do not want me to check the cuts on your back?" The elderly doctor asked for the third time, raising his eyebrows in a concerned look. Yuri has rejected a full-body check-up on the insistence that she was fine. 

"Er- it's ok! Sooyoung will h-help me!"

Sooyoung took the hint right away.

"Yeah! Dr Kim, I will cleanse the wound for His Highness. Please check on Her Highness. His Highness is more worried about her..." Sooyoung said, much to both Yuri's relief and annoyance for adding the last bit. 

The elderly royal physician gave a small sigh. "Royalties and their stubbornness..."

"Alright, Your Highness, please refrain from lifting heavy objects or perform strenuous tasks with your right hand in the next few days. It is a blessing that the tendons are not torn or injured badly."

"Dr Kim, will it affect my hand movement on long term?" Yuri asked the royal physician, concerned if the cut would have lasting effect on her hand, especially since she was a violin player who required the dexterity of both her hands.

"It should not be a problem... however if pain still persists, please let me know it straightaway," said the doctor as he rose up from the chair.

"This way please, Dr Kim." Sooyoung turned serious as she escorted the doctor out of the prince's quarter. However, in the very next moment when she returned, she started laughing again. 

"Haha, this is seriously the funniest excuse I have ever heard!"

"Yah! Choi Sooyoung! Can't you show more concern? I fell off a horse and got freaking three stitches on my hand and-"

"That is your excuse? You kissed her just to distract her because she was trying to remove your shirt??! Can you be more creative?"

"That's the truth! Gosh, you should have seen how ferociously she was! I swore my shirt was about to be torn off-"

"Yeah I've seen it... we've all seen it!" Sooyoung chuckled, "You should see how shocked everyone was. Haha, they thought you two were... ahem... well, doing something..."

Yuri buried her head deep into her hands. She remembered the scene clearly as it replayed in her mind.

Yuri could feel Jessica tensed up as she kissed her for the second time. The only difference being, she has done it on purpose this time, and that, this kiss definitely lasted longer than expected. 

Yuri swore she felt Jessica deepening the kiss but they broke off almost shortly after. Much to their surprise, there were several pairs of eyes staring at them with an incredulous look written all over their expressions.

Before Yuri knew anything, Jessica slapped her hard.


After slapping Yuri, Jessica pushed the helpless prince to the ground and promptly stood up, although she did staggered slightly before storming off in embarrassment. 

Now I'm getting all confused... did she like the kiss or what?


Jessica started jabbing the poor teddy bear ferociously, imagining the soft toy as the prince. The helpless soft toy stared back at her with an innocent smile, almost as if it was asking her if she enjoyed the kiss. Jessica gave up and lay back down on the bed, thinking about the kiss.

Jessica was caught on surprise when the prince captured her lips with his. She tensed up, still grabbing unto his shirt as her senses went into disarray. Just that this time round, she was no longer focused on taking off his shirt; instead she deepened the kiss instinctively.

It felt good, almost incredible, until her sixth sense kicked it.

She broke off the kiss immediately, and caught sight of the guards gawking at them. 

Why did Yul kiss her in front of so many people? Not only that, the position they were in was quite suggestive. Deeply embarrassed, she did what was pure reflexive. She slapped him again, this being for the fourth time since she first met him.

"Kwon Yul..." 

She held the black teddy bear up and pouted in response. She knew she was no longer in denial phase. 


"So what really happened back then?"

"I don't know... the horse suddenly spooked and sped off... how's the horses?"

"Don't worry they are fine. Black Pearl is all calmed down now. But don't you find it fishy?"


"Yeah, everything! A hunch tells me there is something more than meet the eyes..."

"Yeah... you're the Food Devastator... go figure out the Deceptions..." joked Yuri in response to Sooyoung's usage of the famous phrase from 'Transformers'.

"I'm serious!"

"The horse was spooked. Horses spook every now and then."

"You're lucky you didn't break your neck... otherwise your Princess will really be crying over your dead body..."

"Are you cursing me?"

Sooyoung stuck her tongue out in defiant. Even if Yuri was planning to let the matter rest, she was not going to. The Food Devastator will investigate the matters on her own, leaving no stones unturned.

"Are you going to help me with my wounds or not?!" Yuri grumbled.

"Ok ok! Grumpy..." Sooyoung grabbed the first aid kit by the tableside.

"Turn around and lie on your stomach so I can clean your wound!" Sooyoung ordered as she took the first aid dressing. Yuri settled herself comfortably on the bed.

"Dude... you gotta remove your top first... or do you prefer I get Jessica over to help you?"

"Choi Sooyoung!" Yuri turned red-faced instantly. 

Once everything was in place, Sooyoung dabbed the ointment on the cuts and bruises on her bare back. Yuri hissed in pain softly. 

"Soooooo, how did it feel?"

"Be gentle! You're hurting me!"

"Ha, so it didn't hurt when you did that heroic act eh! I'm talking about the kiss! Stop acting blur!" Sooyoung got excited and started jabbing Yuri's cuts with the cotton bud.

"OUCH! You are killing me!"

"Just tell me already!"

"You are so random!"

"Bleh! You are no fun at all!" Sooyoung said, disappointed at the lack of update from Yuri. In spite, she straddled over Yuri's back.

"What are you doing?" Yuri asked as she felt the girl sitting on top of her. Her position compromised her view, as all she could see was just the bed headrest. 

Sooyoung grinned devilish as she made sure the girl has no place to wriggle away and started tickling Yuri at her side.

"Are you going to tell me now?" Sooyoung taunted the ticklish girl. 

"STOP! Ahahahaha! STOP! " Yuri yelled out as she struggled underneath the tall girl who had her securely pinned. 

"Choi Sooyoung! Ahahahaha! I swear I will kill you! Ahahahahaha!"

"Tsk tsk... the only way I am ever going to stop, is either I get hungry or you tell me..."

"I will treat you to 10 buffets! Ahahahaha!"

"10? That's too few!"

"20 then!"

"20? Kwon Yuri... you are belittling me... I am not going to betray my best friend's interest for food..." 

Sooyoung continued her relentless tickling technique.

"100! 100 buffets on my treat!"



A gentle knock on the door woke the girl from her sleep. She glanced at the clock by the bedside. It was already half past six. The knocking grew louder and louder. Disgruntled, Jessica pushed herself off the bed and walked over to open the door. A cheeky face propped in happily.

"Hey, Jessica... wanna go out and have some fun?" Sooyoung said in a merrily tone.

"Eh? I-I was thinking of-" Sleeping was the word she was planning to add on before Sooyoung interrupted.

"It is boring to hole up in the palace on such a beautiful evening! I just got an invitation to go to a party tonight! Could you please come with me?!? Pleaaasseee..." Sooyoung said in a pleading tone. 

"Just you and me?" Jessica asked instead, not wanting to make it too obvious by asking if the prince would be coming along.

"Yeah! Don't worry it's just you and me! His Highness isn't coming! I'm definitely not asking him along after what he did to you! That rascal!"

Jessica's face flushed red in embarrassment. Of all things she had to bring up. However, upon hearing the prince was not joining, her heart sank into a slight disappointment. 

"Pleaseeeeee?" Sooyoung pleaded again, "It's gonna be a girls' night out!"

Jessica looked at the puppy-eyed girl and finally nodded her head in agreement.

"Hurray!" Sooyoung cheered in gleefully. "Step 2 accomplished!" 


Her eyes shifted around uneasily as hordes of guests lingered and began their interactions in the cocktail reception area, just outside the grand ballroom. Everyone was seemingly well dressed in fanciful outfits for the birthday party. There were four huge men standing guard at the entrance leading up to the ballroom where the main event was to be held. 

How am I going to enter without an invitation card! And where is G??!

Then as if her prayer was answered, Yuri spotted a familiar mop hairdo briskly walking past her, dressed in flamboyant colours. It was G all right. 


Yuri whispered in a hush, hiding beside the white marble pillar as she tried to catch G's attention. Other bystanders looked at her strangely. They had all reasons to be puzzled. The prince was wearing a huge pair of dark shades and had covered the remaining portion of his face with a black scarf.

"G! G!" She hissed again.

It worked though. G noticed her instantly. However, it was more of her appearance that made her stood out among the others.

"Baby baby!" G greeted delightedly first until he noticed what Yuri had worn.

"Oh my god... you're a fashion terrorist!" G chucked in disdain at Yuri's failed disguise as he pulled the scarf off the struggling Yuri who held onto it dearly.

"Wait! They will recognize me!" Yuri quickly tied a knot on the scarf around her neck, determined not to part with it. 

"But this is sooooo awful! You cannot be caught wearing this! Not in my party!" G retorted, "And Darling, what are you wearing?!?!" 

He shook his head, gasping in disbelief that his handsome 'Prince' was wearing a mere simple black tuxedo suit. 

"A normal suit?" Yuri quizzed back.

"Darling! No No No! You look like a waiter-cum-terrorist! You need a major transformation right now! N.O.W. Now!" 

"Not again!" She groaned.

"Wait I'm not-" Before Yuri could finish her sentence, G pulled her scarf along as he strode into the elevator with a devious grin on his face.


The grandiose ceiling and its chandelier caught her eyes instantly as they entered the hotel main lobby. 

"This hotel is indeed worth its fame..." Jessica looked around, impressed with the decor. It was more of a habitual observation she often does as the heiress of a multi-billion dollar hotel enterprise. 

"Come on! This way!" Sooyoung said as she grabbed Jessica forward as they made their way through the mingling crowd in the cocktail reception area.

"Good evening, beautiful ladies. Invitation cards, please?" The masked man guarding, greeted politely.

Upon presenting the two ivory-coloured cards, the man stood aside, revealing a huge glass bowl half-filled with similar coloured triangles behind him. 

"Please allow me to tear the corner tab off for the lucky draw at the finale," he asked politely. 

"Oh, so that are what the numbers are for," Jessica commented.

Earlier on when Sooyoung had passed the invitation card to her, she noticed an identical set of numbers printed on the two top corners. The girls obliged as they handed the cards over. The man tore the corner tabs off and returned their cards to their respective owners, before dropping it into the glass bowl in front of their eyes. 

"This way further down please," he directed the two ladies to the grand door up ahead.

"I have a good feeling it will be a great party!" Sooyoung announced gleefully. Jessica smiled. Indeed, the ambience she had witnessed so far was nothing but great.

Just before the exquisite carved wooden door, another masked man greeted them.

"Ladies, please have a mask before you proceed. It's a masquerade party!" He announced vibrantly as he handed each a separate mask. 

"Enjoy the evening, ladies."

The ballroom door opened to its full grandeur. The two excited girls squealed delightedly at the sight in front of them. To Sooyoung, her eyes lit upon the rows and rows of endless food supply. To Jessica, the architectural feat of the two identical pair of magnificent marble curved stairways conjoining in the middle to form another grand stairway was more exhilarating. The arched ceiling and its giant golden chandelier simply took her breath away. 

All the guests inside the glorious ballroom were already wearing their masks. Not wanting to delay any longer, the two girls quickly wore their own masks and ventured into the hall.


"Now, this is much better..."

"Gah! What is with the bright blue colour! And the frills!" Yuri stared and fingered the white linings along rim of the long sleeves. 

"What is wrong with it? You look good in it!" G nodded to his own comment.

"I look like I'm from the 1800s! Or that 'Beast' from 'Beauty and the Beast'..."

"Then what do you want me to dress you up as? An Egyptian mummy to go with your... erm... bandaged hand? And why did you injure your hand before the party?!?! Now, how are you going to play the violin!" G roared out.

Yuri flinched to one side.

"I can still play the violin!"

"Well, it's a masquerade party! And you're the violinist! You gotta stand out among all my guests!"

"Well certainly not like that!" She dangled the sleeves in front of a bemused G.

"Alright alright... I know you will say that... I was just teasing you! There is another set I prepared for you!" 

Yuri slapped her forehead in exasperation. 

G scooted over to the wardrobe, picking out another suit. This time, it was a much more decent tuxedo in navy blue colour with golden trimmings at the shoulder sleeves. At least, it was not too overly fancy compared to the one she was wearing.

"Wear this, Prince Charming! And make your charm work tonight! Don't forget the invitation card and the mask! I gotta go to meet my guests!" With that, G scurried off in haste, leaving Yuri behind with a card and a white masquerade mask in hand.


"Oh my god, you should seriously try this canape!" said Sooyoung as she held up the small appetizer to Jessica. Jessica compiled as she opened her mouth to pop in the bite sized salmon canape at Sooyoung's incessant request. They have been walking in circles at the food section ever since they first stepped into the hall, despite the fact that Jessica was more interested in exploring around. 

"Ooooh Jessica, look at that!" Sooyoung squealed excitedly at the trays of assortment cupcakes upfront. 


Sooyoung turned around after hearing no response from the princess, only to discover she was alone. 

"Where did she go?"

At this moment, her phone vibrated. An unknown number displayed on her phone screen.

"Hello?" Sooyoung answered the call warily. It could have been the irritating bank calls asking her to sign up for their investment plans.

"Sooyoung! How are you!" Her eyes widened in shock at the familiarity of the caller's voice.



Jessica took the opportunity to sneak away while Sooyoung was engrossed with foods. Everyone was wearing a different masquerade mask, some brightly coloured decorated with gemstones and others with feathers, each accompanied with a mysterious touch beneath the facade. 

It was an exhilarating feeling for Jessica to wander around in total freedom without having different pairs of watchful eyes following her, watching her every moves. For once, she felt freed from the monumental pressure of being the crown princess-to-be for no one here would know her identity.

With that in mind, Jessica pranced merrily, allowing herself to fully immerse in the newfound freedom and the masquerade party.


"Sir, would you like a drink?" A waiter asked politely as he held up the tray.

"Sure," Yuri took the wineglass and thanked the waiter promptly. 

She took a small sip of the champagne and looked around the ballroom. Under the masquerade mask that covered top half of her face, there was no chance that the people in this party could recognize her as the Crown Prince.

It was then when she felt someone bumping unto her back. 


Jessica looked high up at the ceiling, admiring the beautifully craved structures. She took a few steps back to gain a wider view only to bump onto someone accidentally.

"I'm so sorry!" She quickly turned around and apologised frantically. 


Yuri wheeled around as the girl apologised profusely. 

"It's ok," Yuri replied, trying to calm the worried girl who looked as if she had just killed someone and was apologising for her action. 


"It's ok..." The man replied. Jessica looked up and their eyes met briefly.

"Have we met before?" The man in the mask asked curiously. 


"I see you two are getting acquainted already." A familiar voice came from their back.


"Uncle!" The petite girl greeted warmly. 

"Sunny, meet Yul." 


~Love Radio FM~

Sunny: Hello everyone! This is DJ Sunny and you are listening to Love Radio FM! How's everyone feeling today? I'm sure you guys and gals out there are probably feeling the heat of the hot sun or at least, this is what the producer is feeling now...

(curses silently) what about me! Seoul is only 18 degree celsius! 

choki: (speaks through the PA system) Who's talking bad about me

Staff of Love Radio FM immediately point to the "ON AIR" display.

choki: Oh crap... (cuts off from PA system)

Sunny: (laughs weakly) Hahahaha, we apologise for the sudden disturbance. Y-Yes... back to our special segment today... Today is very special indeed. We have set up an outdoor live broadcast booth just for our special guest who insisted on having it here, just outside his birthday party... Let's put your hands together to welcome G! 

Staff of Love Radio FM applause

G: Thank you thank you, you kids better get inside the party! And Sunny dear, thanks for coming! (hugs Sunny)

Sunny: (chokes) ok ok... Uncle... you can let go! (chokes)

G: (releases the deathchoke) Hahaha, how silly of me! 

Sunny: Yes, if anyone is suspecting anything, G is unfortunately my real uncle.

G: Darling! That's an awful thing to say!

Sunny: Hahaha, just kidding. It's your birthday joke! 

G: Ha! I knew it! You little bunny! 

Sunny: Alright, Uncle, care to do a brief introduction, although I guess everyone should know you...

A masked waiter knocks on the window and hands the drinks inside the booth

G: MARVELLOUS! Hi everyone, my name is Genius, G for short. 

Sunny: (splurts out her drink) Liar!

G: Stop! Stop! 

Sunny: Lee Soo Gyu! Hahahaha

G: Yah! Lee Soon Kyu! 

Sunny: o(>///<)o Stop calling my real name!

G: o(^ o ^)o Hohoho! Anyway, I play an important part in the story! Without me, that dense prince is never going to win the princess's heart.

Sunny: Huh? 

G: Hohoho, let's keep it a secret (whispers the plan to Sunny)

Sunny: WHAT!?! You intend to make me- 

G: (quickly covers Sunny's mouth) Shhhhhh! Aish! Secret! Secret! Don't you understand what the word SECRET means?

Sunny: Ok ok I got it...

G: Yes without me, nothing is going to happen

Sunny: I think you gave yourself too much credit...

G: What! 

Sunny: The princess is in love with the prince already! 

G: Eh? But that hungry bodyguard... erm... what is her name again?

Sunny: Erm... Shikshin? Food Devastator? TroubleBee? Ah... Sooyoung!!!

G: She does have a lot of names eh... anyways, she told me to help them out! I love playing cupid anyway! It doesn't matter now since the master plan has been laid out.

Sunny: Ok, whatever your plan is, I hope it works... and our first phone call of the day is from our stalker!

Yuri: Hey! Don't call me a stalker! I'm just a fan of your radio show!


Yuri: Stop calling me darling! I'm not your darling!

G: Oooooh someone wants someone else to call someone darling! 

Yuri: What... someone...erm... O_O???

G: Sunny dear, now you know why I have to play cupid right?

Sunny: I see what you mean, uncle... our prince is real dense indeed

Yuri: ......

G: So darling, is there anything you wanna confess through the radio segment?

Yuri: Confess?

G: Go confess your love! Be it on the radio or in the party! 

Yuri: I'm just calling to find out where is the violin! I need to practise beforehand! 

G: Oh there is a piano too...

Yuri: Are you listening to what I'm asking?

G: Piano! Piano!

Sunny: The violin is placed on top of the piano... that's what my uncle is saying

G: Hahahaha, she is my niece indeed! Clever girl!

Yuri: (gives an exasperated sigh) You'll be the death of me!

G: Romeo take me somewhere we could be alone, I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run, You'll be the Prince and I'll be the Princess, it's a love story baby just say Yes~

Staff of Love Radio FM clap and wolfwhistle

Yuri: Erm... that's kinda random...

G: Glad you liked the song...

Yuri: Erm... ok... I will be looking for the violin then... (hangs up)

Sunny: Way to go, Uncle! You have driven the prince off.

G: Of cos, there is soooo much thing for her to do than to hang around here! 

Sunny: You mean the piano? You placed the piano there on purpose, right...

G: (winks) Hohoho, not telling you! Darling! I gotta go back in now to host my party! Ta ta!

Sunny: Wait uncle! Wait! (G leaves in a huff)

Sunny: He's fast!

Sunny: Hello? I'm sorry but G has left already... 

G: Darling! Don't forget your mask! (hangs up)

Sunny: Ooooook... 

choki: (speaks directly to Sunny through the ear mic) Time to end the show! You got a party to attend! Remember to play the ending song! 

Sunny: WOW at how fast time flies! Thank you all for listening to Love Radio FM! All you listeners (readers) out there must hopping mad at the amount of cliffhangers in this chapter! Of course, this is thanks to the evil producer of Love Radio FM. But no worries, you shall all have your revenge soon when producer choki shows up next week for our interview! So feel free to post any questions for producer choki... although there is a chance that some letters might disappear mysteriously... Now, please enjoy the song "Love Story" by Taylor Swift. Till then! Ja mata! 


Chapter 13: The Bear in shining armour

"Sunny, meet Yul." 

"And Yul..." G paused as he led the girl by her hand, twirling her in a full round, "This is my niece, Sunny!" He introduced enthusiastically. 

"Y-You can call me Alex!" Yuri added on immediately, holding out a handshake, which Sunny took it warmly.

"Oh you have the same name as the crown prince! What a coincidence!"

"Ha! Haha! It's a common name... hahaha, I guess people do make the connection," Yuri replied nervously as she eyed G, hoping that he would not reveal her lie.

"Erm... A-Alex..." G spoke in a rather unnatural tone, "Well, you two continue your little chat... I have to go around greeting my other guests..." He backed away subtly.

"Oh! And... Alex! Don't forget the performance later! Sunny, try not to kill him with... you know what..."

"See ya later, Uncle!" The energetic girl waved her goodbye and turned to face Yuri. 

"So you're having a performance tonight?" Sunny asked, her tone sparkling with curiosity.

"Yeah kinda... I'm playing the violin..." Yuri replied in an awkward tone, much to the girl's amusement.

"I think you're kinda cute. Do you have a girlfriend?" Sunny asked suddenly.


"If not, can I be your date tonight?" Sunny smiled in her most charming smile ever. 


"Have we met before?" The man in the mask asked curiously. 

Jessica shook her head. "Sorry but I don't think we have ever met bef-" 

"No? What a pity. How could I have not met such a pretty lady earlier?" 

Jessica eyed him strangely as she kept her silence. 

"I'm Sungmin." 

He smiled as he held up his hand for an introductory handshake. However, Jessica remained unmoved. She wasn't going to fall for that old pick-up line. Sungmin realised the girl's indifference and lowered his hand. Despite the apathy, he was not going to just let her slip away.

"Do you have a date?" He asked purposefully. 

Jessica maintained her silence attitude and began to step away, until the man added on. 

"You seemed to be alone..."

Irritated by the man's constant teasing, Jessica turned around and spoke to him face to face in an aloof tone. 

"Sorry, I'm taken..."

"Really? I have been observing you since you first set foot in... You came with a friend... a female friend to be exact..."

"I think that is none of your concern..." 

With no need to explain further, Jessica simply turned her heels and walked off.

Sungmin chuckled in return at the girl's apparent disinterest. 

"I will make you fall head-over-heels with me tonight..."


Sooyoung quickly cupped her hand over the phone and eyed her surroundings instinctively in a secretive manner. She brisk walked to a less nosy corner, before resuming the call conversation.

"Where have you been!?"

"Holidaying of course!" said the joyous voice across the phone.

"It's a secret... I'm not telling... who knows if you are going to get someone to escort me back! Like what you did to my evil twin..."

"Yah! Kwon Yul! It is entirely because of you, Yuri has to cover your tracks right now."

"But I see she is enjoying herself! Hahaha, that slapping incident at the airport! It's such a sensational news!"

"Aigoo! You're such a horrible brother! When are you coming back!?!"

"Not until that girl leave! I'm not going to marry her!"

"You know that it is highly impossible Jessica is going to leave, right? I mean... it is His Majesty's decree for you two to be engaged."

"Yuri will take my place then!"

"Are you kidding? She can't take your position forever! What if the King and Queen find out about the deceit? It's definitely a matter of time before the truth will be out!"

There was no response coming from the other end of the phone.

"At least, you should make your way back to the engagement. Explain everything to your parents. Maybe they will listen-"

"They won't listen to me! I have made my stand long before the arranged engagement and yet, it still happened! I-I can't marry Jessica! I-I... I have... AISH... someone else that I like! Stop asking!" Yul muttered angrily.

"Yah! What's that for! I'm not even asking! You don't have to be so mad!" Sooyoung argued back indignantly.


"Is your girlfriend pretty?" Sunny asked as the two walked towards the buffet.

"Erm... I guess so..." Yuri replied jittery.

Just a while ago, she had lied to Sunny about having a girlfriend in the hope to prevent any further misunderstanding. One deception involving the crown princess-to-be was enough already. 

"You guessed so?" Sunny asked in a sceptical tone.

"W-Well, I mean... she is p-pretty..." Yuri answered, scratching her cheek subconsciously.

The mental picture of Jessica when Yuri first saw her directly came to her mind. It was, after all, even more memorable with the slapping incident.

"You sounded like you are scared of her!" Sunny chuckled as she noticed the silly grin on his face.

"If you count getting slapping 4 times in 4 days... I guess that is pretty much about it..."

"Are you serious?" Sunny asked with an unbelievable look.

"I'm just joking..."

Sunny gave him a playful shove.

"For a moment I thought it was real!"

Well, it is real...


Jessica looked back for the third time. Every time she turned and watched her back, she was bound to see that same guy following behind her. This time, however, there was no sight of the man. Relieved that she had finally lost the pesky bug, she looked to her front, only to see a single stalk of red rose held up right before her.

"Do you know what does one rose represent?" Sungmin asked sincerely.

Jessica did not bothered replying.

"It's love at first sight... I just wanted to tell you I have fallen in love with you from the moment I saw you..."

Jessica rolled her eyes in exasperation. Clearly, this guy was not giving up despite her cold treatment.

Instead of accepting the rose, she held up a hand.

"Do you know what this represent?" Jessica asked sweetly.

The man shrugged his shoulders. Jessica clenched it tight, forming a fist.

"It's my fist... I just wanted to tell you if you are not going to get away from my sight from now onwards... I will let you have a taste of it," Jessica replied coolly, waved her fist menacingly. She ignored his protest as she continued to walk away.

"Such a feisty girl," Sungmin sighed, "But this is getting interesting..." 



There was no response from either side of the phone. Feeling a little bad for throwing a tantrum, Yul broke the silence. 

"Whatever it is, I'm not going to marry her..." Yul mellowed down his tone while maintaining his unyielding stand. 

If only things had gone his way...

If he had been more proactive and daring in pursing after the girl of his dream... 

Maybe... the situation would be a lot different now...

Sooyoung huffed out her exasperation. Having knowing each other since childhood and spending most of it together, it was not as if she did not understand either of the twins.

All of them had a common notion about the arranged marriage, and that being, it was an absurd decision made by the elders.

The first thing she felt when she heard the marriage pact between Yul and Jessica from Sir Yoon was a small prick in the deepest corner of her heart. But she quickly brushed that feeling aside, attributing it to just a simple childhood crush which she had already gotten over. And besides, what was her compared to his royal status. It was something that should not and never would happen. 

Now, with Yul's disappearing act and Yuri's cover-up, it has led to something entirely different. But one thing was for sure; Yul was not giving up without a fight.

But why did she even care? It certainly did not make any sense on her part. She convinced herself that it was just out of pure friendship concern.

"You don't have to marry her... why not persuade your parents or let them know about this special person?" Sooyoung finally voiced her opinion. 

"There's no way they would agree to it..." Yul replied sounding a little dejected.

"Well, then find a way." 

"That is easier said than done!"

"Yah! What ever happened to the one who told Yuri and me about chasing after our own dreams?"

Yul cringed slightly at her outburst which reminded him about the decision he made back then. He had been supportive of the two to pursue their music abroad even if it meant having to be away from the two persons he grew up with. 

"You just have to come back and convince your parents... along with Yuri I guess..." Sooyoung added on, this time with a softer tone.

"Yuri? What has it got to do with her?" he asked, slightly confused over the mentioning of his sister.

"Houston, we have a problem..."

"What happened?"

"Love happens..."


"Alex, wait for me!"

Yuri groaned inwardly as the girl managed to keep up to her pace despite her short statue. 

"I thought you were hungry, why are you walking away so fast?"

"Ah! I... erm... I need to go to the Gents!" Yuri lied without battering an eye. She swore she was getting better with her lies day by day. After all, she was living in one right now.

"But I got these for you..." Sunny made a cute protest as she held up the bite sized canapes on her plate. 

Arghhh damn she is too cute... is that what G was trying to warn me about? Her aegyo!!!

"I'll be back in a minute!" Yuri scurried off in the pretence for visiting the washroom. She was trying to resist Sunny's lethal dose of aegyo. 

"Alex!" Sunny pouted disappointingly coupled with an adorable look, making the hearts of the nearby male guests melted.


"For the last time I'm telling you, I have absolute no interest in you!" Jessica answered angrily. For the past 5 minutes or so, the irksome guy has been popping in and out with random questions and his supposed love confession. 

"I was just following my heart," Sungmin smiled.

"What do I have to do to make you understand that I am already attached?" 

"What's your name?"

"I'm getting engaged in 2 days time."

"That means I have 2 more days to make you regret the decision you made before meeting me..."

Jessica groaned inwardly. 

When is this guy going to stop...

"Lady, is this gentleman making a trouble for you?" A deep but concerned voice appeared by her side unexpectedly. 


Yuri managed to trick her way out. Heaving a sigh of relief, she made her way across the growing crowd.

Midway through, she noticed something which unexpectedly caught her attention. It certainly looked like an arguing couple with the guy trying to pacify his girl who kept snubbing him off. It was something she would close both eyes on, simply because it had nothing to do with her. 

But something told her it was not what it seemed. Maybe the guy was a bully, or maybe the girl was being harassed? 

Maybe it was the fascination of wearing a mask, a superhero complex perhaps? Bat Man wore a mask, Spider-man wore a mask, Iron Man wore a mask, and almost every super hero wears a mask, well all except Superman... 

"Super Black Bear to the rescue!"

That particular phrase she used to say in the past rang a bell. And today, thanks and no thanks to the horse riding accident earlier, she remembered how the flashback started. She smiled, wondering if the little princess she rescued that day has met her knight in shining armour. 

"I'm getting engaged in 2 days time."

"That means I have 2 more days to make you regret the decision you made before meeting me..." 

Yuri almost threw up when she overheard the guy's narcissistic comment. 

What is with this guy and his confidence...

She noticed the girl's apparent disgusted expression. 

Her guess was right then. The guy was harassing the girl. And Super Bear Yuri was in the mood tonight. 

"Lady, is this gentleman making a trouble for you?" Yuri deepened her voice on purpose, hoping it had made sounded manlier, fitting for a heroic character.

Jessica turned to the source. A knight in shining armour has appeared.

"Who are you?" Sungmin asked rudely, eyeing the newcomer warily. He was displeased that of all things, a guy has to intervene.

Jessica did not know why... Perhaps she was just hoping to get away from Sungmin quickly, or perhaps she was just imagining the valiant knight in front of her could help her... 

Ignoring Sungmin, Jessica spoke up, "He has been harassing me throughout the whole evening." 

"A gentleman should never harass a fine lady. It is such a shameful act." Yuri added to spite the man, inciting his displease.

"Why you little git..."

Without warning, Yuri grabbed hold of Jessica's hand and yelled a 'run' as she broke into a quick dash. Jessica, surprised by the sudden action, was pulled along. Yuri skilfully manoeuvred between the crowds dressed in colourful masquerade costumes, pulling the bedazzling eye trick. She gave a laugh seeing Sungmin stuck at the back, with a baffled expression as he looked high and low for their trail.

On the other hand, Jessica's heart raced as the stranger held her hand tightly. The entire scenario almost resembled an eloping scene, as their distance grew further apart. The stranger pulled her up the flight of stairs, away from the noisy crowd. It was the marble stairways Jessica has been admiring and to think that she was walking up on it in such a hurried manner. She smiled. At least, this was rather a unique and perhaps romantic turn of events. 


"You're telling me Yuri fell in love with my fianc?e?" Yul gave an incredulous gasp.

"Correction... Jessica's not officially your fianc?e yet... But yes, you're right."

"You're saying my sister has fallen in love with another girl?!?"

"Erm... yeah... you have repeated it two times now..."

"I just didn't expect that to happen... b-but how about Jessica? She knows the truth already?!"

"No... she doesn't... and that is the problem we are facing! Jessica doesn't know that the prince she is in love with is actually the real princess! And when she finds out..."

The two spoke in unison, "Yuri will be pretty much dead..."

There was a slight pause before the two sighed into the phone at the same time.

"How many slaps are you betting on?" Yul added.


"Phew!" Yuri took in a few deep breaths and laughed as she saw how the girl behind was panting for air as well. The two has climbed up the flight of stairs and hid in one of the open balconies at the upper level. There the air was much cooler, fitting for them to cool down.

"Do... you... have... to... run... that... fast!!" Jessica said, as she gasped for air.

"Well, at least... we managed to shake... that guy off!"

"Thanks for... your help anyway."

"No worries..."

"Nice breeze... isn't it..." Yuri added on, trying to break the silence between them as a wave of cold but comfortable breeze blew past them.

Jessica simply nodded her head, too tired to comment on anything. Instead, she held onto the balcony edge and leaned forward to enjoy the cold breeze. The stars above were far and few, obscured by the bright city lights, a downside for living in a metropolitan. 

Oddly enough, this very action reminded Yuri of Jessica. It seemed like something the girl would do. 

Both said nothing as they cooled down in the breezy balcony. 

"So, what are you doing alone in the party?" Yuri asked as she leaned against the balcony, facing the interior of the ballroom while Jessica remained in her position.

"Me? I'm not really alone... I'm with a friend, but I guess she must be somewhere enjoying the food spread." 

"That sounded familiar..." Yuri mumbled.


Yuri laughed, "Nothing, it just reminded me of a good friend of mine."

"And you? Alone?"

"Ya, kinda... I'm performing later..."

"There's a performance?"

"Yup... I-I'll be... playing the... violin," Yuri replied sheepishly. She certainly had no intention to brag about it.

"Oh! I will be looking forward to your performance then!" Jessica answered earnestly with a warm smile. 

The person standing beside her was so much different compared to the guy she bumped into earlier. The mystery man behind the mask made her curious and at the same time, relaxed. Over here, no one will recognise her as the crown princess-to-be. No overprotective bodyguards sticking with her all day long, no media hounding her constantly. Moreover, there was an unexplainable comfortable ambience surrounding them.

"Do you have someone you like?" The girl's abrupt question caught Yuri by surprise. 

Upon seeing his reaction, Jessica quickly apologised.

"I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't have asked such personal question..." Her voice trailed off slowly towards the end.

"What have gotten into me?" Jessica questioned at her own silliness. 

"Seems like something is troubling you?" Yuri asked in concern. The tone of the girl's voice somehow suggested she was troubled over a certain thing. 

Jessica looked up into the man's eyes and noticed how kind his eyes looked. 

"It's just I probably need a pair of listening ears... there isn't really anyone I can talk to in Korea about certain issues... it's a... little complex... and for some reasons, you seemed to be a good confidante."

"Anyone behind the mask is always a good confidante..." 

It required no further explanation. Neither of them had introduced themselves and perhaps that was the best thing to do. In that way, no one has to pretend; no one has to put up a front; no one has to act him or herself. It was an irony fact. Wearing a mask reveals one's true self.

"Well, not everyone apparently... remember that guy?" Jessica joked. 

Yuri laughed it off, "Me bad..."

She looked at the girl and asked gingerly, "Care to trade stories?"

Jessica hesitated for a while before nodding her head in agreement. She had nothing to lose and besides, she really needed to get it off her chest. 

"First off, you have someone you like, don't you?" Yuri asked straightaway. 

Taken aback by his direct question, Jessica began to realise the paradox of the earlier question she posted.

"What do you think?" 

"You seemed troubled over love..." That was the observation Yuri made.

"Well, love is usually what girls talk about, followed by shopping and more shopping," Yuri stated as a matter of fact.

"How do you know about what a girl think? You're not one!" Jessica asked jestingly.

"I have a sister!" Yuri rebutted. Of course, she knew what girls think, she's one.

"To answer your question, yes I do. How about you?" She redirected the question back.

Yuri was slightly stumped by the girl's honesty. The girl was sharing her true story and it certainly would seem like a betrayal to the trust she had on him if Yuri was to lie in return. 

Maybe not the whole truth... but still the truth...

"" Yuri paused. Jessica looked on with eager eyes.

"It's complicated..."

Another pause.

"I'm not who she thinks I am..."

"That is what you think..." Jessica countered.


"How would you know how she really thinks about you? It is impossible to know how one thinks..."

"That certainly sounds confusing..."

"Love is confusing..."

"That I agree."

"The question you should be asking is what do you think of her..."

"And I thought you are the one with love woes..."

"Everyone has love woes... it doesn't necessarily confine to love with couples. It could be anything from parents to siblings, from friends to enemies. Love is a broad term that encompasses many things." Jessica replied insightfully.

Thinking about what she said, maybe it was time Yuri ought to follow what her heart told her. She turned back towards the balcony edge and leaned forward in the same manner as the girl.

"I'm in love with her..." Yuri spoke out right from her heart. 

"Never thought this would happen... it's totally absurd... it's like, love happens without any reason..."

Jessica was a girl. Yuri knew it and yet, she has spiralled uncontrollably towards that attraction, without any reason.

"Love happens for a reason..." Jessica responded.

"What is yours?"

"Love happens when you listen to what your heart tells you. It's funny how different yet similar we are... I never thought I would fall in love with him as well. I used to dislike him but before I know it, he's already occupying a place here," Jessica pointed to her heart.

"Love is confusing," said Yuri. 

Jessica laughed at him. It was what she just told him a moment ago.

"But what is troubling you?" 

"I-I... don't know how to confess..." Jessica said shyly.

This time it was her turn to laugh.

"Here I am thinking you are the expert in love!" Yuri teased.

"Knowing and confessing are two entirely different things!" Jessica asserted.

"Is it that hard to say those three words?"

"Have you ever said those three words to her then?"

They paused for a moment to ponder about their respective questions posted to them.

"It's not easy..." Jessica replied. 

She always had difficulty expressing herself. 

What if the prince did not like her...

What if the prince hated her...

What if this... What if that...

She has too much of those clouding over her judgment. In the end, she kept all to herself.

"I never say it is... and I have never said those words either..."

Yuri has long decided to keep this feeling a secret. There was no whatsoever future for the two. She won't be able to give Jessica the happiness a girl asks for. 

Maybe it was just a stupid crush...

Maybe it was just her being confused...

Maybe it was just...

She should just leave things the way it was. Prince Yul and Princess Jessica. That was how it should be in the first place. She was just standing in for her brother. And when he comes back, that fairytale love will be complete. 

The two looked at each other at the same time and their gazes met and stayed.

"Love is confusing..." The two spoke at the same time in harmony. Immediately after realising how well they hit off, they laughed. 

"Different..." Jessica started first.

"Yet similar..." Yuri ended perfectly.

"I gotta go... need to get ready for my performance..."

"Thanks for helping me out earlier and listening to my boring story..."

"It's not boring. Thanks for listening too. Well hope to see you around later..." Yuri turned around and headed back into the main ballroom.

"Wait!" Jessica shouted, making Yuri stopped in her track and turned back to face her once more.

"What's your name?" She asked curiously.

"You meant my superhero codename?" Yuri replied cheekily and slowly backed away in a secretive manner.

"Whatever that means?" Jessica said anxiously. She stood still, remaining in the balcony, as the retreating figure grew further away.

Yuri waited for the precise moment just when a passing crowd was about to come in between the two.

"Super Black Bear!" 

With that, her knight in shining armour disappeared into the crowd.

Jessica instantly froze at the familiarity of it.

"What's your name?" she asked, choking back her tears as the little girl who accompanied her when she was lost, started retreating into the distant.

"Super Black Bear!" The little girl shouted back, before disappearing into the crowd.

"You're that Bear?" Jessica mumbled unbelievably.


~Love Radio FM~

Sunny: Hello my dear listeners of Love Radio FM. This is your favourite DJ Sunny! Wow, it has been quite a long journey for our radio segment and... (reads the strikeout list) we have almost exhausted all our possible special guests!! Is that good or bad? Oh well, with new insights, we can always revisit our old guests and perhaps some couple interviews?


Sunny: Wow, that is an rather early call this time... (picks up the phone) Hello?

???: Hello...

Sunny: Yes

???: Who's this?

Sunny: Erm Who're you trying to reach?

???: What number is this?

Sunny: What number are you trying to reach?

???: I don't know...

Sunny: Well, I think you have the wrong number...

???: Do I?

Sunny: It happens, take it easy (hangs up)


Sunny: Hello?

???: I'm sorry I guess I dialled the wrong number

Sunny: So why did you dial it again?

???: To apologise 

Sunny: You're forgiven. Bye now...

???: Wait wait, don't hang up...

Sunny: What?

???: I wanna talk to you for a second

Sunny: There's got like 900 numbers for that. See ya (hangs up)


Sunny: Hello?

???: Why not you wanna talk to me?

Sunny: Who's this? (exasperated)

???: You'd tell me your name and I'd tell you mine

Sunny: Uh, I don't think so

???: What's that noise?

Sunny: What noise?

???: That noise... don't you hear footstep?

Sunny: You're kidding me... that's not scary

???: What's your favourite scary movie?

Sunny: Erm... Halloween, you know the one with the guy in white mask who walks around and stalks babysitters

???: Yeah...

Sunny: What's yours?

???: Guess

Sunny: Nightmare on Elm Street

???: Is it the one with the guy had knives for fingers

Sunny: Yeah! Freddy Krueger

???: Freddy! That's right. I liked that movie. It was scary

Sunny: Well, the first one was but the rest sucked

???: You haven't told me your name...

Sunny: Why do you wanna know?

???: Cos I wanna know who I am looking at

(A masked person appears right besides her)

Sunny: (screams) AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHO ARE YOU!!! (hits the stranger with file in hand)

???: Stop it Stop it! It's me!!! Your producer!!!

Sunny: Why are you appearing in that Scream mask!!!

Choki: Halloween of course! Now give me my sweets! I have spent 50 bucks renting the costume and making that knife!

Sunny: GOSH! You scared me! (calms down)

Choki: Hey, who says we have exhausted the guest list. There is still Sir Yoon, Prince Jin which I bet everyone will throw rotten eggs at, and how abt the King and Queen whom have yet made an appearance... 

Sunny: Anyway, that list sounded kinda boring, do you think our listeners from Love Radio FM will listen to it? I mean... LOVE... I don't see LOVE coming from these folks...

Choki: Whatever, I'm the producer...

Sunny: You gotta give the listeners more lovely moments! They are deprived of it for so long thanks to your draggggggy plot

Choki: Isn't there enough in this update?

Sunny: Look all the web responses! *shows producer the pc screen* "WE WANT MOAR!"

Choki: OK OK, I got it

Sunny: That's better... and why the hell did you make me appear like a bimbo in your story!

Choki: What? You're not... you're an important development! Just find it out for yourself next chapter.

Sunny: Really? 

Choki: Yes of course, I won't mistreat my fav DJ.

Sunny: That sounds more like it... ok, let's get back to the interview. What drove you to produce this bizarre fairytale?

Choki: I have probably mentioned before but just for our listeners outta... (whispers to Sunny) are you sure there are actually people listening?

Sunny: (hushes back) Of course! Our radio viewership are high!

Choki: LOL... Ok, it all came from a song called "Love Story" by Taylor Swift. I was playing around in the karaoke room with my friends when the song appeared on screen. I stopped all activities, which include yelling at the top of my voice, snacking, and random fooling around, JUST to listen to my friend singing this song. Clearly, the line "You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess" stuck onto my thick head. And as a fervent YulSic shipper (I ship JeTi too), I wrote this as my 4th story specifically with YulSic in mind... 

Sunny: You have 4 fics? But I don't see them!

Choki: The first 3 are just ideas on hold with a few chappies done but I would not touch on it until I'm done with this one. So it does have a special place, as it is the only one I chose to publish and it will be the first story I will ever complete!

Sunny: How about the first line "We were both young when I first saw you"? Did that influence the super bears storyline?

Choki: Actually no. I was only focusing on the "You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess" in the entire song and I did not refer to the lyrics until much later after I have already planned out their childhood bear story. Why bear you may ask? 1. Teddy bears are common, 2. Doosan Bears happens to be BK Yuri's first pitching, 3. The three bears song is way too cute! And coincidentally, during one of the Hello baby episode 11 where the girls went to a safari, Yuri was wearing a pair of white tiger ears. Talk about deja vu!

Sunny: I think the listeners are bored of your interview-

Choki: What the...

Sunny: I need to take care of the viewership!

Choki: I'm the producer! I care about that as well!

Sunny: Whatever, we are going to start the "Answer-your-questions" segment!

Choki: I swear this segment never dies...

Sunny: You're the producer, you came up with it and don't complain if it is getting old!

Choki: I'm thinking of producing a variety show... MC Tiffany might be a good emcee!

Sunny: WHAT!!! 

Choki: You had your share for 6 radio sessions. Give poor Tiffany a chance. She's listed as one of the characters and yet, she only appeared in a few paragraphs! 

Sunny: How about Taengoo! 

Choki: TaeNy then! 

Sunny: (does her aegyo pout) Producer choki!!!

Choki: Just kidding... 

Sunny: Phew

Choki: How about running two concurrently?

Sunny: O_O!!! Oh since you are soooooo evil... I'm not going to let you go easily with the questions... first off, how OLD are you!

Choki: I'm exactly (aeroplane flies past) older than Yuri

Sunny: What?! I didn't get that, I'm sure none of our listeners heard that too

Choki: Sssssh, get it right this time... I'm not going to repeat it... I'm exactly (a loud horn from the train) older than Yuri

Sunny: Where the heck did those airplane and train come from!?!?

Choki: How would I know? (shrugs shoulder)

Sunny: Grrrrrr~ Next question from j.a.y, hello j.a.y! Erm what do you think the Queen Mother would do when she finds out Yuri likes another female? Can the citizens of Korea accept that fact?

Choki: The Queen Mother will threaten to kill herself if Yuri insists on going her way. And of course, the entire monarchy will fall apart. End of story...

Sunny: Are you... serious?

Choki: (does a horrified face inside the mask which, of course, no one could see) Nooooooooo of course not! Let's do the fairytale way... Queen mother will realise the love is genuine and everyone holds their hands together in harmony. There is absolutely nothing wrong with love... what could be so wrong in love? As for the citizens of Korea, I can't say anything on their behalf... all I know is I can accept it... of course, otherwise what the hell am I doing here, cracking my demented brain every night!

Sunny: You were out all night playing LAN games!!! 

Choki: GAH! Spy! You're a secret agent! 

Sunny: Huh?!

Choki: Oh crap! Did I just reveal my 2nd story outline?

Sunny: WHAT!??! Am I going to be your main character!?!

Choki: Nope! But you are in! 

Sunny: (sounding dejected) Erm... with the same exposure time as I appeared in the party?

Choki: What are you talking about?! More time more time next time round...

Sunny: Cool, so when will I start? 

Choki: 2013 if the world doesn't end in 2012...

Sunny: (grabs a knife and stabs choki) Gah! It is a toy!

Choki: Of course it is a toy! I will be arrested carrying a knife around! But... I do have this!!! (flicks a Swiss Army knife) It's a gift I bought from Switzerland! And who ever said I was the real producer? 

Sunny: What? 

???: Do I sound like the producer? Or do I even look like one? Mwuahahahaha!

Sunny: AHHHHHHHHHHHH~(faints)

???: Tune in next time on Horror Night Special... Mwuahahahahaha!

Asst.Producer: CUT! What the hell is that!

???: Erm... Sunny fainted!

Asst.Producer: Producer choki stop playing! Aigoo! Now you messed the Love Radio FM! 

Choki: Ahhhh, it was for fun! Ok ok, tune in next time on Love Radio FM. I don't know who is the next guest. This is your DJ producer ending the segment. Please listen to the song "Thriller" from our beloved Michael Jackson. Rest in peace dude. 

Asst.Producer: That was absolute the lousy ending ever on air!

Choki: HEY! I am withholding all your monthly salary until Jan 2013. You will be getting it then, provided the world doesn't end in 2012! 

*****Chapter 14: Love on the G string

No way... 

It was very clearly in her memory... 

The little girl who helped her when she was lost and alone named herself Super Black Bear...

So why is this mysterious guy calling himself Super Black Bear too? 

"Where did he go?" Jessica mumbled to herself as she made her way around the crowd, looking for him. 

She had questions for him.

She wanted to know the connection between him and Super Black Bear.

"Jessica! So there you are!" A familiar voice called her from behind. 

"I've been trying to look for you! Where have you been?"

"Sooyoung, I'm so sorry... I just went up to the balcony for a breather... it's a little rowdy here..."

"So how's the party going on for you? Fun?"

"Yeah, it has been rather interesting..."

"Oh, so your name is Jessica?" The same irritating voice reappeared.

"Not him again..."

"Who's he? You know him?" Sooyoung asked, puzzled. 

Before Jessica could say a word, Sungmin held his hand and took the initiative to introduce himself to Sooyoung.

"Hi, you must be Jessica's friend. I'm Sungmin, her new boyfriend..."

"What are you blabbering about!?" Jessica said angrily. She did not expect the man to be so blunt. 

Instead Sooyoung burst out laughing. 

"Oh, so that's when you went! You went dating with him!" 

"Not you too!" Jessica berated the joking Sooyoung. 


"Why are you letting him follow us?" Jessica whispered angrily to Sooyoung.

"Cause it's really funny to see how he tries so hard to get you!"

"It's not funny at all!" She nudged the taller girl with her elbow.

"Ladies, would you like some drinks?" Sungmin cut in between the two and offered the wineglasses.

"My daddy told me not to accept things from strangers..." Jessica retorted with sarcasm, earning a stifled chuckle from Sooyoung.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please..." A voice rang through the ballroom. 

Everyone turned the attention to the source. A brightly dressed individual with an extremely fancy red masquerade mask stood at the foot of the marble stairway with a spotlight shining upon him. Sooyoung held Jessica's hand and walked closer to the centre of the ballroom. The ballroom lights gradually dimmed down in response.

"First of all, welcome to the party and I thanked everyone for gracing my birthday celebration! It is really a great honour bestowed from you all. And thank you once again for all your lovely wishes and gifts. I hope you all enjoyed the party so far." The guests clapped, cheering jubilantly for the man. 

"So you know the guy?" Jessica whispered to Sooyoung who nodded in response.

"I should introduce you to him later. G is really a nice guy."


"Yeah, just G."

Before Jessica could ask further, G spoke once more.

"Please enjoy a violin performance brought by my mysterious friend who has requested to be anonymous! Please give him a round of applause!"

The spotlight immediately shifted its focus on the spot to the left of the ballroom. Yuri stood there, with her violin in position and her bow hand resting by the side. With the bright light shining at her and with the rest of the ballroom dimly lit, Yuri could only make out the silhouettes of the audience as they applauded. She bowed in acknowledgement. 

Jessica's heart skipped a beat as she recognised the figure, the guy from before. 

Is he really the Super Black Bear from before?

After the applause has died down, Yuri raised her bowing arm and closed her eyes as she began playing. Everyone's attention was quickly drawn into her performance in a seemingly similar fashion as how Yuri drew the bow across the strings in a fluid motion.

"Bach's Partita No. 3 in E major, Movement III. Gavotte en rondeau. Excellent choice!" An elder male nearby was full of praise for the young violinist.

Click here to listen to Partita No. 3

"He's soooo dreamy..." A young lady squeaked excitedly to her male companion who quickly showed his jealous displease. It was not just her alone. Almost every female out there was enthralled by his captivating performance.

"Isn't he good?" Sooyoung whispered to the focused Jessica purposely, fully aware of the true identity of the violinist.

"Yeah..." Jessica answered truthfully, captivated by the rich tone of the violin. His skill was clearly a notch better than most, if not all, of the violin players she had heard back home, in her school, the San Francisco Conservatory of Music.

"Maybe not exactly all..." Jessica had not entirely forgotten about the first violinist of the student orchestra she was actively involved in. She began to wonder who would emerge victorious if the two have the chance to compete in the annual competition held in her school. It would be quite an interesting sight to behold.

Being attentive to his playing, she noticed for the first time there was a small bandage around his right hand, which completely eluded her previously. 

"He was playing with an injured hand?" She became even more impressed at his perseverance.

Midway through the movement, Yuri felt a strain on the back of her right hand. The cut she sustained earlier during the horse riding accident was starting to prick uncomfortably and the demanding action of drawing the violin bow was definitely not helping in the situation. Despite the discomfort, she concentrated solely on the violin, casting all her thoughts aside. It has been a long while she last touched a violin and she missed playing it sorely. 

"Hmmpf... You call that a violin playing?" 

Jessica glanced up at Sungmin angrily. There he was standing beside her with a visible smug on his face. 

Before she could retort to that remark, a shorter girl nearby stepped on his foot, while Sooyoung reacted at the same time, smacking him hard on the head. Both their seemingly coordinated moves incited a small yelp of pain from the fool. Nearby onlookers gave an annoying glare at his interruption. Sooyoung and the girl smacked their hands together in a hi-five, both with a smirk on their faces.

"Why you little dwarf and... g-giant!" 

"Shhhhhhhhh!" A big burly man in front turned around with a finger on his lip and threw an intimidating glare at Sungmin, who immediately quietened down.

"Serve him right!" The petite girl mouthed to Jessica who smiled back. The girl threw a quick cheekily wink before returning her attention to the performance. 


The last note ended beautifully under Yuri's dedicated playing. Soon after, the ballroom erupted into loud applause with praises and wolf-whistles coming from the audience. There were even shouts of encore across. 

Jessica smiled delightfully. She was really impressed with his performance.

Sungmin, on the other hand, was engulfed with a flame of jealously upon seeing his well-received performance. Especially from the way Jessica had looked at him. It was totally different from the lukewarm response he received from her. It was unfair. He was here first and this guy just appeared out of nowhere, stealing her away right under his nose. 

"What's so good about him?" He retorted.

It was her last straw.

"If you think you are better, why not go up and play for us?" Jessica taunted.

"Yeah, go on! If you think you are better than Alex!" The shorter girl joined in, much to her surprise. 

"She called him Alex? They must be friends then... no wait, could she be the one he has been talking about? The girl he was in love with?" Jessica pondered. Maybe she could help them to get along, as a way to return him a favour for his help.

Sooyoung was confused by the unexpected intervention. Why did the girl call Yuri, Alex?

Sungmin, however, began to stutter, "I-I er-"

"If you can't play a violin, then just keep your comment to yourself..." The girl commented.

"W-Who says I-I can't p-play the v-violin!" 

"Really? I guess my uncle won't mind having another violin performance!" 

"U-Uncle? What uncle?" Sungmin asked, addressing the question Jessica and Sooyoung had on their mind in the meantime.

"Him!" She pointed to none other than the man standing at the foot of the stairway. She waved her hand in the air, trying to get her uncle's attention. 

"Arghhhhh! They are destroying the perfect plan!" Sooyoung screamed with frustration inwardly at all the sudden interferences.

"So she is G's niece. Ah, I see the point. That is why he was invited to perform!" Jessica was finally able to link it all together. 

"WAIT!" Sungmin held her down in a struggle, preventing her from attracting further attention.

Seeing the shorter girl being bullied by the irksome guy, Jessica and Sooyoung immediately came to her assistance. 

"Stop interfering with my plan you git!" Sooyoung smacked the man on his head as hard as she possibly could, venting her vexation on him. Once Sungmin released his grip on the petite girl, Jessica rushed forward to brace her up gently.

"Are you alright?" Jessica asked with concern.

"Yeah, I'm ok... Thanks!" 

Away from the rowdy quartet, G approached Yuri with a mischievous grin, which she immediately interpreted it as a bad sign. Before Yuri could say a word, G suddenly announced to the crowd.

"Does anyone here play the piano?" G addressed to the crowd who were still full of praises for the young violinist.

The response from the crowd was overwhelming. G was right, she was a Prince Charming and in hot demand indeed.

"I see a couple of hands..." He continued teasing the girls who flailed their hands eagerly. 

"What are you getting at!" Yuri hissed into his ear.

"You will see," he whispered back before turning to the crowd once again, "So anyone wants a duet with our fine gentleman here?"

More hands rose up into the air instantly with cries of me all over. G looked around anxiously for a certain individual.

Back at the rowdy quartet, Sooyoung was struggling to keep Sungmin at bay when she heard the cue from G. She looked back and saw the overwhelming number of hands waving in the air. 

"Argh crap!" She cursed out, pushing Sungmin to a side and ignored his protest.

"I'm Sunny!" The shorter of the two introduced with a handshake, which Jessica gladly accepted.

"I'm Jessi-" 

Before she completed her sentence, a sudden pull dragged her off in a different direction, nearer towards the front and before she could response to Sooyoung's sudden action, her hand was up in the air, propped up by the tall girl as she waved around excitedly.

"What are you doing?!" Jessica yelped in surprise as she tried desperately to lower her hand down. It was extremely embarrassing as the onlookers around her watched their interactions with bemusement. 

"Ahhhhh I see a young lady over there!" G pointed towards their direction, causing everyone to turn and looked at the struggling duo.

"Jessica, you can do it!" 

"DO WHAT?" She hissed softly.

"Play the piano!"

"What piano?"

"Why not, let's put a round of applause to invite the beautiful lady over?" G added, taking the initiative to start the clapping.

Soon the surrounding crowd began to clap and cheer to support the deeply embarrassed girl. With a final push from Sooyoung, Jessica was thrust forward into the limelight. 

"It's her?" Yuri looked at the girl in surprise. 

G approached Jessica who stood still in complete confusion.

"So you are the one..." G eyed her in great interest. "Good taste, Prince Charming..."

"Erm... I-I..."

"Say no more! I really look forward to listen your beautiful duet with our Prince..." G teased with an all-knowing look.


"Go on! Don't keep our eager audience waiting!" G urged Jessica to go forward towards the grand piano next to the violinist. 

Everyone was looking at her in great anticipation. With clearly no other options available, Jessica resigned herself to fate. At the very least, she did know how to play a piano. Taking a deep breath, she scurried towards the grand piano and settled down in a blink of an eye.

"Hey," Yuri greeted at the shy girl who jumped slightly in surprise. 

"So, we meet again..." 

Jessica swallowed the lump in her throat nervously, nodding her head in agreement.

"So... what do you want to play?" Yuri asked, sensing the girl nervousness.


"Erm... the piano? Are you feeling ok?"

"Ah! I-I am ok!" Jessica laughed weakly. It was definitely not within her expectation to meet him under this bizarre setting.

"Just relax. You don't have to worry about the audience. Treat it like no one is listening except you and me. Play it in your own world. It works for me!" Yuri said caringly. 

Maybe it was the way he carried himself... 

That confidence aura around him...

It reminded her of him...

"No... he is he, Yul is Yul. They are two different persons..." Jessica shut her eyes and repeated the notion over and over again, trying not to confuse the two together. She reminded herself she was in love with Yul; not the person in front; not the person who proclaimed to be Super Black Bear. Beside, there was someone whom he loved; there was someone whom she loved.

"Erm... is there anything wrong?" Yuri tapped the girl on her shoulder when she did not reply. Jessica jumped for the second time at the sudden touch while she was lost in her own thoughts.

"Sorry! I was... j-just thinking about the piece!"

"Oh, you scared me for a while, I thought you fell asleep! Haha silly me... so yeah... what do you wanna play?"

"Er- how about Air on the G string?" Jessica suggested one of her favourite, "I know the piano accompaniment!"

Yuri smiled in return. It was one of her favourite classical movement, Aria, or Air from Overture No. 3 in D major by JS Bach.Air on the G string, arranged by A Wilhelmj for piano and violin, was transposed from the D major into the C major and by transposing the melody down by an octave, one could play the entire movement with just one string, the G string on the violin, hence its name.

Click here to listen Air on the G string (Cello and Piano)

"Let's do it then!" Yuri then gave an encouraging smile before turning to face the audience. 

For Jessica, that smile was surprisingly familiar and warm. It certainly reminded her of a certain individual who was constantly on her mind these days. She didn't even know when or how it begun. 

As if no cue was ever needed, the duo started in perfect sync. All eyes were transfixed on the two as they played the beautiful duet flawlessly. Even they, themselves, were surprised at their own rapport, despite it being the first time they has ever played together. 

It was exactly what he had said, but with a slight difference. She wasn't playing in her own world. They were playing together in their own world. There wasn't a single distraction. They were merely following each other pace and mood without any compromise done. 

It was an exhilarating experience for her. Never had she had a pianist who was able to convert his or her emotion across perfectly with her playing. Yuri was impressed, and she wanted to know more about the girl. "Who is she exactly..." 

"The two really look good together!"

"They are perfect match!"

Words as such were spoken among the audience surrounding Sungmin who gritted his teeth in return.

"Hmmpf... that pretty boy should just watch his back..."

Upon hearing that comment, Sunny stepped on his foot for the second time, "You should keep quiet when watching a performance, brute!" 

"Why you little... dwarf!" 

"You oaf!" 

They glared at each other in a lockdown, ignoring everyone else.


A thunderous round of applause broke out once the two finished their amazing duet. Yuri, being the gentleman, guided Jessica to the front and together they took a bow to the audience in appreciation for their support. The audience erupted to cheers of bravos. 

G stepped in and addressed the guests immediately.

"It's time for the waltz!" He announced as he cued the small orchestra to begin playing. The guests began to break away from the crowd, forming smaller groups of two for couple dance while others simply stood by the side, engaging in their conversations and enjoying the refreshments.

Click here to listen to Josef Strauss: Marien-Kl?nge, op. 214 Waltz for Orchestra


Their eyes immediately lit up with the sudden idea struck in their heads despite the earlier glaring contest they were having.

"You get the guy..." Sungmin spoke softly.

"And you get the girl!" 

Not wanting to be outdone, the two quickly squeezed their way through the dance crowd, each with his or her target in mind.


"Hey, nice playing," Yuri complimented as the two retreated to a quieter corner.

"You're really good too," Jessica replied. Maybe now's the perfect chance to ask him about the Super Black Bear origin. 

"Erm... do you mind me asking a question?" She asked gingerly.

Feeling slightly puzzled but having no qualms, Yuri gave the go-ahead.

"Have you ever helped a lost-"

And once again, before she could complete her sentence, their conversation was disrupted. 

"Lovely performance!" G exclaimed, delighted with their rapport, "You two should seriously get together!"

An awkward silence fell between them.

Yuri glared at G, hoping that he would take the hint not to divulge anything.

"He has a girlfriend already!" Jessica broke the silence and pointed out in a teasing manner. 

"Sure he does..." G threw a meaning glance at Yuri who groaned inwardly, "When will he stop!"

"Hey, the dance just started... why don't you two join in? It would be fun!"

The two looked at each other embarrassed. 

"You should take the initiative to invite your princess for a dance!" G added as he gave the unsuspecting Yuri a push, causing her to bump into Jessica accidentally. G chuckled merrily as he pretended to look elsewhere.

She could say a 'No'. 

She could simply attribute it as a passing comment by G.

She could come out with all the excuses in the world, just to avoid dancing.

But Yuri did not. 

Instead she held up a hand nervously.

"Erm... s-shall we go for a d-dance then?" Yuri asked jittery. 

Jessica was delighted when he held up a hand, inviting her to the dance. Yet, there was another confusing feeling. 

He clearly has someone he loved.

She clearly has someone she loved.

They clearly have that special someone residing in their own hearts.

Yet, in the end, she nodded her head gently and accepted his invitation.

Yuri led her out, towards the centre of the ballroom where the other couples were already dancing to the dynamic mood of fast-paced waltz. As they assumed their dancing stances, Yuri absentmindedly placed a hand on the girl's shoulder, inciting a chuckle from the girl.

"Silly... you are supposed to put your hand above my waist!" Jessica laughed at the mistake he made and guided his left hand to the correct position, taking careful measure to avoid the bandaged region. She then rested her hand on his shoulder. Yuri gulped nervously, losing all her concentration as she laid her hand over her waist gingerly. 

"Why are you so stiff?" Jessica teased, seeing the stoic expression on his face and his awkwardness around her. 

"I-I..." Yuri stuttered nervously at their close proximity. 

"Just relax..." Jessica said in a soothing voice. Waltz dancing was her stronghold.

And as if their roles have reversed, in a ballroom dance supposedly led by the guy, it was Jessica who led instead. Yuri could only follow her lead and stumbled around clumsily, colliding into a few couples along the way by accident. 

Gradually, as they grew more accustomed to the dance, Yuri began to resume taking the lead, surprising Jessica with the sleek transition. 

"For a moment, I thought you can't dance," Jessica couldn't help but to tease him. Yuri responded by raising her right hand and carefully guiding Jessica to turn a full round in a slow spin. 

"I never said I couldn't..." Yuri returned the tease flirtatiously.

"Oh, so you were only pretending..."

"Pretending isn't a good word to use..."

"I guess you are good at hiding things then..."

"... Maybe?" 

They exchanged glance and found themselves attracted to nothing, except for each other's eyes. Jessica felt her heart beat racing. For some reasons, those mesmerising eyes reminded her of his eyes. However, she quickly threw that thought away and refocused her attention. She wanted to know more about the story behind Super Black Bear. Was it a famous Korea cartoon she didn't know? Or was it a common saying in the past? Whatever it was, Jessica had to find out. It was her only chance to find her little hero.


"Ouch! Watch where you are stepping!" Sunny hissed in annoyance at the fourth time Sungmin has managed to step on her foot. Was it her karma for stepping on his foot earlier on?

"Ah sorry sorry sorry sorry..." He was quick to apologise, embarrassed by his poor dancing skill. Dancing was never his forte. 

"You gotta relax and move with the music..." 


Sunny shook her head in disappointment, "How are you going to dance with her then?"

"Eh... teach me how to dance?" Sungmin replied sheepishly.


"Why did you call yourself 'Super Black Bear'? Is there a story behind it?" Jessica asked.

"It's just a childhood phrase I used..."

"From a cartoon or a movie? A common phrase?"

"I don't know... why are you so interested in Super Black Bear?"

"Just out of curiosity?" Jessica lied.

"I can't remember how it started... I guess it was from watching Care Bears. You know... the bears with some insignias on their bellies?"

Jessica nodded as Yuri went on, describing the cartoon show from the 80s. 

"And that's about it..."

After hearing his story, Jessica was convinced that the Super Black Bear she met in the past wasn't him. One obvious difference, the person in front of her was a male. She clearly remembered her hero that day was a little girl. Second difference, he did not mention anything about helping a lost child. She laughed at her own silliness for thinking that the Super Black Bear in front of her was the same little girl, "It was a ludicrous thought seriously."

"Where are you laughing?" Yuri asked, confused whether if her story was strange. 

"Nothing... it's just... I was being silly, that's all!" Jessica replied. It would seem to her that the true identity of her Super Black Bear would still remain a mystery.

"Care to share?"

"Do you wanna hear a story about Super White Bear?"

"Super White Bear?" Yuri queried. She remembered something about the term but she can't put a finger to it.

"Yeah, Super Black Bear... not you, I mean the Super Black Bear I met when I was very young, gave me that name..." 

Seeing his puzzled expression, Jessica continued her story but just as she was about to speak, someone crashed unto them, causing the two to separate.

In the next instance, she found herself facing the person she least expected.

"You again!"

"Hehe, dance with me, please?" Sungmin said as he held up a hand to invite Jessica for a dance.

Beside him, Sunny was tugging Yuri's hand, begging him for a dance. 

"Let's do the couple dance! Alex! Come on!" 

Yuri looked at Jessica who was staring at her. 

"Of course! She is his girlfriend!" Jessica cursed herself mentally.

Before Yuri could explain, Jessica cut him off.

"You should dance with your girlfriend!" She laughed it off.


"Come on... erm... Sungmin right? I'll dance with you..." Jessica pretended to look away. The last thing she ever wanted was to cause any misunderstanding between the couple.

"Serious!?!" Sungmin exclaimed in an unbelieving tone as Jessica held his hand, agreeing to his invitation. 

"Come on, let's dance!" Sunny pulled the reluctant Yuri away. 


"Thanks for agreeing to dance with me," Sungmin said in a humble tone. Gone was his arrogant air. 

Surprised by his sudden change, Jessica asked, "What happened to you? You sounded so different..."

"I must have acted like a moron earlier on... with my lame pick-up lines and stuffs... I shouldn't have listened to my friend's so-called 'how-to-date-a-girl' advice."

"Glad you realised that..." Jessica whispered absentmindedly.

"Sorry? I didn't get what you said." 

"Erm- I said it's ok..." She returned a smile.

"I'm sorry to mess up my introduction earlier on... can I have the honour to re-introduce myself again?"

Those words reminded Jessica of the first time she met Yul and how he messed up with their first meeting. She smiled sweetly at that thought.


"I'm Lee Sungmin!" 

"Jessica Jung."

"Can you be my girlfriend?"


Jessica sighed. Some people never learn.


"Stop looking over there... Sungmin isn't that bad..." Sunny said as Yuri kept turning her attention at the other pair.

"But he has been harassing her, she said so herself..."

"The girl? Oh yeah... I can't remember what was her name... Jessie or something..."


"Maybe... but they are fine now... just look at them... aren't they dancing perfectly fine? Just let them be..." 


Back at the far corner, G and Sooyoung were planning for their next step when Sooyoung noticed Yuri was dancing with another girl and Jessica was dancing with Sungmin. 

"Who is the girl that Yuri's dancing with?"

"That's my niece, Sunny but... what is she doing?"

"What's the next song on the list?" Sooyoung asked, as she tried to recall the rundown.

"The slow dance!" G exclaimed. 

"Crap!" Both of them yelped in shock. 

The next song was supposed to be the romantic slow dance where they have made the arrangement for the finale. 

"What should we do!" Sooyoung asked anxiously. 

"I got an idea! Come follow me!" 


"Ahem... sorry for the interruption!" G announced through his golden microphone.

"To make our night more interesting, let's have a little fun! Exchanging dance partner is now the game! Once the game music starts, whoever exchanges the most will win a very special prize..." G threw a wink at Sooyoung who caught on the idea instantly.

This certainly has got the crowd excited.

"Excited? So without further ado, let the game begin!" G gave a cue to the orchestra who proceeded to play the jovial Irish party music. 

Click here to listen to Irish Washerwoman

G and Sooyoung immediately joined into the fray as they danced their way dramatically towards the two couples, catching the attention of everyone else in the ballroom.

"First target! The Prince! I'll take care of Sunny!" G whispered. As they drew nearer to the couple, G spun Sooyoung around in an exaggerated big action. While spinning out of control, Sooyoung took the opportunity to intercept between Yuri and Sunny in a seemingly accidental mistake. She grabbed hold of the Prince and pulled him away, much to the amusement of nearby dancing couples.

"Giant! Where are you taking Alex!" Sunny whined, not knowing Sooyoung's name.

"Dwarf! I'm kidnapping your prince! Mwahahaha!" Sooyoung laughed in an exaggerated gesture.

Before Sunny could act further, G blocked her off, by inviting her to a dance. She looked at his uncle, confused by his action.

"That's how the game is played! Come on! Chop chop! Before the music ends!" G declared as he resumed his dance with his niece.

"What's going on?"

"It's a game, my dear! Enjoy it! Oh, on a separate note, the prince is already taken..."



"KWON YURI! What the hell are you doing!" Sooyoung hissed softly but angrily at her best friend.

"What are you doing here?"

"That girl is Jessica!!! You idiot!!!" She pointed towards the other pair.

"WHAT?" Yuri spoke out loud, catching the attention of the nearby dancing couples.

"Aish! Tone down, you idiot!" Sooyoung chided. 

"Wait... does that mean... I have been talking to Jessica all along?" Yuri was stumbled by the new revelation. The things they shared in the balcony...

"Argh!!! Now's not the time for this! Your girlfriend is being taken advantage of and you are still in the mood for chatting?!?" 

Together, they began twirling around, following the flow of the music as they drew nearer to Jessica and Sungmin. Along the way, they noticed other couples were also starting to join in the fun by exchanging their dance partners in an dramatic style.

"Go get your girl back!" 


"Didn't you hear what G said? It's the exchanging dance partner game!" Sooyoung sighed in exasperation, seeing how slow her prince can be at times. 

"On the count of three... 1... 2-"

"Do what?" 

"Exchange partner!"

Without prior warning, Sooyoung spun herself towards Jessica and Sungmin, catching the both by surprise. Having successfully breaking the two off, she quickly pushed the unaware girl towards Yuri, as she turned around to dance with Sungmin. 

"Hello!" Sooyoung greeted Sungmin who groaned in protest.

"Not you!" Sungmin held his hands up, protecting his head. He hasn't quite forgotten the smack Sooyoung gave him a moment ago.


Jessica gave a yelp of surprise when she felt a pair of protective arms encircling around her back, safely securing her from falling all the way down. She gazed up and found a pair of deep brown orbs just inches away from her face, looking at her dazed.

Yuri wanted to smack herself for being so silly, unable to recognise Jessica underneath her masquerade mask. 

"I-I... don't know how to confess..." Those words said by Jessica repeated in her head.

"Thanks..." Jessica muttered shyly as she struggled to regain her footing. Yuri quickly gathered all her strength to pull the stunned girl back up. 

"So you said... you don't know how to confess... to the one you like?"


"I'm sure he heard it already..."


"Well, time to change partner again!" G chanted merrily as he jumped to the next couple, which coincidentally turned out to be Sooyoung and Sungmin. 

"Marvellous!" Sooyoung and G chorused in unison. 

"Hi, I'm back..." Sungmin greeted, embarrassed by the turn of events.

"It's you again?" Sunny groaned.

"You two look really compatible!" Sooyoung added from the side.

"Darling! I'm really happy for you!" G cheered happily.


Jessica, confused by what he just said, carried on with the dance. However, this time round, she felt him being more protective around her. He was careful to avoid others, almost as if he didn't want to participate in any exchanging of dance partner. 

"You don't want to win the special prize?"

"Erm... no... I have already won my special prize..."


"I mean... there is no need for special prize..."

Soon, the Irish music stopped and G spoke up once again.

"We have a winner! Congratulation to Mr Jo Kwon! He has just won an exclusive G's autographed T shirt!"

A tall man could be seen jumping with joy at the background. 

"Yes yes... please don't get too excited though. Next up... please enjoy the slow dance..." 

Soon, the light began to dim down in response to the romantic intonation. 

Click to listen to FF VIII - Roses and Wine

"I guess the special prize isn't worth winning after all..." Yuri commented, inciting a laugh from Jessica.

The two remained silent as they danced gently, following the pace of the slow dance. Their eyes remained fixed upon each other's eyes.

"You're really beautiful tonight," Yuri whispered into her ear, causing the shorter girl to blush in return. 

She knew she shouldn't have any feeling towards the person in front but there was a weird connection between her and him and she couldn't deny that. The romantic atmosphere around the whole ballroom made her even more nervous as he pulled her closer. It certainly did not help when he was so gentle towards her. 

Feeling bad, she pulled away from him slowly, "I think... we are getting too close..." 

Yuri was surprised by her action. 

"Of course stupid me... she still doesn't know I'm her Yul..."

"Wait... did I just say 'her' Yul?"

"I think... I should get going..." Jessica added, as she broke free from him.

"Wait!" Yuri held unto Jessica, carelessly exerting force on her already injured hand. She winced in pain. Jessica stopped in her track, her eyes travelled down to their linking hands. A small faint dab of blood was slowly staining the white bandage that covered his right hand. 

"You said you wanted to know my story," said Yuri.

"I shall tell you the truth. I'm getting engaged in 2 days time and I'm scared... I'm confused... I can't even think or don't even know what is the right thing to do anymore. I'm losing myself. All I know is to follow my heart. And now, I really want to know what my heart is telling me!" Yuri spoke right from the bottom of her heart.

"T-This is w-wrong!" Jessica was getting confused, "You and I both have someone already-"

"Sica, it's me..." 

Her eyes widened with shock. Only one person ever called her that. 

It was then she realised the person standing in front was Yul.


Yuri nodded her head. 

"You knew it was me all along?" Jessica asked as she held up his injured hand. She should have realised that right from the beginning. There were so many things they had in common. 

The eyes, the smile and now even the wound. 

Everything matched perfectly now.

"No... I didn't..." Yuri pulled her closer, ignoring the stinging pain at the back of her hand. "I only knew it when Sooyoung revealed it to me during the game." 

Jessica began to tear up. She had seriously doubted over her true feelings for Yul when this guy appeared, and yet they turned out to the same person after all. 

"BABO!" She pounced a fist down at Yul's shoulder in spike. Yuri gave a grimace of pain. That blow landed on top of her exposed cut that wasn't stitched up because Yuri had refused further treatment by the royal physician, in fear of exposing her true identity.

"Sorry! I didn't mean it!" Jessica fumbled around as she tried to soothe his pain.

Instead, Yuri simply silenced her with a kiss. 

She needed an answer and she found it.

Her heart has already belonged to the girl named Jessica Jung.

Right on time, the fireworks exploded outside, illuminating the pitch-black skies and the dimly lit ballroom with its sparkling array of colours. That was the romantic finale G and Sooyoung had planned which, however, paled in comparison with Yuri's confession.

At that moment, nothing else mattered for the two. There was only the raw emotion of love. 


"Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please!" G announced through his golden microphone again.

Sooyoung, now standing beside the couple, grinned madly as she watched the two standing awkwardly next to each other. Apparently even after the long kiss they had, the two were still behaving shyly.

At the least, Yuri was finally being truthful to her heart. 

"This is the time you all have been waiting for! The lucky draw! Now I am sure each of you has cast your little tab into the glass bowl right? Now now... we shall see who will be the lucky winner tonight! There are many prizes to be won!" 

"What are your numbers?" Sooyoung asked the two.

"Mine is 1205," Yuri quipped, looking at her card.

"0418," Jessica replied. 

"The first number..." G stuck his hand inside the bowl and pulled out a tab, "...0429! Congrats, you just won my autographed mug!" The bemused crowd roared into laughter. 

"That isn't an attractive prize at all..." Yuri commented. 

"Hey..." Sungmin appeared besides them along with Sunny. 

Yuri instinctively held a protective stance around Jessica. 

"Relax dude... if it hasn't been for you guys... I probably wouldn't have met Sunny..."

"So we wanted to thank you!" Sunny completed on his behalf.

"So you two are... together?" Jessica asked, amazed at the surprising turn of event.

"Yeah kinda..." 

Sunny stepped on his foot once again.

"I mean we are definitely together!" Sungmin was quick to change his words.

"Jessica, right? Alex is a good guy so be sure to treasure him!" Sunny added sweetly.

"Alex? I almost forgot..." Yuri edged further away from Jessica however the latter was much quicker.

"So that is the name you used when you are chasing other girls eh?" Jessica pulled on her ear hard.

"No no! I mean... of course not!"

The three laughed at their violent but cute interactions.

"... 0101!" 

"Hey! That's my number!!!" Sungmin raised his hand excitedly, while Sunny pulled his hand down, embarrassed by the unwanted attention he was drawing.

G caught sight of his niece trying to calm her newfound love. He chuckled with joy. 

"Congrats! You won a very special prize! A dinner invitation card to my house! Remember to bring Sunny along... If it is another woman you are bringing, you will be the dinner!" G barked into his microphone. 

"Did he won a prize or did the prize totally owned him?" Sooyoung teased.

More numbers were called and the prizes ranged from a signed photograph to a collection of G's posters, the most ridiculous being a pair of socks.

"At the rate we are going, I will be glad if I didn't win any!" Yuri stated.

"And now for the grand prize..." 

"... 1205!" 

"Crap... I spoke too soon..."

"This is a special prize! It's one half of the grand prize! Now, let's pick another number..."

"I have to share the prize with someone? What will I be getting? A single sock?" Yuri whined.

"... 0418!" 

Yuri and Jessica stared at each other. This was way too much of a coincidence.

"Ahhhh I spotted our winners! Congrats!" The spotlight shone upon the two. Two masked men approached the two quietly from behind.

"You have each won a one-day trip to Jeju island! Your personal chartered flight will be taking off in another 30 mins! Enjoy the trip!" 

"WHAT!!" They two exclaimed together. 

"I can't go! I have a meeting tomorrow with-" Yuri argued.

Her hands were pulled behind her back by G's men. She felt the cold metal and a distinct clicking sound snapped around her wrists. She was handcuffed. 

"The draw is rigged!!! You swindler!" 

She wheeled around and saw the same fate happening to Jessica.

"Yah! Let go of her!" Yuri struggled against the hold, knocking her head against the chin of the man behind her. The dull ache radiated across the top of her skull but at least she was successful. The man keeled over, clutching his lower jaw in pain.

"No time to lose! Knock him out if you have to! They have a plane to catch!" G yelled, dropping the obvious 2 entirely different numbered tabs into the bowl.

Before Yuri could charge at Jessica's 'captor', a swift karate chop struck the back of her neck, knocking her out cold instantly. 

"YUL!" Jessica was stunned by Sooyoung's action.

"That is why I always say, leave it to the professional..." Sooyoung flashed a smile as she carried Yuri on her back. 

"And don't blame me pal! I will treat you to 100 buffets in return..."

*****Chapter 15: Hearts of the Princes

She watched as his head lay comfortably on her thighs. She gently brushed his fringe away from his brows just so she could observe his full features. This, being the first time she was able to observe him up close and personal. 

"You know you don't look that handsome up close... you look... kinda feminine..." 

She remembered the tender kiss they shared a moment ago and a faint blush crept past her face. Though it was just a simple kiss, she could felt the passion conveyed across. 

She affectionately placed a bent index finger on top of his nose bridge, gently stroking it in a downward motion. This soothing action never failed to put her to sleep at ease whenever her mother does that when she was still a child.

"Such a cute sleeping expression..." 

She smiled as she noticed his little sleeping habit of sticking the tip of his tongue out as if he was having a good dream about food. Watching her prince sleeping so peacefully, her eyelids grew heavier by the seconds. 

Jessica was about to doze off when she felt him stirring. 

"Urghhh..." Yuri groaned, feeling the dull numbing ache at the base of her neck.

"How are you feeling?" A sweet caring voice came from above, her hand fondly caressing the side of his cheek.

Yuri squinted her eyes, trying to adjust to the bright light up above, only to see an angelic face looking down at her. She smiled, making a secret, greedy wish to see that face every time she wakes up. 

"Where am I?" Yuri asked, not remembering anything with her blank mind.

"We are on the plane to Jeju island."

"Jeju? Plane?" She mumbled groggily.

Ahhh... that would explain the low humming sound... engine...



Her eyes shot open widely and she froze, noticing how close Jessica's face was to hers. 

Why is she so close!

Plane? Seat? 

It took Yuri a few seconds to realise she, or her head to be precise, was lying on Jessica's thighs. Her face immediately flushed a deep crimson shade. 

"Are you ok? Your face is so red... and... hot!" Jessica asked, touching his now blushing cheek with the back of her hand.

"I-I a-am f-fine!" Yuri stuttered as she grabbed hold of Jessica's hand, surprising the girl in the process. Yuri immediately released Jessica's hand from her grasp and sat upright with a jolt, unintentionally putting an additional strain on her already sore neck. 

"Urghhh..." She held the back of her neck with a hand while repositioning herself back at her proper seat. 

That's right... I got karate-chopped by Choi Sooyoung! That fiend! 

Yuri looked around and noticed they were onboard a private jet, the royal private jet to be specific. Exactly 5 days ago, she was drugged and escorted back to Korea against her wish and now, she found herself in an almost similar plight, no thanks to the same person she called friend. Everything was a conspiracy and she wondered if Sooyoung and her brother had planned everything right from the start.

It must be it! Those two must be planning to elope! First, he comes up with the plan to disappear and she brings me back so I can handle her love rival then they can live happily ever after!!! 

"I'm gonna make a mincemeat out of her!" Yuri voiced out her thought absentmindedly, causing Jessica to stifle a laugh.

"You two seem to be quite close... even though she's supposed to be your sister's bodyguard?" 

"S-Says who!" Yuri said in a dignified tone, trying to cover up the hidden connection between her and Sooyoung. That was the last thing she wanted Jessica to link up with.

"I m-mean... we grew up t-together anyway!" Yuri continued.

"Grew up together?" Jessica repeated her words in a curious tone.

"Ya... I-I mean... Sooyoung's father, Sir Choi, is the head of royal security and we kinda grew up together..."

"It must be fun and... rowdy?" Jessica laughed, imagining a younger version of Sooyoung and Yul fighting over everything.

"Well... three's a crowd..."

"At least you had each other for company... You're very fortunate to have Sooyoung as a friend! She's a great person."

"What went on between you two? All of a sudden you are starting to sing to her praise?"

"Girls' talk and it's a secret..." Jessica teasingly mimicked the action of zipping her lips.

"Yeah... whatever..." Yuri rolled her eyes, much to the girl's amusement.


Their jaws nearly dropped as they entered their hotel suite. The whole room was decorated with fresh red roses petals and lit scented tea candles, creating a lovely romantic mood. It was almost as if this was their honeymoon suite. Yuri looked at the hotel manager blankly.

"Erm... are you sure this is the right room?"

"Yes, this is indeed the correct room. This is the card key and if there is nothing else, I shall take my leave. Have a good stay and enjoy the beautiful night," he said suggestively as he exited the room, closing the door behind them.

"Enjoy the night? You perv!" Yuri cursed mentally. She quickly threw a glance at Jessica who was still awestruck by the decoration. Thankfully she didn't catch that little innuendo. 

"Remind me to kill them when I get back..." Yuri grumbled, discarding the card key on the coffee table.

However, her words were fallen on deaf ears as Jessica has already begun exploring the various corners of the suite like an inquisitive child. 

"Such an innocent pure child..." She smiled, watching Jessica from the side. Then the full realisation of spending a day with Jessica, just with her, alone, hit in.

Yuri hung her head low, conceding to her apparent defeat.

Choi Sooyoung 1, Kwon Yuri 0


"Wow, they have prepared everything! The food, the drinks and even our clothes-" Jessica stopped short of her sentence shyly. 

Matching was the word Yuri intended to finish for her. But she didn't. Instead, she grunted, holding up the horrendous royal red pyjamas bearing the golden letterings 'Prince' at the back. Needless to say, Jessica's ones had the word 'Princess' sewn across.

"Do they need to be that obvious?" 

Yuri rummaged through the entire walk-in wardrobe, hoping to find another set of less conspicuous pyjamas but to her dismay, there was none. Instead, she found a piece of very revealing, sexy nightgown and several other matching couple outfits.

Choi Sooyoung 2, Kwon Yuri 0

"Erm... Yul..." Jessica said meekly. 

Startled, Yuri immediately hid the nightgown from plain view and turned her attention towards Jessica who was standing besides the huge frosted glass panel.

"Maybe... you should come and take a look..."

From the tone of Jessica's voice, Yuri instinctively knew that she won't like it one bit. Not a single bit. Her footsteps became heavier as she was nearing the panel, which partially separated the bedroom from the other living areas.

The bedroom was simple. 

The decor was nice.

It only had one drawback.

There was only one king-sized bed with scattered rose petals and in the middle, laid a huge heart-shaped cushion.

Choi Sooyoung 3, Kwon Yuri -1


"Why don't you take a bath first? I-I... erm... will wait for you..."

"Eh?" Jessica gave a startled response.

In her mind, hundreds of thoughts flashed past ever since she first realised there was only one bed. It certainly did not help when there were only just the two of them, alone, together in this suite obviously meant for honeymoon couples. 

"Is he planning to..."

Jessica eyed him nervously. Yuri looked up from her armchair, both her hands resting on her lower abdomen as she tapped her foot impatiently. Her stomach was starting to act up again. 

"Must be the salmon canape..." Yuri recalled Sunny fed her some during the party.

"Oh my god..."

Clearly, the sight of Yul clutching his lower abdomen, as if he was trying to hide something, together with that impatient look on his face was somewhat unnerving to the poor girl.

"No... this is not happening..."

Jessica obviously had some wandering thoughts on her mind.

"Breathe, Jessica! Breathe!"

She swallowed her nervousness.

"Is there anything wrong? Why is she looking at me as if I'm going to eat her up?" Yuri questioned mentally, noticing how pale the girl has gotten. 

"Don't tell me she is thinking of something... weird!" 

Thinking back what she had said earlier on, Yuri groaned inwardly.

"I-I m-mean... y-you can go first... I'll j-just go after y-you are done!" Yuri rephrased her earlier statement.

In a flash, the frightened girl made a quick dash into the bathroom and promptly locked it tight. 

"Just don't take too long..." Yuri whimpered as her poor stomach growled in protest. 


Jessica laid her back against the locked door, feeling her racing heart pounding against her chest wildly. For a moment she had thought Yul was going to...

"Ahhhh!" She buried her face into the pile of pyjamas on her hand in embarrassment. She can't believe that thought actually came across her mind.

Come on Jessica... you liked him...

But that doesn't mean I have to do it!

It will happen eventually...

Says who!

You two have already kissed...

That doesn't mean anything!

You liked the kiss...

But still!

You liked him so why reject him...

I didn't!

So do it then...


Perplexed, she immediately stepped into the shower area, still fully clothed, and turned the valve, letting the cold water pelt down through the rain shower head up above. 


As the passing seconds became minutes, Yuri grew restless. She stared at the wall clock. It has been more than thirty minutes since Jessica has stepped into the bathroom. Clutching her tummy in pain, she staggered into the bedroom. Maybe there was some medication available in the drawers. 

First drawer. A bible.

Second drawer. Nothing.

She walked over to the other drawer at the opposite end of the end. 

First drawer. A silver wrapper. 

Thinking it could be a sachet for indigestion powder, Yuri took it out from the drawer. Upon closer inspection, she realised it was an unopened pack of condom. 

"What the... why is this doing here?!" Yuri muttered under her breath. Sooyoung would never have arranged for this. The earlier conversation with the hotel manager then struck her. 

"They must have thought we are newly wed..." 

Yuri laughed, thinking of the ridiculous idea. Then, she stopped as a sudden frightening thought flashed past.

"If Jessica sees this, she is gonna think I'm a pervert and starts beating me up again!" 

"I'm done!" A sudden voice called out from behind, giving Yuri a big shock. She turned around immediately, only to see Jessica dressed in her royal red pyjama with a wet towel draped over her head, wiping her wet hair dry. The sensual, gorgeous sight to behold caused a slight flutter in her heart. Her mind was no longer functioning.

"Breathe, Yuri! Breathe!"

"What are you holding?" Jessica asked innocently.

Yuri's eyes travelled downward to the object in her hand and immediately hid it behind her back. 


However, it was too late. The appalled expression on the girl's face has already spelled out her impending fate. Jessica has seen the offending object in his hand.

"No... I can explain! It's not-"


A loud slap resounded across the suite.


Yuri looked at her reflection through the bathroom mirror, sighing non-stop. A red palm shaped mark was still glowing on her left cheek. 

"I can't believe my luck!" She rubbed her swollen cheek indignantly.

She had everything she wanted throughout the 20 years of her life. 

No one dared to refuse her.

No one dared to argue with her. 

No one dared to scold her.

No one dared to hit her.

No one... except Jessica Jung Sooyeon who has, amazingly, managed to land her slaps every single day ever since she met her. 

"5 slaps! 5 slaps!"

Yuri counted every slap she has received over the span of just 4 days. 

First slap - airport disaster. 

"Ok, that's my mistake..."

Second slap - bed disaster. 

"Now, that's not my mistake!"

Third slap - garden disaster. 

"I don't even know what happened!"

Fourth slap - kissing disaster. 

"Ok, I asked for that..."

Fifth slap - silver wrapper disaster. 


"I can't believe I'm in love with a slapping freak! Is she like... some kind of street fighter character?" 

The fat sumo wrestler, E. Honda, from the famous Street Fighters series came to her mind. He had a signature move - Hyaku Retsu Harite or the Hundred Hand Slap

Still facing her reflection, and being in the only place where she could be herself, Yuri made a childish pout. 

Jessica Jung Sooyeon 5, Kwon Yuri -5


"I can't believe it! He pretended he knew nothing about this secret trip! He had an ulterior motive!" Jessica huffed angrily, throwing fists at the innocent pillow while sitting on the white fluffy bed.

She stared intently at the walkway leading to the bathroom. If that guy was planning anything weird, Jessica made sure she would be ready to attack him with the moves she learnt from Sooyoung just today. 

"Sooyoung... erm... do you know some basic defensive skill? I want to learn some so I... erm... well, I can protect myself... you know how- ... well, girls should always learn to defend themselves!" Jessica declared with pride. 

Sooyoung raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, of course! Come on, teach me some! Pleaseeeeeee~"

"Well, I guess it won't hurt to learn some..."

Jessica swung her arms in a seemingly skilful move, her fingers clawed inwardly, adopting the Tiger fist stance from watching those Kung fu movies in the past. She then brushed her thumb against the tip of her nose, mimicking Bruce Lee's signature move, while remaining seated on the bed.

A moment later, she gave up, throwing her back against the soft bed. She was pretty sure Sooyoung did not teach her those extra moves. 

"All you need to do, is to kick hard at the place where it would hurt the most..."


"Forget about the reverse arm lock technique or counter technique. That would take you ages to learn. Your safest bet would be to take down your assailant in the fastest, swiftest way possible. And one kick is all it takes..."

"Just one kick..." Jessica mumbled, gritting her teeth. She was all prepared and ready.


Her whole body was aching all over as she gingerly removed her clothing. Through the full-length mirror, she could clearly see the extent of her injuries obtained from the fall. Cuts and bruises littered her back. She gently massaged the nearest bruise she could reach and whined at its soreness.

"I could really use some full body massage right now..."

She then turned her attention to her hand. She groaned inwardly at the sight of her bloodied stitched wound after discarding the soiled bandage.

"I hope it wouldn't affect my future violin playing..."

She then entered the shower stall and turned on the valve gingerly. When the water touched her, especially the exposed cuts, Yuri swore several curse words at the stinging pain and it didn't help when the cuts on her back were definitely out of her reach for application of the medicinal cream after her shower. 

It took her almost an hour before she stepped out of the bathroom, all her reachable wounds now cleansed and self-treated.

"Ahhhhhh... that's one refreshing bath after all!" Yuri stretched her hands lazily. At least the hot water bath did relieve her aching body. Interestingly enough, the royal red pyjama was amazingly comfortable despite her disdain at the golden letterings, which made her looked like rapper wannabe, minus those gold chains. 

A cold wave of air rushed past her, causing her to shiver slightly. The air conditioning was on full blast. She instinctively held her arms closer to her body, keeping herself warm as she hurried her steps towards the bedroom. 

She stopped dead in her track, just inches away from the glass panel that separated her from a possible disaster. Previous experiences have taught her a lesson. 

"E. Honda alert!" Yuri reminded herself. The last thing she wanted to end her day with was yet another undeserving slap from the love of her life.

Yuri treaded towards the bedroom cautiously, peering her head out from the safety zone just behind the frosted glass panel. There Jessica was, laying sprawled on her back with one arm held over her head. She has long drifted off to her dreamland after a mere thirty minutes wait. That was so much for her self-defence stance. 

"Aish, that girl..." Yuri muttered under her breath as she quietly approached the sleeping girl who has kicked the blanket off, leaving herself exposed to the cold air. 

"She is going to catch a cold..." Careful not to disturb the girl in her sleep, Yuri gently covered Jessica up with the blanket, making sure the girl was warmly tucked in. Noticing the sleeping girl's arm was out in the open, Yuri bent down and stretched out across the girl to reach her arm. Just as Yuri was about to touch the girl's arm, Jessica suddenly mumbled in her sleep, causing Yuri to freeze her action and looked down at the girl. Their faces were just inches apart once again and Yuri felt her heart came to a stop when Jessica moved her lips in an unintended sensual way. 

She stared blankly at the sleeping girl just below her for a long while until she remembered how to breathe once again. She finally knew the reason why she has fallen in love with Jessica. It was a simple reason; her heart only beat for her now.

It took her a while before she eventually tore her vision away from the sleeping girl. Even though the bed was huge enough for her to sleep on, Yuri decided against sleeping on the bed. After all, she was supposed to be a guy and she certainly did not want to be mistaken as a pervert despite doing absolutely nothing wrong.

Gathering up the pillow on her side of the bed, she walked back over to the sleeping girl and planted a light goodnight kiss on Jessica's forehead before heading back outside to the sofa - her bed for tonight.


With a old childhood photo in hand, he took a final look around his vacation apartment, a place where he have stayed for the past few days trying to avoid the whole situation with the marriage issue.

He held up the photo, smiling as he looked at the three little kids in the photo. He fondly remembered their younger days. 

Three rowdy kids growing up in the strict palace... 

Three rowdy elementary students playing in the same school...

Three rowdy teenagers fighting all day long...

Little by little, he slowly realised the existence of this very special person who made his heart beat in a way never before. It almost seemed as if his heart was linked to her emotions. When she was sad, his heart would cry. When she was happy, his heart would laugh. And when she was hungry, his heart would order him to find food.

If only he had confessed to her the entire time she was around, perhaps things would have turned out the way he wanted.

"You don't have to marry her... why not persuade your parents or let them know about this special person?" 

"There's no way they would agree to it..." 

"Well, then find a way." 

"That is easier said than done!"

"Yah! What ever happened to the one who told Yuri and me about chasing after our own dreams?"

Her words replayed in his head continuously for the past few hours. He picked up his backpack and carried over his shoulder.

"Choi Sooyoung... you told me to find a way, to fight for my happiness, to fight for the girl I love..."

There was only one thing left for him to do as he stepped out of the apartment. 

"This time, I will fight for you!" Yul said in a determined voice.



Yuri turned over and snuggled her legs up to her chest, cuddling herself closer for more warmth. The air condition vent was directly above the sofa, blowing the cold air right unto her sleeping body.

"Choi Sooyoung... did you lower the air con in the middle of the night... it's winter in New York you stupid idiot..." Yuri mumbled incoherently in her sleep, shivering at the coldness.

She opened her eyes groggily and frowned when she realised she had fell asleep on the sofa. 

"Must be a boring late night show..."

She sat up for five seconds and still in her grogginess and natural sleep instinct, she took her pillow along, as she stumbled back to her bedroom, of course, not without accidents. She bumped into a chair on the way and nearly fell flat unto the carpeted floor.

"Stupid Sooyoung... why did you change the furniture arrangement while I was asleep?"

After a few knocks and bumps, Yuri succeeded climbed up onto her soft fluffy bed and cuddled warmly under the thick blanket. 

"Ahhhh... this is so much better..." 

She slowly drifted back to her dreamland, this time, along with the sleeping girl right beside her in bliss.


~Love-O-Meter 100%~

MC Tiffany: Hello everyone, welcome to our new variety show - Love-O-Meter 100%! I'm your host, Tiffany and this is my co-host, Taeyeon! 

MC Taeyeon: Ppani ah! I'm so happy to be hosting this new show with you! Come come, let Byuntaeng give you a hug!

MC Tiffany: Ah! Tete, no no! We're on the show now!

MC Taeyeon: Aish... you are no fun!

MC Tiffany: We can have fun later... later I promise... now we gotta host the show! 

MC Taeyeon: Ok, you promised! (switches to full MC mode) Hello everybody! Welcome to Love-O-Meter 100%! A game show where our guests will be put through a series of test and at the end of the show, if our Love-O-Meter (points to the big meter) reaches 100%, they will walk away with a grand prize sponsored by the famous image consultant G! (claps)

MC Tiffany: (cheers delightfully) Tete, woohoo, great introduction!

MC Taeyeon: Of course, my dear mushroom!

Choki: STOP YOUR FLIRTING AND GET UNTO THE SHOW ALREADY!!! (waves the roll of paper menacingly)

MC Tiffany: (teary eyes) producer is angwreeee

MC Taeyeon: Ppani ah! Don't cry! We'll just ignore the producer.

Choki: Ahem... there I was thinking of adding a TaeNy scene in the actual storyline and now, lemme take back my consideration...

MC Taeyeon: No, you wouldn't... (glares)

Choki: Oh yeah? Try me...

MC Tiffany: (eye smiles) producer choki, smile!

Choki: *(x_x)* Of course, you will be in! (wades away dazed)

MC Taeyeon: Wow talk about power, now that's some real impressive power... Alright, back to show. Tonight, our special guests are a royal couple! When I mean royal, they are really royal. 

MC Tiffany: Let's put our hands together to welcome His Royal Highness Crown Prince Yul and Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Jessica!

"Please Applause" sign lights up. 

Yuri: (takes in a deep breathe) Hello...

Jessica: (nudges Yul gently) Why are you so nervous?

Yuri: I just... have... very bad experience with that... weird... machine...

Jessica: What machine? What happened?

Yuri: Well... erm... I don't wanna recall how I survived that 20 hours torture...

Jessica: (scratches head) oooook...

MC Tiffany: Ahhhhhh~ he is soooo Chu♥!

MC Taeyeon: Chu♥? What the heck is Chu♥? 

MC Tiffany: (sighs) Kissable! Don't you find Prince Yul kissable? He's sooooo dreamy~ (sighs)

MC Taeyeon: Hmmm, now that you mention... Prince Yul is really my kind of dream guy...

MC Tiffany: Tete! How could you! (pouts)

MC Taeyeon: Huh? Ppani ah~ you know... it's just-

Producer signals wildly at the side to get start with the show...

MC Taeyeon: (engrish) OK OK I got it~ 

MC Tiffany: (shakes head) Tete... 

MC Taeyeon: Ahem... Ok, please take a seat...

YulSic sit together in a heart-shaped sofa while TaeNy sit together in the opposite sofa.

MC Tiffany: Prince Yul, are you ok? You kinda looked pale...

Yuri: (looks around nervously, making sure the sofa is really just a sofa)

Jessica: Erm, don't have to worry about him. He's just being paranoid...

Yuri: I-I... please, no tickling!!! 

TaeNy: Huh??? 

Jessica: (smacks Yul's head) Get a grip of yourself!!!

Yuri: (T_T) Street fighter...

MC Taeyeon: Ooooook... alright so let's start the game show! Your objective is to reach 100% on the Love-O-Meter. Our live audience and staff will be grading your answer to the question, according to how 'Love' and 'True' they feel your answers are... And without further ado, our first question~ 

(Drum rolls)

MC Tiffany: When and Where was your first kiss?

Yuri: (gulps) WHAT!?!?

MC Taeyeon: Don't behave like you've never kissed before!

Jessica: First kiss? But there's so many-

MC Taeyeon: Many times!!!! 

Yuri: I mean- erm... what do you mean by first kiss? There are-

MC Tiffany: Many times!!! (chuckles)

MC Taeyeon: Alright alright... the very first time your lips touch with pure passion! Accidental kiss not included!

Yuri: (looks nervously at Jessica) Then I guess... it must be the masquerade party...

Jessica: Well, it isn't that passionate or something...

MC Tiffany: (spazz mode) Who initiated the kiss!!!

MC Taeyeon: Who! Who? Who!? (excited)

Jessica: (points to Yul shyly) Ask him...

Yuri: Eh?! (TaeNy glare) Erm... I-I am the one...

MC Taeyeon: Tongue? Tongue! Tongue?

Jessica: Hell NO!!!

Yuri: It's just a pure innocent kiss!!! I wouldn't wanna risk my tongue being bitten off!

Jessica: Hey! (slaps Yul's hand) are you saying I bite?!

MC Tiffany: That sounds kinda wrong...

MC Taeyeon: Wrong! Wrong? Wrong!

MC Tiffany: And our audience gives it a...

Love-O-Meter fills up to 30%

MC Taeyeon: Congrats! Just the first question and you have reached 30%! I have faith in our royal couple, reaching 100% today!!!

MC Tiffany: Next question! Who is the dominant one in the relation!

MC Taeyeon: That's a DUH question! Of course it is Prince-

Yuri: She is... (points at Jessica)

Jessica: What? Hey, you are the guy!

Yuri: But you beat me up like nobody business...

Jessica: What? That's cos you're a pervert!

Yuri: What?!? Since when???

Jessica: You grabbed my chest the first time we met and you stole my first kiss- (holds back her tongue)

Yuri: First kiss?... You mean... that was your first kiss?!? 

Jessica: (slaps Yul) JERK!

MC Taeyeon: Woah... that's kinda... well-

MC Tiffany: We certainly know for sure who's the dominant one eh?

MC Taeyeon: Yeah... come to think of it... Ppani ah... who's dominant? Me or you?

MC Tiffany: Me of course!

MC Taeyeon: (laughs) Nah, it is me!

MC Tiffany: (whines) WHY!??!?

Choki: AHEM!!!

MC Taeyeon: OK OK I got it... let's take a look at the Love-O-Meter

Love-O-Meter fills to 80%

MC Tiffany: WOW... it seems like the audience really likes the violence in the story...

MC Taeyeon: Let's do a poll then! Should we add another slapping scene into the story? 

MC Tiffany: Please write into Love-O-Meter 100% and give your vote!

Yuri: What kind of poll is that!? Does that mean if they want more, I am going to endure another slap!!

MC Taeyeon: Yeah! That's the whole point!

Yuri: That's not the point. So what? If they want more kiss scene, I am going to kiss her more???

Jessica: Stop inputting ideas into their minds!

MC Taeyeon: OOOOOO that's workable too! Poll no. 2... simple write into Love-O-Meter 100%, Should we add in another kissing scene?

Yuri: WHAT!?

MC Tiffany: You would like that right? Romantic kiss!

MC Taeyeon: COME ON! Tongue action!!!

Jessica: (blushes madly)

Yuri: I give up...

Love-O-Meter shoots up to 101%

MC Taeyeon: Oh wow... 101%!!! You two have broken the record! 

MC Tiffany: Congrats! (shakes the royal couple's hands earnestly)

Yuri: Something tells me... something bad is going to happen...

Jessica: Why?

Yuri: G's special prize... I just have a bad feeling...

MC Tiffany: And as a special prize... we present...

MC Taeyeon: G's autographed set of 2 matching G strings!!!

Yuri: ...

Jessica: ...

MC Taeyeon: Why not wear it on your date?

MC Tiffany: Tete... stop teasing them! 

MC Taeyeon: Ok ok I got it! Alright, that's the end of our show! Please give us lotsa of love and do remember to vote! Although, the evil producer might disregard the result! Tsk tsk such an evil producer...

*****Chapter 16: Love Grows

The gentle rays of morning sun shone into the suite through the wide clear window. The rising sun was already starting the day for most of the Jeju islanders and tourists alike... except for the two sleepyheads, buried under the warmth of the woollen blanket.

Despite having the thick woollen blanket, the slender girl was still feeling the chill, especially on her exposed arm, which she habitually placed above her head during her sleep. Instinctively, she pulled that arm down and snuggled up to the big soft toy she has been hugging to sleep every night since she was five. The warmth from the teddy bear was cozy. 


But wait... when did Mr Bear become so... different?

A warm heat along with a nice scent was emitting from the bear she was cuddling. Slightly baffled, Jessica groped around the side of the teddy bear, still with her eyes closed, only to feel the touch of her beloved bear very different from her memory. Then a muzzy grumble quickly ensued. Teddy bears certainly do not grumble and definitely do not move on its' own.

Jessica opened her eyes lazily. Instead of the smiling silly face of Mr Bear, a soundly sleeping familiar face greeted her. Her eyes widened with shock instantly. It took her another second to fully realise that they were once again, sharing a bed and most importantly, she was hugging him the way she hugged Mr Bear.

She raised her hand as if it was her nature instinct to beat the crap out of Yul again for being on the same bed with her. However, she jolted away from Yul instead, accidentally kicking him in the process, causing him to stir in his sleep. Jessica held as still as possible as the sleeping prince mumbled intangibly and then all of a sudden, he flipped his arm over, pinning the girl down. His face was just inches away from Jessica's.

As though fate had reversed, Jessica was now the wide-awakened one staring at the sleeping prince, in stark contrast to the first time they shared a bed by accident.

Her heart raced as she felt the prince pulling her closer. She did not know how to respond it this situation. 

Slap him! Slap him! But he's just sleeping...

Their faces were edging closer and closer. 

The sound of her heartbeat was getting louder and louder.

His cute appearance was distracting her from everything.

Think, Jessica! Think!

Maybe it was the lovely scent of the scattered rose petals.

Maybe it was the lovingly atmosphere of the room.

Maybe it was just her personal desire.

Jessica knew she was definitely not thinking straight, nor did her brain went through the thinking process when all she did, was to lean forward to capture his lips with hers.

The prince responded to the kiss groggily while Jessica pressed on eagerly, brushing her thumbs on his cheeks, positioning his head proper while hers towered above, all done without breaking the kiss.

Yuri slowly opened her eyes at the unexpected yet pleasing intrusion. She was surprised to find herself kissing and being kissed by Jessica.

What did I do again? I didn't have any weird dreams, did I?

The kiss was getting a little more intense than usual. It certainly did not seem to her that she was the one who started it all.

Yuri asked no further question when Jessica ran her slender fingers down to her neck while other one tugged her ear playfully, tickling all her senses. Yuri simply did what she ought to; she returned the kiss with more passion as her hands snaked its way up on Jessica's back, tugging the girl closer to her. 

The two kissed for the longest possible time until breathing became a necessity. They eventually broke apart, each gasping breathlessly at their mind-blowing kiss. Their eyes met briefly, noticing how red their faces have become, before looking away shyly.

"G-Good m-morning..." Yuri greeted clumsily with a silly grin plastered on her face.

That was a one hell of a good way to start a fresh day.


The young royal couple entered the hotel restaurant; hand in hand with fingers intertwined lovingly. They were dressed in their matching couple t-shirts. Jessica's shirt was printed with a 'Keep off Ladies, He's Mine' while Yuri's one had 'Stop drooling Guys, She's all Mine' printed in bold. Their lovable action caused a sensation in the restaurant as the ladies, young and old, swooned with envy at how lucky Jessica was while the men gritted their teeth, either jealous at how their wives and girlfriends were looking at handsome young lad or mad at how fortunate the young lad was to have such a pretty companion. 

When the pair realised all the others' eyes were set upon them, they hurried to an empty table near the window. 

"Wow, this place is beautiful..." Jessica said as she looked out through the glass window at the natural lush greenery of Jeju, while Yuri's gaze remained solely on the girl. 

"This is your first time here?"

"Yeah, I have only visited Korea once when I was very young. Do you come here often?"

"Just twice." 

"Sir, may I take your orders?" A young waitress appeared besides Yuri.

"Can I have a two breakfast set? And a cafe Americano for the beautiful lady here." Yuri requested charmingly, causing both Jessica and the waitress to blush. 

"R-Right away, S-Sir!"

Once the waitress left, Jessica turned towards Yul.

"How do you know I like Americano?" 

"Just a random guess... you lived in the United States your entire life, it must have been an acquired taste."

The two continued their conversation as their breakfast was served, intermixed with some funny stories the two shared about growing up in their entirely different environments.

"So you actually fought with Sooyoung when you were younger?" 

"Countless of times! She even gave me a black eye during one of our fights."

"What were you two arguing over?"

"My stupid bro-... s-sister!" Yuri stuttered when she almost let slip of her tongue during their relaxing talk. 

"Your sister? What's about your sister?" Jessica said amused.

"Hmmm, this scrambled egg is real delicious," Yuri said, putting a spoonful in her mouth as she tried diverting the other girl's attention. 

"Why is it whenever I mention about your sister, you'd avoid answering?"

"I..wuf..dint.." Yuri answered with a mouthful of food, gobbling another piece of sausage, avoiding her gaze wisely.

"Are you hiding something?" Jessica asked with furrowed brow. 

Yuri shook her head fervently, "You're thinking too much..."

"Oh really? You're so mysterious... I didn't know you could play the violin so well... and I thought your twin was the one who plays the violin?" Jessica chuckled. 

Yuri nearly choked on the clunk of sausage she was trying to chew. 

"Guess it's all in the genes," Jessica continued, adding her own explanation to her question. 

Jessica returned the attention to her plate of food, not realising Yuri was thinking deep into her previous question. Tomorrow would be the day of the royal 'engagement' and Yuri certainly did not feel good to be lying to the person she loved. She hated the feeling of deceiving Jessica by pretending to be her brother, a Prince she could never be. But at the same time she was afraid. She was afraid that she would lose her once the truth was out. 

"What are the qualities in a person that attracts you?" 

"Kind, caring and most importantly, honesty!"


"Yes, no lies."

"What if that person has to lie for a reason? I m-mean... he has no choice but to lie... but it is all with good intention!"

"Lie is still a lie, no matter how good the intention was..." 

There was no debate. Jessica detested liars and Yuri knew it. She gazed at the fair girl who's happily enjoying her cup of Americano.

"Maybe... I should tell her the truth... today?"


"That was a good breakfast!" Jessica chirped merrily as she skipped down the flight of stairs, ahead of the prince. 

"So where are we going today? Exploring Jeju?" She turned her head, only to see him walking down the stairs leisurely. She pouted childishly as she climbed back and held his hand, pulling him down briskly.

"What's the rush? We have all the time in the world to ourselves today."

"But there are so much things I want to see today!" Jessica cooed in a cute fashion. 

"Alright, alright, you win." Yuri gave in to her demand. Upon seeing Jessica's smiling face, Yuri couldn't help but to give her a quick peck on the cheek, causing the shorter girl to be stunned momentarily. She took the chance to break away from Jessica's hold and skipped a few steps down to the foot of the stairs.

"What're you waiting for?" Yuri taunted teasingly as she readied her running stance. 

"What's the rush?" said Jessica in arrogance as she took her own sweet time to walk down the stairs. 

Confused by the girl's nonchalant reaction, Yuri straightened her back, watching as Jessica eventually reached the same ground as her. Before she knew it, Jessica dashed ahead in front of her.

"Loser will have to listen to the winner the entire day!" Jessica shouted back cheekily.

"Hey! That's cheating!" Yuri yelled back as she started sprinting towards the lobby, not wanting to back down on a challenge.


"I-I.... won!" Jessica exclaimed excitedly, catching a deep breath immediately. 

"No... it's m-me!" Yuri rebutted the claim, breathing hard as well as she placed a hand on top of the reception counter. 

The two had run all the way, reaching almost exactly at the same time.

"So who won!?" Jessica placed her hand on top of the desk, demanding from the poor receptionist who jumped in fright at the sudden order. He wisely pointed his trembling finger at the girl. Yuri stared with disbelief at the one who ratted her out. 

"See... I won!" Jessica said smugly. 

"By... cheating!" Yuri snorted.

"I don't care... I've won... and you'll listen to... me!" Jessica shot back with a deadly glare, causing the taller girl to flinch. Jessica was certainly the dominant one in the relationship.

"A drink to quench?" The receptionist held two glasses of water shakily in front of the couple. Upon seeing the frightened expression on the guy's face, the couple suppressed their laughter as they took up his goodwill. Yuri was drinking from the glass when a voice greeted from the side.

"Ahhh, Mr and Mrs Kwon, there you are!" 

Yuri immediately sprayed out a mist of water onto the face of the poor unsuspecting receptionist while a certain 'Mrs Kwon' blushed madly.

"I'm sooo sorry!" Yuri said apologetically while the water slowly dripped down his face.

"Oh, it's ok, Mr Kwon... Eunhyuk, you'd better go wash up." A bespectacled man ordered. It was the manager from last night.

"The special arrangement is done," he winked cheerfully. 

"What s-special arrangement!?" Yuri asked warily. The 'special' unnecessary arrangement last night had cost her an unwarranted slap, and definitely by no means was she planning to receive her sixth slap.

"The car you requested is all ready. This way please!" The manager led them towards the hotel entrance where a black Porsche Boxster was parked. 

"Mrs Kwon, please allow me!" The bellboy ushered the girl into the car. She would definitely need to get used to the naming she would be hearing a lot once they get married. With that thought in mind, Jessica's face exploded into a tomato red shade.

Before Yuri moved, the manager gently pulled her to a side.

"You'll find what you need in the front compartment." He whispered to Yuri who went wide-eyed upon his declaration. She reacted instantly, grabbing his suit collar. 

"Are you trying to kill me?!?" 

"M-Mr Kwon! Y-You must have m-mistaken!"

"Thanks to your special arrangement last night, I was slapped!" Yuri gritted her teeth. 

"Y-You mean Mrs Kwon didn't like it?"

"Not-A-Single-Bit." Yuri articulated each word clearly. 

"I thought you all needed some protection and-" The manager kept his mouth shut, seeing Yuri's increasingly angry expression.

"But rest assured, there is absolutely nothing naughty in the car! It's just a map your friend has prepared!" He responded with a weak laugh. 

"If I find anything, you'll be dead," Yuri said in a menacing voice as she let go of his collar. The manager quickly straightened the creases formed on his shirt.

"Have a nice day!" The manager waved before turning around and ran for his poor life. 

"What took you so long?" Jessica asked just as Yuri settled down in the driving seat.

"Just a little chat with the manager..."

"Hmmm so, where to?"

"Darn... should I trust that guy?" Yuri held a brief inner struggle. He has mentioned a map prepared by a friend. It was most likely from Sooyoung and G. Now the problem was, could she trust them?

"Ahhh screw it!" If there was anyone she could trust her life on, it was Sooyoung. 

Yuri reached forward to the compartment in front of the passenger seat and took out the map. A small note dropped on her lap when she opened the map guide. 

A map for you to plan your route!

You think I'm going to plan it for you?

No way am I going to do that for you!

You gotta win the girl's heart yourself!

Good luck, Mr Kwon. 


She recognised those handwritings. It was Sooyoung's. 


The tall girl sat down on the empty table outside the ice cream parlour. 

"Aish... such a warm day." 

She looked at her wristwatch while licking the ice cream, which has began melting almost immediately under the hot sun. 

"By this time, they should be on their little road trip..."

Beaming with satisfaction, she relaxed into her seat, enjoying the cooling fan and her day off. The street was relatively quiet with a few couples and students passing by once in a while. Suddenly the idea of having an entire day to herself seemed boring. There was no one she could laugh with, no one she could argue with and no one she could eat with. 

If only there was someone there for her. Someone whom she can laugh with, someone whom she can argue with and someone whom she can eat with.

Sooyoung sighed softly, thinking when would she ever find that special person to bring her on a little road trip. She closed her eyes for a short rest. Then something cold was pressed against her cheek. Sooyoung gave a surprised yelp. Her eyes jolted wide awake, only to find herself looking straight into a face she recognised immediately despite the Oakley shades he was wearing. 

"What is my sister's bodyguard doing here? Is the bed in the palace that uncomfortable?" The man said, offering the girl the chilled can of coke he used to tease her a moment ago.

"YUL!? You're back!?"

"Where is my stupid sister?"



Yuri sneezed for the third consecutive time. 

"Someone must be cursing me..."


Jessica laughed over his fourth sneeze and illogical explanation.

"Silly, you're just catching a cold."

She grabbed a few sheets of tissue and wiped his dripping nose tenderly while his hands remained on the steering wheel. They were on the way to their first destination, which Jessica has insisted on.

"Who says I'm catching a cold? I'm as strong as a bear!" Yuri stated with pride. If there was anything she was proud of, it was her healthy lifestyle. For the record, she has not caught a cold in the past three years in America. 

"A teddy bear you mean," Jessica mocked.

"Yes, yes... and we are on the way to see more..." Yuri spoke in the same manner as the other girl.

They continued with their harmless squabbling until a distinctive cone-shaped glass roof came into view.

"Our first stop, Teddy Bear Museum!" Yuri introduced the renowned museum proudly.


"She's on a vacation trip with Jessica?" Yul repeated the exact answer Sooyoung gave.

"You haven't answered my question! What are you doing back here?" 

"To do what I'm supposed to do right from the start," he replied coolly, taking a sip of the chilled drink.

"Which is?" Sooyoung asked. She suspected it had to do with the talk they had last night. What surprised her was the quickness of his sudden reappearance. Instead of answering her question, Yul simply stood up and grabbed her hand, surprising her. 

"Let's go on a date!" Yul winked.



"Awww~ so cute!"

"That two bears are doing that flying scene on Titanic! How cute!" The shorter girl squealed excitedly in front of the glass display.

Yuri smiled and nodded at every single comment Jessica made ever since they entered the museum, home to an impressive variety of teddy bears.

"You really like teddy bears, don't you?" 

"Of course!" 

"So, what's your favourite you have seen so far?"

"They are all so cute... but nothing beats Mr Bear!" She answered with pride. Yuri knew the girl was referring to the big black teddy bear she owned. 

"It's a pity we didn't bring a camera along, otherwise we would have taken a lot of pictures with these teddy bears. I could have shown these pictures to my sister," Jessica sighed. Yuri sensed her disappointment easily.

"So sorry for the disruption but I need to go to the washroom!" Yuri announced abruptly as they moved to the next display area.

"Haha, silly, you don't have to apologise for that!" 

"Erm... I'll be back in a short while... don't wander too far away!" With that, Yuri quickly excused herself. "Now, where is that souvenir shop..."

Jessica continued to wander around the area as she waited for his return. A couple more interesting exhibitions caught her interest, namely the Normandy Beach invasion, and other World War II historical events.

"What's taking him so long?" She eyed the big clock decorated with miniature bears mounted on the wall.

Fifteen minutes has passed and there was no sight of him.

"Say cheese!" A voice came from behind. She turned around, only to see the prince holding a disposable camera and a quick shutter sound was heard. 

"That must be a real candid shot! But of course, we can only see it once it's developed," said Yuri. The shorter girl looked at him and noticed the sweat beads forming on his forehead. 

Yuri had run all the way to and fro the souvenir store, just to get hold of a camera. A digital camera was near impossible so she had to settle for the next best option. Despite that, disposable camera had its charms. The film-based camera added a tinge of mystery since there was no way to preview the pictures until it has been properly developed. This was something which modern digital technology sacrificed for. 

"If one disposable camera isn't enough, I bought a whole bag of it!" Yuri dangled the paper bag in front of the moved girl who's on the verge of bursting her tears' bank.

"You're making such an ugly face!" Yuri reacted instantly, taking another quick snapshot. She was trying to make Jessica laugh but to the contrary, the girl cried instead.

"Woah... what's wrong? Ok ok, I will destroy those unglamorous pictures." 

"Why are you... so good to me?"

"Eh? You're crying because of that!?"

Jessica didn't reply as she continued tearing to the prince's touching action.

Yuri placed a hand on top of the crying girl's head and whispered softly into her ear, "Silly girl, you won the race. I have to do everything you asked. And other than you, who else can I be good to?"


"Ahhh this is real good!" Sooyoung complimented as the slice of tender grilled wagyu beef satisfied her craving for grilled meat.

Yul sat opposite her, smiling seeing that the girl obviously enjoyed the dishes. 

"I missed Korean food so I brought you along. Food is best eaten with a companion who knows it the best!"

"Well... said," she replied with her mouth full, inciting a laugh from the prince who enjoyed watching a contented Sooyoung.

"Where shall we go next?"


"Today's your day off and no one else knows I'm back... it's not every day I can just enjoy myself without restriction. So what's stopping me?"


"No buts! Hey, let's go watch some movies! It has been a long time since I walked into a cinema along with the general public!" Yul suggested enthusiastically. 

Not wanting to ruin his high spirit, Sooyoung nodded and went with his idea. Perhaps it was starting to be a good day off. 


A huge crowd of tourists from all over the world was congregating at one of Jeju famous beaches, the Hyeopjae Beach, renowned for its clear waters and shimmering sands. Underneath one of the many huge umbrellas, sat the royal couple on a picnic mat, enjoying their cooling limejuice and sandwiches, bought from a nearby restaurant.

"I found a waterproof camera from the pile you bought!" Jessica held up her find proudly after rummaging through the assortment of disposable cameras Yuri had bought. She has been patiently trying to sort out the various types of cameras suited for different venues.

A mischievous plan quickly formed on the prankster's mind. 

"Ouch!" Yuri clutched her left eye in pain, startling Jessica.

"What's wrong?"

"Something went into my eye..." 

Jessica responded quickly as she placed the camera down on the mat. Kneeling down besides the prince, she held Yuri's face with her palms, gently blowing the irritant off.

"Better?" Jessica continued the blowing action; unwary of one of Yuri's hands grabbing the camera secretly and the other one hovering just inches away from her waist. In a swift action, Yuri hoisted the oblivious girl over her left shoulder, causing the girl to yelp in surprise. Yuri quickly sprinted towards the crystal clear waters with arduous effort as her strength was clearly not sufficient to support Jessica's weight on top of her violent struggling despite the girl's slim frame. 

"Kwon Yul!!! You trickster!" Jessica shrieked along the way, fully aware of his devious plan to dump her into the waters. She threw a quick fury of punches on the prankster's back, causing Yuri to bellow as Jessica hit one of her healing wounds. Onlookers nearby simply watched on, puzzled by their actions.

A moment later, after a gruelling run and a sore back, Yuri finally reached the waters' edge. 

"Say your last wish!" 

"Kwon Yul, you better put me down right now! N.O.W! NOW!"

"Ok! You said so." 

Yuri let go of her grip and was about to throw the girl off her shoulder into the cool waters when Jessica hooked her left arm around his neck. Their delicate balance was thrown off as a result, sending both of them sprawling down into the waters. The two lay in an awkward position with Yuri crouching on all fours over the drenched girl who had a palm wrapping around Yuri's neck - a resultant slip of her arm hook during the fall. Meanwhile, Yuri had Jessica trapped with her arms propped off the wet sand on both sides of her slender body. 

They exchanged glances and Yuri felt her heart skipping several beats when Jessica cupped her face with one hand and pulled her down closer with the other hand placed behind her neck. 

Yuri closed her eyes and leaned in for an anticipated kiss. But instead, she felt a strong sideway push on her face and before she could react to the unanticipated move, her mouth tasted the salty seawater. 

Jessica has taken the advantage to push his head aside into the waters in a playful retaliation. 

A small wave crashed onto them, allowing the weaker Jessica to roll Yuri over. She quickly straddled over the now drenched prince, making him trapped beneath in a total reversal situation. One thing for sure, healing wounds and saltwater doesn't go hand in hand with each other. The small cuts began to sting a little, but it was quickly thrown out of her mind when Jessica started to tickle her. 

"Revenge time!" Jessica tickled the trapped prince by the sides relentlessly. She was not planning to give in easily now that she has gained the upper hand. 

"Arghhhhhh! Stop! Hahahaha!" Yuri begged desperately as she wriggled her body out from the deadly trap. 

In the meantime, Jessica was having a great fun, watching the squirming prince thrashing around. She smirked, finally discovering his weak point. The never-ending tickling was gradually making Yuri weak all over. In her last-ditch to re-establish the Kwons' pride - a poor excuse she came up with, Yuri lunged forward, ending her torment with another passionate kiss.


"Your eyes are all so swollen!" Yul teased Sooyoung after emerging out for the theatre. 

"It's all your fault for bringing me to watch a tragedy!" Sooyoung blew her nose with a napkin dramatically.

"Well, I heard it was good, and you've seen it for yourself how packed the theatre was!" 

"But still- it's soooo sad!" 

"I can never understand girls and their tears."

"YAH! You're so heartless! The male lead died protecting his love and the saddest part was he hasn't even got the chance to confess to the girl!"

"That's because their social status were so different! He was afraid of rejection, that bit I can understand..." Yul said in a seemingly nonchalant manner, but the truth was the movie storyline was eerie similar to his situation, except the switching of roles. In the movie, the girl was the only child of a CEO while the guy was just one of her bodyguards, embroiled in the 'forbidden' love. Then again, who has the right to call it a 'forbidden' love? 

"So what? Love knows no boundaries!" Sooyoung voiced her frank opinion directly, "If I was the guy, I would have confessed once I realised my feeling!"

Her words gave him a further boost in courage.

"Right! If I truly love that person, I should voice it out!" Yul announced firmly. Turning his love story into a tragedy wasn't his resolution. 

Sooyoung closed her eyes and nodded in agreement. Yul suddenly grabbed the girl by her shoulders and stared at her with a determined expression, surprising the girl. 

"Choi Sooyoung, will you marry me?" 


The bustling local market was filled with locals and tourists alike. A variety of stalls selling fruits, vegetables, local street foods, and even flowers lined both sides of the concrete pavement. 

Their fingers remained intertwined as they walked from stalls to stalls to fill their growling stomachs with the vast selection of unique Jeju foods. 

"You should try this!" Yuri said excitedly, pointing to the grill, "It's the famous Jeju Black Pig Bulgogi."

Following her recommendation, Jessica placed a slice in her mouth and chewed on the tantalising tender meat. She quickly gave a thumb up.

"Do you know why is it so famous?" Yuri asked purposely. Jessica did not know the answer obliviously. If Yuri had asked her something along the line with fast food, she might still be able to answer them. 

"It is because it is fed with manure-"

Jessica's eyes went wide, hearing the horrifying revelation. But it was too late. The piece of the famous pork has already gone down to her stomach. Yuri took the opportunity to snap another quick photo at the appalled girl. At the rate she was going, half of the photos would consist mainly of candid shots.

"YAH!" Jessica rained a series of fists down angrily, "You jerk!"

"But t-that's in the past! Now they have changed the way they rear the pigs!" Yuri was quick to reassure the girl that the meat she had ate was perfectly fine. To prove her point, Yuri devoured the whole portion they bought in order to appease the girl. However, the girl was far too traumatised to continue their food adventure, at the same time, she was also exhausted from all the activities they had during the day.

Seeing that, Yuri suggested returning to the hotel to rest up which the girl was more than willing to oblige. Once onboard the car, Jessica soon fell asleep. Yuri pulled the car over off the road, just to lower the passenger car seat so the girl was able to sleep more comfortable. 

She swept Jessica's bangs to the side and watched attentively at her sleeping form. Her inner struggle resurfaced - to tell or not to tell? She did not want to deceive Jessica anymore but she was fully aware of the odds of losing Jessica. First of all, she has lied about her identity; secondly, she has lied about her gender. It did not require a mathematic genius to calculate the odds. But then again, love was never a maths equation. 

"What should I do?" 

She lay back down on her seat, discarding the troubling thoughts. The sky was turning dark and there was still quite a distance back to the hotel. Just as she was about to drive off, something caught her attention. There was a small rocky path beyond the grassy field. She remembered that was the same path she, Yul and Sooyoung took a detour five years ago.

"Maybe it is still there!" Yuri spoke with excitement. The sky was clear and She was eager to show Jessica the beautiful sight she had stumbled upon on a night five years ago. 

"Sica yah, wake up..." Yuri nudged the sleeping girl gently but to no avail. The sleepyhead was soundly asleep. 

"Hey, sleepyhead, there is something I wanna you to see..." Yuri whispered into her ear, tickling the girl, waking her in the process.

"But I'm sooo sleepy..." Jessica mumbled back.

"You won't wanna miss this amazing sight." 

"Do we have to walk?"

"Unfortunately yes..."

"My legs are breaking already..."

"I can carry you on my back," Yuri added confidently. Jessica opened her eyes groggily at the prince's suggestion. 

"Are you sure? You are tired as well."

"Have you forgotten? I'm as strong as a teddy bear!" She held up her arms, pretending to be a bodybuilder showing off her biceps, earning a gentle smack on her arm by Jessica. Yuri quickly went over to the passenger side and held the door open for Jessica to exit. She kneeled down swiftly, allowing Jessica to mount on her back. 

Jessica then grabbed hold of his shoulder and neck, tightened her grip as the prince slowly rose up, placing his hands between the crooks of her legs. She couldn't help but to notice how small his shoulders were. Even though she had always preferred someone with broad shoulders as it gave her a sense of protection, she was contented with Yul's shoulders. It gave her something else, something more than protection. It was a sense of assurance, an assurance he would be there for her. 

"Am I heavy?"


That was a lie. There was a limit to how much a girl could carry and to bear another person weight was no easy feat. But she lied, simply because that was never on her thought.

"Just relax and lie comfortably, we'll be there shortly..."

Jessica nodded her shyly as she eased herself, looping her arms around his neck and rested her head on his right shoulder, taking in Yul's scent. It vaguely reminded her of lavender, one of her favourite. 

"You smell nice..." She whispered into his ear. What she did not see how red Yuri's face flushed. 


She continued walking along the grassy field with a faint light from her mobile phone, serving as torchlight, as she entered deeper into the bush land. She felt the grip of her neck loosening and knew the girl must have fallen asleep again. How Jessica managed to do so while piggybacking was unfathomable. From her memory, Yuri clearly remembered the secluded haven was somewhere nearby. Then a glint of green light caught her attention. She followed the little glittering light source and eventually found the haven, which has not changed a single bit.

"Sica yah, we've reached," Yuri whispered gently. 

Jessica rubbed her eyes groggily and noticed they were out in darkness except for a soft glow up ahead. She raised her head up instinctively, only to let out a soft gasp. 

The sight was breathtaking as literally thousands of fireflies lit up the dark night, filling the open air with its soft glow, just like the little sparkling stars glittered right above their heads.

Jessica looked on excitedly like a little child who just discovered the wonder of sweets. 

"It's... beautiful..." she said softly, mesmerised by the gift from nature. 

Jessica slid down from his back and wandered upfront while Yuri followed behind. Watching as the carefree girl pranced around excitedly, Yuri became hesitant to reveal the hurting truth. 

Jessica sensed she was being looked at and quickly turned around, only to catch sight of his tender gaze upon her. When Yuri realised she was caught, she quickly averted her gaze elsewhere. Jessica walked towards him slowly. 

"Thank you for bringing me here..."

"Well, I'm glad these little bugs are still around in this scarce sanctuary."

The soft glow from the fireflies surrounding them created a romantic ambience, far superior than the one back in their hotel suite. Their distance gradually grew shorter and shorter until their faces were just inches apart. 

"Loser has to listen to what the winner says, right?" Jessica said softly to which Yuri nodded.

"Kiss me..."

Yuri was taken aback by her request. It was the first time she had heard such a request coming from Jessica. Their previous kisses, simple or passionate ones, were somewhat on impulse and never did she have the time to think about it.

In Jessica's mind, it was clear. Days ago she had her reservations about coming to Korea to be engaged to a stranger she has never met before. But little did she know then, she would fall so deeply and irrevocably in love with that very stranger. It was clear. The person in front was the one for her.

Thump thump... thump thump...

Yuri's heart was racing with anxiety as she leaned forward. 

Thump thump... thump thump...

At the same time, Jessica's heart was pounding wildly as she edged her face forward, titling it to the side slightly. Their lips were just a mere inch away from each other. The warm exhaled air from the shorter girl was tingeing all of Yuri's senses. 

In a slow and tender moment, their lips touched gently while the fireflies danced in the background. The kiss was soft and simple, which then grew into a much more passionate kiss when Yuri placed her arms around Jessica's waist, pulling the shorter girl closer. Jessica responded by wrapping her arms around his neck. 

Despite the heated actions going on with the kiss, they were never once in a rush. Instead, they went slow, fully enjoying the tenderness of their kiss - a testament to their genuine love.

And that was certainly one hell of a good way to end a perfect day.

*****Chapter 17: A Modern Fairytale

"Choi Sooyoung, will you marry me?" 

Yul asked as he went down on one knee and looked up earnestly into the girl's eyes. 

Sooyoung immediately dropped the half-empty bucket of caramel popcorn she was holding, obviously taken aback by Yul's sudden proposal. Several onlookers buzzed with anticipation as they watched on eagerly, curious about the girl's response. A few others applauded loudly, impressed with the young man's guts to propose in public.

Her face flushed red with embarrassment as the crowds surrounding them began to increase. 

"What are you doing?! Get up!" Sooyoung whispered awkwardly. 

She was utterly confused by his proposal. Wasn't there someone else in his heart already? Someone who he was even willing to give up his throne to be with... and why would he be doing this then? If it was a prank, it was a bad one. 

"Please say yes!" Yul said in a resolute way, refusing to budge. 

"Just say yes to the guy!" A bystander shouted from the side, inciting a few more similar chants from the crowd.

The atmosphere was getting more and more uncomfortable as tens and tens of intense gazes fell upon the two. 

"You're k-kidding r-right?" 

"No, of course not! Choi Sooyoung, I like you!" 

Seeing that the girl was still reeling in shock and disbelief, Yul rose to his feet and grabbed both her hands firmly. Sooyoung gasped in surprise, but Yul was quick to add on.

"You might think I'm pulling a prank on you, but I am not. No one has affected me so much, no one except you. You are the only person in this world that has seriously affected me, so serious that I'm losing my sleep, so serious that I'm losing my appetite, so seriously that I'm losing myself..."

There was no response from the girl, still overwhelmed by his confession. She wanted to laugh it off as a joke but the unwavering look on his face told her otherwise. For as long and far as she could remember, he has never been so serious before. He was never serious with his studies, his work and basically, everything. Everything else except... when she was involved...


Fifteen years ago.

"Your Highness, Sooyoung ah... let Her Highness play with the little girl for a while... she will be alright... now, why don't you two go ride on the Merry-go-round?" Sooyoung's father spoke in a gentle voice while patting on their heads. Yuri has already ran off in a different direction, rescuing her so-called little princess. 

The young prince nodded his head. There was nothing much he could do anyway.

"Sooyoung, let's go! Aish, stop eating so much! Nobody's going to marry you if you keep eating!" said the young prince as he held the younger girl's hand, leading her to the next ride.

"If no one will, then you'll have to!" Sooyoung said with a pout, a hand still holding onto the popcorn.

"What? You want to be a Princess too?"

"Why not? You'll be the Prince and I'll be the Princess!" The innocent four-year old chirped brightly.

"I'll have to... think about it!" Yul said in a tease as he let go of her hand and playfully snatched the bucket of popcorn away. He took off immediately, running towards the ride with the girl chasing behind.


Twelve years ago.

"YAH! BABO! Why did you follow me?" The young prince spoke harshly in an obvious displeased tone as he pressed a handkerchief onto her knee, stopping the bleeding. 

Sooyoung sat on the ground, wailing out loud while the prince tended to her wound. Her scrapped knee was stinging with pain but her tears weren't solely because of that. She has never seen him in a fury and that frightened her. 

"I... I'm s-scared... that the dog... will bite... you..." Sooyoung whimpered. 

The now trapped ferocious-looking Rottweiler barked menacingly at the two kids. The scared girl immediately jolted closer to the prince. A bandage on her right arm reminded her of the previous terrifying ordeal with that Rottweiler.

Yul groaned inwardly at her reason. That dog has been terrorising the playground close to their elementary school, one of their favourite hangout. Just a few days ago, Sooyoung was bitten by that dog while protecting a younger preschooler. Luckily for her, help was close by. A middle-aged man, who happened to be passing the area after his jog, managed to chase the dog away and brought Sooyoung to a nearby clinic for immediate medical attention. Needless to say, after that incident, the daring twins decided to act against the dog in the name to vanquish 'evil', in another word, to seek revenge on that dog for hurting Sooyoung.

The plan was simple. All they had to do was to lure it into a trap - a small makeshift wooden enclosure the construction workers has left behind. And for that, Yul decided to be the bait, annoying the dog with his antics while Yuri would sneak out from behind to close the trap once the dog was inside. 

The two went on with the plan, but in the midst while carrying in out, Sooyoung appeared all of a sudden, running alongside with Yul in an attempt to distract the dog away. However, she carelessly tripped over a rock and fell forward, scrapping her knee in the process. Upon witnessing that, Yul reacted instantly, jumping in front of the fallen girl and protected her from the charging angry dog. Fortunately for them, Yuri managed to intervene in time, taunting the dog to chase after her instead. She eventually succeeded in the mission. 

"Are... you...angry?" Sooyoung asked, shakily. 

Yul huffed angrily, "The next time you fall, I am not going to help you!"

"Why... d-did you-" Sooyoung held back her words upon seeing his glare. 

Yul simply grumbled, "Because the Prince always protects the Princess..."

And that statement became his excuse every single time.


Five years ago.

The proud fourteen year old held a trophy high up in the air, celebrating her first win in the National Taekwondo Tournament for the under-15 category.

"Wow, Sooyoung, you gotta teach me those moves again!" Yuri chirped, excited about her best friend's win. 

"Bleh, I don't even know why you have to train so hard," Yul gave a cold remark.

"Don't mind my stupid brother. He's just jealous he can't beat you in a fight now." Yuri teased the now glaring prince.

"Your Highness, it's your turn next!" A palace lady in plain civilian outfit reminded Yuri of her upcoming sparring match. Yuri, too, has joined in for the category under-17, despite the objections of her parents who were concerned about the rough sports.

"See ya in a while!" Yuri flashed a victory hand sign and dashed off toward the sparring grounds. Sooyoung cheered from behind.

"I think she will be out in her first round." 

"You're her brother, show her some support!" 

"Nah, that stupid fool will get herself knocked out pretty soon..." 

The sparring match went on as the two watched intently. He occasionally stole a few quick glance at Sooyoung until it became a nagging question at the back of his head.

"So... I heard you have decided to... follow your father's footsteps..." Yul spoke in a nonchalant tone, pretending to say that casually. 

"Well, it isn't that bad... who knows I could even be your bodyguard in the future!"

"I don't need any protection," Yul grumbled in annoyance, "especially, not from you..."

"So you're looking down on my skills?" Sooyoung raised an eyebrow, confused by his rather temperamental mood swing. 

"The Prince always protects the Princess..." He mumbled grumpily. 

Before Sooyoung could fully understand what he meant, a loud thud was heard and the palace lady was seen running towards the sparring ground with a towel. There Yuri was, lying sprawled on the mat, fully knocked out by her stronger opponent. 

Yul sniggered, "I think she is the one who needs a bodyguard..."


Three years ago.

"I won't miss the two of you, so just go away." The prince said coolly, undisturbed by the fact his two closest companions would be flying off next week to America.

The three were sitting in the front yard in the midst of a cool autumn night. The decision to send Yuri and Sooyoung aboard for their music studies was made two months ago but reality only seemed to hit as the date grew nearer.

"My evil twin! Are you sure? I mean, you will be left alone in Korea! If you want, Sooyoung can stay behind to protect you..." Yuri said in a suggestive manner. Embarrassed, Sooyoung immediately tackled Yuri, holding her in a neck lock and rubbing her knuckles against her crown of her head. 

"Your self defence is still so poor even after one year training under your bodyguard?" Yul jeered at his struggling sister.

"I-I am already a b-black belt," Yuri struggled and tried to pry Sooyoung's arms off but to no avail. The trained girl was obviously much stronger and more experienced. 

"This is the very reason why I'm going with you," Sooyoung teased.

"And I wonder... who was the one who encouraged you to erm... follow your... musical dreams?" Yuri threw a meaningful glance at her brother and snickered. 

Sooyoung's face immediately turned into a crimson shade as she recalled the night three months ago when Yul had a private talk with her, telling her to take the opportunity to pursue her interests in cello. 

"YAH! Get out of my sight, I'm sick of you two already! I can barely wait for the day you two will be gone! F-R-E-E-D-O-M at last!" Yul said purposely, ending with a laugh. That, of course, wasn't his truthful words. He would miss those fun times they had, those pranks they played on each other, and most importantly, that one person whom his heart beats for.


"You'll be the Prince and I'll be the Princess... that was what you said to me a long, long... time ago. Now... will you give me a chance to be your... Prince?" 

Deep down inside, her heart was thrown into disarray. All these while she has been trying to convince those feelings she had for Yul was nothing more than a simple friendship which progressed to something unwarranted. Marrying a prince and living happily ever after was the childhood dream of every young girl alike. The only difference; Sooyoung actually knew a real life Prince. 

It wasn't difficult for Yul to sense her uncertainty and hesitation. He knew exactly what was she afraid of - their disparaging status. It was true that this very same thought was on his mind for the longest period of time. So long that he regretted not taking action earlier, and letting this snowballed into a mess. However when the inevitable engagement plan was approaching, he knew exactly what he was going to do. He was going to run away from the palace, run away from Korea, run away from his duties as the crown prince. What was the point of being the future's most influential person in Korea? How was he capable of answering to the whole of Korea when he wasn't even able to answer to his very own heart? 

"Love knows no boundaries... That was what you said earlier," Yul paused for a while, before continuing in an assuring voice, "You don't have to worry about anything else." 

"And that's because the Prince always protects the Princess," he said in full confidence, as he waited patiently for her answer while the girl looked on with a stumped look. 

The onlookers were simply swooned by the prince's heartfelt confession. A few more nerve wrecking seconds passed as everyone held their breaths in anticipation. 

"Hold on! Aish! I got lost after you said you like me..." Sooyoung replied in an exasperated tone.

"HUH? Y-You m-mean you didn't hear what I-I say after that?" This time round, it was the prince who was stumped by the ironic situation.

"AISH! You were rambling on non-stop!"

"YAH! CHOI SOOYOUNG! HOW COULD YOU!" Yul raised his voice grumpily.

"YAH! KWON YUL! WHY ARE YOU SO ANGRY!?" Sooyoung countered his loud volume with hers.



"EH?!?" Yul wore a blank confused expression, thinking there must be something wrong with his ears. 

"I SAID I LIKE YOU TOO!" Sooyoung raised her voice even louder.

Silence filled the area once she shouted those words. Neither of them spoke and everyone else waited anxiously. Yul wore the most unbelievable expression on his face and ran towards the nearest onlooker, grabbing him excitedly.

"SHE SAID SHE LIKES ME! WOOHOO!" He yelled excitedly, shaking the poor shocked guy. The whole crowd erupted into a loud jubilant cheer and applaud loudly at his success.

Sooyoung smacked her forehead in exasperation, "When will he ever learn to be a low profile..."


The cozy warm bed was no match for the waft of a mouth-watering aroma as it aroused the girl from her sleep. Her eyes opened slowly, allowing the gentle rays of the morning sun in to start a new day. Instinctively, she turned her gaze to her right. But to her slight disappointment, it was empty. 

"Where's Yul?"

A subtle clanking sound further down the suite caught her attention.

Jessica propped herself off the bed and waded towards the source. There he was at the kitchen counter with his back facing her, apparently engrossed in his task. Jessica wore a mischievous grin and crept behind him cautiously, not wanting to alert the unsuspecting prince. She knew exactly where his weak spots were, after a surprising discovery at the beach yesterday. And with her fingers ready for the ultimate surprise, she playfully jabbed him by the sides, causing the prince to squeal out at the sudden contact, dropping a metal spoon on the kitchen top with a loud clank. 

"Haha, you sounded like a girl when you squealed!" Jessica remarked casually. 

"Crap!" Yuri cursed mentally.

Yuri immediately turned around to face the girl, and spoke in a deep tone.

"I er... e-everyone says t-that w-when I squeal..." 

Jessica raised an eyebrow, "Oh really?"

"Show her what a real guy does..." Yuri's mental thought to protect her disguise kicked in right away. 

"Yes... but I'm a real guy after all..." Yuri continued to deepen her voice, ending it with a low growl purposely as she stared into the girl's eyes with both her hands placed strategically on the shorter girl's waist.

Feeling the heat from his intense gaze and his warm hands on her waist, Jessica's heart was swiftly sent into a rapid flutter. She looked away shyly, pretending to be interested in his handiwork in the kitchen. 

"W-What are you m-making?" She asked gingerly, tip-toeing to peek past his shoulder.

But before the girl managed to steal a quick look, Yuri was quick to change position with Jessica with her fast footwork. Teasingly, Yuri placed a hand up against the cupboard above and the other one on the counter top as she edged nearer towards the girl in a slow agonising manner. Jessica was now trapped with nowhere to go, as the kitchen counter was up against her back.

"What do you think..." Yuri asked in a low sensual voice, highly certain that it would send the girl's mind into a fumble. She smirked cunningly as she reached behind the girl, and proceeded scooping a ball of ice cream with her bare hand from the opened tub that was hidden from the girl's view. 

"B-b-b-breakfast..." Jessica stuttered nervously.

"Are you hungry? Or you want something more satisfying..." Yuri teased her further as she held her palm with the melting chocolate ice cream in front of the girl, licking it off seductively right under Jessica's eyes.

"How about some Chocolate Love..."

By now, the girl's breathing was getting faster and harder while her heart raced at his suggestive words and action. She certainly did not imagine they would be doing it over a kitchen counter, instead of the bed. Jessica shut her eyes as he drew nearer and nearer. First, her first kiss... now her first time too? 

"It will be good..." Yuri further emphasised the word.

Yuri suppressed her laughter, seeing the innocent girl cringing away uncomfortably. Deciding it was enough of the 'manly' act, Yuri reached for the porcelain plate on the counter behind Jessica. 

"I hope you are hungry cause I woke up real early to make this..." 

The familiar aroma that woke her up in the first place was now right in front of her. Jessica opened her eyes, surprised to see a neatly decorated plate of waffles with an assortment of berries and nuts, topped with a scoop of chocolate ice cream.

"I call it... Chocolate Love!" Yuri said proudly. 


"Ahhh, Mr and Mrs Kwon! Hope you have an enjoyable stay at our hotel!" The overtly enthusiastic manager greeted excitedly from the side as Yuri handed the card keys over to the receptionist from yesterday. 

Jessica gave a cute embarrassed smile upon hearing the title 'Mrs Kwon' for the third time since they checked into the hotel. 

"How was the surprise breakfast? Mr Kwon has waked up real early to request the usage of the hotel kitchen! Such devotion to a lady... Mrs Kwon, you are one lucky girl to have found such a wonderful husband!" The manager smiled delightedly as he clasped his hands together with full admiration.

Upon hearing that, Jessica's heart was sent into a spiral, swooned with the wholehearted love she was showered with, by this one special person whom she never would believe she would fall in love with, so deeply within a short span. If fairytale truly existed, Jessica knew she was in one right now. 

"Erm... thanks for your warm hospitality," Yuri smiled nervously, embarrassed by the manager's incessant compliment, "I er... would be delighted to come back in the near future!"

"It is definitely our honour to have you visit us again!" The manager answered delightedly.

"Eunhyuk, what are you doing? I didn't pay you to stand around looking like an idiot! Hurry up and help our precious guests with their luggage!" The manager shouted at the receptionist who immediately jumped in fright. 

"Y-Yes, S-Sir!"

He immediately ran towards the exit at the far end of the long reception desk.

"Actually, there's no need for any help since it's only two light bags," Yuri said to the manager, pointing down to the bags on the floor containing the disposable cameras and souvenirs from Jeju.

Before the manager could reply, he felt someone colliding into him from behind and fell backward, feeling an awful coldness on the top of his head all of a sudden. Instinctively he placed a hand on his head and to his shock, it was smooth, too smooth. He turned around and found Eunhyuk lying on his back with a familiar black object on his hand. 

Everyone present in the lobby stared at the shiny bald head of the bespectacled manager with their mouths agape.

By the time Eunhyuk realised the deep trouble he was in, it was already too late. He quickly sat upright and placed his boss's wig back onto his head, adjusting it carefully.

"Mr Lee, I'm so sorr-"



The tall girl gave a long sigh into the phone. It has been thirty minutes into the call and still, no agreement was reached between the two.

"So how are we exactly going to avoid the engagement and breaking Jessica's heart at the same time with that idea?" Sooyoung repeated again after hearing yet another flop idea from Yul.

"Well, I just thought it would work if Yuri could avoid attending the engagement if she's sick."

"Feinting sickness in the presence of the Majesties? Are you forgetting that we have royal physicians in the palace?" 

"We can make her fall sick! Down with diarrhoea, just add some laxatives into her food. Yeah, that would work."

"You're such a horrible brother." 

"Well excuse me, here I am trying to come up with ideas to stop the engagement from going on and you aren't helping at all!"

"All I am saying is your ideas are not going to work!"

"Why can't I just reappear in front of everyone and declare my love for you? Would that make things easier?"

"You are just going to make thing worse! And haven't you said you wanted to protect your love and Yuri's love? If you are just going to appear before Yuri gets a chance to tell Jessica the truth, you will just end up destroying them!"

In the other end of the phone, Yul gave an exasperated cry and tousled his hair in frustration. 

"Tell me what to do then! Why can't I, Kwon Yul, the Crown Prince of Korea, make the big decision myself? I love you and that's all I really know..." 

Yul sighed, "It's all my fault... If I hadn't ran away, things wouldn't have become such a mess."

Sooyoung's usual tough stance became soft at his sincere words. 

"If you hadn't ran away, things would be a lot different. Yuri and Jessica wouldn't have met and fell in love with each other.... and I wouldn't have known about your true feeling..." Sooyoung bit her lower lip nervously after saying those words truthfully. 

"And I also wouldn't have known about your feeling either," Yul replied honestly.

Love was never easy, but it was never too hard enough to give up on the one true love.


"Please... please spare me..."

A figure crouched on the dusty ground, pleading for leniency as two black suited men stood by his side while the third man held out a phone on speaker mode.

"I swear I'll not divulge anything! Please! I will leave the country! I will get away as far as I can..." The man shivered with fear as the blood from his broken nose dripped onto the ground.

"Taewoo... what do you think I should do to a man who failed his task and had the cheek to run off?" A cold voice came from the phone. 

The huge man with facial stubble looked downward at the filthy man covered with blood. 

"Taewoo, please... help me! We've known... each other for years!" He spoke with desperation, hoping his long time friend would save him.

"It would be quick," Taewoo spoke coldly.

That was the last word the man ever heard when a soft gunshot sound, silenced by the gun suppressor, was fired at point blank. The body stumped forward with an obvious head wound as the pool of blood began to spread. With a wave of his hand, the two men responded promptly, dragging the body to an abandoned car by the side.

After wiping off the blood splatter at the barrel of his handgun supressor, Taewoo turned off the speaker mode of the phone and held it close to his ear.

"Your Highness, it is all done."

"That's good... a failure down... he had all the chance he could to kill that good-for-nothing brat and all he did was to inflict a little injury... and that brat became a hero for saving his princess..."

"Your Highness, dead men don't talk... rest assured that the incident would remain forever a simple horse riding accident."

"So you have destroyed all the evidences?"

"Now... all evidences are officially erased," Taewoo replied with a cold smile.

"Good... very good... now that all players are in, it's show time," He laughed coldly into the phone. 

A knock on the door interrupted their conversation. 

"The two star players mustn't miss the match," he smirked and ended the call swiftly. 

"Come in..." The man said as he turned towards the door.

Kangin gingerly stepped into the room, "Your Highness, I'm sorry to have interrupted-"

Prince Jin simply waved his hand off, ignoring Kangin's apologetic words, "Stop saying you are sorry of this and that... Come, take a seat!" 

Kangin walked towards the desk and stumped down on the chair emotionlessly. The older male noticed the despondent look the young man wore on his face. 

As if on cue, picture of the new royal couple started to flash across the TV widescreen.

"This is KBS News. The royal engagement party of His Royal Highness Prince Yul and Her Royal Highness Princess Jessica will be held this evening at the Imperial Palace Hotel..."

Kangin watched the news intently as the pre-recorded clip of the Royal Highnesses was being broadcasted along as the anchorman continued his scripted presentation.

"Earlier today, His and Her Majesties King Chung and Queen Hyun have returned from their two week long diplomatic visit to South Asia. The issues discussed in this visit were mainly on the economy of Asia and-"

Prince Jin watched with little interest. The affair of his brother and his sister-in-law was of no value to him. Except perhaps only if it involved their deaths...

"This highly anticipated union between the ruling Imperial House of Kwon and the House of Jung will be telecast live on KBS News at 8 tonight. We'll be back with more news. Now, let's take a look at the weather forecast tonight... A heavy rain shower will be expected-"

The screen went blank when Prince Jin held out a remote controller, shutting off the news. He waited a while before speaking.

"I know it's hard to accept that but, this is sadly, the ugly truth..." Prince Jin said, placing his hands over a brown envelope purposely.

"They are indeed together," Kangin voiced it out strongly with a visible rage. 

It was hard not to believe what he has seen with his own eyes. Initially when he first saw those developed photos of Sooyoung and Yul from Prince Jin's source, he had his qualms and held his reservations. He was taken aback but he never did show it out in front of Prince Jin. He chose to believe that Sooyoung was not that kind of person who would come between the royal couple. 

But having witnessed their date yesterday while he was trailing Sooyoung on his own accord, he was fully convinced of their secret love affair. Kangin could only laugh at himself for being a fool. He should have noticed it right from the start when he caught sight of that unusual contact picture on Sooyoung's phone. A kissing picture wasn't something normal friends would do. 

Prince Jin raised an eyebrow at Kangin's sudden change in attitude towards the issue. But he was glad for that change. Now all he needed to do was to give a gentle push.

"My foolish nephew... how could he have done this... stealing one's love and cheating on the other?" Prince Jin walked towards Kangin and placed a warm hand on his shoulder, comforting the poor youth in pretence.

"It's time to reveal the ugly truth to the people of Korea so they won't be deceived by their so-called Prince Charming, right?" 

He then reached forward for the brown envelope on his desk and handed it over to Kangin. 

"Would you?" The sly prince asked. 

Jealousy was one thing that would corrupt a person's mind regardless how pure they used to be.


Taewoo shut his phone with a quick flick. He walked over to the abandoned car that reeked of a strong petrol smell. He took a last look at the dead body was placed in the trunk. 

"Goodbye, my friend..." He muttered softly as he closed the hood. He turned around and walked away as he casually lit up a cigarette with his Zippo lighter, smoking it once as a tribute to his dead friend before flicking the lit cigarette backward. The car was quickly consumed in flickering flames as black smoke rose up into the air. 

His phone rang unexpectedly. 

"Hello, Sir Choi... yes... I understand... Sir Yoon? Oh, so His and Her Highnesses went for a vacation... I see... yes, I can pick them up... No, I'm not tired... It's just an 8-hour flight. Please do not worry for me... Of course, the media... Rest assured Sir, I'd ensure their safety."

With that, the call was ended. 

"Let's get going boys... we got a plane to catch..." 


"HAHAHAHA!" Yuri clutched her stomach in pain as she doubled over, "Did you see his face?! HAHAHAHA!" 

Jessica shook her head, watching the prince laughing like a child for the past twenty minutes. They were now onboard the private jet, on the route back to Seoul. 

"But still, you shouldn't have laughed out while he was around."

"Couldn't help it!" Yuri replied cheekily. 


"Wow, I can't believe we actually used up all the disposable cameras we bought!" Yuri commented, carrying the bag of cameras along with the souvenirs as they exited the customs under the guise of their matching pairs of huge sunglasses bought during their one-day Jeju holiday. They managed to blend in with the crowd perfectly undetected. 

"That's because half the time you were taking candid shots of me!" Jessica said in a disapproving tone as she recalled all her random impromptu moments he had captured throughout their trip. 

"Well, I couldn't help it when I see a pretty girl right in front..." Yuri said glibly as she threw a meaning wink at the most beautiful girl in her eyes. 

"Such a glib!" She said, pretending to be displeased. But she couldn't resist a smile when Yuri came up to her and began to serenade, "Noona, you're so pretty...

"Oh so now I'm your noona just because I'm a few months older..."

Changing to another tune, Yuri continued, "You are so beautiful to me..."

Jessica chuckled at his sweet display and cheekily poked him by his cheek, "You'll be the Prince and I'll be the Princess, it's a love story baby just say yes..." 

"YES!" Yuri yelled enthusiastically, causing a passing crowd to turn around and looked at her strangely. Jessica laughed as Yuri stuck her tongue out, embarrassed by her own action. 

"See, everyone thinks you're crazy," Jessica teased as she clung onto Yuri's arm tightly. 

"Hey, do you remember this place?" Yuri asked deliberately. Jessica looked around the surrounding structure trying to recall.

"Is this..." Jessica paused and looked at the prince who nodded his head.

"Our first meeting place..." Yuri completed the sentence but not before adding an extra bit cheekily, "And my first slap too!"

"That's because you're such a pervert," Jessica pointed out.

"It was an accident!" Yuri defended. 

"Yeah right..." Jessica huffed out, pretending to be angry in a childish manner. 

"Oh shoot... that was such a perfect shot! If only there were still some leftover shots..."

"That's because you used it all up!"

"Wait a second! There is a photo developing shop over there!" Yuri pointed to the cluster of shops lined along the side of the airport shopping zone.

"Maybe I can get more cameras? And of course, I guess it is time to develop some real ugly pictures!" Yuri taunted the girl, as she broke free from her clasp and raced to the shop with Jessica hot on her trails. 


"I would like to develop all of these!" Yuri said, dumping the bag of disposable cameras on the shop counter. 

The shop keeper stared at the huge bag with a dumbstruck look, "A-All of t-these?" 

There were at least thirty over disposable cameras lying spread across the counter. 

Yuri nodded her head, "Money and time is not an issue."


"And this is your receipt. Please do remember to bring this along when you collect the photos. It should be ready in another 2 days time."

Yuri took the receipt and stowed it into her wallet carefully. Just as she was about to put the wallet back in her back pocket, a cool rounded tip was pressed against her back. 

"Freeze! This is a robbery..." Jessica said, trying to mimic a manly hoarse voice, which failed terribly, making her sound like an old woman instead. 

"Ahjumma Sica! Please don't kill me! I'll give you everything I have!" Yuri played along. Jessica scratched her head, confused by what the word 'Ahjumma' meant. She shrugged that away and continued.


"Yes, everything... Including my love..."

"Oh my god... cut that out!" A familiar voice spoke from behind the two. There, Sooyoung was, rubbing the goose bumps formed on her arm, grossed out by Yuri's mushy declaration.


The plan was simple. 

Tell Yuri that Yul is back and immediately send the two back to America once they arrive at the airport. That would, at least, buy them some extra time so Yuri could come clean with Jessica and Yul could clear the misunderstanding up with the elderly. 

With that plan discussed earlier with Yul in her mind, Sooyoung took the opportunity while Jessica was in the washroom and pluckily approached Yuri. 

"There is something I need to tell you... I know you'll react to it so I need you to calm down first..."

Yuri eyed at her best friend strangely.

"Ok... Yul is back and-" Sooyoung paused as Yuri went wide-eyed, "He proposed to me!" 


Sooyoung was quick to cover Yuri's mouth to quieten her down without attracting additional attention. 

"Are you serious?" Yuri whispered the instant Sooyoung let go of her. The tall girl nodded and she quickly continued, there was no time to explain all the full details. 

"What is your plan tonight? Are you going to let the engagement go through? You know what that implies right?" 

Of course Yuri knew. Their inescapable fates would be sealed in front of their parents, the media and the whole country. Princess Jessica would be officially crowned as the new Crown Princess of Korea, the girl who would marry Prince Yul in the near future. 

"Are you going to let that happen? Let Princess Jessica be your sister-in-law?"

"Trust me, if I could, I would have already told her the truth! But I can't... I tried... but I couldn't... I can't bring myself to hurt her!"

"The longer you hide, the more you are just going to end up hurting her!"

Yuri looked away from Sooyoung's piercing look. 

"Your brother has came up with a plan and I think at least for now, it is the best plan we can come up with..."

"What's the plan?"

"Leave for America right now-" 

"What?! You mean... r-running away?"

"Yes, in another word, I am telling you to elope with your princess! Tell Jessica the truth while you're there. Yul and I will clear everything up with the Majesties," Sooyoung said as she quickly shoved the plane tickets onto Yuri's hands.


"No buts! Leave before anyone finds you! I can imagine the uproar in the palace once they realise the Crown Prince and Princess is missing."

Sooyoung kept a vigilant watch at the surrounding. She caught side of the returning Jessica and quickly tapped Yuri's shoulder.

"Remember, do not tune into Korea news or read our newspapers when you're in America until you have told Jessica the truth." 

With that, Sooyoung left Yuri and walked towards the exit. She did not even acknowledge Jessica when she walked past her, much to the girl's bafflement. 

"Aren't we following Sooyoung? Where's the car?" Jessica asked curiously, watching as the girl's back view eventually disappeared into the crowd.

"Sica, I-I... have something to tell you..." Yuri said nervously as she clutched the tickets tightly. 


Sooyoung walked away as fast as her long legs could carry her. She crossed her fingers hopeing that Yuri and Jessica could settle their issues in America without any problem. In the mean time, she was prepared to face the music with Yul. 

"Sooyoung!" A sudden voice calling her name caused her to jump in fright. She turned around and was shocked to see someone she least expected.

"Taewoo oppa?!" 


To be continued...

~Love Radio FM~

Sunny: Berry good yo~ DJ Sunny is back this time round! Miss me?!?! You all better be otherwise I will catch you like a chicken!

Choki: Ahem... where the hell are you going to find our listeners! They are sitting at home! 

Sunny: (jumps in fright) Arrrrhhhh! Not you again! Why are you stalking your own production?! 

Choki: Cos I'm back by popular demand! And why are you so scared of me?!

Sunny: (points to the website) No, everyone is demanding the royal couples... not you! Who wants to see a crazy mental evil producer? (remembers the scare on Halloween night)

Choki: Anyway, I have cancelled today's guests since they are having a little trouble of their own coming up... instead I have self-invited myself!!!

Sunny: Erm... so what is today's interview about? I mean, seriously... do you think the rest of the world wants to know you? *roll eyes*

Choki: What interview? I'm your co-DJ this time round!

Sunny: What?!?!? Hey don't ruin-

Choki: Welcome to Love Radio FM! This is your producer, I mean DJ Rainy! In case you are wondering, that is really not my real name! Hahaha

Sunny: Even fools can see that you are obviously trying to make a pun out of my name!

Rainy: Whatever... chicken grabber... it's time for Love Radio FM segment to start! Our listeners are getting impatient! 

Sunny: Alright RAINY... like what's next? Snowy? Windy? Cloudy? 

Rainy: MILKY!!! (holds a glass of milk)

Sunny: (self slaps forehead)

Rainy: It's December, the holiday season and... (looks at Sunny)

Sunny: ... erm... Winter?

Rainy: BLOCKBUSTER! Gosh! (hands a script to Sunny)

Sunny: Oooookay...

Rainy: So it is time to recommend our listeners for the great movies out there! Welcome to today's segment, 'Love Movies Top 10'! So in no particular running order, the first movie we would like to recommend to all is... (drum rolls) "Million Dollar Princess"

Sunny: Directed & written by SOSHIsaid, the award winning director of More Everyday, Sica-napped

Rainy: Starring our favourite couple, Jessica and Yuri...

Sunny: In the world of K-Won casino where money and fraud goes hand in hand...

Rainy: Love appears in the most unlikely squabbling duo

Sunny: ...

Rainy: ...

Sunny: Who came up with this lousy tagline!!! 

Rainy: I dunno...? Ask the producer...

Sunny: Which... erm happens to be you?!?

Rainy: I'm Rainy...

Sunny: You have split disorder... 

Rainy: Anyway it says here, ebil producer strongly recommends all to watch this movie... 

Sunny: You gotta give some reasons! Like critic review or something!

Rainy: Cucumber meets Carrot! It's funny and lovely! I laughed all the way. One word - JJANG! 

Sunny: That's hardly any critic review!

Choki: (reverts back) If ebil producer says it is good, it is good!!! I'm not going to spoil the storyline! You listeners out there should really go watch the movie! 

Sunny: Don't threaten our listeners like that! 

Choki: Being Rainy is so tiring... I mean I have to suppress that evilness dude! It ain't cool! 

Sunny: Nobody is asking you to be evil? 

Rainy: (reverts back) Next, another movie that we recommend is... (drum rolls)... "Unplanned"!

Sunny: Directed and written by Daniel, this movie is his first and definitely not his last! Starring Yuri and Jessica... (whispers to choki) are they like so popular?

Rainy: (whispers back) of course! Yulsic is real (says out loud) In the world of wilderness, where they found true love... how would they protect that precious love when the harsh reality hits? 

Sunny: That's a pretty lousy tagline again... producer choki, you're losing your sense of humour! 

Rainy: ... T-T

Sunny: ... eh... I'm just... (struggles to say what she doesn't really want to say)... kidding... please continue the review!

Rainy: Ice cube meets Workiee! It's a love story you don't want to miss! And more drama unfolds! Like for real! Serious! Go watch it now... well, after the radio show of course~ and not to mention, Director Dani actually threaten to steal ebil producer's PS3!

Sunny: What has that gotta do with the movie? 

Rainy: Nothing... I just want share my story... YulSic jjang!

Sunny: I think at the end of the movie marathon everyone will be converted to a YulSic shipper. 

Rainy: Well, that is the plan... besides most our listeners are already onboard the royal ship!

Sunny: And next up, it's "Amizade", directed and written by Reyu. Starring Tiffany, Taeyeon, Jessica and Yuri as the main characters in a love triangle or square?

Rainy: A fantasy/supernatural theme in our modern world, it's a story about how different individuals meet and fall 'dangerously' in love. 

Sunny: You know what... I realise I'm not in any of the movie mentioned!

Rainy: Don't worry, you'll be more involved in the ebil producer's (L) production! 

Sunny: Oh really? (nonchalantly) I supposed it will be out in 2013 if the world doesn't end on 20 Dec 2012, right?

Rainy: (shrugs) It all depends if ebil producer would choose to start the (U) or the (L) production first!

Sunny: Well, is ebil producer going to finish (Y) in the first place!? 

Rainy: Of course... that erm... 1 month break is just... a holiday! Ahem (clears throat) Moving on~ the last and final movie for this week is...

Sunny: "Final Fantasy: The Zodiac Wars", directed by prataz... and wait a second, did you purposely use the word final when introducing the movie?

Rainy: You're so clever (claps)

Sunny: You're losing your sense of humour! You should never have gone for a 1 month break from writing! 

Rainy: Awwww~ you're inside this movie!

Sunny: REALLY?! 

Rainy: Ya! Just that your storyline has not been explored yet! Cheers! That will definitely come before 2013... right? Director prataz???

Sunny: So what is the storyline about? (asks eagerly)

Rainy: Final Fantasy style! I can barely wait for FF13 to be release next year! 

Sunny: Ahem... about the movie?

Rainy: Oh! Well, how should I say... all the SNSD girls are inside, each character with a twist of its own in a fantasy world with dragons, demons and Roman mythology! Have you ever played a Final Fantasy game? Just imagine the girls in it! It's a dream come true~

Sunny: And that is coming from a gaming addict... 

Rainy: A kettle calling pot black? Now to complete the genre... someone needs to produce a zombie movie! Left 9 Dead anyone? 

Sunny: No thanks! Hang on... Left 9 Dead... is that the (L) storyline? 

Rainy: (looks around)... Of course not! ... erm... I gotta go! Ciao~ (runs away)

Sunny: Hey! Wait! You left this segment in a mess! And you left just like that? You ruined the show!!! Erm... to save the show... I think let's start a poll! Yes, a poll... erm... who do you want to interview next? The 2nd royal couple - Yul and Sooyoung? Or the mysterious and scary Prince Jin?! Remember you can post any question you want for our next guest... Next up, we will be playing "Tears in Heaven" by Eric Clapton. This is DJ Sunny and till then~

*****Chapter 18: The Princess's Tears

"Sooyoung!" She wheeled around, only to see an unexpected familiar face.

"T-Taewoo oppa?!" Sooyoung croaked nervously. Of all times, why did she have to bump into the deputy head of the royal security act now? Two tall black suited men were following right behind Taewoo and Sooyoung could easily have guessed they belonged to the top elite of the royal guards. 

"You have grown so much during your stay in America!" 

Taewoo stood beside Sooyoung and started to compare the girl's height against his much large 6-feet frame. He held a hand above her head and it stopped just slightly above his chin. 

"What did you feed on to grow past my shoulder?" He teased, patting his cherished junior on the head. 

As the deputy head for the past 2 years and prior to that, a top-notch royal guard serving under Prince Jin and ex-commando, he had personally trained Sooyoung for a year before her assignment to America. With Sooyoung's loud but lovable nature, on top of her relationship with his boss, Taewoo was exceptionally lenient with her, acting like her big brother. As such, instead of addressing Taewoo as her superior, a respectful yet amiable 'Oppa' was suffice. 

"O-Oppa, when d-did you return? I didn't see you while I was in the palace," Sooyoung said, trying to remain calm and most importantly, to buy time for Yuri to board the plane before they could catch wind about it.

"I was escorting His and Her Majesties along with your dad during the diplomatic visit to South Asia. We've just returned to Seoul a few hours ago." Taewoo smiled without any sign of weariness. 

"Ah... I-I see..." Sooyoung trailed off, thinking of more topics to chat upon. But before she managed to, Taewoo continued.

"Oh ya, I heard you're assigned as His Highness's personal bodyguard recently," Taewoo surveyed the area casually, "Are you here to escort His Highness?"


"Weren't His and Her Highnesses on a holiday vacation trip or something? They are coming back this afternoon right? I got orders to pick them up since it's your off day today... but you... seems to be on duty now?" 

"O-Oh... er... yeah! I'm w-waiting for them here! I mean... I don't have to be on duty to pick a friend up! Haha," Sooyoung laughed weakly, hoping Taewoo wouldn't find it suspicious. Thankfully, he merely laughed.

"Oppa! Since it's been a while since we last met... Wanna go for a coffee? My treat!" She quickly added, dragging his arm.

"As much as I want, I'm afraid duty comes first. Hasn't the jet landed? I've received the call from the pilot that the plane has landed around fifteen minutes ago. Clearing customs for the Highnesses should be quicker than normal passengers..." Taewoo replied as he threw a meaningful glance at his two men, whom responded instantly as they spread out. 


Before Sooyoung could say further, Taewoo added, "Safety issues for the royal family must not be compromised,Sooyoung..." He ended with an obvious commanding tone. 


"Where are we going?" Jessica asked with an utterly confused look as the prince held her hand and pulled her along, navigating through the crowd. Moments earlier, he had told her that there was something he wanted to tell her but instead, he stopped short of his sentence and simply held her hand tightly and walked in a total opposite direction from Sooyoung. 

"Yul... wait... Yul... wait... you're hurting me!" Jessica whined at the increasing strong grip force Yul had applied on her hand. When Yuri realised what she have done, she immediately let go of the girl's and dropped hers down, letting it hang by her side. Her left hand was still clutching onto the tickets tightly. 

Sensing something was off, Jessica walked in front of the prince to face him.

"Are you alright?" Jessica asked, seeing the distraught expression on his face. Her keen eyes noticed a thin line of sweats forming on his forehead and she leaned forward to wipe it off with her fingers, brushing his fringe aside. 

"I'm f-fine..."

Yuri's eyes slowly levelled with Jessica's and a terrible pr ick of conscience hit her hard when she saw those innocent, caring orbs in contrast with her act of deceit. How could she even think of running away to America? 

"The longer you hide, the more you are just going to end up hurting her!"

Sooyoung's word of advice rang in her head, pounding mercilessly on her conscience.

"Yul... you don't look good... are you feeling sick or anything?" Jessica fumbled around, placing the back of her hand against his forehead and the other against her forehead. 

"You're... a little feverish..." Jessica said with a worried look as she tried to reaffirm her human thermometer by pressing on his forehead longer. 

Yuri held onto Jessica's hand and pulled it down slowly. She absentmindedly rubbed her thumb in a circular motion on the back of the girl's hand, feeling the soft silky hand she would miss sorely if Jessica chose to leave her.

"Sica... I'm sorry..." Yuri croaked out.

"Yul, are you alright? Why are you apologising all of a sudden?"

Two clueless orbs began to pierce straight into her guilty eyes. 


It was harder than she could imagine, much harder. 

"I'm not-"

Yuri held back her words when she noticed two black suited men approaching them from the reflection of a huge glass panel situated behind Jessica. The timely interruption came just moments later.

"Your Highnesses, please pardon us for our late arrival." The skinny of the two addressed the two with due respect. Jessica turned around and noticed the two new bodyguards she hasn't seen before.

For once, Yuri was relieved to be interrupted at such a crucial time. She couldn't bring herself to tell Jessica the truth that she was a girl, pretending to be her brother... at least, not for now. 

A third man, along with a flustered Sooyoung, was fast approaching them as well.

"She must be hoping mad now..." Yuri thought.

And Yuri was right. Sooyoung was indeed cursing at Yuri inside.

"That fool! Why did she board the plane?"

"Your Highnesses," Taewoo greeted with respect while the two men stepped to a side, "Please allow us to escort you back to the palace. Your Majesties await..."


"They are back," a deep and powerful voice rumbled through the hall and Yuri instantly knew whom it came from. With their hands intertwined, they stepped into the grand audience hall where Yuri's parents were seated. 

"My precious! I missed you so much!" A quick motion caught Yuri by surprise when all she saw was a figure with long silky brown hair hugged Jessica. 

"MOM!" A surprise gasp escaped from Jessica as she returned the hug with both arms. She certainly did not expect to see her mother in the palace, "When did you arrive?"

"Just an hour ago... Look at you, you're looking good!" The older woman proceeded to cup her precious daughter's face.

"Glowing with happiness I see," she glanced to the right and noticed the young prince standing by her daughter's side. A smile lit instantly seeing the well-mannered youngster bowing his head down with respect.

"Good afternoon, Lady Jung," Yuri greeted courteously. 

At the corner of her eyes, Yuri noticed another fatherly figure seated with her parents and she knew instantly who he was. Without delay, Yuri turned towards his direction and bowed, greeting Jessica's father. 

"Good afternoon, Lord Jung."

At the mention of her father's title, Jessica looked back and spotted her father who was seated along with two other well-dressed couple. It wasn't difficult to recognise who they were for she spotted some resemblance in the noble lady's eyes with Yul's. 

"Hahaha, what a polite young man," Mr Jung laughed jovially, patting his old friend on the shoulder, "You got yourself a good son!" 

"You should have seen him during his younger days... a headache! Playing pranks all day long with Yuri... his twin," said the King disapprovingly but he couldn't resist wearing a smile at his son's praise.

"Dad, Mom, h-hello..." Yuri greeted nervously, having to see her parents for the first time in three years. She looked into their eyes and felt a tug on her heartstrings. It certainly did not make any sense to say Yuri never missed her family at all while she was at the States, despite the girl was having fun in her newfound freedom most of the time. If not for her current disguise, she would already have thrown her arms around her mother and act like a young child. 

"Your voice... sounded a little different..." Queen Hyun pointed at her son and asked worryingly. For some reasons, she thought her son suddenly sounded very much like her daughter even though the twins originally sounded very alike.

At that exact moment, Yuri sneezed unintentionally and seizing the chance, she quickly added innocently, "Perhaps I'm getting a cold soon..."

Jessica looked at Yul worriedly. He has been sneezing since yesterday. 

"Then you should drink more tea," the Queen Mother spoke out all of a sudden.

"Y-Yes... Granny!"

Jessica then gingerly broke away from the hug and bowed towards the elders.

"Your Majesties!" Jessica greeted nervously, having to meet Yul's parents for the very first time. 

Yuri's mother smiled as she rose from her seat and walked towards Jessica. 

"So you're Jessica. Such a beautiful lady... Tell me honestly, did Yul bully you?" Queen Hyun threw a glance at her son, fully knowing his prankster nature. 

"N-No! Nothing of that sort happened, Your Majesty." Jessica was quick to defend, surprising both her parents and Yuri's. Her face turned red with embarrassment while the elders laughed with joy. Their worrying thought that both their children would not get along with each other, was tossed out of their minds at that instant. 


"So tell me Jessica dear, how's Yul treating you?" Queen Hyun asked in a gentle motherly tone as she placed her hand above Jessica's while her mother held onto the other hand, urging her eagerly. The Queen Mother, on the other hand, took a slow sip from her porcelain teacup, listening to the conversation. They were only alone in the audience hall, having a woman talk while the men left for their own activities. 

The reaction of the two anxious mothers was unbelievingly similar, much to Jessica's awkwardness as they looked on with excitement. 

"W-Well... erm... he is really sweet and c-caring and... er-" Jessica cringed at her own words, feeling slightly embarrassed having to voice out her opinion of Yul in front of her elders and especially to Yul's mother. 

"Go on, darling," Lady Jung egged on. 

"W-What else do you want to know?" She answered awkwardly.

"How do you feel about His Highness? You two went on a little vacation right? Hahaha, that must be obvious enough..." Lady Jung answered her own question as if it was a no-brainer question to ask in the first place. She and Queen Hyun exchanged glances and the two immediately burst into a series of contented laughter. Jessica groaned inwardly when it seemed like she would be answering to these two over-enthusiastic mothers for the whole afternoon. 

"What's important is how you feel about the person in front of you the whole time and not what you think he is," the Queen Mother spoke wisely, with her eyes closed, enjoying the aftertaste of her nicely brewed jasmine tea.


"And that's about most of the delegated tasks..." Sir Yoon summarised the report of the official duties done by the crown prince in the King's absence. King Chung looked at the files with a pleased look. He then returned his attention to his son.

"I heard you fell off from the horse 2 days ago and you rejected a full body check-up?" He asked in a disapproving tone. 

"It's nothing really... besides, the doctor has already tended to my wound."

"You ought to be more careful."

"Yes, Dad..."

"Has anyone managed to contact Yuri?" King Chung asked, much to the surprise of the two present in his office, "Today's her brother's engagement day and she isn't back? I swear that kid will be the death of me..."

Yuri and Sir Yoon threw quick glances at each other.

"Actually, she called me last night!" Yuri replied with quick thinking.

"She did?" 

"She has caught a flu and she isn't allowed to board the plane, especially since there's a recent outbreak of a new flu strain." 

"H1N1," Sir Yoon added quickly, "The airport customs are especially strict now."

"She caught H1N1?!" The King asked worriedly.

"No no... it's just the seasonal flu..."

King Chung let out a long sigh, "That kid... worries me all the time..."

Yuri avoided his gaze, feeling bad for lying again and most importantly, the genuine concern her dad has for her. 


"What shall we do?" Sooyoung mumbled repeatedly as she walked in circles around Yuri's desk while the distressed girl laid her head sideways, flat on the table, seated down on the ergonomic desk chair. The two were now back at the crown prince's residence for the preparation of the engagement later.

"Stop walking around... Yul's carpet is going to have a crop circle..." Yuri spoke in a flat tone at the girl who has been walking around since half an hour ago. 

"You can still joke now? Gosh, why didn't you board the plane when you had the chance?!?" Sooyoung said, exasperated by Yuri's action. The now crumpled plane tickets lay openly on the desk. 

The taller girl let out a long sigh and stumped onto the other chair. Her eyes turned towards the ceiling, not wanting to look at the piteous sight of her best pal.

Yuri maintained her silence, not planning to explain her decision. It would have been so much easier if she hasn't fallen in love in the first place and followed through with the original plan. 

Yes, that's right. 

The original plan was to pretend to be her brother and go through the engagement on his behalf until he returned. No feelings involved. 

"Sooyoung ah," a soft voice croaked out after several minutes of unbearable silence, "... would it be easier if I just... void the engagement later?" 

This time round, it was the tall girl's turn to be stunned. 


"In front of the media and everyone... just announce I don't want to be engaged to Jess-"

"Are you out of your mind!?" Sooyoung literally jumped up from her seat and placed both her palms down on the table forcefully. Yuri did not even flinch a bit at the loud impact, her head still resting on the table lifelessly. 

"Yah, Kwon Yuri! You're crazy to have even thought of that!"

"Isn't that the best way?" Yuri answered unemotionally, "You and my brother would then be free to fall in love without-"

Before Yuri completed her sentence, Sooyoung seized her by the shirt collar and pulled her up from the chair forcefully. She was about to yell some obscenities into Yuri's face when she noticed her visible reddened eyes, greatly surprising the tall girl who has not witnessed the princess's vulnerable side in a very long while. She could vaguely remember the only time she saw Yuri crying was when her first horse died of sickness when they were ten. Other than that, Sooyoung has never once seen that precious drop of tear anywhere near.

"Babo..." Sooyoung muttered softly as she pulled the girl into a tight embrace.

"What makes you think I'm going to let you sacrifice your love for me?"

Sooyoung felt a subtle quiver racking the girl's body and she held her even closer. 

"You don't have to act tough in front of me you know..."

With that, the strong front Yuri has been holding all these while, crumpled as a rare drop of tear finally rolled down her cheek.


"Gosh, hurry up! We are soooo late!" A short petite figure yelled at the other girl who had stopped along the sidewalk, panting heavily as she tried to catch a breather.

"AISH!" The girl quickly made a detour and latched onto the other's arm. 

"Ppani ah, hurry!" She urged the breathless girl as she pulled her along.

"Tete... wait up..." Tiffany called out exhaustedly, bending forward. Only then did Taeyeon relented and stopped walking. She looked at her wristwatch and groaned inwardly. There was slightly more than an hour to go, before the live coverage will go on air and looking at their shabby appearances, it would take a while more for the necessary make-up. Her phone rang at this moment. A glance at the caller ID was enough to make her cringe.

"Hello..." Taeyeon answered dreadfully.

"YAH! KIM TAEYEON! WHERE ARE YOU?!!" A sharp voice pierced through the phone speaker, "Did you two get lost in the wild or something?!"

Taeyeon shunned away from the phone until it became quiet once more. She edged toward the phone gingerly.

"I'm so sorry! Tiffany and I will be reaching soon!"

"HURRY! The broadcast is going on air soon! And you two as the journalists... how could you be late?!" The producer mumbled for a little while more before she ended the call abruptly, leaving Taeyeon all embarrassed.

"Tete... is the producer angry?" Tiffany asked meekly. 

It was all her fault for insisting on a short 2-day break to Jeju island during their off days and it could have been a perfect trip except they got lost in the wilderness last night while trekking in Hallasan. As a result, they missed the earlier flight back to Seoul. Upon reaching, they immediately rushed towards the hotel where the crew were waiting for them, only to be stuck in a horrendous traffic jam. Ditching the ride midway, the two ran towards the hotel, which was another twenty minutes away.

"It's all my fault," Tiffany trailed off softly. One look was at Taeyeon needed to know what was exactly on the girl's mind.

"I had a great time at the beach yesterday and the waterfall viewing at night. Not to mention the fireflies! We managed to catch a few too! Half the time you were running away from those and rapping your famous bug rap!" Taeyeon laughed.

Feeling slightly undignified, the girl rebutted, "That's because you were chasing me with those bugs!" 

"Really?" Taeyeon smiled wickedly and she playfully smacked Tiffany's butt, causing the girl to yelp in surprise.

"Chase after me then!" Taeyeon immediately sped off towards the direction of the hotel, leaving the embarrassed girl to chase after her for retaliation shouting 'ByunTaeng' along the way.


"Ok, let's go through the plan once again," Yuri voiced out as the phone on speaker mode was placed on the desk while the two crowded around it. They were alone in the hotel suite while Jessica and her parents were at a separate suite. 

"The rundown of the engagement ceremony later... well after the speech, there will be a toast to the guests and at this part, I will accidentally spill some champagne onto Jessica's dress and using it as an excuse, I will escort Jessica for a change of clothes, insisting Sooyoung as the sole guard and helper will be sufficient..."

An obvious background sound of a racing game could be heard from their end.

"YAH! Stop playing your game!" Yuri yelled into the phone.

"I'm not p-playing... it's on... trailer mode!" Yul hurriedly explained.

"Are you even listening to what we have discussed?"

"Of course, my dear Yuri, you've repeated the plan for the fourth time now... We are going to kidnap the Crown Princess... I was the one who came up with the idea anyway!"

"I can't believe I'm actually agreeing to one of your stupid ideas."

"Hey, at least that is the only one we came up with that might work! The whole idea of a heroic rescue and revealing your true identity at the end... that's soooo romantic!" Yul said excitedly over the phone. 

Yuri and Sooyoung looked at each other in the eyes and smacked their hands on their foreheads respectively. Something already told her that it would be a ridiculous idea.

"After this whole affair, you are going to clean up the mess! Capisce?" Yuri threatened her brother teasingly with an Italian mafia phrase. 

"... Capisco!"

"Don't be late!"

"I know I'll be-"

The line went dead when Yuri ended the call right before Yul could complete his sentence. Sooyoung could barely hold onto her laughter when she saw how Yuri did that on purpose.

"At least she is now back being Kwon Yuri..."


With only thirty minutes to go before the engagement, Yuri paced up and down the suite anxiously. Sooyoung has already left the room earlier to prepare for their secret ops. 

Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm herself down but she was still feeling under the heat and a nagging headache, which constantly distracted her from keeping a clear mind. 

At this moment, the doorbell rang. Thinking it must be Sooyoung, she quickly dashed forward and opened the door. To her surprise, it was Kang In at the door. 

"Do you mind if I can have a talk with you, Your Highness?"


"So what do you want to talk about?"

"I'll go straight to the point. Choose either one."

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb. You know exactly it's about."

"Coffee or tea? I have no idea what you're asking about."

"Jessica or Sooyoung. Choose one."

"Why do I have to choose between them?"

"You're such a hypocrite... I'm disgusted with your act. Why was she so foolish to like you?"

"She?" Yuri paused, "You liked Sooyoung..."

"If you love her, then protect her!" Kang In turned towards the door upon finishing what he wanted to say.

"What the hell do you mean by that..." Yuri asked, utterly confused. 

"Your stupid photos..."

However, Kang In did no further explanation once he stepped out of the suite. Even though he had refused to partake in exposing the Prince's secret affairs to the public, he was obligated to his loyalty for Prince Jin and couldn't exactly tell Sooyoung and Prince Yul about the photos. All he could do was to make sure that Prince Yul truly loved Sooyoung and he would protect her from the possible repercussion.


"This is Tiffany from KBS news, reporting live at the engagement ceremony of Crown Prince Yul and Crown Princess Jessica..."

Yuri waited anxiously outside the Grand Hall. Behind this closed doors, hundreds of distinguished guests including the cabinet and representatives of the noble clans, and not to mention, millions of the citizens were probably viewing the live broadcast at home, just for an engagement. 

Yuri laughed inwardly at the ludicrous affair. If she was never born into the royal family, perhaps things would be a lot simpler, much simpler. There wouldn't be any dignity or status of a royal to uphold. 

But what troubled her most was what Kang In had said to her earlier on. 

The gentle clucking of high heels from behind disrupted her trains of thought when she knew who it was.

"Y-You... look w-wonderful t-tonight..." Yuri stuttered, seeing the gorgeous sight of Jessica in a brink pink tube dress, which brought out her natural beauty of her fair complexion and her slim figure. 

"You...l-look good t-too!" Jessica replied shyly, stealing a quick glance at the prince who was wearing a dark navy shirt, coupled with a smart black lounge coat and a dull silver tie. 

Nothing could describe her happiness and anxiety at this moment. Soon, she would be getting engaged to the person she loved and just thinking about spending a lifetime with Yul was enough to make her feel blissful. 

"Your Highnesses, we're ready whenever you are," Sir Yoon addressed the young couple. Yuri looked at the elderly butler and felt apologetic for planning the outrageous act without his knowledge. No one was more concerned about protecting the honour of the royals than him. She nodded her head in return.

"May I?" Yuri asked as she held a hand out, seeking for the princess's permission to walk her down the aisle. 

Jessica timidly placed hers on top of Yuri's and together, they walked towards the Grand Hall. Once the door was opened, lights from the camera flashes shone continuously as the guests erupted into a loud applaud, welcoming the young royal couple. It strangely reminded Jessica of the media reception when she first stepped into Korea. A nervous pang struck her but a warm grip on her hand soothed her instantly. 

"Don't worry..." Yuri whispered.

"Can you promise me one thing? Promise me you'll always be... around for me..." 

Yuri looked into her eyes and answered sincerely, "I promise..."


During the long official statement addressed by the royal spokesperson, the two had the fingers intertwined under the long table they were seated at. Both their parents were seated beside them. 

Yuri nervously re-enacted the ploy scenarios in her head for countless times as the spokesperson continued with his boring speech. First, dirty Jessica's dress and using it as an excuse, escort her and then Yul would partake in the kidnapping along with Sooyoung and her. All she needed was to ensure no bodyguard would be around to interfere with the plan and she already had a good idea on how to exploit on the chain of command. 

Once the speech was over, everyone's attention shifted back to the young couple seated on the stage decorated with red and white roses. 

Yuri was about to rise up from her seat for preparation of the toast but before she did, a different voice spoke from the podium. 

"Please enjoy a simple montage prepared as a gift for His and Her Royal Highnesses..."

The ballroom lights began to dim down in response and Yuri felt a queer uneasiness at this new addition segment which was never mentioned in the final rundown schedule Sir Yoon briefed just ten minutes before the event.

The still pictures of Yul in his younger days flashed across the huge projector screen, earning a round of cute coo from the audience who were, especially, fascinated with the young prince's baby photos.

"I didn't know you are so cute in your younger days," Jessica whispered smilingly. 

Then a picture of young Jessica came on screen.

"I didn't know you are already such a beauty at such a young age," Yuri returned the praise cheekily.

The pictures alternated between Yul's and Jessica's, drawing comments from the crowd, praising the couple was indeed very compatible. Then one particular childhood photo caught Jessica's attention. It was a picture of Yul posing with two other girls who she presumed were his twin sister, Yuri and Sooyoung. But what caught her eyes was the young princess whom Jessica found a strange familiarity, as if she has seen her somewhere before. However, before she could analyse it further, the picture was replaced with a different one - an entirely different shocking picture, which drew sharp gasps from everyone present.

It was a series of pictures, undeniably those of Yul and Sooyoung, clinging onto each other like what a couple would normally do. Subsequent photos showed how Sooyoung fed Yul lovingly and how the two teased each other.

Both Yuri and Sooyoung could only stare at the pictures with disbelief. Neither knew they were being followed the whole time when they were out in the streets. This was one huge misunderstanding. 

Down below the first row, with the hall still in dimmed lights, Prince Jin smirked at the response of the shocked members of the royalties and especially that of his dear nephew and his 'fiancee'. The prince's reputation would definitely be tarnished beyond repair with this big news.

Besides the two, Sir Yoon was the only one who knew the whole truth. He reacted swiftly, stopping the flashing of the montage and ordered a block on the live broadcast, despite knowing half of Korea has probably seen the pictures. 

A sudden motion on her right drew Yuri's attention. Jessica stood up abruptly with the chair pushed back with a dragging sound. Yuri immediately followed suit as she turned towards the girl.

She wanted to move her mouth to say something... or anything... 

But she couldn't. No word came out of her dry throat. 

Yuri could only helplessly watch on as the girl's tears dwelt within her eyes. 

Jessica raised her arm instinctively. This time, Yuri did not flinched a bit. She was all prepared to accept any form of her deserving slap, punch or even kick. But none came. 

Jessica lowered her hand down as if all her strength just simply vanished in a single breath. She was not even angry with the man in front of her. 


She was angry. She was mad. She should be. 

But above all, she was hurt.

Very hurt.

Hurt by the person whom she loved dearly.

Hurt by the person whom she thought, loved her.

The pain in her heart became so unbearable at the thought of his betrayal act. Jessica looked at him with an obvious hurt look in her eyes.

If looks could kill, Yuri has witnessed it. The hurt look on Jessica's face was enough to kill her over ten times. Of all people, she had to hurt the person she loved, in a way she never have expected. 


Away from their inner turmoil, the crowd present in the hall was sent into a chaotic mess as the live broadcast was stopped immediately, with the angry media clashing with the officers. 

"This is madness... I don't believe the photos! Tete! Tell them that!" Tiffany shrieked at the top of her voice among the roaring unhappy crowd.

"I know... it must be a hoax!" Taeyeon raised her voice at the media crowd, urging everyone to calm down but no one was listening. The cameras were still rolling despite not being able to link it to the broadcast vans outside. Any precious footage at this point would be highly sought after.


"What's the meaning of this?!" An angry male voice from the behind Jessica cried out furiously. 

The girl's father immediately pulled her daughter back and stood in front of her, shielding her from the constant flashes of the cameras whom the guards below were trying to wrestle away from the photographers. Jessica's mother then hugged the girl in a protective embrace. 

"Yul, what's going on exactly?!" The King asked in a similar angry tone. 

Before anyone could react, the elder Jung held the prince by the collars of his coat and punched him in the face forcefully, much to everyone's shock. Yuri stumbled backward, knocking over the chair behind as she fell onto the ground. She could taste blood on her lips.

"My goodness! How could you do that?!" Queen Hyun who was greatly appalled by Lord Jung's action, rushed forward to assist her injured son. She tenderly wiped the trinket of blood off with her thumb while King Chung stood between his friend and his family, defending them.

Yuri looked up and saw her Princess's tears falling down uncontrollably. Each drop greatly pained her, much more than the punch threw on her.

She wanted to hold her with her hands. 

She wanted to wipe those tears off with her hands. 

But a resentful statement prevented all that from happening.

"I... hate you..."

With that, Jessica broke away from her mother's embrace and dashed out of the Grand Hall.


To be Continued...

~Love-O-Meter 100%~

Taeyeon: Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to our 2nd episode of Love-O-Meter 100%! (whispers to self) why do I have a feeling this is the final episode since there are no more couplings... (eyes wander to a certain mushroom butt)

Tiffany: Tete! We're on air already. Stop talking to yourself! People might misunderstand you again... like you always go off thinking and your eyes kinda wander around to my butt... 

Taeyeon: ACK! No no, I'm not... hahaha 

Tiffany: Ya right, does Byuntaeng ring a bell?

Choki: Get onto the show!!!

Tiffany: The producer is at it again! 

Taeyeon: Can you give us some quality time instead of appearing pretty randomly in your production?

Choki: I gave you already!

Tiffany: Yeah... for like a 1 minute scene in the 10 hour long movie? Thanks!

Choki: Sour mushroom...

Taeyeon: We are going to on a strike if there's no improvement!

Choki: Well, there I was planning to start a new production involving a certain mushroom and byuntaeng... (waves a script) seems like the actresses are going on a strike! Should I give these roles to... let's see... alligator and seororo? 

Taeyeon: Ppani! Do your eye smile!

Tiffany: Producer ^.^)=

Choki: (dazes) oooook... TaeNy will be in the next ebil production with definitely more screentime than 1 min... (passes script over to the 2 MCs)

Taeyeon: Good job, Ppani! I love my mushroom! 

Tiffany: (squeaks) This 'C' storyline is soooooo cheesy! The title should be changed to C for Cheesy! 

Taeyeon: Lemme read! 

~After 20 minutes~

Taeyeon: WHAT?!??! We are not the lead! It's them again!!!! 

Tiffany: What can we say... producer choki is a self-professed Yulsicteer

Taeyeon: We need to go on a strike and ask the producer for a TAENY pentalogy!

Tiffany: Forget it... the producer hasn't even completed a single one on YULSIC hexalogy and there's talk on JETI quadrilogy and now you want a TAENY pentalogy?

Taeyeon: And the producer keeps harping on the end of world... that means... there is less than 24 months to write (gasps) 9 stories without including our 5 stories! 

Tiffany: Tete, let's continue the show... I think the guests are glaring at us... especially the hungry one.

Sooyoung: YAH!!! STOP CHATTING! I'm starving already!!!

Yul: Calm down calm down! I thought we just had dinner like an hour ago. Nobody is going to marry you if you keep on eating like that! 

Sooyoung: WHAT DID YOU SAY??! (pinches Yul's ear)

Yul: OMG. I thought I just got rid of a violent woman and now, you are becoming like Jessica? She's bad influence! (faces tv camera) Kwon Yuri! You should keep a close watch on her! 

Tiffany: (whispers) Tete, are they ignoring us as the MCs?

Taeyeon: (whispers) I'm afraid so... but not to worry, we have difficult questions for them! (clears throat) Welcome to the 2nd episode of Love-O-Meter 100%! Our guests today are an absolute surprise as no one actually thought they would end up being a couple!

Tiffany: Let's put our hands for His Royal Highness Prince Yul and Her Royal Bodyguard Sooyoung! Commonly known as SooYul! 

~Applause sign lights up~

Sooyoung: Who came up with that lame 'Her Royal Bodyguard' title?

Tiffany: Producer choki

Choki: I heard that!

Tiffany: ^.^)=

Choki: ... (wades off dazed)

Taeyeon: Erm... ok... well, the rule of the game is simple. Answer the questions as truthful as possible and the answer will be graded by a reputable panel of judges, namely me, Ppani, the dazed producer choki (which is awfully easy to trick) and of course, our live audience!

~Audience cheers~

Tiffany: First question! When did you first discover your love for each other?

Taeyeon: Love! Love? Love!!!

Yul: Erm... I guess... I erm... actually don't remember

Sooyoung: You don't! That's mean! For me, it's when I'm 5-

TaeNy & Yul: FIVE?!??

Sooyoung: Minus current age, that's 14... it was more of a crush...

Taeyeon: Woah... someone is being real truthful

Tiffany: Yeah, unlike a certain someone

2 MCs eye a certain prince

Yul: What?! It's so long ago I can't even remember when...

Tiffany: Long time ago? That means... you like Sooyoung even longer than she did!

Yul: Well, you can put it that way... (shy)

Love-O-Meter shoots up to 50%

Tiffany: Woah! That's a huge increase!!!

Taeyeon: Ok, the next question will be testing on both of your rapport! So... which is your most memorable kiss?

SooYul: We haven't kissed...

Tiffany: ... 

Taeyeon: ...

~A breeze of icy cold wind and a flock of crows fly past~

Taeyeon: ... Why don't you two kiss now? 

Tiffany: Yeah... you should really kiss each other now... it's awkwardly cold here... 

Taeyeon: Some tongue action could really warm up here...

Sooyoung: I will dance Gee instead! Gee gee gee gee~ baby baby baby~

Yul: And I will dance... Tell me your wish (Genie)! Tell me your wish, boy~

Love-O-Meter drops to 1%

Taeyeon: Ahhhh, our audience really wants to see some kissing action between you two... am I right? Haha it's voting time again!

Tiffany: Please send your vote to Love-O-Meter 100% whether SooYul should have a kiss by the end of YBTP!

Sooyoung: Why would I wanna kiss him?! Give me 100 reasons!

Yul: You don't want to kiss me? But... we are getting married at the end right?

Sooyoung: Who says so! I never say I want to marry you...

Yul: But y-you... said you like me!

Sooyoung: But that d-doesn't mean I w-will marry you!

Taeyeon: Just get a room... make a prince or princess while you're at it! Or better another royal twins!

Tiffany: Yeah who knows... there might be a sequel "You'll be the Prince and I'll the Princess 2" starring your kids in another 20 years time!!!

Taeyeon: Oooooh I wonder who would be the Prince and Princess this time round...

Tiffany: Seohyun sounds like a very good name for a princess

Taeyeon: And Yoona too right?

Tiffany: Ahhhh... so Seohyun will be the princess from SooYul? And Yoona's the princess-turned-prince from YulSic? 

Sooyoung: How's that even possible!?!?!

Yul: Absolute ridiculous!

TaeNy: Anything can happen in a fic! 

Yul: A crack fic you mean?

Tiffany: Anyway... your final score is... 1%, woah, that is like 100% lower than our 1st episode guests...

Taeyeon: Bad! Bad? BAD!!!

Tiffany: I can't help them Tete...

Taeyeon: Ppani, it's ok... they shall face their destiny together...

Sooyoung: What? What?! What are you talking about?! Hey, it's just a game show right?

Yul: I never heard of any punishment or whatsoever!

Love-O-Meter blinks red and transforms into a huge walking machine

Taeyeon: Well, it's not that difficult... all you have to do is to avoid those metal arms... 

Tiffany: Tete! Let's hide!

Yul: What?!

Sooyoung: What is this thing supposed to do?

Taeyeon: Tickling machine! The last time Sunny tried on Yuri, it lasted for 100 hours! You two can take turns... 50 hours each! 

Tiffany: And remember to vote! ^.^)= and of course, 'C' production will begin screening in Feb! 

Chapter 19: Someday, my Prince will come

"I...hate you..."

Those three words rang continuously in Yuri's head while the chaotic scene in the ballroom continued to unfold with hordes of guards at the foreground, trying desperately to shield the royal family from the eager media. 

"Your Highness, who's the woman in the picture?"

"Your Highness, is it true that you have someone else in your mind?'

"Was the engagement with Miss Jung an act? Please tell us... you owe the public an explanation!" 

Ignoring the questions thrown towards the prince by the relentless media, Queen Hyun continued to tend to the cut on her son's lip. Yuri remained unmoved, staring at the now blank spot where Jessica stood just a while ago. Her parents had gone in pursuit after her, but not before warning the prince to stay away from their daughter. 

"Are you alright, my dear?" Queen Hyun asked worriedly at her unresponsive child.

"Someone, get a doctor now!" The anxious mother hastily ordered as she pulled Yuri back to her feet. The nearby attendants responded in a hurry.

Down below, Sooyoung was still reeling in shock over the exposed pictures of her and Yuri. Given her ability and duty as a royal bodyguard, she should have noticed they were behind followed on that fateful day. Clenching her fist tightly, she wanted to smack herself for being careless; having used to the relative tranquil in America.

"That's the girl!" A man from the crowd shouted aloud, pointing at the lone Sooyoung. Before she could react, a small horde surrounded her, behaving like a pack of hungry hyenas. 

"What's your relationship with the Prince?"

"Are you his secret lover?" 

The media continued their relentless pounding as numerous camera flashes kept flashing continuously at the back. Kang In looked from the side, unable to move forward due to the huge crowd blocking his path. Despite knowing Prince Jin's idea to expose the ugly side of Prince Yul beforehand, Kang In never expected it to be revealed during the engagement. In fact, he had pleaded with Prince Jin to withhold the pictures first until he could find out the Prince's exact feelings towards Sooyoung and vice versa. If they were indeed genuinely in love, Kang In would accept the fact graciously, and would even fight for Sooyoung to be officially recognised as Prince Yul's rightful girlfriend. He was about to push his way through the blocking crowd when a familiar voice suddenly roared out in fury. 

"Leave her alone!" Yuri yelled angrily as she broke free from the attendants and jumped down the stage, running towards Sooyoung. This certainly came as a surprise to everyone, including the royalty alike. 

"I say leave her alone!" 

The menacing tone of the angry prince deterred anyone from approaching both him and Sooyoung. They hastily took a few steps away from the girl. Without any further words, Yuri simply grabbed the stunned Sooyoung by the hand and pulled her along, breaking into a quick run, leaving everyone aghast by their action.


Once out of sight from everyone else, Sooyoung immediately broke free of Yuri's grasp and shot out angrily, "What are you doing?! You should be out chasing after Jessica, not coming back for me!"

"And leave you alone to deal with them?" Yuri spoke in defence.

"But now-" Sooyoung croaked exasperatedly, "-everyone will think those photos are real!" 

Yuri maintained her silence, not planning to explain further. There was only one other thing in her head. She kept walking straight towards the hotel entrance, undeterred by the fact that everyone else was waiting for her explanation. 

"Your Highness-" The guards stationed at the door greeted nervously.

"Where did she go?"

"We tried to stop her but-"

"Where did she go?!" Yuri reasserted strongly.

"Out to the street. We have sent a few men- Your Highness! It's raining-"

Without waiting for him to complete his sentence, Yuri dashed out into the pouring rain. Sooyoung quickly followed suit, chasing after her.

"Wait! Where do you think you're going?" Sooyoung called out from behind, grabbing Yuri's forearm forcefully. 

"I have to look for her!"

"It's raining! You'll catch a cold! Our men are already out looking for her."

"What if she gets into trouble? I have to find her, it's all my fault!" Yuri ranted, pushing Sooyoung away in the spur of the moment. 

"So what if you find her? Are you going to tell her everything?!" The equally drenched girl shot back. 

That question stumped her. Indeed, what was she planning to say to Jessica after finding her? Revealing her true identity and inevitably telling her that she had been lying all along would be akin to a suicide mission. Two bombshells in a single night... no one would be able to handle that kind of blow. 

"Promise me you'll always be... around for me..." Jessica's words rang in her head once more.

"I made a promise... I know she has all the reasons to hate me but this is something that I can't run away from..." 

Placing a hand on Sooyoung's shoulder, Yuri continued, "I need your help..."


With the royal family safely escorted out of the ballroom, the elder butler remained in the hall, doing his best to calm the unrest media and at the same time, defending the prince's name.

"It's all a misunderstanding! Please, everyone, just calm down."

A small vibration set off from within his pocket. After assigning his aide to handle the situation temporarily, he took a few steps back to answer the incoming call from a known number.

"Your Highness..."

"Sorry for the big mess, Sir Yoon. I will try to explain everything later but before that, please keep everything else a secret."

"But Your Highness, it's my responsibility. How can I let you shoulder everything yourself? I'm the one who suggested this-"

"And I'm the one who went with it!"


"Please, just do me this favour. Don't say a word to anyone, not even my parents until... until I have settled everything with Jessica," Yuri pleaded sincerely over the phone. 

The elder butler easily understood what Yuri had meant. Despite having no prior knowledge about their blooming relation, he was able to read their expressions and could easily tell that the two were deeply in love. If only Yuri did not have to hide her true identity... 

The elder butler heaved a subtle sigh. Love would only be increasingly more difficult for the two.

"Yes, I understand..."

If there was one thing he could do now, this was the only thing. 


The crying girl ran along the empty street, clutching the helm of her dress with one hand while wiping her tears away with the other. But it made no difference; her tears were still flowing uncontrollably, as was the rain pelting down endlessly. The uneven pavement made her feet throbbed with pain from running in high heels but it was nothing compared to the unbearable heartache she was feeling from within. A pain that was threatening to burst out from her chest, ripping her body apart. 

"Why... why it have to be you..."

She never had expected the person whom she thought had loved her wholeheartedly, would deceive her feeling. And for the first time, despite the presence of her parents, Jessica felt truly alone in this unfamiliar land. 


The rain was getting heavier and heavier, but still, no Jessica at sight. The streets were almost empty with only those few carrying umbrellas.

"Have you seen a girl wearing a pink dress? She has blonde hair and is about this tall!" Yuri asked, describing Jessica's physical appearances to several pedestrians along the way but no one knew. 

Yuri was worried sick. Where could the girl have gone? The city was so big and she did not know anyone outside the palace. What if she gotten into a trouble, or worse, an accident? Cursing herself mentally all over again, Yuri continued her blind search out in the pouring rain, running down the streets.

A soft ringing from her phone alerted her of a call, which she hastily answered while continuing her run.

"Yuri, where are you? Found her yet?" Sooyoung spoke in a hurry.

"No, I'm... s-still... searching... have you... told Yul?" 

"I sent him off straightaway. Told him to stay low at the moment until you have settled it with Jessica."

"G-Good... Has anyone... spotted Jessica yet?" Yuri panted into the phone, swallowing a gulp of breath rapidly. 

"Everyone's still searching..." Sooyoung paused, noticing a wheezing sound, on top of a noisy static interference coming from the other end.

"Hey! Are you ok-"

The call ended abruptly before Sooyoung could finish her sentence. 

Yuri took a quick look at her phone, only to realise the battery was flat. Stashing the useless equipment back into her pocket, she brushed the gradual heaviness of her head off to the back of her mind. Her top priority was to find Jessica and that was all that mattered.


Jessica kept on running, with each stride taking her further away from the source of her pain, thinking it would lessen her heartbreak. Deep down inside, she knew it was a futile effort but it was the only way to draw her away from the hurting torment that was swarming her. 

She was hurt, she was confused, she was losing all her senses and in a blind move, Jessica dashed across a seemingly empty road junction, oblivious to the path of an oncoming speeding car. 


A huge flash of lightning accompanied by a loud roar of thunder was a clear indication that the persistent rainstorm was not going to stop anytime soon. Her clothes were fully drenched, her loose tie and coat flailed about in the opposing wind, adding more weight and drag while she continued the arduous effort of running in the rain. Yuri had no intention on giving up with the search.

Further down the road, she spotted several pedestrians seeking shelter under a covered walkway near an electronic store. Yuri immediately hurried her pace, seeking any possible clue of the missing girl. 

"Have you all... seen a girl in pink dress... about this tall passing by?" Yuri asked, panting heavily as she clutched a painful side stitch. The group of teenagers who were happening to watch the television screen through the store glass display turned and gasped at the drenched person standing in front of them. 

Yuri turned her attention to the screen and realised the reason. The television was showing clips of her and Jessica earlier during the engagement broadcast. 

Using the unexpected visual aid, she pointed to the screen, "I'm looking... for her... have anyone of you... seen Jessica?" 

"Y-You... a-are?! Prince Yul?! The Crown P-Prince!?" A girl exclaimed. Several of her girlfriends wore an unbelievable look upon seeing the man of their dreams standing in front of their very own eyes. 

Yuri did not response to the group of excited young girls who did not seemed to know anything about Jessica. She looked around desperately, trying to do a quick search around the vicinity. She was about to leave when a girl suddenly called out to the prince.

"I think I've seen her ten minutes ago when I stepped out earlier!" Yuri's ears lit up to the girl's sentence and quickly made her way in front of her.

"S-She went that way!" The girl pointed to the opposite street across. 

"Thank you so much!" Yuri expressed her thanks with a huge hug, embracing the now awestruck girl who was on cloud nine. Yuri broke away from the brief contact quickly after realisation struck her.

"Sorry about that!" Yuri apologised sheepishly, knowing she had unintentionally made the girl wet with her drenched outfit. With that, she sped towards the direction. 

"...P-Prince Yul..." She stuttered incoherently, before losing her balance.

Her friends managed to catch her before she hit the ground. 

"H-He's soooo handsome..." 

That was the last word the girl muttered before fainting from the pleasure of their close body contact. 


A bright flash of beam light and a loud horn blared from the side, followed by an ear-piercing screeching sound of the tyres. Startled, Jessica turned and spotted the fast approaching car. 

"Move move move!"

Her instinct told her to move but she was rooted on the spot, unable to move a single muscle. Resigning to her fate, she shut her eyes tight and held her breath, hoping it would be over soon. Perhaps... it could even stop the pain deep within. 

But the pain never came. The car came to a full stop just less than a metre away from the girl frozen with terror.

"Watch where you are going!" The driver yelled rudely. 

As if all her hearings returned, the sound of raindrops hitting the ground brought Jessica back to reality. Then came a beeping sound at the pedestrian crossing light with a blinking green man signal. The reckless driver was clearly in the wrong but Jessica was too stunned to differentiate it. She trembled with fear as she walked unsteadily to the side. Disregarding his blatant misdemeanour, the foul driver stepped on his accelerator and sped off hastily, leaving behind the badly shaken girl by the roadside. 

Having finally stopped from the long run, all her physical limitations started to hit her hard. Her lungs were on the verge of collapsing and her feet began to throb with pain. All her stamina was long gone. She looked around her. None of the surroundings looked familiar to her and with no phone or money on her, Jessica was hopelessly lost. In spite of that, she had no intention to return to anywhere. All she wanted to do now was to disappear to somewhere alone where she could just be isolated from everyone else. 

Behind her was the entrance of a nature park. 


"How's with the search?" Butler Yoon asked worriedly.

"They are still looking for Her Highness..." Sir Choi, the Head of the Royal Security Act, answered with a grave expression. 

The issue with the media was settled momentarily and now, the more pressing matter over the missing princess was troubling the two top ranking seniors. The loss of any means of contact with the prince further fuelled their anxiety. 

"It's almost an hour and the rain is not getting any smaller by the minute," the butler sighed. 

"All available hands are out searching for them. This is indeed worrisome problem," Sir Choi added.

"Let me go and look for them!" Sooyoung contended from the side.

"You! Two missing persons are enough! You just stay put! You've got a lot of explanation to do!" Her father snapped furiously, not forgetting the shocking photos and his daughter's scandalous relationship with the prince.

The poor girl kept quiet. She has agreed to Yuri's request and for now, she would maintain her silence on the issue.

Sir Yoon turned to Sooyoung briefly before resuming his conversation with his friend, "We'll hear more from the prince when he's back. I believe they are innocent..."


After another fruitless twenty-minute search around the area, Yuri was all exhausted. Her mind and body grew heavier with each passing minute. She has been out in the rain running non-stop for close to an hour. 

"What if they have found her already?"

"Maybe... since my phone is dead... no one was able to inform me..."

"No... what if they haven't found her yet..."

The slight possibility of the girl still out in the rain, gave her the drive to persevere. Finally, she came across the entrance of a dimly lit public park. Feeling a strong hunch Jessica could be there, she went in.


On the bench, just by the side of walking trail, Jessica sat down in the empty park, crying her heart out as the rain continued its relentless beating on her. Her face was buried in her hands as a cold draft of wind blew past, causing her to shiver involuntarily. 

Now that she was no longer running, the girl finally had the time to think over everything.

Did Yul even like her in the first place? If he had truly loved her, then why would there be such suggestive photos of him and Sooyoung? 

"But all I ever wanted was you to be safe..."

His words suddenly flashed across her mind. 

That's right. 

He was the one who saved and protected her from the runaway horse.

"Lady, is this gentleman making a trouble for you?"

"A gentleman should never harass a fine lady. It is such a shameful act."

He was the one who came to her rescue when she was being harassed at the masquerade party. 

"I'm in love with her..."

"Never thought this would happen... it's totally absurd... it's like, love happens without any reason..."

He was the one who said those true words, not knowing that who she was at the time.

"So you said... you don't know how to confess... to the one you like?"

"I'm sure he heard it already..."

And he was the one whom she passed her heart to. 

"Silly girl, you won the race. I have to do everything you asked. And other than you, who else can I be good to?"

"I hope you are hungry cause I woke up real early to make this..."

"I'll give you everything I have!"


"Yes, everything... Including my love..."

How could she have discarded everything Yul has done for her? 

Their love was too real to be a lie.

A staggering footstep generated by the muddy water on the trail alerted Jessica of a presence.

Jessica instinctively raised her head to the source. To her fright, the stranger stumbled forward causing the girl to let out a sharp scream.



A high-pitched scream coming from the opposite direction caught Yuri's attention. She instantly recognised that distinctive scream. Ignoring the gradual tightness in her chest, Yuri sprinted towards the source. 

"Please don't let anything happen to her..."


Jessica was terrified when the stranger held her tightly by her upper arm. 

"Where are you going, pretty lady?" 

She could smell a stench of alcohol from his breath as he spoke. The girl shrieked sharply again as his filthy hand touched her cheek in a teasing manner. In response she hit the man, only to be blocked with his other hand.

"Feisty woman eh? Why don't you... just come along with me?" The man snickered as he grabbed her arms and started pulling her along roughly. 

Jessica continued screaming for help, hoping someone would help but the dreadful thought that they were alone in the park further exacerbated her fear. She struggled desperately, trying to break free from his strong grasp, much to the man's growing displease. 

"Aish... just keep quiet or I will hit you!" The intoxicated man threatened angrily. 

Taking the chance, Jessica gathered all her remaining strength and stepped on his foot with her high heel, inciting a pained cry from the brute. 


The man raised a hand to hit the girl. Jessica shut her eyes, anticipating the strike, which, to her surprise, never came. She opened her eyes to see a familiar figure stopping the blow in mid air single-handedly.


Yuri tightened her fist and punched him with all her might, unconcerned even when her knuckles recoiled in pain. She was raging mad.

The stumped man immediately let go of Jessica and stumbled backward, thrown off balance by that forceful punch. The man lay wasted on the mud, groaning in pain. Yuri held back her anger and turned her full attention towards the distressed girl. 

Holding her shaking hands, Yuri spoke in a rushed yet gentle voice. 

"Are you ok? Did the guy hurt you? Tell me! Gee, your hands are so cold..." 

Despite her shortness of breath, Yuri blew her exhaled warm air into Jessica's hands as she rubbed their hands together in a bid to keep the girl warm. 

She was supposed to be angry with him but why was this man affecting her senses so much that she couldn't understand herself anymore? 

Through her teary ears, she saw another genuine concern look from Yul. Seeing how drenched the prince was, Jessica knew he must have been out searching for her the entire time. And this was the third time Yul had came to her rescue. 

"Why you little twerp!" The man bellowed from behind, holding a beer bottle he left on the ground earlier on, as he readied for a strike.

Jessica immediately pushed Yul out of harm's way, missing the dangerous strike narrowly as they fell onto the soft muddy ground. She winced at the pain shot up from her ankle. 

Yuri reacted instinctively, kicking the brute in the shin. The muddled man fell forward and rolled onto the ground, clutching his leg as he howled in pain. The glass bottle broke upon impact and lay by the side harmlessly.

This time round, Yuri lost her cool as she reached forward, straddling over the guy. She held him by the collar with her left hand and rained down punches on his face with her right fist. The strain on her stitched wound became more apparent with each forceful punch as the cut split open wider. Soon, her knuckles became bloodied with the man's blood while her own ran down along her hand with the rainwater. 

The man began pleading for mercy but Yuri did not stop. She was consumed in a blinding rage. Nothing could stop her down; not even the gradual numbness of her hand. 

"Stop! Yul, please stop!" Jessica cried, trying to stop him from further injuring himself. She moved forward but the sharp pain in her ankle returned, causing her to yelp in pain. 

Only then did Yuri stop and turned around to look at her princess. 


Taking advantage of the brief distraction, the brute grabbed the broken glass bottle by its neck and swung forward.

Jessica's eyes widened with horror as the prince fell backward, clutching his now bloodied left forearm. Luckily for them, a distant siren rang out and the intoxicated man quickly discarded the beer bottle and scrambled away as fast as he possibly could. 

"YUL!" Jessica shouted anxiously as she ignored the pain and launched forward to the fallen prince. She was more concerned about him than anything else.

"Sica!" Yuri croaked out, ignoring the stinging sensation as well as her tired body and staggered forward to her princess.

"Are you alright?" Both asked at the same time, and when Jessica looked down at his new and old wounds, it hurt her more than she imagined. 

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry," Yuri apologised, "I should have told you right from the sta-"

Before Yuri could continue her explanation, Jessica cupped her face and brushed her thumb on the cut on Yuri's lower lips. She knew that was caused by her father's punch earlier on. 

"I'm sorry... I should have believed in you..." She croaked in anguish, realising how foolish she was to doubt the authenticity of their love. 

Jessica held him closer and wrapped her arms around his neck but something was amiss, why was his body so hot? 

"Sica... I've something... to tell you... I-I..." Yuri said weakly as she tried to continue but her feverish body was no longer responding to her command. She vaguely heard her princess's cries for help before blacking out entirely. 


Chapter 20: Two is better than one

Jessica was shaking with fear, as the prince lay in her embrace unmoving. The sight of the thin blood, mixed with rainwater, cascading down his hands and the tips of his fingers further escalated her panic.

"Help! Someone please help!" She cried out desperately but it became evident that they were all alone in the deserted park with each passing second. 

"Yul, please..." Jessica pleaded as hot tears continued to run down the sides of her cheeks.

If she hadn't run away and got herself into trouble...

If only she had stayed on to hear his explanation...

If only she had trusted him, trusted his love...

None of these would have happened...

She tried waking him up by gently patting his cheeks but it was futile. Yuri was running a high fever and on top of that, the cut inflicted by the glass bottle appeared deep. 

Jessica could not afford any further delay in seeking medical help. Knowing it would be hard to walk on heels, she instinctively took them off, wincing in pain when she carelessly brushed against her swelling ankle. Careful not to touch his wounded arm, she draped his right hand across her shoulder, mindful of the raw reopened cut. Ignoring her hurt ankle, Jessica struggled to pull the heavy body up. The increasingly stabbing pain on her ankle did not matter to her, nor did the tiny jagged rocks scraping against her bare soles stop her path. 

She managed to stagger forward for a fair distance before her ankle gave way, causing her to lose balance and with their combined weight, they fell forward. The muddy water splattered in all directions and she could taste the awful mud in her mouth. But the selfless girl could care less. Jessica clambered forward, ignoring her twisted ankle and using all her remaining strength, she turned the fallen prince onto his back. All drained and worn out, Jessica did the only thing she could besides crying for help. She wrapped around him in a tight embrace, shielding him from the relentless rain. 


The journey in the car was uncomfortably silent. Taewoo was at the wheel while Sooyoung sat on the passenger side, her face crunched with worries about Yuri and Jessica. The rain showed no signs of stopping and it has been more than an hour with no news from both sides: the searching party and the royal couple. And what infuriated her most was that she wasn't allowed to join the search. Instead, she was ordered to return to the palace under the instruction of her father and His Majesty. But what she didn't know was that this was all made with good intentions. The King and Queen figured out it would be unsafe for Sooyoung to be seen in the public for the time being, especially after witnessing the chaotic scene in the ballroom and not to the mention, the possible backlash the poor girl would receive in due time from the general public.

"O-Oppa, please... let me go and join the search! I can't possibly sit here and do nothing!" Sooyoung pleaded, breaking the vexing silence. 

"You know I can't and besides where are you going to look from?" Taewoo answered to the best he could while remaining focused on the road ahead in the midst of the heavy rain.

All of a sudden, a figure stumbled across the road. Taewoo reacted instantly, applying the brake pedal forcefully. Their black Audi R8 came to a screeching stop as their bodies lurched forward slightly, protected by the restrain of their seatbelts while the man fell on his butt, shocked by the near hit. 

They immediately exited to check upon the fallen man. Upon closer inspection, they were surprised at the sight of his bloodied shirt and an apparent bruised face. The two stared at each other confusingly. They were pretty sure the car didn't hit him. As they drew nearer, the distinct stench of strong alcohol lingered closely. It was obvious the man was drunk and perhaps he has gotten into a fight somewhere.

"Are you ok, Mister? Do you need me to send you to a hospital?" Taewoo asked as he kneeled down, placing a hand on his shoulder.

The frightened man looked at the two well-dressed individuals. The thought that these people were looking for those two he encountered in the park immediately flashed across his mind. Before Taewoo could ask again, a faint cry of help caught their attention. 

Sooyoung's ears perked upon hearing the all-too-familiar voice and whispered, "Jessica... it's Jessica!"

Her thought instantly ran wild. The blood on the man's shirt... Who did it belong to? The disturbing intuition made her sprint toward the source.

The drunkard knew from that instant they were all connected. Afraid of getting into more trouble, he shoved Taewoo away with a rough push and scampered as fast as he could. Taewoo threw one last look at the drunkard's disappearing back view before heading into the park, hot behind the girl's trail.


"Anyone! P-Please h-help!" Jessica whispered hoarsely, her voice all worn out by her constant cries. The cold was biting into her bare skin and she shivered uncontrollably but she held onto Yul as tightly as she could. 

"Jessica! Yul!" 

The voice seemed surreal.

"... H-Help..."

"Jessica! Yul!" 

The voice grew louder and nearer. Jessica blinked her eyes, shaking off her gradual weariness. She knew who it was. She mustered all her efforts and cried desperately.


"Oppa! Over there!" Sooyoung yelled for Taewoo's attention and dashed towards the source. A wave of relief washed over Sooyoung when she finally found her missing friends. But something wasn't right. 

"Jessica! What happened?" 

Sooyoung knelt down and gasped sharply upon seeing the unconscious Yuri.

"H-Help him... he's wounded and... he's running a high fever..." Jessica mumbled, shaking with under the extreme cold. 

Sooyoung immediately held her hand to Yuri's face and felt the burning hot temperature. By now, Taewoo has caught up with Sooyoung and spotted them surrounding an unconscious prince. 

"We've got to bring His Highness to the doctor," Taewoo said calmly, removing his coat and covered the shivering princess with it. Without further ado, he picked up the unconscious prince, placing him prone on his back. Sooyoung reached out for Jessica, supporting her up as the girl stood up leaning against her.

Once he had properly secured the prince on his back, Taewoo hurried out with the two girls following closely behind. Although her ankle was still hurting, Jessica bit her lips down to stifle her pain. Sooyoung could tell from her limping action and draped her hand across Jessica's shoulder, supporting her weight, much to the girl's surprise.

"Yul will be alright..." She comforted the princess and at that instant, Jessica buried her head into the crooks of Sooyoung's neck, seeking a solace a dear friend could offer. 


The anxious family members waited restlessly at the residence palace of the Crown Prince while the royal physician and several attendants including Lady Bae, the senior lady attendant whom the twins and Sooyoung called her 'nanny' affectionately, were inside the closed door, attending to the prince. 

Under clear instructions of His Majesty the King, no one was allowed to disturb while the prince was receiving medial attention. Sir Yoon and Sooyoung could only pace up and down the hallway apprehensively; fearing the truth of Yuri's identity would be let out of the bag even before she could even own up to Jessica.

The door creaked open, catching everyone's attention. 

"How's Yul?!" Sooyoung blurted out thoughtlessly, momentarily forgetting formalities in the palace but with the situation at hand, none was bothered with rules and regulations. 

"Please tell us, Dr Kim... is my son ok?" Queen Hyun asked nervously, her personal attendant supporting her up.

The elder doctor, with his surgical mask on, looked at each and everyone with an unreadable expression, causing the rest to fidget uneasily. The two briefly exchanged glances and Yoon knew where this was going; the secret was out. 


Back at the Princess Quarter, the refreshed Jessica was receiving proper treatment for her swollen ankle. She winced slightly when the doctor performed a check.

"Is anything broken? Oh god, my poor child," Lady Jung asked worryingly. 

"Lady Jung, there's no need for alarm. Her Highness has sprained her ankle, nothing as serious as a broken ankle," the physician answered calmly. After a quick administration, Jessica's ankle was now wrapped from toes to the mid-calf with a compression bandage. 

"Your Highness, please refrain from walking tonight and rest well. It should heal up within a day or two. I shall prescribe you with some painkillers, just in case pain persists and some vitamins pill to boost your immunity after your prolonged exposure in the rain."

Jessica nodded. 

"Thank you." Her father standing by the side thanked the doctor gratefully. Before he was about to leave, a soft voice called out. 

"Doctor... how's Yul doing?" Jessica asked gingerly, causing her parents to flinch uncomfortably. Her father was about to say something but his wife stopped him immediately, glaring into his eyes with a stern look. Nothing mattered anymore now that their daughter was back safely.

The doctor adjusted his glasses and spoke warily, "I'm not too sure about it myself. But it seems like His Highness is running an extremely high fever..." He trailed off slowly, seeing Jessica's worried features. 

"I should take my leave now..."

After the doctor left, Jessica rose up from her resting position, disregarding the advice to rest. 

"What do you think you are doing, lady?" Her father asked with crossed hands. 

"I'm going to see Yul."

"No, you are not! What's so good about that heartless guy?" 

"He's not heartless! And why did you have to punch him?!"

The father and daughter shot glares at each other. 

"Jessi dear, you should rest up." Her mother spoke up, breaking the tense situation. She knew both the father and daughter had the same stubborn traits. 

"Mom! The reason why I'm safe and sound, sitting on this bed is because Yul saved me from the thug! He got hurt because of me and you all are telling me to rest? How could I?"

"He cheated on you! And god knows since when? What if he and that bodyguard of his have been together all along? Wouldn't you have become the foolish third party?" The elder Jung voiced out his displease. 


Jessica bit down on her lower lips, unable to rebut her father's statement. She wanted to shout out that she trusted him, but how was she going to explain about the origins of those photos? How was she going to defend Yul when she herself has no clue or any explanation to offer to her parents? 

She needed to hear an explanation from Yul as well. 


The anxious Queen was waiting for the physician's answer.

Dr Kim lowered his mask.

"Kim-" Yoon spoke out, hoping to negotiate for a better way to break the news to the worried royalties, only to be cut off by the physician. 


Sooyoung gulped.

Their hearts skipped a heart. The royal physician, as well as the whole team inside the room knew the whole truth. 

"-Ahem... Your Majesty, fret not... His Highness will be fine..." 

His Highness? Did they hear it wrongly? Yoon and Sooyoung looked at each other with a baffled look. 

"But in view of the recent outbreak of H1N1 flu, I would advise you all to stay away from His Highness in the meantime until the confirmatory blood test result is out."

"H1N1?" Queen Hyun croaked out shockingly, "You don't mean that pandemic strain..." 

"We won't know for now but I have given His Highness a dose of antiviral just in case. His Highness is asleep now but I will stay to monitor his health condition."

"Can't we see him?" Queen Hyun asked while King Chung stood behind his queen with a concerned look. 

"I'm afraid for the well-being of Your Majesties, this is not a good idea..."

"I understand..." King Chung spoke out at last. 

Placing his warm hands on his wife's shoulder, he comforted her, "Honey, let's not put further pressure on Dr Kim... I trust his medical skills and Yul will be in good hands..."

Upon hearing that from the King, his insides was wrenching with guilt, "This has better had a good reason..."

"Let's make a move... there's much more things waiting for us to settle in the meantime." 

King Chung sighed, thinking of the mess his dear son has created. He turned towards Sooyoung and caught the obvious distraught look on her face. 


The said girl jolted up in fright at the mention of her name. Instead of an angry face, the King had a gentle amiable look. 

"You had a rough night too. Please stay in the palace for tonight, I have talked to your father and we fairly agreed that we'll leave everything to tomorrow... so just rest well," he said kindly to the girl whom he treated like one of his own. 

Sooyoung only nodded her head slightly, unsure of a proper response. If the royalties had knew about the whole truth, how would they react to her relationship with the real prince? 

King Chung had kept his composure throughout the whole fiasco. But perhaps for now, a visit to his 'future-in-laws' would be necessarily, the word 'future' hanging almost with uncertainty. He won't be surprised if they would call off the engagement and that would be the utmost task early tomorrow. With that, he held onto his wife and escorted her out of the Crown Prince Quarter with heavy-heartedness. 

Now with only Sir Yoon, Sooyoung and the royal physician remaining in the hall, the elder doctor spoke out solemnly. 

"I need a word with you two..."


Following the royal physician's lead, Sir Yoon and Sooyoung entered into the prince's bedroom where several female attendants stood by the side with grave looks printed on their faces. But to their confoundedness, none of them were wearing masks. 

Sir Yoon was totally confused. 

"I thought-" 

"I lied... Her Highness didn't have H1N1 virus," said Dr Kim calmly.

"What?!" Sooyoung exclaimed loudly, "then why did you tell us otherwise? God, I nearly had a heart attack just now!" 

"Like how we all got a heart attack when we found out about Her Highness... Yoon, what's going on exactly? Why is Princess Yuri dressed up like Prince Yul?" Dr Kim asked the question on the mind of everyone in the room. 

Sir Yoon looked at the faces of everyone present in the room. He could tell from their faces that they were genuinely concerned about the princess. There was no reason to hide the truth from them any longer. 

As expected, everyone drew in sharp surprise gasps after hearing the whole story about the missing prince and ploy for the younger twin to act in his place. In fact, most were surprised how no one suspected or caught any signs of the princess.

Dr Kim shook his head and furrowed his brows displeasingly.

"You should have told me earlier, much earlier! At least I could treat the wounds on Princess Yuri's back! Am I so unworthy of your trust, my old friend?"


"The fever was because of the infection from the cuts on Princess Yuri's back and her shoulder! And of course, there is an underlying cold infection but now with Her Highness's immunity level so low... everything just adds up!" Dr Kim said angrily. It was a rare sight to see the usually calm doctor teething with angry. 

The truth took a while to set in but when it did, it hit Sooyoung hard. 

"It's my fault..." 

She trailed off agonisingly, staring hard at her friend who was attached to an I.V drip, all because of her negligence. She was the one who was supposed to clean and treat Yuri's wounds properly, but in the midst of their playful teasing, she had overlooked its importance. 

Sooyoung rushed forward and knelt down near the bed, her hands clutching onto Yuri's uninjured forearm. She bit her lower lips and held back her tears, knowing if Yuri was awake now, she would knock her head and chide her for crying. 

"It's not your fault, Sooyoung..." 

Lady Bae who was standing nearby, consoled the girl as she rubbed her back.


The senior chief looked around, sensing the running emotions in everyone's mind. 

"I think all of us here should know what to do now... let's keep it a secret for Her Highness until she says it herself... but let's hope it would be over soon... His Majesty and Her Majesty cannot be kept in the dark for too long..." Lady Bae said wisely, reaching a general consensus.


Jessica cautiously lowered the blanket and peeked her head out. Earlier on, the stubborn princess threw tantrums and hid under the covers to avoid further argument with her dad. On the pretext of being tired from the ordeal, she feigned her sleep, leaving her parents with no choice but to put the matters on hold.

Her eyes gradually adjusted to the darkness, its only light source; a small table lamp by the far side. She could roughly spot two sleeping figures on the sofa bed. Trying to be as stealthy as possible, Jessica quietly climbed down from the bed, making as little movement as possible as she slipped on the slippers. She was careful not to land her weight on the injured ankle. She grabbed her Abercrombie hoodie and reached for the crutch placed against the wall near the bedside for her easy access. After proper positioning, Jessica carefully limped her way out of the room. The aluminium crutch creaked softly for a few times but thankfully her parents were soundly asleep. The carpeted floor also helped cushioning the sound made each time the crutch landed. 

It took her a fair amount of time, trying to be as quiet as possible and finally, she was out in the open. Jessica drew her body closer, zipping up her hoodie at the coldness of the night and slowly, the determined girl made her way across the small garden separating the two living quarters. From far, she noticed the lights coming out from the prince's quarter. A slight anxiety rose from within, wondering if the royal physicians were still trying to treat the prince. 

She pushed open the door cautiously, not wanting to disturb anyone who could be resting inside. A soft tap on her shoulder caused the unaware girl to jump in fright. 

"Oh I'm so sorry, Your Highness! I-I didn't mean to g-give you a fright..." The junior attendant apologised, appearing more scared than the girl herself. The tray of wet towels she was carrying nearly toppled over with her shaking hands.

"Are you here to see H-His Highness?" The girl stuttered, almost addressing Yuri her proper title. 

"Is he alright? I don't want to disturb him if he's sleeping..."

Before the young lady attendant could answer, the door creaked open wider, revealing a tired-looking figure.

"Her Highness!" Yoon greeted in surprise. 

"Sir Yoon... I-I'm just here to see if Yul is alright..." Jessica bit her lower lips, fully aware that she would not be able to sleep tonight, not knowing the prince's well-being. 

The elder butler noticed the crutch and her sweaty forehead and knew the girl must have made a tiring walk across the yard. He knew it would be far too unfeeling of him to send Jessica back to her quarter, without letting her in to see her prince. Upon seeing the eyes full of concern and worry, Yoon relented. 

"Your Highness, please come in."

Perhaps with her presence, Yuri might recover faster. 


Jessica gingerly set her foot in the quiet room, with the help of Sir Yoon. The first thing she spotted was Sooyoung tending to Yul, wiping his forehead with wet towel while a much older male stood close by, adjusting the saline drip carefully. 

A slight jealousy arose from within but she quickly brushed it away, reminding herself that she should hear their explanations before jumping into conclusion. The earlier ordeal was a perfect example. 

"Your Highness, I didn't know you came." The physician greeted upon seeing Jessica accompanied by Sir Yoon.

Sooyoung immediately wheeled around at the mention of Jessica. 

"Dr Kim, is Yul ok?" Jessica asked, remembering the name of the royal physician who treated her for minor abrasions after the horse-riding incident not too long ago. 

"The fever is brought down for now, but we will have to monitor His Highness's temperature for a few more hours... he should be fine after a couple days of rest..." the physician heaved a sigh, showing his tiredness unintentionally. After all, he had been treating the princess for quite a while, without taking a break. 

"Kim, perhaps a coffee to freshen up?" Sir Yoon suggested, signalling an unspoken hint for the physician to leave the room, allowing the young adults to be left alone. 

"Yes, a coffee would be nice..." Dr Kim replied, "I will be just right outside if you need me..."

After leaving his instruction, Dr Kim and Sir Yoon stepped out of the room, leaving the two girls standing awkwardly in the quiet room. Sooyoung placed the wet towel on the tray nervously. She wasn't exactly ready to face Jessica now that they were alone. What if the girl wanted to know about the explanation regarding those scandalous pictures? 

"Thank you."

Sooyoung was slightly stunned. She hadn't been expecting that. 

"If it wasn't for you, we could have-" Jessica paused, thinking about the possible outcome. "You saved Yul..."

"No, I didn't... you were the one there for him... you protected him."

"No, he got hurt because of... me..." she trailed off softly.

Unable to remain a silence stand about the whole situation, Sooyoung spoke her mind out. 

"He got hurt because he loves you." 

Jessica kept quiet, feeling culpable for the prince's condition. Sooyoung stepped closer towards the girl.

"I have known him for nearly two decades. I have never seen him being so involved in anyone. He's really poor at fighting. And for him to fight against that man... just for you..." 

Sooyoung placed a hand on Jessica's shoulder.

"This shows how much he really loves you."


"Just take a seat and don't move around... you should be resting, your ankle hasn't fully healed," Sooyoung immediately pushed Jessica back to the sitting position. She had shifted the chair to be placed near the bed so Jessica could remain seated while caring for the prince. 

"But you had a rough night as well," Jessica said, embarrassed that the whole team was dispatched to search for her in bad weather.

Sooyoung took the towel from Jessica and handed her a fresh towel, "Are you not treating me as a friend?"

"No, this is not what I meant-"

"Good. Then stay put and leave the rest to me. All the patient needs now, is Nurse Jessica's tender loving care..." Sooyoung made a lovelorn expression and Jessica almost threw the towel at her face if not for the fact that she needed it to sponge Yul's head and neck to keep him cool.

A faint murmur caught her attention and she quickly turned to face the source.

"He's awake!" Jessica called out for Sooyoung excitedly. The girl instantly rushed forward, and to their disappointment, it turned out that Yuri was just murmuring in her sleep. 

"I guess... that happens... sometimes..." Jessica answered sheepishly. Sooyoung could only laugh at the girl's mistake. 

"It sure does."

Jessica continued to care for the prince throughout the night, checking for his temperature with the digital thermometer temporal scanner at regular intervals. The latest readings were fairly constant, showing no further sign of fever. She turned behind and found the tired girl dozing off on the sofa. 

Placing the wet towel aside, Jessica gently slid her finger down his nose bridge, brushing past the faint cut on his lip which she knew was the handiwork of her father. She leaned her face forward, placing a light kiss just above the cut, wishing it would heal instantly. She continued to gaze at his sleeping face while tenderly tracing the outline of his face. 

"... Don't leave me... Sica... " 

This time round, Jessica could distinctively hear his murmuring words. Her eyes instantly became moist with tears as she held on to his hand, and whispered closely into his ear.

"I'm here... I'll never leave your side ever again..."


The two flustered parents came out of the princess's quarter in a hurried manner, accidentally bumping into visiting King and Queen. 

"Where is my daughter? Where did you hide her?" Lord Jung asked accusingly.

"What are you talking about?" King Chung replied.

"Jessica is missing! She's nowhere to be found!" 

"Calm down! What do you mean she's missing?"

"Yah! We have been old buddies for so long... are you trying to hide her so she can't speak up on her own? This is a conspiracy, isn't it? You are trying to protect your own son!"

"No, of course, not! Have you search thoroughly? Maybe she's in the bathroom-" 

"Yah! You sly old fox! I have enough of you!" Lord Jung lunged forward.

"Oh yeah! You crazy old monkey! I haven't settle my old score with you!" 

King Chung discarded his proper image and wrestled with his old time buddy, behaving like two elementary school boys fighting over toys. Their wives stood away with the same expression, "Boys..."

The bodyguards standing close by were prepared to break up the scuffle, only to be stunned when the two broke out in laughter as they fell onto the ground. 

"There's only one other place she could be..."

"Yeah... your son's room..."

The noisy parents, the two loud fathers to be precise, made their way across the yard, arguing about the well-being of their child's status. 

"Your son needs to explain everything clearly!"

"Of course, he does..."

"And your son needs to apologise for all his actions!"

"My son has a name, Yul... Kwon Yul!"


"Yah! You're still as rude as before."

"Oh yeah! To me, you're just the little brat who sat besides me during class, who happened to be the Crown Prince of Korea and grew up to be the King!"

"Same here! You're just the little monkey who ate my lunch, who happened to be next Head of the House of Jung and now the CEO to the multi-billion Jung Enterprise."

The two wives trailing behind on their own heaved a sigh, "Boys..."

They continued to be loud and noisy until they saw the sight of children sleeping soundly next to each other. Jessica had placed her head next to Yul and their intertwined hands laid by the side comfortably. 

The two mothers quickly ushered their husbands out of the room, protecting their children's privacy.

"I guess..." Lord Jung said it first, followed by King Chung, "They are really in love..."


"We have indeed saw His Highness Prince Yul searching in the rain for the crown princess! If you're asking me if the scandal between the crown prince and his bodyguard is true or not, I would say definitely no!" The girl being interviewed stated her view strongly. At the background, a couple of schoolgirls nodded in agreement. 

"On top of the new discovery, a new picture of the crown prince and princess holidaying in Jeju has been released by our fellow colleague who happened to have taken an accidental shot of the two at the beach."

A photo clearly depicted a smiling girl at the front, posing for the shot while the two people identified as the prince and princess were sharing a drink under the umbrella at the distant background. 

"The authenticity of the picture has been verified by the Palace spokesperson who confirmed that the prince and princess had been on a short trip to Jeju recently. We have also spoke with the manager of the hotel which His and Her Royal Highness stayed during their holiday."

"Oh, yes... I didn't realise it was the crown princess and princess when they stayed at our hotel. I actually thought they were newly wed! Haha, oh... from the way I see their interactions, they are clearly in love! No doubt!" The bespectacled hotel manager waved excitedly in front of the camera but the footage was soon replaced by the live footage of the broadcasting studio. 

"The revealed photos were only on air briefly before the live broadcast was stopped last night during the engagement and millions of viewers at home were rather taken aback by the sudden turn of event. Thousands of netizens crashed the Naver server just minutes after the broadcast, expressing their shocks over the scandal and surprisingly, most of them has taken a defensive stand for the prince who has maintained a good image in the public over the years. Politics analysts has given their views that it is highly unlikely His Royal Highness Prince Yul, the Crown Prince of Korea, would lose his position as the heir apparent to the imperial throne. The investigation still goes on, and the Royal Family has not eliminated the possibility of an act of sabotage of the crown prince's name. An official statement from the Palace is to be released sometime later in the day. This is KBS morning news-"

The screen went blank instantly as the remote control was slammed down on the table forcefully.

"I can't believe his luck..."

"Your Highness..."

"Taewoo... tell me is there any other way that little brat would ever lose his position?"

He stood silently at the side. Prince Jin placed the tips of his fingers of both his hands together, forming a triangle.

"I guess... it has to be over his dead body..." 

The scheming prince grinned in a disturbing manner. 

"Taewoo ah... Taewoo ah..." Prince Jin rose up from his seat and walked up proudly to his able aide, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"You should know I'm doing this all for you... I'm just taking back what is rightfully yours..."

Taewoo gritted his teeth. After all these years of hardship, and the long years of solitude he spent after his mother's early death when he was just a young boy, he would finally be able to reclaim his proper title once Prince Jin comes into position. 

"Yes... father...

Chapter 21: The scheming Prince

"Are you ok?" A concerned voice broke out, causing the preoccupied girl to jolt slightly. 

"Eh... er yeah, I'm f-fine..." Yuri answered immediately, faking a smile as she continued the slow stroll in the quiet palace park. 

It has been a few days after the mayhem which arose from the unexpected release of the scandalous pictures and the harrowing experience following after Jessica's disappearance. During the scuffle, Yuri was injured and persisted till the very last before succumbing to over-exhaustion. Fortunately, she had recovered under the constant care of the palace physician and attendants and at the same time, the scandal had died down considerably, much to the efforts of palace's public relations. But ever since then, Yuri has been trying to find ways to break the news to Jessica. Lying to the one whom she loved with her whole heart was getting harder and harder day by day.

Jessica caught the brief brooding look on his face before it was swiftly replaced with his usual smiling face. She had initially thought a relaxing nature walk would do him some good, especially since he had been bedridden for the past few days but despite the best of her intentions, it did not seemed to be much of a help either. 

"Maybe it's not really such a good idea to ask you out for a walk, since you've just... recovered," Jessica bit down on her lower lips, holding herself responsible for his illness. However, she quickly dissipated that self-admonishing thought, not wanting to create more worries for the troubled prince. She held on to Yuri's hand and chirped with a warm smile, "Let's go back."

"Wait," Yuri held back, stopping in her track, "There's something I need to tell you..." she said with an unsettling jumpy feeling at the bottom of her stomach. It was now or never.


"Can you promise me you will not run away all by yourself no matter what happens? You can be angry with me, mad at me, you can slap me, kick me or even kill me if you want to but please just don't run away again... I don't think I can take it anymore..."

Jessica felt a sense of guilt coursing through when she heard those words. She never knew that action of hers had cost him so much worry and anguish. She nodded apologetically.

There was a slight pause as Yuri looked tenderly at Jessica. A heartbreaking moment of truth could change everything.

"I'm sorry... I should have told you everything beforehand but I was afraid... I was afraid of losing you..."

By now, Jessica could sense something was definitely wrong.


"I've wanted to tell you... all about me and my... brother..."

"Your... brother?" Jessica asked, confused by his words. 

Yuri sucked in her breath. That was it - the moment of truth. 

"I'm not Yul. I'm not the Crown Prince. He's my twin brother," Yuri lowered her gaze to the ground, "And I'm just pretending to be him all the while..."

Jessica wanted to dismiss all of that as a joke but the seriousness expression on his face painted a different story. "You're k-kidding...right?" Her voice shook with uncertainty, "This isn't funny at all." 

This was much harder than she imagined. Yuri clenched her unwounded fist tight, her knuckles turning white from the pressure exerted as she looked up, levelling with Jessica's gaze. 

"I'm serious... I'm Yuri, I'm his twin sister. I was just disguising as him all these while to cover up his disappearance since more than a week ago. I know I should have told you right from the start..."

There was no way this person in front of her could possibly be the Princess of Korea. The mannerism, appearance and all... 

"You're carrying the joke too far... stop your nonsense!" Jessica puffed angrily.

To convince the girl, Yuri simply grabbed hold of Jessica's right hand and promptly placed it on top of her own chest. She could see the girl's eyes slowly widening with surprise and her mouth left agape in shock. 

"Y-You're... a girl!?" Jessica gasped, her hand still lying atop of Yuri's chest. There was no mistake.

"I'm sorry..."

"You're lying to me the entire time?" Jessica asked, obviously feeling betrayed.

"I'm sorry-"

"Stop saying you're sorry! Cause' you are not!" Jessica broke away from her contact and took a staggering step backward. "The words you said, the feelings we shared... Was everything just a joke to you?" 

"No! Those were true! My feeling for you is tru-"

"Stop it! Stop it!" Jessica shook her head furiously, covering her ears with both her hands. She didn't want to listen to any of his, no, any of her lies anymore. Her tears flowed freely. 

"Sica, please..." Yuri took a stride forward, placing her hands on the girl's shoulders, "Please hear me out-"

"Stay away from me!" Jessica shrieked, shoving Yuri's hands away. A dull but persistent pain was tearing her apart from within. Heartbroken, she shot Yuri a hurt look, her lips quivering as she spoke, "And to think... I actually fell in love with you? I must be a fool..."

"Sica, I-"

"I... I don't ever wanna see you again..." Jessica fought back a choke and slowly backed away. She threw Yuri one last teary look before turning around, leaving Yuri standing behind - a broken self. 

Yuri could only blame herself for everything. She had seen it coming. She knew how Jessica would react to her deceit. Although she was prepared for any punishment, any berating, any beating and everything, nothing could ever prepare her for the heartache she had caused to both. It was akin to a death sentence served, but the only difference; the intense ache was killing her slowly. She clutched her chest that was tormenting with guilt and then all of a sudden, everything began swirling around her. The lush greenery was blending together in a blur and her vision was losing focus. In a flash, Yuri found herself staring into nothing but an entire empty white space up ahead. 

"Where... am I..." She held a hand up, shielding and squinting her eyes against the blinding light ahead. She could make out a rough outline of a faint figure just right ahead. Her heart skipped a beat when she recognised the blonde lock. 

"Sica? Is that you?" Yuri treaded towards the figure, ignoring the intense glare. The moment her hand touched Jessica's back, another overwhelming light shot out. Yuri shut her eyes in reflex and turned away from the light. She opened her eyes moments later and noticed the change in environment once more. This time round, she found herself standing in the middle of a forsaken warehouse, masked in a stale metallic smell with an uneasy foreboding feeling. Disoriented and baffled, she wheeled around and to her shock, there Jessica was; lying in a pool of dark liquid. 

"Sica!" Yuri bellowed out with all her might as she ran and crashed down forward, kneeling next to the ghastly looking girl covered with blood.

"No no no! This isn't happening!" Yuri trembled with fear as she held up the girl up in an embrace. To her partial relief, Jessica's eyes fluttered open weakly.

"Sica," Yuri spoke out anxiously. 

"Y-You... l-liar..." Jessica croaked in a feeble attempt, raising her bloodied hand and placing it tenderly on Yuri's cheek. 

"I'm sorry, Sica, I am really sorry..."

"I... wish... I've never... met you..."

Those were Jessica's last words before she closed her eyes away and her hand slipped away. 

"NOOOO!" Yuri bellowed out in anguish, as the girl lay lax in Yuri's arms while a heartbreaking pain erupted from within.

"Yul? Yul?" 

There was a gentle patting on her cheek and Yuri's eyes shot open, only to see Jessica's worried expression hovering just above her with a towel in hand. 

"Are you alright?" Jessica asked as she cupped the side of his face and pressed the dry towel against his sweat drenched forehead. "You were shivering and breaking out in cold sweats... I was so worried," Jessica bit down her lip. To be honest, she was scared stiff, seeing his furrowed features crunching up as though he was in a terrible pain the moment she woke up. 

Yuri could feel her heart beating erratically fast against her chest and her tense lungs breathing hard. She blinked a few times as her memories began to flood back. She was scuffling with the drunkard and she vaguely remembered hearing Jessica's panicked voice before blacking out.

"It's just a dream..?" Yuri groaned inwardly. Her head was nursing a bad ache from the dream, which seemed all so surreal. She let her heavy eyelids dropped once more. Jessica watched on at the side, her hand brushing past his cheek fondly. She was glad Yul has awoken at last. 

"I'll get the doctor-"

"No... don't leave me..." Yuri answered in a faint groan as she held on to the soothing warm hand resting on her cheek weakly. 

"I'm not going anywhere... just going to get the doctor to check on you..." 

Yuri opened her eyes and gave the girl a frowning look, "I had... a bad dream... I dreamt that... you... you left me... and-" she stopped short, unwilling to picture the vivid dream once more.

Jessica placed the wet towel down by the side and using the available hand, she brushed his wet fringes to the side. She leaned forward, kissing the prince lightly on his forehead, "I'm not leaving you, silly... I'll be back real soon, just rest up first, ok?"

Yuri nodded with much reluctant; her heart wrenched a little as Jessica slowly let go of her grasp and with the help of the clutch, the limping girl made her way towards the door. The fear of losing her was devouring her from within. She closed her eyes moments later, feeling the weariness of her worn out physique. 

Jessica looked back at the resting prince as her hand lingered on the doorknob, "I promise I'll never leave your side again, didn't I... I will keep to my promise, my silly prince."


"Your Highness, it seems your fever has subsidised but your-"


Yuri sneezed out loud, right into the experienced doctor who was wise to scoot to a side. 

"-that is what I'm going to say about your running nose... same old remedy - drink more water and rest plenty..." Dr Kim advised as he carefully unwound the bandage of her left forearm, as the girl remained seated upright on the bed. It revealed a tender-looking stitched line, causing the said girl to flinch slightly. It certainly didn't hurt as much as it looked; the stitches spanning 4 inches in length. Then again, she had fought in a state of adrenaline rush; that had probably numbed all pain. 

Dr Kim held his glasses in position, inspecting the wound meticulously. 

"Looks clean and fine... I'd given you a tetanus jab just in case since you were cut by a broken glass... but there is still a need to check your temperature twice daily in case of possible infection." The statement rolled out of his mouth naturally. He swiftly took a fresh roll of gauze and under his dextrous fingers, her left forearm was neatly re-bandaged in no time. 

"The abrasions on your back should be of no problem. Lady Bae will attend to it shortly."

"So... I guess you know about me huh..." Yuri asked out of curiosity. 

"His Royal Highness Prince Yuri? Yeah... I pretty much got an idea from Sir Yoon."

"Thanks for getting it a secret... I mean... Jessica seems to be unaware of it yet."

"Don't thank me too early. It's just a matter of time before the truth will be out. I hope you've a backup plan for it," Dr Kim spoke in a solemn tone. 

Yuri shifted her gaze in avoidance. She wished she could just tell Jessica openly but the ominous dream kept haunting her repeatedly. Every time she tried to think about the ways to tell Jessica, the image of the dying girl etched deeply in her mind would flash right across.

"Your Highness? Your right hand please?"

"Your Highness?" This time, Dr Kim raised his voice slightly, finally catching the girl's attention. 

"Oh, sorry, I was spacing out... erm what was it again?" 

"Your right hand. I need to examine the stitches again... to make sure it stays on tight this time," he spoke with a mild chiding tone. 

"Oh..." Yuri managed a meek smile and held up her right hand gingerly. The royal physician immediately noticed the faint shaking.

"When did it start?"


"The tremors... your hand is trembling."

Now that the doctor had asked, she began to notice it herself. There was also an odd numbness spreading across the back for her hand. 

"Maybe it's the medications... you know... I'm still a little drowsy! Look! My left hand is also shaking." Yuri held up both her hands in a feeble attempt to explain, "Nothing is wrong seriously!"

Dr Kim gave a sceptical look as he repeated the same process, removing the bandage. "Are you sure you don't feel anything?" 

Yuri nodded fervently, "It's really just tiredness... and besides, it isn't painful or anything."

Once the top layers of bandage were uncovered, the first tell-tale sign of tiny blood blots told a different story. He hastened the speed and saw the mildly swollen zigzag stitches across the back of her hand. Yuri eyed at the messy-looking stitches with a slight unpleasant expression.

"Looks like you need another dose of antibiotics," he frowned slightly, "And this doesn't look pretty because someone did not listen to me when I said to refrain from exerting too much force. Now, this will take longer time to heal!" Dr Kim chided as he cleansed the wound, dabbing it with an antiseptic cotton swab while Yuri turned away abashed. 

"Good thing you are not feeling any numbness..."

Yuri shifted slightly and asked nervously, "W-Why?" 

"It means there could be some degree of nerve damage."


The heavy air in the grandiose audience hall was thick with the restlessness of the parties in the room. Yuri looked up and noticed the silent glare from Lord Jung while his wife seated next to him, was restraining him with the assuring touch on his arm. Jessica, too, was seated right besides her father. 

King Chung sat directly facing his son while his Queen and the Queen Mother sat together adjacently, facing the Jungs in a four-sided talk. Yuri shifted uncomfortably as most of their gazes fell on her. But thankfully, Sir Yoon was standing right next to him. As the palace chief butler and the Crown Prince's advisor, he had a significant standing in the royalty. Moreover, he was the only other person who knew about the whole truth in the room, besides Yuri. 

Several senior attendants walked in and swiftly placed the cups of freshly brewed tea, specially ordered by the Queen Mother for the said calming effect, and vacated the room, leaving the royalty to their privacy.

"Drink some tea before it turns cold. It would be a shame to let the hard work of the tea harvesters go to waste." Queen Mother broke the silence with her insightful words as she held her porcelain teacup to her lips. 

Yuri gulped down the tea and spoke before anyone else even touched theirs. 

"First of all, I would like to apologise for my rash behaviour and had made Your Majesties worried. And to Lord Jung and Lady Jung, I am sorry I had failed to protect Jessica from harm."

"Well... you... you did protect Jessica from that thug... I er... should thank you instead," Lord Jung said with a slight stutter. He didn't expect the prince to apologise for that, knowing fully he, himself, was injured during the scuffle. 

"Dad," Jessica said softly, and nudged him. She eyed him meaningfully.

"Er... I-I'm sorry for that... punch," he said awkwardly. "But if you are really cheating, I will take back my apology," he added quickly.


"What! I'm just-... Don't speak when adults are talking." 

King Chung gave a soft cough, garnering the split attention. 

"Yul, your mother and I are glad you are ok now. Maybe if you could, just enlighten us on what is bothering everyone of us and probably the entire nation as well." It was obvious from the King's tone that the matter was pressing. 

"The pictures are real," Yuri said with a straight face, drawing surprised gasps from the mothers specifically. 

"But it's not what it seems. There is absolutely nothing going on between Sooyoung and me. She'd just returned from the States and it's been three years since we last met. I thought it would be good to shop around during the free spell in between and we were just goofing around when those pictures was taken-"

"Goofing around?" King Chung shook his head. He thought his son, the future King, would be more matured and conspicuous about public appearance and let alone, to goof around with another girl. 

"With Sooyoung no less?" His tone was harsher than usual. 

Upon hearing that, Yuri refuted, "What's wrong with Sooyoung? She's a friend, my long-time friend in case you've forgotten." 

"Your Majesty, it was me who failed to secure the area before letting His Highness explored on his own." Sir Yoon added quickly, preventing any possible conflict. Yuri wisely held back her words. The Crown Prince title has already been tainted with the scandal. She did not need any other reason to jeopardise her brother's position. 

"If there is nothing going on between them, we should let the matter rest," Queen Mother expressed her thoughts, "The child has just barely recovered. I don't want my grandchild to fall sick again." 

She glanced at Yuri and smiled, "Hurry along and go rest up. Just let the rest handle the media, I'm sure your father won't mind," she turned to her son and smiled, "Am I right?"

Of course, as the elderly of the royal family and the King's mother, nobody would ever go against her wishes. 

"Drink more tea, everyone. It's good for health. All the more if you haven't been drinking regularly..."


The smooth pebble skipped the surface three times before sinking to the bottom of the pond in a plop. Jessica heaved a long sigh. It has been two days after the talk and the number of times she had seen Yul ever since was barely countable with two hands. The only time they met was either during meals but even so, Yul has stopped coming out for his proper dinner recently. Most of his time was spent in his office, handling the administrative and public relations. The fortunate thing was due to his avid partaking, the scandal had died down and public approval rating has risen back up. The downside; their engagement was to be put on hold until further notice. 

The girl sat down in the pavilion, picking up another pebble she had gathered and threw it aimlessly.

"What is a beautiful girl, like you, doing here in this beautiful day all alone?" A familiar voice came from behind. Jessica swiftly turned around and placed the stone back down.

"Your Highness! I mean- Uncle." 

Prince Jin laughed, motioning the girl to sit down while he took the empty seat opposite.

"I saw you throwing stones across so I came over to have a small talk with you, if you don't mind a boring old man talking."

"No. Of course, I won't mind."

"Ah... so you did admit I'm a boring old man..." Prince Jin teased.

"No! That's not what I meant." Jessica replied in a fluster to which the elder Prince responded with a laugh.

"Why not the two of you go on a date? After the whole incident, I'm sure you two could use some time to get together and you know... some re-bonding... and put that unhappy past aside."


"Yul looks tired and seems to be rather stressed over the incident... it'll be great if he can go out for a breather... and of course, what else can be better than a date with just you," he implied casually. 

Jessica pondered for a while. She did notice the frequent troubled look Yul was having recently. And perhaps like what Prince Jin had suggested, a short relaxing trip might loosen him up. 

"But he's busy lately..."

"Well, if you asked him out for a date, I see no reason why he would reject."

Sensing the girl's hesitation, he added with a sigh, "And to think I had specially arranged for the tickets... seems like all was for nought."

Jessica grew flustered at the subtle accusation, "No, Uncle, that's not true! I guess, there's no harm trying."

Prince Jin smiled inwardly as he handed the pair of tickets to the girl whom, of course, was compiled to accept his kind offer.

"Lotte World?" Jessica quizzed, looking at the tickets. The familiarity of the name struck a faint registry in her memory. 

"It's a theme park. You two are bound to have a great time there," Prince Jin said positively, before lowering his voice to a bare whisper, "But let's just keep it a secret between you and me."

"A secret?" 

Initially Jessica was puzzled by his words but gradually, she began to understand his intention.

"Ahhh, I get it! It's a surprise treat for Yul."

"Smart girl. But it wouldn't be a special surprise if everyone ends up following you two along for your little date..."

"But Sir Yoon would definitely send a bodyguard or two to-" 

"It's simple," he reckoned the girl to come forward and whispered the plan into her ear softly. After a brief moment, her face gradually lit up at his brilliant suggestion. 

"It will definitely work!" Prince Jin laughed merrily.

"Yul is lucky to have such a caring uncle."

"Haha, you have no clue how much I adore my nephew. Tomorrow is a weekday, so it wouldn't be that crowded... Perfect for a little date," the scheming prince finished off with a smile.


Yuri gave a stifled yawn as she stretched her tired body out, having seated on her armchair going through the various reports for the past hour. She reached out to her glass and was about to drink from it when she lost grip, dropping the glass of iced water on the table, spilling its content over the finished reports. 

"Aish!" She cursed inwardly as she quickly salvaged the document. A sharp pain shot up from the back of her right hand while she was picking up the files. She dropped the folders off on the tray at a corner of her table and clutched her trembling right hand in an attempt to stop the involuntarily shaking. The pain has been worsening recently. The most recent one happened just this morning when she was signing off documents in the presence of Sir Yoon. At one point, the pain was so much so she couldn't even held the pen properly. Fortunately, it was one of the last documents she had to sign and she just had to scribble her signature. The official stamp seal of the Crown Prince of Korea was enough to validate the authenticity. 

Yuri slowly eased the built-up tension by gentle massaging and soon, she was able to flex her fingers as the numbness went away gradually. The royal physician's words flashed across her mind. "There could be some degree of nerve damage."

She looked down on the table, at the now-emptied glass. Challenging herself and to prove everything was just a coincidence, Yuri carefully set it upright once more, this time with success. 

"It's just all in my head..."

A gentle knock on the door brought her back to her sense.

"Please come in."

Jessica peeked her head through the opened door slowly.

"Am I disturbing you?"

Yuri's eyes sparkled with delight at Jessica's presence. She hasn't been talking to the girl for quite some time due to her busy schedule and was sorely missing her. 

"No, you're not. Please make yourself comfortable." Yuri walked towards the girl, ushering her in.

"So... this is your office... it looks nice."

"Well, this is just a personal office. There is another designated office in the main palace. That is much more grander and previous Kings have used it before they became Kings, but I always have preferred working here. It's less stressful I guess..."

The prince was indeed stressed as what his uncle had commented to her earlier on in the day. Jessica felt bad for not realising it before. 

"Yul... let's g-go on a date!"

"Eh?" Yuri was unprepared for Jessica's sudden request. 

The girl's face turned red, shy and embarrassed by her own daring approach. She plucked up her courage once more. 

"I say, let's go on a date tomorrow!" This time round, Jessica sounded much more confident but at the same time, her heart raced beyond normal limits. 

"O...ok," Yuri answered, slightly taken aback by her initiative. She wasn't expecting that to come out from the girl. Only then did Jessica realise the presence of a slight awkwardness between them.

"Erm, I'll see you tomorrow morning then. Have a good night!" Jessica rumbled everything out in one shot and left his room hastily before Yuri could say anything. Only when she reached the compound of her room did her heart rate slowed down. Closing her eyes, Jessica leaned against the frosted door and broke out in a smile. She has succeeded in asking him out on a date officially now.


"Urgh, this is harder than I thought," the girl grumbled as she struggled with the bowl of tuna salad she had been mixing for almost thirty minutes. Although the girl looked professional with her proper set-up; a decent clean looking apron, and her hair tied neatly in a bun, the mess on the kitchen counter was a direct measure of her adeptness in cookery; in short, a disaster. Bits of tuna chunks were scattered all around the tabletop, along with thick slices of tomatoes (the thinnest she could go but it's still considered thick by normal convention) and cut lettuce that resembled nothing of its former self.

Picking up a small meaty chunk of the tuna mayo salad, she gingerly placed it in her mouth, only to make a weird bitter facial expression soon after. 

"Urgh, too bland..." It didn't even remotely taste like the one her mother makes. She began to glance around for possible salvation and her eyes sparkled, spotting the bottle of ketchup. Feeling exceptionally smart to have come up with the solution, she added the condiment with pride and confidence; nothing could ever go wrong with ketchup. 

"Ketchup works wonder right, Mr Bear?" Jessica cheekily asked the black teddy bear she had placed on the chair as the supervisor of Jessica's kitchen. The time on the wall clock caught her attention and she realised she was running out of time. She quickly jumbled everything together, making her speciality sandwiches, filled with thick sliced tomato, untested tuna mayo salad (taste-wise) and the most important ingredient of all; her love. 

Soon everything was packed neatly in the lunchbox. Contented with herself, she dusted her apron and in the midst of doing so, she carelessly knocked over the opened ketchup bottle, sending its spilled contents towards her teddy bear. A few seconds later, the bottle landed on the floor with a loud shattering crack.

"Oh no..." 

Placing the packed lunchbox down, Jessica looked at the mess she had created. The ketchup was spilled all over the impact zone and her poor teddy bear was lying among the mess, covered with the red ketchup sauce. 

"What happened?" A female attendant just close by heard the sound and dashed into the kitchen worryingly. 

"Y-Your Highness!" The junior attendant greeted in surprise, partly due the sight of the crown princess in an apron so early in the morning. She looked down and immediately noticed the spillage.

"Ah I'm sorry, I was too clumsy just now," Jessica apologised as she bent down, attempting to clean the mess but was swiftly stopped by the attendant. 

"Please leave it to me, Your Highness!" 

Reluctantly, Jessica stepped aside, but not before retrieving the dirtied teddy bear from the floor. She held up her beloved teddy bear and was dismayed to discover a small tear on it, exposing its white stuffing, now stained red by the ketchup. An uneasy feeling crept past her.

"Your Highness, the stuffed bear you're holding is soiled. Please just leave it with me, I will send it for cleaning and it will be good as new." 

Jessica looked at the wall clock again and she reluctantly handed the bear over. "Please take good care of Mr Bear. There is a tear unfortunately but I will stitch it back myself later tonight." She grabbed the lunchbox and thanked the girl profusely as she handed her the apron. She threw one last look at the black teddy bear and brushed away the ominous feeling. Today's going to be a fun day for both the prince and her. 


"You're going on a date with Jessica? To where?" 

"She said she would like to go horse riding again."

"Horse riding? You just fell off a horse a week ago!" The loud voice boomed through the phone speaker.

"Relax, Sooyoung. The horses are fine now, right? It's not going to happen again..."

The two has been conversing on the phone ever since the staff reshuffling due to the scandal. Sooyoung had offered to relinquish her position as the prince's personal guard, just as a precaution measure to stop the rumours even within the palace staff. In fact, her father had ordered her to return to the States to guard Princess Yuri, that being her original assignment afterall. Fortunately with the help of her mother's intervention, Sooyoung was allowed to stay in Korea for another week to spend some quality time with her family, to make up for her absence in the past years. 

"Anyway I need you for a favour. The Jeju photos are ready for collection but seeing I'll probably not be able to collect it today, can you help me with that? I will leave receipt with Sir Yoon. Maybe you can catch him when you come along the palace today."

"Alright, since I have pretty much nothing to do these days anyway..."

"Well, make use of your break."

"Like what? Watch TV? I've been watching it for the past three days."

"Go on a date with my brother. He's good at disguising, that is how he managed to run out of the country."

"That might work," Sooyoung gave a forced laugh, "If only your brother is romantic enough."

"Erm... too much details... I'm not interested in your date especially since it involves my brother."

"That's so much for being good pals eh?"

"Sooyoung..." Yuri paused.


She took a deep breath before continuing. 

"Thanks for everything." 

"Why are you thanking me all of a sudden?" Sooyoung asked, feeling puzzled at her gesture.

"Just thanking you... Why? Can't I thank a friend now?"

"Why are you talking as if the world is ending tomorrow?"

"Maybe my world..."


"I've decided. I will tell her today."


"Your Highness, is horse riding really appropriate for your condition?" Sir Yoon asked in a concerned tone. He only came to know about it just moments ago when Jessica came over to the prince's quarters, all ready for their outing.

Jessica tensed up slightly at the question posed. 

"I see no problem. Besides, I've already recovered from my cold." Yuri answered in confidence.

"I see. Should I arrange for transport and some guards for protection?"

"Ah, there is no need to!" Jessica voiced out quickly. "I mean... since Prince Jin would be there as well. There is really no need to trouble everyone for our... little date."

"My uncle would be there?" Yuri asked surprised. Jessica hadn't mentioned it before. The said girl nodded her head lightly. 

"In that case... I guess..." Sir Yoon hesitated for a while until Taewoo spoke from the side.

"As Your Highness's stand-in guard for now, maybe I should follow along... just in case."

He was recently assigned as the Prince's personal bodyguard, a joint decision by the King and Sir Choi, over the concerns of the previous assault on the young prince. And who else would fit the role, other than the current deputy head of security. 

"But before that, I think I should follow in a separate car. For the privacy of Your Highnesses," Taewoo added wisely. 

Unable to offer another proposition, Sir Yoon had no choice but to agree along. Relieved, Jessica threw Taewoo a quick look of gratitude, before leading Yul out. 

"Sorry for using you in such a way..." Taewoo looked away from the girl as he followed from behind. 


"Why the sudden interest in horse riding?" Yuri asked out of curiosity while driving on the road in the pink Mini Cooper, tailing behind the black car at a safe distance. 

Jessica shifted in the passenger seat, "Well..."

"You're not scared of the horses anymore? I thought that incident would give you a scare that you won't even dare to ride a horse again..."

"To be honest, I'm still scared."

"Eh?" Their car came to a gradual stop before the red lights with several cars lined ahead.

"Yul, actually..." Jessica slowly took out the tickets from her bag and showed it to him, "I wanted to go to this place."

Yuri took the tickets in hand. "Lotte World?"

"Sorry I lied!" Jessica clapped her hands together in a prayer stance, seeking for forgiveness. To her surprise, he just laughed it off.

"So that is why you wanted us to be alone with guards," Yuri placed a hand on top of Jessica's head, petting it like she was a little child, "Next time, just tell me, Princess."

"You're not a-angry?"

"Why should I be? It's been a while since I last visited Lotte World. You grew up in the States, I guess, you've never been to Lotte World, right?"

"I think... I might have been there once, with my parents."


"Yeah... but I got lost. Thankfully, there was a girl around my age who helped me then!" Jessica said cheerfully.

"That's nice. So did you ever meet the girl again?"

"Sadly no... I didn't even get to know her real name." Jessica only knew the superhero codename the girl gave her - Super Black Bear. 

"Who knows... maybe you can meet her again today."

"I hope so!" Jessica smiled in her response. 

"Sit on tight, Sica... 'cause we are going to make an illegal turn now!" Taking advantage of the stopped traffic, Yuri veered sharply making a U-turn, ditching the black Audi behind and sped off in the opposite direction. Through the rear view mirror, Taewoo witnessed all of that. The traffic lights turned green promptly and without much facial expression, he continued driving straight. He activated his phone auto-dialling and waited for the click. 

"Your Highness... everything is going as planned..."

Chapter 22: The Princess and the Bear

“All set?” Yuri asked as she adjusted her outfit with the help of the side-view mirror. She was dressed in a casual street wear; a pair of loose-fitting long khaki pants with a simple light-coloured hoodie they have purchased in a small shopping street just before coming to the park. 

Jessica nodded with a grin in a matching sporty getup, opting for a pair of comfy three-quarters pants instead. Her hair was fashioned into two short ponytails at the side, creating a younger and cuter look, suited for the outing in Lotte World. The two were under guise, standing just next to their parked car in the open parking lot. Thankfully, no one has recognised them so far. 

“Alright, let’s go then!” Yuri held onto her hand and was about to walk away when Jessica exclaimed out of the sudden. 

“Oh wait! We forgot our shades!”

“Ah, silly me. How could I have forgotten about the most important piece of disguising royalty 101? Wait a sec... I think there might be one in the car! Just wait here for me.” 

Yuri hurried back into the passenger side and pulled out the compartment under the car’s dashboard. Indeed, there were the two sunglasses, one pair belonging to hers and the other, Sooyoung’s, who had left it in the car since their last getaway, which landed them in a hot soup with the scandal. Yuri hastily grabbed the two glasses and accidentally swept out a small bag of multicoloured candies stowed deep inside. 

“Ah, that reminds me... those should be at Sooyoung’s house by now.”

The sight of the candy that Yuri had affectionately called superpower sweets, reminded her of the bulk purchase she made almost a week ago and had it to be delivered to the said girl’s address. She had intended to visit one of the orphanages she had sponsored during her free spell, but due to the unexpected circumstances and busy schedules over the past week, she had forgotten clean about that. 

“I should go sometime soon...”

Yuri picked up the packet, resting it atop of her palm. 

“Superpower sweets huh...”

If only that could really give her the courage to confess...

“Yul! Did you manage to find it?”

“Yeah! I’ve got it! I’m coming!” 

Yuri retrieved the sunglasses and swiftly stowed the packet of sweets in her pocket. It did not matter if the sweets could give her super power or not. That kind of power should only come from one’s heart - the power of love. 


The array of rides available was simply overwhelming as Jessica looked up from the information brochure with the long list and let her eyes wandered around the indoor Adventure of the theme park. A large ice rink was placed right in the middle of the complex while the entrance to the outdoor Magic Island was just up ahead past it. Yuri turned to the girl still enthralled in the fantasy world. 

“So... where to first?” Yuri asked with a smile, swinging their entwined hands blissfully. 

“Since the weather is great, let’s head to the outdoor!” Jessica added in a voice filled with excitement. Yuri simply smiled and followed the girl as they headed out towards the Magic Island. 

Once they exited to the outdoor section of the park, the sight of a white castle with blue rooftops across the long bricked bridge greeted them delightfully with its dreamy aura. Not surprisingly, Jessica easily found herself immersing in the fairytale setting. She looked down at their linked hands and smiled, feeling almost as if this castle was theirs to begin with.

“Shall we visit our castle, Princess Jessica?” Yuri said with in a charming voice, much to Jessica’s amazement, for the prince had just voiced out her unspoken thoughts.

Jessica responded with a curtsey, pretending to hold her invisible skirt, as she bent down on her knees slightly, “Yes, please, Prince Charming.”

Together hand in hand, the smiling couple proceeded in through the gateway. The candy-like coloured short buildings all around further accelerated the girl’s excitement. They certainly seemed to be enjoying an excursion trip around their castle. 

“So which ones caught your fancy?”

Jessica looked at the prince and beamed widely, “Everything.”

Yuri gave her an incredulous look, “You wanna ride them all?”

“Yes! Starting from... Gyro Drop!” Jessica pointed at the icon on the map, showing the famous freefall ride and then directed Yuri’s gaze to the tall twenty-over-storey structure just diagonally across. 

Yuri gulped nervously. “G-Gyro Drop?” Free falling from high places wasn’t exactly her idea of a fun filled date. 

“Let’s go!” Jessica chorused, dragging the reluctant prince towards it. 

Once they were in the queue, Yuri began to come up with all sorts of excuse, ranging from being hungry to being sleepy. Jessica simply looked on, amused by the prince’s antics, all just to avoid riding the Gyro Drop.

“Are you scared of height?” Jessica spoke out. It would be their turn next. 

“Who? M-Me? Haha! Of course, n-not!” Yuri refuted her claim apprehensively and of course, the continuous loud screaming that came down along with the freefall platform certainly did no help.

“Next!” The operator opened up the gate to allow the next batch in. The excited riders in front instantly entered the platform, except for Yuri who remained rooted to the ground, paralysed by fear.

“Aren’t you coming?” Jessica wheeled around with an amused look.

“Eh, I don’t think this is a good idea...” Yuri stuttered slightly as she tried to recollect her calmness.

“Oh come’ on...”


Jessica ended up dragging a stiff prince into the enclosure to avoid the human jam behind him and quickly settled him down, removing his sunglasses before taking the next seat. The instance the harness was lowered and buckled down tightly, Yuri began to regret her decision to come to Lotte World.

“This is so fun!” Jessica said in a child-like tone as the platform began to rise up in a slow revolve. Throughout the ascent, Yuri maintained her silence, shutting her eyes tight while Jessica playfully prodded his arm, trying to get his attention. 

“Look at that! I can see the whole Magic Island from here... Wow, I want to try that Swing later!” 

The platform came to an eventual stop. Yuri held her breath, waiting for the dreadful drop.

“Open your eyes!”


“Put your hands up!”

“No!” Yuri grabbed onto the handle tightly, ignoring all of Jessica’s insane requests. 

“You’re no fun!” 


“You owe me a dare! I dare you to put your hands up now!”

“What?!” Her eyes flew open and she turned her head sideways to face the girl, “When did I owe you a dare?”

“You don’t remember? That time you-... we-... played truth or dare, and you... anyway, you owe me a dare!” Jessica stuttered. 

Yuri immediately recalled the game they played in Jessica’s room and that it ended with an accidental kiss. To break the awkwardness, Jessica declared that was her dare and he owed her a dare in return. 

“I’ll p-pay the dare back some other day!” 

And before Jessica could counter, the platform plunged downward without any warning.

The girl laughed on her way out while Yuri followed behind unsteadily with her head hung low. Her knees had gone all weak following that 3-seconds free fall descent.

“You’re afraid of heights, just admit it!” Jessica teased, “And you screamed so loud!”

Yuri’s face instantly flushed red, “W-Whatever!”

Jessica stifled a snicker and prodded the fuming prince by the shoulder. 

“Don’t be angry... I’ll let you choose the next ride.”

“Really?” Her eyes sparkled and Yuri glanced around and immediately came up with the perfect payback. She pointed to the odd looking building with a red blaring signboard.

It was Jessica’s turn to gulp. “T-The H-Haunted House?”

The prince simply nodded and whispered into her ear in an eerie tone, “Haven’t you heard of Lady Gu the headless ghost?” 

A loud shriek was quickly followed with yet another distinctive slap. 


Yuri gently rubbed her sore shoulder where Jessica landed a hard smack earlier on. 

“Does it still hurt?” Jessica asked apologetically, “I’m sorry, it’s my natural reflex!”

“It doesn’t hurt...” Yuri laughed weakly, reminding herself mentally not to crack the same joke again. 

The two were now walking inside the Haunted House, covered in darkness and silence. All they could hear were terrified screaming further down and the creepy music, which sounded like a violin badly out of tune, looming in the background. The artificial lighted torches planted along the long corridor swayed eerily, casting moving shadows in an unsettling ambience. 

Jessica clung on to Yuri’s hand tighter and pleaded, “Can we leave now? I’m seriously not liking this...”

“Oh, now you are scared.” Yuri teased, acting all high and mighty, a stark contrast compared to being on the previous ride. “Seriously, how are you going to stay in the palace if you are scared of this... there are so much more interesting history...” 

“Aish, stop scaring me!” Jessica hit the prince lightly in the arm, causing Yuri to wince in pain. 

“I’m sorry!” The frantic girl apologised upon realising she had just hit him on his healing stitched wound. Yuri continued to groan, faking her pain and secretly took a sneak peek at the girl who held up her arm and blew on it; a caring gesture wishing that the pain would be carried away by the wind. 

Feeling a stirring tug deep inside, Yuri instantly stopped her feinting act and brought her hand up to gently sweep the girl’s long fringe to the side, placing it behind her ear. Jessica looked up and their eyes caught on to each other’s loving gazes. The two deeply in love young couple leaned forward, closing the distance between them until they could feel each other’s breath barely on their faces. 

They were about to kiss when suddenly, a longhaired figure dressed in white popped up right in front of them, causing the two to jump in fright. Jessica instantly unleashed her deadly high frequency scream, stunning the staff dressed as a female ghost while Yuri let out a strangled howl; Jessica had just clung onto her arm tightly and this time round, she wasn’t faking it.


“Woah, that was a new addition right? I have never heard that kind of scream before.”

“Yeah, it was so scary. I thought someone was murdered or something!”

“Gee, and there was this... werewolf-like howling!”

“Haha, nice addition. It certainly increased the scare factor!” 

Up ahead of the royal couple, a bunch of excited teens commented among each other as they exited the horror house. Upon stepping out into the sanctuary of daylight, the ghastly pale girl looked almost as if she was about to faint from all the frights while Yuri wore an equally pale appearance; the resultant effect of having a scared Jessica grasping her wounded arm repeatedly over the last ten minutes. 

They found an empty wooden bench, coolly shaded by the tree and sat down on promptly, trying to regain their composure. 

“No more... haunted house... ever again...” Jessica huffed out, badly shaken by the frightening ordeal.

“I... agree...” Yuri nodded, after witnessing what the frightened girl could do with her kicks and punches at the park staff. There was no way she would ever bring the girl into any scary places. Their eyes met briefly and then without exchanging a word, they burst out laughing. 

“Someone was murdered? Pffff! You should go act in some horror flick... how about Horror Movie Factory directed by me?”

“Like you’re any better... A werewolf? Haha, have you thought of being in Twilight? But I guess you have to beef up for the role!”

“What? You have a problem with my figure?”

“You’re too skinny for a guy.”

“Maybe I should eat more then! To beef up for my werewolf role!” Yuri gnarled menacingly and mimicked another howl. A few passer-bys eyed her strangely and Yuri looked away sheepishly, making the girl laugh in response.

“Then I’ve got just the right thing to feed a hungry wolf.”

Jessica took out the blue lunchbox and held it up right in front of his eyes. Taking the lunchbox from the girl, Yuri opened it under her urging.

“You made these?” 

“Yeah,” Jessica replied shyly, swinging her legs to and fro nervously, “I’ve made it in the morning...”

“Looks nice!” Yuri complimented the neatly presented triangular sandwiches and promptly grabbed a piece. 

“You made this specially for me?”

“Not really...” Jessica said in a jest. 

Yuri teasingly held the sandwich close to her mouth and caught Jessica stealing glances at her. 

“Ahhh! Am I your guinea pig?! This must be the first time you are making it!”

“No, this is the second time!” Jessica held her tongue, accidentally revealing the truth.

Yuri looked at the sandwich in hand and then turned to eye her with mistrust. 

Jessica swallowed a gulp, “W-What...” 

“Is this safe for me?” Yuri asked with a straight-panned face.

Knowing his mischievous nature, Jessica followed suit. 

“I just laced it with poison. That’s all.” The girl replied cheekily.

“Ahhh, I should have knew it from the start. You’re eyeing my throne.”

“Yup, so hurry and eat your last meal. I just can’t wait to be King.”

“My last meal it is,” Yuri raised the sandwich up in a toast and took a huge bite. 

“So how is it?” Jessica asked eagerly, watching him chewing the bite.

Yuri managed to keep a smiling face despite of the weird taste. If she can describe the taste, it would be sour, sweet, tangy and fishy. If this was her second attempt in making a tuna mayo sandwich, she didn’t dare to imagine the outcome of her first attempt. Yuri quickly held a thumb up, much to the girl’s delight. 

“Lemme try it then!” Jessica said, reaching out for a slice. However Yuri was quick to block her advances. She didn’t want Jessica to find out the truth about ‘tasty’ sandwich.


Yuri swallowed down her mouthful and held on to the lunchbox tightly. “It’s mine!”

“I made for two!”

“I’m the hungry wolf!”

“Fine! Make sure you finish it all then!” Jessica puffed out angrily as she crossed her arms. 

Sensing she might have gotten herself into trouble, Yuri lightly nudged the girl. “Angry?” 

Jessica pouted and maintained her silence. Although it was primarily out of good intention, Yuri did not wish to upset the girl further. She gingerly offered one slice to Jessica, hoping that would appease her.

“It is laced with poison if you don’t mind sharing...” Yuri joked, in an attempt to lighten the mood but to no avail. 

After a brief moment of intense silence, Jessica broke into laughter, much to Yuri’s confusion. “Now am I qualified to act in your movie?” Jessica teased playfully, snatching the sandwich from Yuri’s hand.

“Aw, that’s mean!” 

Jessica continued to laugh as she took a quick bite. “Ugh! It’s awful!” She looked at the prince who was still happily eating the sandwich and promptly stopped him. 

“Why did you say it’s good? It’s awful, stop eating it!”

“It tasted perfectly fine.”

“How could it possibly taste good? It’s sour, sweet, tangy and fishy. You’re just lying to make me feel good! To make me feel proud of my... failed cooking!” 

Yuri immediately nodded her head, much to Jessica’s surprise. She thought he would at least try to assure her and not agree along with her that fast.

“But you missed out one. The one taste that makes everything nice.” Yuri added, looking straight into her eyes. 

“Huh?” Jessica gave a puzzled look.

Yuri smiled, “It’s the taste of being in love.”

Jessica’s heart began to race once more as she looked into his captivating eyes that were drawing her soul towards it. Oblivious to their surroundings, the two leaned forward. 

“Hey Jessica! What a coincidence!” greeted a male voice. 

The two instantly pulled away from each other, missing the opportunity to kiss yet again. They turned their attention to the intruder and groaned inwardly. 

“Hello, Alex, it has been a while!” The cute bunny flashed a grin. 


“Oh my god, Jessica! I want to try that ride!” Sunny chanted excitedly. She promptly dragged the reluctant girl along, leaving the two boys tailing behind a fair distance away. 

“So how’s things working out, Kwon?” Sungmin asked in a tease, fully knowing his identity of a royal birth.

“I’m absolutely fine, thank you.”

“Haha I should apologise for almost stealing the crown princess away.”

“Almost? Ahaha, you’re a funny guy.”

The tension between the two could easily slice anything along its path as they exchanged subtle dagger-like glares at each other.

“Two of you! Hurry up!” Sunny shouted in time to break their escalating hostility.

The date meant for only two soon became a double date as Sunny and Sungmin dragged the poor prince and princess all over the park, much to their reluctance. They have already been on the Gyro Swing, Bumper Car, Atlantic Adventure and was now waiting in the queue for the Conquistador. 

Yuri could tell that from Jessica’s expression that she too, was exasperated by the unexpected intrusion of their supposed private dating time. 

“Hey, it’s our turn! Let’s sit at the back! Come on, oppa!” Sunny said excitedly, pushing Sungmin towards the end of the ship. She grabbed Jessica’s hand and was about to lead her to the end as well when Yuri stopped her. 

“Er- actually I think I would prefer to sit in the centre.”

“Oh... ok, we will go to the centre then,” Sunny replied, sounding a little hampered.

“Ah... it’s ok... you can go to the end!” Yuri quickly looked around. “There are only two seats left in the centre anyway! Hahaha!”

Having no choice, Sunny relented and went to the end where Sungmin was already seated down. Yuri grinned and ushered Jessica in while she took the one closest to the edge. 

“I thought it is more fun at the end of the pirate ship?” Jessica asked.

“You’ll see!” 

It did not take long for the two-minute ride to be over. Yuri held on to Jessica’s hand tight and grinned as the rocking momentum came to a gradual stop. 

“All that’s left to do is run!”


Yuri said nothing but continued smiling. The moment the gate was open for exiting, Yuri made a dash out of the ride, pulling the surprised Jessica along and broke into a quick run.

“Hey Alex, wait up!” 

Jessica turned her head back while following the prince’s hasted lead and noticed both Sunny and Sungmin were still stuck at the end, blocked by the other exiting passengers in front of them. A sudden rush of familiarity hit her. It was exactly the same as the time Yul had pulled her along in a run to escape from her unrelenting purser during the masquerade party. 

“You did that on purpose!” Jessica exclaimed.

“Of course!”

Yuri merely laughed and waved an adieu at the couple tauntingly, before disappearing into the mingling crowd. They continued running straight until they came across a crowd of mixed age group entering a ride. Figuring it could be a good place for a temporary hideout considering the diversity of the passengers, Yuri immediately led Jessica in. 

“Hang on!” Yuri yelled, as the senior park attendant moved in to close the entrance. He halted in time, letting the two latecomers in before he closed off the entrance to the Camelot’s Carousel. Yuri quickly spotted two empty seats on the inner section and swiftly led her princess winding through the colourful variations of mounted wooden horses and carriages. 

“Well, this is considering horse riding, so we aren’t exactly lying to Sir Yoon, right?” asked the witty prince. Guiding her carefully, Yuri helped Jessica on to the intricately designed white carousel horse decorated with shades of pastel pink and gold trimmings, a fine steed befitting for a royal princess. Her heart skipped a beat when Yuri placed a hand on her waist to support her up, reminding her of the time when the prince helped her mounted on a real horse for the very first time. Her lips curved to a shy smile, which she was quick to suppress. 

Pleased with her ingenious little escapade, Yuri turned to the nearby horse, only to see a young boy jumping right on top of it in a blink of an eye. 

“Hey, you there! No standing allowed!” The inspecting operator shouted across at Yuri. 

“Crap...” Yuri cursed inwardly. 

She was about to leave the ride when Jessica shifted frontward, patting on the space behind her. “Get up! There’s room for you.”

Taking up the offer, Yuri quickly climbed behind Jessica, settling down at the back with its relatively tight space. Jessica then gave an apologetic plead to the operator who was swept off his feet by the cute gesture, allowing two to be on the same carousel horse and continued his round of inspection elsewhere. While shifting to a more comfortable position, Yuri accidentally slipped forward. Reacting solely on reflex, she grabbed on to Jessica’s waist and her legs unintentionally brushing the sides of Jessica’s thighs, causing the said girl to stiffen upon their close contact. Realising the position of her hands, Yuri immediately pulled her hands away. Jessica gripped on to the pole tightly and felt the hot blood rushing to her head. The array of colourful lights started flashing and the carnival music began to play as the revolving platform started its slow rotation with the repetitive rising and descending motion of the carousel horses. 

Yuri, oblivious to Jessica’s apparent shyness, leaned forward and spoke into her ears, “No runaway horse this time! Just relax and enjoy. This is a kid’s ride!” 

“I-I am not afraid of falling.”

“Then why are you grabbing the pole so tightly as if your life depends on it?” Yuri teased with a laugh.

“I-I-” Unable to counter his words, Jessica kept quiet. Eventually, she loosened the tight grip.

“Hey, do you wanna try something?”


“Give me your hands and close your eyes.”


“Trust me. You will like it.”

Jessica slowly removed her hands away from the pole and held on to each of the prince’s open palms.

“Alright, now close your eyes.” Yuri commanded to which the girl followed suit. She then spanned their linked hands outward to the sides.

“This is so cheesy. It’s so Titanic!” Jessica commented in reference to the famous flying scene in the blockbuster hits of the 90s.

“Says who.” Yuri flapped their hands up and down in a slow motion. “We’re the real deal.”

Jessica chuckled, “Yeah, right.”

“Don’t believe me?” 

Jessica opened her eyes and turned to face the prince, shaking her head in playful defiance. Undaunted, Yuri folded their hands inwardly, her arms resting just on top of Jessica’s arms in a slow embrace. The warm feeling crept past Jessica as the prince looked intently into her eyes. Yuri tilted her head forward and Jessica closed her eyes shyly, her heart pounding with anticipation at the approaching kiss. 

“Mummy! Look! They are going to kiss!” The boy next to them shouted out loudly, causing everyone nearby to turn their attention at the couple. Jessica instantly turned her head towards the front, looking down on the floor as her face turned into a mad blush while Yuri gave an awkward smile to the boy who was grinning widely.

“Yuri ah... don’t kill the boy... he is just-” 

“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” 

“... Kill him...”


Immediately after the carousel ride, the two with their hoods placed over their heads and sunglasses equipped, promptly exited the arena as surrounding riders began to grow suspicious of their resemblances to the young royalty, thanks to all the uncalled-for attention conferred by the boy who kept chanting throughout the ride non-stop. 

They then came across a souvenir store selling a variety of cute accessories.

“Yul, let’s get something more fitting to disguise. It is really weird to be wearing shades inside a building,” Jessica voiced out her view as yet another passer-by threw her a weird look.

“Sounds like a good idea. Hmmm...” Yuri’s eyes wandered around and spotted several pairs of fluffy animal ears. “How about this?” She lowered her hood and grabbed a pair of black rounded ears, placing it on top of her head. Yuri then playfully mimicked a low growling sound and pranced around Jessica like a predator. 

“You look like a bear!”

“Oh, I’m a bear now?”

“Yes, a cute black bear.”

“Really? So whom do you like more? Your precious Mr Bear or me?” 

“Hmmm... I’ll go for Mr Bear.”

“Tch, fine. I should find another bear then. Oh I found it already.” Yuri glanced at the sales girl right beside and laughed. 

“What did you say?!” Jessica grabbed one of her fluffy ears and pulled her down in a playful act. 

“Ow ow ow... my ears!” Yuri carried on with the act and stealthily grabbed another pair of ears, placing it on top of the girl’s head, catching her by surprise.

“It’s you, my cute white bear!”

Jessica turned to face the small viewing mirror, finding a pair of white fluffy rounded ears sitting on top. A nostalgic wave arose from her distant memory. 

The little girl removed the animal ears she had and placed it on top of her, “And now, you are Super White Bear!”


“Hey, are you ok?” Yuri asked, waving a hand in front of the spaced out princess. 

“Er- I’m fine!” Jessica replied. “Let’s play at those carnival stalls!” 


Casting that thought aside, Jessica directed Yuri to the rows of carnival stalls painted in vibrant red and white. They walked past several stalls until a loud chirpy voice greeted them enthusiastically. 

“5000 won for a game!” 

“Hey, let’s try that!” Yuri grinned, stopping in front of the stall. “Two please!”

The stall attendant handed the rifles over to Yuri and Jessica. “Hit five moving targets and above for prizes!” He directed their gazes to the variety of prizes ranging from a small keychain to a huge teddy bear. 

“That white teddy bear is cute.” Jessica commented offhand, “But I have poor aim. I doubt I will win anything.”

“Hehe,” Yuri laughed slyly, “Really?” 

Taking a quick aim, she fired a shot and a loud clank reverberated off the downed target. 

“Maybe we’ll have a chance after all.”


Several teenager girls looked enviously at the blonde girl carrying the white fluffy teddy bear in one arm and the other, in a blissful lock with the arm of a suave charming guy. 

“You know I am really getting envious of the bear?” Yuri said, “From the way you are hugging it.”

“Really?” Jessica held the white bear closer and planted a kiss on its head. “Jealous?”

Yuri made a grumpy face. “Very.”

“You shouldn’t be... cause’ Mrs Bear is a girl.”

“Mrs Bear? You are naming it Mrs Bear?”

“Of course. She’s the girlfriend of Mr Bear,” Jessica announced merrily. A flashy looking photo booth at a corner caught her eyes. A bright idea sparkled in her head and she locked on to Yuri’s arm. “Time to take pictures!”


“So what mode to choose?” Yuri asked, looking at the display menu with countless of confusing options and designs to choose from.

“Hmmm~ continuous shooting mode!” Jessica hit on the touch-screen menu directly.

“What? You mean it’s like taking a series of shots?” Yuri peered closer to the pinpoint camera at the top of the screen.

“Yah! Get back here! It’s going to start!”

The machine voice spoke in an overtly cute tone, “Get Ready! 3, 2, 1! Smile!”

A loud automated shutter clicking sound was heard in the booth and the resultant shot displayed at the screen almost instantly. 

“Wow, we look kinda nice together.” Yuri added cheekily. 

“Aish, get back here! There is going to be 3 more shots!”

“Get Ready! 3, 2, 1! Smile!” 

“Do some cute poses!”


“Get Ready! 3, 2, 1! Smile!” 

“Oh crap! I look constipated!” Yuri whined.

“Yul! Get back here!” 

“Last shot. Get ready!”

Jessica’s heart began to pound hard against her chest as she prepared for the countdown mentally. “You can do it!”



She turned the prince’s face towards her and leaned forward in a tiptoe, kissing him on the lips at the count of 1. 


The fourth and final shutter sound clicked. In the ensuring second later, the screen clearly displayed the couple’s kissing scene that would be imprinted in the picture cards and their memories forever. 



“Yeah kinda...” said Jessica. They have been playing around in the park for almost 3 hours without proper meals or breaks. The filling effect of the sandwiches earlier on was long gone. 

“Why don’t you sit here and wait while I go grab some hot dogs in the café?” 

The blonde nodded and approached the empty bench, placing the white bear down against the wall as she leaned on it as a cushion. 

Yuri wheeled around, only to witness a young little girl tripping just a few steps ahead. The little girl began crying out loud. Yuri hurried over and Jessica followed suit. Both kneeled down next to the crying girl. Jessica noticed the little redness over the girl’s right knee and patted on her head. 

“Awww, don’t cry, little girl! What is your name?” Jessica asked in a comforting voice.

However the girl was still bawling non-stop. Yuri looked around for the girl’s mother but spotted none. Then, she noticed a smashed lollipop lay just a few feet away. Remembering the candy she had, Yuri immediately dug out the packet from her pocket. A distant memory then gradually flashed across. 

“Hey, little girl, don’t cry. You wanna try some really special sweets?” Yuri dangled the packet of assortment colourful candies in front of the girl.

Yuri carefully opened the packet, placing several on her palm and held it up to the girl. 

“Go ahead and take one!”

The little girl looked at the sweets apprehensively. 

Yuri nudged Jessica lightly, signalling her to take the sweet while she took one and popped into her mouth. 

“Hmmm, it is nice!” 

Jessica caught the intention and promptly followed suit. The instance the sweet was placed in her mouth, she felt an odd sense of familiarity.

On the other hand, the little girl, seeing both their actions, stopped crying and followed as well.


“... P-Power-up...” Jessica could barely speak out her words.


Yuri smiled, she remembered clearly the next sentence that goes after this, “And now, you’re Super-”

“White Bear...” The stunned girl spoke out softly, staring at Yuri.

“Eh? I meant to say Super Pink Bear... she’s wearing pink dress.” Turning towards the little girl, Yuri continued, “Hehe, you’re Super Pink Bear!”

“Super Black Bear to the rescue!”

Jessica instantly froze at the familiarity of the phrase.

“Come’ on, let’s find your mummy!” Yuri held the girl up in her arms and thankfully, no less than 10 metres away, a worried looking lady hurried over towards her direction. 

“Oh thank god! My dear Miyoung, are you ok? You’re not hurt, aren’t you?” The flustered mother immediately inspected her child’s wound before thanking the prince profusely. 

After bidding her goodbye to the mother and daughter, Yuri turned around, spotting Jessica still kneeling on the floor. She hurried over and tapped on the girl’s shoulder light, causing her to jolt up. 

“Hey, what’s wrong? You feeling ok?” Yuri brought the motionless girl up to her feet and settled her down on the bench where the white teddy bear was placed. 

“I guess you must be real famished. Just wait here, I’ll be right back!” With that, Yuri hurried her pace and headed towards the café. 

Jessica stared at the retreating backview of the prince. 

“Yul... is Super Black Bear?” 


Yuri grumbled inwardly at the apparent long queue lined up in front of the single cashier counter. The other cash counter was out of service, resulting in the crowded queue. Unknown to the unsuspecting prince, a group of men clad in black suits was prepared to move in to execute the plan involving her and her princess. Taking the chance that the pair were now separated, which effectively made things much more easier, a command was given and the men split up, one moving towards the prince and the other moving towards the princess. 

Yuri tapped her foot impatiently. The conspicuous men approached on her left swiftly.


Yuri jumped up slightly at the sudden loud tap on her shoulder. She turned around and groaned inwardly. It was those two again. 

“Where did you guys go? You left us!” Sunny complained, puffing her cheeks out. 

“Hey, since you are already in the queue, help us to get some food!” Sungmin added, much to Yuri’s annoyance. 

“Where’s Jessica by the way?”

The men stopped dead in their tracks. “Boss, we got an unexpected intrusion. He is talking to someone else now. We can’t act now.”

“Damn... we are running out of time. Change of plan. Focus on getting the girl then!”


“She’s at the bench near the French Revolution.” Yuri answered.

“Oh cool! I wanted to ride that!” Sunny chirped brightly. Sungmin oppa, you stay and help Alex with the food. I’ll go find Jessica! Ciao!”

With a quick wave, the bubbly girl made her way towards Jessica’s direction.

“Hehe, guess I’m stuck here with you.”

“My pleasure...” Yuri said with sarcasm, tapping her foot impatiently at the queue that never seemed to move. 


The men spotted the dazed princess staring into the air blankly. They approached her, stopping right in front of her.

“Your Highness, please follow us.”

The sudden appearance of the bodyguards surprised her. 


“Please follow us quietly. We don’t want to cause an unnecessary alarm here.” The men clad in black quickly surrounded her.

“What is this about?” Jessica asked, confused and curious. 

“This is an emergency. His Majesty has just suffered a heart attack... It is critical.” The men pulled her along forcefully.

“Yul’s father? But... wait... wait! What about Yul?”

“His Highness is waiting for you in the car... Please, we must hurry...” The men continued to pull her along. 

“Wait...” Jessica pulled back; there was something very amiss about the entire issue. 

“Jessica! Hey, what are you guys doing?” Sunny ran towards the girl who was surrounded by three menacing looking men. One of the men cursed inwardly, adjusting his black tie uncomfortably. 

“Grab her along.” Turning towards Jessica, he added, “It’s national security issue! We are really running out of time!”

The white teddy bear they had won in the game was left behind in a hurry. 


They moved towards the black SUV parked in the rather spacious lot. Jessica was a little worried. The men refused to comment further on the King’s condition and kept pushing her and Sunny along in a rough manner. 

“How did you know where I was?”

“Alex said-”

“Keep quiet!” The man said angrily.

“Where is Yul?” Jessica challenged his authority. 

“He is in the car…”

“He? Since when did these guy addressed the prince as ‘he’?”

“Huh? Alex is still-”

“Who are you guys exactly?”

“The prince’s bodyguards.”

“No… I don’t recognise any of you-”

The door swung open loudly and the two were pushed into the back of the SUV roughly. 

“Recognise me?”

Jessica’s eyes went wide with shock.


After a thirty-minute long wait in the horrendous queue coupled with Sungmin’s incessant chat, the food was finally delivered into their hands. Yuri took off instantly, holding the takeaway food while Sungmin trailed behind. 

“Hey, what’s the hurry?” 

Yuri ignored him and hastened her pace. Moments later, she reached the spot only to find the white bear alone on the now empty bench. 

“Eh? Did she go to the washroom? But the white bear is still here... she won’t leave it lying around unguarded...”

“Woah, where did they go?” 

“How would I know?” she answered in a slightly irritated voice.

“Hey, come to think of it, didn’t Sunny say she wanted to ride that French Revolution ride?” 

Yuri looked up ahead at the long queue for the indoor roller coaster.

“Ah! Don’t tell me they went ahead without us!” Sungmin added. 

“Well, you could give a call to your girlfriend now?”


The phone in the man’s possession rang loudly. Sunny’s eyes lit up at the custom ringtone she had set for Sungmin. She struggled with the gag and rope binding her and Jessica together at the back of the spacious car seat. The shrewd man placed the phone on speaker mode and waited for the person on the line to response. 

“Hello? Sunny ah? Where are you? Me and Alex are waiting by the bench.”


“Hello? Yah! Answer me...” Sungmin said in a worried tone.

A snickering laughter was heard from the phone. 

“Eh? Who’s that?”

“I would like to speak to Prince Yul.”

“Huh?” Sungmin handed the phone over to Yuri with a confused look. “There is a guy on the phone who wants to speak to you... what’s going on?”

Yuri eyed the phone suspiciously and held it over her ear.


It was now Jessica’s turn to struggle against the bond. She tried to scream out loud through the gag but her cries came out muffled. 

“... Sica?” 

“Hey, twerp... we got your girl.” 

Just those simple words got Yuri’s mind turning into the right direction. She cursed mentally for leaving Jessica unguarded.

“What do you want...”

The man over to other side, clapped.

“You’re exactly what they say eh... Cool and composed indeed...”

“Cut the crap. How much do you want?”

“Quick to the point! I like!” The man laughed, his hand rubbing his jawline, gritting his teeth with pure menace, “It’s cheap. 10 million USD is nothing to you or her father right? Listen carefully, I am just gonna say this one time. Tell no one and come alone with the cash or I will make sure it is a dead body that awaits you... well, it is a real pity to let such a beauty die right? I’m sure my brothers here have plans for her too...”

A roar of lecherous laughter followed. Yuri clenched her fist tight. “Keep your filthy hands away from her or I swear I’ll break every single bone in your hands...”

“Well, we will see about that... get the money ready in an hour time, twerp...”

~To be continued~

~And now to the Love Radio FM everyone has been missing badly~

Sunny: Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh~ holy, that was such a massive cliffhanger! Ebil producer has once again, struck terrors into the hearts of readers. Oh, hello everyone! I know you are all excited over the new Oh! fever that has taken Kpop over with a storm! So as a start, I shall begin my sentence with OH! .... Just kidding! So what have you gals/guys been up to while I was away with my honey- I mean enjoying my holidays-

Choki: You were out dating with Sungmin! 

Sunny: Shhhhhhhh! It's supposed to be a secret! 

Choki: Not anymore! Seriously are you two going to make a special appearance at the end? You know the finale is approaching right?

Sunny: Seriously, that cliffhanger ending was sooo evil and I thought you are supposed to be the one who decides who lives who dies? How am I going to know about the ending?

Choki: Is that a spoiler...? *cues sad music*

Sunny: *gasps* someone will die..? Oh my gosh... you're kidding right? How can you do that! *strangles ebil producer* You cannot kill off any of the royal couples!!! And why are you here again, disrupting my Radio show!!!

Choki: *vanishes and reappears on the desk* To introduce our next guest of course *grins madly*

Sunny: OH! Did you just...! Cheshire cat!!?!

Choki: Goodbye *vanishes again* 

Prince Jin: Ahem... where is my golden chair?

Sunny: YOU!?!? Why are YOU here! 

Prince Jin: Where are your manners?! No fun, no manners! 

Sunny: Ar? *confused*

Prince Jin: Ahem... I am still an Imperial Prince...

Choki: *reappears* Not for long I hope *disappears again*

Prince Jin: Who's that!

Sunny: Oh, Your... fate controller... Erm... Your Highness... gosh why are you here today? Oh no... my show viewership is going to fall terribly. Everyone hates you now! Go away! 

Prince Jin: I'm just adding a little bit of drama into the story, admit it, you all love soapy dramas and tragedies.

Sunny: Oh... but this is a fairy tale! Not a place for evil villain like you! 

Prince Jin: Haha my dear, there are no fairy tales in the world *smirks* as such I have self-invited myself to the show in the bid to reconnect to my beloved audience... It's time to know all about the kind Prince Jin.

BOO-ing sound effect

Sunny: Once again, the phone calls are open to the public-

Ring Ring Ring

Sunny: Oh, that's kinda fast... *picks up call* Hi there, care to introduce-

Yuri: Hey! Where the hell did you kidnap Jessica to! 

Prince Jin: Oh is that you, Yul? Ahahaha get it? You, Yul? 

Sunny: Oh, that's not even funny at all. And I should have known by now... Prince 'Yul' always calls in.

Yuri: You piece of crap! You better don't do anything funny or else... 

Prince Jin: Else what? 

Yuri: I will find you and beat the crap outta you!

Prince Jin: What a joke! I think you should be worrying about yourself more

Yuri: What is that supposed to mean?

Prince Jin: Of cos, the typical drama rescue scene... guy rushes in to rescue girl and gets killed in the end *takes out a handkerchief & wipes off a fake tear*

Yuri: No, the scene goes... guy rushes in to rescue girl, guy gets beaten up, girl cries, and suddenly, the baddies drop dead and guy successfully rescues girl and everyone claps their hand and they live happily ever after~

Prince Jin: There is no happily ever after... face it, you're going to die if you set foot into the holding place and once you're gone, who is there to stop me from taking over the throne... 

Yuri: Erm... you are forgetting something...

Prince Jin: What?

Yuri: Do you think there is a slightest possibility that... perhaps... I wouldn't die? And even if I really did die... you are still not going to get the throne cos there is always someone in front of you?

Prince Jin: Yes, my niece, your sister, Princess Yuri, but face it, she is a female. How do you expect the imperial throne to be passed down to a female?

Yuri: Erm... it is too complex... all I am saying you got the wrong person

Prince Jin: What? Huh?

Yuri: Last chance, tell me where Jessica is or you will really get it from me!

Prince Jin: Abandoned mining factory at the outskirt of Seoul, it will take you about an hour car ride, perhaps 45 mins if you break the speed limit.

Yuri: Mining factory? Can you be more creative than that? You can choose a... teddy bear factory or something as random as that.

Prince Jin: Oh really... maybe I should, anyway you better get going... time is precioussssssss~

Yuri: Oh crap! *hangs up*

Sunny: You're really evil you know!

Prince Jin: Why thank you! How about some 'in-depth' interview? Go on, ask me some deep questions...

Sunny: This is really awkward

Choki: *appears* why is the throne so preciousssss? *disappears*

Sunny: Gosh, the ebil producer should really stop appearing and disappearing like that! I mean she disappeared for two months and then she played an ebil prank? Tsk

Prince Jin: Erm... answering the question... King Jin is such a nice title~

Sunny: That's it? Just because it is a 'nice' title you are going to murder the royal family?

Prince Jin: *turns all dark* The throne should be mine to begin with... I'm the more capable one, the more charisma one... why is it that he gets to be the King for being the first-born, just older by a year?

Sunny: But you are... not exactly charisma... I mean look at the web response... your popularity just hit a new low after this chapter or should I say, you are not even popular to begin with...

Choki: Yeah, right from Day 1 you were introduced, everyone had suspected you! That means I either fail in giving surprise or you are plain too evil!

Prince Jin: I would say... you fail! Mwahahahaha

Choki: Did... did he just say... I fail? 

Sunny: Hmm, yeah...

Prince Jin: Yeah I did! You fail!

Choki: *writes a terrible bad ending for Prince Jin - final destination style*

Prince Jin: But all I want for Christmas is the throne... why can't anyone understand me?

Choki: I'm not your Santa baby... Sooyoung is! Ask her! But I doubt she would give you-

*phone rings*

Choki: Hello!

Sooyoung: I heard my name! Hmm, this is the Love Radio FM right? Where is my voucher?

Choki: *disappears*

Prince Jin: *runs off in tears*

Sunny: Eh... your voucher is with... erm... *cuts off line* Ok... that is an abrupt ending! Hehe *laughs weakly* And... we should have a poll again! Who should teach the nutcase Prince Jin a lesson? Prince 'Pervy' Yuri? Princess 'Violent' Sica? Or Prince 'Real' Yul and Royal 'Bodyguard' Sooyoung? Me thinks all 4 should gang up together but I prefer seeing Princess Sica aka E. Honda slapping Prince Jin on repeat mode... that is the only time I would prefer my gaming console to hang! But once again, I remind you, ebil producer really doesn't listen to poll results well... Next up, please enjoy Prince Jin's theme song - "I just can't wait to be King" from Disney Lion King soundtrack

Choki: I listen well... I think?

Sunny: 2nd poll... when do you think slowpoke will update again? 1 week? 2 weeks? 3 months?

Choki: I see... a possible 5 months wait... just kidding

Sunny: And I am in a time paradox or what? I thought I was kidnapped too? O_O?


Chapter 23: Super Black Bear to the rescue

“I will contact you again. Remember, no police involvement or else...” The kidnapper gave a jeering smirk and ended the call. Yuri slowly dropped the phone to the side, her mind clouded with self-blame.

“How could I have let this happen!” Yuri hissed angrily.

“Who’s that on the phone?” Sungmin asked anxiously. “Where’s Sunny?”

Frustrated with the unresponsive prince, Sungmin simply latched on to his shoulder and wheeled him around. The deep brooding look etched on the usually composed prince made him even more anxious.

“What’s going on?” Sungmin asked once more with urgency. He was desperate to know about the mysterious caller and where Sunny had gone. 

Yuri looked up at him, her lips twitched slightly. The captors had warned her not to disclose anything and with the lives of both ladies on the line, there was no room for mistakes. Even her usual fast-turning mind failed to form any feasible plan.“Bring the money to him and he will set Jessica free...” That was the sole instruction imprinted in her mind. Maybe, she could do just that, just alone as instructed. 

Sungmin stared at the prince, waiting for his response. He saw his struggle to speak and from the earlier phone conversation, he could tell something was awfully wrong. But anxiety and the lack of information pushed him further. Unable to go along with Yul’s apparent deliberation, Sungmin grabbed him by the collar and hissed angrily. 

“What the hell is going on? Where’s Sunny? Who’s the guy you were talking to? You were talking about what he wanted… and how.... m-much-” His voice trembled slightly at the sudden revelation. 

The thought of barging into the enemy lair alone momentarily dispersed when Yuri saw his fearful expression. She had no right to deny him the truth, not especially when the innocent Sunny was implicated in this matter. 

“They were kidnapped...”


“I knew it. It was really His Highness that day. No wonder he was so familiar looking. So the news about them going to Jeju Island was true then! The photos-” he heaved a contented sigh, “they are so compatible.”

Sooyoung cleared her throat. “The pictures... I need it urgently.” She adjusted her shades, hoping to look more intimidating.

“I understand. I understand.” The shopkeeper handed over the strips of developed negatives and photos in a hurry. “I swear I didn’t keep any copy,” he added, worried about the strict confidential issue surrounding the royal family. Sooyoung couldn’t resist the fun to poke fun at him by eyeing the frightened shopkeeper from head to toe with a straight face as she collected the photos. Days of staying home had simply bore her.

“This is a highly confidential top secret.” Sooyoung spoke in a soft whisper. “I hope you will keep the contents of the photos to yourself or else...” 

The shopkeeper gulped in response, “I understand.”

“Good... good...” Sooyoung hummed in response. 

Munching a chocolate-coated donut in hand, the carefree girl had no clue to the disturbing fate that lies ahead for her best friend. 


Sungmin slumped on to the bench, clutching his face as he looked to the ground crestfallenly. “Ten million dollars... how the hell am I going to get that amount of money in an hour’s time...”

Yuri groaned inwardly, as she ended the call to her personal banking account. There was no way they could issue this huge amount of cash in such a short notice. The most they could get was just a mere US$500,000, which she has ordered the bank to prepare within the next ten minutes. The inheritance decree set in place, too, restricted her to withdraw her share of the massive wealth of the royal family before she turns twenty-one. And there was no way she could ask anyone else for the money, without revealing the whole kidnapping crisis. Yuri glanced at the white bear by her side. Just a short moment ago, Jessica was still hugging it with joy written over her face and now, it was just her alone with the bear. Determined to get Jessica back safely prompted her mind to turn fast. A nearby flyer distributor caught her attention and an idea flashed across. 

“Where is the nearest printing shop?”


Sungmin stared wide-eyed at the prince once he knew his intention. 

“You’re not thinking of counterfeiting money, are you?”

“Just photocopying.” Yuri brushed it off.


“Enjoying the comfortable ride?” 

Jessica looked up at her captor with pure disdain. She could faintly see the disappearing skyline of towering buildings that define the bustling city through the dark-tinted windows. Beside her, Sunny was fuming angrily through her nostrils at the man’s malice intention. 

“Trying to figure where we’re going?” The man taunted again. “Mind sharing your thoughts with us?”

Feeling the cold hard stares emitting from his captives, he sneered. “Oh, I almost forgot...” 

He leaned forward, his face drew dangerously close to Jessica’s and the girl could smell the heavy cigarette stench from his breath. Jessica turned her face away quickly but his hands shot out from the side, grabbing her head to face him forcefully. His hands slid down to caress the sides of her smooth cheeks. Jessica immediately struggled against his grip, which only served to make his grip tougher. 

“I forgot both of you couldn’t talk...” He laughed hysterically, smothering out the duct tape that was already covering her mouth with his thumbs. The lecherous look on the thug’s face further disgusted Jessica. She shut her eyes tight when he pitched his face forward and whispered into her ear with a raspy breath. 

“We could have some fun later...”

The vile thought instantly made her shuddered with fear, his warm breath still lingering close to her. Just then, the phone rang out loudly and to her momentary relief, he let go of his grip on her. Jessica immediately broke free and slumped back to her seat, subconsciously drawing her body closer to Sunny. She watched cautiously as the man answered the call with a serious face. 


Sungmin watched with disbelief as the neatly cut stacks of the poorly counterfeited bills were stuffed haphazardly into two large bags. The owner of the printing shop was sweating furiously with huge drops of sweat drops rolling down his balding head. 

“Y-Your Highness... are... y-you sure that... t-this is okay?” 

Just minutes ago, the shop owner was stunned to see the crown prince walking into his shop and demanded all the printers to stop their production to accommodate his huge order - thousands copies of the stacks of hundred dollar bills, claiming it was for a prop they needed for a party celebration. Yuri had managed to keep a straight face, demanding his unreasonable request, despite the escalating anxiety within.

“Yeah, it’s perfectly fine!” Yuri lied blatantly as she lined the real stacks of cash at the top, hiding the fake notes at the bottom. She could only hope the kidnappers won’t see through the trick so quickly, giving her ample of time to rescue the girls. 

“Erm... thanks for your fast service and... Have a good day!” Tapping on Sungmin’s shoulder, she signalled him to leave the shop quickly, carrying the two heavy bags into the car. 

Once inside the car, they waited anxiously for the kidnappers’ call. It has been thirty minutes since that last call. Tensed by the situation, Sungmin spoke out reconfirming the plan.

“So... we are going to pay the ransom and-”

“Correction, I am going to pay the ransom. They demanded me to go alone.”

“You can’t do this alone! I won’t let you!”

Before Yuri could rebut his sound statement, the long awaited phone call finally came. Signalling Sungmin to be absolutely quiet, she pressed the answer button.

“H-Hello?” Yuri tried her best to keep calm.

“Have you got the money ready?”


“Good. Did you tell anyone else?”

“No. Of course not!”

“Listen carefully. Come to the place alone and if I ever receive news that you had told another soul, I will kill her and the other girl right away.”

Sungmin gulped. 

“You have my word.”


Following the kidnappers’ command, Yuri drove onto the dirt road, passing by sparsely located buildings before turning into an old looking barbed fenced compound. Several warehouses lined alongside of the dirt road. Judging from its shabby appearance, the place must have been disused for quite a long while. Yuri slowed down the car when a man, dressed in a smart black suit, presumably one of the kidnappers, came out in the open, signalling her to stop the car. 

Ascertain that this was the destination, Yuri was quick to hit a few buttons on her touchscreen phone before slipping the phone under the car seat, just seconds before the man knocked his knuckles on the window screen, commanding her to kill off the engine and step out of the car. 

“Where’s the money?” The man grunted.

“In the boot... I’ll get it...” Yuri answered calmly as she walked towards the back of the car. The man followed suit, paying extra details on the prince, making sure he pulled no tricks. Yuri opened the boot and dumped out the two heavy bags with a loud thud. The man’s eyes sparkled momentarily, for that was the sound of money, cold hard cash in stacks of millions. Yuri carefully lowered the hood down, stopping just less than an inch short of shutting it tight. Of course, this went unnoticed.


“Are you sure you know how to...cook?” Sooyoung asked with a panned expression, seeing how ‘adept’ he was with the knife.

“Haha, of c-course...” Yul fumbled around with the chopping board and the knife in a perilous manner as he began cutting up the fish.

Earlier on, Sooyoung had received an invitation call from Yul, inviting her to a simple meal at his ‘place’, being the hotel room he had camped in ever since his return to the country. Technically speaking, this was their first date ever since their confession and Yul had no intention of messing it up. 

For the third time, the fish slipped out of his hand and flopped onto the kitchen top. Sooyoung heaved a sigh, watching his clumsiness. Yul could only give a sheepish laugh as he placed the fish back on the wet chopping board. “Hehehe, er... just a slip.” He quickly resumed slicing the fish to redeem his pride but in his hurry, he accidentally cut his own finger. With his watery eyes, he looked at Sooyoung with a pitiful look.

“Sooyoung ah...” He held up his index finger that was bleeding profusely at the site of the cut.

“Aish! Babo yah!”

The flustered girl quickly grabbed a paper towel at the side and wrapped around the cut, pressing it to stop the bleeding. 

Yul sniffed slightly, resisting the urge to burst out laughing at the sight of a flustering Sooyoung. Feeling something weird, Sooyoung glanced up and saw the prince’s face crunching up, trying his best not to laugh.

“Aish!” Sooyoung instantly let go of his hand. However Yul was quick to grab onto her wrist. He smiled at her and spoke in a child-like tone. “Kiss?”

A few feet away, her phone in her bag vibrated briefly, with an indication of an incoming GPS coordinates from Yuri. 


The leader sat on top of a long table, peeling a red apple with his razor sharp knife while his roving eyes focused entirely on the blonde with a sickening grin. Jessica could feel the creep sensation tickling down from her spine.

“Boss, he’s here.”

Jessica’s ears lit up at the news and soon, a shuttle in a distance rattled open slowly, revealing a lone silhouette. Her eyes began to sting when the person she was yearning to see yet hoping he won’t be foolish enough to come on his own, walked in. 

The metal shuttle rolled down shut moments later.

“So indeed you came alone...” The man clapped, applauding at his bravery. 

The abandoned warehouse reeked with a heavy metal smell. Yuri glanced around and assumed he was the leader of the pack as everyone else stood perfectly still and remained silent. They were all dressed in an exact same outfits with the royal bodyguards, except for the leader who had wore a black shirt. Clearly, these guys weren’t average kidnappers. This was a well-planned kidnap. Yuri looked towards the back where both Jessica and Sunny were gagged and bound to their chairs, guarded by a menacing looking brute. Holding in her anxiety, Yuri spoke calmly as she placed the ransom on the ground. 

“Here’s the money. Let them go.”

The leader signalled his henchmen to go forth but Yuri immediately stepped up. 

“Release them first.”

The man simply smiled. “You’re in the lion’s den... what makes you think I will listen to your request?”

Yuri brought up a lighter from her pocket, igniting it. With a nonchalant expression, she added, “I could always burn some spare cash away.”

This act drew surprise gasps from a few but their leader remained cool. He rose up on his feet slowly and sneered, “You seem to forget that I have a trump card...” 

As soon as the statement was made, a muffled cry rang from the back. Yuri immediately turned her attention to the back where the brute had grabbed a bunch of the blonde’s locks, forcing Jessica to tilt her head up. A knife was held precariously close to her exposed neck as an absolute warning.

“I won’t push my luck if I were you...”

Unable to do anything, Yuri lowered down the lighter and threw it aside. Two of his men swiftly retrieved the bag. They opened the bags and upon seeing the stacks of cash, their eyes glittered greedily. They took a stack from the top layer for further inspection. Happy with the authenticity of the money, they gestured a thumbs up.

“You’ve got the money now. You can let them go. We’ve had a deal.”

The leader gave a loud laugh. 

“Your Highness, do you think you are still living in a fairy tale?”

Yuri grimaced slightly. “It’s not money you are after...”

“Well, there are other worthy things besides money to work for,” he smirked while his men began to circle around Yuri.

“For example... Revenge. Recognise me? You broke my jaw the other time...” 

“I don’t bother to remember scum.” Yuri scoffed in return.

It was that drunken man on that rainy night. If revenge was all he was after, Yuri could rather draw his full attention onto herself. She cursed mentally. If she had knew better, she would have given him more than just a broken jaw that night.

The man gritted his teeth and gave a disturbing smile, “Let’s just say someone has paid a better price to have you dead...”


“You heard him...”

“Are you serious? Yul, there is no way you are going to do this alone!”

“There is no another choice!”

“Damn it!” Sungmin slammed his hands on the passenger side dashboard in frustration at his apparent uselessness. The compartment underneath sprang open under the impact. That caught Yuri’s attention and a quick idea instantly lit up.

“I got an idea...”

Sungmin cautiously peeked out from the tiny opening of the unlatched car boot, making sure no one was around before he slid out from the dark boot. Closing the hatch quietly, he pinned his body flat against the back of the car in a swift fluid motion. He wiped his sweat-drenched forehead, having spent the entire journey hidden under a blanket cover in the stuffy boot. Yuri had intentionally left the hatch ajar, so he could climb out of his hiding place if needed be. After a heated discussion, a ten-minute grace period was what Sungmin finally agreed upon. He looked at his wristwatch. It has already been twelve long unbearable minutes since then.

He peered his head out and spotted a man standing guard outside a metal shuttle. He surveyed his surroundings. There were a few metal barrels on his left. Catching the right moment as the man turned his head around, Sungmin scrambled immediately, rolling sideway in the nick of time before the man suspected anything.

He huffed a relief. Countless hours of watching action flicks paid off well. 


“You meant my superhero codename?” 

“Super Black Bear!”

“Super Black Bear to the rescue!”

Jessica watched in horror as that man rained blows on the prince relentlessly. She cried out, trying to stop the carnage but only muffled sounds came out. Seconds ticked past in a dreadfully slow manner as her heart cringed with every blow that made contact with Yul. Nothing would have happened if she had not been that stupid to fall for the oldest trick in the book. Tears streamed out continuously as Jessica struggled against the tight ropes desperately, ignoring the pain as friction worked against her tender skin. The identity of Super Black Bear from the past no longer bothered her. All she wanted now, was for this Super Black Bear to survive.

A particular heavy blow to her left temple sent Yuri sprawling towards the ground. Yuri fought to resist the throbbing pain in her head and the darkness that threatened to overcome her. She can’t afford to lose conscious now. Not especially when Jessica has not gotten out of the precarious situation.

“Not so tough anymore huh?”

“Let... them... go...” Yuri mumbled incoherently.

With a finger snap, his men dragged Yuri up onto her knees roughly. He harshly grabbed a tuff of Yuri’s hair and snapped her head up forcefully. A fresh stream of warm blood trickled down from her nose.

“What did you say? I couldn’t catch that.” The man taunted. 

“Let... them ... go... they had... nothing to do... with this...”

“Yah, it is useless! You can’t escape!” A voice rang out from the back. The grouchy man guarding Jessica spoke harshly. He was itching for some action but all he was ordered to do was to guard the girls. 

Jessica continued making muffled cries and futile attempt to break free of her constraint.

“It’s annoying, damn it!” He slapped her hard across the cheek. 

“Lay your hands off her!” Yuri roared out angrily, much to the surprise of everyone present. Fuelled with the ever-growing desire to protect Jessica, Yuri forced herself to stay focus. 

“Trying to be hero?” He taunted the prince, signalling his men to pull him up to his feet. 

“Bull, why don’t you teach this guy a proper fighting lesson?” 

“With pleasure.” 

The man who was guarding Jessica the whole time stood forward. Finally, his brute strength was finally put to use. He looked at the pathetic piece of sharp metal on his hand and threw it down on the ground. He had no use of that crap; he preferred using his bare hands. 

Bull walked up towards the prince and the others quickly stepped back, seemingly afraid of the big brute. Yuri staggered forward, barely maintaining her standing pose.

“Let’s see if you can last one minute.” Bull sneered as he cracked his knuckles in anticipation.


Sungmin peeped out from his hiding place just a few metres away from the bound girls. The discarded knife was lying on the floor just between Jessica and Sunny. The gang were far too engrossed with the heavily one-sided fight upfront and had left the girls unguarded. Taking the now open chance, he scrambled forward. His sudden appearance startled the girls but they were quick to suppress their shock. If anyone was to notice them now, everything would be all for nought. Sungmin grabbed the knife in a swift move and began cutting through the ropes binding the girls. 

A sickening snap filled the room and Jessica felt her heart went into a limp. The worried Jessica pleaded him to go faster, wriggling her wrists even though Sungmin was only halfway done cutting through the thick ropes.


“Why you little git...” Bull roared out furiously as he missed his intended target once more. He detangled himself from the broken remains of a wooden crate. Yuri had narrowly missed his reckless charge but the fight was starting to take a toll on her beaten body. She coughed, wincing at the pain in her ribs. The previous impact must have broken one or two of her left ribs.

Bull puffed out angrily. It has been more than two minute and he had only managed to land just a single punch on the prince. Infuriated by the insult, he charged forward blindly one more, swinging his punch forward. This time round, Yuri was too slow to react in time. His fist connected to her jaw, sending her airborne for a brief moment before landing on her back. Yuri whined at the numbing pain radiating across her lower jaw.

Finally pleased, he grabbed Yuri by the collar roughly, pulling her up once more.

“And that was lesson two, breaking one’s jaw.”

“Which hand... did you slap... her with?” Yuri gritted her teeth tight, trying to stay focused.

Bull dangled his right hand tauntingly.

“What are you gonna do about it?”

“Don’t… my…”

Bull could not catch a single word the prince was muttering. He looked at him and knew the reason straight away. His eyes were no longer focusing properly and his mouth drooping. The prince was going to be knocked out soon. He smirked. 

“I can’t hearrrrrr youuuuu~”

“I say… don’t mess… with my princess…”

Yuri kneed the man where it would definitely hurt the most. She had feigned the knockout. Once his grip on her lax, she head butted him, ignoring the growing pain in her head. She swiftly brought a karate chop down on the back of his neck in a fluid motion, knocking him cold instantly. It was the exact same disengaging move she had personally tasted from Sooyoung. 


A very familiar voice rang out from the back. There Jessica was, standing perfectly unharmed alongside with Sunny and Sungmin. 

Yuri broke into a smile. 

“Get them!” The leader bellowed out in fury.

Now, with Jessica out of harm’s way, at least for the time being, Yuri fought back with all her might. Even with a few broken ribs, the pain was not in her mind. She was only focused on getting out here alive with Jessica, and nothing else mattered. 

Gnashing his teeth tight, Sungmin gave a roar to boost his courage before charging into the fight. Not to be outdone, the girls picked up anything they could and attacked one of the men fervently. 

Yuri panted heavily, clutching the side of her right thigh. She was lucky to escape with just a nick, made by the wild slashing action of the disgruntled leader with his knife. The leader gave anguish roar and charged forward with the knife in hand. Yuri tried to move out of the way, but a stabbing pain radiating from her broken ribs caused her to trip backward. Yuri landed on the ground, defenceless against the impending doom. 


A quick blur of blonde hair flashed past her vision and Yuri felt a warm hug enveloping her from the front. 


A déjà vu scene of the dying blonde in her dream etched deep in her mind.

“No. Get away!” Yuri’s mind cried out desperately. 

Jessica no longer cared if it would hurt, or if it would kill her. Her heartfelt desire to protect him placed herself in a state of selflessness. She clung onto Yul tightly, closing her eyes shut as she braced herself for the pain, a pain that never came. 

A sudden gunshot rang out from behind and the leader made a grunting face before he fell forward, landing just steps away from Yuri. Everyone present froze at the sudden sound. 

Yuri could only stare blankly at the sight of the bloody patch on the fallen man’s back. She tore her vision away and glanced up at the new presence that was standing just a few feet away.


The tall burly bodyguard made no attempt to acknowledge the prince as he stepped forward, raising his gun at the other kidnappers. 

“You!” One of the kidnappers raised his finger at Taewoo but before he could continue, another shot was fired and he too, went down with a grunt. 

Yuri instinctively pulled Jessica closer to her, cupping both her ears when she felt her trembling in fear. Nearby, Sungmin and Sunny crouched behind a crate, avoiding the exchange of gunfire as the gunshot rang out continuously. One by one, the men fell onto the ground. Yuri could barely breathe at the horrid scene. Finally, the carnage was over when the last man went down without a fight. The smell of gunfire lingered in the already rancid air.

A cough just in front of her caught Yuri’s attention. To her surprise, the seemingly still body belonging to the leader began to stir. He gritted his teeth, flipping over on his back and stared at the approaching tall figure. 

“You... you betr-” 

Before he finished his sentence, a bullet had bore through his skull, ending his life in an instance. His action stumped Yuri. There was no reason to kill the already incapacitated man. 

“Why...” Yuri asked as Taewoo stood over the dead body with an eerily calm expression. 

“Because dead men don’t talk.”

Something was not right. Yuri’s heart began to race. 

“Let’s just say someone has paid a better price to have you dead...” 

Those words said by the man before, rang in her mind.

In fact, something was dreadfully wrong. 

“Sica... run...”

~To be continued~

Love Radio FM


Taeyeon: I know right... *sighs* Welcome to this week Love-O-Meter 100%! Yes, I know you are all worried about the safety of DJ Sunny and of course, the famous Royal Couple *glares at producer* 

Tiffany: But we bet Sunny will be back on air soon! In the meantime to curb everyone’s tense anxiety, we are back!

Taeyeon: We’re back! Seriously... producer should stop those cliffhangers. We’re left once again hanging at our throats! I really can’t wait to find out what happens next!

Tiffany: Me too! And who even have the mood to play Love-O-Meter 100% now?

Taeyeon: Hmmm~ 

Tiffany: Don’t even suggest us Taeyeonie

Taeyeon: Why not? I mean we are going to be a couple in production [C]

Tiffany: Wait till we’re a couple there

Taeyeon: *makes a sad face* YAH! Producer hurry up with your slowness! Finish YBTP already and carry on with production [C]!!! It’s been stuck for months! I can’t wait to get going with my Ppani~

Tiffany: ... Tete! *blushes madly*

Taeyeon: ... Now what? There is no available couple to play this week’s challenge

Tiffany: I see a black bear and a white bear sitting in the studio though

Taeyeon: Erm... yeah, it’s a prop left behind during the previous filming

Tiffany: Maybe we can interview them!

Taeyeon: Are you crazy? Teddy bears don’t talk

Mr Bear: I beg your pardon?

Taeyeon: O_O! The black teddy bear talked!!!

Mrs Bear: They hear us! Hello humans~

Tiffany: ^o^ *eyesmile* Hello!

Taeyeon: The white teddy bear spoke too!!! *looks around* Halloween is over right?

Tiffany: Tete! Don’t be silly, come on, say hi to them

Mr Bear: Dang... I look so dirty with the ketchup all over me...

Mrs Bear: But you still look cute *pokes Mr Bear’s cheek*

Taeyeon: Are they... flirting right in front of us?

Tiffany: Be nice! *turns to Mr Bear* oh, poor thing... it seems like you got a cut

Mr Bear: Yeah, my stuffing’s all coming out! Arghhh *pokes it back*

Mrs Bear: It’s useless... more is coming out...

Mr Bear: Yikes! *stuffs it back*

Mrs Bear: Did you have a fight with Keroro from Final Fantasy: Zodiac Wars again?

Mr Bear: Oh that old dirty frog plushie aka my nemesis? Nooo... I haven’t seen him for quite a while

Taeyeon: *uneasy* It’s kinda... foreboding... I have a bad feeling about this...

Tiffany: Why? 

Taeyeon: Isn’t that black teddy bear supposed to symbolize someone in a story I’ve been reading about the entire time?

Tiffany: I don’t get it?

Taeyeon: Ah, lemme explain, you see... Prince Yul is going to *whispers to Tiffany* and so... *continues* ... there you go!

Tiffany: *gasps* Oh my... this is so sad... *cries*

Taeyeon: Oh shoot, I shouldn’t have made her cry... *takes more tissue for her Ppani*

Mrs Bear: Why is the one in pink crying?

Mr Bear: It’s going to be your turn soon

Mrs Bear: Huh? 

Mr Bear: Er... nothing... *whistles*

Taeyeon: Boy oh boy... we still have a show to run! 

Mr Bear: I agree! We gotta save the world!

Taeyeon: Uh... HUH?

Mr Bear: It’s Power up time! *raises hand*

Mrs Bear: Don’t be stupid! *whacks Mr Bear’s head*

Random listener: Wow... this radio show is really messed...

Tiffany: Ahem... let’s carry on with today’s show

Taeyeon: Which is... ARGHHH I have no mood to continue it! How can the producer leave such a huge cliffhanger!

Tiffany: Is it me or does the producer didn’t want to continue writing this radio script...

Taeyeon: It’s the producer

Tiffany: I guess... we finally ran out of ideas huh?

Mr Bear: A poll is in place then! Will Prince Yuri survive? Or will she *gasps* die?

Mrs Bear: Stop being dramatic! *smacks Mr Bear’s head*

Mr Bear: Hey, stop. I’m going to have brain injury... like my alter ego

Taeyeon: Did... Mr Bear just... spoil us?


Random listener: What?!?! This is really a messed show!


Chapter 24: The truth we speak

A loud clank resounded across the warehouse as the bullet ricocheted off the metal surface of the old machinery, narrowly missing its intended targets as the two ducked in time. Grabbing Jessica along in an adrenaline-powered run, Yuri managed to hide under the cover of the stacked crates before another gunshot rang off in a distant. They scurried, winding deeper into the haphazardly arranged rows of crates in an attempt to further the distance until they were all worn out. Driven to the brink of exhaustion, Yuri laid her back against the crate and slid down onto the floor. Her racing heart pounded in rapid succession, almost threatening to crash out right there. A wave of dizziness and nausea struck her, accompanied by a growing intense pain in her head. Yuri shut her eyes tight in an attempt to block out all the pain when she felt a squeeze on her forearm. 

“Yul, we need to move on!” Jessica cracked out a worried and scared whisper as she tugged his arm. She knew those senseless beatings he endured had taken a huge toll on his body but they could not afford to rest for now, not when the supposed bodyguard turned rogue on them. She hasn’t got a slightest idea for his treason but the moment she saw his murderous glare boring down on Yul, everything became blatantly clear; Taewoo wanted them dead.

She could hear the heavy footsteps nearing. In a haste, she draped his arm over her shoulders, urging him to move forth. Yuri reopened her eyes and nodded lightly. She could rest for all she want once this ordeal is over. For now, time’s pressing. Yuri lifted herself up with the girl’s support. Jessica slipped her arm behind the staggering prince, holding him by the waist as an additional support. Despite her brave front, Jessica was quaking with fear, the fear of dying and losing someone dear to her. Sensing all of this, Yuri placed her hand over Jessica’s and held it in a firm, comforting grip.

“We will make it out of this mess together.”

However, before Jessica could response, another gunshot rang out in a distance followed by a strangled yelp and a sharp shriek. Both their hearts dropped a notch.

“Kwon Yul. Show yourself or I will put your friends out of misery soon.” 

Taewoo spoke coldly as he pointed the barrel at Sungmin whose thigh was bleeding profusely from the gunshot wound. Despite being in immediate danger himself, Sungmin forced Sunny to stay behind him, adamant to shield her from the dangerous man. 

Jessica looked into Yul’s eyes and knew exactly what he was thinking right away.


“Stay here,” Yuri said firmly as she pulled away reluctantly.

“No!” Jessica pleaded, “Please don’t go.”

“On the count of ten.”

Taewoo’s voice pierced through the unnerving silence.

“I- I have to...”

Jessica knew it. She saw it from his eyes and knew nothing could ever change his mind now. Not even her. Jessica clung onto his arm tightly. She was terrified. Terrified that if she let him go, she would regret. Terrified that she would never get to see him again. Terrified that he would become just a memory.

Yuri was scared too. If given a choice, she would have chosen to stay with Jessica. But there was simply no other choice left. Lives of innocents were at stake.

“I’m sorry...” Yuri replied with a heavy heart. 

“Then I’m coming along.”

“No!” Yuri refused flatly. “I won’t allow you to get hurt.”

“Neither would I!” Jessica croaked, tears swimming in her eyes. 

Yuri gently stroked the side of Jessica’s cheek, wiping the tear off with a thumb as she held her closer. 

“I’m equally scared. I’m not a superhero. I’m just a human who will do everything I can, to keep you safe... because you meant so much to me...”

Yuri pulled Jessica closer, their foreheads touched.

“And it is only because of you, Super Black Bear exists... Because of you, I... I found love.”

The feeling long bottled in the depth of her heart was finally freed. Yuri smiled as she held onto Jessica dearly, gazing fondly into her eyes and memorising every inch of her face, her smile and her eyes. It dawned upon her that she had never let Jessica knew just how much she loves her.

“Sica I-”

“I love you.” 

Jessica said, kissing the prince on the lips tenderly in a surprising move.

Those three simple words meant a whole lot to Jessica.

She has finally found the courage to confess.

It was every girl’s dream to marry a prince charming. 

It was also every girl’s dream to marry someone they loved.

She thought she would never find her true love through an arranged marriage. But as fate would decree, she had found that special person. Prince Yul, the snobbish prince from their first meeting, has never came across to her as someone she would ever like, or let alone love. But as the days went by, she came to discover the other, more alluring side. He was full of charisma, kind, gentle, understanding, loving and everything a person she could ever wish for. And before she knew it, she was already wholeheartedly in love with the person standing right in front.

It was just a simple kiss, yet it had conveyed meanings beyond any spoken words. 

And if only time would freeze indefinitely for them now... 

Unwilling but inevitably, Yuri broke away from brief kiss and was about to tell Jessica those three words when Jessica held up her finger and pressed it against her lips, stopping her from continuing. 

“Don’t say it.” 

It was a selfish act but Jessica was afraid. 

“I... don’t want to hear it now.”

She was afraid it would be their last parting words.

Sensing her fears, Yuri enveloped Jessica in a warm hug and held onto her tightly. 

“Later. I will say it later…” Yuri whispered softly into her ear before parting away.

Jessica’s heart ached with reluctance as she felt his hand slipping through her grasp.

“Go.” Yuri gave a final jolt, urging the girl to leave as she took a step back. 

Fighting back with her own heartache, Yuri mouthed a silent “I love you” before turning her back on the poor girl as she headed towards an uncertainty fate. 

Once Yul was finally gone from her sight, Jessica crumbled to the ground like a broken doll, letting those restrained tears of her run down freely.


“Time’s up...”

With an unreadable face, Taewoo held the barrel point blank at the ashen-faced Sungmin. 

“Seems like your friend is a heartless person after all... I won’t be surprised... he’s after all, a royalty who cares only for himself, just like the rest of his family.”

Sungmin gulped nervously. He couldn’t bring himself to blame Yul. In spite of all, he was the one who insisted tagging along on this dangerous mission. He could only lament at his own fate and his failure. At the very least, he would sacrifice himself first, in the deed of protecting Sunny. He just prayed it would be a quick, painless one. A bullet through the head shouldn’t hurt that much... 

He shut his eyes in preparation and then out of nowhere, an unexpected voice rang out.

“Kim Taewoo!”

The burly man immediately turned his attention to the prince, his gun pointed at him, some thirty feet away. Yuri temporarily tore her vision away from the threatening gun barrel as she surveyed their condition. Apart from Sungmin’s injured leg, Yuri was pleased to know they were still relatively unscathed for now.

“I’m here. They are just innocent civilians. Honour your words.”

Even though she felt like cursing a string of vulgarities at him, Yuri had to mince her words carefully. The rationale of his treason was still unclear. From this point now, anything could go haywire in any forms, both possible and the unthinkable.

“Why should I when you lot doesn’t?”

“I’m not getting what you’re trying to say.”

“You royalties...” Taewoo merely shook his head, “are the most interesting bunch of people. Don’t you find it tiring, hiding behind a fake mask in the presence of your so-called ‘innocent civilians’?”

Her eyebrows furrowed at his words. 

“I’m not a cryptologist. What are you driving at?”

“I’m just showing everyone the true side. Starting from you...”

Yuri shifted uncomfortably. What exactly did he mean by that?

“Wanna hear a story?” He quipped, his stoic eyes showed no sign of emotion. The gun was still held up high and steady. 

“It’s about a young palace attendant who was assigned to the quarters of a royal prince. Just like any other fairy tale, the prince soon took notice of her and sure enough, they fell in love. Unable to suppress their growing desire, they did the unspeakable, and it wasn’t long before their forbidden affair was eventually discovered. The King flew into a rage and guessed what the prince did?” 

Taewoo raised a brow, goading for an answer. Yuri maintained her silence, unsure of what to say. 

“He chose to save his skin.” 

Taewoo gave a bitter laugh. 

“The promise of undying love, eternal bliss was nothing but a mere lie. A fabricated, elaborate lie. Disgraced and dishonoured, she was forced to leave the palace, but no one, not even herself knew that she was already pregnant with a royal blood... but who was to believe her anyway? Alone and without assistance, the young mother had to raise her newborn child single-handedly. She worked and slogged her life, just so she could provide the best comfort she could afford to her child. It was hard but peaceful nonetheless. A few years went by uneventfully before she would see that man again, this time through a televised broadcast of the new King’s coronation ceremony. Fascinated by the grand procession, the boy naively told his mother that he would one day become a King to let her enjoy a comfort life. At that instance, his mother held onto him tightly and cried her heart out, shocking the child for he had never once saw his mother shed a single drop of tear despite the tough goings. From that day on, the boy made a vow to never make his mother cry again. But heaven has never been kind to her. A few years later, she succumbed to a serious illness, leaving behind her son, barely ten years of age to fend for himself. All that remained after his mother’s death was a box, a shabby looking box that contained her diary and a yellowed crumpled love letter. He came to know the entire truth surrounding his birth, and a father who had forsaken his mother all for status...”

Yuri was usually good with her hunches, but for now, she wished she was wrong. The moment she saw his darkened expression, she knew that everything was going horribly downhill. 

The gun quaked slightly as Taewoo gripped on the handle tightly, his first sign of emotion ever since he stepped into the warehouse with only a single task in mind.

“I took a vow at her grave. A vow to avenge her for all the wrongdoings done onto her...”

Yuri felt her throat grew parched that instant.

“Do you know what she was upset about the most? Do you?” Taewoo raised his voice.

His voice dropped to a low but hateful scorn, “She actually felt terribly sorry for bringing me into this world. She thinks this is all her fault for falling in love with a prince with her lowly status. My mother actually defended that beast who abandoned her. Do you know even know why you are even here in the first place? Well, it’s all thanks to my scheming ‘father’... your ‘blood’uncle, who has been eyeing the throne for years...”

It took a while before full realisation hit Yuri.

“My-my u-uncle?” Yuri croaked with utter shock. Surely, Jin has always been somewhat an ambiguous person as preached by her mother... but they are blood relatives after all. Would he really go that far just for power and status?

Taewoo gave an amused snort, lowering his gun slightly.

“Yes... my ruthless father Kwon Jin, His Royal Highness Prince Jin himself. The grand mastermind... He’d planned everything right from the start. That horse-riding accident was no accident. Neither was that scandal. Even today... he was the one who tricked your princess into bringing you to a park... alone and unguarded... Surprised?”

The thought of her very own uncle scheming against her brother was enough to make her flesh crawl. All for the thirst of sovereignty, the same old power struggle that was written in their turmoil embroiled lineage, a dark lesson from the grim past. And to think Jessica and others were caught up in all these just because someone wanted the throne. But Taewoo... what is he after...? 

“But- if you hate your father, why are you... helping him?”

Taewoo threw his head back for a loud laugh, enjoying the perplexed look on the prince’s face.

“He thought I’d come begging for recognition. You see, he thinks everyone is like him. Power hungry and money minded... Of course, he didn’t trust me at all in the beginning, but I worked my way slowly through the ranks and eventually... into his trusted loop. After all, he needed someone who could do his dirty job without tainting his own hands. I’m just a living extension and here I am... finishing off what he started...” 

Taewoo gave a shrewd smile. 

“For a man who cares so much about his status, title and dignity, death is hardly a deserving punishment. For him to lose everything he holds dearly, that would be much fitting comeuppance... I said I wanted to avenge for my mother and what better ways are there to bring down the entire family with the loss of the crown prince, the future of the royal family, instigated by a member from within. You’re just the beginning of the end...”


Jessica followed Yul’s words and ran as far off as she could. The unchanging surrounding of rusted machinery did little to hamper her hope. She clung onto the single belief Yul had given her - the promise of his confession. With that, she persevered, eventually spotting an obscured exit, partially blocked by a fallen crate. Jessica clambered forward, removing the obstruction apprehensively. Her hands groped around the door latch and pressed down hard. The rusted hinge gave a small squeak before its lever finally broke free, and with a hard push, the door creaked open slowly, allowing a stream of fresh air into the stagnant staleness. Her hands lingered on the latch as she hesitated to make the next move. 

Just one more step and she would be free.


His heavy boots clacked against the solid ground as Taewoo approached slowly. Yuri tensed up, backing down cautiously. Her looks remained calm in the face of death but the truth was, she’s scared stiff. All the revelations made today were simply too much to handle. Out of the blue, she had a cousin who was adamant to finish her off. 

Delay... all she needed is just to delay time. But till... when? 

Has Jessica escaped? 

Is help ever going to arrive? 

She could only pray Sooyoung had seen that text message and is on her way. 

“She’d better be, or else... she’s never getting any buffet treat...”

Worst-case scenario - she isn’t going to make it out alive. 

Seeing she had nothing more to lose and despite knowing it was almost futile to reason further, Yuri continued.

“Listen, Taewoo... you’re making a huge mistake-”

“I’m fully aware of what I’m doing.”

“You’re just... going to ruin your own future.”

“I have no future. I’m going down after all these... I’ll just drag everyone down with me, especially my own father.”

“All these? Do you think your mother... would she ever want you to go down the wrong way?”

His expression darkened immediately and Yuri knew she had touched a raw nerve.

“What do you even know about my mother! You’re showered with blessings, served by hundreds of attendants, and a life of luxury since the day you were born! Would you even know the hardships we went through?”

“No mother in the world would ever wish for her child to suffer!”

“Then who’s going to pay for all her sufferings?! Who’s going to pay for mine!” Taewoo bellowed in fury.


The heated exchange of muffled words drove Jessica into further unease. She hurried her footsteps winding through the passageway but slowed down considerably, when the words grew louder and clearer. She stopped short in her path when she saw a shadow looming by through a narrow opening in between the crates. Jessica dropped low immediately, hiding her presence as she quietly manoeuvred around the crates as the moving figure past by.

Then she heard Yul spoke out.

“That’s something that happened in the past generation! You shouldn’t bring it upon yourself!”

“What was not settled in the past will be settled today!”

Jessica quickly surveyed her surrounding and found a long thick wood block lying nearby. 

“Don’t blame me. Blame your fate if you must.” Taewoo said solemnly, raising his gun barrel at a point-blank range. Yuri’s heart pounded hard against her chest. If she was to twitch a single muscle, Taewoo would no doubt fire that one shot she couldn’t possibly dodge in time. 

To run? Or...

Before she could make the quick decision, Yuri saw the brief glimpse of Jessica appearing out of the corner of her eyes and in the next ensuring second, a wooden plank came swinging down onto Taewoo’s back, snapping the plank into two halves.

Caught unaware by the sudden sneak attack, Taewoo staggered forward, slightly dazed. Much to Jessica’s horror, the sturdy man recovered almost immediately. Jessica gave a yelp when Taewoo turned his head around with a blood thirst look, gripping his gun steadily.

“I almost forgot. The princess to complete the ending...”


The vivid dream of Jessica covered in blood instantly flashed across. 

And Yuri did what she had to. 

She couldn’t care less when she sprinted forward, fuelled by a mad adrenaline rush as she propelled her weary body forward, forcefully pushing Jessica away. A loud bang went off and everything else became a slow blur. A yell and there was another bang, just much softer and distant. And all she felt was an excruciating pain erupting from her chest as the offensive metal tore into her flesh, white-hot and searing. Her tired legs crumbled beneath and she stumbled backward into the arms of her shocked companion.

“Yul!” Jessica cried out in shock. She barely caught hold of him, but under their combined weight, she too, fell and both landed sideways onto the rough dirt ground. Her scrapped elbow instantly stung with pain. 

The third consecutive and last gunshot sound Jessica would ever hear again reverberated into her ringing ears. 

A gurgling cry came from up ahead and their eyes met briefly before Taewoo fell forward, hitting the ground with a thud. 

Someone... someone had finally come to their rescue. 

“Yul! We’re going to be alrigh-”

Jessica stopped short of her sentence upon seeing his unmoving back. 


She felt her heart drop and quickly hurled forward, turning Yul over onto his back. She was horrified when she saw the contrasting dark red patch on his light-coloured shirt as it grew increasingly larger. His face was contorting with pain.

“Yul-” Jessica croaked out in panic.

Stop the bleeding; that was the sole thing that came into her mind.

Her hands trembled with fear as it hovered above the blood patch on his chest. Wasting no further time, Jessica pressed down on the wound hard. The softness of his chest surprised her but she had no time to be bewildered right now.

“Why isn’t it stopping!?” Jessica yelled in a mix of fear and frustration. The growing dampness under her hands frightened her when her hands soon became drenched in the warm crimson liquid. Tears started dwelling in her eyes.

“Yul, please! Please just open your eyes!” She pleaded desperately.


Yuri coughed. Each breath was gradually becoming more difficult. A sharp pain came along with her every single attempt to breathe.

Jessica could hear his laboured breathing.

“Yul! Can you hear me?”

The voice sounded muffled and distant in the darkness, but Yuri heard it nonetheless. 


That voice... it could only be from...



It was a faint murmur, but Jessica heard it. He was calling for her.


Yuri’s eyes fluttered open, much to Jessica’s relief and delight. The girl broke into a relieved smile in passing momentarily just before he coughed again, this time spewing a faint red mist. Jessica felt her heart went limp seconds later when a fresh stream of bright red bubbly blood frothed from his mouth. She freed one of her hands and cupped his pale face. Her tears were now falling freely down her cheeks. 

“Yul!” She cried, huge tear droplets dripping down onto his bloodied shirt. 

“S-Si-ca-” Yuri croaked out with great difficulty. 

Her vision began fading in and out as she desperately tried to draw in short gasps of air. Even the face she had wanted to see and once made that secret wish to see that every time she wakes up from her dream was beginning to blur into a vague hue. For the first time in her life, she has never felt so scared nor has she face death upfront so close. In the back of her mind, Yuri knew she has to say it now, or she might never ever have the chance to confess. It did not matter if Jessica would ever forgive her for the deceit.

“Yul... please... stay with me!” Jessica begged, tapping his cheek, watching as his unfocused eyes gradually returned to her gaze.

“Sorry... I lied-”

“What are you talking about? S-Stop talking! You will be f-fine!” Jessica lied poorly. The front of his shirt was soaking wet with blood, and the bleeding, despite of her pressure administration, did not stopped. She didn’t want to believe her eyes. She wanted to believe that he would be alright, that he would smile again, and that he would always be around for her to love. 

Yuri suppressed the pooling blood at the back of her throat and continued with arduous effort. 

“I... s-should... have told... you... from the... be-beginning-” 

She stopped abruptly as another bout of coughing fit ransacked her broken body.

“Yul! Say no more… I understand!” Jessica lied again. She was flustered over the fresh flow of blood from his mouth. She wiped it away with her bloodied hand, but the stream of red fluid trickled endlessly. 

“No... I’m not... w-who... you think... I am...” Yuri croaked, her voice barely audible, “I’m n-not... Yul-”

Her desperate truth came out broken in parts. She noticed the initial confused look on Jessica’s tearful face, but no.

Jessica didn’t get it... She didn’t get it... 

She’s just crying non-stop...

“Why is she crying?” 

A girl... a young little girl just like herself, was sitting alone on the pavement ledge. Her face buried in her hands, sobbing uncontrollably. 

“Why are you crying?”


“Are you always crying... because of me?”

Yuri instinctively held her shaking hand up, gently caressing Jessica’s teary face. Jessica quickly placed her hand above Yul’s hand, holding it pressed against her cheek. Yuri drew her thumb across her left cheek, wiping off the constant trail of tears. 

“I l-love you...” 

That was all she could say, with a smile she could give and a touch she would miss.

And if only, time was on her side...

I will fall in love with you all over again...

I will choose to fall in love with you all over again...

Her hand slipped through Jessica’s grasp, despite her effort to hold on.

Her eyes closed, despite her attempt to stay awake. 

Her breathing ceased, despite her struggle to live.

Her heart slowed to a stop, despite the desire to beat for that one person.

“Y-Yul... w-wake up... wake up!”

Jessica’s quivering voice caught in her throat as she cried out, jolting the unconscious prince to wake but he didn’t respond. He refused to respond. 

Several hurried footsteps rushed over and loud yells shouted across everywhere. Someone yelled for medics, others yelled to secure the location. 

Jessica turned her head over amidst the confusion.

A familiar person, a comforting presence. Her voice cracked.

“S-Sooyoung... h-help... he’s... he’s...” Jessica croaked in a quivering voice.

The tall girl was stunned beyond words. 

Blood... there was just way too much blood...

Sooyoung dropped to her knees, crouching down besides Yuri, checking her vital signs immediately. She placed her hand on the side of Yuri’s neck and another one just above her chest. There was neither any palpable pulse nor the rise and fall of her chest.

“Medics! I need medics right here!” Sooyoung shouted at the top of her lungs, before placing both hands, one on top of the other, on Yuri’s chest. 

“Don’t sleep you idiot!” Sooyoung swore, as she began performing a series of chest compression straight away. Jessica cast herself aside as a paramedic came over spontaneously, securing a bag valve mask over the prince’s face. She was unable to do anything useful, except to hold on his hand tight. 

“Still no palpable pulse!” The paramedic spoke out, doubling his effort to maintain a steady flow of oxygen.

Sooyoung repeated the cardiac compression without pause.

“Damn it... just breathe Yuri! Don’t you die on me!”

“Yuri?” Jessica looked up at Sooyoung and in a corner of her eyes; she spotted a figure bearing an exact resemblance to Yul standing just a few feet away.

“Yul...? Can’t be-” 

Yul froze in sheer shock, watching as a group of paramedic rushed past from behind him.

“Yuri...” He mouthed.

What had just happened...

Dumbfounded and shocked beyond words, Jessica could only stare blankly at the real prince while the chaotic scene continued to unfold in front of her very own eyes. 

~To be continued~Chapter 25: It is you I have loved


A sudden surge of shock jolted her wide-awake. A crippling pain ripped across her body almost instantaneously, sending her into a violent spasm. She shut her eyes, and her fingers dug deep into the sodden ground in desperation as she breathed shallowly in multi-succession, attempting to ease the degree of pain. It worked momentarily; the pain subsided to a tolerable level. Relief of the torment, she reopened her eyes and found herself staring up at a strange reddish-hued sky. She propped herself off the ground, noticing for the first time she was in an unfamiliar environment. The ground was covered in a maroon shade and the air reeked of a heavy ferrous smell.

"Where am I...?"

Despite the warm colours portrayed in her surrounding, it was awfully cold; a feeling she disliked. She fought to resist a shiver. 

"Where is everyone?"

There was no one, not even a single structure at sight. There was nothing, just an empty plain stretching endlessly towards the horizon. The lone being got up on her feet, dusting off the dirt on her clothes and began to wander aimlessly.

"I need... to get back... to somewhere..."

And she continued, pushing herself forward. She didn't know how much time had passed, or how far she had covered. She just knew she had to make her way back regardless of the distance. 

"To... where?"

Her gait slowed down considerably. The grim reality was starting to put a strain on her.

"Is there... a place... I have to go?"

She staggered along with persistence but she was soon reaching her limit, both physically and mentally. It felt as though she had been walking for eternity and yet, nothing lay in front of her. It was just a continuous stretch of emptiness. 

"Where... do I have to... go?"

"It's just... me... alone..."

Far too tired to carry on, she slumped onto the ground, her mind barely focused. She couldn't remember anything. Not a name, not a place, not a direction, not a reason. 



A faint silhouette flashed across her mind. 

Someone. A person. And she wore a dress. Yes, a white dress. 

"Where... have I seen her..."

There was a crowd. There were a lot of commotions. A lot of voices, a lot of flashes and there she was, right in the centre of attraction. 

But she couldn't remember how she looked like.

Long flowing hair. 

She recalled harder.

Blonde. That's right. She had long soft blonde hair that moved ever so gently with the wind.

But that was all she remembered. She couldn't put a face to that person. 

"Why can't I remember a single thing?" 

Her brows furrowed as she focused hard. There has ought to be something. Her head began to erupt in a sharp intense pain. The small piece of information she fought so hard to retain was slipping away, little by little. The flashes dispersed, the voices vanished, the crowd receded and that faint outline gradually faded away.

No one was there. No one, except her, just her alone...

"... Who am... I?"

Darkness clouded over her mind as she eventually succumbed to the overwhelming pain that took over her wrecked body.

A series of erratic beeping sounds continued to emit from the various monitoring devices. The heart monitor line was racing irregularly across the screen as frantic hands moved with hasted speed under the surmounting pressure.

"Damn it, we're losing her. Quick!"

Another defibrillating shock was delivered in the last desperate attempt to pull her back from the abyss of death, just seconds away. 


Kwon Jin eyed his wristwatch, twirling the ice in his whiskey glass. It has been an hour, a full hour of an unsettling lack of news. A knock on his door disrupted his thoughts.

"Your Highness, you called?" A man in a neat black suit addressed the elder prince.

Prince Jin gave a heavy exhale before downing the remaining scotch. He placed the emptied glass onto his desk calmly and with a stoic tone, he gave his order.

"Prepare the car. I'm leaving now."


Pacing up and down the aisle, Yul bit down his lips as he checked the time on his watch for the umpteeth time. A mere thirty minutes had passed since Yuri was rushed into the operating theatre but for the anxious hearts waiting outside, time seemed to be crawling at a much agonising slow pace.

At a corner on the waiting bench, Sooyoung sat down beside an awfully quiet Jessica, who wore a vacant expression; a look she has never seen before. What a turn of event. Sooyoung knew Yuri was planning to confess to Jessica by the end of today but never would she have imagined things would happen in such an ill-mannered way. Sooyoung wanted to hug Jessica, comforting and telling her it's perfectly fine to cry and let go of her pent emotions but she couldn't; the unmoving princess scared her.

After a long silence, ever since the incident, Sooyoung finally spoke her first word to the girl.

"We're sorry..."

She hung her head low, unable to look straight into Jessica's eyes.

Jessica merely maintained her silence. Her downcast eyes gazed blankly at her hands; her now taintless hands, wiped clean of all traces of blood, almost as if nothing happened. Faint red welts on her wrists and a scrapped elbow were the only visible remnants of the terrifying ordeal. But those were just mere physical wounds, easily cleansed and treated by the attending physician, and that was just about all anyone could treat. No one, not a single soul in the world, could possibly treat that deep hurting pain in her heart. And that pain was brought forth by just one lie. 

A lie about everything, right from the start...

Of all things, the person whom she fell in love with had to deceive her from the very beginning. Was everything a lie? Was the mutual feeling they had a lie? Was the love, a mere figment of her fantasy as well? Did... he... truly love her?

"I... s-should... have told... you... from the... be-beginning..." 

"I'm not... w-who... you think... I am..."

"I'm n-not... Yul..."

The scene replayed in her mind and finally, the last words rang.

"I... love you."

No longer capable of telling those mixed feelings apart, Jessica wearily cast it aside. It hurt far too much just to think and at this point in time, she had enough.

Sooyoung waited for her response but sadly there was none. She paused a while before continuing.

"We didn't mean to-"

"I don't want to talk about it." Jessica gave a quick, but disheartening cold response.

Sooyoung looked away painfully. She was not used to seeing Jessica behaving so cold. She looked up at Yul who caught her gaze and shunned away guilty. Frustrated at the outcome and mostly angry at himself, Yul rammed his fist into the wall.

"It's all my fault! Darn it!" He hissed. None of these would have happened if he stayed on. 

He repeated the motion, this time drawing tiny specks of blood from his grazed knuckles. Sooyoung managed to stop him on his third attempt, grabbing hold of his arm before his fist made contact. 

"Stop blaming yourself!" She chided. "This... isn't your fault... if only I saw the message earlier- If only I hadn't switched it off to silent-"

She tightened her grip on Yul's arm, "If we were earlier... we could have-" Sooyoung stopped as she held back her tear, determined not to break down in front of anyone but it was getting harder with each passing moment. Seeing her saddened face and grief, Yul patted the girl on her head, gently placing her head onto his shoulder, comforting her without any exchange of words. 

The solemn silence broke when a clattering of hurried footsteps resounded through the narrow walkway. Sooyoung immediately drew back, wiping a tear with the back of her hand as she wheeled around just in time before the arriving convoy did. 

"Your Majesties-"

Before she could properly greet the elders, Queen Hyun rushed forward, her eyes red and puffy. At this point in time, she could no longer worry about formalities. She grabbed hold of Sooyoung eagerly and posed a series of questions.

"Sooyoung, how's Yuri? How could this happen? You two were supposed to be in US and now why is she-" Her voice cracked. 

A pang of guilt struck the girl. 

That's right.

Yuri and her were supposed to be in US, spending days like any other normal students and not like this. Not in an operation room, fighting to stay alive. An appalling thought struck her; she was the one who led her back to Korea, she was the one who led her to this terrible fate.

Anxious for an answer, Queen Hyun turned towards her son with an imploring look. Yul looked at the ground instead, far too guilty to look into his mother's eyes. 

"Why won't anyone tell me what is happening? All I want to know is Yuri's condition!"

King Chung stepped forward and gently held his wife by the arm.

"Hyun, why not take a seat first? You have been tensed all these while. One is enough, if you were to collapse too, how am I going to handle it?" He said in a calming tone as he led his queen to the bench and placed her down gently.

"You knew her condition, yet you won't tell me?"

The composed King heaved a sigh. Indeed, he knew everything. He knew the severity of her injuries and even the huge conspiracy behind it all. However, revealing it all now would serve no good, only creating more chaos and upheaval, and most importantly, at this moment, he was no longer a King with pride, but a mere worried father. 

"Let's leave it to the doctors."

"Jessica!" A feminine voice called out from far as another set of hasted footsteps drew nearer. The anxious mother immediately spotted her daughter amid the crowd and hurried forward, pulling her into a tight hug. She nearly fainted from shock when she first heard news of her daughter in the hospital after being rescued from a kidnap ordeal. 

"Are you hurt anywhere?" The concerned mother quickly released her hold and worryingly checked for any visible injuries. Lady Jung held her breath, seeing the raw abrasions on her thin wrists.

"Does it still hurt?"

Jessica half absentmindedly shook her head with a vacant look. Her parents exchanged worried glance, knowing exactly what had transpired their daughter's behaviour. They were both stumped when they first heard the news; who would have thought the prince was the princess all along?

When they saw how happy Jessica was for the first time, they thought this arranged marriage was a blessing in disguise. Except, for now, everything has changed. Outraged at the deceit, Lord Jung stomped right up to his old friend. 

"This is ridiculous! Is this how you treat our friendship? If your precious son didn't fancy my daughter, you could have told me straight. Just call off the marriage. Why play such a malicious trick on my daughter?!" Lord Jung voiced out in a heat of the moment. 

"I didn't know any of this until today-"

"That's hardly an excuse!" Lord Jung snapped. 

"Woosung," King Chung addressed his old friend by his first name, hoping the years of friendship could soften him. "I know this isn't a good excuse but this is never meant to be a hoax. It was a sincere thought to bring our ties closer. I'd never imagined things would turn out... this way."

"You can forget about bringing our so-called 'ties' closer. My daughter is no longer a tool for that anymore." Lord Jung firmly asserted. However, he was not angry with his friend but more so with himself for pushing his daughter in a marriage of convenience.

Deciding to own up to his cowardice act that had transpired everything up to this stage, the crown prince who has been silent throughout the entire time, finally stepped forth. 

"Uncle Jung, it was my sole doing. I was the one who rejected the marriage proposal, yet I chose to run away cowardly. Yuri was only trying to cover it up. We had no malign intention to deceive anyone. I should be the one apologising and begging for everyone's forgiveness... especially Jessica's."

His next move surprised everyone including Jessica, when the crown prince dropped down to his knees right in front of the mentioned girl. Instead of avoiding her gaze in guilt, Yul looked straight into Jessica's eyes and with a sincere tone, he apologised. 

"I'm sorry... Everything started because of me and I'd probably have no right to seek your forgiveness... But please... please forgive Yuri. She'd never meant to lie to you. She loves-"

"That's enough, you little rascal!" Lord Jung interrupted and pulled him up by the collar, "I have yet to settle my score with you!"

"Jessica, listen-"

"Stop it! Stop it! Just stop it!" 

Her sudden outburst made everyone stop.

"I'm tired of all these... I just-" Jessica averted her gaze to the floor, "... wanna go home."

"Yes, yes, we will go home now, dear." Lady Jung quickly added. She held Jessica up to her feet and comforted the girl as she led the way out. Lord Jung released his grip and joined the retreating figures. Instead of the solace Jessica thought it would bring, her heart grew heavier with each furthering step.

"You're leaving? Just like that?" Sooyoung who has been quiet the whole time, spoke suddenly in a disbelieving tone. 

"You can't leave..." 

Jessica carried on.

"Yuri needs you..." 

Her pace slowed down.

"And you know it!" 

Jessica stopped in her track, her mind clearly muddled. 

Why was she still so affected by the person who lied to her, from the start?

A few seconds later, the doors of the operating room swung open, drawing back everyone's attention. The worried crowd pressed forward eagerly, swarming the emerging doctor with a handful of questions. Jessica spun around, reacting almost instantly.

"Doctor! How's my daughter?"

"How's her condition?"

"Is the operation a success?"

Her legs acted on its own, carrying her body towards the gathering crowd.

"We're still trying our best... but-" The doctor paused, keeping everyone on tenterhooks. Breaking a bad news was never an easy task. 

"But what!?" Jessica asked abruptly, surprising the rest.

He heaved a sigh, "I'm afraid... Her Highness might not pull through..."

Her ears droned with a ringing sound and her mind went blank completely. Before Jessica got the chance to hear the last bit, she collapsed onto the tiled floor. She faintly heard the frantic call for medics before her consciousness drifted off, carrying her to a much-needed peace and rest.


An unfamiliar white plain ceiling came into her view the moment she opened her eyes. She didn't know how long she had been sleeping except the awareness it was already nightfall, seeing the dimness of the room. Its only light source, the natural moonlight shining through the window. 

Jessica felt a tingling sensation on the back of her hand and noticed an I.V drip was set in place. Her gaze travelled upward to a near-emptied bag of clear fluid hanging from a stand before stopping at the sight of white teddy bear, which she recognised immediately, and a plain looking box on the table next to her. She pushed herself up against the headboard and reached for the white bear she affectionately named 'Mrs Bear'. 

"I will win it for you..."

She remembered the exact way Yuri had said it, accompanied with that mischievous smile of hers. 

"Super Black Bear to the rescue!"

She remembered the action Yuri performed in front of the crying child, revoking a distant memory and everything became clear at once. That phrase, that action and that candy, everything was so familiar because it has always been the exact same one. It has always been that one person. 

Jessica fought back her tears as she tried to shut those memories out, but the harder she tried, the more difficult it became. The anger and pain she felt was slowly diminishing.

Withholding her tears, she reached for the box. A short handwritten note accompanied it:

I collected this on Yuri's behalf that day. I think you should have it. It's rightfully yours.

- Sooyoung

Jessica hesitated for a while before finally taking some courage to open the box. Tears began to stream down her cheeks the moment she saw its content. She picked up the photos of their Jeju trip, one by one with her shaking hands, as her memory flooded back in continuously. The bear museum, the beach, the food street, and others were etched deeply in her recollections. No matter how much she tried to deny, she couldn't dismiss the feelings she felt during those times were real. 

"You're awake." A soft voice spoke out from the side and Jessica quickly placed the photos back into the box and wiped the tears off in a hurry, not wishing anyone to see her in that state. She shifted her focus back at the elderly lady standing by the door as lights from the lit corridor streamed in, lighting up the room momentarily before she closed the door behind her.

"Your Majesty," Jessica greeted respectfully and was about to step down from the bed but the Queen Mother managed to stop her in time. 

"My dear child, why the formality now? Or do I no longer deserve to hear a 'Granny' from you?"

"No, Your Majesty... It's just... I don't have the rights to call you that now."

"Silly child, you have all the rights to call me that." 

Jessica watched in silent as the elderly lady approached and sat down on the empty space on the bed. She held Jessica's hand into hers and softly patted her head. No further words were exchanged and the two remained in that position for a long time until the elder finally spoke.

"Just follow your heart."

There was just one answer in her heart. 

It would have been a perfect fairy tale if she had met the prince and fell in love with him before the engagement. 

But this wasn't a mere fairy tale. 

This was a love story; a story about how she has met a princess more than fifteen years ago in a chanced meeting, only to fall in love with her fifteen years later in yet another chanced meeting.

It was finally clear to her and she knew what her heart truly yearns for. 


"Good morning." 

Jessica greeted cheerfully the moment she stepped into the room with a small potted plant in hand. Giving a smile to the peacefully sleeping girl on the bed, Jessica made her way across the room towards the window. She carefully placed the small lavender pot down on the bedside table and walked towards the window, pushing it ajar slightly, allowing a fresh flow of air. She took a step back and gave a contented smile as she looked at the latest addition. The room now looked much more livelier with a tinge of nature's colours. She turned to the foot of the bed, smiling contentedly as she carefully arranged the two teddy bears side by side. Jessica had sewn a heart-shaped patchwork over Mr Bear's recent tear and it looked as good as new. 

"The weather looks great. Maybe we should go to the beach sometime again soon!" Jessica commented excitedly as she settled herself down on the armchair, next to the bed. 

"I hear the flowers are already blooming around the country side. How about... going for another short trip?"

She held Yuri's unmoving hand into hers and waited patiently. She hoped for a response. A yes, a nod, a whisper, a groan, even a faint murmur would do. But all she heard was the continuous soft beeping sound emitting from the monitoring machine. 

She hated it. 

She hated the fact that the inanimate machine was the only instrument capable of telling her that Yuri's heart was still beating at this very moment. She hated the fact that the various tubings that ran all over Yuri's body were the things keeping her alive at this very moment. She absolutely hated how the presence of all these equipment had inevitably, become a source of assurance.

For now, those mechanical beeps put her at ease.

"Why... why aren't you waking up?"

Jessica absent-mindedly rubbed her thumb on the back of Yuri's hand as she gazed longingly at the comatose girl. 

It has been over a week since that fateful incident and Yuri has yet to wake from her coma. There was no certainty, even from the doctors, if the princess would ever regain her consciousness. It was already considered a miracle to be alive. The bullet narrowly missed her heart by a mere fraction of an inch, but it punctured her left lung and tore through the pulmonary artery, resulting in a massive internal bleeding. In addition, she sustained several bone fractures and a mild brain concussion. The magnitude of her injuries, together with the excessive blood loss, pushed her body beyond limit. Her heart stopped for a minute or two before the paramedics managed to restart it. But the damage was done. Ever since then, she had slipped into a coma state. For several heart stopping moments in the initial days, she had lingered so close to death, momentarily kept alive by the life support machine. But thankfully, those distressful days were over. Over the next few days, her condition improved steadily. Just three days ago, Yuri could only breathe through the aid of a mechanical ventilator, but now with her recovering lungs, the ventilator was taken off, replaced by a nasal cannula. 

And throughout all these while, Jessica has been accompanying Yuri, only leaving her side when absolute necessary. However, the long painstaking vigil took a huge toll on her health too. She has grown frail and lost a few pounds; even her rosy cheeks have lost its colour. No matter how much everyone tried to talk her out, Jessica stubbornly refused to leave Yuri's side. Neither her parents nor Yuri's parents' persuasions worked. Eventually, they relented. There was only this much medical technology could help. Perhaps, even with the slightest possible chance, Jessica was their only remaining hope. 

Jessica never gave up that hope. She spent most of the time talking to Yuri, narrating about the latest news update and on how everyone was faring so far.

Sungmin had made a full recovery, although he has to be on clutches for another month. But he would do fine, especially since Sunny has taken up the role of his personal attendant, feeding him non-stop with her so-called 'nourishing' food, which ranged from pig trotters to live octopus, basically any food in association with mobility; G was the one who suggested live octopus though, seeing the cephalopod has eight, very 'moving' legs.

Taewoo survived and was now under the police custody. When the news of Taewoo's involvement broke out, everyone in the security act was shocked. The King had a long talk with him privately and he eventually apologised for his actions. He admitted to his wrong doings and divulged the full involvement of the mastermind - Prince Jin. The King wrote in a letter of clemency to the President, hoping to reduce Taewoo's penalty to a jail sentence instead. The only surviving kidnapper, Bull, who was lucky to escape the massacre because he had been knocked out cold much earlier by Yuri, was apprehended and sentenced to a 20 years of imprisonment. 

As for Prince Jin, the security force was able to prevent him from leaving the country as he originally intended but regrettably, he had given them a slip. His royal title was stripped and an arrest order has been issued to capture the fugitive Prince Jin. To date, his location was still unknown. 

On a good note, the real Prince Yul has finally confessed his true feeling for Sooyoung to the elders. Jessica clearly remembered the dramatic scene when Yul suddenly grabbed Sooyoung's hands and announced to everyone that this was the only girl he would marry for happiness. Not surprisingly, everyone was taken aback by his suddenness and inaptness. Fortunately for him, the Queen Mother stood on his side, telling everyone off for being a stick in the mud. After a closed-door discussion, involving both parties and their parents, King Chung finally gave the nod for their marriage. However Sooyoung has refused outright, insisting she would wait until Yuri has recovered. Ever since then, Yul has taken additional effort to wake Yuri with his countless antics. After consulting advices from unknown sources, Yul took a bunch of party poppers and popped it off right next to Yuri's ears. Needless to say, after the incident, the nurse matron barred him from entering the room. 

Sooyoung would bring in food regularly and remind Jessica to take her meals constantly. From time to time, she would joking threaten Yuri that she still remembered the 100 buffets she owed, but recently, she said she had written that debt off, telling Yuri she would treat her to 100 buffets instead.

Click for BGM! *impt*

Jessica fondly stroked the side of Yuri's cheek as she watched over her tenderly. 

"You owe me a dare..."

The dare Yuri lost during the game of truth or dare. 

"I'll p-pay the dare back some other day!"

"You lose the race..." 

The race Yuri lost down a flight of stairs back at Jeju.

"I don't care... I've won... and you'll listen to... me!"

"You made a promise..." 

The promise she made prior to their engagement.

"Promise me you'll always be... around for me..." 

"I promise..."

"You have to complete the dare... You have to listen to the winner's command... You have to fulfill your promise..."

Jessica fought back her dwelling tears.

"All I want... is just for you to wake up..."

As if their roles in the classic fairy tale have switched, the yearning princess was now waiting for her prince to wake from the deep slumber. If only a true love kiss could wake the prince like the stories in fairy tales, she would be most glad to do so.

Her fingers slowly traced along the length of the girl's nose bridge, moving gently past her lips. Jessica leaned forward, giving Yuri a gentle kiss on her lips. She endearingly cupped Yuri's face with a hand, waiting for that magic to work its wonder today.

However, like the ones before, miracle never came along. And after this kiss, Jessica could no longer believe fairy tale exists in the real world. 

She laid her head softly against Yuri's arm as she gently held onto her hand, intertwining their fingers together. She didn't know how long she had stayed in that position, reminiscing about their memories until her eyelids grew heavier by each passing minute and finally, she fell asleep, all worn out and weary. 


"Am I... dead?"

Her throat felt uncomfortable and parched, and not to mention, her body was aching all over. She tried to pry her eyes open but she couldn't, as if an invisible force had confined her physical movements. 

She willed it harder, forcing her eyes to open. And this time, she finally succeeded. 

Yet, the same bizarre sky greeted her in a taunting manner.

"How much longer... do I have to carry on...?"

She weakly looked up against the overcast sky, closing her eyes once more.

"I can't... go... on...anymore..."


The moment Jessica opened her eyes, she found herself looking up into a very different sky. It wasn't the usual blue sky she was accustomed to, but an odd red sky with dark clouds overcast. The terrain was dry and cracked, devoid of any living forms and the area enshrouded in a thick mist. 

"Am I... dreaming?"

A chill crept past, hauntingly cold to the bones. Jessica tucked her arms closer to her as her body began to shiver against the iciness. Her heartbeat increased with each passing second as her imagination started to run wild. She had no idea where she was and being alone certainly did not curb her anxiety. Scared, Jessica stood perfectly still, yet, her intuition told her to move forward. Jessica hesitated but she felt a tug pulling her, as if something or someone was calling for her. 

If this was a dream, none of these should hurt her physically. Casting her fears aside, Jessica moved forth, trusting her instinct. And so, she walked and walked, covering a distance far more than she had ever accomplished, but yet surprisingly, she was not even tired, barely breaking a single drop of sweat. 

Soon, the mist started to thin out little by little as she advanced. Up ahead, rays of light shone through the open gaps between dark clouds, allowing her to see further. Her gaze wandered and fell upon a figure lying on the ground. Her heart skipped a beat at the familiarity of the figure. She hastened her pace, eventually reaching the girl and knelt down quietly next to her. 

"Yuri..." Jessica softly called out, giving the sleeping girl a gentle nudge as she attempted to wake her up. If this was her dream, she would have total control over everything. If this was her dream, Yuri would wake up and talk to her the way she wished for it. But after the tenth attempt, Jessica soon came to realise nothing have changed, not even miracle could happen in her own dream. 

Jessica softly placed Yuri's head onto her lap, brushing the few strands of hair to a side and waited patiently by her side. She had no bruises, no bandage and looked otherwise perfectly fine, just in a deep sleep. Jessica could not hold her tear any longer, knowing everything here was just a mere dream. 

For days she has stopped herself from crying in front of everyone but over here in her own dream, there was no longer a need to upkeep a strong pretence. She held onto Yuri and bawled her eyes out, letting out her pent-up emotions.

"Kwon Yuri! You're... a stupid fool! Why do y-you... have to leave me all alone by myself... just when I finally realised it is you I have loved! Why do... you have to be... so cruel to me? You have so much to explain... so much to make up to me... so much to continue living for... so much more for me to return that affection." 

The huge drops of tear rained down onto Yuri's shirt as Jessica continued to cry her heart out.

"You'd shown me what true love is... Why won't you give me a chance to love you back? Why won't you give me a chance to say 'I love you' to the real you!"

A blinding white light erupted from the space between them, driving the dark stormy clouds away and replaced the red skies into a clear blue colour. Jessica shunned away from the overpowering brightness, only to be overwhelmed by the intensity.

A moment later, her eyes jerked open and Jessica found herself staring at the foot of the bed, with a very sore neck. 

"It's just a dream..." 

The girl thought to herself as she groggily lifted her head up from her folded arms, her neck ached with protest. At the same time, she felt a gentle squeeze on her intertwined hand. She brushed it aside, thinking she was either imagining thing or that her arm was numb from the poor sleeping position. 

"I... heard your voice... calling out for me..."

But when a voice she has wanted to hear for a long time rang softly in her ears from her side, she knew she wasn't dreaming up things. Jessica turned her head towards the source and found a pair of soft brown eyes looking straight back at her. Tears immediately began swimming in her eyes.

"And I remembered why... I have to go back..."

Her tears of joy ran down freely when Yuri gave a faint smile. 

"I owe you a dare, I have to listen to you and I have to fulfil my promise... Because you're... my reason."


hapter 26: Today was a Fairytale

“Your Highness, are you sure about this?”


“We can always arrange for the media spokesperson-”

“I understand your concerns but this is my responsibility… Not gonna run away this time round,” Yul answered in a resolute tone. The two were just a door away from the curious media who have been given a last-minute notice about a press briefing. 

“Your Highness, you’ve changed.”


The elderly butler responded with a smile. Owning up to one’s mistake was good but having the courage to own up to the entire nation was a greater challenge. Heavily scrutinised by public eyes since birth, such was the life of a royalty in modern times. A single ill-fated mistake was all it would take to bring down a man’s honour. Secrecy became the way of conduct and it had inevitably led up to the mishap to date. 

Had the silenced truth from Taewoo and his mother been let out earlier; had the younger Prince Jin went against his father and protected the one he had loved; perhaps, things would have been a little different now. 

Not wishing to repeat history and to uphold the integrity of a royalty, Yul had decided he would be the one to face his people. 

After all these years, the young prince whom he had watched over has finally taken a grand step towards the making of a King. And that was the reason for the smile on the butler’s face. 

“Maybe not,” Sir Yoon laughed as he adjusted the Royal insignia on the young prince’s shoulder strap, “You had wore it the other way round.”

“Hope you aren’t going to retire anytime soon,” Yul commented just as he pushed the door open to a waiting crowd of cameras, lights and flashes. 


“Looking very good today, Your Highness.” The doctor commented, flipping through the clinical charts. 

“Of course! I’m getting discharging today. No offence, but three weeks of hospital stay really bores me. And not to mention, I was entirely out in the first week.” Yuri voiced out, sitting at the corner of the bed as she waited patiently for the check-up to be over.

Jessica who was standing by the side chuckled softly, “Well, at least you had 2 peaceful weeks here. Can’t say the same for His Highness.”

As anticipated, the sudden announcement of the annulment of the royal engagement between His Royal Highness Crown Prince Yul and Miss Jessica Jung, made by Yul himself in person two weeks ago, took the country by surprise. The decision was made mutually; citing both parties’ wishes to seek their own true loves. As if things weren’t chaotic enough, Yul threw out a public love confession to Sooyoung, much to the girl’s chagrin. But there wasn’t much she could do. Being in love with a prominent public figure meant nothing could ever be on a low profile. And thanks to Yul’s diversion tactics, everyone was busy focusing on the identity of the new Crown Princess-to-be, taking no notice of Jessica’s love life.

“Don't worry about Yul. He’s probably still enjoying his holidays in the tropics, the best way to avoid media-”


With a loud bang, the door swung open widely as a sunburnt individual waddled in with huge shopping bags in arms. Yul swiftly dumped the bags onto the bed, ignoring its occupant and rummaged through it before pulling out a huge pineapple, which he promptly offered to the doctor, thanking him profusely for taking care of his baby sister, much to Yuri’s embarrassment.

Yuri let out a faint groan, “For the ten thousandth time, I’m not your baby sister!”

“Oh come on, you’re always my little baby sis! Did you miss me? Glad I didn’t miss your discharging ceremony.”

“You’re just eight minutes older! And that’s probably because you kicked me to get out first. And no, there isn’t any ceremony.”

“Oh Jessica! You’re here too. Here, have some pineapples! Fresh from Hawaii!” 

“Get out, stupid brother!”

A flying pillow hit Yul at the back of his head just as he was about to offer Jessica two Maui Gold pineapples. 


The ride home was full of the twins’ constant bickering and occasional remarks added by Sooyoung. Jessica watched on by the side quietly. She smiled at the trio’s interaction.

“Seems like you two really enjoyed Hawaii.” Jessica asked.

Sooyoung gave a shy smile and nodded her head fervently.

Yuri shifted her attention to Sooyoung and spotted an expensive rock on her right finger.

“Wait! Is that…!” Yuri turned back, facing her brother. “You proposed?”

“Of course,” Yul answered proudly and smugly while Sooyoung’s face turned into a deep red. 

“Congrats! When will the wedding be held?” Jessica asked.

“The date has not been fixed yet but we are hoping it could be within the next month or so. You are not leaving Korea anytime soon right? Please do come for the wedding!” Sooyoung asked excitedly.

“I’ll try,” Jessica answered vaguely, avoiding Yuri’s gaze. 

She has been thinking over for the past week about their relation. Now that Yuri has fully recovered, this chapter of their story was coming to a close. And what would the next and their future hold?

“How did my brother propose?” Yuri quickly diverted the topic, sensing Jessica’s reservation. 

“I heard he’s bad with all those romantic stuff!” She added on and teased her brother mercilessly. Thankfully, his brother reacted strongly against the notion and went on defending himself. On the surface, she and Jessica laughed along with their narrative account, but there was something amiss and bothering them deep down. 

Could there possibly be a future for the two of them?


The blue-painted room and furniture were exactly the way she remembered. It has been a while and now she has finally returned to her home in her true self. 

“Back at last.”

Yuri closed her eyes and took a deep breath in, enjoying the comfort of her own quarters. 

“I didn’t destroy anything here during my stay I hope.” Jessica said in a tease, shutting the door gently. Before she could turn around, Yuri embraced the girl from behind. Surprised from the sudden action, Jessica eventually relaxed into the comforting hold. The two remained locked in this position, listening to nothing but each other’s heart beating in sync.

“Thank you…”


“Thank you for not leaving…”

Jessica traced her hands along the encircled arms on her waist, until it came to a rest atop the back of Yuri’s hands. 

“I’m scared, Yuri.”

Yuri responded with a tighter hold on her princess. 

“Silly, I’m here. You don’t have to be scared.”

“You’re a princess. You have a perfect future laid out for you since birth. You should be having a fairytale marriage with a man you love. Your future simply doesn’t lie with me-” Jessica stifled a choked sob.

“There is only one person I will love and I have already found her. No one else can ever replace you.”

“What would our parents think? What would people think? Will they accept us?”

“I don’t care how they think.”

“You’re a public figure. Every move you make, you’re being watched. Every wrong step you take, you’re being criticised. I don’t wish to see you suffer because of me!” Jessica forced back her tears and gently eased away from Yuri’s hold. 

“Sica…” Yuri grabbed hold of her hand, “I’m not letting go.”


“You’re more important to me than anything else in the world.”

She gently pulled Jessica in for a tender kiss on the forehead. 

“And I will do anything I can, to create a future for us.”


Jessica fidgeted in her seat nervously, looking straight at Yuri who was sitting on the opposite side of the dining table. The steak was left untouched, saved for the few strands of vegetables she nibbled on. Her parents had a fair idea for their daughter’s behaviour. Similarly across the table, Yuri was just twirling the spaghetti with no intention of eating.

King Chung cleared his throat to break the awkward atmosphere and held his wine glass up in the air. 

“A toast to my best friend since childhood. Cheers!”

The clanking of wine glasses rang loudly in the private room. 

“Hope this dinner was to your liking.”

“There is no need for such lavish expenses, my old friend.”

“Who knows when will we ever meet again now that you are returning in another two days’ time?”


Yuri dropped her cutlery onto the plate with a loud clank and stood up abruptly.

“Sorry for the interruption but I have an announcement to make-”

“Correction, it’s we.” 

Jessica stood up promptly and gave Yuri an assuring smile. She wasn’t planning to let Yuri deal this alone. She turned to her parents and spoke out her mind freely.

“Dad, Mom… I’ve decided. I’m going to stay with Yuri. I know this may sound ridiculous, but I know she’s the one for me. I really do love her and-”

Yuri quickly chipped in. “I love her too! I know it’s a hard to accept our relation but I really hope-”

“We all know.” 

“-you can appro- wait… What?”

“We aren’t that blind and oblivious,” Queen Hyun commented, “We have all seen the love and dedication Jessica had for you when she took care of you throughout the entire ordeal.”

“You shielded my daughter from that gunshot with your own body. What kind of a person would I be if I say that wasn’t a display of love?” Lord Jung said.

“Your dad meant he knew Yuri loves you.” Lady Jung added with a smile, “And I hope you will take good care of my daughter from now on.”

“So… that means…”

The King stood up and signalled the two to come forward. 

“We had a little discussion before this meeting and I think we all fairly agreed to respect your decisions.” 

He held onto their hands and placed them together. 

“You have our blessings.”


“Marvellous! You look wonderful, darling. Hmm, now try this set!” 

“Not again!” Yul groaned. This was the eighteenth set he had tried over the last two hours and he was already physically drained from the constant changing in and out of his attire.

G pursed his lips with disdain. “I’m gonna make you the best bridegroom, so don’t whine and hurry up with your next set!”

The celebrated image consultant has been warmly invited to manage the royal wedding for his impressive skills of turning a princess into a prince. As such, it became his personal agenda to make it the grandest royal wedding of modern times. 

Seated comfortably at the sofa and snacking on the variety of food laid on the table, Yuri chuckled. “Now you know my pain, dear brother!”

“Aish! You little…”

“Yul!” Jessica called out from a distance, garnering the bickering twins’ attention.

“You might wanna keep your eyes open and… don’t faint!” She giggled as she slowly pulled the changing room curtains away, revealing Sooyoung in an elegant wedding dress. Her bare shoulders and collarbones further supplemented the simple yet graceful dress, bringing out a hidden beauty. 

He was accustomed to seeing Sooyoung wearing her school uniform back when they were schooling or her normal black suit attire in her bodyguard duties. And for the first time, Yul was truly awestruck by her beauty. 

“Y-You look a-amaz-zing…” Yul stuttered his words.

Sooyoung looked away shyly. But something was in the air.

“Is that…?” 

The tall girl took in a few sniffs and soon located the source. She stomped forth, towards the table where a box of chicken pieces laid and to her shock, it was near empty. She spotted the greasiness on Yuri’s fingers and let out a sharp shriek. 

“I had starved the whole day just to fit into the wedding dress and you finished my chicken?!” 

Yuri scurried off to safety and dragged Jessica out of the studio before Sooyoung could unleash her inner demon.


The voice reverberated through the entire building.


“You should have known better than to finish up her food! A hungry Sooyoung is a angry Sooyoung.” Jessica stated it as a matter-of-fact. 

“But I was hungry…” Yuri pouted.

“You just had lunch…?”

Yuri shrugged, “I guess I’m still growing uh?”

“You and your silly excuse. Just join in the queue to get the chicken!”

“As you wish, Your Highness!” Yuri joked, earning a harmless slap from the girl.

They were about to enter the shop when a man hurried out from inside blindly and bumped straight into Jessica, nearly knocking her over if not for Yuri’s quick reflexes while the mid-aged man fell onto the floor, having no form of assistance.

“Sica, are you ok?”

“Yeah I’m fine…”

The man froze at the familiarity of the two voices. 

“Sir, are you alright? I’m so sorry.” Jessica apologised frantically and offered the haggard man a hand. Their gazes met and before Jessica could reel in from the shock, he shoved her away forcefully, sending her tumbling back into Yuri and scrambled out of the shop in a flash.

“Sica, are you ok-”

“Your uncle! That man was your uncle!”


Saving the explanation for later, Jessica got up onto her feet and gave a quick chase. Yuri followed closely behind, barely keeping up with their pace as her recovering body was reaching its limitation. Kwon Jin ran as fast as he could. After surviving through weeks of hiding, he was not going to give himself up that easily. 

“Stop!” Jessica shrieked at the top of her voice as she continued her run in a seemingly effortless manner. Maybe it was the mad adrenaline rush or the hatred she had for that vile man for the things he had done to harm Yuri that propelled her. Whatever it was, she had no intention of letting this man get away scot-free again.

Kwon Jin threw a quick glance at the back, startled to see Jessica approaching swiftly. Panicking, he pushed himself forward, turning around only to see a wall of black furs momentarily before colliding into the said object and went down along with it. Hundreds of advertising flyers were thrown into the air.

The elder prince groaned in pain from the collision and before he could get back up on his feet, a flying kick appeared from nowhere and landed squarely on his face with a visible shoe print.

“That’s for Yuri!” Jessica declared, before going all out on a full attack mode.

“Owwww…” A muffled voice came from within the bear mascot.

“What are you doing?” Jessica yelled at the surprised bear mascot. “Help me to arrest this man!”

The person within the furry costume jumped in fright and saluted immediately. 


Yuri arrived to the scene shortly, surprised to see Jessica and a bear mascot pinning her uncle in a grappling move amid the confusion. 

“Yuri! We got him!”

“Get off of me!” Her uncle struggled in resistance but to no avail.

Yuri hurried over and pulled Jessica up to her feet, leaving the bear mascot to handle her uncle on its own. 

“That’s so dangerous! What if something happen?”

“But we caught him-”

Jessica stopped her sentence mid-way when Yuri pulled her in for a tight hug. 

“Never do that again…” 


“Eunhyuk! What have you done?!” A shrieking stern voice came from behind, pointing at the mess created. The shopfront was littered with the flyers and from the look on the lady boss’s face, the man inside the bear costume knew he was in trouble.

He gingerly removed the headpiece and gave his lady boss a sheepish smile. Both Yuri and Jessica instantly recognised the man in the suit. 

“You’re that reception guy from Jeju!!” The two spoke out in unison.

“Eunhyuk, you’re fired!!!” the lady boss shrieked out. 


Following the arrest of Prince Jin and his conviction of masterminding the kidnap and attempted murder, peace had finally resumed to the Royal family for a brief period before the wedding preparation had the entire Royal Household scrambling to and fro, day in and out as the wedding of the century drew nearer. The invitations were sent out to all corners of the world, totalling up to an estimated figure of one thousand guests. With the insane amount of work to be done, everyone in the household was assigned to a specific task.

The Queen Mother and Jessica took charge of flower décor while Yuri helped out with the logistic planning. With the pressing timeline, the two rarely had time to meet or let alone date. Even if they did meet up, it would be past ten at night and Yuri would send the sleepy Jessica back to her executive suite in the 5-star hotel the Jung family own under the insistence of protective Daddy Jung who maintained that Jessica must not sleep in the royal palace (specifically Yuri’s quarters).

Jessica stifled a yawn as she stretched her back, having to sit for close to three hours straight. The flower arranging was nearly finished and she just needed to add in the last bit.

“Have some tea, my child.”

The girl quickly got up from her seat to escort the elderly Queen Mother as she made her way across the room with a teapot in hand.

“That’s beautiful,” the elder praised as she observed the handiworks on the long table where Jessica has been working on for the past week. 

“How are you and Yuri doing?”

“We rarely meet up these days. She’s busy with the planning and all.”

“Why don't you stay in the palace? It is too cumbersome to travel in and out everyday.”

“I don’t want to impose on Yuri and besides, it’s not too nice for me as an outsider to stay in palace.”


“My father had his reservations too. It’s ok, I am staying in my own family’s hotel and the expenses are taken care off.”

“Hmmm…” The elderly woman smiled. A bright idea has just formed in her brilliant mind.

“Granny… I have a question to ask.”

“Go on…”

Jessica bit down on her lips, her curiosity took charge.

“I have wondered, if you did know Yuri was pretending to be Yul since the beginning?”

The Queen Mother smiled and answered, “Yes I did.”

“But why didn’t you reveal it?”

“Just intrigued to see how things would unfold,” she laughed.

“How do you tell them apart?”

“I may be old and my eyesight has deteriorated over the years, but it was way too obvious. Yuri has a tiny mole on her left earlobe and that was how I differentiate the twins when they were still in diapers.”


“Well, you can take a closer look at it… but that’s not the only mole she has…” the Queen Mother winked and then whispered the other location into Jessica’s ear, which drove the girl blushing madly at the suggestion. The Queen Mother merely chuckled in response.


“This is KBS News Live reporting from Gyeongbokgung Palace. Today marks a very special occasion for everyone in Korea as His Royal Highness Prince Yul, the next in line for the throne, marries a commoner, Miss Choi Sooyoung. This is the very first time in history for the Crown Princess to come from a commoner background and it has been well received by the public. Many regard the union as a perfect fairytale and applaud Prince Yul for his daring confession in a press briefing held a few weeks ago.”

“Over one thousands guests have been invited to the wedding, touted to be the grandest event in Korea in modern times. And for the first time in history as well, the royal palace has opened its door to welcome the guests for the wedding. The entire wedding will be shown live coverage. This is KBS News’ Kim Taeyeon, reporting live from Gyeongbokgung Palace.”


Up since four in the morning, Yuri had been running in and out of the halls making a hundred percent sure that nothing would possibly go wrong. Now that most of preparation was done, she could finally take a short breather. 

“Eunhyuk, how’s the job coming along? I hope you like it.”

“Y-Yes, Your Highness!” He gave a sheepish laugh, “I never knew I would look good with all these black outfit.”

Feeling sorry for causing Eunhyuk to lose his job two times in a row and with Sooyoung’s position now empty, Yuri offered him to be her personal bodyguard, much to his delight. And ever since then, Eunhyuk has been taking his job seriously and diligently. Today he was being assigned to be part of the team that was in charge of security checks in the main ballroom.

“Glad you liked it. Keep up the good work. I shall not impose on you any further.”

With a salute, Eunhyuk bid his farewell and continued his work.

“Hey, Alex!” 

Without any guessing, Yuri knew who it was.

“Sunny, Sungmin. You guys are here at last.”

“How’s your body? Recovering well?” Sunny asked out of concern.

“Yes, I’m a lot better these days. How’s your leg?”

“Totally fine now with those tonic I have been taking. I’m strong as an ox.” Sungmin replied, flexing his biceps for show, with no relevance. 

“We gotta go. My uncle has been calling me non-stop. I think he needs some help with the rundown. Hope to catch you around soon, Alex.”

“Yuri… my name is Yuri, not Alex anymore.”

“Sure, see ya then, Yuri.” 

With that, the couple bid their farewell. 

“So… you’re Yuri…”

Yuri turned around, surprised by the teenage girl who appeared to be no more than fifteen addressing her by her name directly. For some reason, she found her familiar but she couldn’t put a finger to it. 

“Erm… y-yes?” She swallowed a gulp of air nervously as a young girl scrutinised her from head to toes.

“I was wondering what kind of person would make my sister fall head over heels…”

Yuri shifted uneasily. “Your sister?”

“Not bad, not bad at all…”

“Krystal, what are you doing here?” Jessica walked in, shocked by her sister’s sudden appearance. 

“Unnie!” The young girl threw her arms around Jessica and gave a hug. “I came to attend the wedding on Dad’s behalf, he had an urgent matter to settle. Mom came with me though. She’s probably off chatting with friends. And I miss you so much!”

“I miss you too!” Jessica turned the hug.

“Unnie?” Yuri mumbled, realising the familiarity connection at last.

“Oops, I forgot to introduce. Yuri, this is Krystal, my sister. And Krystal, this is Yuri-”

“Yeah, I know… my prospective sister-in-law.” 

Krystal dropped her tone low and whispered into her sister’s ear, “Good choice, she’s hot!”

“Krystal!” Jessica smacked her little sister on the head. 

“Jessica! I need your help over here!” G shouted out loudly across the ballroom. 

“Sorry, I gotta go, the décor needs some final touch-up.” Jessica apologised and turning to her sister, she added, “And Krystal, be nice.”

“Of course I will! What’re you talking about?” Krystal flashed an angelic smile. 

The moment Jessica turned her back, Krystal spoke in a threateningly tone. “I don’t care if you are a princess or not, but if you ever hurt my sister, you will get it from me ten-fold!”

Yuri gave a weak smile. Violence seems to run in the family and no doubt, she’s definitely Jessica’s sister.


The wedding procession went on without any hitch. And soon, guests began to flood into the Royal court designated for the dinner banquet. The decorations, flower arrangements in particular, received rave praises, much to Jessica’s glee. 

At the exchange of wedding vow, Queen Hyun began tearing up with joy while Yuri and Jessica applauded loudly. The Queen Mother, as usual, was enjoying her tea in a relaxed manner.

“Everyone, may I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make,” King Chung stood up on the podium, addressing the distinguished guests mid-way through the banquet.

“What’s with the Royalty and their sudden announcement?” Tiffany commented off-hand to Taeyeon as she scrambled to link up with the KBS broadcasting van parked outside the palace.

“I would like to take the opportunity on this joyous day to make a special announcement on behalf of the Queen Mother. Jessica, may I invite you to come forward?”

Jessica was entirely taken by surprise, and it was only through Krystal’s nudging that she stood up from her seat and walked towards the podium in a stiff stance.

“Granny, what are you up to?” Yuri asked, watching Jessica as she walked by her table.

“You’ll see.” The Queen Mother replied coolly. 

“Miss Jessica Jung has been a lovely child and the Queen Mother has truly enjoyed her companionship over the few weeks she has been here with us. As such, the Queen Mother has decided to acknowledge Jessica as her god granddaughter.” 

Turning towards Jessica, King Chung spoke with a proud tone, “And as per customary tradition, it is my great pleasure to bestow the title of ‘Her Highness Princess Jessica’ upon you.”

The crowd erupted into applause while Jessica stood transfixed, shocked at the unexpected edict.


“You missed the hotel!” Jessica said when Yuri drove past the hotel. “Where are you going?”

“A secret place I want to show you.” The girl answered briefly.

The car eventually came to a stop at quiet hilltop overlooking the palace. The two exited the car and sat on the hood.

“It’s beautiful place at night, isn’t it?” Yuri spoke softly while Jessica looked on quietly, enjoying the serene tranquillity. This was one of the rare moments of peace they have ever since their first meeting. 

Jessica recalled their first meeting at the airport. It was a torrent of complex feelings. She was angry and scared at the same time. She was angry with the arranged marriage, angry with her father and angry at her powerlessness. She was scared of everything else. And when the days turned into weeks, she experienced a change. This time round, the feeling of love and it was beyond description. Never had she experienced the strong emotions that disregarded her rationale along the path. There were moments of despair and sadness along the way but each fall only served to deepen her affection. 

“It’s… beautiful…” Jessica commented.

Their love was beautiful, not because of romance but because they shared a bond deeper than anyone could have imagined. 

Slowly by slowly, tiny glint of yellow light began to fill the open air.

“Are those fireflies?”

“That’s weird… I don’t recall any in the past.”

“Maybe… they flew in from somewhere else…”

The two exchanged glances as the soft glow emitted by the flashing lights danced around them.

“I know I’m a little late for this, but let’s do this proper.” Yuri said as she lifted herself from the hood and stood on the ground. She held out a hand and formally introduced herself all over again.

“I am Kwon Yuri and… you know the rest of my family background.”

Jessica chuckled at her action but nevertheless she held onto Yuri’s hand and reintroduced herself too.

“I’m Jessica Jung and I’m in love with the most adorable fool by the name of Kwon Yuri.”

Yuri smiled as she took out two rings from her pocket. 

“Will you love this fool of yours forever then?” Yuri asked.

“Yes, I will.” Jessica nodded.

The two exchanged their couple rings; a symbolic testament of bond as a circle of love that never ends. 

In a slow and tender moment, their lips touched, sealing their lives together as two synchronised heart. 

“So I guess... it’s happily ever after?”

“What do you think?” Jessica asked without having the intention to wait for an answer as she leaned forward to capture her lips once more. 

Seated on the back of the car, were the pair of stuffed bears, each with a corresponding heart-shaped patchwork on their sides, locked in a blissful embrace.

~The End~

And of course, Love Radio FM

Sunny: (sniffs) Awwww~ such a sweet ending!

Sungmin: Honey, you are on air!

Sunny: Oh, I forgot! (takes handkerchief and blows nose) Hello everyone! Pardon me if I get a little sentimental today! This is my last DJ-ing on Love Radio FM, and- *sobs* 

Sungmin: Aha… Sunny meant she really enjoyed the lovely audience who has been tuning in since the beginning.

Sunny: (blows noses) If it wasn’t for you all, I won’t be here in the first place! And for today’s special guests, we have invited the main cast of YBTP & IBTP! First of all, let’s welcome our Royal couple, Her Royal Highness, Princess Yuri and Princess Jessica!

Cheers erupt from live audience

YulSic: Hello everyone! 

Sunny: Next, the ‘other’ royal couple, His Royal Highness Prince Yul and Princess Sooyoung!

SooYul: Hello!

Sunny: A very big congratulation for finding your true loves! How’s everyone feeling today? Especially now that Jessica is being crowned the title of princess and Sooyoung, the new crown princess. 

Jessica: Well, I really didn’t expect that! Theoretically, the husband of an imperial princess should be titled the prince consort right? (glances at Yuri)

Yuri: What? I’m the seobang! Besides, it’s ‘You’ll be the Prince and I’ll be the Princess’, I was in the role of the Prince since the beginning. 

Jessica: Whatever, I still play the dominant role.

Yuri: Yeah right… (mumbles to herself) whoever said I am going to marry you?

Jessica: What did you say?! (icy glare)

Yuri: (keeps quiet)

Sooyoung: Aish~ you kids! Listen to your sister-in-law! 

Yuri: Don’t you dare pull that sister-in-law thing on me! You still owe me 100 buffets! 

Sooyoung: Gee, I said that cos I thought you were never gonna wake up… I should have known better… no one really dies in a fairytale story

Yuri: Whatever… I want king crabs, pacific oysters (goes on listing)

Jessica: Just ignore her… I think that coma had made her a little obsessed

with food

Yul: (nods head) That I fully agree… it’s like she had switched personality with Sooyoung

Yuri: For the last time I am fully recovered!

Sooyoung: Yeah… how about adding Australian Lobsters in the menu too…

Everyone: …… 

Sunny: Aha… how about let’s get back on with the show? So what are your future plans? 

Yul: Have little princes and princesses!!!

Sooyoung: WHAT?!?

Yul: (stutters) erm… I… meant… them! (points at YulSic)

Yuri: WHAT?!?

Jessica: Don’t look at me…

Yuri: Stupid brother, stop saying stupid things! 

Yul: Hey! Continuing the royal family bloodline is not only my part… it’s yours too!

Yuri: I look forward to the day to see my little nieces and nephews! (pats Sooyoung’s shoulder) Keep up the good work, sister-in-law!

Sooyoung: I will (smiles) … wait… WHAT?

Yul: Way to go, sis! 

Yuri: All is good… all is good…

Jessica: Two peas in a pod 

Sooyoung: I’m hungry… 

Yul: Why are we talking about food again?

Sunny: Yeah… let’s move on! We’ve heard SooYul’s future ‘family’ planning and what about YulSic? What are you guys planning on doing?

Yuri: I guess… I will go back to my music studies

Jessica: Me too…

Sooyoung: But that would mean you 2 are going to be apart?

Jessica: Well, NYC and SF are just… 6 hours flight apart…

Yuri: Yeah… it’s not like we are going to be… that far apart…? 

Yul: You two are leaving Korea soon?

Jessica: We’re staying for a few more months before school term starts

Yul: (sad face)

Yuri: Oh come on, you are married! Act like one! It’s not like we’re not coming back…

Sunny: Oh talking about that… producer choki has dropped a note about another upcoming YULSIC story, after ‘Cupidly in Love’…

Jessica: I have a bad feeling about this

Sunny: (chuckles) The next production starts with the alphabet ‘U’ … and ends with a 2... 

Yuri: WHAT!?! NOT AGAIN!!! 

Jessica: I swear this never ends... (sighs)

Sooyoung: What? UBTP2? A SEQUEL!?!?? Am I going to return? 

Yuri: Maybe it is just about Yul and Sooyoung… you know about the ‘real’ royal family

Sunny: Starring Kwon Yuri, Jessica Jung and new characters~

Yuri: Oh sharks…

Sunny: The production note says “expect the unexpected, baby woes ahead”

Yuri: We’re having a baby?!?

Jessica: Not me!

Yuri: What? Then… who’s having the baby?

Jessica: You go figure

Sunny: (chuckles) Till the next time then, I hope there will be another season run of Love Radio FM. Please write in to ebil producer demanding my return! In the meantime, just loop ‘Love Story’ over and over again to kill time before ebil producer returns with a special chapter in Halloween and the sequel in 2012 where more madness resume in the love adventures of our beloved royal princesses 


Love Radio FM

Collaboration with prataz

Check out his fic at Final Fantasy: The Zodiac Wars

DJ Sunny: This week Love Radio FMâ??s special! It is not a human that DJ Sunny is interviewing today. The clash of two legendary soft toys! Keroro (from Final Fantasy: The Zodiac Wars) versus Mr Bear (from Youâ??ll be the Prince & Iâ??ll be the Princess). Welcome both plushies!

Mr Bear: Hello everybody. Iâ??m Mr Bear, the black teddy bear, owned by Miss Jessica.

Keroro: for the 1000 times, I'm not Keroro. I'm the Arch-Angel Michael! I'm just trapped in this froggie shape 

DJ Sunny: EH? Arch-angel!!! Oooooo

Mr Bear: Pffffff.... frog

Keroro: Stupid Bear, at least I don't need to spend 15 years with a spoilt brat owner

Mr Bear: She might slap you upside down when she hears that

Keroro: It's alright... What's a little slap compared to a washing machine... (shivers in fear)

DJ Sunny: Your owner does that! Wow! Ok ok calm down, plushiesâ?¦ we donâ??t want a soft toy warâ?¦ hmmm we could probably name in Final Fantasy: Wars of the Toys! Haha Toy Story 3 anyone? How about this, in 3 words, describe your owner?

Keroro: Neurotic, Obsessive Crybaby

Mr Bear: Violent, Sica, Jjang!

Keroro: Boot licker! Why is she jiang when she's so violent?

Mr Bear: Well, if she is not violent, there won't be any story. And how about calling your master, crybaby, you can't henshin if she had not cried in the first place.

Keroro: Stupid bear! At least I look good when I henshin! You are still a dirty old flea infested bear (Sticks out tongue)

DJ Sunny: Ok calm down everyone. Lets not get violent there. I'm sure many of our listeners are curious about you guys. We have our first caller! Who's that on the line?

iruy: To Mr Bear, does Jessica likes Prince Yul at all? You guys are so close, she must have told you right?

Mr Bear: Yes, Jessica is starting to feel something for Prince Yul. 

iruy: I KNEW IT! YES YES! Sica loves me!!!

Keroro: BABO! That's the PRINCE! Can't you keep your owner's secrets! You just betrayed her 15 years of trust in you!

Mr Bear: (stunned).... I did wat? You called your owner, Neurotic!!!

DJ Sunny: Ahahahaha, relax guys... we have a new caller! Our next caller is.... erm... Mars?

(Yuri goes off in the background: Jessica loves me!!!!) 

Mars: Keroro, I need your help to find me a chosen

Keroro: Go ask Diana to help you hunt one down, she's goddess of Hunting, not me. I'm already busy enough trying to protect my chosen.

Mars: Pfff... no wonder you are a frog now

(Mr Bear stifles a laughter)

Keroro: I'm an arch-angel, not a god! I'm not omnipotent like you! Why don't you spin the bottle like what Apollo did? I'm sure you have many followers like him too

Mars: Whatever... I need my chosen to be someone violent

Mr Bear: My owner is violent

Keroro: Great, just listen to the teddy bear then. I'm sure Jessica is a good choice.

Mars: Alright, I will be looking for her soon (disappears with a loud crack)

DJ Sunny: Ahhhh, that's a little confusing eh... hahahahaha, next caller!!! Erm... Yoona from SNSD?

SNSD Yoona: Maknae!!! Keroro, is Maknae well? Please return Maknae to SNSD

Keroro: Kero? Who are you? Don't you know she's trapped here? I would like to return her but I can't 

Mr Bear: You dunno SNSD? OMG... they are like the most popular girl group in Korea...

DJ Sunny: Ermâ?¦ ahahahahahaha (laughs weakly) 

Keroro: Shut up you stupid Bear, of coz I know them! I have to sing and dance to Gee

Mr Bear: Awww... you are much better... my owner made me dance Tell me your wish Genie... my poor legs

SNSD Yoona: Stop divertiing! KERORO! I WANT OUR MAKNAE BACK Right NOW! N-O-W NOW!

Keroro: I can't... Mercury is the only one that can reverse the spell and even he himself can't do it. Just take it that your Maknae is on a super long vacation with us?

Mr Bear: Yeah... besides your next album wonâ??t be out until next year...

(Keroro reaches out and cuts the line)

Keroro: There you go, problem solved 

(DJ Sunny and Mr Bear looks at him in shock)

Mr Bear: Way to goâ?¦

Keroro: What! I'm just a powerless innocent frog, I'm not the Oracle. Besides, I don't have the answers to her questions (shrugs) Next caller pls?

DJ Sunny: We got a new caller. Yes? Erm... Sooyoung?

Sooyoung: Where is my voucher?

DJ Sunny: (looks around in panic) Erm it is with Mr Bear?!

(Mr Bear cuts the line before Sooyoung could say anything)

Keroro: COPY CAT!

Mr Bear: Iâ??m a bear, not a cat.

Keroro: So what, I'm a frog... Your owner is rich! Can't you just give her a voucher of something?

DJ Sunny: K guys, we still have time for one last question, and it's from Iceprincess.


Mr Bear: Princess Jessica?!?!!


Keroro: (snickering) Someone is in trouble

Mr Bear: Noooâ?¦. Mars got the wrong person! Yah Keroro, tell Mars to look for the Jessica in your world! Not my owner!

Keroro: That's your problem... Not mine... My problem is only SeoHyun. (folds up arms and whistles)

Mr Bear charges at Keroro and strangles him.

Mr Bear: Lets see how you can take my bear hug

Keroro: ARG!!! Stupid Bear! Shining Angel Attack!

Keroro pokes Mr Bear's eyes. As Mr Bear covers his eyes in pain, Keroro reaches to tear out his heart shaped emblem

Mr Bear: NOOOOOooooooo

Keroro: Kero! Kero!

DJ Sunny: Again, time is running short. It has been a fun time with our two plushiesâ?¦ thanks again to Keroro from Final Fantasy: The Zodiac Wars and Mr Bear from Youâ??ll be the Prince & Iâ??ll be the Princess. Thank you! Our next song is â??Heal the worldâ? by Michael Jackson. Till then~ 


Love Radio FM

Collaboration with prataz

Check out his fic at Final Fantasy: The Zodiac Wars

(A lot of rustling sound in the background)

Keroro: Kero! Ladies and Gentlemen! Due to the unfortunate spread of H1N1, DJ Sunny has being quarantined! So we, the last interviewees will get to host the show

Mr Bear: Babo! Froggie... you are supposed to intro... (shakes head and takes over) Hello everyone! Welcome to Love Radio FM's special segment 'Worlds of randomness'. I am your DJ for tonight, Mr Bear from You'll be the Prince & I'll be the Princess. Eh frog, do your own intro...

Keroro: Stupid Bear... Alright! The other DJ tonight, will be the lovable, cute but charming and the greatest Arch Angel of all times! The fffaaaammmmooouusss SSSSTTT.... MICCCHAEEEL! 

Mr Bear: Whatever... that babo froggie forgot to mention he's from Final Fantasy: The Zodiac Wars

Keroro: Do I need to mention it? I though everybody know who's Keroro and St Michael! We are such household names not like you (sticks out tongue)

Mr Bear: Everyone has a soft teddy bear at home... I wonder who's the real household plushie?

Keroro: LALALA! I can't hear you! Anyway, lets get back to the show, today we have a couple of interesting people as our guests

(A muffling sound is heard at the background)

Mr Bear: That's right... on the list, we have... OMG... it's him or her again!

Keroro: Yah! Give me that! (snatches list away from Mr Bear) Oh crap! It's that alligator mouth again

Yuri: YO!!! DJ SUNNY, my favourite DJ!!! Eh??!?!?! Why are you here? Where's DJ Sunny?

Keroro: (covers Mr Bear's Mouth) She's on medical leave. We are the stand-ins

Yoona: (gives Keroro a hard stare) Stupid Pervert froggy, you must be up to no good again!

Mr Bear: Who are you? (to Yoona)

Yoona: Eh.. me? I'm a flounder (does the flounder face)

(Yuri rolls on floor, laughing)

Mr Bear: (whispering to Keroro) Is she your friend? She seems abit weird...

Keroro: (coughs) Eh, Miss Yoona "Im" Stark, heiress to the Stark Enterprise, could you act abit more befitting to your status? We are on air, like NOW?

Yoona: (does the Ahn Youngmi's imitation) Yah! Chincha! (야! 진짜!) Trans: Yah, really!

(Yuri rolls on floor the second time, laughing)

Mr Bear: Please, Prince Yul, control yourself! 

Keroro: (slaps his forehead) Sigh... It's going to be a long day

Yoona: Ok ok, I shall stop being dorky now

(Ring Ring!)

Mr Bear: Ok, we have a caller... Yes? Miss... erm... (pokes Keroro and whispers) how do you pronounce this word...

Keroro: It's Shitttt... Sheen. Repeat after me, Shit Sheen

Mr Bear: Shit Sheen!

Sooyoung: YAH! It?s Shikshin!!!

(Yul and Yoona both roll on the ground in laughter)

Keroro: O rly? Now we learn a new word. Repeat after me... Shit sheen! 

Mr Bear, Yuri, Yoona: Shit sheen!

Sooyoung: YAH! WHATEVER! Where's my voucher! Prince Yul! I know you are in there! Where's my voucher?

Yuri: Yoona has it!

Yoona: Eh? What Voucher?

Sooyoung: Yah! You-

(Mr Bear and Keroro cuts the phone in unison and hi-five each other)

(A muffling sound is heard at the background)

Keroro: (coughs) I'm sorry, there seems to be some interference in the area...

Mr Bear: Yes... indeed... a tropical storm is brewing up in the palace I suppose

Yuri: (taps foot impatiently) Yah! We are still here for our interview

Keroro: So Prince Yul, how are you handling this storm in your palace?

Mr Bear: I saw it... they kissed in front of my eyes...

Keroro: (covers his eyes) EWWWW so indecent

Yuri: I-It's just... just... a k-kiss...

Yoona: Hmmm I wonder who is more indecent... someone was enjoying the embrace of Taeyeon unnie!

Keroro: (whistling) Let's focus! So Prince Yul! How's the kiss? Did you enjoy it?

Yuri: (turns deep red) Well, I... kinda... liked it... Arhhh, you are making me embarrassed!

Mr Bear: Well, my owner kinda enjoyed it too?

Keroro: Babo! You are not supposed to say that! How many times must you betray your owner?

Mr Bear: Yah! It is way obvious that it is time for them to fall in love! What do you want? Chapter 100 and they are still squabbling over minor stuff?

Keroro: I thought everybody likes Sappy stories! Yoona won Best Actress Award for acting as Saebyuk and it lasted 178 episodes...

Yoona: Eh?? I won an award? How come I didn't know anything about it?

Mr Bear: Stupid frog, that is Yoona from another world.

Keroro: Alright! Alright! Stop scolding me! Ah... we have another caller who calls himself Shinigami...

Shinigami: I know what you did last summer...

Yuri: Hey, that sounded really familiar... I think I said that once on a radio before... hmmmm

Shinigami: I still know what you did last summer... and Princess Yuri, eat and live long... You will enjoy the fruits of your labour (Chuckles)

Mr Bear: Congrats... eat and love- I mean, live long

Yoona: This is so interesting! How about me? Will I eat and live long?

Shinigami: ... ... Your name is not inside my book of life and death... Are you immortal?

Everyone: Huh?

Keroro: Yah! Azrael! Stop frightening the kids! 

Yoona: Yah! I didn't get mine! (pouts)

Mr Bear: Azrael? Shinigami? Who the hell is Azrael?

Keroro: Ehmm, he's just a lowly clerk in charge of keeping the books? Just ignore him

Yoona: But I want my prediction! Yuri got hers! 

Yuri: What does he mean that I will enjoy the fruits of my labor?

Mr Bear: BABO! I have never seen such a dense person before!

Keroro: Perhaps it's a curse of being royalty, it makes you a blockhead towards this kind of things

Yoona: That reminds me of a certain Princess Simetra (Mr Bear: also known as Seo Ju Hyun)... she is soooo weird

Keroro: Kero! Don't talk about her like that! She might cry and I will change

Yoona: Isn't that good? Then some pervy froggie can play with someone's love pillows

Mr Bear whacks Keroro's head; stuffing comes out slightly

Mr Bear: Pervert!!!

Keroro: Yah! Why are you acting like your owner!

Yuri: Your owner is Jessica?

Mr Bear: (roll eyes) Like DUH! I am the black bear on the bed!

Keroro: That sounded so WRONG...

Yoona: Is it? I wonder what's wrong, the black bear on the bed or the green frog on Taeyeon's Unnie's chest?

Yuri: EEEEWWWW, a frog on a girl's chest! That has gotta be going way off the chart

Keroro: It was an accident!

Mr Bear: Ptf... Like real

Keroro: (jabs Mr Bear on the forehead) Yah! It's an accident! I was unconscious! She just hugged me!

Mr Bear: Why you! This is an accident too! 

Yuri: Erm you guys... just break it up (tries to push both plushies down but Keroro jabs Yuri accidentally)

Yoona: Yah! Stop it! (Yuri jabs at Keroro who dodges and Yuri ends up jabbing Yoona)

Everybody: Why you! 

Before it can turn into a full fledge jab contest, the security rushes in 

Mr Bear and Keroro: Uh oh...

Security 1: I'm sorry madams, but we are here to stop this broadcast

Security 2: This broadcast is illegal! DJ Sunny had disappeared and was reported last seen here...

Hmmmffff sounds could be heard from the equipment closet

Mr Bear and Keroro: Uh oh...

Keroro: I guess that is the end of this week interview!

Mr Bear: Yeah! See you next week! (Runs off)

Security 1: ACHOOOO!

Security 2: I can't believe they actually threw out some of their cotton stuffings to make us sneeze

DJ Sunny: YAH! Where's that two plushies! I swear I will throw them into the washing machine the next time I see them! 

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