18. Getting ownership back

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Noor entered the gates of her uncle's house. Her cousin sister and aunt were sitting in the hall. Jasmine was reading a fashion magazine while aunty was going through her mobile. 

Uncle Sudeep have two daughters, Jivika and Jasmine. Jivika is nearly of same age as of Zoya. Whereas, Jasmine is a year younger than Noor. There was no bond between both the pair of sisters. Where Zoya and Jivika are stern and stiff around each other, Noor and  Jasmine are always at each other's throats.

Noor cleared her throat to catch some attention. Mrs. Raichand looked up and finding it's Noor, she smiled and stoop up to attend her. On the other hand, her cousin sister Jasmine just rolled her eyes and went back to reading her magazine.

“Aree, Noor…. Today here? All fine right?” Aunty welcomed her. On the other hand Jasmine scoffed.

Noor felt sick talking to Mrs. Raichand remembering it was her who got their signatures on those papers.

“I didn't come to see you Aunty….”

“So have you come here to see me? Because I have no interest in meeting you!” Jasmine snapped all of a sudden. 

‘I see, so even today she have sudden seizures….’ Noor thought and snickered inwardly.

Mrs. Raichand glared at Jasmine. It was always like this. Jasmine and Noor fought openly.

A pityful smile appeared on Noor's face as she shook her head.

“Is there any problem with your ears, Jasmine?” Jasmine glared at her.

“Because I didn't say anything like coming to see you. And by the way, why do you think I will come to meet you? Oh..! Along with ears, you have problem in your brain too. I get it…”

Jasmine fumed, not able to come with a reply. She threw the magazine on the glass table rudely and went upstairs.

“I am sorry on her behalf Noor…” Spoke Mrs. Raichand.

“How many times will you apologize Aunty? And how many times I or Di will hear it?” Noor spoke sternly.

She was in no mood to forgive her. They both treated her like their own mother. How can she?!

Aunty looked at her confused.

“Haan aunty! Neither you will be able to ask for a sorry so many times nor I want to hear it.”

If there had been Zoya, she would have melted. This is why she hasn't realised yet that how her and Noor's signature went there. But Noor have realised and concluded. 

“Why will she apologize to you?” Noor heard her uncle's voice and turned around to see him descending the staircase.

“Why won't she apologize? Afterall, she was the one who tricked us in taking our signatures for you to sell my company.”

Aunty's eyes widened and uncle was taken aback but didn't show it in his posture.

‘Deal hasn't been finalized yet… Then how come she?’ Uncle thought.

“Well, I didn't come here to talk about it. I have a offer for you. That too for your profit. So….? You want to talk here or in the study? Wherever you prefer.” Noor spoke smugly.

Mrs. Raichand looked at her husband worriedly. Uncle composed himself. Afterall the dice is still in hands.

“Study room…”  He mumbled and walked away. Noor followed him with out even looking at her Aunt.


“Hmm… Say! Why are you here?” Spoke Mr. Raichand as he sat on the chair behind the desk. She sat opposite to him.

“Well… I want to buy your shares of Raichand industries.” Without beating around the bush, Noor started to put up the offer.

Uncle quirked his eyebrow.

“And you think I will sell them?”

“I know you won't. But for your own self respect you should. It's not like a lot of respect is left for you in my or Di's eyes.”

Uncle glared at her. How dare she talk to him like that?!

“I am ready to buy the shares on twice the price they are as of now. Double! But this offer is valid till today. It's just three o'clock,” She spoke, glancing at her wrist watch, “You think about it and tell me till midnight. Because I will get those five percent shares by hook or crook. Lest you loose this the money I am offering now….” 

She stood up and said, “Now I shall take your leave.” 

Mr. Raichand went into deep thinking and didn't replied her. She came downstairs and her aunt gave her a nervous smile. She left without giving her a single glance. 

‘I have done my work. I hope Adi bhai handles the rest.’


Double money? Mr. Sudeep was still in thinking. Will it be a good idea?

His phone rang. It was his PA

“Hmm?” He attended the call.

“Sir, all of our deal with Mr. Hooda are halted all of a sudden. They said they don't want to deal with us anymore.” 

“What the hell??!!” Sudeep stood up abruptly and yelled.

“Didn't you talked to them? I have invested my everything in these deals. You fool!”

“I did sir but they said that if we are so interested in doing business with them, you should talk to Mr. Aditya Hooda personally. I have already taken a appointment for you.”

He ended the call frustrated. 

‘What is going on in real? First of all Noor coming up telling she knows I tried to sell her company. And now my deals are getting cancelled.’ He thought, muddled.


“Are you going to call him in or not? He is waiting from last one hour.”

Aditya looked up from the file towards Arjun smirking.

“Can't help it! I am enjoying it…”

Arjun shook his head. 

“Aditya it's five o'clock. Aren't you tired? It's been a long day. I just want to go home and sleep.

“Hmm…”  Aditya nodded pursing his lips.

He picked up the receiver and asked the receptionist to send Mr Raichand in. 

“Finally!” Arjun heaved a sigh and after a minute, Mr. Raichand opened the door lightly.

“Mr. Hooda….”

“Please come in Mr. Raichand…,” Spoke Arjun acknowledging the presence.

Aditya was busy reading the file or say ignoring him. He settled himself in front of Aditya and beside Arjun.

“Mr. Hooda… Cancellation of deals? Why? What's wrong?” He asked calmly showing his confusion.

“It's- ” Arjun started but Aditya interrupted him in middle.

“Actually I am not interested anymore.”
Aditya kept the file aside and leaned forward, keeping his interlocked fingers on the table. Giving his full attention to the old man.

“Mr. Hooda …. That's inappropriate…. I was looking forward to work with you on more projects.”

“Even I was looking forward to it. Untill, you brought the company up for me to buy.”

Arjun was enjoying the whole show. He knows today Aditya will trap Mr. Raichand in such a way that he won't be able to find a way out.

“The company?”

“Being the minor share holder you wanted to sell the company without the permission of major owner. ”

“Mr. Hooda! Signatures of the major owner are present there..!!” Mr. Raichand in a slight high tone.

“Hmm…. The major owner, who happens to be my dear friend had no intention of selling her company and will have no such intention in the future either.” Aditya opened up.

Mr. Raichand's was dumbstruck by this news. He had no idea about this. Not even the slightest.

“You were trying to cheat me Mr Raichand. Not only me, you tried to cheat your own niece! That's disgusting….”

“Everything works in business Mr. Hooda…..” He mumbled.

Arjun raised his eyebrows in a exaggerated manner. Really?! Everything works in business? But he didn't do any business here! Did he? Wasn't he trying to satisfy his greed? Greed for money! That's a dumb excuse to of justifying his act. If Noor would have heard that she would have either broken his head or her owns. Arjun coughed a little, not trying to smile.

“Sure, Mr. Raichand. Hence, I am cancelling the deals.” Aditya spoke politely

Aditya trapped him in his own words.

“Mr. Hooda… That's wrong! You gave your word, signed the contract.”

“Ya… I remember…. But I take my words back and we will dissolve the contracts by finding some middle way out.” Arjun smirked. 

“Mr. Hooda! I have invested my everything in these deals!” Mr. Raichand felt a lot weak in front of the stubborn young man. He never felt this weak in his whole career.

“I don't work with people who cheat and you already tried to do it once.” Aditya cleared his stance.

“Mr. Hooda…. Future of my company depends on these deals….”

Aditya didn't reply at all. Now it was Arjun's turn to act his part of the play.

“Adi… Everything works in business… Can't we find a way out?” Arjun asked showing kindness to Mr. Raichand who looked at Aditya expectantly.

“Hmm… If you say so….. I can do one thing…” Mr. Raichand looked more hopeful.

“I won't cancel the deals if he gives up the 5 percent ownership of Raichand industries.”

Mr. Raichand's eyes widened. God..! Are they trapping him….?

“You give the shares back to the major share holder and I won't cancel the deals. And you know if you didn't, I will get to know about it because she my friend.”

“You have a good chance Mr. Raichand. That's all I can do. All the best.” Arjun spoke with a sympathetic smile and left the cabin secretly winking at Aditya.

‘Nice work bro!’

“Mr. Raichand that's for the first and last time you pulled such a stunt in Noor and Zoya's life. From now on never try to interfere in their life. You don't know how Zoya is handling the company without any knowledge of it.”

Mr. Raichand nodded and stood up to leave but turned back on hearing Aditya.

“Remember. You mess with her. You mess with me.”


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