2. The Aditya Hooda

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Aditya's POV

I opened the door of my white coloured Audi A6 and get off it. In front of me, stood a huge crowd blocking me from walking into my office. Who the hell allowed media here?
Arjun came and stood by my side. Both of us gazing at crowd.

“Arjun, didn't I ask you to handle media? I don't want to give any media appearance.” I said in cold yet stern voice. He sighed.
“Aditya, I did what is in my control. I didn't get any dream that they will appear here in morning.”
“How are you going to do the damage control?” He made an annoyed face.
“You just give answers to two or three questions of theirs, rest I will handle.”
“Wow!” I said, sarcastically and walked near the crowd.

I took off my shades and gestured them to ask questions. They all started to shout. Oh god...! Can't they behave like civil humans.
“Please ask questions one by one!” Arjun said.

“Mr. Hooda, you are achieving success in your startup lately. You even received businessman of the year award. How does it feel?” Asked one male generalist.
What kind of question is this?
“I felt, as one should feel after achieving success!”

“Mr. Hooda....! Here, on your left.” I turned my gaze towards her.
“Mr. Hooda, can you tell something about the new technology your company is going to launch?”
Now, this is some sensible question. But I am not revealing about it now.
“There is still time in its launching. My PR management team will manage the launching and other things. So you will come to know.”

“Mr. Hooda, we have heard you have been in relationship with your college friend. Are you going tie knot soon?” Asked another generalist.
My blood boiled on her mention. It's just I know how I maintained my poker face.
Why media wants to interfere in personal life of people? I am not a celebrity, though they too deserve privacy.
“Ms. I would be much more happy if you keep the question limited to my professional life. I don't like to share my personal life.”
It was a kind warning. That's all. I walked through crowd of these uncivilized humans, ignoring their questions.

I entered my cabin and sat on chair, closing my eyes. Such redundant exhaustion these media people give. Now, they will type unnecessary adjectives about me. Telling I am rude and arrogant.

Arjun barged into my cabin. A annoyed frown adorning his face. I chuckled mentally. Here, we start the Arjun's famous lecture for me.

“You know what Aditya, today I won't say a single thing to you. You are not going to change. I don't know why I am still friends with you.”
“Because you are my best buddy!” I winked.
“Don't butter me up. I don't know why I am handling your PR management team. This media sucks! Moreover, you pleaded me to be your manager because you are not ready to keep any secretary and I, like a fool, gave in.” I smirked, he continued, “Don't forget I am your business partner too Aditya.” I stood beside him and circled his shoulders.
“You know what Arjun, if you would have been a girl, I would have married you.” He made an irritated face and two steps back.
“Stay away from me, you jerk. Join me conference room in five minutes.” He said and left.

Yeah! The conference is about upcoming launch. Don't know why Mr. Arora is throwing tantrums now, after signing the contract. He has been riling me up from last one week. Today, I will put a full stop to his tantrums.

“See, Mr. Arjun...” My presence in the conference room interrupted Mr. Arora.
“Mr. Arora, let's once again go through the presentation and then we will discuss your problems.” I said, settling beside Arjun.

It has been two hours I am sitting here. Arjun is trying to bargain with Mr. Arora, but this creep is turning away from the contract which he signed two weeks back with us.

“He is not agreeing Adi. I think we have to give into his demands.” Arjun whispered in my ears.
Like hell I will do that!
Words hold some respect and price in the market. If you started to turn away from your said words, no will agree to work with you.

I clasped my hands on the table and leaned over it.
“So Mr. Arora, you wanna play dirty, then let's keep it this way only. I am breaking the contract right here only.”
“You can't do that Mr. Hooda.” He said taken aback and I smirked.
“Too bad, I just did!”
“Mr. Arjun... Tell him... You both will face loss.”
“On analysing the data, we will cover our losses in maximum two years but your company is going to take a decade or even more than that.” Said Arjun smirking. He panicked.
“So, it is on you Mr. Arora, you want to do this deal or not.” I said.
“Fi...Fine.. I am in, but I want time.” He said.
“Oh... Time is not the problem. Take as much as you want.” Said Arjun. We shook hands with each other and left the conference room.

I returned in my cabin and started to complete the rest of the work. That creep wasted a lot of time.
“Stop it Adi!” What is wrong with this man?
“It is lunch time Adi. Aunty asked me to bring you home for lunch.”
“She invited you too?” I asked continuing my work.
“Who needs invitation to go to your own home huh?”
“Ahh... Arjun I am not coming. You continue.”
He snatched the file from my hand and dragged me. Are we still in college?
“Okay, okay... I am coming. Atleast let me get up from chair. You dragged the chair too fool!”
“Yeah... Come.”

We left for my home. Now, I will be hearing my over-dramatic mumma's worries about my life and health over lunch. Dad being calm one, will just ask mumma to stop blabbering and then will give advice after we are done with meals.

“Finally, you came Aditya. Thank you so much Arjun from bringing him for lunch. He mostly miss his lunch and dinner.” Mumma said.
“Oh..! No need to thank me aunty. I am your son too.” Said Arjun grinning.
“That is right! Now my both sons will have their lunch come.”

Dad was already sitting on the dinning table. From his face one can understand, he is hungry but didn't get any food yet. I wanted to laugh so hard but I just couldn't.
We started to have our food, while mumma was serving. I took hold of her wrist.
“You too have your lunch with us.” I said. She smiled and caressed my hairs.
“First I will make sure my both sons eat well, especially you. Then I will have it.”
“I said sit na, then sit.” I said.
“Ahh.... Fine! I can never with any argument with you. Stubborn from childhood you are.” She said and sat beside me.

We completed lunch as I described before arriving here. Exactly same!

“Aditya, we both have thought something.” Dad said in a serious tone. He don't use this tone untill it is very important.
“Yes Dad.”
“You should consult psychiatrist.”
“Ahh... Not again Dad. We already talked about this na. I am not mentally ill. Why I will consult a psychiatrist?” I said, groaning.
“You don't have to be mentally ill to consult a psychiatrist. They help you in other situations too!” Arjun intervened.
“You just shut up! I am all fine.”
“Aditya, you have my swear.” I looked at mumma wide eyed. Didn't I say she is over-dramatic?
“You can't do that okay! I don't in beleive in swears and all.” I said.
“I do believe in it Aditya. Try me!” She said.
How can I forget she is my mother and I got stubbornness from her only.
“Fine! Do whatever you want to do. Tell me when and whom to consult.” I said and walked out of the house.

I can never win against my mother. What will happen after consulting psychiatrist? Nothing! I know. Because I am not mentally ill. But, now, for her satisfaction I will try this too.
I sighed.

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