42. "Imprint this in your mind!"

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Aditya's POV

“Adi..!” Pooja squealed as I picked her up and twirled her around. 

Arjun who was sitting on my study desk rolled his eyes. I was brainstorming ideas about birthday surprises and Arjun wasn't helping at all. She has just arrived here.

“Many many returns of the day Pooja..!” I wished her as I placed her back on the ground.

“Thank you so much!” She pecked my cheek.

It was her birthday and as much as I wanted to surprise her I couldn't. I had no idea on my mind. 

“My birthday present?” She asked sweetly.

“There she goes…” Arjun muttered. I glared at him.

“Adi… It's okay…” She said.

Look, how sweet she is. I don't understand why mumma and Arjun don't like her. Okay, I can understand Arjun. Things didn't turn out between Arjun and Pooja as they should have been. Misunderstandings and misunderstandings. Well, but what about Mumma? I don't understand her views about Pooja. 

“Whatever you ask? Ask me anything!” Her eyes twinkled.

“Sure?” She asked. I nodded.

“You are not going to ask for his life. Right?” Arjun mocked. I closed my eyes in exaggeration. 

“Arjun, didn't I ask you to take out the money from the bank?” I reminded him, calmly.

I know I am being rude, but he too is being rude. He made a face, understanding that I am asking him to leave. Sorry bro!

He left without another word and I turned to Pooja.

“Hmm…  Now tell me what were you saying?” I asked her.

“My birthday present?” She asked circling her arms around my neck.

“Whatever you want…” 

“You know what I will ask you…” I closed my eyes tiredly and removed her arms from my neck.

I just don't understand what problem she have with me starting up my own business. 

“Pooja… Ask me anything other than that… I am not giving up on my plans…” I stated.

“Why are you so hell bent on starting a fresh? You have a built-in empire with you. Then why?”

“Pooja, I explained it to you before also. It will boost my confidence, give me experience and then I will merge my and dad's company. So it will be easy to expand our business.” She shook her head. 

“Adi… You aren't understanding…” I cupped her face making her look at me.

“Pooja… I promised you that I will marry you after a year. I won't back out. Just give me a year sweetheart.” 

She closed her eyes in defeat. I know she is still not convinced. But I am not gonna ditch her.

“Acha… Leave all this. What do you want for your birthday gift?”

“Nothing Adi… I will talk to you later.” She spoke and picking up her hand bag, she left.

Damn! I made her angry on her birthday. I should plan something.

I dialled Arjun's number.

“She left?” He asked as soon as he picked the call. 

“Ha. Woh-” He hung up the call without listening to me.

I am having very very bad day. God! 

I rubbed my face with my hands tiredly.

“Adi… Arjun has come. He is calling you downstairs.” Mumma informed me and left.

I know, she is again behaving like this because of Pooja. She don't like her. But why is Arjun calling me down. He should have came up na. That drama queen! 

“Arjun!” I called him while climbing down the stairs hurriedly.

“There you go,” He gestured towards the bag, which probably had the money of loan I took from bank.

“I am leaving…” 

“Aree… Arjun, why don't you have lunch here?” Mumma asked, understanding that he is angry with me.

“No aunty. Some people don't want me here.” He spoke and turned to leave.

Mumma glared at me. I moved forward to stop him.

“Bhai! Ruk..” I held his shoulder. He glared at me.

“I am sorry. Seriously sorry.” 

“This is not done Aditya. So not done.” I made a puppy face and he shook his head.

“Why am I even your friend?” He spoke and I knew he gave up on being angry with me.

Mumma smiled seeing our bond and I dragged him up.

“Mein nhi….”

“Arjun sorry yaar!”

“You always do that!!”

“Because you are always rude with her.”

“I don't like her!! I helped her from getting failed and she couldn't even lie for me. I would have got rusticated! She is selfish!” Arjun let out all his anger and sat on my bed.

“Yet you tolerate her?”

“Because of you! You idiot!” I nodded.

“I am again telling you Adi, she is not good for you. Even aunty doesn't like her. Give a second thought about this marriage thing.” He adviced, worry present on his face.

“I know you guys have got misunderstandings but I am sure they will get resolved with time.”

He shook his head with a look that nothing can happen to me.

“Accha! All formalities are completed?” I asked him about work to distract him from this topic. He nodded.

“I am going to drop Dad and Mumma to airport.”

“Fine… Till then I will speak to the investors.” 
He spoke and I agreed.

I don't know how the day passed away. I dropped my parents at airport. As I am handling business Dad decided to take mumma where she always wanted to for few days. And I am happily sending them on a vacation. They deserve it.

Then I went to do some work related to my start up. But all the time, my mind was thinking how to celebrate her birthday. She is angry. But not for long.

I reached home tired. It was half past five. I went to my room and before I could lie down on bed for a nap, Arjun called me. We were in Dad's study working when door bell rang.

Arjun went down to see who it was. I sat down for a minute letting out a tired sigh. In a minute, I heard Arjun's voice, calling me downstairs.


I climbed down the stairs and saw police inspector with two constables was standing there. Two more people were there whom I recognise as bank executives.

“Any problem..?” I asked to no one in particular.

“Mr. Aditya Hooda?” Inspector asked.

“Yes… It's me…” I replied coming ahead. 

“Aditya…” Arjun called me. I turned my attention towards him.

“They are saying that the plot you have kept as collateral is unauthorised.” 

“What?” It left my mouth immediately.

Like they will come say anything and I will agree.

“There is some misunderstanding.” 

“Sorry Mr. Hooda. But- wait!” The bank executive started and then stopped. He opened a file and looked through it.

“You bought the land for thirty lakhs… Right..?” He asked to confirm.

I nodded. 

“Yeah… So.. this house is built on government's land…”

I looked at Arjun whose eyebrows got knitted in concentration and confusion.

“Inspector… Please wait a minute… Let me call my friend and clear the misunderstanding in ourselves. Please…” Arjun pleaded.

Is he gonna call Pooja?

“Okay… Just because Mr. Harshvardhan Hooda hold a good place in society, I am being lenient. But please make it fast.” 

Thanks dad! I sighed. Once she comes all the problems will be sorted.

I don't know what Arjun said to Pooja but she was walking in the home in fifteen minutes. 

“What is happening here?” She asked in surprise looking at inspector and other people.

Arjun rolled his eyes. 

Ignoring it, I held Pooja's hand and took her inside.

“What happened Aditya?” 

“Pooja… You remember the house I brought from your cousin?” 

She didn't reply but her expressions indicated that she was waiting for me to continue.

“I kept it as collateral and promised you that once loan is over I will gift it to you…” 

She still didn't reply.

“Pooja..! The house is built on an unauthorised land.” 

She let out a long breath and took a step back.

“I am not understanding a word you are saying Aditya….” 

I looked at her in disbelief. What the hell? Everything happened infront of her. Through her only!

“It is not the time for jokes!” I spoke and it came out in a harsh tone.

She flinched back.

“I can get arrested! Don't fool around!!” 

She took a step back but didn't say anything. I glared at her.

“Aditya… I came here to tell you that… That… We can't work out… I… I… and I am going out of town…. I… got a job there….” 

Realisation dawned upon me as Mumma's words rang in my mind.

‘Adi… She is not the one for you. I won't say anything wrong for her. But trust me, she is not the kind of girl who will stick in good and bad, in health and sickness. You think again about the marriage…’

Heck!! So, she was playing with me all along. So, mom and Arjun were right all along. 

“You also had your share in this! No?!!” I fumed.

She flinched back and didn't meet my eyes.

Arjun came in before I could continue. He probably was waiting for me to shout only.

“Adi… Adi… Let her go!” He held me back and spoke.

I glared at him.

“It wasn't my money Arjun! It was dad's! It was a gift!” I told him with anger and desperation.

“We will earn that all again Adi… But now something has to be done immediately…! The problem which is standing outside is the priority…” 

He is right! I turned around showing my back to both of them. I was thinking. I was anxious. My mind has stopped working.

“You go! There is no need of you here… Leave….” Arjun told her to leave without being harsh.

I looked at her and she wasn't meeting eyes with any of us.

Did she even realise what she is doing? Pooja… If you still stop… I swear I will forgive you… But please say the truth!

I begged in my mind. She didn't say anything and shifted her weight from one leg to another.

Come on..! I will hear out your reasons! 

She still didn't speak out and then turning around she scurried away, not wanting to stay here at all. 

Damn you Pooja!!

“Adi… You have no choice but to go with the police right now…” 

I nodded. Arjun is right.

“Arjun… Please keep all this low profile… No one should know about this… Most importantly Mumma and Dad!” He nodded.

I came out and have a talk with inspector. He had no choice but to arrest me. His personality wasn't friendly. He wasn't trusting a word I was saying, despite of my dad's reputation. God! I am even deteriorating my dad's reputation. I was dying out of embarrassment. 

Soon I was spending my time in the police station lock up. 

“Adi…” Arjun called me. I stood up and came near the bars to talk to him.

“Adi… Let me call uncle Roy… He will get you out of here in no time…” 

“Dad will get to know… Why don't you call Ashwin?” 

“Aditya! He is new… He has just started his career. He is good but he don't have contacts yet. If I call him then he won't be able to get you out of here today because today is Friday. The day is almost over and court is closed for two days! Uncle Roy can get you bail easily. He have contacts…”

“Mumma and Dad will get to know…” I repeated and he groaned.

“You want me to call Ashwin?” I nodded.

“Fine!! You love to stay here? Then stay!! As if uncle won't get to know about this all at all!”

“Atleast not the fact that I got arrested…” He rolled his eyes..

“Arjun… You can leave you know… I-” 

“Have you seen my shoes?” He asked cutting me off. Maybe understood where I was going.

I shook my head.

“They are branded… Want to eat? I am sure, they will taste better than bananas…” I looked away smiling.

His sense of humour is still intact and he isn't leaving me like Pooja.

After few hours… I saw uncle Roy was standing there with Ashwin and Arjun. So… He didn't listen to me.

“Don't worry Aditya… I have done all the formalities. As banks are closed and you can't deposit money back. I have applied affidavit too. You will get bail by tomorrow morning.” Uncle Roy informed me everything after coming near the bars.

Dad must have got to know by now…

“Don't worry Adi… I haven't told your dad anything yet… Once you come out tomorrow… We will discuss what to tell him and what not. And haan… The case in which you are arrested have no power… I will finish it in the snap of my finger…” 

I nodded with a grateful expression.

“Thank you uncle…”

“And son… Who is that guy?” He asked me in a whisper pointing towards Ashwin who was talking to Arjun.

“He is my friend uncle.. he is good in his work but don't have contacts… ” 

“Hmm that I can see… Well take care of yourself… Tomorrow, you will be having your breakfast at your home…” He assured me and then talking to Inspector, he left. 

Ashwin came and told me how much of weak case government have against me. Then promising to come in the morning, he left.

“You didn't listen to me huh?” I started before he could.

“You love this place enough to stay here but not me… Just this night and we will go home…”

“You aren't staying here… Are you?” I asked, surprised.

“What will I do after going home? I will be staying outside in the car… Sometimes will come in and check on you…” 


“Don't get senti! I get scared in that lonely, big house. For my own sake, I am staying…” 

The night was long for me, despite it passed away fast. I am feeling low. So low… I can't explain.

Uncle Roy came in morning and as promised he got me out of here. We all came back home and had our breakfast together which Arjun ordered from outside in time. This man is my saviour.

We decided not to tell my parents that I spent a night in lock up. Other than that, they will know everything. Arjun handled things well and this news didn't go out.

Flashback ends

Zoya's POV

“You still want me to trust her?” Aditya asked me.

I looked at Pooja with hurt in my eyes. She didn't meet my eyes.

Why Pooja? I trusted you. 

“And…” Aditya's voice made me turn to him.

“I. Don't. Love. Pooja!” He spoke emphasizing on every word. I nodded like a attentive student. 

“I. Love. You. Zoya.” I again nodded attentively but then his words impacted me.

What??? Wait! What did he say? 

I looked at him in surprise and blinked my eyes for a minute.

“Imprint this in your mind…” He said and my neck moved to and fro without my permission. 

He was being really intimidating today… 

“And… Dr. Psycho…” He came close to me. 

I looked down as the tiles of my room is of the most intricate pattern I have ever seen. But I was aware of his every movement.

“How could you hide things from me which concerns me?” He asked me in a whisper. His voice husky yet serious.

I concluded that I don't like intimidating Aditya. He is better being the teasing guy.

“What things?” I dared to ask looking at him, in his eyes. 

Now I noticed he was standing really close to me with his hands in his pockets. I wanted to step back but I couldn't. I was completely intimidated by him.

“That you had a crush on me and that you love me…” He whispered in my ear.

My eyes widened. How many shocks I am going to get today?

First, Pooja tricked me.
Second, he don't love Pooja.
Third, he loves me.
And now fourth, he knows that I love him.

Lord!! I groaned inwardly.

I didn't say anything. He stared at me for minute and then left. What? Just left? Just like that? Don't he want to talk to me? About all that happened?

I looked at Arjun. He gave me a sympathetic smile and walked towards me. 

“Don't worry. He is a little angry on you. An-” 

“But why?” I asked interrupting him in middle.

“Because you gave up on him. You should have told him about your feelings.” 

“I just wanted him to be happy. Try and understand me Arjun. He was angry on Pooja and was my best friend. If I would have told him, he without a second thought, would have agreed with me. Why? Just because he was angry on her. You are understanding na… he wouldn't have been happy then!” 

“Then you must have talked to him…”

I didn't say anything on this. Right… Aaru also asked me to tell him. It was me who was hell bent on doing all this not even knowing everything before hand. But… I was scared! What if he would have denied? An unwanted awkwardness in our friendship. I didn't want that. 

“He will come around…” Arjun assured me. 

“And the juice was awesome…” I smiled lightly and then he left. 

Where have I gotten myself??! Go and die somewhere Zoya! He loves you!

How was it??
*Biting nails anxiously*

Well... I tried my best to write the fraud. But it wasn't easy.

Do let me know, if it is incorrect anyhow. Maybe, while editing, I will completely correct this fraud thing.

I hope you all liked it.

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