44. "It would be a privilege."

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Zoya's POV

I yawned looking at the TV. Maasi is again watching this show which makes no sense. In this the female lead takes all the insult that is thrown at her by her own children.

I groaned. It isn't even realistic…! I looked at the screen. Main character's daughter-in-law was hurling insults at her.

“Thanks to God! Both of my daughter-in-laws aren't like her.” Maasi spoke and wiped the corner of her eye.

I scoffed. I can understand that bad children can exist in this world but this lady in the serial is height. 

I sighed and unlocked my mobile. Still no call or message from Aditya. He said he will try not to ignore me. It's time for him to leave the office, right? 

It is better to watch this stupid show rather than dying in my own misery. I made myself more comfortable on sofa and straightened my legs, keeping them in Maasi's lap. She didn't object even a bit. I told ya! She is my second mother.

I closed my eyes relaxing myself. I tried to meditate and was surely gonna fell asleep in a minute. Out of nowhere my mobile rang, jolting me awake. 

“Who is it Zoya?” I looked at her.

Amm.. what should I say? Because it's Aditya.

“Aditya…” I told her. She nodded and went back to watching her show.

I sat up and picked up the call.


“Zoya… I am outside of your house… As you said… We need to talk…” 

So he is finally here. I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face. 

“Maasi… He is outside… I will come soon…” I informed her and she nodded, very much stuck in her show. 

I picked my shawl from the dining chair and wrapped it around my shoulders. I walked out hurriedly but then my steps slowed down. What the hell we are gonna talk about?? Jump in a well Zoya! You were very keen on talking na? Now talk!

“Hey…” I greeted him softly as I reached near him. 

All of a sudden I felt self conscious, nervous and shy. His back was facing me as he was doing something in his mobile. 

He turned to me and greeted back. Lord! This awkwardness!! He then glanced at something behind me and held my hand.

“What's wrong?” I asked and looked over my shoulder to find Masso standing in the balcony. He was on call with someone.

I bit back my laugh. How can I forget that my Masso can intimidate even the intimidating Adi.

Aditya made me sit in the passenger seat and after gazing at me for few seconds he closed the door. He jogged to his side and settled himself in the driver seat.

“Where are we going?”

“Beach.” He replied and I didn't ask any further. 

Beach had always been our place. We have been there so many times and shared so many important talks there. And that's my comfort place too. Whenever I felt low, I went there. Watching the smooth waves of the ocean, provides an unexplainable solace. 

If he thinks that I didn't notice him stealing glances at me then he is wrong. I think we are in the same boat. He too don't know what to talk. Or. How to talk.

Soon we reached our place and he stopped the car. He sighed and then climbed out of the car. He looks really nervous. But Adi… It's only me.

I too came out of the car. I shivered as the cool breeze caressed my face. He came towards me and slowly held my hands in his. I think he is gonna say everything in one breath. I chuckled inwardly, biting my lips. 

“Zoya… I… Okay wait!” He stopped and took a deep breath.

“Zoya… You are a single piece on this earth…”

What?! Should I or shouldn't I feel offended? 

“I mean… I haven't seen a girl so selfless like you…. Literally no one. And from the time I have met you, you made me feel things I didn't feel before. Trust me when I say this that I never felt like this when I was with Pooja. I felt important. Which I never felt with her…” He slowed down.

“After that all happened, I didn't want to again do something which will endanger my parents respect. I shut myself off from everyone. That's why Arjun wanted me to meet people. You forced me to live freely. You forced me to open up and go back to my own self. You made your way in my heart without even me knowing. You really made me come alive.” 

I am melting. Melting like ice. Why you have to say all this Aditya?! I don't want to melt like this. At the same time, I want too.

“I don't want to let this opportunity slip away. What if someone else come and sweep you off your feet. I have already made you wait enough. God! I am lucky your crush on me didn't fade away.” He spoke in an exaggerated manner in the end.

“I… I..” He fumbled and I grinned like a Cheshire cat.

“Zoya.. I love you… I really do…” He confessed in a soft tone.

“Will you marry me?”  

And here mischief striked me!

“Who will say no to such a sweet confession? Hmm?” I started, biting my inner cheek.

“So… It's a yes?” 

“Hmm… What if I say no?” I asked with a mock thinking expression.

“Oh, I wouldn't mind Zoya. It would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you.” He replied smiling and my eyes widened in realisation.

“You read it! You read it!!” I squealed.

He shook his head at my childishness, smiling. But I don't care. He really read it! And that too for me.

“Zoya… Will you marry me? Please?” 

“I will Aditya… I will…” I replied in a whisper, smiling wide.


“You are joking right?” I asked Aditya, circling my noodles in my fork. 

We are here for dinner at my favourite place. We have come here before too when Arjun tricked him in meeting me. 

“Why would I?” He asked back, chewing his white sauce pasta. 

“Wait! Why were you angry on me?!” I asked him changing the topic because it was more important than that.

He looked at me for a minute and kept his fork down. He crossed his arms on the table and leaned ahead.

“I was angry because you gave up on me without even fighting for me.”

“Aditya…” I sighed and continued, “I didn't give up. It was… You said you don't know if you still love her or not. And I-” 

“And when did I tell you that?” He asked cutting me off.

“September… During Aaru's engagement.” 

“Early September Zoya… It's been a month or so. You were making your place in my life and that too very prominent. I was busy thinking about you or work. I didn't even remember her till Mumma told me that you brought her to meet me.” He explained. I bit my tongue. 

I know I went on taking all decisions on my own. And. That's wrong.

“You could have not told me but atleast talked to me about it. I mean… You were just keen on making me meet her. I didn't want to meet her.” 

“Okay… Okay… I get it. I could have atleast asked if not telling you about my feelings. I get it.” I calmed him down, telling him that I understood.

“You could have told me about how you feel too Zoya..” He spoke in a whisper. 

“I was scared. Please understand this Aditya. You, not reciprocating would have brought a different change in our friendship. Leading to distancing ourselves from each other.” He nodded.

“I understand.” 

Finally! Finally! We are over with our not wanting misunderstandings. We continued eating in silence.

“So… You were telling me something.” I again started the conversation about which we were talking before.

“Ha… Your uncle and aunt are really searching for someone so that you can marry.” He told me, concentrating on his dish.

“Who told you?” 

I don't believe this a bit. I remember Masso chiding Maasi to not to force me. Though he tried to counsel me himself to say yes for marriage but didn't force me. He says it will be my sole decision. I am so lucky that he is my buddy.

“Aarohi…” He answered as he ate.

Now! I am damn sure he is being tricked into proposing me. 

“She pranked you! She is in Delhi. How could she know what my uncle aunt are doing?” 

“She knows everything still sitting in Delhi. Thanks to you.” He mocked me.

I opened my mouth and closed it, not having any answer. 

“Okay fine! But she knows the things I know. When I don't know that my uncle and aunt are doing something like that, how could she know?”

“She is the only one who knows everything clearly. She talks to you. She talked to me because I called her. And now, Noor told her about this thing.” He answered.

Noor? Now how will she know?

“Noor heard your uncle and aunt talking. She was asked to keep it a secret till they find someone but she told Aarohi. Aarohi called me to ask if everything is fine between us and hence I know about this.” He explained before I could ask.

Okay… But… I am not able to digest this. Noor told Aarohi and Aarohi told Aditya instead of me… It sounds fishy!

“Maybe… It can be possible. I can't deny it just like that.” 

“Let's talk to them before they find someone Zoya. Your uncle don't even like me. It will take time.” He spoke like a kid with desperate eyes.

“Okay. And your parents..?” I asked smiling.

“They have no problem. They like you from long ago…” He answered and went back to eating.

Really? I pursed my lips not wanting to smile wide and continued eating. Is this a dream?

My cheeks were tinted red. I looked down in my plate, making my open hairs work as a curtain. So that Aditya couldn't see me blush.


“Hmm…” Masso hummed as he pinned Aditya with an intimidating gaze.

“Uncle… I..” Aditya fumbled with words and gulped. 

We were at my home. Aditya was sitting in front of uncle on the dinning table. I was standing behind him. Maasi was giving Aditya a pitiful look and was standing beside uncle. Aditya had my left hand clasped in his. That provided her strength.

“Masso… You and Massi are searching for someone to marry me off?” I asked in a little offended tone.

I hope this helps Aditya to gather himself. Masso really intimidates him a lot. 

“Nhi gudiya… We aren't doing anything like that.” He replied with a frown. 

I looked at Aditya and gave him a mocking smile as he looked up at me. He was scared that they will fix my marriage with someone else. Hence, he is in a hurry to tell them about ‘us’.

“Aarohi told me…” He mumbled giving all of us a nervous smile. 

He is so cute! This nervous Aditya okay.

“We will talk to her later.” I spoke to Aditya in particular.

“Zoya… you had a call from hospital. Go to your room and check was it important or not.” Uncle instructed me.

I know there must have been no call from hospital. He wants to talk to Adi in person. I nodded and left his hand. He desperately tried to hold my hand again but I left. I felt him looking at my back as I went towards my room.

Sorry Aditya, but he won't leave you untill he talks to you in person. And he won't talk to you untill I am there.


I don't know what Masso said to him but the result is that he agreed for our marriage. Now I am here, near his car bidding him bye. 

“You see… They weren't searching for any guy.” 

“Why would Aarohi lie to me?” He spoke, pondering over the fact.

“Ask her yourself…” I muttered as I video called her.

In a minute or so she picked up my call.

“Hey Zee!” She greeted me.

“Ohho! Look who is there…” She teased us pointing towards Aditya.

“Why did you lie Aaru?” I asked her in a tired tone. 

I just don't understand what she do and why she do that sometimes. 

“He wasn't talking to you na… So what would have triggered him other than this? Hmm?”

She raised her invisible collar and smirked. I smiled and glanced at Aditya, who rubbed his nape with a sheepish smile. 

“Zee… I will talk to you tomorrow… Tell me everything then…” She said and winked at me. I nodded knowing I will eventually tell her everything that happened.

She disconnected the call and I turned to Aditya. 

“Chalo…” He whispered and opened the car door for me.

Now, where he wants to take me?

“To my home… Talk to Mumma…” He answered my unasked question when he looked at my expressions.

“Adi… I will talk to her tomorrow. It's late… You should go home…” 

“Dr. Psycho, are you, by any chance feeling shy?” He asked tilting his head, with a teasing smile.

I shook my head.

“Nhi… Adi…” I tried to suppress my smile.

“And you are blushing too…” 

“Aditya..!!” I whined. 

Here is the teasing Aditya back.

He leaned ahead and pecked my cheek making my eyes go wide. Hey! I wasn't prepared. He chuckled at my expressions and closed the car door.

None of us spoke anything for a minute. It's time for him to leave but I think probably he is waiting for something. How do we see off our partner? I think I need some lessons from Aarohi. But she will tease me for that…!

I glanced at him because till now I was looking down. He was looking up towards the sky with a serene smile on his face. I too looked up, to find the sky filled with stars. Not thinking much, I stepped near him and wrapped my arms around his torso, hugging him. He don't mind that, right?

I felt him wrapping his arms around me and keeping his chin on the top of my head. I smiled and closed my eyes, burying my face more in his chest. 

I have never felt this much… Ahh… What to say… I just can't describe the feeling in words. I feel content, warm, complete. I haven't felt like this from last three years.

So! An early update, huh?

How was it??

It was such a long one. I hope you guys really enjoyed it.

One question: Which song is stuck in your head for days?

Do answer ha!

There is one more chapter coming. And then a long epilogue.

It's just not only this. I have planned a little more 😉😉

Do drop down your comments because now a days, I am being more social than usual. I will be replying!

Till then, take care of yourself, your loved ones. Stay happy, fulfilled. Keep doing your work and keep taking God's name.


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