46. Epilogue

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“Zoya…” He called softly as he entered their room.

She was fast asleep at one corner of the bed, hugging a red stuffed teady bear. A small smile adorning her face. People don't smile in sleep normally. Maybe, she has seen a good dream or still watching. Can't say.

He found her so cute that he couldn't resist himself to come and stare at her for a minute.

“How can you be so cute at times Zoya?!” He spoke as he covered her properly by quilt.

Bending over her, he whispered, “Have a good sleep Dr. Psycho…” and pecked her forehead softly. Her smile widened.

Adjusting the temperature of the room, he went in the washroom, smiling.

In the last two years, their life have been nothing but bliss. They got married in a month after everyone got to know about their relationship. You know, parents! It was all so quick but they started it slowly. They were already best friends and then slowly they became more and more cosy with each other.

They entered something new together. They explored different angles of their relationship. And, like everyone, they had their own fair share of fights and disagreements. Sometimes opinions of two people in a relationship, don't match. But doesn't mean that their hearts don't match. After few of their fights they understand what the other one meant to them. They understood the gravity of their beautiful bond. Slowly but surely they understood and accepted their responsibilities wholeheartedly, which came with their relationship.

Aditya came out after taking a quick shower and slipped in bed beside his beautiful wife. He propped his head up on his palm by the support of his elbow on pillow and stared at Zoya.

It's late night. Half past twelve. Their second anniversary. He was thinking of wishing her first because last year, he forgot and she wished him first, reminding him. He wanted to make up for his clumsiness. But he decided opposite of it. She looked so much at peace. How can he wake her up? Nope. Not at all.

He properly laid down on the bed, slipping under the quilt. He wrapped his one arm around Zoya's waist and hugged her close to himself.

After whole day's work and tiredness, good food and good sleep is what a human wants. Seeing her happy face after whole day at office brings him peace. And hugging her close to himself brings him a good night sleep.

He closed his eyes and felt Zoya snuggling up to him. He smiled and soon sleep engulfed him.


Aditya slowly opened his eyes as he felt his sleep fade away. He blinked to shoo away the rest of the sleep which was present in his eyes. Getting a proper view, he saw Zoya resting her chin over her arms which were crossed on his chest. She gave him a lovely smile and he tried to return it with his sleepy smile. 

“Good morning…” He wished her in his morning husky voice.

“Happy anniversary Aditya…” She wished back. 

He smacked his lips, closing his eyes. He wanted to wish her first.

“You again forgot?” She asked but not even a single trace of disappointment in her voice.

“Nope! I wanted to wish you yesterday night only but you were fast asleep. How could I wake you up?” 

She smiled hearing him. 

“Okay… I get that.” She replied, convinced and sat up. 

His honesty. That's one of his trait, she love the most. Last year, he forgot and did accept it. She can't get angry after this, can she?

He too sat up a bit, resting his back on the headboard. Before she could leave, he pulled her back.


“It's Sunday today… Let's sleep a bit more…” He spoke, closing his eyes and hugging her close to his chest.

But she didn't close her eyes for a nap. Instead she decided to admire him. Her gaze on his face, made him smile.

“Happy anniversary Zoya…” He whispered.

She smiled and kept her head on his chest, understanding that he isn't asleep and it isn't the best time to look at him.



“I can't believe you are the same guy whom I met in the party around two and a half years back. You were so rude and then you escaped.” She spoke and felt his chest vibrating as he chuckled. She smiled.

“I am the very same guy. I have just stopped escaping and started facing.” He replied, smiling. His eyes were closed.

“So, you are still that rude?” She asked in a teasing tone, raising her eyebrows and looking at him.

He opened his eyes finally. She wasn't gonna let him take a nap, was she?

“What do you think?” He asked in return.

“Amm… I think… Never you were rude. It was just your defence mechanism.” 

He looked at her in bewilderment and then shook his head. She and her being a psychiatrist!

“Well… Look at yourself. You are the same sticking-like-a-glue stick Zoya…” He teased her.

“Haww…” Her mouth formed an ‘O’ shaped smacked his shoulder lightly.

“But I like you sticking with me…” He whispered in a teasing tone, referring to their position.

“Men will be men…” She said in disbelief and tried to sit up.

He let her go this time. But she could read mischief in his eyes as he was looking at her.

“What?” She asked, getting suspicious as tied her hairs in a bun. 

“Nothing!” He replied with grin.

She shook her head, smiling at his antics. What is really going on his mind?


Zoya entered the kitchen and looked around thinking what to cook. They all were going to have a brunch as it's a lazy Sunday. Zoya likes to cook all by herself on Sundays. She enjoys cooking, hearing to her favourite songs. And Sundays are best to fulfill her hobbies.

Finally deciding what to cook, she moved to open the large cabinet which was built under the kitchen platform. Before she could even bent down to open it, it got burst open with shrill sound. That made her jump at her place as loud squeal left from her lips. She shutted her eyes close, keeping both of her hands on her chest. 

Sound of laughter hit her ears, making her open her eyes. Still in her shocked state, she opened her eyes only to find a laughing Abhimanyu in front of her. Out of nowhere, she felt someone holding her arms from behind and that someone was also laughing. It was none another than Aarohi. Aditya too was there controlling his laughter while other were laughing on her reaction without any restriction. 

‘What the hell!!’ Zoya made a face finally getting that she was pranked badly.

“Ahhh!!” Zoya cried and Abhimanyu took her in a bear hug, still laughing.

“You should have looked at your face Zee!!” Aarohi commented in middle of her laugh.

“Okay… Enough… We did enough for today…” Abhimanyu finally put a stop on all the matter. 

Zoya glared at Aditya and he looked away.

“That's a really crazy way to greet someone…” Zoya chipped after she quickly gave Aarohi a hug. 

“Sure it is. This is our speciality!” Aarohi boasted and shared a hi-fi with Abhimanyu, who did it, looking at her amusingly.

That girl never fails to amaze him. Even after almost two years of marriage…

“Where is my little superman??” Zoya asked, excitedly. 

She was asking about Abhimanyu and Aarohi's son who was almost turning three year old. He is such a cute kid that Zoya can't keep her hands off of him. Always hugging him close to herself and cuddling him. She makes herself the best Maasi (aunt) for him.

“I aaam no superman! I aaam…. Amm… Battmaan….” They all heard a kiddish sound and saw little feet coming towards them.

Zoya crouched down in front of him with a big smile.

“Okay! My little Batman!” She pinched his nose, scrunching up her own as she said. 

She stood up and picked him up in her arms. He too snuggled more into her getting comfortable. Aarohi and Abhimanyu chuckled lowly looking at their bond while Aditya got lost in his thinking.

‘Is this how she and our son will look?’ He thought looking at them.

‘They will look more cute together…’ His heart answered with a peaceful face.

“Aditya!!” He shook himself out of his thoughts as he heard Zoya calling him. 

He looked at her. The little boy was still in her arms. He wasn't gonna leave her now. Abhimanyu and Aarohi weren't there in the kitchen. Maybe, they moved towards the hall.

“Huh?” He asked.

“What about the brunch now?” She asked with little pout. 

Ofcourse, Aarohi and the kid aren't coming here everyday. She should be enjoying her time with them. Moreover, this little guy wasn't gonna leave her. So, there is no point of her cooking.

“I will call the cook. Don't worry.” She smiled hearing him and walked out.


“What is wrong with Noor and Arjun? They aren't even looking at each other…!” Aarohi asked Zoya in a whisper, looking at Noor and Arjun from corner of her eyes.

Both the friends were seated on the sofa beside each other, catching up. The little munchkin was sitting in Zoya's lap, literally ripping his stuff toy. Seems he didn't like it.

Noor was sitting on the another sofa, scrolling through her mobile while Arjun was sitting with Aditya, Abhimanyu and Mr. Hooda. 

“Just don't ask! They broke up a month back.” Zoya informed Aarohi in a whisper, while glancing at Noor with a disappointed face.

“What??” Aarohi looked at Zoya with eyes wide in a not believing expression. 

“Hmm…” Zoya nodded in confirmation.

“How? Why?” Aarohi asked, very much interested in the topic.

“Looks like you were shipping them, huh?” 

“Of course! I am invested! I was sure they will get married!” 

“Shh… Lower down your voice…” Zoya shushed her.

“Tell me na… Please…” Aarohi asked making a puppy face. 

“I pleaded them to tell me what's wrong. I literally begged. But none of them budge. At start Arjun was a little gloomy but now he has moved on. And for Noor, I don't know. She is closing herself in.” 

“What the hell! Should I talk?” Aarohi asked, interested to help.

“No. Let it be. It will just bring back the old wounds for her. Arjun was his first. You know.” 

Aarohi nodded, agreeing with Zoya, her lips curved down.

The door bell rang taking everyone's attention. As Aditya was going to stand up, Zoya blinked his eyes at him and stood up to answer the door bell.


As soon as she opened the main door, she was engulfed in a hug.

“Chirag..?” Zoya muttered with a smile, slightly hugging him back.

Naina sent a sweet smile to her which she returned equally. The little girl waved her hands who was in Naina'a arms for Zoya to take her. 

Zoya's insides danced seeing all of her favourite people in one place. What was special today? It was just her marriage anniversary. 

After exchanging pleasantries and greeting each other.

“How come you all are here today?” Zoya couldn't but ask with bewildered smile.

“Rude…” Abhimanyu commented with a fake disappointed face.


“That's how you welcome long lost friends…!” Chirag exclaimed, teasing.

Zoya closed her eyes with a sheepish smile.

“I didn't mean that!” She whined.

“Aditya planned this… A small get-together…” Aarohi informed her.

“Aarohi!!” Aditya glared at Aarohi. 

Zoya looked at Aditya with a look of surprise.

“Did he?” The question left her mouth without her wanting.

Everyone chuckled and Aditya rolled his eyes.

‘God! She is so naive. And I find that attractive! What will happen to me?!’ He thought.

“Of course! If not me then who will?” He said walking near her.

Zoya gave him a smile as he slid his one arm around her waist facing everyone.

“Let's have brunch!” Mrs. Hooda called everyone and they all walked towards the dinning room, chit-chatting.


“Adityaa!!” Zoya squealed excitedly as they entered their room. 

“Hmm…” He asked turning towards her, closing the door.

“Thaaankkk youuuu!!” She thanked him, garlanding her arms around his neck.

He gave her a teasing look and then wrapped his arms around her waist gently.

“With what will I be rewarded for this?” He asked with left corner of his mouth curling up.

“Amm?” Zoya kept her finger on her chin giving him mock thinking expression.

He looked at her amusingly.

“Mr. Greedy Hooda, you will be rewarded by my unconditional love…” She answered, pulling him a bit close by her arms around his neck.

Aditya was little taken aback by that. Normally, she isn't that bold. Composing himself, he too pulled her a bit close. Now it was her turn to get startled.

“Two can play a game Dr. Psycho…” He spoke, blowing air on her face.

That made her small hair strands sway away from her face as she closed her eyes.

“You are happy?” He asked, cupping her cheek and caressing it with his thumb.

“I am always happy!” She told him with a sweet smile.

“Last year, I-” She interrupted him in middle.

“Let last year stay in last year. Don't bring it in this year.” He smiled hearing her.

From where did he get this lucky to get this much understanding girl as his wife? Gosh! She never complains man!

She inched her face clase to his with mischievous smile. He knew she was gonna tease him, but as he said, two can play a game.

He closed his eyes, waiting for her to initiate. It isn't like she never start things between them. But ofcourse, it's number of times is less than him. 

Seeing his closed eyes, her mischief got flew in thin air. She smiled and pecked his lips lightly. Not missing the opportunity, he pulled her close, in a toe-curling kiss. 

Her clutch on him tightened as she started to lose herself. It wasn't the first time. But everytime he do, she melts as the tip of an ice berg.

He pulled back as the urge to breath overpowered. Both took the sufficient oxygen in, still staying in the position.

“Thank you for the surprise Adi…” Zoya whispered.

“This isn't over yet sweetheart…” He whispered back.

Wait! Does that mean there are more surprises?

“What is next?” She asked with excitement shinning in her eyes.

“I can't tell you that…” He told her, pulling back completely.

She instantly felt cold, not feeling his warmth. She made a puppy face trying to convince him.

“Tell me… Please…” 

“Okay… I can give you a hint…” 

She nodded her head vigorously. She isn't dumb okay! She will figure it out.

“It is something about which you are worrying from almost two months! And it is really a concerning matter to you…” 

She felt in deep thinking. What it can be…?

“One more is there… But I am telling you about it…” 

She looked at him attentively.

“Your cousins are also coming. First they will go Raichand villa and from there, they will come here with Maasi and Masso…” 

Her eyes gleamed with happiness.

“I love you so much!!” She screamed jumping over him, making him chuckle.

Small small things made her so happy…


Everyone got settled in the hall, talking and laughing after having their dinner. Zoya asked maid to serve everyone the cake, by cutting which they celebrated their anniversary. 

The glow of happiness was all over Zoya's face. Looking at that Aditya felt satisfied. His surprise was a success.

As everyone talked and ate the delicious chocolate cake, the topic of discussion turned towards how people deal with their significant other. 

“There is no doubt that men's are dumb in most of the relationship areas…” Maasi declared, after keeping the plate on the table.

Zoya chuckled making Aditya look at her with a ‘Like really’ expression.

“Indeed! Indeed, I agree.” Aarohi spoke finishing of the last bit of her cake.

“You do?” Abhimanyu asked frowning. 

Chirag too looked at her with fake accusing look. She gave Chirag a cute pout, melting him.

“Absolutely right aunty…” Naina, Chirag's wife to joined in with the ladies, which made Chirag shook his head in disbelief.

“I agree!” Arjun accepted with a neutral face. 

All the ladies in the hall laughed, except Noor.

She was busy in her mobile untill those words left Arjun's mouth. She raised up her eyes and looked at him with a suspicious gaze.

All the men looked at him as if he is from some other planet.

“You aren't even married!” Zoya's cousin brother argued.

“He had girlfriends. He is the most experienced person in all of us…” Aditya commented with a mischievous smile, making Arjun glare at him.

Zoya and Aarohi suppressed their laughs with a fake cough. Noor rolled her eyes.

“Atleast today you should accept this Aditya. Today is your anniversary.” Mr. Hooda said laughing, making everyone chuckle.

“What is there to accept or not? It is a fact. And there, Arjun did accept it.” Mrs. Hooda made her stance clear in the discussion.

“If ladies think that it is a fact then only god could help them. Because I don't think psychiatrist can sort out this problem.” Masso said with a glint of mischief in his eyes and winked at Zoya, making her giggle.

“Acha? And what about Arjun?” Maasi asked, offended.

“He should really spend some time with us instead of searching for a suitable girl.” 

Maasi gave him a disapproving look. 

“Ofcourse. Afterall, we will be the ones finding the suitable girl for him.” Mr. Hooda spoke.

“You will find? And what am I?” Mrs. Hooda asked in complete offence. 

“See… This is the problem. You, ladies get offended so easily.” 

“Amm… Can I say something?” Arjun asked, clearing his throat, making everyone stop their banter.

Noor, whose fingers were typing furiously on the mobile, came to a halt. She was all ears to him. As much as she didn't want to hear him.

“I want to apologise for my stupidity…” 

Zoya looked at him with narrowed eyes. Aarohi who was sitting beside Zoya, looked at Zoya with confusion.

“Are you thinking the same thing I'm thinking?” Aarohi asked Zoya in a whisper.

Zoya looked at Aditya, with a questioning gaze. He nodded confirming her suspicions. 


“Di… I have an important lecture tomorrow morning and I have to pick some notes from my friend's house too. So, I will be leaving now…” Noor informed Zoya, standing up from her place. 

Zoya nodded and stood up to see her sister off.

As Noor went out, everyone looked at Arjun as if waiting for him to do something.


“What what? You idiot!” Aarohi scolded him.

“Go behind her.” Zoya instructed him.

“Ya… Go or she will leave!” Zoya's cousin too pushed him.

Arjun looked at Masso and Massi, asking for permission. Maasi flashed him a agreeing smile, while Masso was just looking at him with a neutral face. That made him gulp. 

“Arjun go! Masso is just scaring you!” Zoya spoke and forcefully she made Arjun go out behind Noor.

“I think we will have to prepare for another marriage in the coming time…” Mrs. Hooda spoke with bright smile.

As everyone got busy in talking, Zoya looked at Aditya, who looked back at her in a minute. She mouthed him a ‘Thank you’, which he dismissed by shaking his head.


Aditya was scrolling through his Instagram feed, half lying on the bed. Yes…! Finally, he made an Instagram account. He had to. Well, that's a story for another day.

Zoya jumped on the bed beside him and got into the blanket, shivering lightly. No doubt she was shivering, because it was month of December.

She wrapped her arms around his torso, forcefully and snuggled up to him sideways. He looked at her with an amused smile and let her do whatever she wanted to.

“You look so happy….” He commented.

“Why won't I? You made my day!” He smiled fondly.

“Did I?” He asked just like that, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and pulling her close. 

They got in a comfortable position and Zoya's shivering faded away.

“You know, Aarohi despised you so much. And look at you both now…” She started.

“That was before I started loving her best friend.” Zoya suppressed her smile which made her cheeks puff up and her eyes shined with happiness.

“Zoya… Should I tell you something?” 

She looked at him with amused smile and nodded.

“When Arjun tricked me into meeting you, I called you a trouble.” He confessed biting his tongue.

“What? Trouble?” He nodded.

“You are so bad Aditya!” She huffed and he chuckled.

“How come you are the son of such a sweet lady and humourous man?” She wondered.

“Ohh! You haven't seen my mumma being mean! Or you are too naive to notice that…” 

“Don't call me naive! I am not naive!” She chided.

“Aren't you?” He mocked.

She closed her eyes in exaggeration. 

“Who let…?” Aditya stretched the question long.

“Stop it! Shut up!” She turned other side, pulling away.

“Zoya….” He called her lovingly.

She gave up on her fake anger and looked at him over her shoulder.

“You are bad….” She pouted.

He smiled watching her. He wrapped his arms around her waist. Pulling her close, he kept his chin on her shoulder. 

“You remember when those boys started Eve teasing you..?” He asked.

Her smile got dimmed at the reminder of that.


“At that time I was so damn worried. I didn't get that much worried when I was arrested.” She smiled hearing him.

“So… Love was there from the very start?” He asked.

She turned to face him.

“How can I tell you that? You must know about it?”

He looked at her smiling and then pecked her forehead, making her smile.

“Don't think that I haven't noticed. From the time you got to know how my parents died, you started to maintain distance so that you don't make me uncomfortable.”

He shook his head smiling. Why she gets to know everything?

“Zoya you like kids?” He asked softly, tucking her hair strands behind her ear.

Her heart drummed in her ears, in anticipation of what was coming next. Was he really…?

“Hmm…” She nodded.

“You know what I am talking about right?” He asked as he was not able to spell it out in words.

She nodded with a smile, looking in his eyes as a small blush appeared on her cheeks.


She smiled hearing him. He was trying his level best to not to make her uncomfortable.

“Sure.” She whispered, hugging him tightly and kept her head on his chest.

He smiled and hugged her back, keeping his chin on her head. 

‘She is so sweet, innocent and mature, understanding at the same time. I am lucky to have her…’

‘He is such a gentleman and he loves me so much. I am lucky to have him…’ 

Hello folks!!

So this epilogue marks the official end of the book.

I know I took a lot of time in writing it... But that's where I am at right now.

A very long bonus chapter is coming right up in two parts.

I wish you guys will love it!

Till then,


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