45. you make me feel

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At sundown, I prepare to leave the garage after Xian had left much earlier. As I shut the door to safekeep the keys in its usual hiding spot, Tessa and Ronald, a recently found friendship, arrive together.

"Hey Tessa, Ronald."

"Who were you with today?" Tessa asks bluntly without any introduction whatsoever.

I look up at her, my face wrinkling into a frown. I'm quite confused as to where this antagonism is coming from. "Hey! I was with Xian the entire afternoon."

Even Ronald is astonished at how Tessa started the conversation. "Why so hostile? You can kill someone with that aggression, literally."

"I won't mind it if that person is Felix. Speaking of, was he here by any chance?"

"No. No, he wasn't," I reply expressionlessly.

"That arrogant moron!"

"Tessa!" Ronald cautions her.

"He shouldn't even bother coming close to you because I'll make sure I smack his flawless face with my fist."

"Will you relax? You're being melodramatic."

"Pardon!" She transfers hostility towards poor innocent Ronald. "What's melodramatic about being realistic? That guy is a total loser for even thinking of joking with someone's feelings."

"Just let it go, Tessa," I tell her, "I don't want to discuss any of this."

"You want me to let it go?!" She reacts. "Agnes, don't tell me you've forgiven him."

Foolish me. Why did I have to open my mouth? This overprotective side of Tessa is not a pretty sight and that feisty brashness – damn! Even if I forgave Felix, I wouldn't dare tell her, not with the mood she's in right now.

"How could she? If she did, she doesn't need a message in a bottle before she'll know how you are so eager to attack her."

"Your sarcasm is very much not appreciated at this time, Ronald."

"Okay, let's not dwell on this," I plead, with any luck stopping them from getting physical. "Tell me what happened after school today. I had to leave in a hurry."

"The principal announced that there will be an inter-house sports competition in two weeks," Ronald replies.

"Oh right, that's true. I totally forgot about that part on the agenda for the session."

"Funny how you're part of the student council, yet, you know nothing," Tessa gives me a snide remark for no good reason.

"Is this your comeback for revenge?" She sticks out her tongue but we laugh over it. "Anyways, what else is new?"

"Our sports instructor requested we wait after school so interested participants can register in their different houses," Ronald answers.

A real alluring question flashes in my mind and I fall right in. "What house did Felix register?"

"Huh!" Both of them react in tremor. They look at me then at each other, and then at me again. I'm certain Tessa will be angry that I asked that question, but Ronald, I don't know his stand on this ill-fated happenstance.

"He's in the Eagles' house," he replies.

"Don't tell me you intend to support his house! Because if you are, we're going to have a fight." Of course Tessa brutishly yells at me when I've not even made up my mind to attend the game or not. I better calm her down before she really attacks me.

"I'm not supporting any house, so you can relax now. Thanks for worrying about me."

"But you'll have to support one eventually. We will all be there," Ronald states.

"Talk about me coming to the showground first before you assume anything."

"There are other houses to support, there's the Lions' house, Scorpions' house or the infinitely losing Sharks' house. You may well support any of those and I won't have a problem, definitely not the Eagles' house," Tessa strictly warns me.

Ronald and I stare at her, bummed out that she is this zealous on her repugnance for Felix.

"What? Didn't they specifically handpicked the losers to play for that house?"

"Infinitely losing? Isn't that a bit too harsh?"

She shrugs. Whoever falls into Tessa's blacklist would be so unlucky.

"I'm not coming to the arena, so leave it. Happy now?"


Ronald chips in, "but will you be alright staying at home, or alone wherever you'll be? Why not just come with us? You can absolutely support the Scorpions' house. That's my house."

"Let's reserve that decision till the competition day, hm."

Tessa gazes at me for a while. "You don't seem to be yourself. What's wrong?"

"Oh, glad you finally noticed. I'm just tired, and I was about to go home before you came in."

"Did you create any art today?"

"Hm, not exactly."

"Since you're going home, we can escort you," she offers, "right, Ronald?"

"Yeah." He nods.


I have one last peek at the garage before I lead the way out.


"Ronald! Ronald!" I try whispering to ensure he is the only one that hears me. "Ronald!"

He turns his back and catches me hiding behind the bushes. I beckon him with motions. Luckily, he detaches from them unnoticed.

"What are you doing here?" He asks in hushed whispers, as if it is forbidden for me to be in the same location as Agnes.

Overriding his question, I ask, "what did Agnes say?"

"About what?"

"About the competition."

"Were you eavesdropping on us?!"

"I stalked you and Tessa because I also want to know how she's doing since she would not talk to me." I refocus to where Tessa and Agnes are. They already walk a far distance. "I couldn't tell if she was still angry."

"She said she doesn't want to support a house, not even mine. It seems like she's uninterested in anything that has to do with you, Felix, which shouldn't come as a surprise."

Not a surprise at all.

This isn't going well as I intended, not even the slightest. And here I was hoping that she might consider supporting my house.

"Is that how much affection she has for you?" I least expect him to ask that.


"Meaning she is badly hurt with the way things went down. I noticed as we were talking. But it seemed she was battling with herself to forgive you... maybe? I don't know."

"I still don't understand what you mean."

"It's true you broke her trust and she's tortured by it, but I think her pain comes from the desire to forget everything."

"I sure am getting what I deserve," I sigh.

"Sure you are."

I sigh again. Obviously, nobody will understand me or my intentions. When I thought I had it all going for me after I left my admiration complex behind and it was only six of us having the time of our lives. Now I realize I have nothing – well, except Xian. If Agnes doesn't forgive me, Tessa and Yvonne won't either, and Ronald...

"Um, Felix, I know we probably didn't get along at first and even while we hung out together at Agnes's, we really didn't connect much as bros, so I am not sure if my words will mean anything to you, but I truly hope that you and Agnes can reconcile and be the lovely duo you once were. I'm wishing you luck."

Moved by his heartfelt and honest confession, a smile appears on my face. "Thanks, Ronald."

"I guess I'll see you in school on Monday then," he says and leaves.


After one disaster of a P.E class, I go back to the locker room to change into my regular clothes. On my way to class, I hear Tessa talking.

I peek through the windows and see Tessa with Ronald sitting and having a conversation about me. Once again, I eavesdrop.

"Come on, are you seriously still mad at him up until now?" Ronald asks Tessa.

"Of course! How dare he place a bet on Agnes? I'm very mad at him!" Tessa replies furiously.

"But after they became friends, he didn't mean to hurt her, did he?"

"Even so, he shouldn't have done something as dumb as that."

"You do realize this entire debacle is starting to affect his training. He was missing shots during P.E class."

"Well, he deserves it."

My heart breaks all over again. Perhaps, I really deserve this vile punishment. You know, when your friends are saying the same thing over and over, you unconsciously agree to it yourself.

"I know you're trying to protect your friend but don't be too biased. You should hear his side of the story at least before drawing conclusions."

"Are you defending him now?"

"I wouldn't if you were open-minded. Let's not forget he's also our friend, too."

She lets out a long sigh. From another entrance of the class, Xian and Yvonne join them.

"Hey, where are you guys coming from?" Tessa asks.

"From the library," Yvonne answers.

"We were just talking," Xian adds.

"More like persuading me to forgive Felix."

"We totally rock the same boat," Tessa says.

Yvonne giggles, "so, what do you say?"

"I don't know. What about you?"

"I think we should leave that decision to Agnes. As for me, I can give him a second chance."

"You think?"

"Felix has been good to us. We can't just ignore all he has done since we became close friends."

"The fun, the 'keeping secrets from Agnes—"

"And aunty Cherry's lovely cookies," Xian says, facing Yvonne. She returns him a glare.

"I think we can always go back to being friends like before, can't we?" Ronald asks.

"If Agnes ever forgives Felix," Tessa adds.

"She will," Xian says assuredly, "I know she will. Within the short time they had together, it was easy for them to grow a bond, despite the kind of relationship they had before."

"That's right," Ronald seconds, "who would've thought Agnes and Felix would become friends when it was impossible for them to get along?"

"Ooh!" Yvonne exclaims eagerly. "I can smell a happy reunion already."

I melt into a blob with gratitude. I'm so blessed to find friendship in these guys. Quickly, I enter the class and stand before them, awaiting trial. Expecting they'd take me back with open arms, four of them stare blankly at me.

I feel a need to speak now, to let it off my chest. "I'm sorry. I should apologize to you for ruining your trust in me."

Then they exchange glances.

Tessa crosses her arms. "I'm still thinking if you should even deserve our forgiveness."

"Tessa!" Ronald nudges her by the side.

"Fine, fine. I forgive you."

"I'll forgive you, too," Yvonne says, "but I hope you aren't expecting Agnes to do same."

"I'll keep on trying until she forgives me."

"Come on, as a sign of our reunion, let's have a group hug!" Ronald urges.

"A group what?!" Tessa shrieks.

"Tessa!!!" Xian and Ronald yell.

"Just kidding! A group hug coming right up!"

We come together, not minding who's looking.

* # * #

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