A Visit with A Stab

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Knuckles and Shadow finally arrived. Knuckles had a black eye...

"What did you do to make Shadow punch you?" I asked, not bothering to hold back my laugh.

"Why should it matter?" Knuckles scoffed.

I walked over to Shadow and held up my hand for a high five. "Nice job, Shads!"

'Don't just high five him! Give him a side hug! You want him to be yours, don't you?' Dark scoffed, sounding like a trainer.

I awkwardly smiled, and did as Dark said. Shadow growled lowly, but I could still notice a light blush on his tan muzzle. He pushed me away, and looked away from both of us.

'You're getting there.' Dark said.

"Let's just go inside already." Shadow huffed and walked inside Silver's house.

Knuckles and I followed him.

"First, we have to think of who would even take Silver in the first place." I started to look for clues, but there were none. "No evedence of anyone even being here. Hm..."

I suddenly caught a glimpse of Shadow's shadow... wait... it's too dark for a shadow...

"Shadow!" I warned. "It's Mephiles!"

Shadow turned around, and his face connected with Mephiles' fist, sending him flying back a couple feet and hitting the ground with a loud thud. I growled, suddenly feeling protective.

I ran up to Mephiles, ready to punch. "Leave him alone!"

I actually got a punch in before I too was sent flying back. Knuckles looked at us, then at Mephiles. He has never met Mephiles, nor does he know his power.

"You must be that red echidna that Silver talks about." Mephiles said.

"You have Silver!?" Knuckles growled. "You better give him back!"

"I wouldn't think about that. He's happy with me." Mephiles said. He held up a small purple orb.

From there we could here Silver's voice. "Mephy~ Where are you, my love?"


I could practically hear my heart snap into little pieces.

Silver loves Mephiles...

He lied to me...

He said he loved me...

I held back the tears forming in my eyes, blurring my vision. Mephiles looked at me, if he had a mouth he'd be smirking. Mephiles hit me in the back of my head and everything went black.


Mephiles knocked Knuckles out then took out a knife. Is he going to kill him!?

I stepped in the way as soon as Mephiles started to stab. The knife hit me in the shoulder.

"Sonic!" Shadow shouted, but I couldn't hear him over the scream in pain I had.

Mephiles just laughed. "Foolish hedgehog. I'm doing a favor for Silver."

"How is killing his best friend helping him?" Shadow growled.

"You really don't know, do you?" Mephiles hissed. "Silver is mine, and this idiot echina is getting in the way."

Shadow and I looked at him, confused completely. None of this made since.

"Even with the spell," Mephiles continued. "The echidna is still on his mind. The only way to have Silver completly mine, is to kill him."

Again, we were confused.

'All signs point to Knuckles and Siver being together.' Dark said.

'Would you please shut up, Dark! I've just been stabbed in the shoulder!' I growled in my mind, trying to ignore the pain.

Shadow stepped closer to us. "You know what, none of this makes sense. I still don't get why you're here in the first place. How about you just step away from them before I chaos blast you out of here."

Mephiles just laughed. "You really think I will do what you say?"

Shadow growled and charged for Mephiles, armed with a chaos spear. Mephiles dodged the attack and kicked him in the back of the head, sending Shadow down beside Knuckles and me.

'What are you doing!? Help him!' Dark instructed.

'I have a knife in my shoulder!' I exclaimed. 'I can't do anything!'

'Let me out.' He said.

'What!? No!' I yelled.

Dark growled. 'Just do it! It'll be okay!'

Dark can only come out when I'm really mad, unless I allow him to come out... I glanced at Shadow, then Knuckles, then Mephiles.

I can't beat him myself...

'Dark.' I said.

'Hm?' He asked.


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