Screw it! There just rules, I mean no one follows them. Right?

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Picture: I want one of these so bad! I just don't know where they sell them ):

Video: I love him so much! His voice is amazing!

 The BIGGEST thing that pisses me off is when someone doesn’t follow the forum rules.

I literally want to punch your face in if you don’t follow my rules.

You know, I thought it was common sense that rules were something you follow. But hey, I guess not right?







Ugh! Okay, so every time I have a trailer forum up there’s always one person who posts THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT I ASKED FOR!

My forums pretty simple. Title, Author, Summary, Cast, Music, Cover link, Clip Idea, Anything Else I Need To Know. But someone always manages to screw that up. Some people will send me jut the cast, title, and author.


And in my rules it clearly says ‘If you do not fill out the forum completely your trailer will not be made’ and there’s always someone who breaks that rule.






FOLLOW THE DANG RULES! IT’S NOT THAT HARD! Read the rules, do what they say, and you’ll be happy. I swear to god the next person who doesn’t follow my rules is getting slapped.

In the face.

With a freaking hammerhead shark.

Is there something about Wattpad that just gets under your skin? Want to let the public know they need to stop doing it? Just private message me your idea and I will write about it! And no, I don’t find it awkward AT ALL. So don’t be shy. You can submit one you wrote or submit an idea and I’ll post it for you.

Heard an awesome song that you just can’t get out of your head? Seen a picture that you think is just AWESOME. Private message me the link and I’ll put it up and dedicate. And no, it’s not awkward -.-

It’s time to rant! It’s time to complain! It’s time to share pictures and songs/videos! PRIVATE MESSAGE ME (:

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