Did i Smiled?

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Though you never gave any attention to me but I was always staring at you. Days have passed, its winter now but still; you are same. You have started practising harder and stayed at the school.

It was just a normal winter night, I came back from my short coffee break back to the hall and found that you were sleeping on the floor.

I touched the floor to check the temperature, luckily it was warm enough. I tiptoed and sat in the corner and stared at you as if you were a star and I was a gazer.

Slowly you opened your eyes and caught me staring at you. I don't know when I started smiling while looking at you, it was your child like face that made me smile and I don't even remember when did I smile this bright.

It was as if, you've light was is guiding me out of my dark world and I don wanna follow you.

"You look cute while smiling. You should smile more often" you said as you picked up your stuff and left the hall.

I don't know when did you left but I know one thing for sure that I sat there smiling like an insane person who is love for the entire evening and that was my first time smiling that bright.

I felt that I never learnt how to smile but you made me smile with just simple compliment.

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