CHAPTER 04 - Hang Out or A Date? (Part 2)

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Shinso's POV

We both walked to the arcade together. Midoriya was being very quiet and it worried me. She didn't even make eyes contact with me. Her face was as red as tomato.

Did I do something wrong?

"Midoriya..." I called out her name in whispering tone. She didn't hear me I think since she didn't respond at all.

"Midoriya." I called her again and this time she turned her head to face me.

"Y-Yes?" She stuttered and started to sweatdrop. Her face became redder.

"Are you okay?" I asked her in worry. Midoriya suddenly darted her eyes on our hands.


I quickly let her go in hurry. I forgot that I was holding her hand.

"M-My bad. Sorry,Midoriya." I apologized and averted my eyes to avoid eyes contact witg Midoriya. My cheeks heated up. "I don't mind at all." Midoriya assured with a smile.

Wait,she didn't mind at all...?

I smirked mischievously. Midoriya stared at me with her innocent look.

I held her hand again but this time more gentle and softer. Midoriya blushed again. "S-S-S-S-Shinso-kun,what are yo--"

"It's always crowded in the arcade so we've to hold hands. To make sure we don't get seperated." I said with a naughty grin.

"A-A-All the time?" Midoriya asked nervously. I nodded and her face darkened with more thousands of red shades. I chuckled in secret after seeing her blushing face.
She was so funny!

I kept holding her soft hand tightly. Midoriya sighed in defeat and surrendered herself.


At the arcade...

Third Person's POV

Midoriya gasped in excitement as soon as they arrived at the game arcade.

"Wow!" Midoriya couldn't stop gasping. Her eyes shone in excitement.

Shinso only watched Midoriya fangirling from behind. A small smile tugged on his lips.

"Hey,Shinso-kun! What do you wanna play first?" Midoriya asked in thrill while bouncing in eager.

"You haven't come here before?" Shinso asked her. She looked overexcited. "No." She replied shortly.

'I think I already know the reason.' Shinso thought.

"Well,how about we play Street Fighter first?" Shinso suggested. "I don't know what is it but it sounds fun! Let's go!" Midoriya marched first,leaving Shinso behind. Shinso sighed and smiled slightly. "Kid."


A few hours later...
Outside the arcade,

Third Person's POV

"Yeah! I win again!" Midoriya squealed in happiness. Shinso sighed slightly huffed in annoyance. How could he lose to a girl in every single game?! He already lost in all games he played with her!

Street Fighter,Zombie Killer,Crazy Dancer,Basketball Shooter and even Whack-A-Mole!

"Shinso-kun...are you mad...?" Midoriya asked in low tone. She felt a bit guilty.

Shinso only looked at Midoriya. She looked down with guilty expression. "No,just surprise. I can't believe this is your first time playing." Shinso said and placed his hand behind his neck.

"Really? I don't think it's that surprising." Midoriya tilted her head. Shinso chuckled at her density.

"Oh,Midoriya. I need to use the bathroom." Shinso said with face fulled of needs. "Go on! I'll wait here." Midoriya exclaimed and Shinso left her alone there.


A few minutes later....

Shinso's POV

I got out from the bathroom and walked to the arcade back. I saw Midoriya was surrounded by three men.

"Hey,you're UA student,right?" A man suddenly asked Midoriy. "Oh,you're the one who get beat up during the sport festival?" His friend asked Midoriya with a smile. Midoriya flinched back. She was blushing madly. "Y-Yeah".

"Can we take picture with you?" The man and his friends asked in unison. Midoriya looked worried since she started sweatdrop.

"I-I-I'm sorry but--"

One of the men held Midoriya's hand with eyes full of hope. "Oh,come on! It won't hurt you. Just one picture." He begged again and tightened his hold. Midoriya started to panic and tears forming in her emerald eyes.

How dare he...?!

I felt anger burning inside my heart. I stomped off towards Midoriya. I yanked Midoriya's hoodie with all my might and embraced her shoulder, pulling her into a hug. Her face was buried in my muscular chest.

"I'm sorry but can you get lost already?! How dare you touch my girlfriend with your dirty hands!" I hollered at the men in extreme madness.

The two guys looked at me in horror and fear. The other one glared at me in annoyance."Who the heck are you?! Suddenly exclaiming herself your girlfriend!" He yelled at me.

He was about to punch me when I kicked him in where the sun didn't shine.

No kid for you,bastard!

The man hissed in pain while holding his bottom. He rolled on the floor while writhing in pain.

"LEAVE!" I yelled and the two men quickly helped their friend got up and ran away.

The people stared at us with strange look. "S-Shinso-kun?" I heard a feminine voice called me.

I let Midoriya go. Her face flushed red again. I huffed and gripped her wrist firmly and dragged her out of the mall.


Outside the mall...

Shinso's POV

"Shinso-kun." Midoriya called me out but I was in no mood to talk. I kept walking while dragging her along with me.

We finally reached the park in the neighbourhood we lived."Shinso-kun!" Midoriya called me out again but this time louder.

I stopped walking and turned my back to face her."What?" I asked her in pissed off tone.

Why was I pissed off about actually?

"Thank you...for saving me..." She mumbled and smiled brightly.

My cheeks heated up. My anger quickly soothed away seeing her thanking me with such a bright smile.

"No problem and sorry... If only I didn't leave you alone..." I sighed.

I wanted to be a hero but I couldn't even save my friend!

"Aside that...j-just now,y-you called me..." Midoriya's face tinted cherry pink.

Huh? I called her what?

"What did I call you?" I asked her in total confusion. Midoriya gave me the 'Seriously' expression.

"N-Nothing!" Midoriya exclaimed and smiled again.

I only shrugged and we walked back to the apartment where we lived.


At the apartment...

We both stood in front of Midoriya Residence. Inko-san opened the door. "Welcome home,Izuku! Oh,Hitoshi-kun! Come in!" Inko-san pulled me into the house.

"How is your date?" Inko-san asked and chuckled at us. Midoriya blushed again. "Mom!" She covered her face.

Inko-san only smiled. "Hitoshi-kun,how about you stay for dinner? I mean,it's almost dinnertime." She said and bounced slightly. I only smiled and nodded. "Okay."

I turned my head to look at Midoriya and she suddenly averted her eyes. She left the living room and went somewhere else.

What's wrong with her?

I only sighed. I sat on the couch and smiled.

Life here wasn't so bad.

AN- Heyyu guys!!! Sorry for updating late! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

Follow me,vote my book and comment your thoughts!


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