CHAPTER 20 - The Savage Shippers Duo

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Shinso's apartment...

Shinso's POV

I opened the door slowly, my hand reached out to switch on the light. Mikorin suddenly came running at me, wagging her tail joyfully. "Meow~" She purred, nuzzling her head on my leg. I got the sign, a small smile appeared on my face. I kneeled down and stroked her head. "I know, I know. You're hungry, don't you? Better feed you first before feeding myself." I chuckled at this cute female feline.

I took off my shoes and walked to my room first to take bath and changed my clothes.

A few minutes passed and I left my room, walking to the kitchen. I opened the cabinet to look for Mikorin's food. Finding the source of Mikorin's energy, I smiled widely while taking the box out of the cabinet. I hid it behind me as I turned to look at Mikorin who kept wagging her tail in eager. "Meow~Meow~" Her meows became much longer, telling me how hungry she was.

"Hm, I don't have anything for you, fella. This is for my girl." I told my lovely cat to tease her. "Meow..." The way she meowed sounded so sad, making my smile widened in victory. "Fine, no more joke. Here is your battery." I laughed, pouring the cat's food into her bowl. Mikorin delightly started eating her food.

I just smiled at Mikorin as I ruffled her head in happiness. If not because of her, maybe I wouldn't make up with Izuku.

Oh yeah, I forgot to check my messages yet...

I shoved my hand into my pocket take out my phone. I unlocked the screen, looking for the message icon. I tapped on the bubble speech button, only to see two messages from two different people.

Mom and Izuku?

I tapped on Mom's message first.

Mom💜: Hello there, my dear son!😆 How are you doing? 😙 Mommy will come to visit you today so make sure your girlfriend is there too okay~ I can't wait to meet my future daughter-in-law~ See you later, Hitoshi!😍

I just chuckled at Mom's usual message that always full of love. That's my mom. Never fails to make everyone around her happy with her happy-go-lucky nature. Totally opposite of me since I love to prank people with my Quirk.

Like Dad who really loves to pull prank on others, heck, even me and Mom becomes his victims.

I then tapped on Izuku's message but it looked very unusual since all of the alphabets were all in caps lock mode.



Wait what? Mom id with Izuku...? Heh, no wonder my cute girl is panicking.

For the first time, she used a lot of emojis in one message. Dang, she must be really panicking right now. I will pray for you, my innocent girl.

I laughed hard at her S.O.S. message. Mikorin suddenly stared at me confusedly. "Well, I gotta go now, pal. Your mom needs my help." I told her, petting her head gently. "See you later, Mikorin." I excused myself and left my house, heading to my girlfriend's house nextdoor.


Midoriya's residence,

Midoriya's POV

Where is he? Where is he? Hitoshi, please come here now!

I couldn't help but started shaking in fidgety, restlessly watching Mihoko-san who was looking around my house after we both entered just now since her son still hadn't returned home yet. "You're really a big fan of All Might, don't you, Izuku?" She chuckled childishly as she hopped around the living room.

Why Mom isn't here too when I need her? Where did she go off???

I just can't control myself! I'm alone with my boyfriend's mother!

But why am I so nervous about? She doesn't seem to dislike me after I told her I'm Hitoshi's girlfriend.

I thought she was going to strangle me back then but instead, she shook my body with tears of happiness rolling on her cheeks.

Does this mean she actually accept me?

I just stared at Mihoko-san who was sitting on the couch, humming melodically still looking around the house when the bell ringing sound snapped me out of my thoughts. "C-Coming!" I said, jogging toward the door in slightly hurry pace. My hand reached out to the doorknob and turned it. I pulled the door open only to reveal a woman with straight green hair and a violette with messy purple hair.

"Mom! Hitoshi!" I gasped in happiness when I saw them. "Oh my, so that's your mother? Owo, Hitoshi is here too! Hi!" Mihoko-san joyfully waved her hand to Hitoshi and Mom. "Oh dear, who do we have here?" Mom asked as she entered the house with Hitoshi, staring at the light purple haired-woman in delight. "I'm Mihoko Shinso, Hitoshi's mother. Nice to meet you, Izuku's mom." Mihoko-san introduced herself while shaking hands with Mom, both of them smiling brightly.

I stepped back from them to give them space. I walked to Hitoshi and locked my arm with his strong one. "I'm glad you come here..." I said in relief. Hitoshi chuckled at me, making me puffed my cheeks pretending to pout.

"Come on, Izu. It's just my mom. What are you so scared about, emerald?" Hitoshi whispered into my ear sweetly. I blushed at the nickname he adressed me. "W-Well, I thought your mother is like my father... So overprotective..." I stated nervously, sweats trickled on my temple when I remembered Dad.

Well, he is kind and up-going father but he will become a... Person much scarier than demon I think... When it comes to boy.

Hitoshi's arm that suddenly wrapped around my hips made me jumped in surprise. "Hey!" I whispered yell at my boyfriend. Hitoshi just smirked, his hands resting on my belly. "I just wanna show to Mom how much I love my girl." He told me in gentle voice.

"Aww~ Look at them~ Youth's love is so beautiful~" Mihoko-san and Mom cheered, each of them cupping their cheeks as they stared at us with this tremendous amount of fuzzy aura emitting from them.

I could feel Hitoshi smirked even though I couldn't see him since I was facing the two mothers' direction. He tightened his hug as his face got closer to mine, shortening the gaps between us. He gently planted a very sweet kiss on my cheek, making blood rushed to my head instantly.

Our mothers squealed excitedly and it only made me blushed harder. "Izuku is a great girl, Mom. Do you accept her?" Hitoshi asked Mihoko-san hopefully. The purple haired-woman chuckled gleefully. Nodding her head as a yes, Hitoshi smiled widely.

"Why wouldn't I accept her? She is a nice girl. I'm sure your father will love her too, Hitoshi." Mihoko-san mustered a warm smile.

Sounds like a very open-minded person, his father I mean. Well, unlike Dad... I hope he won't kill Hitoshi once they meet...

"Now, now. It's almost dinner time so I will start cooking now! Mihoko-san, Hitoshi-kun, you both can go sit first. Izuku, come help me okay?" Mom looked at me with her puppy eyes. I chuckled, nodding to her as a yes. "Mom, it's my daily routine to help you in kitchen so of course I will." I told her but all of sudden, Hitoshi hugged me tighter.

I noticed Mihoko-san grinned at us as she patted Mom's shoulder. "I'll help you in kitchen, Inko-san. Looks like they want to have sweet time together~" She teased before pulling Mom's arm to the kitchen without hearing her response first.

My jaw dropped to the floor as the two women's figure disappeared into the kitchen, leaving me and Hitoshi completely ALONE.

Wait, I just noticed... He is acting a bit weird today... Like, very clingy to me...

"I guess my mother is a savage shipper just like your mom." Hitoshi chuckled delightly. "Now, Izu." Hitoshi, without a warning scooped me in his arms, carrying my body to my room bridal style. "Wai– Hey, put me down!" I struggled in his arms but unfortunately we both were already in my room. Hitoshi closed the door with his foot.

Hitoshi walked to my bed, setting me down gently as he climbed on top of me, his hands on both side of my head. He gazed deeply into my harlequin irises. "I love you, Izu." He muttered in seriousness. I gasped slightly at his sudden confession.

"I... Love you too,Hitoshi." I gave my boyfriend a closed-eyes smile. Hitoshi looked at me straight into my eyes. "Can I... Kiss you?" He asked shyly, faint pink shades tinted on his tired face. I startled a bit by his question but still nodded in approval.

Hitoshi eagerly got closer to my face. He licked my bottom lip seductively, making me hummed in delight. I parted my lips and he invaded my wet interior with his tongue, dominating every single inch of my mouth. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pushing him closer to deepen the kiss.

I love him the most. I love everything about him. No one can change my mind or feelings.

Even if everyone around talk ill about you, even if they hate me for being closed to you, I won't ever stop loving you.

We both kissed for a few good minutes before breaking apart for air. My breathing started to become ragged as I sensed the atmosphere around us tensed up. "Izu... Ever since we slept together last night, I can't stop thinking about you... Your sweet scent lingered me, Izu..." He whispered huskily into my ear.

He... He really is acting a bit off today...

"May I... Sleep with you again tonight...?" Hitoshi asked in desperation. My face brightened up. "S-Sure, if you want... I... I love to sleep with you again too..." I shyly told him. Hitoshi displayed a warm smile before pecking my lips lightly.

"Thanks, Izu." Hitoshi grinned at me widely, showing his shiny white teeth. My heart skipped a beat at this gorgeous sight.

He is really my fated one...


AN- I love Hitoshi and Deku so much! And I just realized this chapter is full of fluff. Welp, we need some sweet moments before the real deal start, right?


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