CHAPTER 24 - Mystery

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Next morning,
Shinso's apartment...

Midoriya's POV

The noise of cat meowing loudly woke me up from my peaceful slumber. I didn't even know when did I fall asleep though.

I slowly parted my jade green eyes and saw Mikorin sitting on the floor, looking at me with her big yellow eyes. Her small mouth was biting on her food bowl, telling me that she was hungry.

Eh? Mikorin? I thought I am in infirmary...? This is weird.

I carefully got up from the unusually comfortable bed, rubbing the sleepiness in my eyes away. My sight was still blurry and tried to adjust to this mysteriously familiar surrounding. This room turned out to be Hitoshi's room.

W-What? When did I get here...?

A rush of worry hit me all of sudden. I clutched the sheets firmly to my chest but then I felt this cloth material brushing my skin.

Wait, I wear my tops so why did the sheets--

I dropped into heavy silence when I realized I was not wearing anything, not even a piece of clothing. A gasp of horror left my mouth, my face darkened with anxiety.

I-It can't be that me and Hitoshi--

Humming sound from my left side made me shivered in fear. I slowly turned my body to my left and saw a certain purple haired-male sleeping next to me, his body facing the wall so he didn't notice I was awaken.

My eyes widened in shock as I noticed Hitoshi didn't wear a shirt since his shoulders were exposed. I moved further aside slightly but it caused the bed to crick. Hitoshi steered in his sleep, making me gulped down my saliva in nervousness.

My boyfriend slowly got up and sat up himself, the sheets fell sliding, exposing his nice upper body to me. My face flushed red upon seeing him shirtless. "Kya!" I squeaked and immediately clamped my emerald eyes with my sweaty palms.

"I-Izuku? You are already up.
..?" Hitoshi sounded as nervous as I was. His hair were down which made him looked more handsome and attractive. I stared at him in concern. "Hi-Hitoshi, what happened to us last night...?" I asked him, tears threatened to spill out of my eyes. I don't want to hear it, I don't want to hear it.

"I-Izuku, we..." Hitoshi's face brightened up with scarlet shades.

"W-Wait, you don't remember about what happened last night...?" Hitoshi asked in disbelief, eyeing me from head to toe. I shook my head repititively. "Oh gosh..." He rubbed his face in regret all of sudden.

"Hitoshi... W-What happened last night? P-Please answer me..." I sat closer to my boyfriend, still clutching the purple sheets on my chest firmly. Hitoshi looked at me in silence before dangerously got closer to my flushed red ear.

"Izuku, we..." Hitoshi whispered the word that I didn't want to hear, causing me to break into tears. "I-Izuku, I'm sorry..." He wrapped his strong arms around my shoulders. "How... How did we get into this...?" I asked him sorrowfully.

"Izu, you were begging for this... You... You tell me to make you mine... Last night." Hitoshi explained, making my eyes went wide in shock. "W-What? I never asked--"

All of sudden, the memories from yesterday flooded in my mind rapidly. Everything seemed very clear and I could tell...

... Hitoshi was not lying to me...

Crimson shades tinted on my freckled cheeks when I recalled how I was BEGGING for him to do it with me last night. I quickly clamped my face with my palms to cover the blush.

W-Why...? Why am I begging for it...?

I just feel like I really need it... I have to release those weird, hot feeling in my body to someone...

Oh my goodness, how did I become like this...?

"Izuku?" Hitoshi called me out in concern. I turned to look at him in guilt. "Hitoshi, I'm so sorry! I-If only I didn't seduce you... T-This wouldn't..." I sobbed, burying my face in his exposed, solid chest. Hitoshi stroked my hair gently to comfort me.

"Izuku, it was not your fault." Hitoshi whispered into my ear softly, making me cried even more.

I-I tempted him... I feel so bad...

What has gotten into me?! Why did I tempt Hitoshi to do that thing?!

Making love... This is really a serious thing...

W-What if I got pregnant--

"I used protection last night so no need to worry about it anymore, Izuku." Hitoshi's words ceased my cries. I raised my head up and looked into his violet eyes deeply.

"How... How come you are very prepared...?" I asked my purple boyfriend in curiousity. Hitoshi smiled sheepishly, placing his hand behind his neck. "Well, I know this day would come one day so... I got head and bought some condoms... Without you knowing." He explained in awkwardness. I blushed intensely at his explaination.

You are too prepared!

But hearing this somehow made me felt a bit relieved. At least I wouldn't get pregnant at 16. I was really scared to death just now.

Dad will kill him if he finds out about this...

Still, this is really a mystery. I don't even know why I felt aroused all of sudden yesterday...

"Meowww." Mikorin's voice snapped us back into reality. We both turned around facing the hungry female feline who was already pouting after getting tired of waiting for her food.

"I guess let's have breakfast first... And damn, we are late to school..." Hitoshi cursed under his breath, rubbing his face with his palms. I glanced at the alarm clock and it was already--

9.18 a.m.?!

We are so late! First period is already beginning! No!!!!!

"Gosh, we have to be fast--" I could not get up when I felt very painful sensation on my lower body. I hissed in pain and immediately fell in bed again but Hitoshi managed to catch me and held me supportively in his strong arms.

"What's wrong?" Hitoshi asked worriedly. "I-I don't know... I can't walk properly..." I told him, tears filling my eyes but for unknown reason, Hitoshi blushed after I voiced my reason.

"Oh... About that... The pain will disappear if you rest for the whole day..." Hitoshi's face turned deeper red when he uttered those words. He looked away from me, perharps noticing that I was staring at him confusedly.

"Let's just skip school for today and stay at home. You are probably tired... After a long night." Hitoshi advised in embarrassment. I heaved a long sigh before hesitantly agreed to him. He smiled widely and kissed my forehead.

"I will make the breakfast. You can go ahead and take bath first." He gave me a warm smile before getting off of the bed. I was about to look away, not wanting to see any unwanted sight. Hitoshi chuckled at my reflexive reaction.

"I wore boxers. No need to look away. You are the only one who aren't wearing anything, baby girl." He whispered into my ear flirtiously, causing blood to rush to my head. "Hitoshi!" I smacked his chest lightly in embarrassment, feeling really mad at his statement.

"What are you so mad about?" Hitoshi laughed teasingly. "You are the one who started--" My body and mind suddenly froze, making me unable to move my body or spoke.

Hold on! Did he just use his Quirk on me?!

"Now, now. Stop smacking already and go shower yourself, Izuku." Hitoshi commanded. I obediently nodded to her while my hands worked to cover my exposed body with the towel he gave to me, slowly getting off of the bed. My legs brought me to the bathroom without my will.

Jeez, I will get you for this back, Hitoshi!

I could only scream internally when I heard Hitoshi's cheeky laughs.


AN- Sorry! I have to end it here since I'm tired! I'm so sorry! T-T

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