CHAPTER 25 - The Bloody Note

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Shinso's apartment,
In the kitchen...

Shinso's POV

A loud sleepy yawn escaped my lips as I was cooking egg and bacons for breakfast. I could cook but only the simple, easy-making dishes, not the complicated one.

(Eek, my heart! *nosebleed*)

My hair was still down and messy since I was too lazy and tired to even comb it. Mikorin came to me and nuzzled her head on my foot. "Meow~" She looked at me with her glimmering eyes, asking for food and attention. "Wait a minute, okay. I wanna cook for your mom and myself." I told her in soft voice and she seemed to understand it. I only stared at my cat that walked to my cozy brown couch and hopped onto it, resting herself and purring softly.

Oh wow, she is really a good one. It  is very rare to find an obedient pet like her.

Hm... Since Mikorin is pregnant, I should feed her with the right diet. I don't want the kittens she is carrying live unhealthily.

As I was lost in my thoughts, I heard the doorbell rang loudly, snapping me back into reality. I turned off the stove and walked to the front door in a slow pace. As soon as I opened the door, I saw a bouquet of beautiful purple roses with a light blue ribbon tying it and a sticky note on it.

The sticky note peaked my interest the most. I instinctively picked it up, opened the fold and read the note written on it. It was written all in big capital letters with red ink. As soon as I finished reading it, my heart dropped.

What the heck?!

A rush of worry hit me like a truck. My heart began pounding rapidly as I read the note over and over again many times. I still could not believe my eyesight. But as I read it over and over, I realized the red ink was not ink AT ALL.

It was blood.
Fresh red blood.

This time, I did not think twice. I crampled the paper in my hand and grabbed the purple rose bouquet. I rushed to my kitchen to get rid of these mysterious and disturbing things. This crazy person who sent this must be Izuku's stalker.

But who? Bakugou? Todoroki? But there is no way Bakugou and Todoroki will do such thing... They may have feelings for her but I don't think they will go this far to go after her...

But luck was not on my side today. Izuku was already in the kitchen, playing upsie disie with Mikorin. She noticed my presence and put the female cat down, displaying a soft smile on her beautiful freckled face. Seeing her smile made me trembled in nervousness since she still did not know the truth.

"Oh, hey, Hitoshi! I was waiting for you just now that is why I played with Mikorin first." Izuku chuckled heartily as she walked closer to me, curiousity filling her emerald eyes. "What are you holding behind you?" She asked, tilting her head like a small child.

Cold sweats trickled on my temple. I shook my head and curved a nervous smile. "I-It is nothing, Izuku. This is just garbage I want to dispose." I lied to her, panging my heart with guilt. Izuku just stared at me suspiciously. "If you are going to dispose it, why are you hiding it from me?" The suspicion in her voice made me more nervous now.

Should I show it to her? I don't want to scare her but I also don't want her to get hurt because she doesn't know about this.

Damn dilemma...

A heavy sigh of hesitation left my mouth, my purple irises met Izuku's green ones. "Hitoshi, what's wrong--"

"Izuku, we need to talk. But promise me you won't get freak out, okay?" I cut her off, speaking in seriousness. Seeing that she slightly fidgeted after hearing my words, I could tell she did not seem to feel comfortable about this. She was reluctant but still nodded in approval.

"O-Okay..." Izuku answered in whisepring tone. I held her hand gently to assure her there was nothing for her to worry about. I led her to the couch and we both sat on it. Silence filled the tense atmosphere.

"So... What do you want to talk about?" Izuku broke the silence at last. I glanced at her and then at the note and the purple rose bouquet. "Izuku... I need to show you something but please... Promise me you won't get freak out...." I said in husky tone. Izuku frantically nodded. I could hear a gulping sound from her.

I was nervous as well. I opened my balled-fist and showed it to her the crumpled sticky note. She puzzledly took it from my palm and opened it. Her pupils moved along as she read those disturbing words.

I only waited for Izuku to finish when she let out a loud gasp of shock all of a sudden, her eyes went very wide and her mouth dropped open. "Hi-Hitoshi, this is a joke, right...? Y-you just wanted to mess around with me..." She nervously smiled at me, not wanting to believe what she just read.

I shook my head aggresively, denying her statement. Izuku's eyes began watering with crystal tears. "I found these things on the doorstep. The note... Along with this purple rose bouquet." I showed to her the bouquet. She shakily touched it with her trembling hands.

"B-But why...? What did I do wrong? Who is stalking on me? Am I gonna die? Is he going to kill me? Is he goimg to hurt you and Mom?" Izuku panickally exclaimed to herself, tears rolling down her cheeks. I wrapped my arms around her thin shoulders and pulled her into a tight embrace. She buried her face in my solid chest, her tears drenched my shirt but I did not care about that. I rubbed circle on her back to comfort her.

I can't tell Inko-san or Mom about this... Mom has already returned home

"Hitoshi, I am scared..." Izuku confessed, fear filling her voice. I tightened the embrace as I gritted my teeth in pure anger, anger toward that stalker bastard. "It is okay Izuku. Let's report to Aizawa-sensei tomorrow. We can't handle this alone... This could be the work of a villain." I told her in my gentlest voice to assure her. Izuku clutched onto my shirt firmly.

"Izuku, don't worry. I will protect you. I won't let any guy lay a finger on you. Besides, you have your friends and teachers to help you. Remember that everyone you love will always be by your side whenever you're in trouble." I said as I broke apart from Izuku. Her eyes were very puffy and red. "Hitoshi..." She uttered, a tear escaped her eye.

Mikorin, who was watching us all the time from hopped onto Izuku's laps and nuzzled her head on her belly, her yellow eyes looking straight into Izuku's. "Meow!" She meowed loudly at her. Izuku curved a small smile and stroked her soft fur.

"I think she said she wanted to protect you too. Maybe we can create a Izuku Protection Squad." I joked to cheer Izuku up. Izuku looked up to me and smiled a little bit wider now. "Yeah. Thank you, Hitoshi. Your words really calm me down. You're really a good person. Everyone is wrong if they said you are perfect to be a villain juat because of your Quirk. Your have a kind heart that will save many people's lives one day. You're a hero. A true one." She stared at me with her still teary eyes but also with a soft smile. She scooted closer to me and leaned her head on my shoulder. "I love you, Hitoshi..." She whispered, shutting her eyes tightly as she stroked Mikorin.

I smiled softly and hugged my love back. "Love you too." I said back, my hand patting Mikorin's head. "Meooooow." The cat loud's meowing cut off our romantic moment. We both turned to look at the frowning cat and then snorted amusingly. "I got it. You're hungry, right? Me too." I said jokingly

"Izuku, let's eat our breakfast first and talked about this later. You need to fill in your empty stomach." I advised Izuku and she obediently nodded. We both got up from the couch and walked to the dining table.

I went to the cabinet and looked for Mikorin's food. After I found the box, I cut it open before heading to the fridge next. I took out the milk carton. Izuku brought the twins food bowl and put it down on the floor. I poured the food on the left hole and Izuku poured the milk into the right hole.

"Alright, now we can eat our food." I said in satisfaction while Izuku only remained silent. She was looking down, her face was still clouded with anxiety. I grabbed her chin, lifted her head up and pressed my lips against her soft ones.

"Mmh..." Izuku muffled between the kisses, her arms wrapped around my neck to support her short stature since I was taller than her. I kissed her deeply for a few good seconds before we apart to breathe in the air. I leaned my forehead on her and smiled, intertwining my fingers with her slender ones. "That's a reminder for you... That I'll protect you at any cost." I whispered softly. She hummed lightly and gave me a small smile.

I will definitely find the culprit so you can rest assure, Izuku.


AN- BOI! GUESS WHO IS BAAAACK?! (sing Black Clover's opening) Waaaah, I miss you guys! I miss these three so much! I'm back after almost one month of hiatus! Hope you guys enjoy this fluff/suspense chapter!

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