CHAPTER 31 - No One Can Seperate Us

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After several minutes,
Midoriya's residence,
Living room...

Third Person's POV

The living room was all silent, awkwardness clouding the quite tense atmosphere. Hitoshi and Izuku sat at the dining table facing the female's parents, the father looked like a hungry predator who was ready to swallow its entire prey while the mother was like a kind angel who made people smile with her cheerfulness and innocence.

Inko did her utmost to calm her husband's uncontrolable temper but still, Hisashi was super duper pissed of with his daughter's 'kidnapper'. That was how he would label any guy, any man, any boy, any creature the opposite sex of Izuku who tried to get closer to his one and only princess.

In other hand, the male purplette felt completely cornered and anxious. Never in his life he would imagine to be in such a deadly situation. This was much scarier than facing a villain. He rather fought a large group of criminals than sitting nervously in front of Izuku's father.

Izuku was already sweating bullets. Her eyes wouldn't avert from staring at Hitoshi. Worry, guilt, concern, anxiety overpowered her already messed mind, stressed by the pressure by her father.

"Now, tell me the truth." Hisashi began speaking up, his long finger tapping the table in suspicion. Hitoshi gulped down his saliva. "Who is the one who attacked you, Izuku?" Hisashi shifted his black pupils to the dark green haired-girl.

"I-I told you, it was my former classmate..." Izuku lowered her voice, feeling goosebumps all over her body. She hugged herself in trauma when her entire being began trembling. Despite Hitoshi's desire wanting to comfort her so badly, he remained silent. It would only add fule in the flame of wrath in the overprotective father.

"Former classmate? Is he expelled or something?" Inko asked to make sure, tilting her head to the side slightly. Izuku turned to look at her and nodded lightly. "Hitoshi is a student transfer into the hero course from the general study course, replacing Minet-kun. I don't know the reason behind his expulsion though... But I'm telling you, he is the one who assaulted me, not Hitoshi." Izuku said confidently, trying to convince her father that Hitoshi wasn't the culprit.

"Hmm..." Hisashi just stayed quiet, his eyes damgerously darted to the violet haired-boy. "You are Izuku's boyfriend, aren't you? Then why you didn't protect my daughter from that freaking molester? Huh, looks like your love for her is only a lip service, not from the bottom of your heart." He asked and mocked at the same time  in husky voice to scare the poor teenage boy. Hitoshi clenched his shaking hand into a full balled-fist.

"I-I..." The Brainwash Quirk user chewed on his bottom lip frustatedly. Izuku looked at him in worry before she stood up from her chair she sat on to protest her father's way of interrogating Hitoshi. It was stressing him a lot.

"It wasn't Hitoshi's fault, Dad! He had to return late today, so I went home first! If only I waited for him--"

"Izuku, you shut up and sit down. I'm talking to him, not you." Hisashi cut Izuku off, speaking in harsh tone, seriousness darkenning on his face. He looked at Hitoshi back.

"I don't know what is so special about you that my daughter fell for a weakling like you. You can't even protect her when she is in danger but still claimed yourself as her boyfriend? How funny. There's no way I'm going to let Izuku dating you, Hitoshi Shinso." Hisashi frankly insulted the already frustrated boy. Hitoshi felt so humiliated and disgusted with himself. Hisashi's words made the anxiety and doubt that he already successfully overcame kicked in him again.

"I...I..." The words stucked in his throat, not daring to talk back. "And I heard your Quirk is Brainwashing. I can't believe U.A. accept a person with such a villainous, shabby Quirk. And I know... You used your Quirk on my daughter and brainwashed her to love you!" Hisashi began raising his voice, anger filling his pupils.

Hitoshi, Inko and Izuku were all shocked by his angry voice. He slammed the table furiously as he glared at Hitoshi. "Leave my daughter--"

"Enough, Dad! You're going too far!" Izuku slammed the table too brutally. "And why the hell do you think I do this?! He isn't suitable for you! I don't even understand why you love a scum like him!" Hisashi yelled at her back.

"Hitoshi isn't a scum! He is a kind, aspiring person with a great dream to be the most awesome hero! Don't you dare to insult him anymore!" Izuku glared at the curly haired-man deadly. "Why are you like this, Izuku? Now you dare to defy me?! You're not my daughter!" Hisashi hollered furiously, accidentally blurted out something unpredictable.

Izuku was extremely offended with him now. She started sniffling and sobbing softly, catching everyone's attention. "Izuku, I'm so sorry, honey--" Hisashi spoke up in soft tone all of a sudden.

"Dad is so mean! I hate you!" Izuku yelled furiously at Hisashi before rushing into her bedroom with tears falling from her eyes, slamming the door shut closed tightly with brutal force. Hisashi's dark eyes widened in total shock, not expecting the sudden outburst and those hurtful words coming from his daughter.
"Izuku!" Hisashi shouted in concern, quickly walked to the greenette's room. She knocked on the orange door three times. "Honey, please. Don't be like this. I never mean to-"

"GO AWAY! You're always like that! I hate you! I hate you!" Izuku cried out in heartbreak. Hisashi backed down from the door before he dropped on his knees, staring at the door in disbelief .

Inko started panicking, her green irises shifted to Hitoshi who was dumbfounded by Izuku's outburst. "Hi-Hitoshi-kun... " The chubby woman looked at him sadly. Hitoshi was clearly clueless on what to do right now.

Hitoshi then turned to look at the door, slowly making his way toward Izuku's room. Hisashi, who was still on the floor only stared at the purple headed-boy in total confusion.
The violette stayed silent and slowly caught the sound of soft sobbings coming from inside. He knocked on the door three times before he said, "Izuku, may I enter...?"

The sobbings immediately ceased. No answer was heard or replied. Hitoshi took a deep breath and carefully opened the door, revealing Izuku who was sitting in the very corner of her dark room.
"Izuku--" Inko pulled Hisashi  a bit far away from the door, shaking her head to him. The jet black haired-man heaved a sigh of disappoinment. "Leave her to Hitoshi-kun... It was your fault too for spitting out insult like that..." Inko said to her husband in gentle yet fierce tone, her hand rubbing circle on his back. Hisashi looked away from her with furrowed eyebrows, ego overpowered him.

Meanwhile, Hitoshi shut the door closed and he slowly stepped closer to Izuku who was weeping, tears kept escaping her already puffy, red eyes. "Izuku..." He called her out softly. The greenette raised her head up, staring at her lover in sadness.

"Hi-Hitoshi..." Izuku replied in croaky voice, desperately wanted his comfort. Hitoshi sat in front of the crying girl and hugged her warmly. "Izu, don't cry, okay... Your father never meant it... I know..." Hitoshi whispered sadly, patting her back to calm her down. She quickly hugged him back, crying in his arms.

"I-I'm not really sad about that... I-I'm hurt and o-offended... Because he insulted and mocked you..." Izuku explained the reason behind her sadness. "I want him to like you... To accept you... But now h-he wanted to seperate us... I-I don't want that to happen..." She clutched on the back of his blazer firmly.

"I want to stay with you... Hitoshi..." Izuku sobbed out, her cries became louder again. Hitoshi's eyes slightly went wide. He was touched by her words.

The male violette hugged his girlfriend tighter. "Izuku, your father said that... Maybe because he was worried about you... All fathers in this world are same. They don't want their kids to be hurt. That's why, your father acted that way. He just wanted to protect you. Not to mention, you got attacked before I arrived, right? That must have hit him hard. His intention is good but the way he took action is wrong. You must have a talk with him about his behavior." Hitoshi said in gentle voice, smiling warmly at her.

"And Izuku... Don't worry... No one can seperate us... I won't let that happen to us, Izuku. I love you and I will protect you..." Hitoshi confessed and eventually Izuku's cries ceased. She silently broke apart from Hitoshi, gazing into his amethyst purple eyes deeply with her teary emerald ones.

"If you say so... Then I will try to talk to Dad... But... He is a very stubborn man. I don't even know if he is willing to hear us out..." Izuku said with doubt in her voice. Hitoshi cupped her cheeks and looked at her confidently. "Trust me, he will." He convinced, widening his confident smile.

'I hope so...' The teenage boy said internally with hopefullness. Izuku only sighed and nodded at him in agreement. They had no other option than talking to Izuku's father...

If they wanted to stay together.


A/N- I'm so sorry for the late update! I was extremely busy yesterday! I hope this chapter is fine and enjoyable. (╥ω╥')

Btw, enjoy this adorable pic of my female cat.

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