CHAPTER 33 - Unique Cat

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Next day,
Early morning,
Shinso's apartment...

Shinso's POV

The ringing annoying noise coming from my alarm clock woke me up from my peaceful slumber. Groans of protest left my mouth but I still tried not to be lazy and stretched out my arm to turn off my annoying alarm clock. I rubbed my eyes and to be honest, I felt great and energetic today. How long has it been since I last to get such enough sleep?

I shifted my purple hue eyes to the sleeping beautiful greenette in my arms, snoring softly in her slumber. Blanket was covering our bare body since we were not wearing even a single piece of clothe.

Hope she can walk today...

A gentle smile spread on my lips before I pecked Izuku's forehead. "Morning, Izu." I whispered into her ear. Earning a very small smile as her response, I silently chuckled.

Maybe she heard me in her dream.

I carefully got off of the bed, not wanting to wake Izuku up. She must be extremely tired after a long night together with me.

I grabbed the towel on my study table that was veey next to my bed and wrapped it around my waists to cover my lower half. I stretched out my body a bit to lessen the sore feeling, tired of last night's event. Walking out of the bedroom to head to the bathroom, I glanced at the couch in my living room. As expected, Mikorin and E.J. were sleeping -- more like cuddling -- on the cozy couch. I just smiled and proceeded to make my way toward the shower room.

~Timeskip to finish showering~

I breathed a sigh of relief after walking out of the bathroom, feeling refreshed after taking a long shower. I was only in my boxer though with the towel hanging around my neck. I leaned my back against the wall to catch my breath, my hair was down since it was soaked with water.

All of sudden, the door of the bathroom slided open, startling me who was spacing out. I turned to look at the door reflexively and saw my girlfriend with towel wrapped neatly around her beautiful curvy body. She stared at me for a long time before red shades spread across her face. "M-morning, Hitoshi." She shyly greeted me. I smirked at her reaction.

She must enjoy staring at my body.

"Morning, baby." My smirk widened as I stepped closer to Izuku. I pinned her to the wall to prevent her from escaping. She blushed deeply and placed her palms on my exposed chest. "Hi-Hitoshi, I want to take bath... C-could you... Step away...?" She demanded shyly, averting her eyes from my gaze.

"Well, why don't we take bath together?" I whispered seductively into her ear. Izuku squeaked in embarrassment while I just laughed it off. I distanced myself from her, stroking her soft red cheeks. "Go on and shower yourself. I will cook breakfast for us." I said, smiling warmly at her. She curved a happy smile and nodded as her reply. I ruffled her curly hair and planted a sweet kiss on her cheek before exiting the bathroom.

I walked into my bedroom and put on my school uniform. I looked at myself in the mirror, placing my palm on the back of my neck, shrugging my shoulders.

I always look so gloomy in my uniform. Wonder why?

I sighed long and left my bedroom, heading to kitchen now. I saw my two cats, Mikorin and E.J. already biting on their food bowls with sparkly, big eyes, begging for their food I guess. "Why you guys are so early?" I chuckled and ruffled their head.

I went to the kitchen and only cooked simple breakfast, basically egg and bacons for two people, me and Izuku. Even though we were not in rush, I was too lazy to cook grand breakfast meal.

After I was done making our meals, I walked to the cabinets and took out a box of cat food. E.J. and Mikorin meowed louder, wagging their tails happily. A soft smile appeared on my still tired face as I poured down the food into their bowl. E.J. started eating with ruckus manner while Mikorin still stayed called and ate her food with proper manner.

Wow... So different

"Hitoshi?" I heard Izuku calling me out. I turned to look at my girlfriend in her complete school uniform, staring at me in curiousity.

Damn, why is she so cute? Her big green eyes make her look more innocent...

"Hey, Izu. Breakfast is ready. Come and sit." I told my love of life, pulling a chair for her before sitting myself on the opposite site of her seat. Izuku gasped in happiness and skidded toward the chair. She sat herself on it. I held over a spoon and a fork. "Thanks, Toshi." Izuku thanked me wholeheartedly. I raised an eyebrow while smirking cheekily when I noticed she used the nickname again.

"Toshi?" I repeated, gainin her attention. Izuku raised her head up and stared at me in worry. "Y-Yeah... You don't like it...?" She stated in sadness. I chuckled and shook my head.

"No, I'm surprised you use that nickname even when we are not in bed--Ouch!" Izuku hit my head hard with the spoon she was holding, her face flushed red in embarrassment. "Don't mention that! Jeez!" She crossed her arms in her chest, puffing her plushy cheeks in protest.

E.J. suddenly hopped onto my laps, his intense glare pierced into me. I only remained silent, totally confused by his action.

Out of a blue, E.J. scratched my face with his weapon -- his sharp nails -- while hissing furiously at me. "Ouch!" I fell back off of the chair, whimpering in pain. My hand clamped my grazed face, full with E.J.'s scratch mark. I looked up to my male cat and it was as if he was looking down at me with disappoinment. "Meow!" He meowed loudly, sounded very angry.

"Oh my gosh, Hitoshi! Are you alright?!" Izuku rushed to me and helped me got on my feet again. She caressed my cheeks gently. She looked so sad and was on the verge of tears. "Hey,sweetie. It is fine. I'm doing okay." I assured her, smiling slightly.

Izuku sighed and turned her head to E.J. who showed his big, innocent eyes as if he was pure or something. "You know... Actually, E.J. has a tendency to scratch anyone who teased or tried to flirt with me. I wonder why..." Izuku stated puzzledly.

Is E.J. her bodyguard or what? This cat is ABNORMAL. Like, super uncommon. I get a feeling that he is... Unique.

Better investigate about this.

"Well, let's just ignore him and eat our breakfast... Or we will be late for school." I told Izuku, not wanting to talk about this anymore. I stared at this black cat wearing a white scarf around his neck.

This cat suddenly followed me home when I met him at the same park I first encountered Mikorin. He kept sniffing on me and then stared at me long with his tired eyes before meowing so loudly, so loud that the mothers in the park started complaining to me to shut the cat up. I just apologized to them even though I wasn't actually his owner.

After that, I walked away from E.J. but he started following me. I only let him followed me home since my first intention greeting E.J. was to keep him. At least Mikorin will have a friend and doesn't feel lonely at home when I'm not around.

Izuku nodded and we both continued to eat our breakfast, slowly but surely. My girlfriend was smiling all the time and every time I wanted to tease her, I saw E.J. glaring at me with his flashy golden eyes so I called off my intention, worried that he would scratch my face again.

Honestly, what the heck is this cat? I have never seen such an overprotective cat.

And he looks so scary...

Once we finished our meal, me and Izuku grabbed our bags and walked out of the apartment, heading to our next destination;


The only place we would feel safe from the stalker and Izuku's former classmate who I assumed was...

Minoru Mineta.

What the heck did he want from my girlfriend? Did he have a crush on her too?


I'm gonna make sure he gets what he deserves for hurting my love.


AN- I haven't udpate in like forever! Ahhhhh!!! Sorry! Has been very busy with school lately but today I skipped. (Cuz there is an event at school and I'm not interested)

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