CHAPTER 39 - Taken

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In the forest,

After saving Kouta...

Shinso's POV

Izuku was carrying Kouta carefully in her arms while I was on my guard the whole time, being cautious with our surrounding. We were running at our full speed, heading to the camp as soon as we could so that we could stay safe since we both were the targets.

Why are the villains after us?! Did we unconsciously make a contact with one of the villains?! Is that how they found this forest...?!

We really need to inform Aizawa-sensei very soon-

"Izuku-san! Look there!" Kouta suddenly whispered yell, catching my attention. I stopped my pace and looked at the direction he was pointing. There were two people, most likely to be villains. They looked like they were observing something-- no, maybe waiting for something.

Why villains have to be here?! It becomes difficult for us to walk past this place...

"Hitoshi..." Izuku called me out in worry as she hugged Kouta tighter protectively. "I know...." I whispered to her in defensive manner, spreading my right arm as a sign to protect both of them.

Since we are both their targets, we can't stay here any longer...or the villains will manage to kidnap us. We need to return safely, but how...?

If only I have my hero costume right now, I can fool them with my devices!

"Izuku, back down. We have to hide somewhere for now..." I told her in husky tone, tensed about this situation. Izuku chewed on her bottom lip and silently backed down like I said. Kouta was burying his face in the crook of Izuku's neck, trembling in fear. I also started stepping back cautiously.



"Oi, Dabi! I found da two brats from the target list! One not though!" One of the villains -- wearing tightsuit and a mask that resembled Deadpool -- exclaimed, his fingers kept pointing at us.

Damn it! Why did I have to step on a stick right now?!

The other villain with patched face and purple skin stared at us dangerously. I stood before Izuku defensively, gritting trembling my teeth in frustration.

"Good work, Twice. Our job become easier now that we have these two at once..." The villain called 'Dabi' stated devilishly, showing to us his evil smile. "Now, you kids, behave and come with us..."

Midoriya's POV

"Now, you kids, behave and come with us..." Dabi demanded, reaching out his hand to us. I put Kouta-kun down and got closer to his ear. "Kouta-kun, run." I whispered in seriousness. He lowly gasped.

"But, how about you two--"

"Just run away from here! At this rate, your life will be in danger too... Leave this to us. We need you to stay safe, please..." I held his small hand in my bigger one, smiling gently at him. Tears welled up in his big eyes.

I already activated my Full Cowl, getting ready to fight. I got up from ny crouching position, locking my eyes on the two villains. "Kouta-kun, now!!" I yelled, giving him a signal to run. Hitoshi was shocked since I didn't mention anything about this.

This is a quick plan I have in case we encountered villains on our way to the camp.

I dashed to the villain, clenching my fist and landed a punch on the patched villain to prevent him from attacking Kouta-kun. "Izuku!" Hitoshi hollered calling me out. "Protect Kouta-kun!" I commanded. Dabi crossed his arms in front of his face to block my punch.

I quickly distanced myself from Dabi while Hitoshi was trying to distract that villain named 'Twice'. I saw Kouta-kun's small figure ran rushingly from the scene. I mentally sighed in relief.

"So, what are you gonna do now? That kid will never come back to save you and this guy, Izuku Midoriya...." Dabi chuckled darkly, tugging a cynical smirk at us. "I don't care what happen to me, as long as Kouta-kun is safe." I replied, readying myself in fighting stance back.

We have no choice... But to fight!!


League of Villains' Hideout...

Third Person's POV

Minoru Mineta was leaning against the wall, smiling excitedly as he scrolled through the social media, displaying the name 'Izuku Midoriya' on it. He had been stalking on her for a while already, ever since he was expelled.
His obsession for her grew stronger over the time passed, to the point he began touching himself as he thought of her. It was the calmest feelings he had ever felt in his life. He didn't want just a temporary happiness, he wanted an eternal happiness. And in order to achieve that, he needed Midoriya in his life. Whether the girl liked it or not, he didn't care. All he wanted was her.

Mineta turned off his phone and walked to Kurogiri. He spinned the bloody knife he got from Toga. "Teleport me there, now." He commanded and Kurogiri just nodded obediently.

The mistman opened up his portal. Mineta chuckled devilishly and entered it,letting the dark, black mist consumed his whole being. 'Soon, Izuku baby, you will be mine officially~~' He internally sang before the scene completely changed...


After the gas clear...

Tetsutetsu lied down beside the villain called 'Mustard' who seemed tk be unconscious, after receiving a heavy steel punch from the steel boy.

"You might have defeated me... But you will surely lose this battle, you egoist bastards..." Mustard spoke up croakily, earning the two's attention. "Nah, we will win! Definitely!!!" Tetsutetsu exclaimed.

"Idiot... You think so, huh? We will see later... Once that sleepyhead and that Midoriya girl are taken by the others...." He said again in cynical tone before comepletely passing out.

Kendo's eyes widened at the newly-gained information. Tetsutetsu noticed her change of mood and stared at her confusedly. "Is something wrong??" He asked.

"Sleepyhead... Hah! Shinso and Midoriya were their targets!!!" She exclaimed, turning to look at her classmate. "What the-- You mean that sleep-deprived boy and that cute innocent greenette from class 1-A?!" He yelled from the top of his lungs in shock. Kendo hesitantly nodded.

"We have to find Mandalay! She can use her Telepath to warn everyone! Now!" She grew her hand 10 times bigger and held the villain. Tetsutetsu was about to get up when he fainted too due to exhaustion. Kendo sighed and picked him up too before continuing their mission...


Back to Midoriya and Shinso...

Dabi fired off a large-size blue flame to the two heroes wannabe but they managed to dodge his attack, just barely in time. Midoriya was getting more tired as the time passed while Shinso was trying his hardest to fool the villains. They were being extremely cautious with him especially, making it harder for him to use his Quirks on them.

"I told you, didn't I? Just behave and come with us, quietly..." Dabi approached the slightly beaten up Midoriya. "Izu--" Shinso was suddenly pinned to the ground by a happy Twice. "Yay! I got him! It is hard!!" He cheered.

Shinso struggled to free himself as he watched Dabi getting closer to Midoriya. The stitched villain took out something from his pocket and injected it into her, making her screamed in agony.


"What the hell did you do to her, you bastard?!" Shinso growled, gritting his teeth in hatred. Dabi only smirked evilishly at him, enraging the sleepy boy.

A portal suddenly appeared. Mineta walked out of it dramatically, letting out devilish chuckles. "Good work, you two..." He clapped his hands. Shinso's eyes widened upon seeing him.

"You are..." He gasped in shock.

"We have discovered two of the villains' targets!! They are two of the students-- Midoriya and Shinso!! Both of you should try to avoid combat and acting independently!" Mandalay's Telepath echoed in their heads. Mineta laughed at the news.

"They are too late! We already got them!!"

"What the hell are you doing here, purple ball?" Dabi growled. Mineta ignored him and picked Midoriya up bridal style. He sniffed on her natural sweet scent.

"You scum...." Shinso grumbled. "Well, if it isn't Izuku's boyfriend, Hitoshi Shinso..." Mineta mocked. He smirked and narrowed the gaps between his face and Midoriya's.

"She is beautiful, isn't she? Such a perfect girl... For me." The purplette kissed her neck to piss Shinso off. "Stay away from her--" Dabi injected him with the mysterious liquid too, causing him to lose his consciousness.

"Thank you, Dabi." He whined, also mocking his comrade. "Whatever. Now, we are done here. Let's go back." He rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Alright, sweet!" Twice cheered and they all entered the portal.

The villains' attack came to an end, with the evildoers winning the war...



N- Ahhhhh! Hey everyone! Had been a while since I update! FYI, I have three new books out soooo I will be happy of you wanna check them out XD

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