chapter 1

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I ran to home with my 3 friends , Alya , Nino and Adrien trailing behind me .
"Come on!" I screamed at them almost at the bakery .
"W-we're coming ." Alya panted as she and Nino dropped in front of me . I smiled at there exhaustion .
"W-wow you're fast." Adrien complemented out of breath .
"Thanks." I replied smiling .
"H-how are you not out of breath?" Alya asked standing up . I helped Nino to his feet .
"I'm use to running this fast." I said .
"Y-yeah by the amount of times you're late."Alya teased . I giggled slightly . I noticed that Adrien was staring at me .
"Yes. Adrien ." I said causing him to jump half a mile .
"W-what?" Adrien asked stuttering slightly .
"Hmm . Why were you staring at Mari ?" Alya asked trying to hold something back .
"I w-wasn't"Adrien stuttered going red .
"Dude you were " Nino chimed .
"Marinette we need to talk to you in private . Your friends can go wait in your room ." My parents announced holding the door open . My friends went up to my room .
"What is it ?" I asked them taking the seat opposite them .
"Umm . I don't know how to tell you this ." Mom mumbled .
"I'm not your biological farther." 'dad' stated .
My jaw hit the ground . " W-what"  I whimpered before racing of to my room holding back the tears . The tears stung my eyes a little . I burst into my room tears sliding down my cheeks . I forgot that my friends were there and ran up to my bed and diving under my covers .
"Hey what's wrong ?" Alya asked me coming up to my bed . Once again my jaw dropped .
"T-the man I've been calling dad isn't my dad" I whimpered .
Alya started to rub my back soothingly .
Adrien and Nino came up to comfort me .
"I m-mean I've known that he wasn't my dad but it j-just hurts ." I sobbed into Alya's neck .
"Shhh. It's ok " Alya said. 
"What do you mean ?" Nino asked forgetting my state .
Alya slapped him forcefully in the arm .
"Oww!" He exclaimed
"Come on Mari tell us ?" Adrien asked . I sighed deeply .
"Well. You see . Tom isn't my biological farther . I never met my real dad . " I explained sadly .
Adrien looked at me . You could clearly see the sadness in his eyes .
"Oh well . Let's go get something to eat." I told them placing a fake smile on my face .
Alya looked at nino worriedly .
"Mari . It is okay to be upset about things " Alya said taking my hand and looking at me .
"I'm okay . Really Alya . I've never met my dad before so it doesn't bother me." I told them .
"As much " I whispered to myself .
"Well then what are we waiting for then . Let's go with food " Alya exaggerated . I smiled about how she can easily do that . Turn my frown upside down.
"Let's go then"Nino said
"Where are we going ?" Adrien asked .
"Mari's favourite place " Alya chimed  . I smiled my favourite place the beach .
"Nino take Adrien home and get the things" alya demanded . At once Nino dragged Adrien out of the room and out of the bakery .
"Go get your costume on " Alya smiled and I  did so . I went into the bathroom and out my costume on . I was greeted to by an Alya in her costume .
My costume is mostly black . Alya's costume is black and white .

We met up with Adrien and Nino at the beach .
"Follow me " Alya demanded and we did so . We went to my favourite place . A little lagoon hidden by weeping willow trees .

"Wow" Adrien breathed as we sat in the lagoon . I put my feet in to the cold sea water . All my worries washing away . I smiled out into the blue horizon . Adrien took a seat next to me . I sighed and stood up . Adrien looked at me as if he did something wrong.  Without thinking I jumped . I jumped into the sea .
"Don't worry bro . She does that a lot when she's upset , depressed , confused or stressed " Nino explained .
"Ok" Adrien sighed . 
Alya soon dived in after me.  I broke the surface for air .
"You ok girl?" Alya asked swimming up behind me. 
"Don't know" I replied climbing a rock . I sat down on the edge just high enough to see the boys .
"We should get going " Alya announced and as she said that I divided in and swam to shore .
I snuck past the boys and grabbed a bucket . I smiled as Alya I put the bucket in the water an pulling it up .
"Boys look at this " she announced grabbing there attention.  As the y both turned I ran up to them and buried them with water. 
"Hey" Nino yelled as I dived back in the water . I broke the surface and giggled . I noticed adrien turn a little pink . Alya noticed to .
"What you looking at ?" Alya asked slyly. 
"Umm . Nothing " Adrien said turning light red . I smiled warmly as Alya joined me .
"You boys coming in or what ?" I asked splashing them .
They dived in . Well Adrien dived as Nino walked in . Adrien swam up behind me . I felt someone watching me so I went under . I dived deep in the water and swam to were Adrien is . I heard Alya giggle slightly as I disappeared . I broke the surface next to Adrien .
Adrien screamed as I floated next to him .
"Scardey  cat " I giggled . Adrien looked at me .

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