Annoying, Captain

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Hey guys, I hope you like the story so far!

Thanks for the reads too!


~Chapter 2~

"TCH" Oh God. I turned around to see Levi, with his arms folded and tucked up against his chest. "Who's the short one now?" he teases as he looks down at me.

I roll my eyes and I pursue to reach the blades. Stupid shortness. I suddenly saw an ivory hand at the corner of my eye. He grabs the blades and holds them in front of me, dangling them.

"Give them to me, Levi!" I shout. He rolls his eyes and holds them in front of me. I snatch them out of his hand. "Tch, Brat" he sneers as I walk out of the shed.

I walk to the end of the field, annoyed by Levi. I went to the end of the field, where a tree sat in a lonely patch of grass.

I sat down under the shade of the tree and I threw the blades up in the air. Catching each one, by one. The blade got stuck on top of the tree.

"Damn." I sigh to myself. I climb the tree, jumping from one branch to the next. I grabbed the blade and sat on the top of the tree. This view was undescribable. I don't know if it's death or beautiful.

I see the smoke rise above from the other side of the wall. How did our world become this? I wonder what this world is like outside.

"Cadet (L/N)!" I heard someone call out. I look down and I see Levi. I back flip off of the tree, landing on my feet in front of him.

"Yes, Levi" I reply. He looks a me with a non expressional face, again. "Why are you sitting around, Idiot?" he asked. "I have no one to spar with, I've beaten everyone" I sigh as I put my hand on my hip.

"You're pathetic, (L/N)" he sneered, as he walked away to his horse. Did he just call me pathetic? I ran over to him.

"If you think I'm patheic, I challenge you." I demand. Levi stops just as he was about to get on his horse. He turns around towards me so we are eye to eye.

"Challenge me? I'm a corporal you are just a mere idiot cadet, with a sharp tongue" he sighs as he held the bottom half of my face, tightly with his hand. He's trying to act all cocky. That kinda suits him. His eyes are so sexy... 'No stop!!!!!! He's trying to trick you!' I grabbed his hand and pushed it away.

"I'm just a cadet, who can kick the great and all mighty, Corporal Levi's ass." I whisper into his ear as I walked away from him. 'That'll show him' I thought. Levi came up next to me with his hands behind his back. We came to the middle of the field.

"Let's make this intresting, (F/N)" he suggests as he pulls out a real knife from is back. He throws me the knife. Erwin walks over to us, observing our argument.

Levi and I look at Erwin, to make sure it was OK. "No, don't stop on my account, continue" he insists.

I drop the knife in the space between, Levi and I. The rest of the squad come over to watch.

"Go (F/N)!" Petra cheers. "(F/N) has no chance against, Levi" Oluo comments to Gunther. Gunther gives Oluo a silent nod.

"Ready?" I ask Levi. "TCH, you've always been a pain in the ass." he hisses. I smirk at him as I get in my battle position. Levi gets in his position, ready to fight.

"(F/N)!!! (F/N)!!!"

I turn my head and I see Hanji on her horse racing towards me. I saw on the corner of my eye, Levi's fist about to punch me. Not today!

I aerial over Levi. Erwin gives me a shock look on his face. I go over to Hanji and I lean against the horse. "Yes?" I reply

General Pixis wants: you, me, Levi and Erwin at the wall, quickly!" she announces. This doesn't sound good. I give her a quick nod and she helps me onto her horse.

Hanji rides to my horse, I get on my horse quickly and I untie the rein. I grabbed my beautiful dark emerald green cloak, that bore the Wings of Freedom sign in the back. It was so beautiful.

I put it on me and I ride along Hanji to the wall, with Levi and Erwin behind.

After riding for a few minutes, Hanji and I make it to the wall. We see Pixis on the top. Damn old bastard. I can't waste my gas for this. Hanji and I stand on the horse saddles.

"Ready?" she cheers. "Hell yeah!" I shout. I took a quick look behind me, Levi and Erwin were getting off their horses, barley. Lame.

Hanji and I's 3D maneuver devices shot up to the top of the wall. We start to fly up the wall.

"Yahoo!!" Hanji cheers. "I love this thing!" I cheer. I suddenly saw a wire next to me. I looked down and I saw Levi looking at me, smirking. Damn him.

I was already at the top, where Pixis was standing and looking outside on the other side of the wall. Titans roamed free around the deserted city.

A disgusting sight.

"(F/N), Levi, Hanji, Erwin" Pixis greets. I barley notice they were all here. Levi stood next to me. Hanji was on the other side with Erwin. We all saluted General Pixis as he turned around.

"The Titan Shifter, Eren Yeager, has agreed to patch the wall." he announces. I look up at him, confused.

"I would like you four to fight along side with other cadets. Keep them away from Yeager, and draw them towards the corner of the wall." he orders.

"When will this take place, General?" Erwin asks. "In about 2 hours. I want you all to be ready at your finest." he replies, sternly.

"Yes, Commander." we all reply at the same time. "You're dismissed." he ends the conversation. We all start to head out.

"(L/N), stay here. I want to speak with you" he orders. I turned around and I went back in my place. I salute him as I stood there waiting for my orders.

"Rest cadet." he orders me. Everyone was already gone when I looked behind myself for a second.

"(L/N), I want you on a special force when Yeager patches the wall" he orders me.

I look up at him. "What force?" I ask. He looks at me with a smile. "I want you to go with the protection group to protect Yeager, I want you to make sure they all make it to the rock. After, I want you to kill the titans that are in Yeager's area or his route." he explains.

"By myself? Wouldn't you want Levi or Hanji to do it? I mean I've only been on Special Operations for a year." I confess. "Oh. So you don't want to do it?" he asks.

"No, I would love to do it. More than anything!" I reply. I mean to pass up on an offer to join the protection group to protect the Titan shifter?

Hell that is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! "Good" he replies. "Yeager!" he shouts. No way. I'm meeting the Titan shifter now. Hanji would literally kill me for this position.

The Titan-shifter known as "Eren" comes out. Where have I heard that name before? He has dark brown hair and teal green eyes. Ugh. His eyes are gorgeous. He was wayyyyy...taller than me. He looked my age. Which I was only 17. He walks up in a torn uniform with bare feet.

"Eren Yeager, this will be one of your protectors, (F/N)" he introduces us. Eren peeks up at me with a light pale pink on his cheeks. What's he blushing at? Me?

"Hello, (F/N), I'm Eren Yeager" Eren greets. "Hi Eren" I greet. He looks at my cloak and his face is in shock.

"Are you a.....Scout?" he asks, nervously. "Yes, I'm of the Special Operations, Squad Levi." I tell him. "It's an honor to meet you!" he gasps.

"(L/N). You're Dismissed its almost time" Pixis interrupts. "General. Eren." I dismiss as I start to walk to the edge of the wall.

I jump off the wall, facing them, smiling. Eren gasped as he saw me fall.

The wires fly out so I land on a building close by. I whistle over (H/N).

(She/He) runs over to where I am. I jump off the roof, landing on the saddle.

"You've always been a show off, (F/N)." I heard Hanji tell me.

"Whatever, I like to have fun with this. Have fun with life a little. You don't know when life will end" I tell her as I pat my device.

She laughs as we start to head to the stables.

"So..." she begins to say. "Hmm?" I ask as we got into the stables. We both got off our horses and began to lead our horses into their stall.

"When did you start to like Levi?" she asked as we walked out the stables.

Levi. I forgot. He's probably going to be asking why Pixis held me back. I bet he'll call me the usual names:

'Brat'. 'Idiot'. 'Piggy'.

But he's been calling me that for awhile now. I think that's when I started to like him.

"Ever since....we first met" I reply.


Chapter 2 Done!

Next chapter will be about how you two met!

So excited <3

Until next time.

Erena Out!

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