By Force Captain

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Enjoy this chapter!


-2 Hours Later-

Gear Inspection:

"You really shouldn't be out of bed, (f/n)." Hanji tells me as we walk to the dining hall where every cadet had their gear on the tables.

"I'm fine, Hanji, really." I smile. Rather I wasn't feeling too well. My head felt like someone shot me.

"Alright." She sighs then she walks to her place. I went to my place, where I was next to Mikasa and Eren.

It was really awkward due to their breakup.

"Ackerman, is clean." Niles of the Military Police spoke.

He then came up to my gear. Eren then poked me playfully then I poked back.

Eren stop it!

(F/n), come on its a joke....

Whatever, if we get in trouble then I'm blaming you.

Eren smirks at me then goes back.

Suddenly, there were two Military Police cadets at my side.

"Huh? What's going on?" I question. "(F/n) (l/n), when did you use your gear last?" Niles asks me.

"I used it a week ago." I reply. "You're lying, your gear from the looks of it was recently used." He explains.

"Excuse me?!" I shout. Niles shows me the used gear, and I gasp.

"Handcuff her, cadets." Niles orders the two cadets. "Oi! Get your hands off of me!" I shout, alerting Erwin, Hanji and Levi.

"Niles, what's the meaning of this?" Erwin asks. "Oh, your cadet killed Hanji's titans, and I'm just taking her to jail." Niels tells him.

The cadets forcefully grab my Hans then they handcuff them together. "Let me go! I didn't do it!" I shout. "I know for a fact, (f/n) wouldn't do anything like that!" Hanji argues.

Niles and the rest of his squad circle around me.

"We'll see about that, in court." He tells them. "Cadets, move out." He orders the cadets.

"This is madness! I wouldn't do something like that! Hanji! Erwin! Levi!" I call out to them as they dragged me to the prison carriage.

They threw me in there and I fell on the cushioned seat, thank god. Niles locked the carriage. I suddenly saw Yuri outside of my window, with a smirk.

She did it. "You did this?!" I shouted at her. She turned on her heels and walked away.

"I'll make sure you pay!" I call out. "I swear I will ki-" I began to say until my head began to fog up. I sat down on the seat, and I held my head in pain.

"Ahh.....Hanji..." I groan, sickly. "Oi, (f/n) are you okay?" Hanji asks me.

"Hanji..." I whisper as I try to pull myself up to the window, next to my seat.

My mind was sudden captured by the darkness and my world shut out like a light.

Third POV:

"Oi! (F/n)!" Hanji calls out to her fallen friend. (F/n) had passed out on the seat of the carriage.

"Niles! Let (f/n) go! She's ill, she needs to see a doctor." Hanji shouts at Niles.

"Tell it to the courts next week." Niles sneers at Hanji.

Levi then comes to the carriage and sees (f/n) in the carriage.

"Tch, I'll get you out. Just hang on." Levi whispers as he sees his beloved.

"To Sina!" Niles commands as the horses began to draw out.

The carriage and the cadets depart from the HQ.

Your POV:

-Wall Sina: Prison

"Huh? I?" I question, softly to myself as I sat up from the prison bed.

"You're in the Military Police prison." I hear a familiar voice tell me. I look to see Kyle sitting outside of my cell. The old aroma of mildew and death dances in the air. Now that I realized, I never really smelt this before.

"(F/n), are you okay?" Kyle asks me. "I..I don't know. My head is killing me, and I was just frames for murder and its not even 12 yet." I tell him.

"(F/n), its 4 in the afternoon." He tells me . "Huh?" I question. "You were out for awhile,you're in my custody so I get to watch over you. Though, I don't like the fact of you being in a cell. But that was the condition." He explains to me.

"Does grandpa know about me in here?" I ask. "Yes, he'd help us out but you know him with his reputation." Kyle sighs.

"Yeah, I know... " I sigh, until my chest started to kill me. I groan in pain, my body felt heavier and heavier.

"Kyle...I don't feel so well..." I whisper until, I blacked out.

Kyle's POV:

"Oi! (F/n)!" I call to my siater. I open the iron cell door. (F/n) fell to the cell's ground, hardly.

I held (f/n) in my arms. I felt her forehead. She had an indescribable feeling.

"What the-?" I question to myself. I pick up (f/n) and take her to the HQ infirmary of the Military Police.

"Oh! Captain Kyle!" The nurse gasps as she puts down her clipboard.

"Not now, my sister, she's ill." I explain to her as I lied (f/n) on the infirmary bed.

She takes her temperature then listens to her heart beat.

"Hmmm.....I need Aki for this.." She whispers to her self.

"Aki!" She calls for a nurse. Another nurse comes out with a pretty face and such a attitude that didn't match her face.

"Yeah?" She questions. "Come here." She tells the nurse, Aki. Aki walks over and listens to her heart beat then examines her body.

"Congrats." She sighs as she began to walk away.

"Congrats? On what?" I question.

"She's pregnant." She replies with a monotone voice.

"Pregnant?!" I shout. She rubs her ears then looks at me.

"Yeah, for about 2 weeks at the most. I can tell from her stomach." She explains before leaving.

"My sister is pregnant..." I gasp.

Your POV:

I began to wake up, all of sudden. I saw my brother talking to a nurse. Am I in the infirmary?

"Oh! You're awake!" The nurse smiles. "Oh...yeah, what happened?" I ask.

Kyle rubbed his neck. "What's going on?" I ask.

"(F/n)...I have no idea how to tell you this but..." Kyle begins to say.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"You're pregnant!" The nurse exclaims.


So many of you known that you were going to get pregnant soon.

Can you guys guess who's the father?

Give me you're thoughts?

Stay Kawaii


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