Down, Captain

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Hey guys here is the chapter!!!!


Those words...

I laugh rather madly to the short Corporal. Making everyone stare at me as if I just kissed a titan or something.

"What's so funny, cadet?" Levi asked. I looked at him, stopping my laughter.

"Did you get a cadet to screw? Oh! Or are you going to say you love her then fuck her best friend?" I laugh.

He stops what he was going to say next. "Oh..did I hit the nail on the head?" I smirk.

Levi glares at me. "Look, (f/n). Don't put the past into the present." Levi tells me rather bluntly.

God. He has some fucking nerve. "You know what, Levi?" I sneer.

I step closer to him. "What, cadet?" He asks, crossing his arms.

"I hate you. I fucking hate you. I despise you. You're fucking cleaning OCD shit is really stupid! You're so damn short its amazing that you can even get on your horse." I shout.

"Go run, now cadet." He sneers with a black aura rising around him.

"Why should I? Because you're my Squad Leader? Ha! That's a fucking joke." I laugh.

Everyone stared at me and Levi's conversation.

Eren gets up from him seat and walks over to me. "(F/n), stop this." Eren whispers to me.

"Oi! Jeager! Sit your ass down!" Levi orders.

Levi then grabs my arm and pulls me towards the foyer.

"Let go of me! You bastard!" I shout. He keeps pulling me till we get outside.

"(F/n)." He calls. "Levi, leave me alone." I sigh.

"Go, run then!" He shouts at me. "Maybe I will you prick!" I shout at him as I began to run my laps.

3 Hours Later:

2:00 P.M

"I'" I gasp as I run down the field.

Suddenly, I felt this feeling. My lungs were closing up on me. I tried to gasp for air but it felt like the air was poisoned to me.

"" I gasp and wheeze. Help...

Is there anybody there?

I've felt this feeling but I don't recall the memory.

"Help...*gasp*...any...*cough* any.. on.." I gasped and coughed for air.

Air. I yearned air to breath and live.

"Is..there anyone..the.r..." I whisper as I collapse to the ground, grabbing my chest.

"(F/n)!" A voice calls my name.

5 Minutes Earlier

Third POV:

"I hope (f/n) likes this." Kyle smiles to himself as he looks at the leather necklace with (f/n)'s (birth stone), the sterling silver wrapped around the stone perfectly.

Kyle looks outside the window as the carriage rode down the dirt road.

He suddenly sees (f/n) collapse in the field. "Stop the damn carriage!" Kyle orders.

The carriage comes to a stop and Kyle races out of the carriage.

He slides next to (f/n). "Shimai.." Kyle breathes.

(Note: Shimai means sister in Japanese)

"O..on..onii...*gasp*.." (F/n) gasps trying to call for her brother.

Kyle's eyes widen as he recalls this similar condition his sister was in before.


(You are 5 years old)

"Okasa.....Onni...*wheeze*.." The small and fragile (f/n) wheezes.

"Isaiah! Where is he?" Molly shouts to her husband.

"He'll be here soon, Honey." Isaiah replies to his wife as he races back into his daughter's room.

"Daddy..." (F/n) gasps for air. "Shhh...sweetie, you're going to be fine." Isaiah smiles as he strokes his daughter's (h/l) (h/c) hair.

"Kyle, what happened to (f/n)?" Molly asks her son.

"We..were playing tag then she started gasping and wheezing then she...collapsed. Mom! Dad! Is she going to be okay?!" Kyle replies, frantically.

"I hope. The d-" Molly says until a knock was heard at their door.

Isaiah races to the door and opens it to see Grisha Jeager.

"Grisha, this way." Isaiah tells the doctor. They both race to the small child's room.

(F/n) wheezes and gasps for air. "Shhh, (f/n) you're going to be fine." Molly soothes her daughter.

Grisha, looked rather somber towards Isaiah and Molly.

"She won't make it." Grisha sighs. "What?" Molly questions.

"Her lungs are weak. Very weak. She's been like this since child birth, I remember. I'm afraid she'll-" Grisha begins to explain.

"No!" Isaiah shouts

"Did you already give Eren it?" He asks Grisha.

Grisha's eyes widen. "Yes, I did. You don't mean..." Grisha replies.

Isaiah races out of the room and to the locked cabinet in the closet.

He grabs the small liquid bottle and goes to his daughter's room.

"This is my only way.." Isaiah sniffles.

"Isaiah, you know the consequences." Grisha reminds his long time friend.

"Molly, are you okay with this?" Grisha asks Molly.

Molly strokes her suffering daughter's (h/c) hair.

"Yes, anything for her." Molly sobs.

Grisha hands Isaiah a syringe. Isaiah injects the syringe with the drug.

"(F/n), sweetie, promise me that you'll take care of this power. You will learn how to control this all. And soon, I promise you. You're not alone. We're here for you. Just know your family will always be here for you." Isaiah cries as he hold out his daughter's frail arm.

"K..Kyle..." (F/n) calls out for her brother, softly as Isaiah injects the drug into his daughter.

-Flashback Ends-

"Kyle..." (F/n) breathes, as she falls asleep. Kyle brought his sister to the HQ infirmary.

Kyle stomps upstairs to Erwin's study, where Levi and Hanji were.

"That short fuck hurting my sister has some nerve.." Kyle sneers.

Kyle bursts through the doors and sends an ice cold glare to Levi.

Kyle grabs Levi's shirt collar and punches the Corporal on the cheek.

"Don't you ever fucking come near my sister again! You fucking short elf!" Kyle shouts at Levi.

Hanji gasps at Kyle's retort.

"Commander Erwin, I'm taking my sister out of the Survey Corps." Kyle tells Erwin, before he leaves the study.

Levi sits up from the floor, spitting blood on the floor.

"Tch, Stupid ass kid." Levi sneers. "Wait! Kyle!" Hanji calls outs.

"Why are you going after him, Four-Eyes?" Levi asks as he stands up.

"Look Levi, we've been friends for quite sometime now. But right now someone that I love needs me right now. (F/n) should stay here her skills are amazing and her heart. She soothes this cursed branch. So I'm going to get her back. Just so she knows that someone loves her."

Hanji says before she leaves a rather dumfounded, Levi.


Okay guys! Finally done!

Now, you may continue on to the rest of the story!


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