Fight Ice With Fire, Captain

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Hey Guys!!!


There will be an epilogue and sequel!

I would like to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for reading this book.

BTW: This is the longest chapter of the entire book so get some popcorn ready!


"We have to find Hanji, she has to know something about this thing!" (f/n) tells Jean and Armin as she makes her way to the roof of a house.

"I have a plan! Just follow us!"

Armin replies back to her. (F/n) nods and begins to follow the plan that was a laid in front of her.

Jean made his way to Annie, shooting out his anchor. She tried  to crush him but Jean went rigt past her ankles.


Annie looks down at the deserted street to see the patch of golden hair and blue eyes staring back at her. Armin looked at her with determination.

"Are you going to kill me or not?! I remember you making a wager against me! Here's your chance!"

Annie looks over to Armin, while she looked that way, Jean and (f/n) immediately tried to slice the nape of her neck. Annie crystalizes her hand and covers her neck. (f/n) pulls back, immediately going further away. Jean and her began to make their way through the streets.

"Armin! Follow us!" (f/n) shouts as she continues.

Armin shot out his anchor and followed the two. Annie glared at the trio and followed them down the streets of the city.


Hanji laughed with a crazed look in her eyes as she waited for Annie to approach her booby trap.

"Hanji-san, you're getting that look in your eyes.."

Hanji looked at the cadet, crazily with a chesire grin.

"I know."

Hanji stood up as soon as she saw Jean, Armin and (f/n) pass by her. She placed her foot on the barrel of anchors. Annie ran right into her trap. Before the anchors shot out, Annie glanced at Hanji with fear.

The thousands of anchors shot out into Annie's body. She fell to the floor, the cadets quickly through a spiked blanket over Annie.

Annie had seemed defeated as she lied on the floor. Hanji came down from the roof and walked up Annie slowly.

"Now, now, be a good girl and stay put!"

Hanji put her hands on Annie's eyelid, observing her big glacier iced eyes. She hovers a blade over her eye.

"Don't try calling your little titan buddies to come in devour you because you are far away from them. But now, I will be the one devouring you."

Hanji looks at her with a montone, sadistic face as she thinks of all the testing on Annie she will do.

"I'll suck every script of information from you that we can get out of you."

Annie quickly uses her leg to break free from the anchors. The scouts pull away and so does Hanji.

"She broke free?" Mikasa calls out to the regiment.

Annie got up and started to run towards the wall.

"Don't let her escape! Follow her!"

The rest of the regiment follows Annie as she runs down the street. (F/n) follows further towards Annie than the rest of the regiment does. She was not done with Annie, she needed her revenge.

"(f/n)! Fall back! You're too close!"

Jean calls out to (f/n). Annie quickly turns back and smashes a building with her arm. Cement rubbles fly throughout the air, Mikasa dodges them along with (f/n).

"Mikasa, come on!" (f/n) shouts out as she reaches for Mikasa's hand.

The two grab each other's hand and throw each other towards Annie. The girls managed to slice Annie's leg and arm, minorly. Suddenly, Mikasa goes too close to the ground as she attempts to slice Annie's ankle, Annie quickly kicks Mikasa's propelling anchor. Mikasa flies backwards from the force of Annie's strength, she tries to catch her fall as she is thrown back but fails.

"Mikasa!" (f/n) calls out as she shoots her anchor to a roof, trying to get to Mikasa.

Annie quickly grabs ahold of (f/n)'s anchor. (F/n) propels backwards, Annie holds (f/n) by her anchor. (F/n) dangled in front of Annie's face.

"It was YOU. You are the one who kidnapped me and saved me that day."

Annie grinned and grasped (f/n) in her hand. Annie grasped her with a tight grip so (f/n) can turn. But Annie's grip was crushing her little by little. Annie didn't give a damn. All she knew was to get the hell out of there with (f/n) at least. Annie found herself in a courtyard.

The sky turn green as a lighting bolt came down from the sky. Annie turned towards her direction and saw the bolt come down from the sky.

Damn it, I can't go back there empty handed

(F/n) heard Annie's thoughts. She was never able to hear another titan-shifter's thoughts except Eren's. Annie opened up her hand and saw (f/n), holding her ribcage.

Leave here now before you get hurt. Don't fight this time.

(F/n) looked up at Annie, with curiosity of her actions. Annie threw (f/n) to a roof as soon as the sky turned back to blue and the sounds of running came in hearing site.

(F/n) landed on the roof, harshly and gazed at Annie. Eren's scream pitched the silence throughout the ghost town city. (F/n) watched as Eren ran through the streets coming for Annie.

Annie turned around, knowing that Eren was going to give the first blow.


Eren sent Annie flying into the church as he gave the first blow. The head pastor looked at the destroyed temple, Annie sat up to only see the blood of civilians in her lap and on her hands. (F/n) watched Annie's actions, she seemed upset about the civilian's deaths. (F/n) stood up as she felt her ribs starting to feel better.

Eren, I'm going to help you.

No. Don't This is MY FIGHT!

NO, It's not she killed my family. She killed Squad Levi. She Killed MY Only Idea of family since Alexa!

Fine. Slice her up, (f/n). I'll keep her in the walls.


Annie began to stand up as she saw Eren rush towards her with furious green eyes. (F/n) flew by Eren and placed her hands on the handles to her blades.

This is for my family!

(F/n) came up her at an incredible speed, she quickly pulled her blades out and sliced down Annie's back, making a 'L' carved into her back. Annie slowed down for a second before continuing to run. Eren caught up to her, within that second. (F/n) fell back a bit to let Eren let his half of the fight in.

Hanji observed (f/n) and Eren work together. Jean and Armin stopped along with Hanji at a roof as Eren passes by.

"He's remaning control and so is (f/n)."

Armin watched Eren run after Annie.

"Yeah that's true, but even so (f/n) was never able to defeat the Female Titan in titan form and neither did Eren as well."

Hanji looks back at Armin.

"Yeah, but Eren chose to transform and (f/n) didn't. He wants to win, he is ready to fight her alogn side with (f/n)."

"Willpower itself can't win any battles! You should of all people know this, Jean."

Armin looks at Jean with a glare before Jean puts his head down to shame.

"Defeating Annie, will take a lot more to win this battle...."

Armin, Jean and Hanji continue to follow Eren and Annie.

"Major! An open area!"

The Scouts halt as they see the open area, their 3DM gear is useless. (F/n) goes onto a roof alongside, Hanji.

"Split up and make your way around the farther side!" Hanji orders as she watches the titans make their way to the open area.


Annie runs along the water streams, she runs her hand through a building, Military Police cadets fly out of the building. Annie and Eren make a tenseful gaze to each other.

Annie...You always acted like the world was unbearably stupid..You were bored but every once and awhile you would come alive.

Annie got into her infamous fighting stance. (F/n)'s breath hitched as she remembers that stance.


Now, Annie, Tell me. What are you fighting for that would cost the lives of all those people?!

Eren went in for Annie. (F/n) watched the fight between the two. (F/n) knew her fight, and what she was fighting for. She watched as Eren went to punch Annie, but she blocked his hit as she crystalizes her elbow.

"Female Titan, her powers are crystallization. That's where she is from." (f/n) remembers as she watches Annie fight.


(7 Years Old)

"Welcome Dr. Isago! Thank you for bringing me the last paperwork to the lab." The man in an all white doctor's coat, shirt and black pants announced as he saw Isaiah.

(F/n) hid behind her father's legs.

"Now, is this your precious daughter?"

"Yes, this is (f/n)."

"Ahh! How marvelous! The future shifter with talents beyond beliefs am I right?"

Isaiah nods, with a fake smile in order to pass off the phoney paperwork he just gave the man. The screams of women and men came into echo of the room. (F/n) clutched her father more.

"Daddy...I wanna go home..."

"Oh! Don't be worried now, (f/n). Isago, you should be bringing her here more often! She should be getting used to the sounds of people screaming, blood.."

(F/n) understood none of what the men were saying as her father closed her ear with his hand.

"Shut up! She doesn't need to know this for a few more years!"

The man laughs and pats Isaiah on the back.

"Well, she already knows my sibling so you burnt the bridge there. Besides she needs to know her comrades in human form before she transforms for the first time."

The man escorts (f/n) and Isaiah to another room, that was wooden but with knives, combat training dummies and more.

"Leonhart!" the man calls out. A blonde girl with icey blue eye comes out from the darkness and she has tears of sweat rolling down her forehead.

"Her father trains her everyday to hate the world, and she will be a great asset to me one day. Go on let her meet (f/n)."

Isaiah puts (f/n) down on the floor. (f/n)'s big (e/c) eyes capture Annie's cold eyes.

"Hi! I'm (f/n)."

"I'm Annie."


"Annie Leonhart!" (f/n) shouts as Eren throws Annie across a street.

Annie lies against the buildings, Eren runs through the houses to get Annie. But, she quickly runs away, as she runs she sees (f/n) out of the corner of her eye.

(F/n), we have to go back to our hometown...shit I didn't expect you to love Levi..

"Squad leader, even if we do capture the Female Titan, the entire city will be destroyed!"

"No matter what we have to do it. It's Erwin's final decision."

Hanji tells her cadet before she continues to observe Eren and Annie. (F/n) follows the two dominating titans, with a distance. Hanji watches (f/n).

"Armin, what's going on with (f/n)?"

"I have no clue. She's like captivated with Annie or Eren."


Death rottened the air as the Titans continued to brawl. Corpses scattered throughout the city, with blood on the walls of the now broken buildings. The city that once stood in glory was in decay. As Niles held the gun to Erwin, he thought over his decision of whether or not to execute him. These thoughts pondered in his head as he heard the sounds of screams from civilians to his own men. He knew what the real priority was in these last moments.

"Men, lower your rifles! Deploy all of you! Your mission is to rescue and evacuate any civilians in the city!"

The cadets responded to their commander. Two cadets handcuffed Erwin, from orders of Niles.

"Erwin, your punishment against your decision will be handled in court."

"After this, I'll gladly stand in trial."

Levi watched the entire encounter from behind the shadows. His silence was deadly, but in these moments all he had was (f/n) on his mind.

"Levi, stay here. You don't like pointless death."

Before Levi stepped into the carriage, he looked at Erwin with the same monotone face.

"You're right. I hate it. It's truly loathsome, no matter who dies."


The rest of Hanji's regiment including Armin and Jean follow after (f/n), Eren and Annie. Annie and Eren stare at each other in an abonded street, within their fighting positions.

As Eren rushed up to Annie with a fist, Annie crystalized her leg and swiftly kicks Eren's right leg cleanly off. Eren jumps up, despite his leg and punches Annie squarely in the face. Their fight sends shock waves throughout the streets. (F/n) clings onto a roof as she watches them fight but with every blow, (f/n) creeps closer to try and slice Annie.

Annie quickly keeps her balance in that moment, (f/n) quickly comes behind and slices Annie's stomach and the side of her jaw. Annie stops at this moment, and she remembers something.


Her father, calling her name as he hugs her. This moment only though buries Annie's heart. (f/n) heard Annie's thoughts. (F/n) makes her way to a roof, avoiding anymore conflict. Annie looks at Eren with cold eyes. Eren gets up from the floor, he charges at her with rage but she kicks him into a building, sending a wave of debris into the air.  Hanji and her regiment block their face from the smoke. (F/n) rubs her eyes from the smoke to she Annie's leg caught in Eren's mouth. Eren bites down deeper, her crystallization in her leg begins to crack as he bites down. Eren bites down harder, Annie crystalizes her hand and begins to bash Eren's face in. She screams in rage and agony with each hit.

(F/n) watches the brutal fight, Annie keeps her nape covered with her hand, crystalized.

"Damn bitch is smart.."

As (f/n) is about to fight Annie, she hears Annie once again.

Dad is the only one left on my side now...

For some reason, (f/n)'s head began to hurt as she was bombared by Annie's thoughts and her own. She crippled down to her knees, breathing in and out, harshly. Annie turned around and looked at (f/n)'s injured self.

I'm not leaving here without her..

Annie grabs (f/n) once more and continues to run off. The head pain begins to wear off of (f/n) as she notice she is in Annie's hand.

Eren..God Damn it, Get Up!

I will..kill every single titan every last fucking one.


A light struck Eren as a new sense of power came to him, his body lit up with rage and ecstasy as he began to chase down Annie. His eyes turned a glowing crystal blue.

"I'm not backing down, this time!"

(F/n) cuts Annie's hand open and shoots her anchor out to a building. (f/n) breathes, roughly as she watches Eren take down Annie from behind. Scouts and the Military Police cadets flee the scene as Eren hovered over Annie. He growled in anger as his body glowed like lava.

Mikasa arrived alongside, Hanji and her regiment.

"Eren!" Mikasa calls out and tries to go to his side.

"Stop! Don't go, in this state I don't think he can recognize anyone. Not even (f/n)."

Hanji pointed out (f/n) to Mikasa. Mikasa saw (f/n) with a blood coming down her forehead. Mikasa made her way over to (f/n), quickly.

"You okay?"

(f/n) wiped the stream of blood away.

"I'm good."

Annie sat up, trying to escape Eren. Eren's hand grabbed her face, squeezing her face until her eyes popped out from her head. Eren threw Annie's face to the side as if it was a piece of garbage. Niles and his regiment along with Erwin arrived at the scene. Niles saw the titans with a disgust but awe.

Annie screamed out in pain as she could not see.

My eyes..FUCK! I've got to get out of here!

(F/n) heard Annie cry out in pain physically and mentally. Annie quickly used Eren's boasting moment as leverage. She gets out of his grasp, by elbowing him and kicking him into a building. Annie sat up, standing barely she crystalized her fingers. 

Mikasa and (f/n) saw this, the two exchanged eye contact before making their way towards Annie. Eren emerged from the building as he saw Annie trying to escape.

"Is she going to climb the wall?!" Hanji screams out as the regiment tries to take action but stop as they see a familiar duo.

Annei grasps onto the walls with her crysal hands, she tries to see as she begins to climb. Eren charges at her as she climbs, he jumps up at hangs on to Annie, biting her leg in the process. Annie crystalizes her foot and kicks him off and continues to climb.

"She's going to escape! NO!"

(F/n) and Mikasa go on opposite sides of Annie. (f/n) goes on the left and Mikasa on the right.

"Now!" (f/n) calls out as Mikasa and her make it to Annie's hands. The two girls with great speed and timing, slices off Annie's crystal fingers from the wall. (F/n) shot out her anchor and made her back down the wall. Mikasa though stayed and watched Annie. Mikasa stepped on Annie's forehead.

"Annie, fall."

As Mikasa's foot left Annie's forehead, Annie fell down the wall. Her face showed regret and sorrow as she recalled her father. (F/n) made her way down to the ground where Eren was.

Eren, let me help.

Eren didn't respond.

Hello? Earth to Eren!

Eren didn't respond, again. He was clouded with rage as Annie fell to the cobble ground. Annie turned onto her stomach, trying to escape. (F/n) ran over as fast as she can, as she saw Eren tear away Annie's arm and head.

I'll destroy this whole FUCKING WORLD!

"Eren, don't!" (F/n) calls out to Eren trying to get a response of some kind.

It was dangerous to go to Eren's rage mode as a titan. (F/n) made her way to Annie's neck, Eren rips away Annie's flesh on her back. (F/n) pulls out her last sharp blade from her gear, as Annie's blood splatters on (F/n)'s face as she climbs to her neck.

"Shit! Eren's going to eat Annie! (F/n), get away from them!" Hanji calls out.

"(F/n)! Stop!" Jean screams out.

(F/n) holds onto Annie's muscle.

Eren! I'm going to kill her!

Eren stops as he sees Annie's comatose body in the titan, a single tear rolled down her cheek. (F/n) hovered the blade over Annie.

"(F/N)! DON'T!" Hanji and Armin scream out to (f/n).

But as (f/n) saw more into Annie's features she knew who she was.

"What happened?" Hanji questioned.

A large blue cloud explodes, practically blinding everyone. Armin looked and saw Eren fusing with Annie. Eren screamed out in pain as he felt his titan flesh melting within Annie's. Eren looked down and saw Annie beginning to crystalize.

Mikasa rushes down the wall screaming out Eren and (f/n)'s name. Just as she was about to go to Eren, Levi comes out of the sky, slicing open Eren's nape.

"Don't eat our only witnesses, you idiot!" Levi whispers as he grabs Eren.


The titans' bodies began to disintegrate.

Annie lied in a crystalized coffin, motionless. Jean begins to stab her crystal self, but is stopped by Levi.

The regiment spreads out to look for any injured cadets around the scene. Mikasa and Armin help an unconscious Eren up from the floor. Hanji and Levi observed the damaged wall , along with her cadets

As the smoke begins to clear from the titans' now corpse bodies, Hanji sees a body on the floor next to the titans, lying on the floor.

"(f/n)!" Hanji calls out.

Hanji and Levi go over to (f/n). The rest of the squad began to come over as well. Hanji and Levi kneel down to the (f/n). Levi turned (f/n) over so her body faced the sky. She was breathing, barely but not conscious.

"(f/n)? Can you hear me?" Hanji asked her.

As Levi examined her body her noticed something, it was different about (f/n).

"Four-Eyes, look."

Hanji looked to where Levi was motioning to. She saw that (f/n)'s veins in her arms were glowing blue.

"Let's get her and Eren inside for further examination." Hanji tells Levi.

Eren began to wake up and he sat up without Mikasa's help.


Eren looked down at the ground.

"Mikasa, where's Annie?"

Mikasa sighed, then Eren saw Annie in her crystal cacoon. He sighed, softly with defeat.

"Use the wires to make a net! Take her underground!" Hanji orders her cadets.

Two other cadets, carry (f/n) in a gurney, Levi walked along side them. (F/n) laid in the cotton sheet, her uniform filled with blood, rips and her boot was missing.

"(F/n)...did I hurt her?" Eren asked Mikasa, weakly as he remembers (f/n)'s voice.

Mikasa shook her head.

"No, but she's in a coma right now."

As the two cadets walk along side Levi, they come upon Erwin and Niles along side some other Military police cadets. Levi stops next to Erwin, Levi told the cadets to stop as well.

" I wouldn't call this operation a success." Levi tells Erwin.

Erwin continues to survey the scene and responds to Levi.

"No. Though, we've ensured the continual survival of the Reacon Corps. If just by the sink of their teeths."

Levi glances at Erwin then he looks at (f/n). 

"I hope so."

Levi and the cadets with (f/n) continue to walk. At that moment, Eren was surrounded by Military Police along side Mikasa and Armin.


Eren's head is wrapped around with a white bandage he recovered quickly. Mikasa, Armin and Jean all sat in the room with him.

"Where is (f/n)? Is she alright?" Eren asked as soon as Armin stopped talking.

Jean sighed, deeply.

"I don't know, no one is letting us or anyone see her."


The room was eerily silent, but the soft warm air came into the room. (F/n) had been changed into a tank top with pants. (F/n) slept quietly, the memories kept washing back and forth into her head. (F/n)'s body kept twitching, her veins glowed more and more as the memories came back to her.

Everything came back.

Her father, where he came from. Why he made (f/n) into who she is today. Where she was actually born. The people who saved her that day when she tried to kill Levi and Mikasa. Her sister.

The glow in her veins stopped as soon as her body stopped twitching.


"(F/n)? What happened to your eyes?"

(F/n) sits up and sees Levi in a black suit with a white shirt along with him was Hanji and Eren.

"What are you talking about?" she asks.

Levi tosses a hand mirror to her. (F/n) picks up the mirror to only see her eyes are different. Her eyes were now (e/c) with ice blue flakes in them.

"This is weird."

(f/n) puts down the mirror, and looks up at Eren who seemed at full health now.

"You feeling better now, Beast Boy?" (f/n) laughs.

Eren comes to (f/n)'s side.

"Yeah! I can throw a good punch still." Eren responds with a laugh.

Just as Eren punches (f/n) on the side of her arm, (f/n)'s skin hardens with a ice blue crystal shelling.

"Awe fuck!" Eren cries out as he retracts his now bloody hand.

Hanji and Levi look at (f/n) with amazement yet worry. (F/n) begins to panic as she sees her shoulder begin to turn back to its normal skin tone and soft skin.

"What just happened?"


There, finally...

It's been a long run guys!

I will be continuing after this in a sequel as well. But for now an epilogue is going to be the next chapter of this and then we are done!

Questions? Comments? Complaints?

Stay Kawaii <3


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