Leave In The Night, Captain

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Chapter time!

Let's see what Hanji has planned for you?

Alright, this is going to be a bit longer chapter, than last time.



(f/n)'s POV:

"Okay...let's get my shirts and pants packed...I should bring my sweatpants..." I tell myself as I get my (f/c) suitcase out and lie it on my bed.

"Still packing?" I hear Eren question me. I turn around to see Eren holding his brown suitcase. He sits on my bed and watches me pack.

"Sadly, aren't you sad though?" I ask, putting my shirts and pants in my suitcase. "Yeah, leaving Mikasa is kinda making me feel all weird inside, though." he sighs.

"Haha! That just means your going to miss her!" I laugh as I put the rest of my stuff away.

"Huh..that's true..Oi! What about you and Heichou?" he asks me. I smile at Eren, confidently.

"Well...I'm going to miss him, a lot. Like I feel sad just leaving him, but I know he's going to be fine...I hope." I sigh, happily.

Eren pats me on the head, and smiles at me. "Ugh..I swear, you're like my little sister to me.. I just feel like I have to protect you." he tells me.

"Eren, you don't have to! I can protect myself just fine!" I declare, happily, grabbing my suitcase. "Yeah. Yeah. I know but either way, I have to because of our 'bond'." he reminds me as we both walk out of my room.

We head downstairs to courtyard, where we see Hanji and a ten of her cadets waiting for us, in their green cloaks.

"Alright, guys! I talked with Erwin and I told him that you both are going to be with the judge for a little bit. got it?" she announces to us clapping her hands, together with a big grin on her face. I look back at the castle doors, thinking of Levi.

"Umm, Hanji can you give me a second? I forgot something." I ask her. "Sure! Just hurry up!" she exclaims.

I run back into HQ, and head into the infirmary. Levi lied in the bed, quietly, sleeping like his little innocent boy self. "Oh, Levi.." I sigh, happily then kiss his lips, softly. "I love you, know that. I'll be back soon.." I smile as I kiss his cheek, then leave the infirmary.

I head to the courtyard, where everyone was on their horse, I saw (h/n) with my suitcase attached to (her/his) saddle. I put of my cloak and I get on (h/n).

"Ready?" Hanji questions Eren and I. Eren looks back at the HQ. "I swear if that Damn horse face goes into my room..." Eren mumbles. I burst out laughing, over Eren.

"Let's go!" Hanji calls out to us. Her horse neighs at her call, and we all head into the night, riding to our new experiment.

7:00 A.M

Third POV:

"Aww...fuck...my head..." Levi groans sitting up from the bed and rubbing this head. He yawns, wearily and notices Mikasa on the bed next to him.

"Fuck, where's (f/n)?" he questions himself as he head out of the infirmary and to (f/n)'s room.

He knocks on it, roughly, but there was no answer. "Oi! (f/n)! Open this fucking door now!" he calls out. Until, he realizes the door was unlocked. He opens the door and notices the cool atmosphere.

Her room was pretty much empty, besides her furniture. Levi goes across the hallway and notices that Eren's room was the exact same, pretty much cleared out.

"Fuck...no." he growls. He goes downstairs and to the dining hall, where everyone was eating breakfast.

"Where is Cadet Jaeger, and Cadet (l/n)?!" Levi shouts at the cadets, making them all jump in surprise. Armin and the gang notice that Eren wasn't at their table as usual. Petra and the rest of the squad notices the same for (f/n).

Levi points at Jean and Connie. "Oi! Where's Jeager?" he asks them. "I...I..don't know, sir!" Connie answers for both of them. "100 laps for the both of you and after you can clean the stables!" Levi orders them. Jean and Connie's eyes widen and then leave the hall.

"Oi! Everyone! Get your asses to training then you have cleaning duty!"Levi calls out to everyone as he leaves the hall and to Erwin's office.

Levi bursts through the door, angered. Only to see Erwin and Mike in the office drinking tea, as he can smell the aroma of coffee.

"Good morning, Levi, have a nice sleep?" Erwin greets with a smile.

"Erwin, where the hell is (f/n) and Eren?" Levi asks, glaring at the blonde Commander.

"The judge wanted to see them both, I think they'll be there for the day." Erwin tells him, lying perfectly.

"TCH, fine.." Levi sneers before leaving the study, annoyed. Levi goes downstairs and back outside to the groaning, cadets as they see Levi.

"Oi! Everyone can go run 50 laps right now for groaning!" Levi orders all the cadets.

Erwin gazes out the window, watching Levi order around cadets.

"Mike, make sure Levi or Mikasa Ackerman, does not, find out about Eren and (f/n)." Erwin orders Mike. Mike takes a quick sniff of his office.

"Yes, Commander." Mike then leaves the office, following Erwin's commands.

-2:35 P.M-

(f/n)'s POV:

"You never told me that Hanji!?" I exclaim. "(f/n), its just for a little bit." Hanji soothes me as she puts away her stuff in the house.

We made our way out of the walls and into an abandoned, camp site, with three cabins. Hanji and I had our own cabin to ourselves, Eren had his own cabin that he shared with some other cadets.

"Hanji, you said we're going to be here for a few days, but for a month!" I exclaim.

"(f/n), you need to understand that you need to control your abilities, don't worry, I promise you. The quicker we do these experiments, the quicker we leave. Okay?" she soothes.

I sigh and look out the window to the blue afternoon sky, thinking about Levi.

Levi, just wait a little longer...

"Okay, let's get this shit done." I smile at Hanji.

Hanji claps her hands together, and hugs me. "Yes! We'll start tomorrow!" she cheers.

She let's me go and heads out of my room.

I sit on my bed and take out the picture of Levi and I in the grass fields. Hanji was taking pictures, when she found Levi and I sleeping together.

I smile at the picture as I see his sleeping face.

"I'll be home soon, Levi.. Just give me down time."


That's done!

Longer like last time! Woo!

How'd you like this chapter?

Okay, I've got nothing to say to y'all so!

Stay Kawaii

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