Mapping The Course, Captain

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Hello my fellow cadets! I hope you enjoy this chapter!

I'm sorry for not posting lately. I wished I could've updated around the holiday time but you know life happens. 




Levi pulled (F/N) back from the kiss. His thumb brushed against her lips and he peered into her shiny (e/c) eyes. 

"Idiot." he sneered as he pinched (f/n)'s cheeks, hardly. 

"OWWW!" she cries out as she pulled away from him and rubbed her cheeks. 

"What was that for?" she asked, mumbling as she glared at him. 

"You went after the Female Titan! Eren was supposed to go but you did instead!" he reminded her as he ran his hand through his hair.

(F/n)'s eyes widened at Levi. 

This guy...

"Let me get this straight. You are happy that I'm alive, but annoyed because I tried to fight off the Female Titan?" (F/n) asked as she walked a little closer to him. He nods agreeing to what she said. (F/n)'s hand hit her forehead as she called Levi an 'idiot'.

"Don't call me an idiot, idiot!" he called back, annoyed. At that moment, Mikasa heard a familiar voice as she walked from the plain of grass.

She walks over to see  (h/l) (h/c) hair on a girl who was arguing with Levi. Mikasa walks over to the two. 

"Captain." Mikasa calls as she gets to him. (F/n) turns around as she heard her friend's voice.

Mikasa's eyes widen as she saw (f/n). "(f/l)-(f/l)-(f/n).." Mikasa stutters as she walks closer to her friend. 

(f/n) just pulled Mikasa in for a hug. "Oh my god.." she gasped as she felt (f/n)'s arms, she felt her. Mikasa hugged back and began to cry into (f/n)'s shoulder. 

(f/n) whispers to Mikasa her condolences. Mikasa just hugged (f/n) a but tighter. "Okay, I get it! You missed me!" she shouted as she tried to get out of Mikasa's grip. 

"(f/n)?!!" Hanji screamed as she saw (f/n). (F/n)'s eyes widened as she saw Hanji following her was Eren. 

'Oh god, this is going to be a long day..'

------Le Time Skip To Later That Night---

The room felt empty as (f/n) looked around. Though the room was filled with her friends and commanders. She felt the emptiness as she kept looking at the spot once her fellow members were.

Her body shivered as she sat down, she looked across the table. She would remember Petra and Oluro teasing each other while Gunther and Erd drank their tea, watching them.

Their places were taken by Eren, Mikasa, Armin, and Jean. Levi sat next to (f/n) holding her hand under the table.


Erwin discussed the plan for the Female Titan's capture. "(f/n), you will be underground with the other cadets." Erwin orders her.
"No, she won't." Levi interrupts.

(f/n)'s eyes widen as she heard Levi."She's on my squad and she's the last one." he says, coldly with his usual monotone face.

Erwin nods and continues the discussion.

After a few minutes, the group departed from the cafeteria. This leaving (f/n) and Levi alone together.

"(f/n)." Levi calls her, which snaps her out of thought.

(f/n) turns her (e/c) gaze towards Levi. "What's wrong?" he asks as he held her hand that was on the table.

"I miss them." she replied. Levi knew who she was talking about, he let go of her hand. (F/n) sat on Levi's lap, wrapping her arms around his neck as she cried softly.

Levi held her, whispering to her "I know, I miss those brats too."

(f/n) pulled away from Levi, her cheeks stained with dried streams of mourn. Levi kisses her, on the lips softly. (f/n) kisses back with just as much force.

Levi pulls back and picks her up. He held her in his arms, like a child after spending a long day outside. Levi opened the door to his room, placing her in his bed. Levi sat on the bed, clutching his leg.

"You got hurt?" (f/n) asks as she sits up from the bed, crawling to his side. "Tch when we were trying to save you, Ackerman did a dumb ass move. I just sprained my ankle." Levi explains to as he held his thigh.

"I should be carrying you to bed, not the other way around.." (f/n) sighs as she runs her hand through his midnight hair. She begins to unbutton his top and take off all his gear.

"Tch, what are you doing?" he asked, grabbing her hand before she was able to take off the white shirt. Her hand in his grip, not tightly but not rough either.

"You need rest." she said as she gained her hand back and took off his shirt. Levi looked at (f/n) with an 'I'm okay' look. (f/n) ignored him and pulled Levi into the bed. Levi slightly hissed in pain of his leg, (f/n) pulled off his white pants and boots changing into his black pants.

(f/n) pulled the white shade blanket over him. She got up from the bed, changing out of the black dress and into one of Levi's white long sleeved shirts. She went back in the bed with Levi, only the candle light giving them the beautiful gleam to the room

(F/n) snuggled up against Levi. She wrapped her arms around his torso. Levi placed his hand on her forearm, his thumb rubbing her arm.

"You came back to me." Levi whispered just before he fell asleep.

"I told you I would." (f/n) whispers just before she falls into her slumber.

Hey guys!

So sorry for not updating for 2 months! I bet you all thought I was dead!

Anyway, I hope you all had a lovely 2015 year and have a great 2016!!!

I decides to update day before my birthday!!! I'll be 16 😊❤

I feel old......


Comments? Questions?

Stay Kawaii <3


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