Outside The Walls: Part 2

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2nd part guys!

Let's see what happens!


4 Weeks Later:



"Okasan! Otosan!" (F/n) shouts in her sleep, with teary eyes.

Eren and Hanji run into her room, and Hanji shakes (f/n) awake.

"(F/n)! Wake up! Come on!" Hanji shouts. (F/n) wakes up, with red eyes. "I...I...I'm...sorry..." She whispers. "(F/n), this has happened 3 times this week.." Eren sighs, rubbing her back.

"I'm...sorry...its just I have this memory every night.." (F/n) sighs, remembering her terrible and disgusting nightmare.

"Tell me about it.." Eren tells (f/n), taking her hand. "Okay, Eren..." (F/n) says then looks at Hanji.

"Its time I tell you something, Hanji, about my past.." (F/n) continues. Hanji gasps, them smiles.


Hanji sits on the bed next to Eren and they both, look at (f/n), waiting for her memory.

"When I was 7 years old, my parents were murdered..." (F/n) begins to say.

Flashback: 11 Years Ago..

(F/n)'s POV:

"Mommy...Daddy...*yawns*" I yawn as I walk to my living room.

"Yes, sweetie." Mommy replies, smiling at me. "Can you read me this, tonight?" I ask her holding up my (favorite/child's/book).

"Okay, sweetie." She smiles taking my hand. "(F/n), didn't you forget something?" Mommy asks me as she points at Daddy, who's reading a book and writing down stuff.

I run over to daddy, and tug on his long white lab coat. He looks down at me with a bright grin on his face.

"Goodnight daddy!" I smile. "Night, angel." He smiles then kisses my cheek. I run back over to mommy and we walk to my room.

I lie down on my (f/c) bed. Mommy tucks me in and sits next to me, I cuddle next to her as she begins to read (f/c/b).

Third POV:

Molly , walks out of her sleeping daughter's room, with a smile on her face. She heads towards her husband, Isaiah.

"I hope, she'll be okay." Molly sighs, to Isaiah as he finishes the last equation to his research. "I promise you, honey, (f/n), will be okay." He promises his wife, kissing her.

As they pull away, they both smile. "Still gives me the chills, every time you kiss me." Molly smiles. "Same." Isaiah sighs, happily.

"Is Kyle coming back, tomorrow or on Friday?" Isaiah asks his wife as she finishes the dishes. "Tomorrow, my dad gave him more time off.." Molly replies, as she dries off the plate.

"Okay, good. Did Hisako write back?" Isaiah asks, taking the small liquid medicine filled bottle and locking it in his cabinet.

"Yeah, she wanted us to come and visit Kenji, soon." Molly tells her husband as she reaches for the powdered sugar in the cabinet.

Isaiah immediately comes to his struggling  short wife and lifts her up by her waist, making her squeal a little as she grabs the sugar.

"Thank you, honey." Molly beams, kissing her husband on the cheek.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Huh?" Molly questions. "Its almost midnight...who could be here at this hour?" Molly asks her husband, who has a knife in hand.

He takes a peak out the curtains, and sees them..

"Honey, wake up (f/n). Take everything we can carry, they're here.." Isaiah orders his wife as he puts on the barricade to the door.

Isaiah collects all his research and stuffs it into his bag as Molly, runs to her precious daughter's room. Molly packs (f/n)'s clothes, quickly and puts her daughter's teddy bear in her bag.

"Sweetie...come on its time to wake up, let's go...honey..." Molly calls to her daughter, her voice shaking.

"Mommy..." (F/n) yawns, wearily, rubbing her eyes. Her mother, picks up her child and holds her bag in the other hand.

Isaiah adds the second barricade to the door as the masked men bang on the door, louder.

Molly, carrying her weary child in hand her bag in the other, rush into the living room. Her husband, holding his research papers and bag full of clothes, both make their escape out the back exit way.

The young family, quietly, run through the grass fields behind their house, Isaiah holds his daughter and bags. As for Molly, who holds the research bags and clothes, she slows down a bit.

"Mommy? Daddy? Where are we going?" (F/n) asks, as she notices her home, began to look further away.

"Honey, don't worry..." Isaiah soothes his daughter, stroking her (h/c) hair.

"The stables are due west, if we make a run for it now. We can make a quick escape and head to Wall S-" Isaiah begins to map out.


A sudden sound of a gun was heard. "Ahh!" Isaiah, cries in pain as his feels the pain shoot throughout his leg.

His leg bleeds through his pants. He drops to the ground, dropping his daughter and his bags.

"Honey!" Molly cries out. The group of 5 masked men, rush up to the family.

The masked men, drag the family back to the house.

They push Isaiah and Molly to the dirt ground and hold his daughter up by her hair, showing her crying face to her parents.

"Please! Leave her alone!" Molly cries out. "Mommy! Daddy!" (F/n) sobs.

"Leave my family alone!" Isaiah shouts at the men, holding a knife behind his back.

"You two, created a monster!" One of the men, sneered. "The devil's spawn! We must kill her!" The men shouted at the couple at they hold up their daughter.

"It hurts...." The young girl cries.

Isaiah stands up, with all his might and begins to fight the men, along with his wife who was trained by Military Police Officials.

"Run! (F/l)-" Isaiah begins to shout to his daughter. A knife is suddenly plunges into his abdomen. Isaiah coughs up blood, then drops to the floor, motionless. "DA..dad...daddy..." (F/n) stutters as she saw her barley living father on the floor, his blood splattered on the ground.

Molly glances to the side, hoping to see her husband still fighting. She sees the horrid sight of her dear husband, and her daughter, petrified with fear.

"Isaiah! (F/n)!" Molly calls outs as she slits, two of the men's throats. She rushes over to her husband, barley alive.

Molly collapses to the ground and places Isaiah's head on her lap.

"M..m.m...oll..y..." Isaiah, calls to his loving wife. (F/n)'s pure and innocent face was broken by terror and fear as she watched her father die, slowly.

"Y..ye...yes...honey...I'm right here.." Molly sniffles, up the uncontrollable tears.

"To..g...e..ther...forever." Isaiah, smiles, with blood covering his mouth.

Molly remembers their wedding vows,

'And so I will be with you, till the world stops and time stops ticking for us, we'll be together....forever.'

Molly's eyes, glisten from her tears. Isaiah looks at his daughter.

"(F/n)...I love you...fight..til....th..the...end..." Isaiah whispers his final words.

Molly, sobs uncontrollably. (F/n) being only 7 didn't know what was going on.

"Fight...DA...daddy...." (F/n) sobs, as she sat next to her mother.

"D..don't...worry....(f/n) let's go now!" Molly tells her daughter. Molly kisses her beloved husband on the cheek before standing up, and holding her precious daughter.

As Molly stands up with her daughter and research book in hand, two men creep up behind her.

One of the men, pull Molly's hair, causing her to scream in pain and drop the research bag.

The man stabs Molly's arm that held onto her precious daughter.

Molly hisses in pain and tries to hold on. The other man, pulls onto (f/n) and grabs her successfully.

"Mommy!!!" (F/n) cries as the man, holds onto the child.

"Let my daughter go!" Molly shouts at the men.

"(F/n)...fight for everything! Never give up!" Molly tells her daughter as she pulls the knife out of her arm.

The man holding (f/n) begins to run from the house. "Mommy! Mommy!" (F/n) cries as she watches her mother.

Molly cries a few tears. The man take sthe knife out of Molly's hand and stabs her in the stomach.

"Mommy!" (F/n) cries, as her mom collapses to her death.

(F/n) keeps crying for her mother as the man runs away from the house.

He gets onto the horse and holds the girl, tightly.

He rides to the entrance of the undergrounds, and begins to head for the ceremony.

"M..mommy...d...DA...daddy..." (F/n) sobs. "Shut up!" The man says as he, pushes the little girl against the brick wall, making her go unconscious.

1 Day Later:

8:00 P.M.

"And now ladies and gentlemen.." The announcers speaks out of the 20 men and women in the underground ceremonial area.

(F/n) sat on the sides, handcuffs on her wrists and she sobs softly to herself.

"Bring the 'beast' up here." The leader sneers. One of the men, unlock (f/n)'s handcuffs and clutches onto her wrist, roughly.

The men force the small child onto the table, and the eyes of nobles are on her.

"This ungodly like child, is a disgrace to humankind and here and now. We shall end this creature." The leader announce stops the nobles, who clap, cheer happily.

'Is anyone coming to help me....mommy...daddy...' (F/n) thinks in her mind.

The men hold the girl to the table.

"(F/n)!" A familiar voice calls out. (F/n) looks up to see her brother, Kyle on his 3DMG.

He zips down with 6 other Military Police cadets, and they fight the group of men holding the girl prisoner.

"Onii-Chan!!" (F/n) cries out as the men let go of the little girl, accidentally.

Kyle stabs two of the men, and looks at his little sister, who was about 10 feet away from him.

Kyle runs to his little sister and picks her up. "(F/n)....thank god...you're alive.." Kyle sobs to the young beaten girl.

Kyle looked at his little sister, her arms were covered in bruises and her beautiful (s/t) skin was taken away and replaced with crimson.

The young girl, sobs from the pain. "Shhh...don't worry..." Kyle soothes. "Oi! Guys! Let's get out of here!" Kyle orders them as he begins his way out of the undergrounds, wit the cadets behind him. Leaving a blood filled room a and terrified faces of nobles.

~Flash Back Ends~

"Oh..my god.." Hanji gasps at the story told by (f/n).

(F/n) sighs, remembering that day over and over again.

"I owe my brother, my life." (F/n) claims to Eren and Hanji.

"I'm sorry, (f/n)...for your loss.." Hanji apologizes, shedding one tear. "It's fine it was years ago...I just have to move on. Besides, I have an amazing squad. Great friends. Also, I have Levi, he's my love." (F/n) smiles.

"Well...if you need to talk anymore we're here for you." Eren offers. "Thanks, Eren." (F/n) cheers.

3 Hours Later:

(F/n), finally falls asleep after talking with Hanji and Eren for a little while. Hanji asks Eren to meet her back in her study.

"Yeah, Hanji?" Eren replies as Hanji sits at her desk.

"We're leaving, tomorrow." She tells Eren. Eren gasps, from her sudden comment.

"Finally! (F/n) and I get to go home.." Eren smiles.

"No, Eren. You are leaving back to HQ, (f/n) is staying here, for another few days." Hanji interrupts Eren's happiness.

"What?!" Eren exclaims. "I need her for more experiments, to train her for just another week." Hanji argues with him.

"Then I should be here too.." Eren demands. "No, Eren. I've gotten much information about you. Now I just need a few more tests with her." Hanji continues.

"Hanji-san.." Eren begins to say. "Eren, this is an order. Besides, you get to see Mikasa, again.." Hanji reminds Eren.

Eren smiles thinking of seeing Mikasa again. "Go get packed, you leave with my cadet at 7." Hanji orders Eren.

"Yes, Hanji- San!" Eren replies. He leaves the study and to his cabin.


Eren left early that morning. Leaving his beloved friend behind. "Its only for one more week..." Eren reminds himself as he leaves off with Hanji's cadet.

9:30 A.M:

After thoroughly explaining the situation with (f/n), Hanji smiles, happily. "I'm amazed you're so calm about this, (f/n)."

"Eh, all I know is the faster this goes. The faster I see Levi."

Hanji smiles and sits down next to (f/n) outside on the cabin steps.

"Have you heard from him?" (F/n) asks. "No, I heard him and a few cadets, went to Wall Sina, for a little while." Hanji tells her, truthfully.

"Oh.." (F/n) sighs. "Don't worry, I'm sure Shorty misses you, more than anything right now." Hanji assures, the sadden (f/n).

"Thanks Hanji.." (F/n) smiles the hugs Hanji, tightly.

"Let's get started with these experiments." (F/n) cheers. "Yes! Finally! Let's go!" Hanji smiles as she grabs (f/n)'s hand and heads into the forest with her cadets following behind them.


Hey! So this was kind of a long chapter...but I updated for you guys so ....yeah!

But, anyway, I'll update again soon! And you'll be coming home very...soon!

How was this chapter?

Alright then!

Until next time!

Stay Kawaii


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