PCS, Captain

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Worst thing in the wholesoon :)ld!

PCS Levi is here...great....

Well! hope you enjoy this chapter!


Hours Later- 6:35 P.M.

"Levi! Have mercy! Give us a break!" I plead when I walked into a bedroom he was cleaning. "TCH, you're all lazy. I swear.  Tell everyone to go find their bedroom and then meet in the dining hall for tea." he tells me as he wipes the window pane.

"Okay." I reply. "Eren and I get the floor downstairs to ourselves right?" I ask. "TCH, yes." he sighs. I walk out of the room and I head downstairs.

Eren and I had a floor all to ourselves, being that Levi doesn't want me to sleep in the basement. So he put us on the floor below all the squad's bedrooms.

It was cool though there were only two bedrooms on the floor Eren and I were on. I of course got the biggest one.

I walked into my new bedroom. The room was way bigger than my last one and it had a balcony with a large window with a view of the grass plain.

I step out to the balcony and sigh happily. "Beautiful."

"Hmm, I should clean a little more before I make tea." I told myself. I began to clean up the room a little bit before I head to the kitchen.

It was absolutely spotless. "Levi." I laugh as I thought of him. Everyone else was cleaning still but night was just about to rise upon us.

Hmm....Tea with Honey sounds nice. I get a tea kettle out and I began to work my magic.

20 Minutes Later-

8:45 P.M.

"What'd you put in the tea, (f/n)?" Gunther asked as I poured everyone tea in their tea cup. "Honey." I reply, before sipping my tea. "How do you make such wonderful tea?" Petra asks, with a smile.

I shrug my shoulders and Levi's gaze catches me. He smirks a bit and drinks his tea. He leans back on his chair, relaxing. "I heard the new cadets are coming in soon!" Petra announces. "If there's any." Gunther comments.

"I'm sure there's going to be a number of them or so, knowing that we have a ray of hope." Erd tells us. Everyone darts their eyes at Eren and I.

"Will you stop staring? Its creepy." I tell them. They all stop and Levi just glares at Eren. Well, we were sitting next to each other I would wonder why.

"(f/n), Eren, what's it like to become a titan?" Erd asks, out of the blue. Eren and I exchange glances at each other.

"The memories aren't vivid, but I know what triggers us to become a titan is self-harm like if I bite my-" he starts to explain.

"Oi, you all remember the rules, don't ask them that type shit." Levi interrupts as he drinks his tea. "Besides, it won't take her that long to find out." he adds in.

"What? She!" Eren exclaims. Oh god. I know who he's talking about.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Petra takes the barrier off the door and Hanji walks in casually. "Ah! Hello Squad Levi!" she greets, happily. "That didn't take long." Levi comments. "Who's that?" Eren asks me. "Oh! That's Hanji she's the titan researcher here, she loves titans, actually let me rephrase that she's obsessed with them." I reply.

"Oh." Eren managed to say. "Well! I came here to ask Eren and (f/n) to perform their first experiment tomorrow!" she announces as she walks over to us. "Uh...Ummm...." I mumbled.

"We really don't have the authority to say what we do." Eren answers. "Levi! What are (f/n) and Eren's schedules tomorrow?" she asks Levi, loudly.

"Cleaning the yard." he replies, coldly. "Perfect!" she cheers. "Um, Hanji, I'm sorry for asking but what are these titan experiments?" Eren asks. "Eh?" she questions him.

"Shit, don't ask again, Rookie!" Oluo comments. Hanji grasps Eren's hand and looks at him in wonder. "Ahh!! I knew you'd be curious!" she smiles.

Levi starts to get up, including me. You know what they say follow the leader. We all walk out of the dining hall, as Hanji began to talk to Eren.

"Goodnight, (f/n)!" Petra smiles as she makes her way to her room. "Night, (f/n)" Erd sighs as he goes into his room. "Nighty Night!" Gunther laughs as he heads to his room. "You can always sleep with me, (f/n)." Oluo smirks. Until, Levi twists his arm and shoves him into his room.

"I wanted to do that." I pouted. "Too bad, come on, let's go to my room." he smirks. He takes my hand leads me down the hallway. He opens the door do his new and stocked study.

It was really nice because there was a huge window in the back of his desk. He leads me into the connecting room. The bedroom was huge. His same dark charcoal and midnight blue canopy bed was against the window. The room had a carpet , couch, fireplace and a few book shelves. There was a bathroom connecting to the bedroom.

The room was amazing as always. I barley realized there was piano in the corner of the room. "You play?" I ask pointing at the piano. "Yeah, I'm going go take a shower, stay here." he replies. He goes into his bathroom and locks the door.

I look through his book shelf bored as hell. Until, I felt wet arms wrap around me from behind. "Oh!" I gasp. "Tch , what were you doing? Snooping?" he asks me, while kissing my shoulder. "I..I wasn't Levi! Besides, I've got better things to do." I sigh, trying to leave from. his grip. He just holds on to me even tighter and begins to unbutton my top.

"Levi.." I warn. "Shh.." he whispers into my ear before he turns me around to face him. He was still a little wet, as I could tell from the water from his hair. He wore his black sweat pants and a white t shirt on.

He kisses me softly on the lips, and then deepens the kiss. His hands run through my hair as we kiss. He suddenly picks me up by my legs and we fall onto the bed together.

He starts kissing me on my neck, making me blush, scarlet. "Mm, I like seeing you with your face like that." he smirks before he starts kissing my collarbone.  

She talks so much. How am I going to survive this!? I thought her talking about experiments was only going to be for a few hours! Its already midnight!

Why can I hear Eren's thoughts, right now?! "May I?" I hear Levi ask me as he tugs on my bra. I look up to not see Levi hovering over me but Eren.

I jump up from surprise and fall off the bed. "Oi! What's wrong?" he asks. I look up and I see Levi again. What I just saw Eren.. and oh god.

"You know, Levi, I'm really tired right now. *fake yawns* and I'm going to bed, see you in the morning!" I say, quickly before leaving his room.

What the hell just happened!? A hallucination of Eren! What is wrong with me! Then again Eren was talking in his thoughts. Does this have to deal with us both being titan shifters?

While I ask myself all these questions, I go in search of Hanji and Eren.

I finally found them in the dining hall.

"Hanji!" I call as I ran down to them. "(f/n), did you by chance come downstairs at all, earlier?" Eren asks. "No! Did you have a hallucination too?" I ask, frantically. He nods and then we both dart our eyes at Hanji.

"What happened?" she ask, pulling a chair out for me. I sit down and explain everything, except the part when Levi and I were making out. Eren explained his part, apparently, when Hanji was talking Eren was thinking aloud.

"So you two can hear each others thought?" she asks, rubbing her chin. "Yes, well I can control titans.." I confess. "What!? No way!" she shouts. "Yes way, anyway, when I first met Eren as a titan, that's when we first- " I started to say.

"Stop! Come to my office you two, I think I might know what the problem is." she interrupts me.

We all get up and follow her to her office.

Wondering what the hell is going on.


Phew! That was kinda fun!

Levi! Stop being jealous! Ha!

Anyway! What do you think is wrong with Eren and you?

PS: For those flower crown Levi lover people, you'll be seeing him soon :) Don't get mad at me for not showing him yet....

Whatd you think of this chapter?

Good? Bad? Amazing? Terrible?

See you next time

My Kawaiis!

❤~Erena ~❤

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