The Day After, Captain

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Awake Reader!

Awake!!! Its time for morning!!!

Lol as you can tell by the chapter name :P




(F/n)'s POV:

The birds chirp sweetly as I woke up. Ugh..I feel so sore...

What the hell happened last night? My vision cleared up finally and I see I'm in a bed room. Oh that's right.

Levi and I...

I blush at that moment from the memories of last night. I sit up, slowly from the bed, feeling sore. I can hardly feel my legs. I glided my hand across the comforter hoping Levi would be right next to me.

"Strange, I thought he'd be here.." I sigh, heavily as I see he's not there. I suddenly feel warm arms wrap around me from behind. I yelp in surprise.

"TCH, calm down its just me." Levi whispers in my ear. I turn around to see Levi, dressed in black sweatpants with no shirt on. "Good Morning.." I greet, nervously.

He kisses me softly on the lips. "Good morning, here I brought you coffee." he tells me, as he hands me a mug. "Thanks.." I mumble taking a sip of the coffee. "Alright, what's wrong?" Levi asks, concerned as he puts both of our mugs on the end table.

"Nothing, I feel" I start to reply, nervously. "Idiot, of course you're sore, we had sex last night." he said, bluntly.

Wow, so blunt. I pictured him as the shy type person.

"Ugh, you're so blunt, Levi!" I groan as I look at the sheets. There was a blood stain on the charcoal gray sheets. "Um.." I mumble, embarrassed. "TCH, stop it, its fine.." he soothes me holding me in his arms. I pull the sheet up to cover my naked body.

"I wanted you're first time to be with me. I want all your firsts to be with me.." he whisper, into my ear.

I pull back from his embrace and kiss him on the cheek. "All my firsts?" I question. He gets up from the bed taking his mug with him. "Yeah, you're first time, first kiss-" he starts to say.

Levi? Does he really think he was my first kiss?

"What's with that stupid face?" he asks me. I pop back into reality and look up at him. The sun shined perfectly on Levi's shiny raven hair. So sexy.

"Well you fell in love with this stupid face." I smirk. "Touché." he sighs placing his mug on his dresser. "Well, I'm going to my room." I tell him as I stand up from his bed. "Why?" he asks, crossing his arms. "Well...I don't want them to see me coming out of your bedroom.." I reply putting my bra and panties back on. "What's so bad if you come out of my bed room?" he asks, watching me.

"Because it's your bedroom, and I don't want an interrogation this earlier in the morning." I huff as I put my sweat pants on. "TCH, fine." he sighs. "Good, now hand me one of your shirts." I demand.

He looks at me with a questioning look. "You ripped my top now hand a shirt over." I demand again. "No. I just washed them." he replies. Levi, I swear..

"Fine then I'll just go out into the hallway, flashing my lace bra out to the rest of the squad. Oluo's going to have a nice show for him." I smirk as I begin to head for the door. Levi pulls me back and pushes me up against the door and forces me into a kiss.

"Never threaten me like that." he sighs. I roll my eyes at him. He grabs a white T-shirt from his drawer and pulls it over me.

"I only want to see you like that. No one else can see you like this. Not Oluo, Erd, Erwin, or even Yeager." he growls. "Levi, I would only show you all of me. No one else." I sigh.

"Besides you can't take a little joke?" I smirk as I open the door. Levi kisses me on the forehead before I leave.

"I'll see you in the dining hall." he tells me. "Okay. Bye Levi." I smile. He waves faintly and walks back into his bedroom.

I walk down the stairs, quietly trying not to wake anyone up. Its quite. Almost too quite. I make my way to my bed room and sigh, relieved.

I smell the fresh smell of lemon on the shirt collar. I take a nice breath in. "No wonder why he always smells like lemon.." I laugh. I don't know why. But I feel so happy now.

Was it because of Levi? I feel myself blush at the thought of him. "Ugh, stop (f/n)! It's time to be serious!" I lecture myself. I take off Levi's shirt and head to my bathroom.

~Time Skip Brought To You By Levi's Lemon Detergent!!~

I changed into a (f/c) tank top and (f/c) jeans. I knew for a fact after any mission or expedition we had a day off. Thank God!

I put on a clear lip gloss and I walked out of my room with my (f/c) (shoes) on my feet. I made my way down stairs, casually. My (h/l) (h/c) was down today, not caring about hairstyles today.

I walked into the dining hall, with a stupid grin on my face. Petra, Hanji, Erd and Gunther were already in the dining hall. They were all in their normal clothes. "Hi guys!!" I greet as I ran over to the table. "Wow." Gunther gasps then blushes.

Eh? What's up with him? "(F/n), you seem so happy and pretty today." Petra points out at my good mood. "Well..Its because its a beautiful day of course! I'll be right back, I'm going to get something to eat." I blurted out before running to the kitchen.

Geez, (f/n) so fucking happy? They're going to know something's up. I roll my eyes and I grab a stack of pancakes, a few pieces of bacon and a bowl of fruit. Hmm...

I rush back to the dining hall and I plop between Hanji and Petra.

"You're eating a lot today." Erd points out. "Well, yeah, I'm starving.." I tell him as I take a bite of my food. They all look at me suspiciously.

"Something happened between Levi and (f/n)." Hanji whispers to them. What!?! How does she know? I knew I should've tamed my inner happiness today!!!

"So...(f/n)..." Hanji starts to say. I look up at her, questioning her stupid grin on her face. I don't like that face..She only has that face when

A. Being around titans


B. When she wants to finding something out about someone or something'

I'm screwed. "Oi! Four eyes! Erwin's calling you!" I heard a cold voice shout. I look up and I see Levi in a white T-shirt with black pants and black shoes.

"Munchkin!" Hanji teases as she gets up. "This isn't over." Hanji warns me. "Crap..." I sigh. Hanji leaves the dining hall along with Levi.

"What are you guys going to do today?" I ask them. "Going to see my family." Petra cheers. "Dunno." Gunther sighs, bored. "Going to see the judge." Erd sighs. "You?" Erd asks me.

"I'm going to be in Sina, on the hunt for a bakery there. I want this walnut fudge." I beam. "Sounds like you." Petra laughs. "Well, I'm off, I'll see you tonight!" I call out as I leave the dining hall.

I go to my room to grab my money pouch and I tie it to my belt loop.

I rush downstairs and outside. The streets were kind of busy as usual. I see Levi talking with Hanji, Erwin and Eren. "(f/n)! Good morning!" Eren cheers as he sees me. Eren was in a normal cream shirt with dark brown pants and shoes."Morning Eren!" I greet, happily. "What's up?" I ask. "Oh they're seeing who gets to 'baby sit' me." he sighs.

I turn towards them all. "Hey, Erwin can I take Eren?" I ask. Erwin smiles at me, relieved. "Go ahead, that solv-" he was about to say. "He's not going with you." Levi interrupts. I look at him.

"Why not?" I ask. "You are going to be with me today, brat." he declared. He grabs my arm and pulls me down the street. "Levi! Let go!" I shout. "Stop yelling, its annoying. " he sighs. He let's my arm go and we walk into the stables. He takes out his horse and mounts him.

He somehow manages to get on his horse. How does he do that?

"Come on." Levi calls me out of thought. He holds out his hand to me and I get on the horse. "Hold on." he mutters to me. I wrap my arms around his waist and he rides off to Wall Sina.

~Time Skip: Brought To You By A Magical Horse ~

6:15 P.M.

"I told you not eat that much fudge." Levi lectures me as we walk slowly to the house. We spent the whole day together. Not much talking. But he did buy me a white rose from a floral shop. Then we got lost. And I practically ate almost a pound of fudge.

"Shut it, Levi." I moan, sickly. I trudge down the street, with Levi having one arm around my shoulders. "Ugh, why did eat that stuff..." I sigh.

"TCH." Levi sneers. "You know your commentary is not needed." I mention as I walk into the house. "(f/n)! You're back!" Hanji squeals from the dining hall. She rushes over to me and drags me to the dining hall with the rest of the squad. She forces me to sit next to her.

"Are you okay?" Eren asks me. "Yeah, you look pale." Gunther adds in. "I don't feel very good. I ate too much fudge." I sigh. "Oh, well, come on. I'll take you to your room." Eren offers. "Thanks." I smile as I get up. "She's dodging me..I'll find out what happened yesterday!" Hanji mumbles to herself as I walk out of the dining hall with Eren.

"So what did you do today?" I ask. "I went to go see Armin and Mikasa." he tells me. "You know you've got a lot of love for her." I tell him, as we walk upstairs. "Yeah, I know...well..actually." he starts to trail off. "What is it?" I question.

"I love her." he confesses, blushing. "Finally!!" I squeal as we came closer to my  room. "Yeah...I just never got the nerve to tell her yet." he tells me. "You should tell her soon, besides I think she loves you too." I smile.

"I know." he sighs. "Oi! Eren. (F/n)." Levi calls out. I turn around to see Levi with his arms crossed and staring at Eren and I. "Yes, Captain?" Eren answers. "Go clean the dining hall." he orders. Eren sighs and leaves the hall way, leaving Levi and I, alone.

"Come on." Levi calls me as he heads to his bedroom. I quickly grab my long (f/c) shirt  from my bedroom and I rush to his room.

Levi starts to take off his clothes. I watch him, biting my lip. "Oi, I'm taking a shower. Want to join?" he asks me. I snap back into reality. "Can I?" I murmur, blushing. "Idiot, I asked you didn't I?" he smirks, going into his bathroom. I strip out of my clothes and I follow him.

The bathroom was all white and classy. The bathtub was porcelain. Little rich boy. The shower runs loudly. I saw a foggy figure of Levi in the shower.

I nervously walk closer to the shower. I open the door to see Levi with dripping wet. The water running down his body, perfectly. He pulls me into the large shower. The warm water makes my skin prickle as it hits my skin.

"You're dirty." he sneers at me. I gape at him.

"Let me wash all that off." he whispers, seductively into my ear, making me weak at my knees. He kisses me on the lips, as the water hits are faces. His tongue softly glides across my upper lip.

Making me feel all fuzzy inside. He pushes me up against the cold white tile wall. He kisses me again, harder. Letting his tongue and mine intertwine.

He pulls me away and sucks on my neck, roughly. "Ngh..Lev..I.." I moaned, softly. I suddenly I feel him nip at my neck a little. "Ow! Levi" I yelp. He places a finger on my lips and looks me in the eyes. His silver gray eyes meeting my (e/c) ones.

"I love you, idiot." he spoke, softly. "I love you, too." I smile and kiss him on the lips.

"Alright, let me wash you, if we stay in here any longer we'll age 50 years." he sighs. "Way to ruin a perfect moment." I sigh. He clicks his tongue and grabs a bar of soap from the shelf.

~Time Skip!~


"Stop it!" he whines. "Quit whining! You'll get a cold if you don't dry your hair!" I warn him as I dry off his hair. I changed into my shirt and clean panties. Levi wore his black boxers and a white T-shirt. I already dried off my hair and I left it down, lazy to put it in a ponytail.

"Okay...and done!" I cheer as I dry off the top of his head. He turns around to me and pins me down to the bed. "Payback." he smirks. He kisses me on the lips, softly and gets off of me. He grabs our towels and puts them in a basket. I lie on his bed, lazily, putting my hand on my stomach and the other on the pillow.

Levi plops down in bed next to me, with his arms tucked behind his head. I lie my head on his chest. I wrap my arms around his neck and I listen to his heart beat.

"Levi?" I call him, softly. "Hm?" he replies. "Keep this beating." I whisper, softly.

"For you, always." he replies, stroking my hair. I blush, feeling that butterfly feeling in my stomach again.

I yawn, wearily as I snuggle up to him. "Go ahead and sleep." he insists as he begins to sit up. "Where are you going?" I ask, letting him go.

" I have to do some paperwork, don't worry I'll be back." he replies. He pulls the blanket over me and kisses me on the forehead.

"Goodnight, (f/n)." he whispers as he walks gets up from the bed and walks into his study.

Goodnight Levi...

I close my eyes, wearily and fall asleep.

Levi's POV:

I sat on my desk chair going over the last few documents. I smirk as I remember what happened on this desk with (f/n).

I love her. I never knew that I could love again after going through hell losing Isabel. I never knew that just with one smile on (f/n)'s face can make my heart race.

Stop yourself now Levi. Get back to work!

I sign off on the documents until I hear a knock on my study door. "Name. Business." I call out.

"Erwin." he replies. "Come in." I sigh. He walks into the study and closes the door behind him, loudly. Idiot!

"Can you be any fucking louder?" I ask, annoyed. "What's with the attitude?" he asks, sitting down on the chair in front of me. I point to my bedroom door.

"Oh, sorry. So, the almighty Levi actually has a heart." he smirks.

"Tch, what do you want?" I ask, even more annoyed.

"You know ever since you've been with (f/n), you've been turning back into your normal self." he tells me. I roll my eyes at read the paperwork in my hands.

"I just want to ask, why'd you do her when she came back?" he asks. I look at him, confused.

"If the person your love 'died' and then came back, wouldn't you want to make her yours. So no one can touch her?" I reply. Erwin chuckles at my answer.

"Wow, she's giving you a heart."

I click my tongue, annoyed and I put down my paperwork.

"Okay, well I came to tell you the plan for relocating tomorrow to the former Survey Corps HQ." he tells me.

He lays out a map on my desk and begins to explain the plan.

3 hours later:

Erwin leaves the room after talking, non stop about the plan and my relationship with (f/n). Why is he so fucking curious?

I know he's the only one I told that I made love with (f/n). But come on!

I make my way go my bedroom. I walk in and close the door behind me.

I see a beautiful sight as I look at my bed. (F/n) sleeping peacefully, her beautiful (h/l) (h/c) hair sprawled on the pillow. One of her legs were out and the other under the blanket. Her arms sprawled out on the bed.

She sleeps weird. I smile as I see her perfect pink lips shine from the small lite candle. I walk over to my bed and lie down next to her.

I wrap my arms around her, and pull her close to me. Just holding her like this, makes me think of how she could silence my demons.

"" she mumbles. Hmm? She dreams about me?

"Don't weave me.." she mumbles.

"Never." I whisper. I kiss her on her eye lids and fall asleep with (f/n) in my arms.


Ugh!!! So cute!!! I almost died as I wrote this and yes!

I freak out when I write little cute moments!!


What did you think?

Votes? Comments? Thoughts?

I might be taking a break soon. Dont know when but maybe soon but I'll give you guys a heads up!

Thanks my lovely readers for the reads and commentsI  ❤ You Guys!

Until Next Time!!


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