Trost Part 3, Captain

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Hey guys!

Omg! Thanks for the reads guys!! It makes me want to cry :')

But thanks for all the comments and votes! I love hearing from you guys!

Message me any time!

Don't worry I don't bite!

Unless if you're a person made out of cake....

Then we have a problem...

Lol so....


Enjoy this part!


Third Person POV:

"(F/N)!!!!" Hanji cries. (F/N) slipped off of the Titan's slobbery tongue. Her body falls onto the Titan's teeth. The titan gnawing on her body like a bone. (F/N) was alive still. Half of her limp body was hanging out of the titan's mouth. Her legs hung outside the titan's mouth. Blood covering almost half of (F/N)'s shirt and pants.

Hanji sat in shock, not being able to move. The little girl cries into Hanji's cloak as she watches (f/n) struggle for life. (First/ Letter)-(F/L)-(F/N)." Hanji sobs. (F/N) struggles to get up from the titan and fight.

"I...I..I will...fight...." she starts to say. Until, another titan appears next to the titan gnawing on (F/N).

The titan bites into (F/N) hanging body outside from the titan's mouth. Taking a savoring moment to (F/N)'s legs. (F/N) screams in pain from the bite. The titan holding the rest of (f/n) swallowed her quickly and easily, not hesitating.

The titan walked off from Hanji and the girl. Leaving them to the other titan. "Miss!!!" the girl cries, shaking Hanji from her shocked state. "I promised I'd never kill a titan without a reason, but this is for (f/n)!!" Hanji shouts looking into the titan's eyes.

Hanji swiftly slices a piece of his neck off,with teary eyes from (F/N)'s death. The titan falls to its death, Hanji goes back to the little girl and holds her by the waist.

She starts to fly over to the wall, to take back the little girl. '(F/N) would've wanted me to do this' Hanji thought to herself, holding onto the girl.

The little girl was in shock. She wanted to thank the girl for saving her and the nice lady. Hanji's arm bleeds through her jacket as she flies down the street.

As she goes, she notices Eren's titan body lying sitting up against the rock. She just keeps going with determination in her eyes.

As she approaches the wall, she notices the rest of Squad Levi stood there. Hanji finally makes to the wall, pleading sanctuary in her mind.

"Hanji!!" Petra shouts. Hanji goes down on both of her knees, crying. The little girl held Hanji crying. Gunther, Oluo, Petra, and Erd run up to them.

"What happened?!" they all ask, shouting. Hanji wipes a tear from her cheek.

"(F/N)...." she whispers, sniffling up a tear or two. "What about her?" Gunther started to ask.

"No...." Petra gasps, realizing the situation more. "Please...Please Hanji! Don't tell me!" Erd shouts, with practically teary eyes.

Hanji nods, slowly, crying. Petra bursts into tears holding Hanji, tightly. Erd, Gunther, and Oluo looked down at the two mourning girls.

The little girl gets up and tugs on Gunther's cloak. Gunther had a few tears rolling down his cheek, he looks down at the girl.

"(F/N), died saving me and that nice lady" the girl sniffles. Oluo and Erd managed to smile, slowly, knowing that was something (F/N) would do.

"(F/N) (L/N), died in honor, she served with us for 3 years. She will always and forever be remembered, as not just a cadet, but as an amazing person" Oluo exclaims, with very little tears streaming down his face.

Petra stands up and hugs Oluo and Erd. Gunther takes the little girl down to the wall, to keep her safe.

Hanji just sits on her knees, with her hands buried in her face. Just as she was about to go home with the rest of the squad to mourn, she remembers something.


"I need to go tell Levi!" Hanji shouts to her squad. "NO! He'll be devastated!" Petra debates. "It'll ruin him in battle!" Oluo adds in.

"He deserves to know!" Hanji tells them, aggressively.

Hanji jumps off the wall, flying away search of Levi.

Hanji then thinks to herself as she goes,

'He deserves to know....Levi deserves to know the only thing he loved. Is gone'

Little Brutal....

Sorry for a short chapter!

How was it?

Votes? Comments? Rants?

I'll be updating a lot! Yay!!

*Throws out little Levi dolls*

Lol! And you must celebrate with cake!!!!! And cherries and anything sweet!!

Lol sorry now I'm babbling about sweets


You're dead right now.... in the story


See you next time!

I'll update maybe tomorrow... or the next day after!



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