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When I open my door to Hoseok and Yoongi, it's to be instantly swarmed by the feeling of my soul attempting to burst out of my body.

Tall, magnificent and sexy, that's all I can think of to describe the two men who now stand in front of me. Intimidating, dangerous, but oh so enticing. Like a pretty bottle containing a sparkling poison, I would drink it down without a single hesitation.

Hoseok's fiery red hair has been combed properly with some gel to free up his face, and he wore some loose fun pants with a black t-shirt, which gives him that street dancer vibe - which I know he excels at - while Yoongi still has yesterday's clothes on him.

His black hair is messy to the point of looking annoying as they fall right into his eyes, his honeyed skin slightly paler than Hoseok's, and he's got that roguish/devilish look that must make everyone - men and women alike - turn in his direction wherever he goes.

He doesn't seem like the type to care, though I may be wrong about that. His dark feline eyes lock on me with thousands of emotions flashing through them that I can feel in my own chest - worry, excitement, shyness, attraction - and it's a relief to know that I'm not alone feeling this way.

The closer they got and the louder Yoongi's voice became in my head, allowing me to follow one half of their conversation as his nerves flooded my veins.

I know he wishes he could've gotten a change of clothes before coming here, and that he cursed at Hoseok for saying they didn't have time for that because he woke up so late. He was given a hangover drink as soon as his eyes opened and then had to be on his way here.

I know that he believes he smells like the whisky he underestimated last night, and that he most likely put too much of Hoseok's perfume on to mask the scent that still overpowered the musk. He's scared that I'll be disgusted once he stands too close, and he's afraid of the image that'll give me of him.

How weird it is to know all those things without even being part of the conversation. What's weirdest, though, is that not all of what I heard seemed to be said aloud. As I paid closer attention while waiting for them on the couch, I could hear a small distortion in the sound of his voice when they were thoughts.

I should be freaked out that another's voice is in my head, with his emotions pushing aside my own as it forces a connection between us, yet it oddly feels familiar and natural, like that was always meant to happen.

Which it was, but that's besides the point.

It does make me wonder if Yoongi could hear mine as well, though. If I heard all of that so easily, what about him? Does he already know the words I wish to say? He doesn't look like he does, but maybe he's just pretending.

Either way, now's my chance.

I secure my two feet on the entrance's carpet, square up my shoulders, then look at the handsome man straight in the eyes. He startles, eyes widening as he too stands straighter, confusion all over his face at my concentrated expression while Hoseok grins on the sideline.

"I'm yours".

I stand exactly where I am, immobile as I glance down at his arms, face warming up the longer it takes for my words to ink themselves onto his skin. I can tell that Hoseok's grin is widening as he stares at us, and being able to feel Yoongi's bashfulness makes me feel ever more embarrassed.

"Did it not work?" I eventually blurt when there's nothing happening yet, and Yoongi's about to reply something, now vividly sensing my anxiety, when the itch of the letters finally drawing themselves on his skin cuts him off.

The first words I told him settle neatly over his forearm, just as I'd wished for, and I release the breath I was holding while the rest of my body combusts, reality of the chosen words only truly sinking in now that they're there and visible for all to see.

Was that weird? Did I choose something cringy? Oh gosh, what if he thinks it's cringe? Maybe I should have gone with something more normal?

"I don't- it's not cringy" Yoongi quickly utters with one step forward, eyes searching my own for whatever he hopes to find in there. He points at his mark on my skin and says, "you wanted to complete the set. Your voice wasn't easy to hear but... that's the one thing I caught clearly".

So he did hear me!

"Y-yeah" I stutter out shyly. "I tried to find something smarter, but my mind kept coming back to the you're mine. I know it wasn't said on purpose, it was just the song you played but- anyway" I deflate at the end, then step aside to allow them in.

I don't want to appear stupid with my random way of thinking, I think I've done enough.

Having those eyes on me is making me a lot more timid than I usually am, seeing him from afar was nothing compared to how sexy he is from this close. Hoseok and Yoongi are a match made in hell, they're clearly here to steal my soul and run away with it.

"Oh, you got that part wrong" Yoongi's voice suddenly turns into a croon as he follows my train of thoughts, a smirk now etched onto his face and his arm looming over my head as he leans onto the doorway, blocking me against the door like he's done that all his life.

I shrink under his tall frame, now seeing from way too close the way he's staring down at me with those dark eyes of his, his multiple earrings on each ears and the piercing in the corner of his bottom lip only now catching my attention. How did I miss those?

And why the hell did he think that he smells bad? I don't know why he worried about it, because this intoxicating perfume of his is to die for. But most importantly... why does it feel like I've got the devil in person in front of me?

"I'm not going to deny the match made in hell when it comes to Hoseok and I, but rather than stealing your soul and running away, I'd much rather take you whole back with us. And just so you know, saying you're mine first was very much on purpose. I chose that song in case that my soulmate would ever be in the crowd. I liked the idea of having those words as my mark, and I was right. It's perfect".

Jdskjfdlkdsfk holy shit! Danger, danger! Run, Y/N!

"I don't know what's going on right now, but I sure am loving the view" Hoseok muses with the most adoring eyes I've ever seen on him, and that's it, I'm leaving them here while I disappear from earth. I'll catch the first spacecraft I find and go on with my life elsewhere, this cannot continue.

"Your little angel thinks I'm the devil, Hobah. It's kinda cute, actually" Yoongi comments with boyish amusement before stepping inside my home with the bag of food, leaving my shocked state in the care of my sweet Hoseok, he's much easier on my heart, thank goodness.

"Aww, that really is cute" Hoseok coos as he gently circles my shoulders with an arm to get me away from the door so he can close it. Then, instead of letting go, he pulls me flush against his side and takes me to the kitchen where Yoongi is looking at home, the bag settled on the counter as he gets the content out.

There's a smug satisfaction oozing out of him, and I bet everything in this house that he's relishing in my emotions. I bet they're his life source, the demon in him is just eating up my embarrassment like it's the most delectable food.

I stare at the mark now proudly showed off on his skin. I just sold my soul to the devil, I sure did.

Yoongi snorts, and I huff as I turn my head away from him, lips pursed and cheeks turning red.

This bond is going to kill me. At least I don't hear his voice whenever he speaks anymore. His thoughts... either he's not thinking, or they're not coming across anymore. Is he blocking them? Can I do that too?

"There's nothing to think about when your thoughts keep flooding my mind" Yoongi answers my question as Hoseok and I finally reach the kitchen, fingers coming to pinch my cheek softly when he finds me pouting at him.

"But if it's making you uncomfortable, we can see how to control that while we eat. It seems rather inconsistent for now. Sometimes I hear you, and then it cuts off mid-sentence. Maybe it's just the bond adjusting".

I make a humming noise, then look up at Hoseok. "What about you, Hobi? Are you not hearing anything or feeling our emotions? You're part of the bond too, yet you don't look affected by it that much".

Looking a bit dejected, he shakes his head with a sigh. "No, it's been silent on my end. Maybe I'm not meant to get included in the new traits of today's bonds? I don't know".

I frown, not liking that he could be kept aside like this. If fate made our bond adopt him, then it should give him the same things it gives us, otherwise he'll get to feel like an outsider. Do better, fate, I'm watching you.

Hoseok smiles at me, a hand gently caressing my head at the look on my face. "It's okay, honey. I'm honestly just happy to be here right now. Whether I end up with the senses or not, I'll be satisfied for as long as you'll have me".

"For as long as we'll have you? Hoseok, that's not even a question" I retort with a frown. "You have our marks and we have yours, you're not going anywhere without us".

"The angel's right, Hobah. You're not getting rid of us anytime soon" Yoongi adds before moving a hand in a silent question when comes time to plate the food. I point at the cupboard behind him, and he opens it to grab what he needs. "Now have a seat, let's eat first".

Yeah, Yoongi has officially made himself at home.

Pulling Hoseok with me, we head to the table while the demon brings over the food, a casualness in how he holds himself that makes the tension fade away faster. I don't know why Hoseok said that Yoongi was awkward with new people because he seems totally fine to me.

Maybe it's because he's here with us? I do feel like I'd be doing a lot worse if I didn't have his comforting presence nearby.

I sit down on one side of the table while Hoseok takes the seat in front of me, and then Yoongi's walking around to take the space next to me, a detail I hadn't considered. I shoot him a wary glance, and he meets my gaze with a harmless blink.

I'm not trusting that sweet facade just yet, I'll need more information before I can make his profile sheet in my head.

"How's your head, anyway? Hoseok told me that you passed out from whisky after your showtime" I ask him when I suddenly remember his drinking adventure of last night. "Do you need something for a headache?".

He sends a glare towards Hoseok who shrugs innocently, then pushes my plate closer so I won't have to stretch to reach it, which I find very kind. He seems like the type of guy who pays attention to the smallest details, my plate looks the best out of the three.

"I'm fine, angel. Can I call you that? It seems fitting to me".

"That's absolutely out of the question, I won't have you stealing that one from me" Hoseok immediately complains with a light slam on the table that startles me. "Choose something else, this one's mine".

"You're not even using it, Hobah. You either call her sugar bear or honey. You can share, you're a big boy now".

"I- I am, but that's besides the point. She's my angel".

"Our angel. I'll call her that if she's fine with it. Are you, angel? Can I?".

I sigh before swallowing my first bite of the food. Goodness, are they always like that?

"Just do whatever you want, as long as you stop fighting" I mumble, head shaking to support my disapproval, I'm not participating in those childish games, I don't have the energy. I have to head to work in two hours, I don't have time for this.

"See, she doesn't mind" Yoongi taunts Hoseok with a shit-eating grin that disappears quickly when the latter kicks his leg beneath the table. "Sore loser, you always choose violence when things don't go your way".

"I'm only like that towards nickname thieves. Choose a fight worth fighting because this ain't it, son".

Oh lord. Don't make me rethink this bond, please.


Heading to work on my own, I take my time as I follow the sidewalk of my usual path.

Lunch went well, all things considered. I got to see a new side of Hoseok's personality, and Yoongi... I don't really know. Sometimes, he seems shy and bashful while at other times, he's cocky and smirking while teasing Hoseok and I.

It doesn't feel like he's hiding behind a fake persona, so I think he's simply meant to have a complex personality. Being able to feel his emotions does help me to get a better feel of who he is, though. I have not once felt bad intentions coming from him.

Rather, I felt a lot of care, fondness and affection, both towards Hoseok and I.

There came a time when we stopped hearing each other's thoughts, which is also when Hoseok began to hear whispers and snippets of ours, but that also stopped after a couple of minutes. That let us know that the bond was probably struggling a little and adapting, so we decided to let it do its thing as we did ours.

In that sense, we couldn't talk for that long considering that they both had to go home. Yoongi had to go back to get ready for his main job - I learned that he teaches guitar at a music store - while Hoseok needed a shower before our shift at Nightseoul. At least we could all have some time together.

Our first meal as a trio of soulmates. I have a feeling that life will be more interesting from now on.

"Bunny, it's so good to see you again" Jin greets me as soon as I step foot inside the restaurant, and I watch as he quickly runs over with a smile to pull me into a bear hug, a happy groan rumbling from his chest that makes me chuckle softly.

"Jinnie" I muse against his shoulder, my arms tightening briefly around him before he pulls back to gaze down at me. "Before you ask, I promise I'm fine. I had lunch with Hoseok and Yoongi earlier and it went well".

He hums quietly with a relieved nod of the head, then walks me to the kitchen where the lockers are.

"That's good to hear. Hoseok was so upset at first when he found out that Yoongi was your soulmate and I was afraid that our peace at Nightseoul would break down into dust in the blink of an eye, but then he got your marks and the nightmare ended instantly. A drunk Yoongi is a sight to see, though. It's a shame how you missed that. He kept asking us about you until he passed out".

Damn it... now I wish I would've stayed.

What is a drunk Yoongi like? I don't think I've ever seen Hoseok drunk either, now that I think about it. I've seen him drink, but he must have a good alcohol tolerance because it didn't seem to affect him at all.

I wish I could say the same about myself.

"He looked fine when I saw him, I guess he recovers from hangovers quickly" I wonder aloud as I open my locker to put my belongings inside. "Did you know that he's a teacher? He teaches others to play guitar and recently got hired at a store around here. He lived in another city before that".

We walk back towards the bar with our arms hooked together, his steps guiding my own as I let myself follow his pace with a distracted mind. How can I focus on my environment when I have a man like Yoongi to think about?

"Namjoon told me a little about him, but he didn't seem to know more than Hoseok on that point. Apparently, Yoongi dropped out before he could finish his university course after he and Hoseok ended their relationship, then disappeared without a word. Namjoon kept in touch from time to time, but he never got more information than what Yoongi was willing to give. No one really knew what he was up to, or that he would come back here at all".

I ponder over what he just said as we reach the bar, and I take my usual place on one of the stools while he goes around to busy himself with little tasks.

"Yoongi kept saying that he missed Hoseok and Namjoon, and that he wished he'd done things differently back then. I hope everyone can be happy, now. You and Hoseok, Hoseok and Yoongi, Yoongi and you. I hope there's no more running away, and no more tears".

I bite on my tongue while looking down, knowing that he's referring to last night with that. I left without telling him, and then I cried like a baby when Namjoon called me. I was panicking, I didn't know what to do, but hearing his voice and reassurances helped me to calm down.

"Yeah, me too, Jinnie".

A gentle hand over my shoulder and I tilt my head up to find Namjoon hovering over me from behind with a warm smile on his handsome face. "It's good to see you today, bun. How are you doing?".

He moves to sit besides me while I answer, "I'm doing good, Joon. Hoseok and Yoongi brought food to my place and we had lunch together. I could get to know him a little and it was great. The two of them together though... they're like children sometimes, they keep fighting, did you know?".

Namjoon's lips stretch into an amused grin, and he releases a soft chuckle.

"If I know? Y/N, I have endured these two together for much longer than I should have, and you know I'm a patient man. They're always bickering for the most ridiculous things. I was honestly very surprised when Yoongi simply accepted the fact that Hoseok couldn't give you up, but then again, that kind of situation doesn't happen often, I don't know how I would have reacted myself. Then Hoseok got your marks, and the tension melted away almost immediately. Last night was intense".

I sigh, head falling over the counter to rest my cheek over the cold marble. What would have happened if Hoseok hadn't gotten our marks? I don't think I could have survived having to choose between my soulmate and the man I liked, especially while knowing that they still liked each other.

Hoseok said that he hadn't even considered the idea of dating Yoongi again since he wanted me, but seeing him so happy during lunch... it's obvious that his heart wanted a second chance with him. The bond conveniently placed every pawns in their rightful place and saved us from so much heartache.

"Things will be alright, now" Jin chimes in with a pat to my head. "I strongly believe that the three of you are made for each other. That was no accident that Hoseok once dated your soulmate and then fell in love with you. If you ask my opinion, fate wanted you together to begin with. Maybe that was its way of apologizing for taking his soulmate from him before he could even comprehend the concept".

"I think so too" Hoseok muses as he joins us without a sound, when did he even get here? I wish I could sense him the same way I can sense Yoongi.

His arms wrap around my waist from behind, and my heartbeat spikes up in an instant, cheeks blushing and goosebumps traveling everywhere his touch goes. His chest presses over my back while his arms cross over my stomach, and he hums happily while our friends smile at us, eyes glinting with satisfaction.

"Fate gave me the most amazing gift, and I can never thank it enough" he continues, his breath near my ear giving me shivers that he feels and adores. Will he ever get used to being able to hold me like this? For so long, he dreamed of being able to freely show his love to me, but didn't know if it would ever happen.

His perfume fills my lungs, and I melt right there and then. There's a smell that I've associated with him, this exact one, and it never fails to pull on my heart's strings like a siren song. It's strong, musky, and teamed with his aura and presence, I am a prey in his trap.

I am exactly where I want to be.

A pleasant sense of belonging seeps into my veins, an unrestrained surge of love, adoration and joy, and I blink in surprise just as Hoseok's arms tighten the slightest bit, his surprise going through me in one thick wave before it's replaced with fascination.

"I can feel your emotions" he gasps, "all this shyness, but beneath it, there is contentment. You like being in my arms. It feels like... like you've always wanted to be held by me, it feels great" he says aloud as if he's reading the most incredible medical examination, and I flush a deeper shade of red under Namjoon and Jin's amused gazes.

"Go on, might as well tell them about my most guarded secrets while we're at it" I grumble under my breath, which earns me snickers and chuckles before Hoseok rests his chin over my head, his teasing fading away upon sensing that I'm embarrassed.

"I'm sorry sugar bear, I'm just so happy" he explains with a kiss pressed to the crown of my head, an act that appeases me way too easily. Am I really that easy? Or is it that everything is easy for Hoseok? I'm going to have to think about that one.

"Because it's you... you're forgiven" I mumble shyly, which earns me a second kiss to the head.

"You are too kind with me, honey. Yoongi messaged me earlier to say that he'd come by around seven to spend some time with us. He had a student cancel on him so he'll be free sooner than he thought".

I nod my head while he regretfully releases me from his hold to join Jin behind the bar, leaving my skin freezing now that his body heat isn't hugging me anymore. A cold shiver shakes through me, and Namjoon wraps an arm around my shoulders to keep me warm.

"I never thought I'd see the day when the two of you can finally be all lovey-dovey with each others" Jin muses as he pats Hoseok's back cheerfully. "I know a few people here who will be awfully jealous, oh how fun this will be for me".

That last part has me perking up with a frown, eyes falling on Hoseok with urgency. What did Jin mean by that? Others had their sight on my Hobi? Unacceptable! Who do I need to fight? How dare they have an eye on my sun?

Hoseok's eyes widen, and he stares at me with the widest smile I've ever seen on him, which I thought I'd seen earlier. Why is he looking at me like this? I stop my thoughts when he bursts into laughter, unrestrained and joyful laughter that gets more than one eye on us.

"And now I can hear your thoughts! Today is a good day, a good day indeed" he muses with a shake of the head as he begins to polish every glasses in front of him. His joy is thrumming through me so strongly that it almost becomes my own, which really wouldn't be such a bad experience if I wasn't swearing at my mind.

Damn it, I thought hearing the other's thoughts had stopped during lunch. I will seriously need to figure out how to control which ones go out and which ones remain private, because I cannot have every single thing I think about being heard by my soulmates.

"Aww, but I like that".

"Speak for yourself! You and Yoongi never think about anything when you're with me so I hear nothing! Unfair, this is enough material to be considered a betrayal. Do better, Hobi".

He and Jin burst into laughter, and I stump my way to the front desk where two other hosts are currently getting ready for work, Namjoon on my heels. Fridays are known to be busy, so we need all the help we can get tonight.

As everyone arrives at the same time for the upcoming shift, a comfortable pace results in this late afternoon as we greet and guide the first customers to the tables while following an order to ensure that every waiter and waitress receives a similar amount of them.

It's very interesting to hear Hoseok's thoughts as he works on every drink orders - not all of them are alcoholic - and I quickly realize that the art is more complex than I first expected. Quantities matter, and the way you shake the cocktails impacts the taste too. I don't know why I thought it was easy, but I take it back.

Hours always fly by so fast when I work through busy shifts, and by the time the clock hits seven, a swear that isn't mine slips into my mind, letting me know that Yoongi has finally arrived here after being done with his work.

Goddamn, why is there so many people here today?

I turn my head towards the entrance to find the handsome man standing at the front desk and looking around with a frown on his face. This time, instead of being dressed like a bad boy, he's wearing a much more ordinary outfit, though... no, he still looks like a villain. That's just his vibe.

He's wearing jeans with a dark grey sweater. The upper half of his black hair was tied up into a short pony tail, and he seems to have changed his jewelry for some simple silver this time. Does he still have the lip ring?

Feeling a bashful smile tugging on my lips, I carefully round the tables to make my way there, excited to see him again despite having had lunch together earlier. How can he look so good from this far? I wish he could share his secret with me.

I'm almost there when jealousy suddenly flares in my chest upon seeing one of the other tall hosts blinking prettily at him with a flirty stance, having made it to the desk faster than me.

I abruptly stop walking, eyes falling on my coworker who smiles and tilts his head in interest. Is it legal to kick him off that pedestal of his? Why is he flirting with my soulmate in my face? Are you telling me that from now on, I will not only have to look out for Hoseok's admirers, but for Yoongi's as well?

The latter's head snaps in my direction, and his eyes quickly fall on me, looking as if he could've found me in complete darkness. With a finger raised and a serious expression on his face, he motions me over, and my feet move of their own accord, soul swooning as my coworker's face falls at the sight.

Feeling jealous, little angel? Yoongi croons inside my head as I join his side, and I can't resist the grimace that follows those words. How can I not be jealous when everyone's trying to get into their pants?

He chuckles warmly, a gentle tug on my hand to get me closer, and a sensation of peace washes over me while he looks up with a polite smile at my coworker, our tattooed marks proudly seen side by side. Anyone would have to be blind to not see the matching words.

"As I said, I came here to see my soulmates while they work so I won't need your help, but thank you for offering nonetheless".

The man with the delicate face huffs softly, the nice facade gone in his annoyance, and Yoongi and I watch as he quickly walks away to take care of another table filled with handsome people. What was his name already? I think it was Kris?

He makes me uncomfortable, for some reason. We never had any problems in the couple of months we've worked together, but there's something about him that's just... off. I don't know what to make of this feeling, but maybe it's only because we're two very different people.

"That guy kept insisting that I give him my phone number, he wouldn't hear anything I said" Yoongi explains after a while of nothing, and I bite on the inside of my cheek as I bring my gaze back to Kris as he now walks in the dining area with a tray of empty plates and glasses.

"Kris is... I don't know. Namjoon says that he's fake, you know, like a false personality. I've never really talked with him that much, but whenever I do, it's about work so I never could get a feel of who he is. I just know that not many get along with him".

"I see... that's a little sad. Anyway, let's go, angel. I'm not here to talk about people I don't know and don't care about, I'm here to see you and Hobah. I know you're working hard so don't worry about me and do your things. I'll be sitting at the bar and waiting for any bits of attention you can afford to give".

I giggle lightly as we begin to walk side by side toward the crowded bar where Hoseok and Jin are sharing the workload, hands swinging softly between us.

"I think Hoseok will be a better company for you tonight, Yoongi. I have to help around for random tasks when nights are busy so I don't know how often I'll be able to take a break. Jisoo will complain to the manager if I slack off".

Right on cue, the waitress comes around within my line of sight and waves me over with a serious glare, and I sigh before letting go of Yoongi's hand.

"Sorry, I gotta go. I'll try to come by later, have fun with Hobi!" I exclaim before running off to where she's waiting for me while grabbing whatever dirty dishes she can with her tray already half filled. That was one of the big groups and they just left, so there's a lot to clean before we separate the tables.

Yoongi sighs as he watches me work from a distance, then heads to the bar where he takes a seat at the back. He props one elbow on the counter before resting his chin on his palm, then sighs again when Hoseok shoots him a small smile from where he's preparing a fancy drink.

He expected this, but he was still foolishly hoping that he wouldn't have to be alone. Oh well, he'll just wait until the end of our shift, and maybe he'll get something to eat in the meantime.

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