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Yena's POV

"She's gonna be okay Kkura" I said while patting Sakura's back.

She called us earlier. I didn't believe her at first because how?! why did they run into an accident? but hearing her cry in the other line made us rush ourselves to the hospital where she is.

"She'll gonna make it. She's strong" I continued.

The members are crying but I'm preventing myself not to. I must show that I'm tough so that Sakura can lean on me.

"I- I hate myself Y-yena. I-I didn't do a-anything to s-save her. Why d-does it h-had to be her? W- why does it h-had to happen in the t-t-time that I already l-love her? W-why?" Sakura looked at me and there, I saw the grief and hurt in her eyes.

I pulled her and hugged her tight.

Fight for your life Chaeyeon! There's so many people waiting for you!

"Where's Chaeyeon?! Where's my daughter?!" Chaeyeon's parents are running towards the ER but the nurses stopped them.

"Oh my god, Chaeyeon" I looked at Chaeyeon's mom. She sat in the chair opposite with ours while crying. Mr. Dad and Chaeryeong is comforting her while also crying.

It's hard to see someone you love suffering in a life and death situation.

"Sakura, can I talk to you?" Chaeryeong suddenly said.

I released Sakura from the hug and let her go outside to talk with Chaeryeong.


Third Person's POV

Sakura and Chaeryeong walked along the hallway up to the rooftop of the hospital.

No one dared to talk first. They're just observing each other's presence.

"I- I'm s-sorry" Sakura started while still crying.

Chaeryeong's tears started to flow from her eyes.

"What happened?" she asked.

Sakura wiped her tears first before telling her the whole story.

"The c-car. It d-didnt stop?" Chaeryeong asked. She clinched her fist in anger.

"No. After it b-bumped Chaeyeon the d-driver didn't e-even went out. Instead, he d-drove the car f-faster" Sakura explained.

Chaeryeong just closed her eyes because of too much anger that she's feeling right now. "Chaeyeon........ she's my only sibling. She's the one who took care of me when our parents are way. She's my tutor whenever I can't understand something. She'd taught me how to be myself"

"s- she's my very f-first friend, yet she was bumped by a merciless driver who didn't even know that he'd ruin someone important. D*mn it!" Chaeryeong turned her back and started to walk fastly towards the stairs.

Sakura's just crying while walking back to the waiting place.

It's too hard for her but she knew that this time, she might lose someone she loves.

Yena's POV

It's been 30 minutes since we got here. I'm very nervous and scared right now.

I looked at the members who's resting in the bench.


we're not complete

Where's Hyewon?

I saw Sakura walking towards us. I approached her and helped her to sit in the bench.

"Are you okay? " Too stupid question. I know that she's not okay right now.

"No I'm not Yen. As long as Chaeyeon is still in that room, I'm not going to be okay." she said.

"Kkura, do you happen to know where Hyewon is?" I asked while looking at her.

She looks very tired.

"K-Kangchan? She's not here?" She looked at the members and back to me.

"Oh no" she looks a bit scared.

"W-why? Is t-there anything wrong? Where is s-she?" I don't know but right now, I'm scared. Really scared.

"After Chaeyeon g-got bumped, I saw her d-drove her car fastly. I t-think she f-followed the s-suspect" she exclaimed while still displaying her scared face.

I put my palm in my face.

Oh no Hyewon, what the heck went to your mind?!

I sat down because I can't handle this anymore. I'm scared because Chaeyeon's in the emergency room and it boost even more when I heard what Hyewon did. I can't bear to see my friends getting hurt.

I searched for my phone and immediately contacted Hyewon but she's not answering it.

F*ck! oh no. Not again.


Hyewon's POV

After 30 minutes of driving, the assh*le stopped his car infront of a building.

I quickly followed him inside. I've checked in into a room so that I can monitor him.

He went upstairs so I followed him again. Darn this man! My blood is boiling even just seeing his back.

I have to do this not because I like Chaeyeon, but because I can't handle to see Sakura crying just because of a bastard's fault.

He left the door opened. I peeked inside.

My anger increased when I saw him smirking while playing with the car keys, mouthing the words 'good job, good job'

Darn it!

He's back is facing my direction that's why I grab the baseball bat near the cabinet and went near him.

I swung it hard on his legs catching him off guard. He fell in the floor, holding his legs while screaming.

"Who the hell are you? Ahh it hurts" he said while rolling in the floor.

"It's not even enough to pay for what you did to my friend" I swung the bat in his legs again.

"Ahh it hurts b*tch. I'm going to kill you!" I know it hurts. I know how to play softball and I'm a mvp for the best batter.

"You bumped her without even looking back. You mean it huh? We'll I'm going to mean this too" I grinned my teeth and swung the bat again but I intend not to hit his face.

"Does it hurt? It also hurts how you hit my friend, you bastard. I'll give you a choice, surrender yourself to the police or I'll be the one to sentence you? Don't worry, I'll only crush your bones so sooo freaking much to the point that you'll not be recognized hmm" I didn't even know where my courage to face this man came from. Maybe because of my urge to make him pay for what he caused.

"N-no please. I have a family, someone forced me to do it" he said while still holding his legs.

I knew it! Someone's behind this! I'm going to make that person pay.

"Who's that someone huh?" I asked while pointing the bat at him.

"Me" a voice from my back suddenly said.

I turned to face who owns the voice but I was shocked ......... Why?!

"Ohh, you've hit my slave too hard. You must be really good" she even had the time to laugh.

I walked quickly towards her while dragging the bat.

"You!!" I was about to hit her but she pointed a gun to me.


Third Person's POV

"Move, and I'll make your head explode in just a snap" the mastermind said.

Hyewon is just finding a timing to hit her.

"Do you know? I also loved Sakura but when she rejected me, my ego was hurt to the point that I want her to just vanish so that she'll not gonna hurt someone anymore" the culprit said, playing with the gun in her hand.

"You're pathetic. I also loves Sakura but I can't do something ridiculous to her even though she didn't choose me" Hyewon said observing the culprit because anytime she might attack.

"Oww that's very sad. Why won't you just joined me? This idiot slave of mine is very weak, I think she's still alive so, let's do a counterpart again?" the suspect extended her arm towards Hyewon.

Hyewon's tears flowed down as she run towards her direction. All you can see is the flame of anger in her eyes.

The culprit was caught off guard, she pointed the gun to Hyewon but Hyewon had a grip on it also.

"Did you know who this slave of yours hit, huh?" Hyewon said while vying for the gun.

"I don't car- -

"You really don't care huh? What if I tell you that he hit Chaeyeon? He bumped your childhood bestfriend? You still don't care Yunjin?" Hyewon said while still trying to grab the gun from Yunjin.

"W- what?!" Yunjin unbelievably asked Hyewon. She's still holding the gun.

The trigger was accidentally pulled and it made a loud noise.

"She's in the emergency room right now and I don't even think she'll even make it. It's your fault!" Hyewon said. They're still trying to fight for the gun.

"N- no" tears started to flow from Yunjin's eyes.

"Hahaha. W-what the heck are you talking about?! You're just fooling me!" she continued.

She looks like she lost her sanity.

"It did happen! It's because of you!" Hyewon said again.

They're still fighting for the gun, not even knowing whom and where it is pointing.

"No, no it's not my fault!"


A loud sound covered the whole area. The two of them who were fighting over the gun, paused.........

bloods started to drip ..........

They looked at each other while tears started to flow from their eyes.

"I- I'm s-sorry"

One went down and one went out.

It was totally over.

A/N: This story is going to an end. I hope that you enjoyed reading even it's just for a while. Thank you for supporting my story 💜. Epilogue's next.

Reminder: Not all stories end up with a happy ending.

Bubblyehet 💜

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