Chapter 2

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Luka grumpily punched his fist into a wall while his sister, Juleka was surprised by his impulse.

"Why so angry, Luka?" His sister, Juleka asked.

He ignored her, pulling a knife out of his back pocket as he poked his pointer finger while it bled. Luka didn't feel pain anymore, he felt pleasure and bloodlust on the idea of assassinating Marinette to show her that she shouldn't reject him.

"Uhh. Luka? Seriously!? Please try to control your temper, you almost cut me!" Juleka took a deep breath, inhaling her diaphragm as the knife her brother threw headed towards her stomach and the knife made her flinch.

Before Luka walked into his bedroom, his sister angrily dragged him by his collar to yell at his face. He didn't like it when his sister was angry, her anger was something he never saw in years as she threw him onto the living room floor; regardless of her strength, his nose bled as he begged her to not hurt him anymore.

Juleka released him as he took deep breaths while picked up the knifes that he threw on her kitchen wall and her room door.

"Good. No throwing knifes in my room or kitchen, okay?" Juleka glared at her brother as he quickly nodded in response.

"I promise not to do it again," Luka pleaded as Juleka's expression relaxed into a smile, a forced one at that.

"I got to go Luka. I can't miss out on a great deal while me and Rose go shopping!" Juleka grabbed her coat as she happily ran out her apartment door.

Luka went to his room to lay on his bed, putting on his headphones to his music while he grabbed his guitar and started strumming a few notes. Anything other than his guitar would make him anymore happier.

Elliot knocked on Marinette's door as his parents, Randy and Tyson, stood behind him. Marinette opened the door to Elliot smiling so innocently, it secretly made her heart race at Elliot's child-like expression.

"Marinette, I'm sorry to bother you but me and Randy are going on vacation for a business trip, so can you please look after our little Elliot?" Tyson asked, patting his son's head before putting his hand back into his pockets.

"Sure. I have nothing to do so I guess I can look after him for you guys," Marinette smiled, lifting Elliot up onto her back.

"Thanks, you're a lifesaver!" Randy shook Marinette's hands before she left with Tyson.

"Miss Marinette. Look at my drawing of Cat Noir," Elliot pulled out a piece of paper with a drawing in red crayon.

"That's a good drawing of him! I would wonder how he could appreciate that you drew him," Marinette joked, Elliot giggled at Marinette's playfulness.

"I wouldn't know what his reaction will be because I never got to see him up close. Probably, it be best if I didn't show him," Elliot sighed, Marinette felt concerned about Elliot for being a fan of Cat Noir.

She couldn't blame Elliot for admiring his idol or role model, Marinette suddenly came up with an idea. Her plan might not work as she expects, but she has to make Elliot's wish come true or else he won't believe he'll meet him someday.

"Elliot, I think I know how your wish can come true but this will be complicated," Marinette sighed, whispering her plan into his ear.

"You've met him before? I heard that if you seen him once or twice, he'll probably come back again for anything you ask," Elliot spoke in a hushed tone.

"He'll probably come at any time. But how can I put this? I knew him a long time ago and I lost my memory due to an accident," Marinette nervously smiled.

A knock on her window got louder as Marinette looked to see Cat Noir looking at her with glowing eyes. Elliot watched as the two grown-ups stared at each other lovingly.

"Please open the window for him, Miss Marinette," Elliot shouted, snapping Marinette out of her trance while she quickly slid open the window.

"Thanks for opening your window for me, mi princessa," Cat Noir winked, purring as he pulled out a rose, a blue rose that complimented her bluebell eyes.

Marinette blushed, her heart raced as Cat Noir hugged her gently. Elliot was taking pictures of them hugging to show his mom and dad.

"I hope I'm not interrupting your make out session, but I need some help," Elliot points towards him somehow hanging on her bedroom staircase.

"I'll get him down, princess," Cat Noir said,

"Is she your girlfriend Cat Noir?" Elliot asked, giggling as Cat Noir blushed red at Elliot's joke while Marinette choked on her own breath.

"He's an old friend of mine," Marinette weakly smiled, mentally facepalming at the awkwardness between her and Cat Noir.

"Hey kiddo, what's your name?" Cat Noir asked, kneeling down before him.

"E-Elliot, I'm your biggest fan!" Elliot stuttered, pulling out his sketch of him.

Cat Noir took a look at his drawing and smirked in amusement giving Elliot his drawing, only for him to giggle. His face turned red and walked over to Marinette, leaning towards her neck as he kissed her collarbone.

"Chat!" Marinette squealed, squirming as Cat Noir licked her neck, her face flushed in embarrassment.

"Oh. So sorry princess," Cat Noir profusely apologized, hugging her from behind, his tears were falling onto her outfit as her shirt was now becoming moist.

Elliot was intrigued by their relationship and took note of it, his parents will be glad Marinette wasn't by herself anymore but it seemed too complicated for them to be dating.

"Ms. Marinette, do you like Cat Noir?" Elliot asked, looking at Cat Noir.

"What? Not like that, if that's what you're asking," Marinette sighed, pushing him off her shoulder.

Cat Noir's eyes went back to normal, he saw Marinette wipe her neck with a napkin. He immediately remembered what he did, blushing in shame and embarrassment.

"I know you didn't mean to do that, just don't fret about it," Marinette giggled, leaning over to kiss Cat Noir's cheeks.

"You are so sweet, princess," Cat Noir whispered in her ear.

"You're not talking about my blood, are you?" Marinette whispered back into his ear.

"No. I don't think so," Cat Noir said, folding his arms.

"Good cause I'm looking after Elliot, not trying to get serious with you," Marinette sassed, waving her hands in his face, showing him that he had to leave.

"Got to go! Bye Elliot. See you tomorrow princess," Cat Noir salutes with two of his fingers and left within seconds.

"Ugh! Please don't let your mom know about my relationship with Cat Noir cause I don't like the attention," Marinette pleaded, Elliot nodded his head in agreement.

"I'll see what I can do," Elliot giggled, hugging Marinette.

Marinette heard a knock on her door, she opened it up to find....


Who was at Marinette's door?

Comment down below your opinion and who it was. Second part comes out soon. Song requests? Private message me or let me know on my message board.

- Randy.

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